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Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449505


Introduction: Seed dispersal and seed predation have important impacts on plant diversity and community structure. Rodents participate in both of these types of interactions. Objectives: To evaluate the removal of the seeds of Crescentia alata, Randia capitata, and Zea mays by the squirrel Notocitellus adocetus to determine how it affects these plant species, by dispersing or preying on their seeds. Methods: We studied 14 individuals for C. alata, 24 for R. capitata, and for Z. mays 35 individuals. We observed foraging and used camera traps to determine the part of the fruit (seed and/or pulp) consumed by the squirrels and the amount of fruit or seed consumed. We also placed fine sand traps (FST) to measure the percentage of seed removal. We quantified the fruits produced by the plant species studied and the percentage of damage caused by N. adocetus throughout the plots. Results: Notocitellus adocetus feeds on the seeds and pulp of C. alata and Z. mays. The species with the highest removal rate and the highest percentage of damage was C. alata. Zea mays was the plant species that had the highest percentage of removal from FST, the largest number of fruits, and the lowest percentage of damage. On FST, R. capitata had the lowest seed remotion. Conclusions: Notocitellus adocetus is considered a seed predator; however, due to its behavior and the characteristics of the fruits of C. alata and R. capitata, this rodent could make the seeds available to secondary seed dispersers.

Introducción: La dispersión y depredación de semillas tienen efectos importantes en la diversidad de plantas y estructura de las comunidades. Los roedores participan en estos tipos de interacciones. Objetivos: Evaluar la remoción de semillas de Crescentia alata, Randia capitata y Zea mays por la ardilla Notocitellus adocetus, para determinar su efecto en estas especies de plantas, dispersando o depredando semillas. Métodos: Estudiamos 14 individuos de C. alata, 24 para R. capitata y 35 individuos para Z. mays. Observamos el forrajeo y usamos cámaras trampas para determinar la parte del fruto (semilla y/o pulpa) consumida y la intensidad de consumo por las ardillas. También colocamos trampas de arena fina (FST) para medir el porcentaje de remoción de semillas. Cuantificamos los frutos producidos por las especies estudiadas y el porcentaje de daño ocasionado por N. adocetus, mediante parcelas. Resultados: Notocitellus adocetus se alimenta de las semillas y pulpa de C. alata y Z. mays. La especie que tuvo mayor tasa de remoción y mayor porcentaje de daño fue C. alata. La especie con mayor porcentaje de remoción, mayor número de frutos y menor daño en las FST fue Z. mays. En las trampas de arena fina, R. capitata tuvo la menor remoción de semillas. Conclusiones: Notocitellus adocetus es considerada depredadora de semillas, no obstante, por su comportamiento y las características de los frutos de C. alata y R. capitata, este roedor podría dejar disponibles las semillas a dispersores secundarios de semillas.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(4)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530340


We report a case of predation on the basket worm Oiketicus sp. (Lepidoptera, Psychidae) by the Streak-backed Oriole (Icterus pustulatus) in the Municipality of Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca, Mexico. The bird was photographed, and we describe the prey based on its basket, cephalic capsule, and fragments of thoracic segments. We describe the foraging strategy and provide a list of previously recorded food resources in the diet of I. pustulatus. This is the first documentation of a basket worm being consumed by I. pustulatus, which may be considered omnivorous.

Reportamos un caso de depredación sobre el gusano canasta Oiketicus sp. (Lepidoptera, Psychidae) por la calandria dorso rayado (Icterus pustulatus) en el Municipio de Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán, Oaxaca, México. El ave fue fotografiada y describimos la presa a partir de su canasta, cápsula cefálica y fragmentos de segmentos torácicos. Describimos la estrategia de forrajeo y presentamos una lista de recursos alimentarios previamente registrados en la dieta de I. pustulatus. Esta es la primera documentación de alimentación de un gusano canasta por parte de I. pustulatus, el cual puede ser considerada omnivora.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71abr. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449493


Introduction: The fireworm Hermodice carunculata is a widespread polychaete that can prey upon many coral species. However, few studies have examined the effect of fireworm predation on coral demographics during non-outbreak periods. Objective: To determine whether predation by H. carunculata compromised the growth, survival, and population performance of the threatened coral Acropora cervicornis. Methods: Nursery-reared coral fragments (n = 99) were fixed to the bottom of Punta Melones reef in the Island Municipality of Culebra, Puerto Rico. Predation activity and its demographic consequences on coral outplants were assessed from December 2020 to August 2022. Susceptibility to predation was compared between colonies collected directly from the reef and those originating from outside sources (e.g., coral nurseries). With the demographic data, simple size-based population matrix models were developed to 1) examine whether fireworm predation led to a significant decline in population growth rate (λ), 2) determine the demographic transition(s) that contribute the most to λ, and 3) determining the demographic transition(s) that accounted for differences in λ when comparing scenarios that considered either only predated colonies or both predated and non-predated outplants. Results: Predation increased over time, being more frequently observed in the area with the highest topographic relief and on colonies foreign to the study site. Outplants that were partially consumed grew significantly slower than non-predated colonies; however, predation did not threaten their survival. The likelihood of being attacked by the fireworm increased with branching complexity. The estimated λ for a scenario considering only predated colonies was 0.99, whereas, for a scenario where both predated and non-predated colonies were considered, λ was 0.91. Population growth, under the two scenarios, was mainly influenced by the probability of a large colony surviving and remaining at the largest size. Conclusions: Although predation can negatively impact coral growth, the relatively high survival rate of predated colonies compensates for the adverse effect. Since survival is the demographic transition that contributes most to population growth, it could be concluded that under a non-outbreak scenario, fireworm predation may not be the primary cause of A. cervicornis population decline.

Introducción: El gusano de fuego Hermodice carunculata es un poliqueto común que puede depredar muchas especies de coral. Sin embargo, pocos estudios han examinado el efecto de la depredación del gusano de fuego en la demografía de los corales durante periodos sin brotes poblacionales. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar si la depredación por H. carunculata compromete el crecimiento, la supervivencia y el desempeño poblacional del coral amenazado Acropora cervicornis. Métodos: Fragmentos de coral criados en vivero (n = 99) se fijaron al fondo del arrecife Punta Melones en la Isla Municipio de Culebra, Puerto Rico. La actividad de depredación y sus consecuencias demográficas en los trasplantes de coral se evaluaron desde diciembre de 2020 hasta agosto de 2022. Se comparó la susceptibilidad a la depredación entre las colonias recolectadas directamente del arrecife y las que se originaron en fuentes externas (p. ej., viveros de coral). Con los datos demográficos, se desarrollaron modelos matriciales simples de población basados en el tamaño para 1) examinar si la depredación del gusano de fuego causa una disminución significativa en la tasa de crecimiento de la población (λ), 2) determinar las transiciones demográficas que más contribuyen a λ, y 3) determinar la(s) transición(es) demográfica(s) que explican las diferencias en λ al comparar escenarios que consideraron solo colonias depredadas o la combinación de colonias depredadas y no depredadas. Resultados: La depredación aumentó con el tiempo, observándose con mayor frecuencia en la zona de mayor relieve topográfico y en colonias ajenas al sitio de estudio. Los trasplantes consumidos parcialmente crecieron significativamente más lento que las colonias no depredadas; sin embargo, la depredación no amenazó su supervivencia. La probabilidad de ser atacado por el gusano de fuego aumentó con la complejidad morfológica de la colonia. El λ estimado para un escenario que consideraba solo las colonias depredadas fue de 0.99, mientras que, para un escenario en el que se consideraron tanto las colonias depredadas como las no depredadas, λ fue de 0.91. El crecimiento de la población, en ambos escenarios, estuvo influenciado principalmente por la probabilidad de que una colonia grande sobreviviera y permaneciera en el tamaño más grande. Conclusiones: Aunque la depredación puede tener un impacto negativo en el crecimiento de los corales, una tasa de supervivencia relativamente alta de las colonias depredadas compensa los efectos adversos. Dado que la supervivencia es la transición demográfica que más contribuye al crecimiento de la población, se podría concluir que, en un escenario sin brotes, la depredación por gusanos de fuego no debe ser la causa principal de la disminución de la población de A. cervicornis.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 67(4): e20230054, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529832


ABSTRACT Larvae of Hydrotaea species are facultative predators of larvae of other fly species on poultry farms, chicken feces, pig, and decaying carcasses. The Neotropical species H. albuquerquei occurs together with M. domestica in these environments and might be useful in the biological control of the latter. To verify the predatory capacity of H. albuquerquei larvae on the larvae of M. domestica, we varied the size of the larvae and the densities of the predators and prey under controlled laboratory conditions. Adults were collected from a poultry farm for the experiment, and the larvae they produced were reared in the laboratory. The second and third instar larvae of H. albuquerquei, when at higher densities, suppressed populations of house fly larvae when the latter were smaller than the former. This means that the functional response increases gradually with an increase in prey population density and predator size. In these conditions, one H. albuquerquei larva consumes up to 29 M. domestica larvae at high prey densities and could reduce 100% of the house fly population under a 50% prey density. This study confirmed a pattern previously observed in other predatory larvae and our results have implications for the biological control and integrated pest management programs of M. domestica in poultry and swine farms.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(3): e20221370, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403623


Abstract The Hooded Gnateater Conopophaga roberti Hellmayr, 1905 is an insectivorous understory passeriform with discrete behavior, whose reproductive attributes are poorly-known. In the present study, we describe the reproductive biology of the species and the growth pattern of the nestlings, based on observations conducted in remnants of the Cerrado savanna in eastern Maranhão state, in Brazil. The nests were identified during active searches conducted between June, 2018 and March, 2021. A total of 22 nests were found over the course of three breeding seasons. The cup-shaped nests were supported by small branches and were constructed at a mean height of 40.6 ± 16.1 cm (N = 21) above the ground. The nests were 23.1 ± 3.9 cm in length and 14.1 ± 1.6 cm in width (N = 21). The eggs were beige in color, with irregular brown mottling only at the rounded end of the egg, which had a mean length of 21.3 ± 0.8 mm, width of 17.2 ± 0.8 mm, and mass of 3.1 ± 0.1 g (N = 23). Hatchlings are completely naked and weigh 3.1 ± 0.2 g (N = 7), and when they abandon the nest, they have yet to reach full adult size, with the total length being 65.4% of that of the adult, the wing, 65.4%, the head, 73.9%, the culmen, 74.2%, the body mass, 73.3%, and the tarsus, 89.0% that of the adult. The growth curves are sigmoidal and all the coefficients of determination are at least 0.96, with the body length having the highest value (R2 = 0.98). During the breeding season, the adult pair emitted alarm calls constantly when observers were in the vicinity of the nest. On a number of occasions, members of the breeding pair were observed moving away from the nest as it was approached by observers, while engaging in broken-wing display. The nest architecture, the color of the eggs, and the behaviors presented by this gnateater were similar to those described for other Conopophaga. With this work we contributed to improve the knowledge on the breeding behavior of this poorly know group of understory insectivorous birds.

Resumo O chupa-dente-de-capuz Conopophaga roberti Hellmayr, 1905 é um passeriforme insetívoro de subbosque, de comportamento discreto e cujos atributos reprodutivos são pouco conhecidos. Aqui descrevemos a biologia reprodutiva da espécie e o padrão de desenvolvimento dos ninhegos, com base em observações realizadas em remanescentes de Cerrado no leste do Maranhão, Brasil. Os ninhos foram localizados por busca ativa entre junho de 2018 e março de 2021. Um total de 22 ninhos foram encontrados ao longo de três estações reprodutivas. Os ninhos, em forma de taça, foram sustentados por pequenos galhos e construídos a uma altura média de 40,6 ± 16,1 cm (N = 21) acima do solo. Mediram 23,1 ± 3,9 cm de comprimento por 14,1 ± 1,6 cm de largura. Os ovos são branco-amarelados e mediram 21,3 ± 0,8 mm por 17,2 ± 0,8 mm, com massa de 3,1 ± 0,1 g (N = 23). Ao eclodir, os ninhegos estão completamente nus e pesaram 3,1 ± 0,2 g (N = 7). Abandonam o ninho antes de atingirem o tamanho dos adultos, sendo o comprimento total equivalente a 65,4% do adulto, a asa 65,4%, a cabeça 73,9%, o cúlmen 74,2%, a massa corporal 73,3% e o tarso 89%. As curvas de crescimento apresentaram padrão sigmóide e todos os coeficientes de determinação foram maior ou igual a 0,96, sendo o comprimento do corpo o valor mais alto (R2 = 0.98). Durante o período reprodutivo, o casal adulto emitia alertas constantemente quando os observadores se aproximavam dos ninhos. Em diversas ocasiões foi observado o comportamento de defesa de "asa quebrada" pelo casal reprodutor. A arquitetura do ninho, a cor dos ovos e os comportamentos apresentados por Conopophaga roberti se assemelham aos descritos para outras espécies do gênero. Com este trabalho, melhoramos o conhecimento sobre a biologia reprodutiva deste grupo de aves insetívoras de sub-bosque pouco conhecido.

Braz. j. biol ; 81(3): 845-853, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153412


Abstract The Toltén river is located in the 137 years old Araucania region, Chile (38° S), and is characterized by low alterations through human interference due agriculture and towns in its surrounding basin, the presence of native fishes and salmonids, and by its lake effluent regime originated from Villarrica lake. The aim of the present study was to make a review of ecological role of the benthic inland water macroinvertebrates as preys for native fishes of the River Toltén, in order to understand their importance in the ecosystem of the river. The literature revealed that the main prey for native fishes are Chironomidae larvae, nevertheless there are not specific reports for Tolten river. The exposed results are similar with similar native species for Patagonia, and these native species would have prey for introduced salmonids, or these species would have prey competition with introduced salmonids in according to the literature descriptions for Argentinean and Chilean Patagonia.

Resumo O rio Toltén está localizado na região da Araucanía, com 137 anos de idade, Chile (38° S), e é caracterizado por baixas alterações por interferência humana devido à agricultura e cidades da bacia circundante, pela presença de salmonídeos e pelo regime de efluentes dos lagos. do lago Villarrica. O objetivo do presente estudo foi fazer uma revisão do papel ecológico dos macroinvertebrados bentônicos de águas interiores do rio Toltén, a fim de entender sua importância no ecossistema do rio. A literatura revelou que as principais presas de peixes nativos são as larvas de Chironomidae, no entanto, não há relatos específicos para o rio Tolten. Os resultados expostos são semelhantes com espécies nativas semelhantes para a Patagônia, e essas espécies nativas teriam presa por salmonídeos introduzidos, ou essas espécies teriam competição de presas com salmonídeos introduzidos de acordo com as descrições da literatura para a Patagônia Argentina e Chilena.

Humanos , Animais , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Ecossistema , Rios , Lagos , Chile , Peixes
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(3)sept. 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387668


Abstract Introduction: Although olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) are the most abundant sea turtles in the world, quantitative information is scarce and unevenly distributed among regions. There are many management and conservation programs for this species, and assessments are necessary to identify nesting trends and effectively manage current conservation programs. PROTORMAR-UAS is a Research and Conservation program for the olive ridley turtle created by the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico. The program utilizes two biological stations: Santuario Playa Ceuta (SPC) and Playa Caimanero (PC). Objective: To evaluate the nesting trend of olive ridley turtles on two beaches in Northwestern Mexico and to predict prospective nesting trends for the next 30 years. Methods: Using annual nesting data collected over 40 years at SPC (1976-2016) and 30 years at PC (1986-2016), we evaluated nesting trends, hatching success, predation and poaching of olive ridley turtles on the two beaches in Northwestern Mexico. Then, prospective nesting estimates for the next 30 years were calculated predictive time series model. Results: A positive and significant correlation was identified between the number of annual nests and time for both beaches (rho = 0.850, P ≤ 0.01 for SPC; rho = 0.677, P ≤ 0.01 for PC); the average hatching success rates were 65.09 at SPC and 60.72 % at PC. The predictive time-series model indicated that the numbers of nests will continue to increase through 2045, increasing three-fold at SPC and six-fold at PC with respect to the last year of monitoring. Conclusions: There was a clear positive trend in the number of olive ridley sea turtle nests at both sites, which is consistent with trends found in other recent studies from the region. Therefore, we suggest that PC be designated a legally protected nesting area since it is located within the latitudinal limits of olive ridley nesting and given the need for resources for camp operation considering increased nesting and current problems with predation and poaching. Because in Mexico operating a nesting beach without any protection status implies not having a budget for its management.

Resumen Introducción: A pesar de que las tortugas golfinas (Lepidochelys olivacea) son las tortugas marinas más abundantes del mundo, su información cuantitativa disponible es escasa y se encuentra distribuida de manera desigual entre regiones. Existen muchos programas de manejo y conservación para esta especie, y sus evaluaciones son necesarias para identificar tendencias de anidación y poder manejar de manera efectiva los programas de conservación actuales. PROTORMAR-UAS es un programa de Investigación y Conservación de la tortuga golfina creado por la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México. El Programa cuenta con dos estaciones biológicas: Santuario de Playa Ceuta (SPC) y Playa Caimanero (PC). Objetivo: Evaluar la tendencia de anidación de la tortuga golfina en dos playas del noroeste de México y predecir las tendencias prospectivas de anidación para los próximos 30 años. Métodos: A partir de los datos de registros anuales de anidación de 40 años para SPC (1976-2016) y 30 años para PC (1986-2016), evaluamos las tendencias de anidación, el éxito de la eclosión y los problemas de depredación y saqueo de nidos de la tortuga golfina en las dos playas del noroeste de México. Posteriormente, se calcularon las estimaciones prospectivas de anidación para los próximos 30 años usando un modelo predictivo de series de tiempo. Resultados: Se identificó una correlación positiva y significativa entre el registro anual de nidos y el tiempo de estudio para ambas playas (rho = 0.850, P ≤ 0.01 para SPC; rho = 0.677 y P ≤ 0.01 para PC); así como el éxito de eclosión promedio de 65.09 para SPC y de 60.72 % para PC. El modelo predictivo de series de tiempo indicó que las anidaciones continuarán aumentando para el 2045, tres veces para SPC y seis para PC, con respecto al último año de monitoreo. Conclusiones: Hay una clara tendencia positiva de anidación de la tortuga golfina en ambos sitios, lo cual es consistente con la tendencia observada en otros estudios recientes de la región. Por lo tanto, sugerimos incluir a PC como un área de anidación legalmente protegida, la cual se ubica en los límites latitudinales de anidación de la tortuga golfina, dada la necesidad de contar con recursos disponibles para la operación del campamento ante el aumento de anidaciones y de problemas de depredación y saqueo. Porque en México operar una playa de anidación sin ningún estatus de protección implica no tener presupuesto para su manejo.

Animais , Reprodução , Tartarugas , Controle Biológico por Conservação , México
Acta biol. colomb ; 25(3): 359-367, sep.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149016


ABSTRACT Cities have grown throughout the Andes and we know little about the ecology of those species that tolerate them, limiting our options to do conservation. We applied optimal foraging theory to examine the behavior of the Andean White-eared Opossum (Didelphispernigra), in a suburban area in Bogotá, Colombia. We used the giving-up density technique, which uses the amount of food left in a feeding patch, to evaluate whether the opossum's foraging costs were affected by the height of food from the ground, and the quality and quantity of food. We also evaluated whether the spatial heterogeneity of the study site affected the opossum's foraging. We used an artificial feeding patch to test these ideas. When food was either concentrated and, in less amount (concentrated food) or diluted and more amount (diluted food), the opossums preferred to forage at 2 m than at 0.5 m, and they showed a preference for concentrated food at 0.5 m, but not at 2 m. The opossums' habitat use was affected by the spatial heterogeneity at the study site and animals preferred foraging along metal fences than on live fences made of trees. When a cable allowed connection between the metallic and live fences, the value of food patches at the live fence appeared to increase. Thus, although the opossums need resources associated with natural environments, our results suggest that there are human modifications that can benefit them, such as those that reduce the risk of predation and favor their mobility in suburban environments.

RESUMEN En los Andes las ciudades han crecido y sabemos poco sobre la ecología de aquellas especies que toleran dicho crecimiento, limitando las opciones para su apropiada conservación. Aplicamos la teoría de uso óptimo de parches para examinar el comportamiento de forrajeo del fara (Didelphispernigra) en un área suburbana de Bogotá, Colombia. Utilizamos la técnica de densidad de abandono, que usa la cantidad de alimento dejada en un parche, para evaluar si los costos de forrajeo de este marsupial fueron afectados por la altura de los parches desde el suelo, así como la calidad y cantidad de alimento. Igualmente, evaluamos el efecto de la heterogeneidad espacial del área de estudio sobre el forrajeo del fara. Usamos un parche alimentario artificial con alimento líquido para evaluar estas hipótesis. Cuando el alimento era concentrado y en menor cantidad (concentrado) o diluido y en mayor cantidad (diluido), los faras prefirieron forrajear a 2 m, y prefirieron el alimento concentrado sobre el diluido a 0.5 m, pero no a 2 m. El uso del hábitat del fara fue afectado por la heterogeneidad espacial en el sitio de estudio y ellos prefirieron forrajear a lo largo de cercas metálicas, más que sobre cercas vivas. Cuando un cable permitió la conexión entre las cercas metálicas y vivas, el valor de algunos parches en la cerca viva pareció aumentar. Aunque los faras necesitan recursos asociados con ambientes naturales, nuestros resultados sugieren que las modificaciones humanas, como las que reducen el riesgo de depredación y favorecen su movilidad, pueden beneficiarlos.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 64(3): e20200046, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137747


ABSTRACT Biotic factors such as predation, although important drivers of the black fly community, are rarely investigated in the literature. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that the patterns of co-occurrence of black fly larvae and its potential predators is not random and that there is a correlation between its frequencies and Simuliidae larvae abundances. Larvae were sampled from two localities in the Pedra Branca State Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during the dry season in june 2018. We collected Simulium pertinax Kollar, 1832, Simulium subpallidum Lutz, 1910, Simulium (Inaequalium) sp., Simulium (Psaroniocompsa) sp. and Simulium (Trichodagmia) sp. The predators families present were Perlidae, Hydropsychidae, Leptoceridae, Libellulidae and Chironomidae. The null models showed that species co-occurred significantly more than expected by chance. The canonical correlation analyses for the Vargem Grande and Pau da Fome areas area showed a significant relationship between black fly abundances and predator abundances. In Vargem Grande the abundance of Chironomidae showed a highly significant positive correlation to S. (Psaroniocompsa) sp., while Hydropsychidae was significantly correlated to Simulium sp. On the other hand, in Pau da Fome Libellulidae was significantly correlated to S. (Psaroniocompsa) sp. and Simulium sp. and Chironomidae correlated significantly to Simulium sp. The result is consistent with what would be expected of organisms that exercise mutual population regulation, although other factors than biotic interactions may be causing these patterns. However the lack of mechanistic evidences on the effect of biotic interactions on black fly populations pose a challenge on the understanding of these patterns.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 20(4): e20190943, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131948


Abstract: Anurans are predator and prey, playing an important role in ecosystem functioning. The diet composition is closely related to feeding strategy, and the information about prey items is useful to understand intra and interspecific interactions in trophic webs. Here we determined diet composition, feeding strategy, and relation between prey ingestion and body measures of Crossodactylus timbuhy, a recently described anuran species. We found 466 prey items from 20 prey categories in the stomach of 66 specimens (15 males and 51 females) of C. timbuhy. The diet consists mostly of Formicidae and Coleoptera, the items with the highest number, frequency of occurrence and prey importance. The diet composition was relatively similar to other species of Crossodactylus. Prey volume was positively related to frog size and weight, suggesting frogs may feed upon any prey they can swallow. Diet showed some variation between sexes. Despite females were larger and heavier than males, females had higher consumption of smaller prey, and ingested a larger number of prey categories. We suggest C. timbuhy has an invertebrate-opportunistic feeding habit. It is likely C. timbuhy uses a combination of 'sit-and-wait' and 'active search' strategies due to high consumption of both highly mobile and sedentary prey.

Resumo: Os anuros são predadores e presas, desempenhando um importante papel no funcionamento dos ecossistemas. A composição da dieta está intimamente relacionada à estratégia de forrageamento das espécies e as informações sobre os itens consumidos são úteis para compreensão das interações intra e interespecíficas nas redes tróficas. O presente estudo objetivou determinar a composição da dieta, a estratégia de forrageamento e a relação entre a ingestão de presas e as medidas corporais de Crossodactylus timbuhy, uma espécie de anuro descrita recentemente. Foi analisado o conteúdo estomacal de 66 espécimes (15 machos e 51 fêmeas) de C. timbuhy e registrados 466 itens alimentares, distribuídos em 20 categorias de presas. A dieta consistiu principalmente de Formicidae e Coleoptera, as quais apresentaram maior número de itens consumidos, maior frequência de ocorrência e maior importância entre as presas registradas. A composição da dieta foi relativamente semelhante à de outras espécies do gênero Crossodactylus. O volume das presas foi positivamente relacionado com o tamanho e o peso dos espécimes, sugerindo que os indivíduos podem se alimentar de qualquer presa que eles possam engolir. A dieta apresentou variação entre os sexos. Apesar das fêmeas serem maiores e mais pesadas do que os machos, elas consumiram mais presas menores e ingeriram mais categorias de presas. Sugere-se que C. timbuhy tenha hábito alimentar invertebrado-oportunista. É provável que C. timbuhy apresente uma combinação de estratégias "senta-e-espera" e "forrageador ativo" devido ao alto consumo de presas altamente móveis e de presas sedentárias.