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Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 81(3): 162-169, may.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568903


Abstract Background: The cochlear implant (CI) is effective for rehabilitating patients with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss. However, its placement and use have been associated with various complications, such as those affecting the vestibular system. The objective of this study was to compare vestibular function using the video head impulse test (vHIT) in pediatric patients before and after CI placement. Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study was conducted. The outcomes of 11 pediatric patients of both sexes with a history of profound hearing loss were evaluated. The results of vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) gain, saccades, asymmetry, Pérez Rey (PR) index, and VOR/saccade ratio for both ears obtained by the vHIT test before and after CI placement were compared. Results: Of the 11 patients evaluated, the VOR gain showed that 81.8% had normal function, 18.2% had hypofunction, and no patients had hyperfunction before implantation. No statistically significant differences were found when compared with post-implant off and post-implant on conditions (p > 0.05). The extracted variables, asymmetry, PR index, and the VOR/saccades ratio also showed no statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-implant conditions, whether off or on. Conclusions: The vestibular function of pediatric patients did not show significant changes before and after CI placement. The vHIT test is a valuable tool for assessing vestibular function and could be considered a criterion for surgical and rehabilitation decisions in patients undergoing CI placement.

Resumen Introducción: El implante coclear es un dispositivo eficaz para la rehabilitación de pacientes con hipoacusia neurosensorial severa a profunda. Sin embargo, su colocación y uso se ha asociado a diversas complicaciones, entre ellas a nivel del sistema vestibular. El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar la función vestibular mediante la prueba de videoimpulso cefálico (vHIT) de pacientes pediátricos antes y después de la colocación del implante coclear. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se evaluaron los resultados de 11 pacientes pediátricos de ambos sexos con antecedente de hipoacusia profunda. Se compararon los resultados de ganancia del VOR, sacadas, asimetría, índice PR así como la relación VOR/sacadas para ambos oídos obtenidos mediante la prueba vHIT antes y después de la colocación del implante coclear. Resultados: De los 11 pacientes evaluados, la ganancia del VOR mostró que el 81.8% tenía normofunción, 18.2% hipofunción y ningún paciente hiperfunción antes del implante. Al compararlo con la ganancia post implante apagado y post implante encendido no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p > 0.05). Las variables sacadas, asimetría, índice PR así como la relación VOR/sacadas tampoco mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las condiciones pre y pos implante ya sea apagado o encendido. Conclusiones: La función vestibular de pacientes pediátricos no mostró cambios significativos previo y posterior a la colocación del implante coclear. La prueba vHIT es una herramienta útil que permite evaluar la función vestibular y que podría considerarse como criterio para tomar decisiones quirúrgicas en pacientes que se encuentran en protocolo para implante coclear.

Curitiba; s.n; 20240301. 134 p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1562056


Resumo: Esta pesquisa de desenvolvimento tecnológico apresenta a produção de uma série vídeos que abordam os Cuidados Pós-Reanimação Neonatal em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva, registrado como obra audiovisual brasileira na Agência Nacional do Cinema, com número de Certificado de Produto Brasileiro Nº B24-001351-00000. Teve como objetivo produzir e validar uma tecnologia educacional, no formato de vídeo, para a capacitação dos profissionais de enfermagem em Cuidados Pós-Reanimação Neonatal. Trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica dividida em três fases: fase I - pré-produção, fase II - produção e fase III - pós-produção, realizada no período de maio de 2023 a janeiro de 2024. O estudo foi desenvolvido no Hospital de Base Dr. Ary Pinheiro, integrante da Rede de Atenção à Saúde do Estado de Rondônia ­ Brasil e no Programa de Pós-Graduação Prática do Cuidado em Saúde da Universidade Federal do Paraná. A validação do conteúdo do roteiro se deu à partir da avaliação de sete enfermeiros e quatro médicos especialistas com experiência na temática, obtendo-se Índice de Validade de Conteúdo- Geral de 89,8% e coeficiente alfa de Cronbach igual a 0,87, representando uma consistência quase perfeita. A validação da aparência dos vídeos contou com a participação dos mesmos especialistas que validaram o conteúdo, além do público-alvo, sendo estes últimos, seis enfermeiros e quatro técnicos em enfermagem. Na validação dos especialistas obteve-se Índice de Validade de Aparência-Individual de 100% e consequentemente Índice de Validade de Aparência-Geral de 100%. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi igual a 0,95, representando uma consistência quase perfeita. Na validação realizada pelo público-alvo, dos 12 itens avaliados, cinco apresentaram Índice de Validade de Aparência-Individual de 90%, os demais obtiveram 100%. O Índice de Validade de Aparência-Geral foi de 96%, e o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi igual a 0,96, representando uma consistência quase perfeita. Como resultados foram produzidos quatro vídeos, fundamentados no Manual de Cuidados Pós-Reanimação Neonatal da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria e com contribuições dos especialistas e públicoalvo. Os vídeos foram produzidos em formato audiovisual 2D, com tempo individual inferior a 5 minutos e total de 17 minutos e 47 segundos, sendo disponibilizados gratuitamente em plataformas digitais como: CofenPlay®, Youtube® e Instagram®. Devido ao rigor metodológico utilizado neste estudo, é possível a replicação da produção dos vídeos com diversas temáticas e objetivos educacionais. Mediante o objetivo proposto, conclui-se que os vídeos produzidos são válidos para serem utilizados como um recurso tecnológico educacional facilitador do processo ensino-aprendizagem para a capacitação de profissionais de enfermagem em Cuidados Pós-Reanimação Neonatal.

Abstract: This technology development study presents the production of a series of videos addressing Neonatal Post-Resuscitation Care in Intensive Care Units. It was registered as a Brazilian audiovisual work at the National Cinema Agency under Brazilian Product Certificate number B24-001351-00000. The objective was to produce and validate an educational technology in video format to train nursing professionals in Neonatal Post-Resuscitation Care. This methodological study was divided into three phases: phase I - pre-production, phase II - production and phase III - post-production. It was developed between May 2023 and January 2024 at the Hospital de Base Dr. Ary Pinheiro, member of the Health Care Network of the state of Rondônia, Brazil, and in the Practical Postgraduate Program in Health Care at the Universidade Federal do Paraná. The content validation of the script was based on the evaluation performed by seven nurses and four specialist physicians with experience in the theme. The Overall Content Validity Index was 89.8% and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.87, representing an almost perfect consistency. The same experts who validated the content participated in the face validation of the videos, in addition to the target audience composed of six nurses and four nursing technicians. In the experts' validation, an Individual Face Validity Index of 100% was obtained and consequently, an Overall Face Validity Index of 100%. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.95, representing almost perfect consistency. In the validation by the target audience, five out of the 12 items evaluated presented an Individual Face Validity Index of 90%, while the others obtained 100%. The Overall Face Validity Index was 96%, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.96, representing almost perfect consistency. As a result, four videos based on the Neonatal Post-Resuscitation Care Manual of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics were produced, with contributions from specialists and the target audience. The videos were produced in 2D audiovisual format, with a duration of less than 5 minutes each and a total of 17 minutes and 47 seconds. They were made available free of charge on digital platforms such as: CofenPlay®, Youtube® and Instagram®. The methodological rigor used in this study allows the replication of the production of videos with different themes and educational objectives. Based on the proposed objective, the conclusion is that the videos produced are valid to be used as an educational technological resource to facilitate the teaching-learning process for the training of nursing professionals in Neonatal Post-Resuscitation Care.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Recém-Nascido , Reanimação Cardiopulmonar , Reanimação Cardiopulmonar/enfermagem , Tecnologia Educacional , Capacitação Profissional , Profissionais de Enfermagem
Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e59007, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559326


Abstract Introduction: The coral reefs of Isla del Coco National Park are some of the most pristine ecosystems on Earth. The sea urchin Diadema mexicanum (Diadematoida: Diadematidae) is a common inhabitant with a pivotal role in the ecology of this unique ecosystem. Objective: In this study, we identified the predominant predators of D. mexicanum and estimated the predatory consumption rates. We also determined predation rates at different sea urchin sizes and at sites with contrasting refuge availability. Methods: We use field video recording observations and tethering experiments. Results: The balistid Sufflamen verres and the labrid Bodianus diplotaenia were identified as predators of small and medium size D. mexicanum; the labrids Thalassoma grammaticum and B. diplotaenia (juvenile) and the tetraodontid Arothron meleagris were attempted predators; and Canthigaster punctatissima and Holacanthus passer were scavengers. Larger sea urchins (> 30 mm) were also preyed upon during the tethering experiments. Furthermore, a clear effect of the site on survival of the different sea urchins' sizes was noted. No difference in the sea urchin predator biomass was found among sites, which highlights the importance of site complexity on survival. At high and medium complexity sites, large individuals had better survival, while at the low complexity site, there was almost no differences in survival rates among the three size classes. Our results also show that a high abundance of these predatory fishes, above 0.04 ind m-2, guarantees a low sea urchin density. Below this threshold, a higher variability in sea urchin density is observed Despite not being registered with the video recordings, lobsters were observed once preying upon a large sea urchin individual. Conclusions: This study identifies a keystone fish guild with high predation rate for Diadema in the National Park, which suggests that protective actions have positively benefited predatory fish and lobster populations.

Resumen Introducción: Los arrecifes de coral del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco son uno de los ecosistemas más prístinos de la Tierra. El erizo de mar Diadema mexicanum (Diadematoida: Diadematidae) es un habitante común con un papel ecológico esencial en este ecosistema único. Objetivo: En este estudio, identificamos los depredadores predominantes de D. mexicanum y estimamos las tasas de consumos predatorias. También determinamos las tasas predatorias de diferentes tamaños de erizo de mar en sitios con disponibilidad de refugio contrastante. Métodos: Utilizamos grabaciones de video de campo y experimentos de marcaje. Resultados: El pez ballesta Sufflamen verres y el lábrido Bodianus diplotaenia fueron identificados como depredadores de tamaños pequeños y medianos de D. Mexicanum; los lábridos Thalassoma grammaticum y B. diplotaenia (juvenil) y el tetraodóntido Arothron meleagris fueron intento de depredadores; y Canthigaster punctatissima y Holacanthus passer fueron carroñeros. Los erizos de mar de gran tamaño (> 30 mm) también fueron depredados durante el experimento de marcaje. Además, se encontró un efecto claro del sitio en la supervivencia de los diferentes tamaños de erizo de mar. No se encontraron diferencias en la biomasa de los depredadores del erizo de mar entre sitios, lo que señala la importancia de la complejidad del sitio en la supervivencia. En sitios con complejidad estructural alta y media, los individuos grandes tuvieron mejor supervivencia, mientras que en sitios de complejidad baja apenas hubo diferencias en las tasas de supervivencia entre los tres tamaños. Nuestros resultados también muestran que una alta abundancia de peces depredadores, por encima de 0.04 ind m-2, asegura bajas densidades de erizos de mar. A pesar de no ser registrado durante las grabaciones de video, se observó en una ocasión a una langosta depredando sobre un erizo de gran tamaño. Conclusiones: Este estudio identifica el grupo de peces clave con grandes tasas de depredación sobre Diadema en el Parque Nacional, lo que sugiere que las medidas de protección han beneficiado positivamente las poblaciones de peces depredadores y langostas.

Animais , Comportamento Predatório , Ouriços-do-Mar , Peixes , México
Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 23: e20246707, 02 jan 2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1556196


OBJETIVO: Descrever a produção de protótipo de história digital baseada na experiência de sintomas urinários e intestinais em crianças. MÉTODO: Trata-se de pesquisa aplicada, com abordagem multimétodo, dividida em 2 fases: fase 1 consistiu em uma revisão sistemática de métodos mistos e um estudo de método misto (etapa quantitativa baseada em estudo retrospectivo do tipo documental por meio da análise de prontuários, e etapa qualitativa baseada em entrevistas com profissionais especialistas, responsáveis e crianças com sintomas urinários e intestinais em idade escolar). A fase 2 foi uma pesquisa metodológica de produção tecnológica do protótipo de história digital. RESULTADOS: A partir da triangulação dos dados obtidos nas 2 fases da pesquisa multimétodo, a história desenvolvida trouxe personagens representativos do perfil de crianças com os sintomas estudados e uma narrativa com elementos da experiência desses sintomas. CONCLUSÃO: A história buscou dar protagonismo e encorajar crianças com tais sintomas para tratamento e autocuidado.

OBJECTIVE: To describe the production of a prototype digital story based on the experience of bladder and bowel symptoms in children. METHOD: This is an applied research with a multimethod approach, divided into two phases: Phase 1 consisted of a systematic review of mixed methods and a mixed methods study (quantitative phase based on retrospective documentary analysis of medical records, and qualitative phase based on interviews with health professionals, caregivers, and children with bladder and bowel symptoms of school age). Phase 2 consisted of a methodological study of the technological production of the digital story prototype. RESULTS: Based on the triangulation of data obtained in the two phases of the multimethod research, the developed story brought representative characters of the profile of children with the studied symptoms and a narrative with elements of the experience of these symptoms. CONCLUSION: The story sought to give protagonism and encourage children with such symptoms to treatment and self-care.

Humanos , Criança , Sistema Urinário/fisiopatologia , Saúde da Criança , Constipação Intestinal , Sintomas do Trato Urinário Inferior , Intestinos/fisiopatologia , Filmes Cinematográficos , Pesquisa Aplicada
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006511


@#Objective    To investigate the clinical effect of 3D computed tomography bronchial bronchography and angiography (3D-CTBA) and guidance of thoracoscopic anatomic pulmonary segmentectomy by Mimics software system. Methods    A retrospective analysis was performed on patients who underwent thoracoscopic segmentectomy in the Department of Thoracic Surgery of Affiliated People's Hospital of Jiangsu University from June 2020 to December 2022. The patients who underwent preoperative 3D-CTBA using Materiaise's interactive medical image control system (Mimics) were selected as an observation group, and the patients who did not receive 3D-CTBA were selected as a control group. The relevant clinical indicators were compared between the two groups. Results    A total of 59 patients were included, including 29 males and 30 females, aged 25-79 years. There were 37 patients in the observation group, and 22 patients in the control group. The operation time (163.0±48.7 min vs. 188.8±43.0 min, P=0.044), intraoperative blood loss [10.0 (10.0, 20.0) mL vs. 20.0 (20.0, 35.0) mL, P<0.001], and preoperative puncture localization rate (5.4% vs. 31.8%, P=0.019) in the observation group were better than those in the control group. There was no statistically significant difference in the thoracic tube placement time, thoracic fluid drainage volume, number of intraoperative closure nail bin, postoperative hospital stay, or postoperative air leakage incidence (P>0.05) between the two groups. Conclusion    For patients who need to undergo anatomical pulmonary segmentectomy, using Mimics software to produce 3D-CTBA before surgery can help accurately identify pulmonary arteriovenous anatomy, reduce surgical time and intraoperative blood loss, help to determine the location of nodules and reduce invasive localization before surgery, and alleviate patients' pain, which is worthy of clinical promotion.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006518


@#Objective    To explore the safety and feasibility of uni-portal video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for the treatment of bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS). Methods    The clinical data of BPS patients with surgical resection in Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital from February 2010 to June 2021 were reviewed. The patients were divided into a VATS group and a thoracotomy group according to the operation method. The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, hospital stay and postoperative complication rate were compared between the two groups. The VATS group was subdivided into a uni-portal VATS group and a multi-portal VATS group for subgroup analysis. Results    Finally 131 patients were enrolled, including 62 males and 69 females with an average age of 39.3±13.2 years. There were 103 patients in the VATS group and 28 patients in the thoracotomy group. A total of 104 patients were diagnosed with left lower BPS, 26 with right lower BPS and 1 with bilateral lower BPS. The main symptom was cough (88 patients, 67.2%). There were 119 patients diagnosed by thoracic enhanced CT before operation. Compared with the thoracotomy group, the operation time was not statistically different (P=0.717), but the blood loss was less, the rate of postoperative complication was lower and hospital stay was shorter in the VATS group (P<0.05). The rate of conversion to open surgery in the uni-portal VATS group and multi-portal VATS group was 11.8% and 13.5%, respectively. Meanwhile, patients in the uni-portal VATS group had shorter operation time and postoperative hospital stay, less blood loss and lower postoperative complication rate than those in the multi-portal VATS group (P<0.05). Conclusion     In order to improve the rate of diagnosis, the lung enhanced CT scan should be selected as an optimal noninvasive method in adult suspected patients (especially those with solid cystic and solid lesions in the lower lobe). Uni-portal VATS is a safe and feasible method for BPS which can be widely promoted.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018826


Objective To compare the clinical application value of medical glue and a new-type medical anchor positioning needle in thoracoscopic resection of pulmonary nodules.Methods A total of 182 patients with pulmonary nodules,who received video-assisted thoracic surgery(VATS)at the Department of Thoracic Surgery of Affiliated Hospital of Shaoxing University of China between January 2020 and December 2022,were enrolled in this study.Preoperative CT-guided localization of the pulmonary nodule was performed in all patients,including medical glue positioning in 89 patients(medical glue group)and anchor needle positioning in 93 patients(anchor needle group).The incidences of pneumothorax and bleeding,the time spent for positioning,the interval between localization and operation,the time spent for operation,and the radiation dose during localization process were recorded and the data were statistically analyzed.Results The success rate of positioning was 100%(93/93)in the anchor needle group and 96.7%(86/89)in the medical glue group.There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups(P>0.05).The incidence of bleeding was 31.2%(29/93)in the anchor needle group and 15.7%(14/89)in the medical glue group,and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).The incidence of pneumothorax was 30.1%(28/93)in the anchor needle group and 20.2%(18/89)in the medical glue group,and there was no significant difference between the two groups(P>0.05).No statistically significant difference in the time spent for operation existed between the two groups(P>0.05).The time spent for positioning and the interval between localization and operation in the medical glue group were longer than those in the anchor needle group,and the radiation dose in the medical glue group was higher than that in the anchor needle group,and the differences between the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion For the preoperative localization of ground glass opacity(GGO)or solitary pulmonary nodule(SPN),both medical glue positioning method and anchor needle positioning method have high clinical application value.The clinical and interventional physicians should adopt appropriate positioning method according to the patient's condition.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019188


Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery(VATS)has the advantages of clear visual field,minimal impact on physiology of respiratory,less postoperative pain,and a rapid recovery.Therefore,VATS is widely used in clinic.The non-ventilated lung collapse is the key point of thoracoscopic surgery,and the poor lung collapse on the operative side may damage the surgical exposure and prolongs the process of sur-gery.Therefore,high quality of lung collapse is the basis for the successful of surgery.How to achieve excel-lent quality of lung collapse in a short time has become the focus of anesthesiologists.In recent years,a vari-ety of speed lung collapse techniques have been applied in clinical practice.This article reviews the applica-tion progress of non-ventilated speeding lung collapse techniques,make introduction for clinical application,and discuss their consideration,to provide the reference for clinical practice.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019507


Cervical Bronchogenic cysts (BC) is a rare congenital abnormality caused by abnormal budding of the embryonic foregut diverticulum. Mediastinal and intrapulmonary types are the most common sites of occurrence, and thyroid BC is rare. This article aims to report a case of resection of thyroid BC with video-assistance technology to improve the understanding of the imaging, pathology and clinical aspects of this disease.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020491


Objective:To observe of the effects of micro-video breakthrough education and thematic workshops in the care of internal fistulae in maintenance haemodialysis patients, to provide a basis for improving prognosis of patients.Methods:This study was a randomized controlled trial. A total of 90 cases of maintenance haemodialysis patients with endocardial fistula were selected in Huzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January to December in 2022 as the observation samples using convenience sampling method. They were divided into the experimental group and the control group with 45 cases in each group by the method of random number table. The control group used the conventional nursing care for maintenance haemodialysis endocardial fistula to administer nursing care, the experimental group introduced the micro-video breakthrough education and thematic workshop as a combined mechanism of intervention. The self-care behaviors with arteriovenous fistula and other observation indexes between the two groups were compared.Results:There were 23 males and 22 females in the control group, aged (58.07 ± 3.00) years old. There were 24 males and 21 females in the experimental group, aged (58.93 ± 4.07) years old. After care, the total internal fistula self-care behaviour score in the experimental group was (49.44 ± 1.84) points, and (38.93 ± 2.19) points in the control group, the difference between the two groups were statistical significant ( t = 24.65, P<0.05). For health management adherence, the score of fluid intake, dialysis regimen, medication and dietary dimension were (15.82 ± 1.37), (12.87 ± 1.39), (17.24 ± 1.33) and (21.60 ± 1.03) points in the experimental group, and (11.20 ± 0.92), (9.98 ± 1.14), (12.11 ± 1.01) and (17.40 ± 1.10) points in the control group, the difference between the two groups were statistical significant ( t values were 10.78 to 20.62, all P<0.05). For positive psychological capital, the scores of self-efficacy, resilience, hope and optimism were (38.69 ± 1.22), (39.27 ± 1.10), (33.29 ± 1.52) and (33.40 ± 1.39) points, and were (31.16 ± 1.26), (31.04 ± 1.15), ( 26.13 ± 1.52) and (27.09 ± 7.28) points in the control group, the difference between the two groups were statistical significant ( t values were 5.71 to 34.77, all P<0.05). The total complication rate of the experimental group was 8.89% (4/45), lower than 28.89% (13/45) in the control group, and the differences were all statistically significant ( χ2 = 5.87, P<0.05). Conclusions:The combined application of micro-video breakthrough education and special workshops in maintenance hemodialysis patients with internal fistula is beneficial to the improvement of their internal fistula self-care ability, health management compliance and positive psychological capital, and can reduce the probability of internal fistula complications.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023368


Objective:To explore the impact of applying micro-video tracing training model to emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) knowledge training on the autonomous learning ability and learning outcomes among emergency department nurses.Methods:In this study, the training content was developed from the perspective of the historical development of EIDs. The training program was constructed in the form of a micro-video classification module and periodic WeChat group push-based autonomous learning. Convenience sampling was used to select 85 emergency nurses ( n=85) from a grade A tertiary general hospital in Shanghai for micro-video tracing training. The nurses were provided with EIDs knowledge training using a module consisting of 11 episodes, each of which included 5 sessions, i.e., enlightening thinking, micro-video learning, key point consolidation, key point analysis, and extension and expansion. After the intervention, the nurses were compared for their autonomous learning ability and their knowledge, belief, and action levels of EIDs, and their degree of satisfaction with the training model was evaluated. SPSS 20.0 and GraphPad Prism 9.3.0 were used for non-parametric Wilcoxon paired tests of quartiles ( Q25, M, and Q75). Results:After the training, the emergency department nurses had significantly higher scores in overall autonomous learning ability ( Z=-4.69, P<0.001) and in each dimension: concept of self-motivation ( Z=-4.48, P<0.001), task analysis ( Z=-4.06, P<0.001), self-monitoring and regulation ( Z=-4.50, P<0.001), and self-evaluation ( Z=-4.82, P<0.001); they had significantly higher scores in overall knowledge, belief, and action levels of EIDs ( Z=-4.65, P<0.001) and in each dimension: knowledge ( Z=-4.04, P<0.001), belief ( Z=-3.24, P=0.001), and action ( Z=-4.05, P<0.001). Emergency department nurses had a high degree of satisfaction with the training model (degree of satisfaction for each item >90%). Conclusions:The micro-video tracing training model can effectively improve the autonomous learning ability of emergency department nurses and their knowledge, belief, and action levels of EIDs, with a high degree of satisfaction among the nurses, making it promising for wide use.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028794


Objective To explore the clinical application of the Shikani optical style(SOS)in guiding nasal tracheal intubation.Methods A retrospective analysis was made on clinical data of 60 patients who underwent selective operation under general anesthesia through nasal tracheal intubation from January 2017 to December 2022.According to the guidance methods of nasal tracheal intubation,the patients were divided into three groups with 20 cases in each group:video laryngoscope guided nasal tracheal intubation group(group V),fiberoptic bronchoscopy guided nasal tracheal intubation group(group F),and SOS guided nasal tracheal intubation group(group S).The grading of glottis exposure and epistaxis during tracheal intubation were recorded,as well as the success rate,completion time,and incidence of postoperative complications related to nasal tracheal intubation.Results The glottis exposure in the group F and group S were both grade Ⅰ.Among the group V,there were 7 cases of gradeⅠ,10 cases of gradeⅡ,and 3 cases of grade Ⅲ.The glottis exposure effect of patients in the group F and S was significantly better than that of the group V(Z =-4.274,P = 0.000;Z =-4.274,P = 0.000).There were 15 and 14 patients in the group F and the group S without epistaxis,and 5 and 6 patients with mild epistaxis,respectively.There were no patients with severe epistaxis in the group F and the group S.In the group V,there were 7 patients without epistaxis,10 patients with mild epistaxis,and 3 patients with severe epistaxis.The degree of epistaxis in the group F and the group S was significantly less than that in the group V(Z =-2.678,P =0.007;Z =-2.402,P =0.016).The median time for tracheal intubation in the group S was 37.5(34.3,41.5)s,significantly shorter than 45.0(39.8,72.5)s in the group V and 89.0(76.0,102.5)s in the group F(Z =15.703,P =0.013;Z =32.050,P =0.000),with the group V being significantly shorter than the group F(Z =-16.347,P =0.009).The nasal tracheal intubation failed in 2 cases in the group V,while was all successfully completed in the group F and the group S.The difference of success rate was not statistically significant among the three groups(P>0.05).There were no statistically significant differences in the rates of postoperative nasopharyngeal pain and nasal congestion among the three groups(P>0.05).Conclusion The method of SOS-guided nasal tracheal intubation can provide good glottis exposure and achieve a satisfactory success rate of tracheal intubation without increasing the risk of adverse reactions,which can be regarded as a safe and effective method of nasal tracheal intubation.

Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 11-15, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030406


Objective:To explore the clinical efficacy of simultaneous or staged video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) anatomic segmentectomy for bilateral double primary lung cancer (DPLC).Methods:A retrospective cohort study was conducted. The clinical data of 76 patients with bilateral DPLC who underwent VATS anatomic segmentectomy in Luzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital from February 2020 to August 2022 were retrospectively analyzed, and they were classified into the simultaneous bilateral thoracoscopic surgery group (the simultaneous group, 44 cases) and the staged thoracoscopic surgery group (the staged group, 32 cases) on the basis of the surgical methods. The intraoperative conditions, perioperative indexes and postoperative complications of the two groups were compared.Results:There were no statistically significant differences in the gender, age, pathological type,postoperative TNM staging of both groups (all P > 0.05). The anesthesia awakening time of the first and second stages of surgery in the staged group was (11±3) min and (13±4) min, which was shorter than that in the simultaneous group [(16±4) min] ( t values were 5.27 and 3.51, both P < 0.05). The number of drainage tubes placed in the simultaneous group was less than that in the sum of two stages of the staged group [(1.9±0.5) tubes vs. (2.2±0.5) tubes, t = 3.40, P = 0.001]. The duration of thoracic drainage tube retention, the postoperative total drainage flow, the days of hospitalization, the first postoperative landing time, and the total treatment cost in the first and second stages of surgery in the staged group were lower than those in the simultaneous group (all P < 0.05), while the postoperative total drainage flow, the days of hospitalization, and the total treatment cost in the sum of two stages of the staged group were higher than those in the simultaneous group (all P < 0.05). The total incidence of complications in the simultaneous group was higher than that in the staged group 1 month after surgery [18.18% (8/44) vs. 3.13% (1/32)], and the difference was statistically significant ( χ2 = 4.02, P = 0.045). The scores of activities of daily living, arterial partial pressure of oxygen, arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide, and blood oxygen saturation in the simultaneous group were lower than those in the staged group (all P < 0.05). Conclusions:Staged VATS anatomic segmentectomy for bilateral DPLC has few complications and good ability to perform activities of daily living, whereas the treatment cost of simultaneous bilateral thoracoscopic surgery is low. Clinicians may recommend prioritizing simultaneous bilateral thoracoscopic surgery after comprehensively considering the patients ' physical and economic conditions.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030607


@#Objective To investigate the effect of multi-sided foramen ultrafine drainage tube with metal support on the formation of thoracic residual cavity after uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic (VATS) upper lobectomy. Methods The clinical data of the patients who underwent uniportal VATS upper lobectomy for lung cancer in the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the First Hospital of Lanzhou University from January 2021 to April 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. According to the type of ultrafine drainage tube used in the surgery, the patients were divided into a test group (using metal-supported multi-sided foramen ultrafine drainage tube) and a control group (using ordinary 12F ultrafine drainage tube). The incidence of postoperative thoracic residual cavity and operation-related data were compared between the two groups. Results A total of 200 patients were enrolled, including 126 males and 74 females, with a mean age of 57.52 years. There were 90 patients in the test group, and 110 patients in the control group. The incidence of postoperative thoracic residual cavity in the test group was lower than that in the control group (P=0.045). The differences in the postoperative bedtime, postoperative visual analogue scale, postoperative analgesic pump using time, postoperative hospitalization time, times of postoperative thoracentration and drainage, postoperative drainage time and hospitalization cost between the two groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). The incidences of postoperative lung infection, pleural effusion and atelectasis complications were lower in the test group than those in the control group (P<0.05). The differences in the preoperative anesthesia time, operation time, intraoperative bleeding and postoperative lung leakage were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion The use of multi-sided foramen ultrafine drainage tube with metal support can reduce the incidence of thoracic residual cavity after uniportal VATS upper lobectomy, and can reduce pain and economical burdens and the incidence of operation-related complications, accelerating the recovery of patients after surgery. The application of multi-sided foramen ultrafine drainage tube with metal support in uniportal VATS upper lobectomy can be widely used in the clinic.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030631


@#Objective To explore the perioperative safety of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) in Day Care Unit and the risk factors for delayed discharge under centralized management model. Methods The patients with VATS managed by the Day Care Unit of the Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University Medical School in 2021 were retrospectively collected. The patients’ postoperative data and risk factors for delayed discharge were analyzed. Results A total of 383 patients were enrolled, including 179 males and 204 females with an average age of 46.09±14.82 years. Eleven (2.87%) patients developed grade 3-4 postoperative complications during the hospitalization. Eighteen (4.70%) patients visited unscheduled outpatient clinic within 7 days, and 6 (1.57%) patients were re-hospitalized within 30 days after discharge. The remaining patients had no significant adverse events during the 30-day follow-up. The average length of hospital stay was 2.27±0.35 d. The length of hospital stay was over 48 h in 48 (12.53%) patients. The independent risk factor for delayed discharge was lobectomy or combined resection (OR=3.015, 95%CI 1.174-7.745, P=0.022). Conclusion VATS can be safely conducted under the centralized management in Day Care Unit. The risk factor for delayed discharge is the extent of surgical resection.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031685


@#Objective To compare the short-term clinical effects of Da Vinci robot-assisted thoracic surgery (RATS) and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in the treatment of posterior mediastinal tumors, and to explore the advantages of RATS posterior mediastinal tumor resection. Methods The clinical data of patients who underwent posterior mediastinal tumors resection through the lateral chest approach admitted to the same medical group in the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the First Hospital of Lanzhou University between January 2019 to January 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. According to the different surgical methods, the patients were divided into a RATS group and a VATS group. The clinical data were compared between the two groups. Results A total of 85 patients were included in this study. There were 39 patients in the RATS group, including 25 females and 14 males, with an average age of 47.6±13.0 years, and 46 patients in the VATS group, including 14 males and 32 females, with an average age of 45.3±14.7 years. All patients completed the operation successfully. The hospitalization cost in the RATS group was significantly higher than that in the VATS group (P<0.001), and the white blood cell count and neutrophilic granulocyte percentage on the first day after operation in the RATS group were lower than those in the VATS group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The operative time, intraoperative bleeding, postoperative hospital stay, white blood cell count and neutrophil percentage on the third postoperative day, visual analogue scale score on the first and third postoperative days, duration of analgesic pump use, postoperative 12 h oxygen saturation (no oxygen inhalation), postoperative down bed time, total thoracic drainage volume, duration of drainage tube retention, and postoperative complication rates were not statistically different between the two groups (P>0.05). There was no perioperative death, conversion to thoracotomy or serious perioperative complications in both groups. Conclusion RATS resection of posterior mediastinal tumor via lateral thoracic approach is safe and feasible, and its short-term effect is similar to that of VATS via lateral thoracic single-hole approach. It is worth further comparative study to explore its benefit and cost performance.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031686


@#Objective To evaluate the correlation between positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) level and postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) in patients undergoing thoracoscopic lung surgery. Methods The clinical data of patients who underwent elective thoracoscopic lung surgery at West China Hospital of Sichuan University from January 2022 to June 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to intraoperative PEEP levels: a PEEP 5 cm H2O group and a PEEP 10 cm H2O group. The incidence of PPCs in the two groups after matching was compared using a nearest neighbor matching method with a ratio of 1∶1, setting the clamp value as 0.02. Results A total of 538 patients were screened, and after propensity score-matching, a total of 229 pairs (458 patients) were matched, with an average age of 53.9 years and 69.4% (318/458) females. A total of 118 (25.8%) patients had PPCs during hospitalization after surgery, including 60 (26.2%) patients in the PEEP 5 cm H2O group and 58 (25.3%) patients in the PEEP 10 cm H2O group, with no statistically significant difference between the two groups [OR=0.997, 95%CI (0.495, 1.926), P=0.915]. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that PEEP was not an independent risk factor for PPCs [OR=0.920, 95%CI (0.587, 1.441), P=0.715]. Conclusion For patients undergoing thoracoscopic lung surgery, intraoperative PEEP (5 cm H2O or 10 cm H2O) is not associated with the risk of PPCs during hospitalization after surgery, which needs to be further verified by prospective, large-sample randomized controlled studies.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 213-217, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012506


Objective@#To evaluate the influence of electronic sports games on children s acquisition of basic motor skills, so as to provide assistance for childrens acquisition of basic motor skills in the context of digital society.@*Methods@#Computer searches were conducted on CNKI, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and PubMed databases from March 2012 to March 2022. Methodological quality of included studies was evaluated using the Cochrane bias risk assessment tool RoB 2 and the extension tools RoB 2 Cluster and ROBINS-I. Publication bias assessment, heterogeneity test, subgroup analysis and Meta analysis were performed using RevMan 5.3.@*Results@#A total of 12 studies included 897 participants, 7 randomized controlled trials, 2 cohort randomized controlled trials and 3 non randomized trials. Among them, 2 items had a low risk of bias, 8 items had certain risks and 2 items had a high risk of bias. Measures of basic motor skills in children from 12 studies included object control skills, motor skills, coordination, agility and balance. The results of Meta analysis showed that electronic sports games had a positive effect on children s acquisition of basic motor skills ( SMD=0.81, 95%CI=0.46-1.17, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Children can generate positive interactive communication behavior through physical activity and digital screen, and then promote the development of basic motor skills.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 244-247, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012513


Objective@#To explore the latent categories and general demographic characteristics of short form video addiction among college students, so as to provide empirical reference for prevention and intervention of short form video addiction among college students.@*Methods@#Convenience sampling method was used to select 1 386 college students from a certain university in Anhui Province in June 2023. A questionnaire survey was conducted among college students by using the Short Video Addiction Scale. The latent profile analysis method of "individual center" was used to explore the categories of college students short form video addiction, and multiple Logistic regression was used to explore the influence of demographic variables on the latent classification of short form video addiction.@*Results@#College students with short form video addiction were divided into three latent categories:non addiction group (22.15%, n =307), low addiction group (63.28%, n =877) and high addiction group (14.57%, n =202). The results of multiple Logistic regression analysis showed that gender, major type and family location were related with short form video addiction among college students:male students (low addiction group: OR =0.47; high addiction group: OR =0.41), cultural and historical majors (low addiction group: OR =0.66), and students from cities (high addiction group: OR =0.51) were less likely to be involved in short form video addiction ( P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#There is significant group heterogeneity in short form video addiction among college students. Families, schools and society should attach importance and pay attention to the phenomenon of short form video addiction among college students, actively take targeted intervention measures to prevent and reduce the occurrence of short form video addiction symptoms among college students.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013499


@#Objective To explore the reliability and safety of continuous monitoring of vital signs in patients using wireless wearable monitoring devices after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) for lung cancer. Methods The patients undergoing VATS for lung cancer in West China Hospital, Sichuan University from May to August 2023 were prospectively enrolled. Both wireless wearable and traditional wired devices were used to monitor the vital signs of patients after surgery. Spearman correlation analysis, paired sample t test and ratio Bland-Altman method were used to test the correlation, difference and consistency of monitoring data measured by the two devices. The effective monitoring rate of the wireless wearable device within 12 hours was calculated to test the reliability of its continuous monitoring. Results A total of 20 patients were enrolled, including 15 females and 5 males with an average age of 46.20±11.52 years. Data collected by the two monitoring devices were significantly correlated (P<0.001). Respiratory rate and blood oxygen saturation data collected by the two devices showed no statistical difference (P>0.05), while heart rate measured by wireless wearable device was slightly lower (=−0.307±1.073, P<0.001), and the blood pressure (=1.259±5.354, P<0.001) and body temperature(=0.115±0.231, P<0.001) were slightly higher. The mean ratios of heart rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure and body temperature collected by the two devices were 0.996, 1.004, 1.000, 1.014, and 1.003, respectively. The 95% limits of agreement (LoA) and 95% confidence interval of 95%LoA of each indicator were within the clinically acceptable limit. The effective monitoring rate of each vital signs within 12 hours was above 98%. Conclusion The wireless wearable device has a high accuracy and reliability for continuous monitoring vital signs of patients after VATS for lung cancer, which provides a security guarantee for subsequent large-scale clinical application and further research.