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Rev. chil. anest ; 51(2): 138-142, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567343


What is the main goal of education in what is commonly described as the era of information? One of my teachers, Gregorio Arañes, once taught me that "Anesthesiology, is the medical specialty which focuses on the attenuation of pain and reanimation, it also involves four main branches: Analgesia, Anaesthesia, Inhalation Therapy, Reanimation". I learned from him that Anaesthesiology is a clinical specialty which requires the anaesthesiologist to look at the patient from a very specific point of view. At first glance, if possible, a physiopathological diagnosis is ought to be made. Based on that diagnosis, we should then make a prognosis in order to adopt the adequate tools to treat the patient, evaluating the possible risks and benefits of the chosen criteria. Going into further detail about the education phenomena, it is necessary to conceptualize the magnitude of what education and learning really mean. The concept of education goes beyond the simple definition of just teaching and learning, it rather has a fundamental sense of morality and spirituality, with the purpose of training the individual in many aspects of their lives. The education system must be supported by institutions of a certain academic level and study programmers up to date, open to new developments and restructuring. Moreover, the impact of postgraduate courses should guarantee that the graduate can keep increasing and updating their knowledge on certain topics regarding his or her professional career. The end goal of the whole system is not only to make students capable of doing the same practices repeatedly but also train individuals so that they can adapt themselves to new conditions.

¿Cuál será el objetivo de la enseñanza en la que podríamos describir como la era de la información? Mi maestro el Profesor Gregoria Aranes nos enseñó que "La anestesiología, es la especialidad médica que se encarga de la atenuación del dolor y de la reanimación y comprende cuatro ramas, Analgesia, Anestesia, Inhaloterapía y Resurrección. Aprendí con él que la Anestesiología era una especialidad clínica, que obligaba al anestesiólogo a enfocar al paciente desde una óptica muy particular. Debíamos hacer primero diagnóstico en lo posible fisiopatológico. En base a ese diagnóstico deberíamos efectuar un pronóstico, para luego pasar a adoptar los medios más adecuados para tratar a ese enfermo, evaluando los riesgos y beneficios de la táctica y técnica elegida. Para adentrarnos en el fenómeno educativo, es necesario partir de la conceptualización de la magnitud de lo que es la educación, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. El concepto de educación es más amplio que el de enseñanza y aprendizaje, y tiene fundamentalmente un sentido espiritual y moral, siendo su objeto la formación integral del individuo. El sistema debe funcionar apoyado por instituciones con determinado nivel académico y con planes de estudios integrales, actuales y abiertos al cambio. El impacto de las carreras de postgrado deberá permitir en el egresado la necesidad y capacidad de ampliar y actualizar sus conocimientos como hechos cotidianos de su vida profesional. Lo ideal es tender a formar personas capaces de cambiar, de adaptarse a situaciones nuevas, y no solo formar individuos que únicamente son capaces de hacer, de repetir siempre lo mismo.

Humanos , Conhecimento , Anestesiologia/educação
Humanidad. med ; 21(3)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405066


RESUMEN Introducción: La constante preparación de los profesionales del sector de la salud es de vital importancia, por lo que siempre ha constituido una prioridad del máximo organismo de la salud en Cuba. De tal hecho, cada vez más existe un esfuerzo por elevar la calidad del proceso docente-educativo en los cursos de pregrado y posgrado con énfasis en la obtención de un grado científico. Objetivo: Elaborar un sistema de acciones concebido para el incremento del proceso de formación de doctores en ciencias en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey. Desarrollo: Se utilizaron métodos teóricos y empíricos, con énfasis en la Matriz FODA. A partir de ello, se obtuvieron criterios favorables por las acciones ejecutadas hasta el momento; y a la vez se mostraron dificultades presentes que se enmarcan en la orientación de la actividad científica que se desarrolla y el tratamiento ofrecido a las prioridades del plan de ciencia y técnica, para que este se oriente en las problemáticas vitales del desarrollo en el ámbito de las ciencias médicas. Se diseñó un sistema de acciones que incluye medidas que involucran al potencial humano de la ciencia, así como a los directivos; que permitirá, en diversos plazos, que se incremente el número de docentes con este grado científico. Conclusiones: Se considera que las acciones propuestas, al tener en cuenta las directrices estratégicas, la población objeto de atención y los diferentes ámbitos temporales y espaciales identificados, permitirá el fortalecimiento del desarrollo de la formación doctoral en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The constant preparation of professionals in the health sector is of vital importance; therefore, it has always been a priority of the highest health organization in Cuba. As a result, there is increasingly an effort to raise the quality of the teaching-educational process in undergraduate and graduate courses with an emphasis on obtaining a scientific degree. Objective: To elaborate a system of actions conceived to increase the process of training doctors of science at the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey. Development: Theoretical and empirical methods were used, with emphasis on the SWOT Matrix. From this, favorable criteria were obtained for the actions carried out; and at the same time, present difficulties that are framed in the orientation of the scientific activity that is developed, and the treatment offered to the priorities of the science and technique plan so that it is oriented on the vital problems of development in the field of science medical; among others. A system of actions was designed that includes measures that involve the human potential of science, as well as managers; which will allow, in various terms, to increase the number of teachers with this scientific degree. Conclusions: It is considered that the proposed actions, taking into account the strategic guidelines, the target population and the different temporal and spatial areas identified, will allow the strengthening of the development of doctoral training at the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey.

Medical Education ; : 423-427, 2007.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-370021


1) Surveillance on the attitude to the postgraduate degree was performed by a questionnaire in the graduates of Jichi Medical University, who were engaged in community medicine soon after graduating and had not so many opportunities to conduct medical research.<BR>2) More than a half of the respondents had obtained the postgraduate degree after the 9-year mandatory period of engagement as clinical physicians in the local communities.Among the respondents not having the postgraduate degree, 50-60% of them felt the need for the degree.<BR>3) The remarks of the degree holders indicated that objective assessment ability and the scientific point of view acquired in the degree process had favorable effects on their performance as clinicians thereafter. The result suggested that the substantialization of research in the field of clinical medicine was demanded in the graduate school.