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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 58-61,67, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-606776


Individual identification by m easuring the hum an skeleton is an im portant research in the field of forensic anthropology. C om puted tom ography (C T ) technology can provide high-resolution im age of skeleton. Skeleton im age can be reform ed by softw are in the post-processing w orkstation. D ifferent skele-ton m easurem ent indexes of anthropology, such as diam eter, angle, area and volum e, can be m easured on section and reform ative im ages. M easurem ent process is barely affected by hum an factors. T his paper review s the literatures at hom e and abroad about the application of m easuring skeleton by C T in foren-sic anthropology research for individual identification in four aspects, including sex determ ination, height infer, facial soft tissue thickness m easurem ent and age estim ation. T he m ajor technology and the applica-tion of C T in forensic anthropology research are com pared and discussed, respectively.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 86-89,93, 2016.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-604728


Objective To explore the application value of postm ortem m ulti-slice spiral com puted tom o-graphy (MSCT) by observing and analyzing the injury features in the traffic accident victim s. Methods Ten traffic accident victim s w ere scanned w ith w hole body MSCT. The system ic autopsy w as subse-quently perform ed to com pare w ith the results of MSCT. The advantages and disadvantages of autopsy and MSCTfor obtaining the inform ation of traffic accident injuries w ere then analyzed. Results MSCTcould reveal 3D shape of fractures clearly and detect air accum ulation in different positions of the body, w hich show ed the obvious advantages com pared w ith autopsy. H ow ever, the resolution of MSCTw as lim ited com pared to the detection of organ and soft tissue injuries. Conclusion A com bination of MSCTand autopsy is the best w ay for determ ining the m anner and the cause of death in traffic fatality victim s.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 97-99, 2016.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-498837


Objective To establish regression m odel betw een craniofacial lines and body height by m ea-suring craniofacial lines in Southw est H an m ales using C Tand to accum ulate data for the study of foren-sic anthropology. Methods H ead C Tdata of 273 H an m ales in Southw est w ere collected and 7 cranio-facial lines w ere determ ined. M ultiplanar reconstruction and volum e rendering w ere perform ed by im age post-processing softw are and the selected lines w ere m easured. The relationship betw een each m easuring indicator and body height w as analyzed using SPSS 21.0 softw are. The regression equation of body height estim ation w as established and 50 sam ples w ere selected again and put into the m athem atics m odels to verify its accuracy. Results The linear regression equations of 7 lines w ere established (P<0.05). The correlation coefficients of the unary linear regression equations w ere 0.190-0.439 and the standard errors of the estim ate (SEE) w ere 4.597-5.023 cm . The correlation coefficients of the m ultiple linear regression equation w ere 0.494-0.524 and the SEEw ere 4.418-4.458 cm . The return tests show ed that the highest ±1SEEaccuracy of the m ultiple regression equation:y=83.959+3.589 x6+2.573 x2, w ere 30%;and the highest ±2SEEaccuracy of the m ultiple regression equation: y=72.646+3.316 x6+1.586 x2+1.553 x4+2.211 x3, w ere 92% . Conclusion There is significant linear correlation betw een 7 selected lines and the stature in this study, and the plural linear regression equation established could be applied for estim ating the stature of Southw est H an m ales.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 191-195, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-498879


Objective To explore the application value of postm ortem m ulti-slice spiral com puted tom og-raphy (MSCT) in cases of fall from height through observing and analyzing the injury features of the fall and reconstructing the process of the fall based on the the above procedure. Methods One real fatal case due to fall from height was fully exam ined using MSCTand three-dim ensional reconstruction tech-nique. Analyzing the m anner and cause of death through com bination of MSCTand system ic autopsy was also im plem ented. The differences betw een autopsy and MSCTin getting inform ation of injuries were com pared. Results Fractures involving m ultiple body regions and liver rupture were found through MSCTand three-dim ensional reconstruction. The autopsy got the sam e results w ith im ageological exam i-nation. The case of death was deduced to be fall leading to system ic polytraum a. Conclusion Applica-tion of MSCTcan be used as the com plim entary for traditional autopsy in the analysis of injury m anner of fall from height.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 460-462, 2014.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-500291


Objective To explore the applications of im aging exam ination on rib fracture sites in forensic identification. Methods Features including the sites, num bers of the processed im aging exam ination and the first radiological technology at diagnosis in 56 cases of rib fractures from 163 injuries were retro-spectively analyzed. Results The detection rate of the rib fractures within 14 days was 65.6% . The ini-tial detection rate of anterior rib fracture proceeded by X-ray was 76.2%, then 90.5% detected at a sec-ond tim e X-ray, while the detection rate of CTwas 66.7% and 80.0%, respectively. The initial detec-tion rate of rib fracture in axillary section proceeded by X-ray was 27.6%, then 58.6% detected at a second tim e X-ray, while the detection rate of CTwas 54.3% and 80.4%, respectively. The initial de-tection rate of posterior rib fracture proceeded by X-ray was 63.6%, then 81.8% detected at a second tim e X-ray, while the detection rate of CTwas 50.0% and 70.0%, respectively. Conclusion It is im por-tant to pay attention to the use of com bined im aging exam inations and the follow-up results. In the cas-es of suspicious for rib fracture in axillary section, CTexam ination is suggested in such false X-ray negative cases.