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Arch. med ; 20(1): 53-61, 2020-01-18.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1053191


Objetivo: el Basuco es una sustancia psicoactiva derivada de la hoja de coca; hasta ahora no se ha descrito la sintomatología que genera su consumo ni su síndrome de abstinencia, por lo que suele incluirse en el mismo grupo sindromático de la cocaína. En este estudio se pretende determinar si existen signos y síntomas característicos del Basuco. Materiales y métodos: etudio piloto de carácter descriptivo y transversal, empleando una encuesta heteroaplicada a pacientes que consumieran exclusivamente Basuco, donde se les preguntaba si habían presentado determinados signos y síntomas durante su consumo o durante el síndrome de abstinencia por Basuco. Resultados: en el consumo se encontró predominio del insomnio, hiporexia, disminución de la sensación del cansancio, delirios y aislamiento social, mientras que durante la abstinencia predominó la depresión, irritabilidad, hipersominia e hiperfagia, asociado a sensación de deterioro y deseo de abandonar el consumo. Conclusiones: la sintomatología tanto del consumo como del síndrome de abstinencia por Basuco parece tener diferencias respecto a la generada por la cocaína..(AU)

Objetive: the Basuco is a psychoactive substance derived from the coca leaf, which has not been described the symptoms that generate the consumption or withdrawal syndrome, so they are included in the same syndromic group of cocaine. This study aims to identify if there are signs and symptoms characteristic of Basuco to improve diagnostic accuracy and facilitate syndromic management. Materials and methods: bservational and cross-sectional study, using a hetero-applied survey of patients who exclusively consumed Basuco, in which they were asked if they had presented certain signs and symptoms during the intoxication or during the withdrawal syndrome by Basuco. Results: during the consumption, the insomnia, hyporexia, decreased sensation of tiredness, delusions and social isolation were predominant, while during depression abstinence, irritability, hypersomnia and hyperphagia, associated with a sense of deterioration and desire to abandon the consume were more representative. Conclutions: the symptomatology of both intoxication and withdrawal syndrome by Basuco has important differences with respect to those generated by cocaine..(AU)

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