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Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 42(2): 181-203, jul.-dic. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559038


Resumen El objetivo fue analizar las formas de afrontamiento de las violencias sexuales en mujeres víctimas sobrevivientes y su participación en los procesos de construcción de paz. Fue una investigación cualitativa a través de la Teoría Fundamentada, con el Interaccionismo Simbólico para originar la teoría, desde los significados que surgen en la interacción entre las personas y su entorno. Se recolectó la información con entrevistas a profundidad. La teoría construida resalta la experiencia de las violencias sexuales, la cual simboliza desazón, exilio, destrucción de sus metas y proyectos, la dificultad para perdonar por la magnitud del daño e incumplimiento de las leyes. Aunado a esto, las condiciones del territorio y su historia influyeron en los significados que las personas participantes asignaron a su experiencia inolvidable por las huellas del dolor; una de las formas de afrontamiento fue poder alzar su voz como un instrumento fundamental para el tránsito de víctimas a la legitimidad como constructoras de paces. Se concluye que, en la unión y en la mutualidad, encontraron la manera de legitimar sus voces y hacerlas oír por sus comunidades. El significado de la paz en las mujeres está representado en el estar en armonía, disfrutar de su cotidianidad, sentirse libres, sentirse importantes y únicas cuando hablan de la historia de dolor.

Abstract The objective was to analyze the ways of coping with sexual violence in surviving female victims and their participation in peacebuilding processes. It was a qualitative investigation through Grounded Theory, with Symbolic Interactionism to originate the theory, from the meanings that arise in the interaction between people and their environment. Information was collected through in-Depth interviews. The constructed theory highlights the experience of sexual violence, which symbolizes embodies the despair, exile, destruction of their goals and projects, the difficulty to forgive for the magnitude of the damage, and non compliance with the laws. In addition to this, the conditions of the territory and its history influenced the meanings that they assigned to their experience, duly unforgettable due to the traces of pain. One of the ways of coping was to be able to raise their voice as a fundamental instrument, for the transit of victims to legitimacy, as peace builders. We conclude that, in union and mutuality, they found the way to legitimize their voices and make them heard by their communities. The meaning of peace in women is represented by being in harmony, enjoying their daily lives, feeling free, feeling important and unique when they talk about their history of pain.

Humanos , Feminino , Delitos Sexuais/psicologia , Violência/psicologia , Colômbia , Conflitos Armados/psicologia , Violência contra a Mulher , Exposição à Guerra
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 319-334, ago. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448497


Resumen Los significados sobre la sexualidad en la adultez mayor se encuentran sobre la base de una compleja interrelación entre factores sociales, culturales y personales. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo explorar los significados psicológicos que personas adultas mayores de la Ciudad de México le confieren a la sexualidad, al placer sexual y al deseo sexual, mediante el empleo de las redes semánticas naturales (modificadas). La muestra estuvo constituida por 204 personas: 162 mujeres y 40 hombres, entre los 60 y 100 años, asistentes a centros de educación continua para personas adultas mayores en la Ciudad de México. El estudio fue mixto, descriptivo, no experimental, con muestreo no probabilístico y por conveniencia. Los resultados muestran que los significados psicológicos que las personas adultas mayores estudiadas refieren sobre la sexualidad, el deseo y el placer sexual son predominantemente positivos, y abarcan sentimientos, comportamientos y sensaciones. Se identifican diferencias por género tal como se planteó en la hipótesis de investigación, pero también se encontraron similitudes dentro de dichos significados. En las adultas mayores predomina la interrelación entre significados afectivos y contacto físico, mientras que en los hombres predominan las sensaciones. En general la muestra describe la sexualidad, el deseo y el placer sexual de manera muy similar, lo cual lleva a comprender que las fronteras entre los términos son sensibles, de tal manera que los significados y referentes de las propias personas llegan a permearse.

Abstract The meanings of sexuality in seniorhood are found at the base of a complex interrelation between social, cultural and personal factors. The present research aimed to explore the psychological meanings that senior adults in Mexico City confer on sexuality, sexual pleasure and sexual desire; through the use of modified natural semantic networks. The sample consisted of 204 people: 162 senior women and 40 senior men, between 60 and 100 years old, attending a continuing education centers for senior adults in Mexico City. The study was mixed, descriptive, non-experimental, with non-probability and convenience sampling. The results show how the psychological meanings that the studied senior adults have related to sexuality, desire and sexual pleasure are predominantly positive, encompassing feelings, behaviors and sensations. Differences by gender are identified as proposed in the research hypothesis, but similarities within these meanings were also found. The senior women studied define sexuality from the interrelation between affective meanings and physical contact; the word "love" was the most referenced. In addition, they mentioned "pleasure", "desire", "caresses", "satisfaction", "kisses", "joy", "hugs", "health", "attraction", and "knowledge". Senior men, for their part, consider sexuality mainly as an attraction and include others such as: "satisfaction", "pleasure", "respect", "life", "fidelity", "complete", "unique", "woman", "touch", "important", "love", "knowledge", "passion", "desire", "need", and "affection". Women and men in the sample describe sexual desire and pleasure in a very similar way to their sexuality referents, which leads us to understand that the boundaries between the two terms are sensitive. Regarding sexual desire, senior women cite defining words such as: "caresses", "kisses", "love", "hugs", "pleasure", "desire", "necessary", "satisfaction", "natural", "attraction", "partner", "happiness", and "respect". In relation to sexual pleasure, they include the words: "enjoyment", "tenderness", "affection", "friendship", "joy", "it is the maximum", and "relaxing". For their part, senior men defined sexual desire as: "attraction", "love", "caresses", "satisfaction", "looks", "necessary", "natural", "woman", "kisses", "being alive", "respect", "passion", "libido", "important", "moving", "pleasure", "hug", "energy", "games", "excitement", "communication", "masturbation", "eroticism", and "taste". Sexual pleasure includes: "important", "fullness", "enjoyment", "respect", "pleasure", "joy", and "naturalness". The results show that the stage of sexuality in seniorhood is diverse and it is influenced by gender and social beliefs, which evidences the psychological complexity of this sphere of life.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 425-444, ago. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448503


Resumen 1Los hogares monoparentales se ven enfrentados a compatibilizar la generación de ingresos con las tareas de cuidado en el hogar, como la alimentación familiar, la cual se configura como un dominio clave en el bienestar. Es por ello, que el objetivo de este estudio buscó explorar los significados acerca de la satisfacción con la alimentación que tienen madres e hijos de familias monoparentales con jefatura femenina. A partir de un estudio de caso de método mixto, mediante la participación de 47 familias monoparentales de jefatura femenina, tanto madres como hijos adolescentes, cuyas edades fluctuaban entre 10 y 17 años de edad, completaron individualmente una tarea de asociación de palabras con "estar satisfecho con mi alimentación" y una tarea de finalización de palabras con "estaría más satisfecho con mi alimentación si...". Los resultados evidenciaron que los significados de la satisfacción con la alimentación son atribuibles a la conceptualización formal del constructo y que no existiría diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las respuestas dadas por madres e hijos, en base a los determinantes de comportamiento en la alimentación. Así se concluyó que las similitudes en los significados, en torno a los determinantes que se identifican con la satisfacción con la alimentación y con los aspectos que podrían aumentarla, permiten constatar la influencia de la familia en las construcciones y significados que forman parte de la identidad individual y cultural de los adolescentes, lo cual se convierte en un insumo necesario para el diseño de prácticas y estrategias que propicien una mayor satisfacción con la alimentación.

Abstract Numerous female-headed single parent households face increased pressure when attempting to balance income generation with household responsibilities, such as family nutrition, which is critical given its greater influence on children's nutrition and diet quality (Hebestreit et al., 2017). This situation is critical in light of the fact that food is positioned as a critical domain of human well-being (Schnettler et al., 2014, 2017; Denegri et al., 2014, 2016). Satisfaction with food-related life is conceptualized as an individual's global cognitive evaluation of his or her diet (Grunert, Dean, Raats, Nielsen, y Lumbers, 2007); its formal definition is connected to other facets of life such as health, family, and social relationships (Grunert et al., 2007). According to the literature, satisfaction with food-related life is defined in terms of three primary determinants of eating behavior: the food consumed, the individual, and the diet's context (Köster, 2009). The purpose of this study is to contribute to our understanding of female-headed single-parent families and their meanings by examining the importance placed on the family as the first social space in which people construct and shape their social representations in various spheres of daily life (Moscovici, 1984). The overall objective is to investigate the meanings of satisfaction with food-related life for mothers and adolescent children in female-headed single-parent families. The specific objectives are to i) define the semantic entities of food satisfaction in relation to mothers and adolescent children, ii) identify factors that contribute to mothers' and adolescent children's food satisfaction, and iii) compare how mothers and adolescent children perceive their food satisfaction and the factors that contribute to it increasing. To accomplish these goals, a mixed case study research design was used. This entails combining quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to gain a better understanding of the research issues (Cresswell y Plano Clark, 2011). A total of 47 Chilean single-parent families with a female head of household participated in this study. It consists of a fee-paying mother that has at least one adolescent child between the ages of 10 and 17. The data collection method was an interview developed and tested in the Chilean population by Schnettler et al. (2020), based on a projective technique (Mesas y Escribano, 2018), in which mothers and adolescent children individually responded to the first words, terms, or phrases associated with the expression "being satisfied with my food-related life" with the goal of determining the meaning of satisfaction with food-related life. They were then asked to complete the sentence "I would be more satisfied with my food-related life if...". In order to identify factors that could improve their satisfaction with food-related life. The data was textually analyzed by segmenting and coding it. Subsequently, by establishing conceptual relationships, categories and supracategories were generated deductively (Krippendorff, 2004). Following that, the information expressed in the results and plotted in frequency tables is synthesized and interpreted. The Chi-square test was used to compare mothers' and adolescent children's responses (Agresti, 1990). In conclusion, the findings indicate that the meanings of satisfaction with food-related life can be ascribed to the construct's formal conceptualization. Thus, this study provides evidence that the construct is valid. There were also similarities in the meanings of mothers and adolescent children when it came to the determinants associated with food satisfaction, as well as the factors that could increase their satisfaction with food-related life. This finding is critical for establishing the family's influence on the constructs and meanings associated with adolescents' cultural identities.

Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 13(1)mayo 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431140


La flexibilización y precarización estructural del trabajo han llevado, entre otros trabajadores, a un grupo de profesionistas de la psicología a identificar en el autoempleo una forma viable para desempeñarse en la actualidad. Esta experiencia ha representado para ellos una actividad performática que los reta a reinventarse continuamente para adaptarse a los cambios del mercado laboral y que trasforma los sentidos y significados que atribuyen al autoempleo. Con el objetivo de conocer y comprender esos sentidos y significados atribuidos al autoempleo, por medio de un estudio cualitativo de las narrativas y asociaciones de tres psicólogas y un psicólogo autoempleados en México se realizó este estudio. Los resultados develan las experiencias de autoempleo como articulación entre nuevas libertades y dependencias, que significan el trabajo para las y los participantes y desmitifican algunas retóricas del autoempleo. Concluimos que es urgente que las políticas laborales y educativas correspondan a estas realidades actuales del ejercicio libre de las profesiones, no sólo de la psicología.

The flexibilization and structural precariousness of work have led, among other workers, a group of psychology professionals to identify self-employment as a viable way of working in today's world. This experience has represented for them a performative activity, challenging them to reinvent continually themselves in order to adapt to changes in the labor market and transforming the sense and meanings they attribute to self-employment. With the objective to know and understand the sense and meaning attributed to work, the narratives and associations of four self-employed psychologists in Mexico were analyzed through a qualitative study. The results disclose the experiences of self-employment as an articulation between new freedoms and dependencies, which signify work for the participants and demystify some self-employment rhetoric. There is an urgent need for labor and educational policies to adjust to the actual realities of free professionals' practice, not only in the field of psychology.

A flexibilidade e a precariedade estrutural do trabalho levaram, entre outros trabalhadores, um grupo de profissionais da psicologia a identificar no trabalho autônomo uma forma viável de atuar na atualidade. Esta experiência tem representado para eles uma atividade de desempenho que os desafia a reinventar-se continuamente para se adaptar às mudanças do mercado de trabalho e que transforma os sentidos e significados que atribuem ao trabalho por conta própria. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de conhecer e compreender esses sentidos e significados atribuídos ao trabalho autônomo, através de um estudo qualitativo das narrativas e associações de três psicólogos e psicólogos autônomos no México. Os resultados revelam as vivências do trabalho autônomo como articulação entre novas liberdades e dependências, que significam trabalho para os participantes e desmistificam algumas retóricas do trabalho autônomo. Concluímos que é urgente que as políticas laborais e educativas correspondam a estas realidades atuais do livre exercício das profissões, não só da psicologia.

Rev. psicol. polit ; 22(54): 449-466, maio-ago. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1450356


Analisa-se, em dois estudos, a relação entre o sentimento de anomia, os significados das posições políticas e o desejo por líderes autoritários. No estudo 1 (n = 230; idade média = 20,99; 50,9% de sexo masculino), os resultados indicaram que o voto em Jair Bolsonaro se correlacionou com o desejo por um líder autoritário, menor anomia política e um posicionamento mais à Direita no espectro político. No estudo 2 (n = 181; idade média = 29,1; 59,1% de sexo masculino), verificamos que a Direita é significada como "liberalismo-conservador"; enquanto a Esquerda foi associada ao "Comunismo/Socialismo", pelos de Direita e Centro, ou à defesa das minorias, pelos demais. Concluímos sugerindo a necessidade de maior atenção, científica e política, ao surgimento de populismos constitucionais e à existência de semelhança semântica nas visões dos participantes de Direita, Centro e dos sem posição política em relação à Esquerda.

We analyzed the relationship between the sense of anomie, the meanings of political positions and the desire for authoritarian leaders in two studies. In study 1 (n = 230; mean age = 20.99; 50.9% male), the results indicated that voting for Jair Bolsonaro was correlated with a desire for an authoritarian leader, less political anomie and a position further to the Right on the political spectrum. In study 2 (n = 181; mean age = 29.1; 59.1% male), we found that the Right is meant as "conservative-liberalism"; while the Left was associated with "Communism/Socialism", by the Right and Center participants, or with the defense of minorities, by the others. We conclude suggesting the need for greater scientific and political attention to the emergence of constitutional populisms and the existence of semantic similarity in the views of participant from the Right, Center and those without a political position in relation to the Left.

Analizamos, en dos estudios, la relación entre la anomia, los significados de las posiciones políticas y el deseo de un líder autoritario. En el estudio 1 (n = 230; media de edad = 20,99; 50,9% masculino), el voto por Jair Bolsonaro se correlacionó con el deseo de un líder autoritario, menos anomia política y un posicionamiento de derecha en el espacio político. En el estudio 2 (n = 181; media de edad = 29,1; 59,1% hombres), encontramos que la Derecha es entendida como "liberal-conservador"; mientras que la Izquierda se asoció con el "comunismo/socialismo", por los participantes de la Derecha y del Centro, o la defensa de las minorías, por los demás. Concluimos sugiriendo la necesidad de una mayor atención científica y política a la aparición de populismos constitucionales y la existencia de similitudes semánticas en los puntos de vista de los de Derecha, Centro y sin posición política en relación con la Izquierda.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 18(1): 105-119, ene.-jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421361


Resumen El propósito de este trabajo es presentar un estado del arte sobre los estudios en el campo académico de la discapacidad en un intento por aportar elementos teóricos a quienes vienen trabajando la discapacidad como problema social y no como un asunto de tipo médico y rehabilitador. Se realizó una revisión documental de artículos de investigación, capítulos de libros y libros en diversas bases de datos donde se analizaron 55 fuentes documentales utilizando como técnica el análisis documental a partir del instrumento de la regilla documental. Entre los resultados se destaca que los problemas sobre los que ha girado el estudio de la discapacidad han sido en educación inclusiva, desarrollo humano, justicia social, estudios decoloniales y críticos de la discapacidad, y alrededor de la identidad y el reconocimiento. Se concluye que aún prevalece una mirada a la discapacidad y las personas con discapacidad desde la deficiencia, la superación, la rehabilitación y la limitación, y aunque existen estudios que interpelan a los sujetos con discapacidad, en estos prevalecen los abordajes alrededor de los obstáculos o elementos facilitadores para la inclusión.

Abstract This paper aims to present the state of art on research in the academic field of disability in an attempt to provide theoretical elements to those who have been working on disability as a social problem and not as a medical and rehabilitative issue. A documentary review of research articles, book chapters, and books in various databases was carried out. Fifty-five documentary sources were analyzed using the documentary analysis technique based on the documentary grid instrument. Among the results, it is highlighted that the study of disability has revolved around the aspects of inclusive education, human development, social justice, decolonial and critical studies of disability, and identity and recognition. It is concluded that disability and persons with disabilities are still viewed from the point of view of impairment, overcoming, rehabilitation, and limitation, and although there are studies that question subjects with disabilities, these studies focus on the obstacles or facilitating elements for inclusion.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 34(65): 1-9, 20220316.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379301


O presente artigo interpreta o contexto contemporâneo como de risco para a democracia. Sugere a necessidade de afirmar uma universalidade intersubjetiva e intercultural e buscar um pensamento crítico empenhado no desenvolvimento de uma cultura democrática e de uma cultura científica. Afirma uma práxis capaz de inspirar a criação de novos modos de produção da vida em sua inteireza, da educação e da Educação Física, alimentando aspectos utópicos pela riqueza das vivências e a produção de sentidos que alimentarão o mal-estar e a inconformidade social presente e futura.

The present article interprets the contemporary context as a risk to democracy. It suggests the need to affirm an intersubjective and intercultural universality and to seek a critical thinking committed to the development of a democratic culture and a scientific culture. It affirms a praxis capable of inspiring the creation of new ways of production of life in its entirety, of education and Physical Education, feeding utopian aspects through the wealth of experiences and the production of senses that will feed present and future uneasiness and social nonconformity.

Este artículo interpreta el contexto contemporáneo como del riesgo para la democracia. Sugiere la necesidad de afirmar una universalidad intersubjetiva e intercultural y buscar un pensamiento critico comprometido con el desarrollo de una cultura democrática y de una cultura científica. Afirma una praxis con capacidad de inspirar la creación de nuevos modos de producción de vida en su totalidad, de la educación y de la Educación Física, alimentando aspectos utópicos a través de la riqueza de experiencias y la producción de significados que alimentarán el malestar y el inconformismo social presente y futuro.

Fractal rev. psicol ; 34: e5835, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1384955


A proposta deste artigo é refletir sobre os sentidos de si construídos por pessoas que fizeram cirurgia para redução de peso. Apresentaremos um estudo no campo de abordagem narrativista, utilizando o conceito de posição para auxiliar a compreensão da construção de sentidos de si. Duas adultas que fizeram cirurgia em hospital da Região Metropolitana do Recife fazem parte do estudo. Entrevistas narrativas foram usadas como técnicas disparadoras das narrativas e a análise de posicionamento foi a estratégia analítica empregada. Sugerimos que os sentidos de si construídos tratam de posições em que (1) as participantes posicionam a si e às pessoas obesas como socialmente constrangidas, que sentem o olhar intimidador, o nervosismo, o vexame, a inadequação, como as que não podem dançar, não podem vestir certas roupas; (2) ao mesmo tempo que são sujeitos de constrangimento, reconhecem o corpo magro como "o padrão" e fortalecem a narrativa dominante de valor ao contorno esbelto como normal; por fim, (3) a cirurgia bariátrica serve como um instrumento de mudança e conquista, que promove a transformação nos sentidos de si mesmo construídos: de estar à margem na sociedade, para o pertencimento social e aceitação pessoal.(AU)

The purpose of this article is to explore the self meaning-making in people who underwent bariatric surgery to reduce their weight. Guided by the narrative approach, we apply the concept of position to understand the meaning-making process about the self. Two adults who underwent bariatric surgery at a hospital in the Metropolitan Region of Recife are part of the study. Narrative interviews were used as a technique and positioning analysis was the analytical strategy employed. We suggest the research participants position themselves as obese people who are socially constrained, who feel inadequate about how they look, who cannot dance, who cannot wear certain clothes; (2) thereby they reaffirme the dominant narrative of the slim contour as "the norm"; (3) for the research participants, the bariatric surgery served as a tool of empowerment that promotes a transformation in their sense of self from being at the margins to feeling a sense of social belonging and personal acceptance.(AU)

La propuesta de este artículo es reflexionar sobre la construcción de sentidos de sí mismo por personas que se han sometido a una cirugía de reducción de peso. Presentaremos un estudio en el campo del enfoque narrativo, utilizando el concepto de posición para auxiliar a la comprensión de la construcción de sentidos de sí mismo. Dos adultas que fueron operadas en un hospital de la Región Metropolitana de Recife son parte del estudio. Las entrevistas narrativas se utilizaron como técnicas de activación de las narrativas y el análisis de posicionamiento fue la estrategia analítica empleada. Sugerimos que los sentidos construidos de sí mismos se ocupan de posiciones en las que (1) los participantes se posicionan a sí mismos y a las personas obesas como socialmente restringidas, que sienten la mirada intimidante, el nerviosismo, la vergüenza, la insuficiencia, como las que no pueden bailar, no pueden usar cierta ropa ; (2) al mismo tiempo que son sujetos de vergüenza, reconocen el cuerpo delgado como "el estándar" y fortalecen la narrativa dominante de valor al contorno esbelto como normal; finalmente, (3) la cirugía bariátrica sirve como instrumento de transformación y conquista, que promueve la transformación en los sentidos construidos de sí mismo: de estar al margen de la sociedad, a la pertenencia social y la aceptación personal.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Mulheres , Imagem Corporal , Cirurgia Bariátrica , Obesidade
Psicol. Caribe ; 38(3): 343-367, sep.-dic. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376053


Resumen Este artículo buscó analizar la forma en que las publicaciones especializadas abordan estudios y cuáles son las temáticas asociadas al estudio de los significados y sentidos del trabajo en jóvenes. Se realizo una revision sistemática desde el ano 2000 hasta 2018. Para identificar las características generales de la producción se usó la estadística descriptiva y el análisis temático. La búsqueda arrojó que la producción científica sobre el tema ha aumentado, priman artículos sobre modalidades de trabajo, las primeras experiencias laborales, la identidad, inserción laboral, educación, capacidades mentales, perfiles laboralesy la búsqueda de empleo. Los cambios en el mundo del trabajo generan la necesidad de estudiar los significados y sentidos sobre esta actividad en jóvenes.

Abstract The article sought to analyze the way in which specialized publications address studies, and what are the themes associated with the study of the meanings and senses of work in young people. A systematic review was carried out from 2000 to 20i8. To identify the general characteristics of the production, descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were used. The search showed that scientific production on the subject has increased, articles on work modalities, first work experiences, identity, job placement, education, mental abilities, job profiles, and job search prevail. Changes in the world of work generate the need to study the meanings and senses about this activity in young people.

Psicol. Caribe ; 38(2): 189-216, mayo-ago. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356569


Resumen La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo estudiar la relación entre las condiciones laborales y las transformaciones en los significados del trabajo en colombianos profesionales migrantes en Rancagua (Chile) explicada desde el modelo desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa de Siegrist, y la teoría de los dos factores higiénicos y motivadores de Herzberg y colaboradores. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas a siete participantes, con diseño narrativo biográfico, analizadas a través de líneas narrativas y relatos de vida. Se encontró que los significados se configuran según las condiciones laborales ofrecidas por cada contexto laboral sea del país de origen o de destino. Los significados de los participantes variaron en la centralidad que pasó a ser relativa, la ampliación y refuerzo de derechos y deberes laborales, y el fortalecimiento de valores laborales (aspectos deseados en el trabajo) relativos a mejores condiciones laborales y de calidad de vida. El trabajo pasó de concebirse principalmente como fuente de subsistencia, a ser fuente de crecimiento y realización personal. Se sugiere realizar investigaciones con un mayor número de participantes así como desde una perspectiva cuantitativa para ampliar el espectro, y en distintos países. Esto le permitiría al gobierno correspondiente tomar medidas en política pública para favorecer las condiciones laborales dentro del territorio colombiano y cuidar la fuga de la fuerza laboral a mercados de trabajo que cuentan con mejores condiciones.

Abstract The objective of this research was to study the relationship between the working conditions and transformations in the meanings of work in Colombian migrant professionals of Rancagua (Chile), explained from Siegrist's effort-reward imbalance model, and the theory of the two hygienic and motivational factors exposed by Herzberg and collaborators. A qualitative investigation was carried out through semi-structured interviews with seven participants, with biographical narrative design, analyzed through narrative lines and life stories. It was found that the meanings are configured according to the working conditions offered by each work context, whether it is the country of origin or destination. The meanings of the participants varied in the centrality which became relative, the expansion and reinforcement of labor rights and duties, and the strengthening of labor values (desired aspects at work) related to better working conditions and quality of life. Work went from being conceived mainly as a source of subsistence to being a source of personal growth and fulfillment. Further research is suggested with a larger number of participants as well as from a quantitative perspective in order to enhance working conditions within the colombian territory and safeguard the talent drain to job markets with greater conditions.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 19(2): 345-367, mayo-ago. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347590


Resumen (analítico) En este estudio cualitativo se describen y analizan los efectos de la separación parental, a través de la mirada y voz de una niña de nueve años. Se empleó como instrumento una entrevista semiestructurada y un análisis de resultados de tipo categórico. Las repercusiones observadas se clasificaron en efectos individuales como el manejo de la información y la construcción de explicaciones, así como una mayor independencia y mejora en su autoconcepto; y efectos en su entorno familiar, tales como la modificación en los vínculos afectivos con sus padres, dinámicas familiares más consistentes y mayores momentos de bienestar. Concluyendo que los infantes son participantes activos en la construcción de sus significados y que la separación de los padres puede permitir la generación de experiencias de crecimiento.

Abstract (analytical) In this qualitative study, the effects of parental separation are described and analyzed through the voice and point of view of a nine-year-old girl. The authors used a semi-structured interview and categorical data analysis to identify these effects. The identified repercussions of the parental separation were classified into individual effects, such as information management and construction of explanations, as well as higher levels of independence and improvements in self-awareness. The authors also identified effects on the family environment such as modification of affective bonding with parents, more consistent family dynamics and increased moments of wellbeing. The study concludes that children perform an active role in the construction of their meaning and parental separation can facilitate the generation of self-growth experiences.

Resumo (analítico) Neste estudo qualitativo, são descritos e analisados os efeitos da separação parental através da visão e da voz de uma menina de nove anos. Utilizou-se como instrumento uma entrevista semiestruturada e uma análise dos resultados categóricos. As repercussões observadas foram classificadas em efeitos individuais, como gerenciamento de informações e construção de explicações, além de maior independência e melhoria de seu autoconceito; Os efeitos no ambiente familiar, como mudanças nos laços emocionais com os pais, dinâmicas familiares mais consistentes e mais momentos de bem-estar, concluindo que as crianças são participantes ativas na construção de seus significados. E, por último, que a separação dos pais pode gerar experiências de crescimento.

Pais , Divórcio , Família
Conexões (Campinas, Online) ; 19: e021008, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343843


Objetivos: O estudo objetiva compreender o esporte enquanto fenômeno, tomando recortes no debate acadêmico em âmbito nacional, utilizando contribuições do Modelo Teórico dos Campos Semânticos (MTCS). Método: Para alcançar tal objetivo utilizou-se uma ferramenta de citação da Plataforma Lattes (CNPq) para localizar referências para o esporte, como Bracht (1997), Kunz (1994), Tubino (2003), Assis de Oliveira (2010) e Borges e Furtado (2019). Resultados: Em seguida, foram utilizados os elementos do MTCS como categorias de análise, resultando em significados similares como reformulação e reinvenção, além de significados antagônicos como continuidade e ruptura. Conclusão: Deste modo, a discussão foi construída em torno das divergências e convergências presentes nos significados analisados, inferindo-se que esse Modelo possibilita uma nova forma de análise que permite uma compreensão diferenciada do fenômeno esportivo.

Objective: The study aims to understand sport as a phenomenon, taking cuts in the academic debate at national level, using contributions from the Theoretical Model of the Semantic Fields (MTCS).Method:To achieve this goal, a citation tool from the Lattes Platform (CNPq) was used to locate references for the sport, such as Bracht (1997), Kunz (1994), Tubino (2003), Assis de Oliveira (2010) and Borges and Furtado (2019).Results: Then, the elements of the MTCS were used as categories of analysis, resulting in similar meanings such as reformulation and reinvention, in addition to antagonistic meanings such as continuity and rupture. Conclusion: In this way, the discussion was built around the divergences and convergences present in the meanings analyzed, inferring that this Model enablesa new form of analysis that allows a differentiated understanding of the sports phenomenon.

Objetivo: El estudio tiene como objetivo entender el deporte como un fenómeno, tomando recortes en el debate académico a nivel nacional, utilizando las contribuciones del Modelo Teórico de los Campos Semánticos (MTCS). Metodología: Para lograr este objetivo, se utilizó una herramienta de citas de la Plataforma Lattes (CNPq) para localizar referencias para el deporte, como Bracht (1997), Kunz (1994), Tubino (2003), Assis de Oliveira (2010) y Borges y Furtado (2019). Resultados: Luego, los elementos del MTCS se usaron como categorías de análisis, lo que resultó en significados similares como lareformulación y la reinvención, además de significados antagónicos como la continuidad y la ruptura. Conclusión: De esta manera, la discusión se construyó alrededor de las divergencias y convergencias presentes en los significados analizados, inferiendo que este modelo permite una nueva forma de análisis que permite una comprensión diferenciada del fenómeno deportivo.

Semântica , Esportes , Modelos Teóricos , Compreensão
Interdisciplinaria ; 37(2): 195-210, dic. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149372


Resumen En América Latina, los estudios sobre masculinidades e intervención con hombres, desarrollados en las últimas décadas, han buscado conocer las subjetividades y prácticas, así como los modelos y mandatos de la masculinidad, visibilizando la participación de los hombres en algunas desigualdades de género (Aguayo y Nascimento, 2016; Olavarría, 2017). Si bien estos estudios muestran una evolución en el modelo tradicional de masculinidad, en América Latina, y en especial en Chile, existen brechas de conocimiento acerca de las diferencias en las representaciones de la masculinidad en distintas generaciones y contextos sociales (Aguayo y Nascimento, 2016). El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir los significados de la masculinidad en hombres del sur de Chile, comparando generaciones y niveles socioeconómicos. Se utilizó un diseño de casos múltiples; la muestra estuvo constituida por jóvenes (18 a 24 años) y adultos medios (45-69 años) distribuidos en tres niveles socioeconómicos. Se desarrollaron seis grupos de discusión. Para el análisis de la información se llevó a cabo un primer nivel de codificación abierta, estableciendo unidades de significado. Estas unidades fueron transformadas por medio de un proceso inductivo en categorías, las cuales fueron comparadas para identificar similitudes, diferencias y posibles vínculos entre ellas. Se encontraron coincidencias y diferencias en los significados asociados a la masculinidad, en función de la edad y del nivel socioeconómico. Las coincidencias en función de la edad se dieron principalmente en las categorías Identidad y Trabajo, y las mayores diferencias en el núcleo Sexualidad, mientras que en función del nivel socioeconómico la mayor diferencia estuvo en la categoría Trabajo.

Abstract In Latin America, studies on masculinities and intervention with men developed in recent decades have sought to know the subjectivities and practices, as well as the models and mandates of masculinity, making visible the participation of men in some gender inequalities (Aguayo y Nascimento, 2016; Olavarría, 2017). Although these studies show an evolution in the traditional model of masculinity, in Latin America and in Chile, there are knowledge gaps about differences in the representations of masculinity in different generations and social contexts (Aguayo y Nascimento, 2016). The purpose of this study was describing the meanings of masculinity in men from southern Chile, comparing generations and socioeconomic levels. A multiple case design was used, sample consisted of 44 Chilean men, young men between 18 and 25 years, and middle adults between 45-69 years, distributed in 3 socioeconomic: levels, high, medium and low. Six discussion groups were developed around a set of guiding questions, built by the authors, in relation to the mandates of masculinity: identity referred to the characteristics that the participants consider essential to masculinity, sexuality, paid work and paternity. Information obtained was transcribed the first level of open coding was then carried out, which consisted in selecting units of meaning which emerged from the answers to the guiding questions. These units, consisting of paragraphs, were transformed into categories by an inductive process, each category being given a code representing its meaning. The second level of coding -at a greater level of abstraction- consisted in comparing the categories, identifying similarities, differences and possible links between them. Results, in the first nucleus, Identity, arise as main categories: Concept in Transition, Difficulty of Being Men, Action-Oriented, Restriction in the Expression of Emotions, Integrity, Masculinity given by the Biological Condition. In the second nucleus Work: Provide Identity Trait of Masculinity, Facilitator of Independence, Source of Self-Realization and Dignification, Obstacle for the Satisfaction of Other Needs, Labor Discrimination towards Women. In the third nucleus, Sexuality, categories differentiated by age, in young people emerge Acceptance of Homosexuality, Stereotypes in Sexual Behavior and Increase in Sexual Demands. In adults Divergences against the Mandate of Heterosexuality and in both groups Sexual Behavior in Transition. On the other hand, coincidences and differences were found in the meanings associated with masculinity, depending on age and socioeconomic status. The coincidences in the Identity nucleus, realize that men, regardless of their age or socioeconomic condition, experience a situation of accelerated change in their roles, which affects them to a greater or lesser extent, which is experienced by the majority of young people as a possibility of transcending stereotypes, allowing them greater degrees of freedom. Regarding the core Work, however, the broad coincidence in all groups in relation to the mandate of being a provider, certain nuances are appreciated, for adults it is an internal mandate, a duty of masculinity, while for young people it seems respond to an external social demand, which accounts for a masculinity in transition. The differences, by age range were the nucleus Sexuality, where young people have more openness to address their own sexuality and more inclusive behaviors against homosexuality. Differences relating socioeconomic level occurred in the nucleus Work between young people and adults. If in the young people of high and medium socioeconomic level, work implies the possibility of becoming independent, for youngsters of low socioeconomic level, it also means taking care of their parents, responding to a duty of reciprocity. In adults of low socioeconomic level, unlike those in the medium and high level, the centrality and physical requirement of work displaces others needs as health care and sexual life.

Liberabit ; 26(2): e426, jul.-dic 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287121


Resumen Antecedentes las enfermedades del sistema endocrino pueden afectar la sexualidad por sus efectos hormonales, las comorbilidades asociadas y su impacto psicosocial, tema poco estudiado desde las perspectivas de personas con estas enfermedades. Objetivos: se realizó un estudio cualitativo dirigido a comprender las experiencias sexuales de mujeres y varones con enfermedades endocrinas que producen cambios en la apariencia física. Método: se estructuró un diseño de estudio analítico-interpretativo. Participaron 68 personas entre 20 y 45 años de edad, atendidos en el Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología, La Habana, Cuba. Los instrumentos de recolección de la información utilizados fueron una planilla de datos generales, una guía de entrevista en profundidad y dos pruebas psicológicas proyectivas. Los aspectos éticos fueron considerados. Resultados: de las entrevistas en profundidad, emergieron 4 temas: 1) la expresión multidimensional de la enfermedad, 2) enfermedad y áreas de vida, 3) ejercicio de la sexualidad con la enfermedad, y 4) estrategias de afrontamiento en el área sexual; vinculados con los significados expresados sobre la salud, el cuerpo, el género y la sexualidad. Conclusiones: las/los participantes contextualizaron sus experiencias sexuales en el impacto biopsicosocial de la enfermedad. La reproducción o cuestionamiento de los significados expresados influyó en la calidad de sus experiencias sexuales. El estudio mostró que esta constituye un área de vulnerabilidad para la salud integral de las/los participantes.

Abstract Background endocrine disorders may affect sexuality due to hormonal changes, associated comorbidities and psychosocial impact. This topic remains poorly researched from the perspective of people with these conditions. Objectives: a qualitative research was conducted to understand the sexual experiences of women and men living with endocrine disorders that change their physical appearance. Methods: an analytical-interpretive study was carried out with a sample of 68 participants aged between 20 and 45, and treated at the National Institute of Endocrinology, Havana, Cuba. Data collection instruments were a personal information sheet, an in-depth interview guide and two projective psychological tests. Ethical aspects were considered. Results: in-depth interviews gave rise to four topics: 1) multidimensional expression of the disease, 2) the disease and life areas, 3) sexuality with the disease, and 4) coping strategies in the sexual area. These topics were linked to the meanings of health, body, gender and sexuality. Conclusions: the participants contextualized their sexual experiences within the biopsychosocial impact of the endocrine disorder, as well as the reproduction or questioning of the meanings that influenced the quality of their sexual experiences. The study showed that sexuality is a vulnerable area for the participants' comprehensive health.

RECIIS (Online) ; 14(2): 342-354, abr.-jun. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102505


Este artigo busca compreender a produção de significados sobre sustentabilidade no contexto de produção da cidade olímpica. Para tanto, promove uma análise crítica do documentário Naturopolis, relacionando-o com alguns dos documentos oficiais disponibilizados tanto pelo Comitê Olímpico Internacional quanto pelo Comitê Organizador dos Jogos Olímpicos. Busca-se uma leitura polivalente, não dominante, considerando o contexto mais amplo de produção da cidade-mercadoria pela cidade-empresa, por meio de técnicas de city branding. O artigo se concentra na linha narrativa da salvação da cidade em relação à sustentabilidade, por meio dos megaeventos ou, nos termos do documentário, de uma volta à natureza, evocando mudanças necessárias para a construção de um novo país, a partir de uma transformação que pode ser trazida por políticos, pelo milagre das Olimpíadas e pela população em geral.

This article aims to understand the production of meanings about sustainability in the context of the production of the Olympic city. Using as method a critical analysis of the documentary Naturopolis, relating it to some of the official documents made available by both the International Olympic Committee and the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games. The author seeks a multipurpose, non-dominant reading, considering the broader context of production of the commodity-city by the entrepreneurial city, through city branding techniques. The article focuses on the narrative line that consider mega-events as a catalyst to a possible salvation of the city in relation to sustainability, or, in the terms of the documentary, of a back to nature, evoking necessary changes for the construction of a new country, starting from a transformation that can be brought about by politicians, the miracle of the Olympics and the general population.

Este artículo busca comprender la producción de significados sobre sostenibilidad en el contexto de producción de la ciudad olímpica por medio de un análisis crítico del documental Naturopolis, relacionando la película con algunos de los documentos oficiales puestos a disposición tanto por el Comité Olímpico Internacional como por el Comité Organizador de los Juegos Olímpicos. Se busca una lectura polivalente, no dominante, considerando el contexto más amplio de producción de la ciudad-mercancía por la ciudad empresa, a través de técnicas de city branding. El artículo fija la atención en la línea narrativa de la salvación de la ciudad en relación con la sostenibilidad a través de megaeventos o, en los términos del documental, de un retorno a la naturaleza, evocando los cambios necesarios para la construcción de un nuevo país, a partir de una transformación que puede ser provocada por los políticos, por el milagro de los Juegos Olímpicos y por la población en general.

Humanos , Esportes , Planejamento de Cidades , Documentários Cinematográficos , Ecologia , Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável , Urbanização , Brasil , Narração , Meio Ambiente
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 10(3): 283-297, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377022


Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los significados atribuidos a las consecuencias de los trastornos de conducta alimentaria (TCA) por parte de mujeres usuarias de un programa de tratamiento residencial en Lima, Perú. Esto con base a un enfoque cualitativo y la teoría fundamentada. Participaron ocho mujeres diagnosticadas con TCA, de entre 14 y 24 años de edad. Las técnicas empleadas fueron entrevista individual, grupo focal y documentos personales. Los resultados indicaron que las participantes valoraron las consecuencias del trastorno como beneficiosas y perjudiciales, alternándose dicha valoración según la situación y el logro de sus metas. Los beneficios atribuidos al TCA fueron bajar de peso en corto tiempo, aceptación y aprobación del grupo social, incremento de sus relaciones interpersonales, y atención y afecto de familiares. Los perjuicios atribuidos fueron deterioro de la salud, pérdida de funcionalidad física y social, activación de pensamientos disfuncionales, impulsividad/agresividad y desconfianza de la familia. Los resultados brindan sustento teórico a la implementación de estrategias de tratamiento que enfaticen los procesos de construcción de significados personales, contextuales y funcionales que se asignan a las conductas problemas del TCA, de tal forma que se promueva el cambio motivacional en las pacientes.

Abstract The objective of the study was to identify the meanings attributed to the consequences of eating disorders (ED) by women users of a residential treatment program in Lima, Perú. This is based on a qualitative approach and grounded theory. Eight women diagnosed with ED, between 14 and 24 years of age, participated. The techniques used were individual interview, focus group and personal documents. The results indicated that the participants evaluated the consequences of the disorders as beneficial and damaging, alternating this assessment according to the situation and the achievement of their goals. The benefits attributed to the ED were to lose weight in a short time, acceptance and approval of the social group, increase in interpersonal relationships, and attention and affection of family members. On the other hand, the damages attributed were deterioration of health, loss of physical and social functionality, negative psychological changes, activation of dysfunctional thoughts, impulsivity/aggressiveness and distrust of the family. The results provide theoretical support to the implementation of treatment strategies that emphasize the processes of construction of personal, contextual and functional meanings that are assigned to the behavior problems of the ED, in such a way that the motivational change in the patients is promoted.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 16(1): 79-91, ene.-jun. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375277


Resumen Este artículo muestra los resultados del proyecto de investigación/intervención, denominado "Significados y Sentidos del amor en parejas con historias de infidelidad", realizado en la Universidad Santo Tomas de Bogotá (Colombia). Se realizó una apuesta por la comprensión de los significados del amor en parejas que han tenido engaños y desilusiones amorosas asociadas a infidelidades, y la intervención psicoterapéutica para la reorganización de versiones novedosas del amor, la infidelidad y el ser pareja desde una perspectiva sistémica constructivista, socio construccionista y compleja. En esta investigación, participaron dos parejas cuyo motivo de consulta se relaciona con la infidelidad, se desarrollaron 5 escenarios narrativos conversacionales con cada una de ellas, empleando dispositivos de intervención tales como: la construcción de historias, las esculturas y las metáforas. Los principales hallazgos reconocen relatos matizados de los conyugues, por imágenes idealizadas de la pareja generando sentimientos de culpabilidad, historias asociadas al silencio y sometimiento como forma de solucionar los conflictos, la deconstrucción de historias de infidelidad para reconstruir la trama narrativa de la pareja desde aspectos particulares que conectan a los enamorados, y el acontecimiento de infidelidad como posibilidad de cambio.

Abstract This article shows the results of the research/intervention project titled "Meanings and senses of love in couples with a history of infidelity", carried out in the Santo Tomas University of Bogotá (Colombia). An effort was made to understand the meanings of love in couples who have suffered from deceit and disappointment in love associated with infidelity, and who have received psychotherapeutic intervention for the configuration of new versions of love, infidelity, and being a couple from a systemic-constructivist, social-constructionist, and complex perspective. Two couples whose reason for consultation was related to infidelity participated in this research, and five conversational narrative scenarios were developed with both of them, using intervention devices such as the construction of stories, sculptures, and metaphors. The main findings show stories from the spouses that are nuanced through idealized images of the couple that generates feelings of guilt; stories associated with silence and submission as a means to resolve conflicts; the deconstruction of infidelity stories to reconstruct the couple's narrative plot based on particular aspects that connect the lovers; and the event of infidelity as a possibility for change.

Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 2317/04/2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1097569


O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender e analisar os significados da prática profissional na saúde a partir da experiência dos três únicos profissionais de Educação Física, atuantes no SUS, na cidade de Santos­SP, em 2015. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa de abordagem etnográfica. A análise revelou pouco conteúdo sobre saúde pública/coletiva na formação básica dos profissionais, atenuado pelas vivências cotidianas nas unidades de saúde. Constatou-se, assim, que os benefícios das atividades advêm de uma prática voltada ao vínculo, à convivência e à socialização. A ressignificação das práticas desses profissionais leva à necessidade de conferir uma maior legitimidade ao trabalho que desenvolvem, transformando também suas identidades profissionais.

The objective of this work is to understand and analyze the meanings of professional practice in health based on the experience of the only three Physical Education professionals working in the SUS, in the city of Santos­ SP, in 2015. For that, a qualitative research of ethnographic approach was carried out. The analysis revealed few content about public / collective health in the basic formation of professionals, attenuated by the daily experiences in health units, noting that the benefits of the activities come from a practice focused on the bond, coexistence and socialization. The re-signification of their professional practices leads to the need to give greater legitimacy to the work they develop, also transforming their professional identities

El objetivo de este trabajo es comprender y analizar los significados de la práctica profesional en salud a partir de la experiencia de los tres únicos profesionales de Educación Física que trabajan en el SUS, en la ciudad de Santos­ SP, en 2015. Para eso, una investigación cualitativa de enfoque etnográfico se llevó a cabo. El análisis reveló pocos contenidos sobre salud pública / colectiva en la formación básica de profesionales, atenuados por las experiencias diarias en unidades de salud, señalando que los beneficios de las actividades provienen de una práctica enfocada en el vínculo, la convivencia y la socialización. La resignificación de sus prácticas profesionales lleva a la necesidad de dar mayor legitimidad al trabajo que desarrollan, transformando también sus identidades profesionales.

Educação Física e Treinamento , Prática Profissional , Pessoal de Saúde
Rev. iberoam. psicol. (En línea) ; 13(1): 33-44, 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1247802


Este estudio muestra los significados expresados por tres parejas del mismo género (cuatro mujeres y dos hombres) sobre la crianza de sus hijas e hijos, quienes tenían entre uno y tres años de edad. Desde un enfoque hermenéutico-interpretativo, analizamos entrevistas narrativas, resultando en las siguientes categorías: Importancia de verbalizar y explicar; Reglas, límites y consecuencias; Enseñanza y aprendizaje de valores y habilidades sociales; Mantener una relación cercana; Rasgos/atributos personales valorados (en las y los niños). Encontramos diversas funciones asumidas en su labor como educadores, que se vincularon de forma dinámica con lo que esperaban y valoraban en cuanto a aprendizaje y desarrollo. Fue importante para ellos/as complacer, dar gusto y satisfacer las necesidades de sus niñas y niños, sin que esto significara descuidar una alimentación saludable, establecer y mantener reglas y rutinas, así como enseñar habilidades acordes a su edad. Un significado compartido giró en torno al lenguaje y comunicación, pues para los adultos era importante explicar: desde rutinas, hasta verbalizar sentimientos, o hacer explícito su tipo de familia (tener dos padres o dos madres); siempre considerando lo que puede comprenderse a esa edad. También fue importante para los adultos que sus hijos e hijas fueran alegres y sintieran su amor, manteniendo una relación cercana: cálida, lúdica y afectuosa. Concluimos que estos padres gais y madres lesbianas significaron a la crianza como una tarea amorosa, ardua, permanente y dirigida a formar sujetos con derechos, con quienes se podía negociar y llegar a acuerdos, aun siendo niños y niñas

This study shows the meanings expressed by three Mexican same-gender couples (four women and two men) about the upbringing of their daughters and sons, who were aged between one and three years. From a hermeneutic-interpretative approach, we analysed narrative interviews, resulting in the following categories: Importance of verbalizing and expressing; Rules, limits and consequences; Teaching and learning values and social skills; Maintain a warm relationship; Personal traits/attributes valued (in children). We found that fathers and mothers played different roles in their work as educators, which were linked dynamically with what they expect and value in terms of learning and development. It was important for them to please, to indulge and to satisfy their children's needs, without this neglecting a healthy diet, establishing and maintaining rules and routines, as well as teaching values and skills according to their age. A shared meaning revolved around language and communication: for adults it was important explaining routines, verbalizing feelings, or making explicit their type of family (having two fathers or two mothers); always considering what can be understood at that age. It was also important for our participants that their sons and daughters felt happy and loved through a close, warm, playful and affectionate relationship. We conclude that these gay parents and lesbian mothers meant the upbringing as a loving, arduous and permanent task, committed to forming subjects with rights, with whom they could negotiate and reach agreements

Humanos , Características da Família , Poder Familiar , Idioma , Sexo , Ensino , Família , Núcleo Familiar , Comunicação , Emoções , Aprendizagem , Amor , México
Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 36: e3636, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135758


Abstract This paper aims to understand the meanings that students, parents, and teachers, assigned to the school, through an integrative review of the last ten years of Brazilian literature (2007-2017). The search in the databases included material from BVS-Psi, SciELO, and PePSIC, using the following terms in both English and Portuguese: meaning AND school; perception AND school; "social representation" AND school. Considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 11 papers were selected. The meanings were classified into two categories: (a) Meanings that strengthen the bonds and (b) Meanings that weaken the bonds. Results indicate that the school is represented in several ways, and the research are predominantly conducted with students.

Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender quais são os significados que alunos, pais e professores atribuem à escola, por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura brasileira dos últimos dez anos (2007-2017). A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados BVS-Psi, SciELO e PePSIC a partir dos termos em inglês: meaning AND school; perception AND school; "social representation" AND school e em português. Após critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram selecionados 11 artigos. A análise foi categorizada a partir de duas categorias: (a) Significados que fortalecem os vínculos e (b) Significados que fragilizam os vínculos. Os resultados mostraram que a escola é representada de diversas formas, sendo a maior parte das pesquisas realizadas com os alunos.