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Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 28(2): 1-17, 20240000.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570621


Introdução: Os traumas abdominais representam notável importância dentre as causas predominantes de morbi-mortalidade no mundo. Em se tratando de óbitos relacionados a essas lesões, estão na categoria de causas externas, as quais no Brasil representam a segunda causa geral de mortalidade, principalmente na população em idade ativa. Notadamente, traumas estão fortemente relacionados a acidentes automobilísticos, cujas taxas vêm crescendo nos últimos anos. Neles, ocorrem os politraumas, cuja região abdominal é inclusa de forma prevalente. Objetivo: a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar o perfil de óbitos os quais sejam associados a trauma abdominal e submetido ao Instituto Médico-Legal, entre os anos de 2019 até 2021. Metodologia: estudo retrospectivo, do tipo transversal, de caráter fundamentalmente quantitativo, no qual foram avaliados os laudos de óbitos decorrentes de trauma abdominal necropsiados no IML de Toledo (PR), no período de 2019 a 2021. Foram avaliadas as variáveis sexo, idade, tipo de lesão, circunstância dos óbitos e órgão mais acometido. Resultados e discussão: dos 916 óbitos trazidos à Polícia Científica de Toledo (PR) advindos de causas externas, os inclusos dentre os traumas abdominais representaram um percentual de 51,05% (n=462), no período de 2019 a 2021. Observou-se maior prevalência de óbitos por acidentes automobilísticos (68,61%), cuja causa principal foi o politrauma (37,45%). O sexo masculino fora o mais prevalente, com 84,85% (n=392), cuja faixa etária teve concentração entre os 18 aos 29 anos. Os órgãos mais lesionados foram o fígado (69,31%) e o baço (33,66%). Considerações finais: nesta amostra houve predominância de óbitos por acidentes, principalmente associados ao trauma contuso, em homens na faixa entre 18 e 29 anos, cujo órgão mais lesado fora o fígado. O conhecimento acerca do perfil de óbitos é uma importante ferramenta epidemiológica frente a possíveis intervenções, além de servir como fonte estatística para outros trabalhos do âmbito médico-legal.

Introduction: Trauma represents a notable importance among the predominant causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. When it comes to deaths related to these injuries, they are in the category of external causes, since in Brazil they represent the second general cause of mortality, especially in the working-age population. Notably, traumas are strongly related to car accidents, whose rates have been increasing in recent years. In them, polytraumas occur, whose abdominal region is prevalently included. Objective: this research aims to present the profile of deaths which are associated with abdominal trauma and hospitalized at the Instituto Médico-Legal, between the years 2019 to 2021. Methodology: retrospective, cross-sectional study, fundamentally quantitative, in which the reports of deaths resulting from abdominal trauma necropsied at the IML of Toledo (PR), from 2019 to 2021, were evaluated. The variables were gender, age, type of injury, injuries of the deaths and most affected organ. Results and removal: Of the 916 deaths brought to the Scientific Police of Toledo (PR) from external causes, those included among abdominal traumas represented a percentage of 51.05% (n=462), in the period from 2019 to 2021. there was a higher prevalence of deaths from car accidents (68,61%), whose main cause was polytrauma (37.45%). Males were the most prevalent, with 84.85% (n=392), whose age group was concentrated between 18 and 29 years. The most injured organs were the liver (69.31%) and the spleen (33.66%). Final considerations: in this sample there was a predominance of deaths from accidents, mainly associated with blunt trauma, in men aged between 18 and 29 whose most injured organ outside the liver. Knowledge about the profile of deaths is an important epidemiological tool in the face of possible interventions, in addition to serving as a statistical source for other studies in the medical-legal field.

Introducción: El traumatismo abdominal representa notable importancia entre las causas predominantes de morbimortalidad en el mundo. Cuando se trata de muertes relacionadas con estas lesiones, se encuentran en la categoría de causas externas, que en Brasil representan la segunda causa general de mortalidad, especialmente en la población en edad de trabajar. En particular, el trauma está fuertemente relacionado con los accidentes automovilísticos, cuyas tasas han aumentado en los últimos años. En ellos se producen politraumatismos, cuya región abdominal está predominantemente incluida. Objetivo: esta investigación tiene como objetivo presentar el perfil de las muertes asociadas a traumatismo abdominal y presentadas al Instituto Médico Legal, entre los años 2019 y 2021. Metodología: estudio retrospectivo, transversal, de carácter fundamentalmente cuantitativo, en el que se analizaron los reportes de muertes. resultantes de trauma abdominal autopsiado en el IML de Toledo (PR), de 2019 a 2021. Se evaluaron las variables sexo, edad, tipo de lesión, circunstancias de las muertes y órgano más afectado. Resultados y discusión: de las 916 muertes aportadas a la Policía Científica de Toledo (PR) por causas externas, las incluidas dentro de los traumatismos abdominales representaron un porcentaje del 51,05% (n=462), en el periodo 2019 a 2021. observado- hubo mayor prevalencia de muertes por accidentes automovilísticos (68,61%), cuya principal causa fue el politraumatismo (37,45%). El sexo masculino fue el de mayor prevalencia, con 84,85% (n=392), cuyo grupo etario se concentró entre 18 y 29 años. Los órganos más lesionados fueron el hígado (69,31%) y el bazo (33,66%). Consideraciones finales: en esta muestra hubo predominio de muertes por accidentes, principalmente asociados a traumatismos cerrados, en hombres con edades entre 18 y 29 años, cuyo órgano más lesionado fue el hígado. El conocimiento sobre el perfil de defunciones es una importante herramienta epidemiológica de cara a posibles intervenciones, además de servir como fuente estadística para otros trabajos médico-legales.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564266


El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la densidad de incidencia de lesiones y sus características, según la propuesta STROBE-SIIS, en las basquetbolistas sub-18 participantes de la Liga de Básquetbol Femenino del Sur (FEMISUR) en su temporada 2023. Se utilizó un tipo de estudio con enfoque positivista observacional descriptivo de tipo longitudinal prospectivo, con una muestra no probabilística, de selección intencional. Se enviaron por correo electrónico formularios diseñados según STROBE-SIIS a 59 jugadoras de 12 clubes durante 22 semanas. Se calculó la densidad de incidencia, dividiendo número de lesiones por número de horas de exposición, normalizando por 1000 horas. Para la descripción de las características de las lesiones se determinó frecuencia absoluta y relativa según inicio, mecanismo, tejido, zona anatómica y severidad. Ocurrieron 108 lesiones, con una incidencia de 36,21 lesiones/1000 horas de exposición. La mayor frecuencia fue de inicio agudo repentino (n=77; 71,3%), mecanismo de no contacto (n=46; 42,6%), en músculo/tendón (n=61; 45,5%), ligamento/capsular articular (n=19; 14,2%) y huesos (n=14; 10,4%); y tobillo (n=55; 27,1%), pierna (n=40; 19,7%) y rodilla (n=34; 16,7%). Las lesiones leves fueron más frecuentes (n=68;63%). Se encontró una alta incidencia de lesiones en las basquetbolistas sub-18 participantes de la Liga FEMISUR, siendo las lesiones más frecuentes las de inicio agudo repentino, mecanismo de no contacto, en músculo/tendón, tobillo y severidad leve. Esta información beneficiará a los equipos multidisciplinarios que trabajan con basquetbolistas sub-18, con el fin de implementar un plan de prevención o realizar análisis comparativos.

The objective of this study is to determine the incidence density of injuries and their characteristics, according to the STROBE-SIIS proposal, in the under-18 basketball players participating in the Southern Women's Basketball League (FEMISUR) in its 2023 season. A type of study with a positivist, observational, descriptive, longitudinal, prospective approach was used, with a non-probabilistic, intentional selection sample. Forms designed according to STROBE-SIIS were emailed to 59 players from 12 clubs over 22 weeks. The incidence density was calculated by dividing the number of lesions by the number of hours of exposure, normalizing by 1000 hours. To describe the characteristics of the injuries, absolute and relative frequency was determined according to onset, mechanism, tissue, anatomical area and severity. 108 injuries occurred, with an incidence of 36.21 injuries/1000 hours of exposure. The highest frequency was sudden acute onset (n=77; 71.3%), non-contact mechanism (n=46; 42.6%), muscle/tendon (n=61; 45.5%), ligament articular/capsular (n=19; 14.2%) and bones (n=14; 10.4%); and ankle (n=55; 27.1%), leg (n=40; 19.7%) and knee (n=34; 16.7%). Minor injuries were more frequent (n=68; 63%). A high incidence of injuries was found in the under-18 basketball players participating in the FEMISUR League. The most frequent injuries being those of sudden acute onset, non-contact mechanism, in muscle/tendon, ankle and mild severity. This information will benefit multidisciplinary teams that work with under-18 basketball players, in order to implement a prevention plan or perform comparative analyses.

O objetivo deste estudo é determinar a densidade de incidência de lesões e suas características, segundo a proposta do STROBE-SIIS, nas jogadoras de basquete sub-18 participantes da Liga Sul de Basquete Feminino (FEMISUR) na temporada 2023. Utilizou-se estudo do tipo positivista, observacional, descritivo, longitudinal, prospectivo, com amostra não probabilística e de seleção intencional. Formulários elaborados de acordo com o STROBE-SIIS foram enviados por e-mail para 59 jogadores de 12 clubes durante 22 semanas. A densidade de incidência foi calculada dividindo o número de lesões pelo número de horas de exposição, normalizando por 1000 horas. Para descrever as características das lesões, foram determinadas frequências absoluta e relativa de acordo com início, mecanismo, tecido, área anatômica e gravidade. Ocorreram 108 lesões, com incidência de 36,21 lesões/1000 horas de exposição. A maior frequência foi início agudo súbito (n=77; 71,3%), mecanismo sem contato (n=46; 42,6%), músculo/tendão (n=61; 45,5%), ligamento articular/capsular (n=19; 14,2%) e ossos (n=14; 10,4%); e tornozelo (n=55; 27,1%), perna (n=40; 19,7%) e joelho (n=34; 16,7%). Lesões leves foram mais frequentes (n=68;63%). Foi encontrada alta incidência de lesões nos basquetebolistas sub-18 participantes da Liga FEMISUR. As lesões mais frequentes são as de início agudo súbito, mecanismo sem contato, em músculo/tendão, tornozelo e gravidade leve. Esta informação beneficiará equipas multidisciplinares que trabalham com jogadores de basquetebol sub-18, para implementar um plano de prevenção ou realizar análises comparativas.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564651


El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el conocimiento de profesores pertenecientes a establecimientos educacionales particulares subvencionados de Osorno con respecto al trauma dentoalveolar. Estudio de corte transversal, donde se realizó una encuesta presencial o en línea basada en un cuestionario con el fin de determinar el conocimiento sobre trauma dentoalveolar en profesores de enseñanza básica y media, pertenecientes a establecimientos educacionales de la comuna de Osorno, Chile. Los criterios de inclusión fueron, empleo a tiempo completo en el momento de la recolección de datos con al menos 1 año de experiencia docente. La jubilación, docentes con edad mayor o igual a 65 años y la falta de voluntad para participar en la encuesta, fueron considerados como criterios de exclusión. Para evaluar los resultados obtenidos se utilizó la prueba de la t de Student o ANOVA de una vía, con post hoc de Tukey. El nivel de significancia se fijó en p ≤ 0,05. Los profesores tuvieron un promedio de conocimiento sobre trauma dental de 5,0 ±3,0 puntos, de un puntaje máximo posible de 14, sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el nivel de enseñanza donde ejerce la docencia (5,2±2,8, 4,9±3,3 y 4,9±3,3 puntos, p=0,88). El conocimiento sobre traumatismo dentoalveolar entre los profesores es deficiente. Se recomienda implementar programas educativos para el manejo de traumas dentales.

The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge of teachers affiliated to private subsidized schools in Osorno regarding dentoalveolar trauma. Cross-sectional study, where a survey was carried out face-to-face or online, based on a questionnaire to determine the knowledge about dentoalveolar trauma in elementary and middle school teachers, affiliated with educational establishments in the commune of Osorno, Chile. Inclusion criteria were full-time employment at the time of data collection, with at least one year of experience. Retirement, teachers aged 65 or older, and unwillingness to participate in the survey were considered exclusion criteria. The data were analyzed using the R software, Student's t test or one- way ANOVA, Tukey's post hoc. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. Teachers had an average knowledge of dental trauma of 5.0±3.0 points, out of a maximum possible score of 14, without statistically significant differences between the level of education where they teach (5.2±2.8, 4.9±3.3 and 4.9±3.3 points, p = 0.88). Knowledge regarding dentoalveolar traumatism among teachers of private subsidized schools in Osorno is deficient. It is recommended to implement educational programs for the management of dental trauma.

Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 59(3): 364-371, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569757


Abstract Objective To investigate the epidemiology of injury types among jiu-jitsu practitioners, as well as the incidence regarding different skill and experience levels, through the question: "What are the characteristics and prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in Jiu-Jitsu practitioners?". Methods Since the beginning of the study, in August 2020, we conducted a search on the MEDLINE, LILACS, and SciELO electronic databases. We included cross-sectional studies published between 2018 and 2023 on the epidemiology of the types of injuries among jiu-jitsu practitioners that compared their incidence regarding different levels of ability and experience. Two independent researchers performed the data extraction and assessed the risk of bias. Results Seven studies were included. The common outcomes involved 2,847 jiu-jitsu practitioners. A high prevalence in the knee joint and chest and rib areas was reported. Considering the difference in experience level among the practitioners, we could observe that most of the individuals included were beginners. Among the age groups observed, male practitioners older than 30 years of age were the ones who presented the highest rate of musculoskeletal injury, especially during training sessions. Conclusion There is a high prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries among jiu-jitsu practitioners. The most affected anatomical segments are the knee joint, the chest, and the rib region, followed by the shoulder joint. The related factors change according to certain variables, being more common during training in male individuals over 30 years of age and beginners in the sport.

Resumo Objetivo Investigar a epidemiologia dos tipos de lesões entre praticantes de jiu-jitsu e sua incidência em diferentes níveis de habilidade e experiência por meio da questão: "Quais as características e a prevalência das lesões musculoesqueléticas em praticantes de jiu-jitsu?" Métodos Desde o início do estudo, em agosto de 2020, foram pesquisados os bancos de dados MEDLINE, LILACS e SciELO. Foram incluídos estudos transversais, publicados entre 2018 e 2023, que investigaram a epidemiologia dos tipos de lesões ocorridas entre praticantes de jiu-jitsu e compararam sua incidência em diferentes níveis de habilidade e experiência. Para tanto, dois pesquisadores independentes realizaram a extração dos dados e avaliaram o risco de viés. Resultados Sete estudos foram incluídos. Os resultados comuns envolveram 2.847 praticantes de jiu-jitsu. Houve uma alta prevalência de lesão na articulação do joelho e nas áreas do tórax e das costelas. Considerando a diferença de nível de experiência entre os praticantes, pôde-se observar que a maioria dos indivíduos incluídos eram iniciantes. Entre as faixas etárias observadas, homens acima de 30 anos de idade foram os que mais apresentaram lesões musculoesqueléticas, principalmente durante os treinos. Conclusão Houve uma alta prevalência de lesões musculoesqueléticas entre os praticantes de jiu-jitsu. Os segmentos anatômicos mais acometidos foram a articulação do joelho, o tórax e a região das costelas, seguidos da articulação do ombro. Os fatores relacionados mudaram de acordo com algumas variáveis, sendo mais comuns durante o treinamento em indivíduos do sexo masculino com mais de 30 anos e iniciantes na modalidade.

J. bras. econ. saúde (Impr.) ; 16(1): 8-15, Abril/2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, ECOS | ID: biblio-1555242


Objetivo: Determinar o perfil epidemiológico de pacientes atendidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), em determinado município do interior de Minas Gerais, bem como os gastos financeiros e o repasse financeiro para os centros de atendimento de traumas. Material e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico, descritivo, realizado a partir da coleta de dados pelo SIH-SUS, no período de janeiro de 2011 a dezembro de 2021, em um município do interior de Minas Gerais. Resultados: Foi identificado um total de 14.138 pacientes, com maior acometimento de pessoas do sexo masculino, com idade entre 15 e 44 anos. Como causas mais frequentes, destacaram-se os traumatismos de quadril e coxa, seguidos de traumatismos de membros superiores (ombro, antebraço, braço, punho e mão) e cabeça. Como tempo médio de permanência hospitalar, houve 4.693 diárias entre 2011 e 2021 secundárias a complicações em enfermarias e unidade de terapia intensiva, elevando cerca de 2,37% os valores repassados pelo SUS no período estudado. Em resumo, a análise da incidência de traumas nas emergências de um município do interior de Minas Gerais revela uma preocupante tendência em que homens na faixa etária de 15 a 44 anos emergem como as principais vítimas. Esse padrão pode ser influenciado por fatores como ocupação, comportamentos de risco e mobilidade. Conclusão: A compreensão dessa demografia específica é crucial para direcionar estratégias de prevenção e resposta adequadas. A implementação de medidas educativas, segurança no trânsito e promoção da saúde mental pode contribuir para mitigar os impactos dos traumas nesse grupo demográfico, melhorando sua qualidade de vida e a saúde geral da comunidade.

Objective: To determine the epidemiological profile of patients assisted by the unified health system, in a certain municipality in the interior of Minas Gerais, as well as the financial expenses and the financial transfer to trauma care centers. Material and methods: This is an ecological, descriptive study, carried out from data collection by SIH-SUS, from January 2011 to December 2021 in a municipality in the interior of Minas Gerais. Results: a total of 14,138 patients were identified, with greater involvement of male people aged between 15 and 44 years. As the most frequent causes, trauma to the hip and thigh stood out, followed by trauma to the upper limbs (shoulder, forearm, arm, wrist and hand) and head. As for the average length of hospital stay, there were 4,693 daily stays between 2011 and 2021 secondary to complications in wards and the intensive care unit. Increasing about 2.37% in the values transferred by the unified health system between the studied decade. In summary, the analysis of the incidence of trauma in emergencies in a municipality in the interior of Minas Gerais reveals a worrying trend in which men aged 15 to 44 years emerge as the main victims. This pattern can be influenced by factors such as occupation, risky behavior and mobility. Conclusion: Understanding this specific demographic is crucial to targeting appropriate prevention and response strategies. The implementation of educational measures, road safety and mental health promotion can help to mitigate the impacts of trauma in this demographic group, improving their quality of life and the general health of the community.

Ferimentos e Lesões , Sistema Único de Saúde , Lesões do Quadril , Despesas Públicas , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(1): 67-76, 20240401.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554219


Introducción: La herida es una pérdida de continuidad de la piel o mucosa producida por algún agente físico o químico. Una herida es "compleja" cuando por su extensión, localización, profundidad o exposición de elementos nobles, necesita para su curación una terapéutica especial. Este es el caso de heridas con compromiso tisular que afecta a estructuras como músculos, fascias, tendones, huesos, vasos sanguíneos, nervios o las lesiones de lenta evolución como úlceras o escaras. Objetivos: Determinar el método de reconstrucción más utilizado en el manejo terapéutico de las heridas complejas del tercio distal de la pierna en los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital de Trauma y en la Unidad de Cirugía Plástica de la FCM - UNA. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de diseño observacional, tipo de estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo. Fueron incluidos pacientes de ambos sexos, mayores de edad, con heridas complejas en el tercio distal de la pierna, atendidos en el Hospital de Trauma y en la Unidad de Cirugía Plástica de la FCM - UNA, durante el periodo 2010 al 2019. Resultados: Se incluyó a 112 pacientes de los cuales el 80,36 % fue hombres y el 19,64 % mujeres. Las edades estaban comprendidas entre los 18 y los 73 años y una media de 33,8 ± 14 años. La edad más frecuente fue 18 años. La mediana de edad es de 30 años, lo que implica que la mitad de la muestra tuvo por lo menos dicha edad. En cuanto a la procedencia, el 41,07 % era del interior, el 30,36 % del departamento Central y el 28,57 % restante de Asunción. En cuanto al mecanismo de la lesión, se puede observar que el mecanismo más frecuente fue el accidente de tráfico, seguido por caída de altura, en un gran porcentaje. En cuanto a la evolución y complicaciones se puede ver que 92 individuos, o sea 82 % de los pacientes no tuvo ninguna evolución negativa o complicaciones. Lo más común fue la infección con 1,9% de prevalencia, la pérdida parcial del colgajo o piel representan el 2,4%, dehiscencia de la sutura el 0,9 %, hematoma 0,6 % y pérdida total del colgajo 0,54 %. En cuanto al tratamiento aplicado, se debe tener en cuenta que los pacientes pudieron haber recibido más de un tratamiento por lo que el tamaño de la muestra se refiere a las visitas. El tratamiento más frecuente fue el colgajo sural con 28,57%, tutor externo con el 20,19%, injerto de piel 16,46%, toillete 12,73% y colgajo fascio - cutáneo en 6,21%. Conclusión: La gran mayoría de los casos tratados corresponde a algún tipo de accidente de tránsito. Se necesita de un equipo multidisciplinario: ortopedistas, cirujanos plásticos, cirujanos vasculares, fisioterapeutas, etc. en trabajo coordinado para tratar estas graves lesiones de forma a obtener resultados favorables. Para la cobertura de la pierna traumatizada, con exposición ósea, recurrimos a los colgajos musculares, en el 1/3 proximal el gemelo, en el 1/3 medio el sóleo. Para la cobertura del 1/3 distal de la pierna utilizamos el colgajo neuro-veno-fascio-cutáneo (sural) a pedículo distal.

Introduction: The wound is a loss of continuity of the skin or mucosa produced by some physical or chemical agent. A wound is "complex" when due to its extension, location, depth, exposure of noble elements, it requires special therapy to heal. This is the case of wounds with tissue involvement that affects structures such as muscles, fascia, tendons, bones, blood vessels, nerves, or slowly evolving lesions such as ulcers or bedsores. Objectives: Determine the reconstruction method most used in the therapeutic management of complex wounds of the distal third of the leg in patients treated at the Trauma Hospital and the Plastic Surgery Unit of the FCM - UNA. Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, and temporally retrospective study. Patients of both sexes, of legal age, with complex wounds in the distal third of the leg, treated at the Trauma Hospital and in the Plastic Surgery Unit of the FCM - UNA, during the period 2010 to 2019, were included. Results: 112 patients were included, of which 80.36% are men and 19.64% are women. The ages range from 18 to 73 years and an average of 33.8 ± 14 years. The most common age was 18 years. The median age is 30 years, which implies that half of the sample is at least that age. Regarding origin, 41.07% are from the interior, 30.36% from the Central department and the remaining 28.57% from Asunción. Regarding the mechanism of injury, the most frequent mechanism was a traffic accident, followed by a fall from a height, in a large percentage. Regarding the evolution and complications, 92, that is, 82% of the patients do not have any negative evolution or complications. The most common was infection with 1.9%, partial loss of the flap or skin represented 2.4%, suture dehiscence with 0.9%, hematoma 0.6%, and total loss of the flap 0.54. %. Regarding the treatment applied, it must be considered that patients may have received more than one treatment, so the sample size refers to visits. The most frequent treatment was the sural flap with 28.57%, external tutor with 20.19%, skin graft 16.46%, toilette 12.73% and fasciocutaneous flap in 6.21%. Conclusion: Most cases treated correspond to some type of traffic accident. A multidisciplinary team is needed: orthopedists, plastic surgeons, vascular surgeons, physiotherapists, etc. in coordinated work to treat these serious injuries to obtain favorable results. To cover the traumatized leg, with bone exposure, we resort to muscle flaps. In the proximal 1/3, the gastrocnemius. In the middle 1/3, the soleus. To cover the distal 1/3 of the leg we used the neuro-veno-fascio-cutaneous (sural) flap to the distal pedicle.

Terapia de Salvação , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica
Rev. argent. cir ; 116(1): 50-55, mar. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559265


RESUMEN Antecedentes: el tratamiento conservador no invasivo del traumatismo esplénico disminuye intervenciones quirúrgicas innecesarias y depende centro asistencial donde es aplicado. Objetivo: describir los resultados del tratamiento conservador no invasivo de pacientes con traumatismo abdominal cerrado con lesión esplénica y correlacionarlos con variables preoperatorias. Material y métodos: trabajo observacional descriptivo de pacientes con traumatismo abdominal cerrado con lesión esplénica ingresados entre 2012-2022. Se analizaron cinemática del traumatismo, lesiones asociadas, grado de lesión tomográfica y de hemoperitoneo, lugar de internación y resultado del tratamiento conservador no invasivo. Resultados: en 102 pacientes la cinemática del traumatismo de mayor frecuencia fue moto/auto (47,1%); el porcentaje de éxito del tratamiento conservador no invasivo fue 66,6%, y se relacionó con el grado de lesión tomográfica (p <0,001), grado de hemoperitoneo (p <0,001), presencia de otras lesiones (p <0,001), traumatismo encéfalo craneano grave (p <0,009), y lugar de internación (p <0,002). Conclusión: a pesar de no contar con todos los recursos humanos y tecnológicos recomendados, el tratamiento conservador no invasivo en esta serie tuvo resultados comparables con centros de mayor complejidad.

ABSTRACT Background: Non-invasive conservative treatment of splenic trauma reduces the rate of unnecessary surgical interventions and depends on the type of healthcare center involved. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the outcomes of non-invasive conservative treatment in patients with blunt abdominal trauma and splenic injury and their correlation with the preoperative variables. Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective and observational study of patients admitted with blunt abdominal trauma and splenic injury between 2012 and 2022. The variables analyzed were kinematics of trauma, lesion severity on computed tomography images, amount of hemoperitoneum, type of unit of hospitalization and results of non-invasive conservative treatment. Results: Among 102 patients, the most common kinematics of trauma was motorcycle-to-car collisions (47.1%); the success rate of non-invasive conservative treatment was 66.6%, and was associated with lesion severity on computed tomography images (p < 0.001), amount of hemoperitoneum (p < 0.001), presence of other injuries (p < 0.001), severe trauma brain injury (p < 0.009), and type of unit of hospitalization (p < 0.002). Conclusion: Despite the absence of recommended human and technological resources, the results of non-invasive conservative treatment in this series were comparable to those obtained in high complexity centers.

Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 35(1): 33-36, mar. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551665


Introducción: El traumatismo anorrectal es una causa poco frecuente de consulta al servicio de emergencias, con una incidencia del 1 al 3%. A menudo está asociado a lesiones potencialmente mortales, por esta razón, es fundamental conocer los principios de diagnóstico y tratamiento, así como los protocolos de atención inicial de los pacientes politraumatizados. Método: Reportamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 47 años con trauma anorrectal contuso con compromiso del esfínter anal interno y externo, tratado con reparación primaria del complejo esfinteriano con técnica de overlapping, rafia de la mucosa, submucosa y muscular del recto. A los 12 meses presenta buena evolución sin incontinencia anal. Conclusión: El tratamiento del trauma rectal, basado en el dogma de las 4 D (desbridamiento, derivación fecal, drenaje presacro, lavado distal) fue exitoso. La técnica de overlapping para la lesión esfinteriana fue simple y efectiva para la reconstrucción anatómica y funcional. (AU)

Introduction: Anorectal trauma is a rare cause of consultation to the Emergency Department, with an incidence of 1 to 3%. It is often associated with life-threatening injuries, so it is essential to know the principles of diagnosis and treatment, as well as the initial care protocols for the polytrau-matized patient. Methods: We present the case of a 47-year-old man with a blunt anorectal trauma involving the internal and external anal sphincter, treated with primary overlapping repair of the sphincter complex and suturing of the rectal wall. At 12 months the patient presents good outcome, without anal incontinence. Conclusion: The treatment of rectal trauma, based on the 4 D ́s dogma (debridement, fecal diversion, presacral drainage, distal rectal washout lavage) was successful. Repair of the overlapping sphincter injury was simple and effective for anatomical and functional reconstruction. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Canal Anal/cirurgia , Canal Anal/lesões , Reto/cirurgia , Reto/lesões , Cuidados Pós-Operatórios , Ferimentos e Lesões/cirurgia , Ferimentos e Lesões/diagnóstico , Proctoscopia/métodos , Resultado do Tratamento
Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 22-46, ene.-jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531454


Objetivo: revisar la literatura existente indagando por los tipos de lesión o enfermedad que se han identificado en supervivientes de artefactos explosivos improvisados (AEI), así como aspectos individuales y colectivos relacionados con la protección o destrucción de la salud humana enfrentada a los AEI. Metodología: revisión sistemática exploratoria de literatura publicada en bases de datos, como PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, JSTOR, OpenGrey y Google Scholar, entre 2001 a 2021 en cualquier localización geográfica. Se incluyeron artículos de investigación, de revisión o reflexión, libros o capítulos de libro de investigación e informes técnicos, en inglés, español, francés y portugués. Resultados: cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y fueron revisados 76 documentos. Se han reportado múltiples lesiones asociadas al uso de los AEI, sin que exista un patrón característico de lesión o enfermedad; no obstante, la lesión más común es la amputación bilateral de miembros inferiores. En supervivientes se ha encontrado que el personal militar afectado suele mostrar una mayor capacidad de resiliencia, calidad de vida, tratamiento oportuno y capacidad física funcional más alta, comparado con civiles. El apoyo social genera efectos positivos en la salud y bienestar de los afectados. Conclusiones: los AEI generan múltiples afectaciones a la salud humana, físicas y psicosociales, los cuales requieren una atención integral y multidisciplinaria para el tratamiento, rehabilitación y reintegración de los supervivientes. Los aspectos protectores y destructivos identificados se encuentran asociados a mejores o peores resultados en la salud, existe una representación desigual entre civiles y militares.

Objective: to review the existing literature where we inquired for injury types or illness identified in victims of improvised explosive devices (IED), and also to look for individual and collective processes described in literature in relation with the protection or destruction of human's health and IEDs. Methodology: exploratory systematic review of the literature published on PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, JSTOR, OpenGrey and Google Scholar databases between 2001 and 2022, in any geographic location. We included research, review and opinion articles, books and book chapters reporting research results, and final technical reports in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Results: 76 documents met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. Multiple types of injuries have been reported in relation with the use of IEDs, without a characteristic pattern of injury or disease reported; however, the most common injury is bilateral lower limb amputation. In survivors it has been found that affected military personnel tend to show greater resilience capacity, better quality of life, timely treatment, and higher functional physical capacity, compared to civilians. Social support generates positive health effects and wellness of people affected by IED. Conclusion: IEDs generate multiple effects on human health, both physical and psychosocial, which is why comprehensive and multidisciplinary care is required for the treatment, rehabilitation, and reintegration of their victims. The protective and destructive processes identified are associated with better or worse health outcomes, with unequal representation between civilians and military personnel.

Objetivo: Revisar a literatura existente investigando os tipos de lesão ou doença que foram identificados em sobreviventes de artefatos explosivos improvisados ​​(IED), bem como aspectos individuais e coletivos relacionados à proteção ou destruição da saúde humana diante de IEDs. Metodologia: Revisão sistemática exploratória da literatura publicada nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scielo, Lilacs, JSTORE, Open Gray e Google Acadêmico, entre 2001 e 2021 em qualquer localidade geográfica. Foram incluídos artigos de pesquisa, revisão ou reflexão, livros ou capítulos de livros de pesquisa, relatórios técnicos, em inglês, espanhol, francês e português. Resultados: Atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e foram revisados ​​76 documentos. Múltiplas lesões associadas ao uso de IEDs foram relatadas, sem um padrão característico de lesão ou doença; entretanto, a lesão mais comum é a amputação bilateral de membros inferiores. Nos sobreviventes, verificou-se que os militares acometidos tendem a apresentar maior resiliência, qualidade de vida, tratamento oportuno e maior capacidade física funcional, em comparação aos civis. O apoio social gera efeitos positivos na saúde e bem-estar das pessoas afetadas. Conclusões: Os IEDs geram múltiplos efeitos na saúde humana, física e psicossocial, que requerem atenção integral e multidisciplinar para o tratamento, reabilitação e reintegração dos sobreviventes. Os aspectos protetores e destrutivos identificados estão associados a melhores ou piores resultados de saúde, com representação desigual entre civis e militares.

Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 75-83, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531510


El trauma es la principal causa de muerte de la población en edad productiva. El abordaje del trauma torácico cerrado todavía es un desafío para el médico de urgencias. Aunque no es una entidad frecuente, se asocia con una alta mortalidad y resultados adversos. El diagnóstico del trauma cerrado de aorta torácica (LCAT) requiere un alto índice de sospecha, dado que los signos y síntomas no son específicos de esta enfermedad (dolor torácico, dolor interescapular, disnea, disfagia, estridor, disfonía). Es importante resaltar que la ausencia de inestabilidad hemodinámica no debe descartar una lesión aórtica. Para su diagnóstico imagenológico se debe tener en cuenta que los rayos X de tórax no tienen el rendimiento adecuado, el patrón de referencia es la angiotomografía y el ecocardiograma transesofágico (ETE) constituye una opción diagnóstica. El manejo incluye líquidos endovenosos y antihipertensivos como medida transitoria, manejo quirúrgico definitivo y, en algunos casos, manejo expectante o diferido. Los pacientes inestables o con signos de ruptura inminente deben ser llevados de manera inmediata a cirugía. El manejo quirúrgico temprano ha impactado en la mortalidad. A pesar de los avances en las técnicas quirúrgicas, la técnica quirúrgica abierta documenta mayor tasa de mortalidad que el manejo endovascular, el cual tiene numerosas ventajas al ser poco invasivo. Esta es una revisión narrativa que destaca algunos aspectos clave sobre los mecanismos de lesión, diagnóstico y manejo inicial del trauma cerrado aorta torácica. Por último, se propone un algoritmo de abordaje de trauma de aorta.

Trauma is the leading cause of death in the productive-age population. Addressing blunt chest trauma is still a challenge for the emergency physician. Although it is not a common entity, it is associated with high mortality and adverse outcomes. The diagnosis of blunt thoracic aortic trauma (LCAT) requires a high index of suspicion, given that the signs and symptoms are not specific to this disease (chest pain, interscapular pain, dyspnea, dysphagia, stridor, dysphonia). It is important to highlight that the absence of hemodynamic instability should not rule out aortic injury. For its imaging diagnosis, it must be taken into account that chest X-rays do not have adequate performance; the reference standard is angiotomography and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a diagnostic option. Management includes intravenous fluids and antihypertensives as a temporary measure, definitive surgical management and, in some cases, expectant or deferred management. Unstable patients or patients with signs of imminent ruptura should be taken immediately to surgery. Early surgical management has impacted mortality. Despite advances in surgical techniques, the open surgical technique documents a higher mortality rate than endovascular management, which has numerous advantages as it is minimally invasive. This is a narrative review that highlights some key aspects about the mechanisms of injury, diagnosis and initial management of blunt thoracic aortic trauma. Finally, an algorithm for addressing aortic trauma is proposed.

O trauma é a principal causa de morte na população em idade produtiva. Abordar o trauma torácico contuso ainda é um desafio para o médico emergencista. Embora não seja uma entidade comum, está associada a alta mortalidade e resultados adversos. O diagnóstico de trauma fechado de aorta torácica (TACE) requer alto índice de suspeição, visto que os sinais e sintomas não são específicos desta doença (dor torácica, dor interescapular, dispneia, disfagia, estridor, disfonia). É importante ressaltar que a ausência de instabilidade hemodinâmica não deve descartar lesão aórtica. Para seu diagnóstico por imagem deve-se levar em consideração que a radiografia de tórax não apresenta desempenho adequado; o padrão de referência é a angiotomografia e a ecocardiografia transesofágica (ETE) é uma opção diagnóstica. O manejo inclui fluidos intravenosos e anti-hipertensivos como medida temporária, manejo cirúrgico definitivo e, em alguns casos, manejo expectante ou diferido. Pacientes instáveis ou com sinais de ruptura iminente devem ser encaminhados imediatamente para cirurgia. O manejo cirúrgico precoce impactou a mortalidade. Apesar dos avanços nas técnicas cirúrgicas, a técnica cirúrgica aberta documenta maior taxa de mortalidade do que o manejo endovascular, que apresenta inúmeras vantagens por ser minimamente invasivo. Esta é uma revisão narrativa que destaca alguns aspectos-chave sobre os mecanismos de lesão, diagnóstico e manejo inicial do trauma contuso da aorta torácica. Finalmente, é proposto um algoritmo para tratar o trauma aórtico.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 34(1): 85-89, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565548


RESUMEN Los traumatismos en la dentición primaria a menudo requieren un manejo diferente al que se hace en la dentición permanente. Se presenta el caso de una paciente mujer de 18 meses de edad, en aparente buen estado general, sin antecedentes médicos, que acude al servicio de Odontopediatría del Centro Dental Docente de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia a razón de que «se le ha incrustado un diente al caerse¼. Luego del examen extraoral, se observa un edema en el labio inferior; e intraoralmente se muestra un desplazamiento apical de la pieza 61. Radiográficamente, se observa que la pieza 61 se encuentra giroversada con desplazamiento apical. Diagnóstico: Luxación intrusiva de la pieza 61 y contusión del labio inferior. Tratamiento: Se realiza lavado con suero fisiológico; se le indica dieta blanda y que use cepillo de cerdas suaves; se mantiene en observación. Controles: Se realizó seguimiento durante siete meses, tiempo en el que se observó la reerupción espontánea del diente afectado. Por tanto, la reerupción espontánea es una opción de tratamiento en dientes primarios intruidos después de un traumatismo.

ABSTRACT Trauma in the primary dentition often requires different management than in the permanent dentition. We present the case of an 18-month-old female patient, in apparent good general condition, with no medical history, who came to the pediatric dentistry service of the Teaching Dental Center of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia because "a tooth had become incrusted when it fell out". After the extraoral examination, edema was observed in the lower lip and intraorally there was an apical displacement of tooth 61. Radiographically, it is observed that tooth 61 is rotated with apical displacement. Diagnosis: Intrusive dislocation of tooth 61 and contusion of the lower lip. Treatment: Washing with physiological saline solution, soft diet, and use of a soft bristle toothbrush; she was kept under observation. Controls: Follow-up was carried out for seven months, during which time spontaneous re-eruption of the affected tooth was observed. Therefore, spontaneous re-eruption is a treatment option in intruded primary teeth after trauma.

RESUMO Os traumatismos na dentição decídua requerem frequentemente um tratamento diferente do que na dentição permanente. Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, com 18 meses de idade, em aparente bom estado geral, sem antecedentes médicos, que compareceu ao serviço de odontopediatria do Centro Dental Docente da Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia porque "um dente tinha ficado incrustado ao cair". Após o exame extraoral, observou-se edema no lábio inferior e, intraoralmente, um deslocamento apical do dente 61. Radiograficamente, verificou-se que o dente 61 estava rodado com deslocamento apical. Diagnóstico: Deslocamento intrusivo do dente 61 e contusão do lábio inferior. Tratamento: lavagem com soro fisiológico, dieta branda e uso de escova de dente de cerdas macias; o paciente foi mantido em observação. Controlos: O acompanhamento foi realizado durante sete meses, período durante o qual se observou a reerupção espontânea do dente afetado. Portanto, a reerupção espontânea é uma opção de tratamento em dentes decíduos instruídos após trauma.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017278


Objective:To determine the accuracy of injury severity score(ISS)in the assessment of patients with severe trauma by the consistency analysis of the patients'ISS with severe trauma scored by three clinicians,and to guide the allocation of medical resource.Methods:Through retrospective analysis of 100 patients with serious or severe trauma admitted to Peking University People's Hospital since Sep-tember 2020 to December 2021(ISS ≥ 16 points),we conducted a consistency analysis of ISS within dif-ferent evaluators.The general information(gender,age),vital signs,physical examination,imaging,laboratory examination and other associated data of the patients after admission were retrospectively diag-nosed by 3 clinicians specializing in trauma surgery and ISS was determined.SPSS 22.0 software was used for statistical analysis,descriptive reports were made on the observed values of each set of data,and Fleiss kappa test was used for consistency analysis of the credibility of the ISS within three clinicians.Results:Through the consistency analysis of the ISS in 100 patients with severe trauma scored by 3 eva-luators,the total Fleiss kappa value was 0.581,and the overall consistency was medium.Consistency analysis of the different scores was conducted according to the calculation rules of ISS.Among the patients with single-site severe trauma,abbreviated injury scale(AIS)was 4 or 5 points,ISS was 16 or 25 points,and Fleiss kappa value was 0.756 and 0.712 within the three evaluators,showing a relatively high consistency.AIS of each part was more than 4 points,and total ISS was more than 41 points in the severe trauma patients,Fleiss kappa values are higher than 0.8 within the 3 evaluators,showing a high consistency.Conclusion:According to the consistency analysis of severe trauma patients ISS within the three evaluators,when the severe trauma patients with ISS≥16 points are treated or transported,there is a certain accuracy error when the score is used for inter-department communication or inter-hospital trans-portation,and the consistency of different evaluators for the same injury is moderate.It may lead to mis-judgment of the severity of trauma and misallocation of medical resources.However,for trauma patients with single or multiple site AIS ≥ 4 points,ISS is highly consistent among different evaluators,which can accurately indicate the severity of the patient's condition.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017300


Objective:To investigate the risk factors of acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS)after traumatic hemorrhagic shock.Methods:This was a retrospective cohort study of 314 patients with traumatic hemorrhagic shock at Trauma Medicine Center,Peking University People's Hospital from De-cember 2012 to August 2021,including 152 male patients and 162 female patients,with a median age of 63.00(49.75-82.00)years.The demographic data,past medical history,injury assessment,vital signs,laboratory examination and other indicators of these patients during hospitalization were recorded.These patients were divided into two groups,ARDS group(n=89)and non-ARDS group(n=225)ac-cording to whether there was ARDS within 7 d of admission.Risk factors for ARDS were identified using Logistic regression.The C-statistic expressed as a percentage[area under curve(AUC)of the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve]was used to assess the discrimination of the model.Results:The incidence of ARDS after traumatic hemorrhagic shock was 28.34%.Finally,Logistic regression model showed that the independent risk factors of ARDS after traumatic hemorrhagic shock included male,histo-ry of coronary heart disease,high acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ(APACHE Ⅱ)score,road traffic accident and elevated troponin Ⅰ.The OR and 95%confidence intervals(CI)were 4.01(95%CI:1.75-9.20),5.22(95%CI:1.29-21.08),1.07(95%CI:1.02-1.57),2.53(95%CI:1.21-5.28),and 1.26(95%CI:1.02-1.57),respectively;the P values were 0.001,0.020,0.009,0.014,and 0.034,respectively.The ROC curve was used to analyze the value of each risk factor in predicting ARDS.It was found that the AUC for predicting ARDS after traumatic hemor-rhagic shock was 0.59(95%CI:0.51-0.68)formale,0.55(95%CI:0.46-0.64)for history of coronary heart disease,0.65(95%CI:0.57-0.73)for APACHE Ⅱ score,0.58(95%CI:0.50-0.67)for road traffic accident,and 0.73(95%CI:0.66-0.80)for elevated troponin Ⅰ,with an overall predictive value of 0.81(95%CI:0.74-0.88).Conclusion:The incidence of ARDS in pa-tients with traumatic hemorrhagic shock is high,and male,history of coronary heart disease,high APACHE Ⅱ score,road traffic accident and elevated troponin Ⅰ are independent risk factors for ARDS after traumatic hemorrhagic shock.Timely monitoring these indicators is conducive to early detection and treatment of ARDS after traumatic hemorrhagic shock.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018537


Childhood household dysfunction(CHD)is a common adverse childhood experience,which brings the heavy physical and mental afflictions to children and adolescents.Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy(TF-CBT)is an evidence-based psychotherapy that helps children and adolescents who have experienced childhood trauma with traumatic memories.It aims to enhance the coping abilities of CHD children and adolescents,thereby improving the negative effects caused by trauma and effectively reducing psychological burden.TF-CBT can effectively improve post-traumatic stress disorder,emotional and behavioral problems,and family function in children and adolescents with CHD.It is recommended to conduct high-quality original research in the future,develop targeted TF-CBT intervention plans based on potential predictive factors,adopt a combination of online and offline methods,and construct TF-CBT interventions suitable for the Chinese CHD population to meet the mental health service needs of CHD children and adolescents.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 562-567, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018656


Metabolomics is a novel emerging technology recently applied in management of severe diseases and trauma,and has been widely used in gene analysis of disease metabolic disorders,clinical biomarker screening and disease diagnosis.This review comprehensively summarizes the latest research progress of the metabolomics in severe trauma and burns recently like traumatic brain injury(TBI),traumatic hemorrhagic shock,severe burns and so on.The paper elaborates the metabolomic technology which can quickly reflect the real-time metabolic changes of severely injured patients at different stages after injury,and uncovers new clinical biomarkers and potential drug targets of the patients with severe injuries thus improves the diagnosis and treatment strategies.Finally,we look for-ward to the current metabolomics research projects and tackling challenges on the burn-blast combined injuries,and the simultaneous development of multi-omics technology as well as artificial intelligence algorithms,which promotes the development of precision medicine.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018948


Objective:To explore the risk factors of sepsis in patients with multiple trauma and construct a nomogram prediction model.Methods:The data of patients with multiple injuries admitted to the emergency intensive care unit (EICU) of the General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University from January 2021 to April 2022 were respectively collected. Inclusion criteria: (1) meet the diagnostic criteria for multiple injuries; (2) the time from injury to admission ≤ 24 hours; (3) age>18 years old; (4) all examination or rescue measures were approved by the patient or the patient's family; (5) the patient's clinical data were complete. The patients were divided into sepsis group and non-sepsis group according to the definition of Sepsis 3.0 at the 28-day of EICU hospitalization. The receiver operating characteristic curve was drawn. Logistic regression analysis was applied to determine the independent predictors for sepsis, and the nomogram was constructed.Results:A total of 291 patients were included, including 102 in the sepsis group and 189 in the non-sepsis group. Multivariate logistic analysis revealed that age, acute physiology and chronic health status score (APACHE) Ⅱ, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), injury severity score (ISS), sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) within 24 hours after admission, blood transfusion frequency, the application of norepinephrine, mechanical ventilation, pathogenic culture results, and history of diabetes were independent factors influencing the occurrence of sepsis. A nomogram model was constructed by combining these variables (AUC=0.913, 95% CI: 0.847-0.942), and the model had a good fitting calibration curve. Conclusions:The nomogram constructed by age, APACHE-Ⅱ, GCS score, SOFA score, ISS score, number of blood transfusions, mechanical ventilation, norepinephrine drug use, pathogenic culture and diabetes has a good predictive value for sepsis in patients with multiple trauma in the later stage, which is worth promoting.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019131


Objective To investigate the genetic risk factors of deep vein thrombosis(DVT)after trauma.Methods In a nested case-control study,50 patients with DVT after traumatic lower extremity fractures and 50 patients without DVT were recruited.The two groups were matched with gender,age and fracture sites.Preoperative venography was performed to diagnose DVT in trauma patients.Genome wide association study(GWAS)was used to investigate the genetic risk factors for preoperative DVT after traumatic lower ex-tremity fractures.Genomic DNA in leukocytes from blood sample was extracted and used for GWAS.Results GWAS was conducted based on 2 662 single nucleotide variants(SNV)which were dispersed in 144 interested genes.Ten genes were found to have signifi-cant association with trauma-related DVT,including cofactors of hemostasis mechanism,i.e.,THBD,F5,SERPIND1 and ITGA2,the factors related to vitamin K-dependent(VKD)carboxylation,i.e.,GGCX and CALU,and the members of cytochrome P450 family,i.e.,CYP1A1,CYP3A4,CYP2C19 and CYP2B6.Conclusion DVT after trauma might be regulated by the cofactors of hemostasis mechanism,the factors related to VKD carboxylation and the members of cytochrome P450 family.The results of our study may provide reference and inspiration for genetic susceptibility of preoperative DVT after trauma.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019490


Objective:To explore the clinical efficacy of areola approach endoscopic thyroidectomy (AET) and gasless axillary approach endoscopic thyroidectomy (GAET) in the treatment of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) patients.Methods:A total of 96 PTC patients from the Thyroid Surgery Department of Linyi People’s Hospital from May. 2019 to May. 2022 were selected and randomly divided into 48 patients using a random number table method. The areola group received AET, while the armpit group received GAET. The surgical situation, postoperative recovery, relevant biochemical indicators [white blood cell count (WBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), parathyroid hormone (PTH), blood calcium] before and after surgery, postoperative pain level, discomfort level, neck function, and complications were compared between the two groups.Results:The surgical time and extubation time of the armpit group were (125.71±15.73) minutes and (3.12±0.53) days, respectively, which were shorter than those of the areola group (137.94±20.02) minutes and (3.48±0.46) days. The intraoperative bleeding volume was (14.19±4.16) mL, which was less than that of the areola group (22.65±7.39) mL, and the number of lymph nodes cleaned was 5.06±1.02, which was more than that of the areola group (4.23±1.14) ( P<0.05) ; there was no significant difference in postoperative drainage volume and hospital stay between the two groups ( P>0.05) ; Peripheral blood WBC in the armpit group on the 1st and 3rd day after surgery [ (5.69±0.15) ×10 9/L, (5.52±0.14) ] ×10 9/L, ESR [ (8.21±0.55) mm/h, (7.64±0.60) mm/h], CRP [ (10.06±1.78) ng/L, (8.93±1.33) ng/L] were lower than those in the areola group [ (5.83±0.21) ×10 9/L, (5.70±0.23) ×10 9/L, (8.87±0.74) mm/h, (8.19±0.68) mm/h, (12.45±1.90) ng/L, (10.45±1.50) ng/L] ( P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the levels of the above biochemical indicators 5 days after surgery ( P>0.05). There was no significant difference in peripheral blood PTH and calcium levels between the two groups on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th postoperative days ( P>0.05). The pain level [ (3.25±0.32) scores, (2.53±0.27) scores, (1.82±0.22) scores] and discomfort level [ (6.85±0.71) scores, (5.24±0.66) scores, (3.51±0.57) scores] in the axillary group were lower than those in the areola group [ (3.78±0.40) scores, (2.89±0.34) scores, (2.06±0.26) scores, (7.46±0.84) scores, (6.09±0.73) scores, (4.16±0.60) scores] on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th postoperative days ( P<0.05). The neck flexion, lateral flexion, and extension range of motion in the axillary group on the 3rd day after surgery were (33.16±3.09) °, (27.63±2.57) °, and (30.44 2.73) °, respectively, which were greater than those in the areola group[ (30.08±2.76) °, (25.14±2.30) °, and (27.98±2.54) °], and the swallowing disorder index was (30.16±4.97) points lower than the (34.83±4.13) points in the areola group ( P<0.05). The incidence of complications in the axillary group was 4.17% (2/48), lower than the 16.67% (8/48) in the areola group. Conclusion:GAET treatment for PTC patients can improve the effect of lymph node dissection, reduce the degree of surgical trauma, postoperative pain and discomfort, accelerate early postoperative recovery of neck function, and reduce complications.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020498


Objective:To establish the evaluation criteria for the quality of nursing care in orthopaedic trauma specialties, and to provide a basis for scientific evaluation of the quality of nursing care in orthopaedic trauma specialties.Methods:From February to October 2023, John Hopkinson evidence-based method was used to synthesize the evidence, clinical investigation and semi-structured interview were used to draw up the "quality standard of nursing care in orthopaedic trauma specialty", and two rounds of Delphi method of expert inquiry were used to screen, demonstrate and calibrate the evaluation standard of nursing quality in orthopaedic trauma specialty.Results:The questionnaire recovery rate of 2 rounds of expert consultation was 100.00%, the coefficient of familiarity and authority of 2 rounds of expert consultation were 0.92 and 0.93. Through 2 rounds of expert letter consultation, the quality evaluation criteria of orthopaedic trauma specialist care were established, including 3 first-level indicators (structural quality, process quality and outcome quality), 22 second-level indicators and 85 third-level indicators.Conclusions:The process of constructing the evaluation standard of nursing quality in orthopaedic trauma specialty is scientific and reliable, which can provide standard guidance for clinical practice and is conducive to the development of specialized nursing.

Tianjin Medical Journal ; (12): 68-73, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020972


Objective To explore the optimal duration of long-term mild hypothermia(MHT)for traumatic brain injury(TBI)in rats,and observe its effect on intracranial pressure(ICP)and neurological function.Methods Forty-eight healthy adult male SD rats were divided into the normal temperature treatment(NT)group,the MHT4 h group,the MHT24 h group and the MHT48 h group by random number table method,with twelve rats in each group.The TBI model of rats was prepared by electronic controllable cortical injury device,and ICP monitoring probe was implanted.After modeling,the NT group was treated with normal temperature(37℃),and the other groups were treated with low temperature(33.0±1.0)℃for 4 h,24 h and 48 h,respectively.ICP was monitored and brain water content(BWC)was calculated after MHT treatment in each group.Blood-brain barrier permeability was determined by Evansland(EB)staining.The expression of 5-bromodeoxyuracil nucleoside(BrdU),neuronal nuclear antigen antibody(NeuN)and leukocyte differentiation antigen 86(CD86)positive cells were detected by immunofluorescence staining.The expressions of B-cell lymphoma-2(Bcl-2),Bcl-2 associated X protein(Bax),inducable nitric oxide synthase(iNOS),interleukin(IL)-10 and arginase 1(Arg-1)were detected by Western blot assay.Results Compared with the NT group,levels of BWC,ICP,EB,and CD86 positive cells,Bax and iNOS expression levels were decreased in the MHT4 h group,the MHT24 h group and the MHT48 h group,and the number of BrdU positive cells and BrdU/NeuN double-labeled positive cells were increased in hippocampus.The expression levels of Bcl-2,IL-10 and Arg-1 were increased(P<0.01).Compared with the MHT24 h group,levels of BWC,ICP and EB,and CD86 positive cells,Bax and iNOS expression were decreased,and the number of BrdU positive cells and BrdU/NeuN double-labeled positive cells were increased in the MHT48 h group,while levels of Bcl-2,IL-10 and Arg-1 expression were increased(P<0.01).Conclusion Long-term MHT can promote the proliferation and differentiation of neurons,inhibit apoptosis and reduce inflammation by suppressing ICP rebound,further promoting neuroprotection after TBI.