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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016767


Background The Qingcaosha Reservoir is facing issues of algal blooms and eutrophication, and the resulting increase in the level of chlorination disinfection by-products in the water has been a major concern. Objective To evaluate the impact of "Algae Monitoring and Control Program in Qingcaosha Reservoir" (hereinafter referred to as the program) on the control of trihalomethanes (THMs) in conventional finished water. Methods From 2011 to 2019, water samples were collected from the Lujiazui Water Plant once per season, one sample each time, and the concentrations of four THMs (trichloromethane, dichlorobromomethane, monochlorodibromomethane, and tribromomethane) were measured in the samples. Using 2014 when the program was implemented as a cut-off point, the entire study period was divided into two phases: pre-implementation (2011–2013) and post-implementation(2014–2019). Segmented linear regression with interrupted time series analysis was applied to assess the concentrations and trends of THMs in the finished water before and after the program launch. Results The concentration of total THMs in finished water increased by 1.561 µg·L−1 (P=0.010) for each season of time extension before launching the program. The change in the concentration of total THMs in finished water was not statistically significant after the program launch, but the THMs concentration showed a decreasing trend as the slope was −0.626 (P=0.001). From 2017 until the end of 2019, the average concentration of THMs in finished water of Lujiazui Water Plant dropped to 10 μg·L−1 or less. Conclusions The algae and eutrophication control measures in Qingcaosha Reservoir have achieved good results, controlling THMs in finished water at a low level, and the trend of THMs has changed from a yearly increase pattern before the program to a yearly decrease pattern after the program.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972385


Background The concentrations of disinfection by-products (DBPs) are varied by different water sources, disinfectants, or treatment processes in Wuxi, and the associated health risks are also different. Objective To understand the levels of trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetamides (HAcAms) in drinking water in Wuxi, and their variations by water sources, seasons, disinfectants or treatment processes, aiming to provide technical support for ensuring the safety of drinking water. Methods In dry period (December 2019) and wet period (July 2020), the finished water and tap water (from the beginning, middle, and end of the drinking water distribution network) from 12 centralized water treatment plants in Wuxi were collected to detect the concentrations of THMs and HAcAms in water samples. A purge and trap-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method was applied to detect trichloromethane (TCM), bromodichloromethane (BDCM), dibromochloromethane (DBCM), and tribromomethane (TBM), and a solid-phase extraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method to detect dichloroacetamide (DCAcAm), trichloroacetamide (TCAcAm), bromochloroacetamide (BCAcAm), dibromoacetamide (DBAcAm), bromodichloroacetamide (BDCAcAm), dibromochloroacetamide (DBCAcAm), and tribromoacetamide (TBAcAm). Analyses and comparisons were made on the concentrations of THMs and HAcAms in drinking water by water sources (the Yangtze River/the Taihu Lake/reservoir), wet/dry seasons, disinfection methods (liquid chlorine/sodium hypochlorite), and treatment processes (conventional treatment/conventional+advanced treatment). Results A total of 96 drinking water samples were collected in Wuxi. THMs were positive in all the water samples (100%), with concentration ranging from 1.027 to 40.225 μg·L−1 and the M (P25, P75) concentration being 24.782 (17.784, 30.932) μg·L−1. None of the 4 THMs exceeded the standard limit of the Standards for drinking water quality (GB 5749-2022 ), and the order of the 4 THMs concentrations from high to low was TCM > BDCM > DBCM > TBM. Five of the 7 HAcAms were detected, the total concentration ranged from 0.137 to 3.288 μg·L−1, and the M (P25, P75) was 0.808 (0.482, 1.704) μg·L−1. The DCAcAm concentration was the highest (2.448 μg·L−1), followed by BCAcAm, while TCAcAm and DBCAcAm were not detected. The M (P25, P75) of the total concentration of THMs in the drinking water from the Taihu Lake was 33.353 (26.649, 36.217) μg·L−1, that of the Yangtze River was 27.448 (24.312, 31.393) μg·L−1, and both were higher than the level of the reservoir [16.359 (2.305, 21.553) μg·L−1] (P<0.05), while the M (P25, P75) of the total concentration of HAcAms in the drinking water from the Taihu Lake was 0.616 (0.363, 0.718) μg·L−1, which was lower than those of the Yangtze River [0.967 (0.355, 2.283) μg·L−1] and the reservoir [1.071 (0.686, 1.828) μg·L−1] (P<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in the total concentrations of THMs and HAcAms between wet season and dry season, or between different disinfection methods (P>0.05). The M (P25, P75) concentrations of THMs and HAcAms in drinking water after advanced treatment process involving ozone, activated carbon, and membrane were 20.565 (3.316, 27.185) μg·L−1 and 0.623 (0.452, 1.286) μg·L−1 respectively, and were lower than the corresponding values after conventional treatment process, 28.740 (23.431, 35.085) μg·L−1 and 0.934 (0.490, 2.116) μg·L−1 respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion The concentrations of THMs and HAcAms in drinking water in Wuxi are generally at a low level. The levels of controlled THMs meet the requirements of national standards, and the levels of uncontrolled HAcAms as new DBPs are up to μg·L−1. The concentrations of the two kinds of DBPs in drinking water vary by water sources. The concentrations of THMs and HAcAms produced by the advanced treatment process are lower than that by the conventional treatment process.

Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2022. 110 p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1524717


A busca por fontes alternativas de recursos hídricos é indispensável tornando a captação de água superficial uma opção viável para complementar o abastecimento público, porém, suas características exigem tratamento adequado para o consumo. O contato do cloro com a matéria orgânica (MO) presente em águas pode resultar na formação de diversas substâncias carcinogênicas, como os trialometanos (THM). A ausência de estudos sobre a característica predominante da matéria orgânica precursora no rio Pardo deixa uma preocupação quanto à tecnologia a ser empregada no tratamento da água, que deverá ser de ciclo completo com uma etapa complementar de pré-oxidação com cloro seguida de adsorção em carvão ativado pulverizado para garantir a remoção de microcontaminantes. O estudo foi conduzido no rio Pardo, inserido na Unidade de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos (UGRHI-4), Ribeirão Preto, estado de São Paulo. A quantificação dos SOH foi realizada no cromatógrafo a gás modelo CG 2010 Marca Shimadzu com detector de captura de elétrons e a aquisição de dados foi obtida por um microcomputador com software para cromatografia CG Real Times Analysis. De modo geral, os parâmetros analisados para o rio Pardo demonstraram que o manancial se encontra dentro dos parâmetros da CONAMA n° 357 (2005) e CONAMA n° 430 (2011) considerados ideais para um rio de classe 2. Os parâmetros analisados neste trabalho podem contribuir com conhecimento para dar subsídio para seleção da tecnologia de tratamento de água do rio Pardo, sendo ela de ciclo completo devido a sua alternância na turbidez ao longo do ano. Dentre os SOH investigados pelo trabalho, foram encontrados apenas cinco (5), sendo esses o Clorofórmio, Dicloroacetonitrila, Bromodiclorometano, Cloro Hidrato e Tricloropropanona. O Clorofórmio e Cloro Hidrato tiveram suas maiores concentrações de 76 µg·L-1 e 68 µg·L-1, respectivamente. De forma geral, os compostos quantificados se encontram abaixo dos preconizado pela Portaria GM/MS nº 888 de 2021. Ao comparar os diferentes pH é possível observar uma tendência de aumento na formação de Trialometanos conforme o aumento no valor de pH. Entretanto, devido a faixa de pH empregada ter sido restrita entre 6,0 e 9,0 a análise estatística não nos permite afirmar que há uma associação direta entre o pH e a formação de SOH

The search for alternative sources of water resources is indispensable, making the capture of surface water a viable option to complement the public supply, however, its characteristics require adequate treatment for consumption. The contact of chlorine with organic matter (OM) present in water can result in the formation of several carcinogenic substances, such as trihalomethanes (THM). The absence of studies on the predominant characteristic of the precursor organic matter in the Pardo River leaves a concern about the technology to be used in the water treatment, which should be a complete cycle with a complementary step of pre-oxidation with chlorine followed by adsorption on charcoal activated powder to ensure the removal of microcontaminants. The study was conducted on the Pardo River, located at the Water Resources Management Unit (UGRHI-4), Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo. The quantification of SOH was performed in a gas chromatograph model CG 2010 Shimadzu brand with electron capture detector and the data acquisition was obtained by a microcomputer with software for chromatography CG Real Times Analysis. In general, the parameters analyzed for the Pardo River showed that the source is within the parameters of CONAMA No. 357 (2005) and CONAMA No. 430 (2011) considered ideal for a class 2 river. The parameters analyzed in this work can contribute with knowledge to subsidize the selection of water treatment technology for the Pardo River, which is a complete cycle due to its alternation in turbidity throughout the year. Among the SOH investigated by the work, only five (5) were found, these being Chloroform, Dichloroacetonitrile, Bromodichloromethane, Chlorohydrate and Trichloropropanone. Chloroform and Chlorine Hydrate had their highest concentrations of 76 µg·L-1 and 68 µg·L-1, respectively. In general, the quantified compounds are below those recommended by Ordinance GM/MS nº 888 of 2021. When comparing the different pHs, it is possible to observe a tendency towards an increase in the formation of Trihalomethanes as the pH value increases. However, because the pH range used was restricted to between 6.0 and 9.0, the statistical analysis does not allow us to state that there is a direct association between pH and the formation of SOH

Recursos Hídricos , Trialometanos , Cloro , Purificação da Água
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 25(2): 315-322, mar.-abr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098202


RESUMO O potencial de formação de trihalometanos (PFTHM) é uma metodologia utilizada para avaliar a possibilidade de formação de subprodutos da desinfecção (SPD) por cloração durante o processo de tratamento da água. Trihalometanos (THM) são compostos organoclorados e representam a soma de clorofórmio, diclorobromometano, dibromoclorometano e bromofórmio, sendo a principal classe de SPD formados a partir da reação entre o cloro residual livre e a matéria orgânica natural (MON) presente na água bruta de mananciais de superfície. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o PFTHM resultante da aplicação de cloro na água bruta da lagoa de Extremoz, cuja tecnologia de tratamento utilizada é a filtração direta, seguida de desinfecção com cloro. Os resultados obtidos indicaram presença de matéria orgânica natural hidrofílica com predominância de ácidos fúlvicos na água bruta do manancial. A concentração média de TTHM7 (4,22 mg.L-1) revelou que a água do manancial possui forte potencialidade para formação de compostos orgânicos halogenados. O clorofórmio representou cerca de 80% da concentração total de THM nos ensaios realizados. Foram observadas correlações fortes e significativas entre as variáveis dureza (R = 0,90 e p = 0,005) e cor aparente (R = -0,93 e p = 0,002) da água bruta, resultados que indicaram que íons Ca2+ e Mg2+ podem promover a formação de THM, assim como a cor aparente.

ABSTRACT Trihalomethanes formation potential (THMFP) has been used to evaluate the possibility of disinfection byproduct (DBP) formation by chlorination during the water treatment process. Trihalomethanes (THM) are organochlorine compounds and represents the sum of chloroform, dichlorobromomethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform, and is the main class of DBP formed from the reaction between free residual chlorine and natural organic matter (NOM) present in the source waters of surface fountains. This research evaluates the THMFP on the source water from the Extremoz Pond (Natal-RN, Brazil), which is treated by direct filtration followed by chlorine disinfection. Results indicated the presence on source water of hydrophilic natural organic matter with the predominance of fulvic acids. The mean concentration of TTHM7 (4.22 mg.L-1) showed that the source water has a strong potential for halogenated organic compounds formation. Chloroform represented about 80% of the total THM concentration in the assays performed. Significant and strong correlations were observed between hardness (R = 0.90 and p = 0.005) and apparent color (R = -0.93 and p = 0.002) attesting that Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions can promote the formation of THM, as well as the apparent color.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(5): 1003-1012, set.-out. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056105


RESUMO Estudos demonstram que a utilização do cloro em estações de tratamento de água (ETA) pode contribuir para a formação de subprodutos orgânicos halogenados indesejados, tais como os trialometanos (TAM), quando há presença de matéria orgânica algogênica, composta de algas e cianobactérias. A Microcystis aeruginosa é uma espécie de cianobactéria com frequentes registros em eventos de florações no país e é relacionada com a formação de TAM durante a cloração da água. Desse modo, este estudo teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e a validação do método analítico por extração líquido-líquido para detecção e quantificação de TAM por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (ELL-CG-EM), bem como a aplicação deste para avaliar a formação de TAM em ensaios de cloração de células de Microcystis aeruginosa, simulando situações em ETA. O método obteve baixo tempo de análise (< 12 minutos), excelente seletividade, precisão, repetitividade e sensibilidade, com possibilidade de aplicação para análises de rotina em detrimento de outras técnicas consideradas mais automatizadas. Foram observadas alta demanda de cloro durante os ensaios e elevada concentração dos subprodutos quando submetida à dose de cloro gasoso (Cl2) de 2,5 e 5 mg.L-1, com destaque para o triclorometano, sendo outras espécies de monitoramento obrigatório não detectadas ou não formadas, o que pode ser justificado pela ausência de bromo.

ABSTRACT Studies have shown that the use of chlorine in water treatment plants (WTPs) can contribute to formation of undesirable halogenated organic by-products, such as trihalomethanes (THMs), when algae and cyanobacteria are present. Microcystis aeruginosa is a cyanobacteria specie with frequent recordings of flowering events in the country and is related to the formation of THMs during water chlorination. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop and validate Liquid-Liquid Extraction the analytical method for detection and quantification of THMs by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LLE-GC-MS), as well as the application of the method to evaluate the formation of TAMs from Microcystis aeruginosa cells chlorination tests, simulating situations in WTPs. The method obtained low time of analysis (< 12 minutes), excellent selectivity, precision, repeatability and sensitivity, with possibility of application for routine analysis to the detriment of other techniques considered more automated. High chlorine demand was observed during the tests and high concentration of by-products when submitted to the chlorine gas (Cl2) dose of 2.5 and 5 mg.L-1, with emphasis on trichloromethane. Other species of mandatory monitoring were not detected or not formed, justified by the absence of bromine.

Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; (77): 1-9, 2018. tab, graf


The reduction of the incidence of water-borne diseases is achieved with the diffusion of the useof chlorination techniques. However, in spite of the benefits of this disinfection method,the reactions of chlorine with the natural organic matter occurring in the water induce theproduction of disinfection by products such as trihalomethanes. These products have already beenassociated with the incidence of some cancers types. Considering that in the Brazilian legislation,it is not mandatory measuring and controlling the occurrence of trihalomethanes at the exitand during the water distribution to the consumer. This study aimed at analyzing the relationshipbetween chlorination and its by products. Thus, this project evaluated the concentrations oftrihalomethanes in water collected at different points of supply in the municipality of Colombo,Paraná, Brazil, during the period from November 2015 to February 2016. Chromatographicmethods were employed, besides the spreadsheets provided by the Health Surveillance ofColombo for comparison. The found values were tabulated and they were compared with thelimits established by the Brazilian Ministry of Health- Ordinance No 05/2017. The results confirmedthat the values of those provided by the concessionaire responsible for the city water treatmentand supply, and being within the standards determined by the legislation.

A redução da incidência de doenças transmitidas pela água foi alcançada com a difusão douso de técnicas de cloração. Apesar dos benefícios desse método de desinfecção, as reações decloro com a matéria orgânica natural presente na água levam à formação de subprodutos dedesinfecção como trihalometanos. Esses produtos já foram associados à incidência de algunstipos de câncer em animais, e muitas vezes podem ser detectados em água tratada e fornecidapara o consumo. Pela legislação brasileira não é obrigatório efetuar o monitoramento detrihalometanos após o tratamento e distribuição de água. Frente a este problema, este estudoteve como objetivo avaliar as concentrações de trihalometanos em água coletada em diferentespontos de abastecimento no município de Colombo, PR, Brasil, durante o período de novembrode 2015 a fevereiro de 2016. Utilizou-se método cromatográfico para as análises, além deplanilhas fornecidas pela Vigilância Sanitária de Colombo. Todos os valores foram comparadoscom os limites estabelecidos na Portaria de Consolidação Nº 05/2017 do Ministério da Saúde.Os resultados confirmaram que os valores de trihalometanos fornecidos pela concessionária,responsável pelo tratamento e fornecimento de água na cidade, atendem aos parâmetros legais.

Cromatografia Gasosa , Desinfecção da Água , Cloretos , Água Potável , Trialometanos
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 77: e1739, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489565


The reduction of the incidence of water-borne diseases is achieved with the diffusion of the use of chlorination techniques. However, in spite of the benefits of this disinfection method, the reactions of chlorine with the natural organic matter occurring in the water induce the production of disinfection by products such as trihalomethanes. These products have already been associated with the incidence of some cancers types. Considering that in the Brazilian legislation, it is not mandatory measuring and controlling the occurrence of trihalomethanes at the exit and during the water distribution to the consumer. This study aimed at analyzing the relationship between chlorination and its by products. Thus, this project evaluated the concentrations of trihalomethanes in water collected at different points of supply in the municipality of Colombo, Paraná, Brazil, during the period from November 2015 to February 2016. Chromatographic methods were employed, besides the spreadsheets provided by the Health Surveillance of Colombo for comparison. The found values were tabulated and they were compared with the limits established by the Brazilian Ministry of Health- Ordinance No 05/2017. The results confirmed that the values of those provided by the concessionaire responsible for the city water treatment and supply, and being within the standards determined by the legislation.

A redução da incidência de doenças transmitidas pela água foi alcançada com a difusão do uso de técnicas de cloração. Apesar dos benefícios desse método de desinfecção, as reações de cloro com a matéria orgânica natural presente na água levam à formação de subprodutos de desinfecção como trihalometanos. Esses produtos já foram associados à incidência de alguns tipos de câncer em animais, e muitas vezes podem ser detectados em água tratada e fornecida para o consumo. Pela legislação brasileira não é obrigatório efetuar o monitoramento de trihalometanos após o tratamento e distribuição de água. Frente a este problema, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as concentrações de trihalometanos em água coletada em diferentes pontos de abastecimento no município de Colombo, PR, Brasil, durante o período de novembro de 2015 a fevereiro de 2016. Utilizou-se método cromatográfico para as análises, além de planilhas fornecidas pela Vigilância Sanitária de Colombo. Todos os valores foram comparados com os limites estabelecidos na Portaria de Consolidação Nº 05/2017 do Ministério da Saúde. Os resultados confirmaram que os valores de trihalometanos fornecidos pela concessionária, responsável pelo tratamento e fornecimento de água na cidade, atendem aos parâmetros legais.

Desinfecção da Água , Microbiologia da Água , Trialometanos/análise , Água Potável/química , Brasil , Cromatografia Gasosa
Rev. colomb. quím. (Bogotá) ; 44(1): 23-29, ene.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-774959


La desinfección del agua con cloro genera subproductos como los trihalometanos (THM´s), a los cuales se les atribuyen propiedades cancerígenas y con efecto adverso en el sistema reproductivo. Se estandarizó un método simple, rápido y libre de solventes fue para la determinación de THM´s en aguas para consumo humano utilizando microextracción en fase sólida con espacio de cabeza combinada con cromatografía de gases con detector de microcaptura de electrones (HS-SPME-GC-µECD). Fueron estudiados y optimizados parámetros experimentales. Las condiciones optimizadas fueron: 20 min de extracción a 37 °C en presencia de 25% de NaCl y con una agitación de 200 rpm; con tiempo de desorción de 4 min a 250 °C. Se determinaron los límites de detección y cuantificación del método y se realizó el análisis de los trihalometanos de 75 muestras de agua de la planta de tratamiento de Aguas y Aguas de la ciudad de Pereira. El rango lineal de 5-100 mg/L fue establecido con una desviación estándar relativa (%RSD) en el rango 6,1-10,1 %. Los límites de detección estuvieron en el rango 3,8-7,8 mg/L. El promedio de la concentración de THM´s fue de 55,5 mg/L.

Water disinfection with chlorine generates byproducts such as trihalomethanes (THM's), to which cancer risk and a potential adverse effect on the reproductive system properties are attributed. The maximum permitted level of THM's in the United States is 80-100 µg/L, while in Colombia it is 200 µg/L. In this study a simple, fast and solvent-free method was developed for the determination of THM's in drinking water using solid phase microextraction in combination with head space gas chromatography microcapture electron detector (HS-SPME-GC-µECD) and used for quantification of THM's in drinking water. Experimental parameters such as extraction time, extraction temperature, desorption temperature, magnetic stirring, and addition of salt were studied. Limits of detection and quantification were determined and the analysis of THM´s in 75 samples of water from the treatment plant of Pereira city were performed. Optimized conditions were 20 min extraction at 37 °C in the presence of 25% NaCl and with stirring at 200 rpm; with a desorption time of 4 min at 250 °C. Linear range of 5-100 µg/L was established with a relative standard deviation (% RSD) in the range 6.1-10.1%. Detection limits ranged from 3.8 to 7.8 µg/L. Average concentration of THMs was 55.5 µg/L which was within International and National requirements.

A desinfecção da água com cloro gera subprodutos como trihalometanos (THM´s), aos quais são atribuídos o risco de câncer e efeitos adversos sobre o sistema reprodutivo. Foi estandardizado um método simples, rápido e livre de solventes para a determinação de THM´s nas águas para consumo humano usando microextração em fase sólida com espaço de cabeça em combinação de cromatografia gasosa com microcaptura de eletrões (HS-SPME-GC-µECD). Foram estudados e otimizados os parâmetros experimentais. As condições optimizadas foram de 20 minutos de extração, a 37 °C na presença de 25% de NaCl, com agitação de 200 rpm e com tempo de dessorção de 4 min a 250 °C. Os limites de detecção e quantificação do método foram determinados e foi realizada a análise de trihalometanos em 75 amostras de água da estação de tratamento da cidade de Pereira. A gama linear de 5-100 mg/L foi estabelecida com um desvio-padrão relativo (%RSD) na gama de 6,1-10,1%. Os limites de detecção foram de 3,8 a 7,8, mg/L. A média de concentração de THM´s foi de 55,5 mg/L.

Rev. bras. promoç. saúde (Impr.) ; 25(1)mar. 2012. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-641474


Objetivo: Medir as concentrações de Trihalometanos (THM) na rede de distribuição de água potável da Baixada de Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil, e seus riscos associados. Métodos: Duzentas casas foram visitadas e coletaram-se amostras de água das torneiras do consumidores. Estimativas de riscos baseadas em exposições foram projetadas, empregando abordagens determinísticas e probabilísticas. Resultados: Os THMs (dibromoclorometano, bromofórmio, clorofórmio e bromodiclorometano) variaram de 3,08 ?g/l a 129,31 ?g/l Riscos não cancerígenos induzidos por ingestão de THMs foram abaixo do nível tolerável (10-6). Conclusão: Os dados obtidos nesta pesquisa demonstram que a exposição aos contaminantes da água potável e os riscos associados foram superiores ao nível aceitável.

Objective: To measure the concentrations of trihalomethanes (THMs) in marshland of Jacarepaguá drinking water, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil, and their associated risks. Methods: Two hundred houses were visited and samples were collected from consumer taps water. Risks estimates based on exposures were projected by employing deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Results: The THMs (dibromochloromethane, bromoform, chloroform, and bromodichloromethane) ranged from 3.08 ?g/l to 129.31 ?g/l. Non-carcinogenic risks induced by ingestion of THMs were below the tolerable level (10-6). Conclusion: Data obtained in this research demonstrate that exposure to drinking water contaminants and associated risks were higher than the acceptable level.

Água Potável , Risco , Trialometanos
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 14(1): 106-119, mar. 2011. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-576935


Este trabalho constituiu um estudo do tipo transversal, que objetivou avaliar a possível associação entre a exposição a trialometanos presentes na rede pública de abastecimento de água da região metropolitana de São Paulo e a ocorrência de desfechos adversos na gravidez. Para a realização deste estudo, foram selecionados 19 municípios da região metropolitana de São Paulo que eram abastecidos por apenas uma estação de tratamento de água, no período de 1998 a 2002. Partiu-se da verificação dos níveis de trialometanos na água de abastecimento e da análise da prevalência de baixo peso ao nascer, prematuridade, anomalias congênitas, defeitos no tubo neural e no sistema nervoso central, nos recém-nascidos dos municípios estudados, para se analisar a associação entre a exposição a trialometanos e a ocorrência de desfechos adversos na gravidez. A população estudada consistiu em todas as mulheres grávidas e seus filhos recém-nascidos, residentes nos municípios selecionados durante o período de estudo, que tiveram suas declarações de nascido vivo registradas no Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). Os níveis de trialometanos foram tratados como categorias. A análise descritiva foi seguida pela análise univariada, e esta pela análise multivariada. Para expressar as possíveis associações dos desfechos pesquisados com os trialometanos foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado, seguido da estimativa das razões de chance (odds ratio - OR) com intervalos de 95 por cento de confiança. O controle das variáveis de confusão se deu através da análise de regressão logística múltipla não condicional, seguindo os procedimentos de Hosmer e Lemeshow (2000). As variáveis que apresentaram nível de significância estatística (p < 0,2) na análise univariada foram inseridas no modelo múltiplo...

This paper describes a cross-sectional study that aimed to evaluate the possible association between exposure to trihalomethanes present in public water supplies in the metropolitan region of São Paulo and the occurrence of adverse outcomes in pregnancy. In order to perform the research, 19 municipalities located in the metropolitan area of São Paulo that were supplied by only one water treatment plant, from 1998 to 2002, were selected. The starting point was the verification of trihalomethane levels in public water supplies and the analysis of the prevalence of low birth weight, preterm delivery, congenital anomalies, neural tube and nervous system defects in newborns of the municipalities that were involved in the study, in order to analyze the association between exposure to trihalomethanes and the occurrence of adverse outcomes in pregnancy. The population that was studied consisted of all pregnant women and their newborn children who were living in the selected municipalities during the research period, and had their birth certificates registered in the Information System on Live Births (SINASC). The levels of trihalomethanes were treated as categories. The descriptive analysis was followed by a univariate analysis and then by a multivariate analysis. To express the possible associations of the research outcomes with trihalomethanes, the chi-square test was used followed by the estimation of odds-ratio with a 95% confidence interval. Confounding variables were controlled through the analysis of unconditional multiple logistic regression, following the procedures of Hosmer and Lemeshow (2000). The variables that showed statistical significance (p < 0.2) in univariate analysis were entered into the multivariate mode. The results pointed out an association between possible risk of prematurity and malformation related to trihalomethanes, raising the need for in-depth studies, due to the implications of that fact in public health...

Humanos , Gravidez , Abastecimento de Água/análise , Anormalidades Congênitas , Recém-Nascido Prematuro , Tubo Neural , Gestantes , Trialometanos , Poluição da Água , Estudos Transversais , Ingestão de Líquidos , Recém-Nascido de Baixo Peso , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro , Sistema Nervoso Central/anormalidades , Toxicidade , Efeitos da Contaminação da Água
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 15(supl.2): 3109-3123, out. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-562853


This study aims to review epidemiologic evidence of the association between exposure to chlorination disinfection by-products (DBPs) and congenital anomalies. All epidemiologic studies that evaluated a relationship between an index of DBP exposure and risk of congenital anomalies were analyzed. For all congenital anomalies combined, the meta-analysis gave a statistically significant excess risk for high versus low exposure to water chlorination or TTHM (17 percent; 95 percent CI, 3-34) based on a small number of studies. The meta-analysis also suggested a statistically significant excess risk for ventricular septal defects (58 percent; 95 percent CI, 21-107), but based on only three studies, and there was little evidence of an exposure-response relationship. It was observed no statistically significant relationships in the other meta-analyses and little evidence for publication bias, except for urinary tract defects and cleft lip and palate. Although some individual studies have suggested an association between chlorination disinfection by-products and congenital anomalies, meta-analyses of all currently available studies demonstrate little evidence of such association.

O objetivo deste estudo é revisar evidências epidemiológicas da associação entre a exposição a subprodutos da desinfecção com cloro (DBPs) e anomalias congênitas. Todos os estudos epidemiológicos que avaliaram a relação entre o índice de exposição a DBPs e o risco de anomalias congênitas foram analisados. Para todas as anomalias congênitas combinadas, a meta-análise resultou em um risco de excesso estatisticamente significante para alta versus baixa exposição à cloração da água ou ao TTHM (17 por cento; 95 por cento CI, 3-34) baseado em um pequeno número de estudos. A meta-análise também sugere um excesso de risco estatisticamente significante para defeitos septais ventriculares (58 por cento; 95 por cento CI, 21-107), porém com base em apenas três estudos, nos quais se encontrou pouca evidência na relação exposição-resposta. Não foram observadas relações estatisticamente significantes em outras meta-análises e pouca evidência para uma tendência de publicação, com exceção de defeitos no trato urinário e fissura labiopalatal. Apesar de alguns estudos individuais sugerirem uma associação entre subprodutos da desinfecção com cloro e anomalias congênitas, as meta-análises de todos os estudos disponíveis atualmente demonstraram pouca evidência de tal associação.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-38761


This study was conducted as a nationwide survey in Korea to determine the THM (trihalomethane) concentration levels in the drinking water of 14 selected cities. The survey was undertaken in one city (Kwangju) during September and October of 1988 and 14 cities in January through February of 1988. The results were as follows: 1. The KMnO4 consumption was 10.6 mg/l - 11.6 mg/l in Pusan and Ulsan, exceeding the drinking water standard of 10 mg/l. Pusan, Inchon, Kwangju, Ulsan, Mokpo and Junju areas also exceeded the ammonia nitrate standard of 0.5 mg/l, Other tap waters surveyed were detected below the drinking water standards. 2. The THM concentrations of tap water measured in January and February of 1989 were detected in the range 1.20 microgram/l - 150.8 microgram/l. 3. In the comparative study of the THM concentration of tap water measured in the Kwangju area during September and October of 1988, the average THM concentration of 145.63 +/- 70.72 microgram/l showed a sifford increase compared to that of 23.8 +/- 8.31 microgram/l surveyed in January and February 1989. 4. The proportion of the four THM compounds found in tap water was bromoform, 47%; chloroform, 30%; chlordibromomethane, 13%; and dichlorobromomethane, 10%. 5. Since the results indicate that the concentration of bromoform was 2 - 10 times higher than that of chloroform measured in the seaside district of Pusan, Ulsan and Cheju Island, it is reasonable to assume that the raw water was somehow influenced by seawater. 6. The average lifetime cancer rate of the population exposed to chloroform measured in the surveyed areas was 17 cancer incidences per 1 million population. From the above results, the existence of THM in the distribution systems seems to be inevitable, since chlorine disinfection is performed in water treatment plants in our country. There seems to be a trend of increasing. THM concentrations due to the contamination of raw water. In order to establish any form of regulations, health risk assessment is an imminent subject.

Amônia , Cloro , Clorofórmio , Desinfecção , Água Potável , Ingestão de Líquidos , Incidência , Coreia (Geográfico) , Medição de Risco , Água do Mar , Controle Social Formal , Trialometanos , Água , Purificação da Água