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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e82186, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556466


Objetivo: identificar quais os instrumentos disponíveis para avaliação multidimensional da fragilidade em idosos com doença cardiovascular, potencialmente aplicáveis durante a realização do Processo de Enfermagem. Método: revisão sistemática conduzida em oito bases de dados/portais, para identificação de estudos que apresentassem instrumentos multidimensionais de avaliação de fragilidade em idosos com doença cardiovascular e que fossem aplicáveis ao processo de enfermagem. Resultados: foram incluídos 19 instrumentos multidimensionais. O Brief Frailty Index for Coronary Artery Disease foi desenvolvido para uso no cuidado cardiovascular de idosos. O Frailty Index for Adults e o Maastricht Frailty Screening Tool for Hospitalized Patients foram desenvolvidos para uso no Processo de Enfermagem. Conclusão: apesar de apenas um instrumento ter sido desenvolvido para o idosos com doença cardiovascular e apenas dois serem aplicáveis ao processo de enfermagem, a maioria deles tem potencial de adaptação e validação para uso nesta população durante a avaliação de enfermagem.

Objective: to identify which tools are available for multidimensional frailty assessment of older adult with cardiovascular disease and which are potentially applicable during the Nursing Process. Method: a systematic review conducted in eight databases/portals to identify studies that presented multidimensional frailty assessment tools for older adult with cardiovascular disease and that were applicable to the nursing process. Results: a total of 19 multidimensional tools were included. The Brief Frailty Index for Coronary Artery Disease was developed for use in the cardiovascular care of older adult. The Frailty Index for Adults and the Maastricht Frailty Screening Tool for Hospitalized Patients were developed for use in the Nursing Process. Conclusion: although only one tool was developed for older adults with cardiovascular disease and only two are applicable to the nursing process, most of them have the potential to be adapted and validated for use in this population during nursing assessment.

Objetivo: identificar qué instrumentos están disponibles para la evaluación multidimensional de la fragilidad en personas mayores con enfermedad cardiovascular, que se puedan aplicar en el Proceso de Enfermería. Método: revisión sistemática realizada en ocho bases de datos/portales, para identificar estudios que presentaran instrumentos multidimensionales para la evaluación de la fragilidad en adultos mayores con enfermedad cardiovascular y que fueran aplicables al proceso de enfermería. Resultados: se incluyeron 19 instrumentos multidimensionales. El Brief Frailty Index for Coronary Artery Disease se desarrolló para usarlo en el cuidado cardiovascular de las personas mayores. El Frailty Index for Adults y la Maastricht Frailty Screening Tool for Hospitalized Patients se elaboraron para ser usados en el Proceso de Enfermería. Conclusión: aunque sólo se elaboró un instrumento para adultos mayores con enfermedad cardiovascular y sólo dos son aplicables al proceso de enfermería, la mayoría de ellos tienen el potencial para ser adaptados y validados para ser usados en esa población en la evaluación de enfermería.

Humanidad. med ; 24(2)ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557987


Introducción: Una educación de calidad para los estudiantes universitarios de las ciencias médicas es parte de la política establecida por el Estado cubano para el nivel superior. En correspondencia se desarrolla un proyecto de investigación dirigido a la elevación de la calidad en el proceso formativo de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey; por ello el presente texto tiene como objetivo exponer los resultados del proceso de caracterización de la situación problémica asumida, atendiendo a las dimensiones lingüística y tecnológica, a partir de la aplicación de los instrumentos de investigación durante la etapa del diagnóstico inicial a profesionales y estudiantes que conforman la muestra. Método: La investigación clasifica como I+D, de carácter observacional explicativo causal, que produce sistemas de acciones para elevar la calidad de la formación del futuro profesional de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey y se desarrolla entre enero de 2023 y diciembre de 2024. El muestreo no probabilístico por cuota está constituido por estudiantes de las diferentes facultades, docentes, profesionales y trabajadores no docentes. Resultados: Se constataron insuficiencias en el desarrollo de las habilidades informáticas para complementar sus estudios mediante la búsqueda de información en los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, a lo que se suman las dificultades que presentan los alumnos dela muestra para expresarse y comprender textos, valiéndose del empleo del inglés con fines profesionales. Discusión: Se confrontaron los resultados con los de otros estudiosos que, a nivel nacional y mundial, han investigado sobre la temática acerca del logro de la calidad en los procesos de formación en la universidad y con ello se corroboró la utilidad del estudio.

Introduction: A quality education for university students of medical sciences is part of the policy established by the Cuban State for Higher Education. Correspondingly, a research project is being developed aimed at raising the quality in the training process of the students of the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey; For this reason, the objective of this text is to present the results of the process of characterization of the assumed problematic situation, taking into account the linguistic and technological dimensions, based on the application of research instruments during the initial diagnosis stage to professionals and students who make up the sample. Method: The research is classified as R&D, of a causal explanatory observational nature, which produces systems of actions to raise the quality of the training of future professionals at the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey and is developed between January 2023 and December 2024. The non-probabilistic sampling by quota is made up of students from different faculties, teachers, professionals and non-teaching workers. Results: Insufficiencies were found in the development of computer skills to complement their studies through the search for information in virtual learning environments, to which are added the difficulties that the students in the sample present in expressing themselves and understanding texts, using the use of English for professional purposes. Discussion: The results were compared with those of con scholars who, at a national and global level, have investigated the topic of achieving quality in training processes at the university, and with this the usefulness of the study was corroborated.

Cuestiones infanc ; 25(1): 11-16, May. 10, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562102


Este trabajo se apoya en los conceptos contrato narcisista primario y secundario para dar cuenta del proceso de filiación y afiliación de la paciente (caso de Agustina) AU

This work relies on the concepts of primary and secondary Narcissistic Contract to understand the process of affiliation and filiation of the patient (Agustina ́s case) AU

Ce travail s'appuie sur les concepts de contrat narcissique primaire et secondaire pour rendre compte du processus de filiation et du processus d ́adhésiondu patient (cas d ́Agustina) AU

Este trabalho baseia-se nos conceitos de contrato narcísico primário e secundário para dar conta do processo de filiação e afiliaçãodo paciente (caso de Agustina) AU

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Família/psicologia , Identificação Psicológica , Psicoterapia Interpessoal/métodos
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 29: 1-15, abr. 2024. fig, tab, quad
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561336


Identificar e analisar os temas presentes em artigos que relacionam, de alguma maneira, a Educação Física e o Programa Academia da Saúde é o objetivo deste manuscrito. Os dados foram coletados nos bancos de dados LILACS, SciELO, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Portal dos Periódicos Eletrônicos e em 12 periódicos da Educação Física. Foram selecionados e analisados os conteúdos de 54 artigos. Os resultados mostraram que houve maior número de publicações em 2020, com destaque para pesquisas realizadas no estado de Minas Gerais. O maior número de publicações consta na Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física & Saúde. Detecta-se o interesse crescente por estudos com objetos ampliados que considerem a complexidade das condições de saúde dos grupos e das comunidades atendidas no programa, especialmente a partir das aproximações com a Saúde Coletiva.

The aim of this manuscript is to identify and analyze the themes present in articles that in some way relate Physical Education and the the Health Gym Program, of Brazil. Data was collected from the LILACS, SciELO, Virtual Health Library, Electronic Periodicals Portal and 12 Physical Education journals. The contents of 54 articles were selected and analyzed. The results showed that there was a greater number of publications in 2020, with an emphasis on research carried out in the state of Minas Gerais. The largest number of publications was in the Brazilian Journal of Physical Activity & Health. There is a growing interest in studies with broader objects that consider the complexity of the health conditions of the groups and communities served by the program, especially based on approaches to Collective Health.

Educação Física e Treinamento , Exercício Físico , Saúde Pública
Humanidad. med ; 24(1)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557977


La competencia profesional comunicativa resulta una necesidad para el logro del desarrollo discursivo en las ciencias médicas, pero sucede que en numerosos casos se adolece de preparación didáctica por desconocimiento sobre competencia comunicativa. Es propósito de este texto fundamentar los presupuestos teóricos que sustentan los estudios sobre el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa para el desempeño profesional del docente de la educación médica superior. El texto constituye una salida del proyecto de investigación no asociado al programa Perfeccionamiento de competencias profesionales en el contexto de la salud que lidera el Centro de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas en Salud. Se efectúo la búsqueda en bibliografía impresa y digital certificada, se consultaron bases de datos como SciELOCuba, SciELO Regional, los sitios web Organización Panamericana de la Salud, Organización Mundial de la Salud. El estudio de documentos propició la determinación de los presupuestos teóricos que sustentan el estudio que se desarrolló desde enero de 2021 a diciembre de 2023.

The talkative professional competition is vital in the educational one that imparts the subject History of Cuba in the Medical Sciences, but, it happens that in numerous cases didactic preparation suffers due to lack of knobbledge and communicative competence. It is purpose of this text to substantiate the theoretical assumptions that support studies on the development communicative for the professional performance of Cuban history teachers. It not belongs to the project associated to program: Improvement of professional competitions in the context of the health that leads the Center of Development of the Social and Humanistic Sciences in Health 2021-2023. You makes the search scientifically in certified printed and digital bibliography, databases like SciELOCuba are consulted, Regional SciELO, the places web Pan-American Organization of the Health, World Organization of the Health. The study of documents propitiated the elements to apply for the professors of the subject to reach the professional competition in the formative process.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 183-193, abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560630


La implementación del Presupuesto por Resultados (PpR) requiere elementos como información oportuna, sistemas de monitoreo, incentivos y procedimientos normados. En el caso de Perú, su enfoque de PpR ha generado cambios significativos en resultados de salud, especialmente en programas como desnutrición y salud materna y neonatal, al priorizar actividades demostradas como más costo-eficaces a nivel mundial. Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre el presupuesto por resultados (PpR) y la Calidad del gasto del programa de cáncer en un hospital público del Ministerio de Salud, 2021. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizó un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básico, diseño no experimental, descriptivo y nivel correlacional. La población fue de 131 trabajadores vinculados al ciclo del presupuesto, de los cuales se seleccionó una muestra de 32 trabajadores responsables directos del PpR. Se utilizó la técnica de encuesta y dos cuestionarios como instrumentos, sometidos a los coeficientes KR-20 y Alpha de Cronbach para evaluar la confiabilidad. Resultados. El coeficiente de Spearman fue de 0.387, indicando una relación positiva y media entre las variables. La significancia fue de 0.029 (< 0.05). Conclusiones. Se encontró una relación significativa entre el PpR y la Calidad del gasto del programa de Cáncer en el hospital del Ministerio de Salud, confirmando que un mejor manejo del PpR está asociado a una mejor calidad de gasto.

The implementation of results-based budgeting (RBB) requires elements such as timely information, monitoring systems, incentives and standardized procedures. In the case of Peru, its PfR approach has generated significant changes in health outcomes, especially in programs such as malnutrition and maternal and neonatal health, by prioritizing activities proven to be more cost-effective worldwide. Objective. To determine the relationship between the budget for results (BfR) and the Quality of cancer program spending in a public hospital of the Ministry of Health, 2021. Materials and Methods. A quantitative approach, basic type, non-experimental, descriptive and correlational study was carried out. The population was 131 workers linked to the budget cycle, from which a sample of 32 workers directly responsible for the PpR was selected. The survey technique and two questionnaires were used as instruments, subjected to Cronbach's KR-20 and Alpha coefficients to assess reliability. Results. Spearman's coefficient was 0.387, indicating a positive and average relationship between the variables. Significance was 0.029 (< 0.05). Conclusions. A significant relationship was found between PpR and Quality of expenditure of the Cancer program in the Ministry of Health hospital, confirming that better management of PpR is associated with better quality of expenditure.

A implementação do orçamento por desempenho (PfR) requer elementos como informações oportunas, sistemas de monitoramento, incentivos e procedimentos padronizados. No caso do Peru, sua abordagem de PfR gerou mudanças significativas nos resultados de saúde, especialmente em programas como desnutrição e saúde materna e neonatal, priorizando atividades comprovadamente mais econômicas em todo o mundo. Objetivo. Determinar a relação entre o orçamento por resultados (BfR) e a qualidade dos gastos com o programa de câncer em um hospital público do Ministério da Saúde, 2021. Materiais e métodos. Foi realizado um estudo de abordagem quantitativa, do tipo básico, não experimental, descritivo e correlacional. A população foi de 131 trabalhadores ligados ao ciclo orçamentário, dos quais foi selecionada uma amostra de 32 trabalhadores diretamente responsáveis pelo BfR. Como instrumentos, foram utilizados a técnica de survey e dois questionários, submetidos aos coeficientes KR-20 e Alfa de Cronbach para avaliar a confiabilidade. Resultados. O coeficiente de Spearman foi de 0,387, indicando uma relação positiva e média entre as variáveis. A significância foi de 0,029 (< 0,05). Conclusões. Foi encontrada uma relação significativa entre o PfR e a qualidade das despesas do programa de câncer no hospital do Ministério da Saúde, confirmando que uma melhor gestão do PfR está associada a uma melhor qualidade das despesas.

Gastos em Saúde
Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565917


La investigación del proceso de cambio en psicoterapia es el estudio de los procesos por los cuales ocurre el cambio en psicoterapia. Siendo la depresión una problemática con altas prevalencias y diversas complicaciones, es una tarea ineludible de los clínicos poder entender cómo ocurre el proceso de cambio en pacientes con este diagnóstico. Por ello, este estudio tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura, para explorar y analizar la investigación empírica del proceso de cambio en psicoterapia individual en la adultez en pacientes con depresión, en los últimos diez años. La revisión se realizó en las bases de datos Web of Science, APA PsycNet, PubMed y EBSCO, siguiendo los lineamientos que señala la metodología PRISMA. Luego del proceso de tamizaje y revisión, se seleccionaron y analizaron 39 artículos. Se aprecia una clara tendencia a la utilización de metodologías mixtas de investigación, es decir, cualitativas y cuantitativas, con diseños longitudinales en casi la totalidad de estudios y una amplia gama de instrumentos para la recolección de datos. Los resultados sugieren que el proceso de cambio suele seguir un desarrollo no lineal, originando comúnmente cambios positivos profundos en áreas diversas y con trayectorias que tienden a patrones comunes.

Change process research in psychotherapy is the study of the processes by which change occurs in psychotherapy. Since depression is a problem with high prevalence and various complications, it is an unavoidable task for clinicians to be able to understand how the process of change occurs in patients with this diagnosis. Therefore, this study aims to carry out a systematic review of the literature, to explore and analyze the empirical investigation of the process of change in individual psychotherapy in adulthood in patients with depression, in the last ten years. The review was carried out in the Web of Science, APA PsycNet, PubMed and EBSCO databases, following the guidelines indicated by the PRISMA methodology. After the screening and review process, 39 articles were selected and analyzed. There is a clear tendency to use mixed research methodologies, that is, qualitative and quantitative, with longitudinal designs in almost all the studies and a wide range of instruments for data collection. The results suggest that the change process tends to follow a non-linear development, commonly causing deep positive changes in diverse areas and with trajectories that tend to common patterns.

Medisan ; 28(2)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1558524


El programa de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones se ha implementado en todas las instituciones pertenecientes al sector de la salud en Cuba, pues favorece la formación a través de los entornos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en función del desarrollo y las perspectivas académicas, mediante plataformas tecnológicas para facilitar el intercambio de información. En el presente artículo se destaca la necesidad de incrementar el uso de la wiki como herramienta educativa, que favorece el aprendizaje colaborativo como un proceso de creación de conocimiento a través de la web 2.0, donde no solo se publican contenidos sino que contribuye a desarrollar habilidades de cooperación en los procesos formativos de la salud pública.

The program of information and communications technologies has been implemented in all the institutions belonging to the health sector in Cuba, because it favors the training through the teaching and learning environments in function of development and academic perspectives, by means of technological platforms to facilitate the exchange of information. In this work the necessity to increase the wiki use as educational tool in enhanced, that favors the collaborative learning as a process of knowledge creation through the web 2.0, where contents are not only published but also contributes to develop cooperation abilities in the training processes of public health.

Educação a Distância , Tecnologia da Informação , Práticas Interdisciplinares , Saúde Pública
Rev. crim ; 66(1): 129-144, 20240412. Ilus, Tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554773


En el desarrollo de la indagación e investigación del proceso penal previsto en la Ley 906 de 2004 se crearon medios de prueba que afectan derechos fundamentales como la libertad, la vida, el buen nombre, la entidad, la propiedad privada, la libre locomoción, entre otros. La aplicación de tales medios puede ser ordenada por la Fiscalía General de la Nación sin control legal previo de un juez de control de garantías. Así, esta investigación parte del interrogante: ¿Debería ser necesario el control previo del juez de garantías en los actos de indagación e investigación previstos en la Ley 906 de 2004? El presente artículo dará una respuesta clara y contundente, utilizando un método jurídico-cualitativo de interpretación mediante el cual se estudiará y reconocerá la necesidad del control previo del juez en actos como los del libro II (técnicas de indagación e investigación de la prueba y sistema probatorio), título I (la indagación y la investigación). Además, se analizará y justificará la necesidad de la intervención del juez para medios como el allanamiento y registro, la retención de correspondencia, la interceptación de comunicaciones, la recuperación de información dejada al navegar por internet u otros medios tecnológicos similares, la vigilancia y seguimiento de personas, la vigilancia de cosas, los agentes encubiertos y la entrega vigilada e incautación de bienes con fines de comiso. Esto porque en la gran mayoría de esas actuaciones, en la práctica judicial de los procesos penales, se evidencian excesos e incluso ilegalidades de la Policía Judicial y la Fiscalía. Para ello se estudiarán el principio de reserva judicial y el nuevo concepto de juez en el proceso penal, tal y como es entendido por la ONU: una garantía procesal para ponderar los derechos confrontados. Se tendrá en cuenta, en ese sentido, que en el modelo de Estado constitucional colombiano la limitación o restricción de garantías fundamentales debe ser proporcional y razonable frente al fin de la investigación. De igual forma se propone, en el ámbito legislativo, la modificación y creación de un capítulo único de actuaciones que requieran autorización judicial para su realización por parte de la Fiscalía General de la Nación.

In the development of the enquiry and investigation of criminal proceedings under Law 906 of 2004, means of evidence were created that affect fundamental rights such as freedom, life, good name, entity, private property, and freedom of movement, among others. The application of such means can be ordered by the Attorney General's Office without prior legal control by a supervisory judge. Thus, this research is based on the question: Should prior control by the judge of guarantees be necessary in the acts of enquiry and investigation provided for in Law 906 of 2004? This article will give a clear and convincing answer, using a legal-qualitative method of interpretation through which the need for prior control by the judge in acts such as those in Book II (investigation techniques and investigation of evidence and the evidential system), Title I (the investigation and the investigation) will be studied and recognised. In addition, the need for the judge's intervention will be analysed and justified for means such as search and seizure, the retention of correspondence, the interception of communications, the recovery of information left behind when surfing the internet or other similar technological means, the surveillance and monitoring of persons, the surveillance of things, undercover agents and the controlled delivery and seizure of goods for confiscation purposes. This is because in the vast majority of these actions, in the judicial practice of criminal proceedings, there is evidence of excesses and even illegalities by the Judicial Police and the Prosecutor's Office. To this end, the principle of judicial reserve and the new concept of the judge in criminal proceedings, as understood by the UN, will be studied: a procedural guarantee for weighing up conflicting rights. In this sense, it will be taken into account that in the Colombian constitutional state model, the limitation or restriction of fundamental guarantees must be proportional and reasonable in relation to the purpose of the investigation. Similarly, it is proposed, in the legislative sphere, the modification and creation of a single chapter on actions that require judicial authorisation to be carried out by the Attorney General's Office.

No desenvolvimento do inquérito e da investigação dos processos penais previstos na Lei 906 de 2004, foram criados meios de prova que afetam direitos fundamentais como a liberdade, a vida, o bom nome, a entidade, a propriedade privada e a liberdade de locomoção, entre outros. A aplicação de tais meios pode ser ordenada pelo Ministério Público sem o prévio controle legal de um juiz supervisor. Assim, esta pesquisa se baseia na pergunta: Deve ser necessário o controle prévio do juiz de garantias nos atos de inquérito e investigação previstos na Lei 906 de 2004? Este artigo dará uma resposta clara e convincente, utilizando-se de um método jurídico-qualitativo de interpretação, por meio do qual será estudada e reconhecida a necessidade de controle prévio pelo juiz em atos como os do Livro II (técnicas de investigação e apuração de provas e sistema probatório), Título I (o inquérito e a investigação). Além disso, será analisada e justificada a necessidade da intervenção do juiz para meios como a busca e apreensão, a retenção de correspondência, a interceptação de comunicações, a recuperação de informações deixadas durante a navegação na Internet ou outros meios tecnológicos similares, a vigilância e o monitoramento de pessoas, a vigilância de coisas, os agentes infiltrados e a entrega controlada e a apreensão de bens para fins de confisco. Isso porque, na grande maioria dessas ações, na prática judicial do processo penal, há indícios de excessos e até ilegalidades por parte da Polícia Judiciária e do Ministério Público. Para tanto, estudaremos o princípio da reserva jurisdicional e o novo conceito de juiz no processo penal, conforme entendimento da ONU: uma garantia processual de ponderação dos direitos em conflito. Nesse sentido, será levado em conta que, no modelo de Estado constitucional colombiano, a limitação ou restrição das garantias fundamentais deve ser proporcional e razoável em relação à finalidade da investigação. Da mesma forma, propõe-se, no âmbito legislativo, a modificação e a criação de um capítulo único de ações que requerem autorização judicial para sua execução pelo Ministério Público.

Humanos , Julgamento , Colômbia
Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(1): 177-192, 20240408. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1554633


Objective. This study aimed to the effects of the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) in promoting the quality of nurses' communication skills among nurses. Methods.The present quasi-experimental research was conducted on 148 nurses (76 in the intervention and 72 in the control group) in Yazd province (Iran). In this study, the total number of nurses in one hospital was selected as the intervention group, while the nurses from another hospital were chosen as the control group. The participants were recruited from public hospitals in Ardakan and Meibod cities. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire based on the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) Constructs and a communicative skill questionnaire. The data were collected from the two groups before, one month after, and four months after the intervention. The control group did not receive any educational training during the course of the study. Results. In the pretest, no statistically significant difference was found between the intervention and control groups regarding the behavioral stages of effective communication with patients. In the posttest, the mean task self-efficacy score was significantly increased in the intervention group compared to the control (p<0.001). The mean coping self-efficacy score was also significantly higher in the intervention group than the control in the posttest (p<0.001). Moreover, the mean coping planning score was significantly increased in the post-test intervention group(p<0.001). The mean communicative skill score was also significantly increased in the intervention group compared to the post-test control (p=0.03). Conclusion. The intervention used in the present study based on the target model (HAPA) significantly affected nurses' self-efficacy and communicative skills in the experimental group.

Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto del enfoque del proceso de acción sanitaria (Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), en inglés) en la promoción de la calidad de las habilidades de comunicación de las enfermeras. Métodos. La presente investigación cuasiexperimental se llevó a cabo con 148 enfermeras (76 en el grupo de intervención y 72 en el de control) de la provincia de Yazd (Irán). Los participantes fueron reclutados en los hospitales públicos de las ciudades de Ardakan y Meibod. El instrumento de recogida de datos fue un cuestionario basado en los constructos HAPA y un cuestionario de habilidades comunicativas. Se recogieron datos de los dos grupos antes, un mes después y cuatro meses después de la intervención. El grupo de control no recibió ninguna formación educativa durante el estudio. Resultados. En la preprueba, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos de intervención y de control en cuanto a las etapas conductuales de la comunicación eficaz con los pacientes. En la prueba posterior, la puntuación media de autoeficacia en la tarea aumentó significativamente en el grupo de intervención en comparación con el grupo de control (p<0.001). La puntuación media de autoeficacia en el afrontamiento también fue significativamente mayor en el grupo de intervención que en el grupo de control en el postest (p<0.001). Además, la puntuación media en planificación del afrontamiento aumentó significativamente en el grupo de intervención después de la prueba (p<0.001). La puntuación media en habilidades comunicativas también aumentó significativamente en el grupo de intervención en comparación con el grupo de control después de la prueba (p=0.03). Conclusión.La intervención utilizada en el presente estudio basada en el modelo HAPA mejoró significativamente la autoeficacia y las habilidades comunicativas de las enfermeras del grupo experimental.

Objetivo. Avaliar o efeito da Abordagem do Processo de Ação em Saúde (HAPA) na promoção da qualidade das habilidades de comunicação dos enfermeiros. Métodos. A presente pesquisa quase-experimental foi realizada com 148 enfermeiros (76 no grupo de intervenção e 72 no grupo de controle) da província de Yazd (Irã). Os participantes foram recrutados em hospitais públicos nas cidades de Ardakan e Meibod. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário baseado nos construtos do HAPA e um questionário de habilidades de comunicação. Os dados foram coletados dos dois grupos antes, um mês depois e quatro meses após a intervenção. O grupo de controle não recebeu nenhum treinamento educacional durante o estudo. Resultados. No pré-teste, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos de intervenção e controle em termos de estágios comportamentais da comunicação eficaz com os pacientes. No pós-teste, a pontuação média de autoeficácia na tarefa aumentou significativamente no grupo de intervenção em comparação com o grupo de controle (p<0.001). A pontuação média de autoeficácia de enfrentamento também foi significativamente maior no grupo de intervenção do que no grupo de controle no pós-teste (p<0.001). Além disso, a pontuação média do planejamento de enfrentamento aumentou significativamente no grupo de intervenção após o pós-teste (p<0.001). A pontuação média em habilidades de comunicação também aumentou significativamente no grupo de intervenção em comparação com o grupo de controle no pós-teste (p=0.03). Conclusão. A intervenção usada no presente estudo com base no modelo HAPA melhorou significativamente a autoeficácia e as habilidades de comunicação dos enfermeiros do grupo experimental.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Comunicação , Autoeficácia , Educação , Enfermeiros
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 27(308): 10116-10121, fev.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1537505


Mapear as ações do Enfermeiro de Prática Avançada nos campos de ensino clínico e estágio curricular supervisionado de um curso de graduação em enfermagem. Métodos: estudo transversal, descritivo, incluindo 21 enfermeiros. A coleta de dados deu-se por questionário sócio-profissiográfico, alinhado às competências do Conselho Internacional de Enfermeiros no tocante à Prática Avançada de Enfermagem. Resultados: Os enfermeiros demonstraram médio conhecimento em Prática Avançada de Enfermagem, e ações de prática avançada mapeadas como prescrição de agentes terapêuticos para lesões, procedimento de catéter central de inserção periférica, solicitação de exames de imagem e swab peri-anal, pareceres em lesão, manejo e consulta de enfermagem no pré-parto, assistência no parto. Competências no domínio do cuidado e no domínio da gestão/educação foram evidenciadas. Conclusão: evidenciou-se potenciais de ação de Prática Avançada na Instituição de Ensino.(AU)

To map the actions of Advanced Practice Nurses in the clinical teaching and supervised curricular internship fields of an undergraduate nursing course. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study including 21 nurses. Data was collected using a socio-professional questionnaire, aligned with the International Council of Nurses' competencies regarding Advanced Nursing Practice. Results: The nurses demonstrated medium knowledge of Advanced Nursing Practice, and mapped advanced practice actions such as prescribing therapeutic agents for injuries, peripherally inserted central catheter procedures, requesting imaging tests and peri-anal swabs, injury opinions, management and nursing consultation in the prepartum period, and assistance in childbirth. Skills in the care domain and the management/education domain were highlighted. Conclusion: There was potential for action in Advanced Practice at the Teaching Institution.(AU)

Mapear las acciones de las Enfermeras de Práctica Avanzada en los campos de la enseñanza clínica y de las prácticas curriculares supervisadas de un curso de enfermería de pregrado. Métodos: Se trató de un estudio transversal, descriptivo, en el que participaron 21 enfermeras. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de un cuestionario socio-profesional, alineado con las competencias del Consejo Internacional de Enfermería en relación a la Práctica Avanzada de Enfermería. Resultados: Las enfermeras demostraron conocimiento medio de la Práctica Avanzada de Enfermería, y mapearon acciones de práctica avanzada como prescripción de agentes terapéuticos para lesiones, procedimientos de catéter central de inserción periférica, solicitud de pruebas de imagen e hisopos perianales, emisión de dictámenes sobre lesiones, manejo y consulta de enfermería en el período preparto, asistencia al parto. Se destacaron las competencias en el ámbito de los cuidados y en el de la gestión/educación. Conclusión: Hubo potencial de actuación en la Práctica Avanzada en la Institución de Enseñanza.(AU)

Enfermagem , Educação em Enfermagem , Prática Avançada de Enfermagem , Processo de Enfermagem
Journal of Medical Research ; (12): 136-141, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023612


Objective To study the labor process management and perinatal outcome in full-term pregnant women colonized with group B streptococcus.Methods The clinical data of 355 full-term pregnant women with positive GBS screening(the positive GBS group)and 355 full-term pregnant women with negative GBS screening(the negative GBS group)from October 2020 to November 2021,in the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Second Affiliated Hospital and Yuying Children's Hospital of Wenzhou Medical Uni-versity were collected.The labor characteristics,duration of rupture of membranes and perinatal outcome were compared between the two groups.Results In the positive GBS group,the incidences of intrapartum fever,postpartum fever,hospital stays,histological chorioam-nionitis,neonatal admission to neonatal intensive care unit(NICU),and neonatal sepsis were higher than those in the negative GBS group(P<0.05).There was no significant difference between the two groups with mode of initiation of labor,mode of delivery,premature rup-ture of membrane,clinical chorioamnionitis,duration of rupture of membranes,the first stage of labor,the active stage,the second stage of labor,birth weight of newborn,gender of newborn,fetal distress,and neonatal jaundice(P>0.05).According to the difference of in-terval between rupture of the fetal membranes,the positive GBS group was divided into three groups:<12 hours group,≥12 and<24 hours group,and ≥ 24 hours group.The<12 hours group was selected as the control group.In the ≥ 12 and<24 hours group,the first stage of labor,active stage,second stage of labor,and hospital stay were longer than those in the control group.The incidence of prema-ture rupture of membranes of term and forceps delivery was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).In the ≥ 24 hours group,the first stage of labor,second stage of labor,and hospital stay were longer than those in the control group.The incidence of premature rup-ture of membranes of term,intrapartum fever,postpartum fever,histological chorioamnionitis,and cesarean section was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).In the GBS positive group,there was no significant difference between neonatal sepsis and neonatal no-sepsis of mode of initiation of labor,mode of delivery,type of rupture of membranes,histological chorioamnionitis,duration of rupture of membranes,and duration of labor(P>0.05).Conclusion The labor process is not affected by GBS.However,GBS increases the risk of maternal and infant infection.The full-term women colonized with group B streptococcus delivery within 24 hours after rupture of membranes,which can shorten labor,reduce labor complications,and improve adverse perinatal outcomes.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024981


【Objective】 This study endeavors to introduce the statistical process control (SPC) method to analyze the quality control index concerning red blood cells in additive solution with leukocytes reduced, with the aspiration to advance the effective utilization of blood quality control data, thereby providing empirical foundations for the continual enhancement of blood quality. 【Methods】 Between 2020 and 2022, test data pertaining to the quality control index of red blood cells in additive solution with leukocytes reduced were amassed from six blood stations in Chongqing area. Utilizing Minitab software, the SPC analysis was carried out, p-control charts were delineated, the non-conformance rates of each quality control index along with their 95% confidence intervals were computed, as well as the Process Capability Index (Z value). 【Results】 In accordance with the Whole Blood and Blood Components Quality Requirements, the appraisal of the quality control indexes for red blood cells in additive solution with leukocytes reduced manifested a conformity rate of 100% for appearance, end-of-storage hemolysis rate and sterility test. Nonetheless, the conformity rates for volume, hemoglobin, hematocrit and residual leukocytes did not attain 100%, albeit all were ≥75%. Through the employment of binomial distribution-based p-control charts, the controlled state of the production process was discerned. Although the overarching conformity rate satisfied the national standard stipulations, it was discerned that there were out-of-control points concerning volume, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and residual leukocytes across different institutions, exhibiting palpable trends. The non-conformance rates of all quality control indexes were less than 25%, yet at a 95% confidence level, the residual leukocyte counts from institutions B, C, E, and F did not adhere to the stipulations (exceeding 25%). By architecting the ability evaluation index Z value for count data process capability analysis, it was unveiled that the volume of institution E, the hematocrit of institutions B, C, and F, and the residual leukocytes Z values of all six blood collection and supply institutions were below 2, hinting at avenues for amelioration. 【Conclusion】 The SPC method anchored in binomial distribution exhibits substantial application merit in blood component quality management, facilitating real-time surveillance of blood collection, preparation, and storage procedures.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025061


Objective To investigate changes in coagulation function and inflammation levels during sepsis.Methods A rat model of sepsis was established using the multiple infection sepsis model(MIM)based on cecal ligation and puncture.Forty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned randomly to the following groups:control group,sham group,4 h sepsis group,8 h sepsis group,12 h sepsis group,and 16 h sepsis group(n=8 per group).Inflammatory markers and coagulation-related indicators were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and coagulation analysis.Results(1)Lipopolysaccharide(LPS)and interleukin-6(IL-6)levels were significantly higher in the model rats at all time points compared with the sham group(P<0.001).LPS and IL-6 levels increased gradually with disease progression,with no further changes in LPS after 12 hours.(2)Prothrombin time(PT)was significantly prolonged in the middle and late stages of the sepsis model,starting from 8,compared with the sham group(P<0.01).(3)Partially activated prothrombin time(APTT)time was significantly prolonged in the 8,12,and 16 h groups compared with the sham group(P<0.05,P<0.01).APTT gradually lengthened from 8 h,but approached control levels thereafter.(4)Fibrinogen(Fbg)content was significantly higher in all sepsis groups,except for the 8 h group,compared with the sham group(P<0.01).(5)Fibrin degradation products(FDP)differed significantly between the control and sham groups(P<0.01),but not between the sham and sepsis groups.(6)Antithrombin-Ⅲ(AT-Ⅲ)levels decreased significantly throughout each stage of sepsis progression compared with the sham group(P<0.01),and AT-Ⅲ showed a downward trend with the course of disease,with significant differences among the 4,8,and 16 h groups.Conclusions The MIM rat model can reflect the development of inflammatory and blood coagulation disorders and their relationship during the course of sepsis,and may thus provide a good foundation for further research into the disease course of sepsis.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 31-33,66, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025218


The typical regions have established a coordinated chronic disease management organization system,promoted the coordinated management of health care,medical,and medicine systems,optimized the chronic disease service process,and empowered the grassroots through information technology construction.It has achieved different degrees of results in controlling the condition of patients,reducing the hospitalization rate and the level of medical expenses of patients with chronic diseases,and saving medical insurance funds.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 24-28, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025238


Objective:To construct an evaluation index system of operation quality and effectiveness of compact urban medical groups and provide references for evaluation of compact urban medical groups.Methods:The evaluation index system was constructed by Delphi method,and the weight was determined by analytic hierarchy process.Results:The evaluation index system consisted of 5 primary indexes,12 secondary indexes and 40 tertiary indexes.Providing assessment methods for the construction of medical groups,the evaluation index system is scientific and authoritative.Conclusion:At the initial stage,policy support should be strengthened,innovative governance mechanisms should be explored,and measures such as implementing a community of responsibilities,strengthening information interconnection,and improving profit distribution mechanisms should be taken to gradually promote the construction of close urban medical groups.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025334


Objective:To meet people's increasing needs for essential public health services in different regions of China,and to adjust the needs of essential public health services according to local conditions,including demographic characteristics,disease burden,economic development level,etc.Methods:The selection and evaluation framework of extended essential public health services was developed through a literature review,based on the Multi-criteria decision analysis theory,and the operational selection process and subsidy standard of extended essential public health services were explored through conducting case simulation for public health intervention programs.Results:The study initially constructed a selection and evaluation framework containing three dimensions and eight indicators,and formed the process and steps for selecting and adjusting the provincial essential public health services programs.Conclusions:The study provides an evidence-based reference for the governments'decision-making on adjusting the connotation of the local essential public health services system.

Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 232-239, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025517


Objective:To construct an evaluation the index system of entrustable professional activities for resident training doctors in psychiatric department,and to provide reference for formulating training strategies and assessment standards.Entrustable professional activities refers to the ability of trainees to perform and complete spe-cific clinical tasks independently after they have been trusted.Methods:Through documental analysis and semi-structured interviews,the item database of entrustable professional activities for psychiatric resident training physi-cians was established.Delphi consultation was conducted among 63 experts in the field of psychiatry from 7 national resident training bases and 3 medical colleges in China.Indicators were comprehensively screened and sorted out,and indicators at all levels and their weights were determined by the analytic hierarchy process.Results:A hierarchi-cal evaluation index system of entrustable professional activities for psychiatric resident training doctors was con-structed,including 4 first-level indicators,17 second-level indicators and 68 third-level indicators.The weights of the first-level,second-level and third-level indicators were determined.Conclusion:The evaluation index system of en-trustable professional activities is comprehensive and systematic,which is suitable for clinical work and convenient for practical application.It could provide quantitative standards for the assessment of psychiatric residents and pro-mote the improvement of training quality.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 8-16, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025915


Objective To optimize the extraction process of total phenolic acids from Cibotii rhizoma using Box-Behnken design-response surface methodology and evaluate antioxidant activity of total phenolic acid in vitro.Methods Taking the liquid-solid ratio,ethanol concentration and extraction temperature as influencing factors,and the extraction rate of total phenolic acids as evaluation indicator,the extraction process of total phenolic acids from Cibotii rhizoma was optimized using a three-factor and three-level Box-Behnken design-response surface methodology on the basis of single factor tests.Meanwhile,the scavenging effects of total phenolic acid extract from Cibotii rhizoma on ABTS·+and DPPH· was determined.Results The optimized extraction process for total phenolic acids from Cibotii rhizoma was as follows:the ethanol concentration of 55%,the extraction temperature of 88℃ and the liquid-solid ratio of 60∶1 mL/g.Under these conditions,the extraction rate could reach 8.67%.When the mass concentration of total phenolic acids extract were 2 mg/mL and 1 mg/mL,the clearance rates of ABTS·+and DPPH·were 92.76%and 88.66%,respectively.Conclusion The theoretical values obtained from the response surface optimization method are consistent with the actual measured values,and the extraction process of total phenolic acids from Cibotii rhizoma was simple and feasible.The total phenolic acids extract from Cibotii rhizoma exhibit strong antioxidant activity in vitro.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 272-278, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025944


Objective To investigate the application of intravenous iron in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding(AUD)and iron deficiency anemia(IDA)in gynecology,to establish the drug utilization evaluation(DUE)standard,and to comprehensively evaluate the rationality of the clinical application of intravenous iron by analytic hierarchy process(AHP),so as to provide reference for the rational use of intravenous iron in clinical practice.Methods The medical records of patients with AUD and IDA from January to December 2022 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Science and Technology were collected,and the special rationality of the drug was evaluated from the aspects of indications,route and frequency of administration,daily dosage,solvent,combination medication,and contraindications of iron sucrose injection,and the DUE standard of the drug was formulated.AHP was used to analyze and evaluate 113 archived cases of intravenous iron in gynecology from January to December 2022.Results A total of 113 patients were treated with iron sucrose injection,and the indications,route of administration,solvent,contraindications,and allergic reactions were reasonable.The main unreasonableness was that the frequency of administration was inappropriate,the daily dose was inappropriate,the combination was not appropriate,the total iron supplement was not up to standard,and there was no continuous drug monitoring after medication.The case scores 90~100,70~<90 and 60~<70 were 6(5.31%),106(93.81%)and 1(0.88%),respectively.Conclusion Patients with AUD and IDA should pay attention to the dosage,total amount of iron supplementation,combined application of drugs and continuous medication monitoring after intravenous iron supplementation,so as to improve the rationality of their use.