Efficient water management through farm pond technology is a great initiative by Krishi Bhagya Yojana scheme in 2015. Out of 240 sample farmers, about 180 farmers are adopters and 60 are non adopters of farm pond technology in Bidar and Gulbarga districts of Karnataka. Majority of farmers prefer farm pond of size 30 m × 30 m × 3 m as during Kharif season with storage capacity of 2700 cubic metric which is able to irrigate 1.5 ha land area .Through analysis, it is found that, the cropping intensity was increased to 225 per cent from 203.75 which accounts 9.47 per cent change to that of the base year. The percent change in area under rabicrops was relatively more when compared with farm ponds which directly increase their income by sale of crops in market. The number of migrating people decreased from six to three persons after adoption of KBY by the beneficiary farmers. The most influencing factors in adoption of farm pond technology by farmers are access to rural credit, diffusion of information and adoption of high value crops.
Food and fibre, two of humanity's most fundamental requirements, are met by agriculture. In the last century, new farming methods have been introduced, such as the Green Revolution, which has enabled agriculture to keep up with the increasing demand for food and other agricultural goods. But population growth, rising income levels, and increased food demand will probably put more stress on the planet's natural resources. As the detrimental effects of agriculture on the environment become more widely acknowledged, new methods and strategies need to be able to meet future food needs while preserving or lessening the environmental footprint of agriculture. Informed management decisions aiming at increasing crop production could be made with the help of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), big data analysis, and geospatial technology. Many scientists, engineers, agronomists, and researchers use a variety of technologies each year to boost agricultural output while minimising pollution, yet these efforts have a negative environmental impact. Precision agriculture examines how technology might be applied to enhance agricultural practises relative to traditional methods while minimising negative environmental effects. Precision agriculture greatly benefits from the deployment of remote sensing technologies, which also presents new chances to enhance agricultural practises. Geographically, latitude and longitude data can be recorded for field data (slope, aspect, nutrients, and yield) using the global positioning system (GPS). Because of its ability to continuously determine and record the right position, it can build a larger database for the user. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which can handle and store these data, are needed for the additional analysis. This review will offer you an overview of Remote Sensing technology, GPS, and GIS, and how it might be used for precision agriculture.
Agriculture is basis of livelihood for a major portion of world population. It provides food to humans. With the increasing population and climate change there is need to enhance production to fulfil the demand of growing population. Remote sensing technology has potential to predict nutrient requirement by providing various information related to plant and soil in quantitative terms thereby increasing productivity. It plays important role in monitoring crop health, crop growth and development, nutrient management, pest and disease management, water management and weed management. Evaluation of crop canopy provide various information regarding agronomic parameters. The data obtained from remote sensing provides a better alternative for natural management than traditional methods and this kind of management enhances efficiency of various resources by avoiding their overuse. By using this technology, we can improve traditional methods of agriculture and bring out changes in the field of agriculture. This paper reviews remote sensing technology for crop health monitoring, highlighting its importance with new ideas for agriculture.
Water is a precious natural resource for sustaining life, agriculture and environment. The dependability on groundwater has reached high in all time in recent decades due to reasons such as unreliable supplies from surface water due to vagaries of monsoon, increase in demand for domestic, agricultural and other purposes. Karnataka is largely dependent on groundwater to meet industrial, municipal, domestic and irrigation needs. So, Rainwater harvesting (RWH) forms an important component for development and management of water resources for domestic, agricultural, municipal and industrial uses. Management of scanty rain fall by rain water harvesting, Augmentation of depleting natural resources of water (deeper ground water table) and Management of poor-quality ground water and scope for conjunctive/domestic use is need of the hour. With increase in withdrawal of ground water, ground water (GW) table is declining at a rapid pace with an urgent need to recharge GW in addition to dilute poor quality ground water. Double ring technique of Groundwater Recharge consists of filtering the water at different layers using gradation materials generally the pebbles of different size with synthetic material wrapped around the casing pipe. By harvesting rain water and recharging into point recharge soaking infiltration gallery established at Irrigation Water Management Research Centre, (IWMRC) Belavatagi Tq: Navalagund has shown encouraging results as far as water quality, discharge and water table are concerned. The results of assessment of influence of ground water recharge through rainwater harvesting on ground water yield (lps), quality (dS/m) and fluctuations (feet bgl) during the year 2020, have shown that around 3.35 lakhs liters of water could be collected from rain water harvesting during the year 2020. Also, from point recharge through 7 recharge events (rain fall events from July to October 2020), it was observed that the considerable rise in the water table from more than 100 feet below ground level to around 22 feet below ground level, drastic reduction in groundwater salinity i.e. electrical conductivity (EC) of ground water from more than 10 dS/m to an average (EC) of 1.32 dS/m and tube well yield has significantly increased from 0.4 lps to around 2.4 lps. Therefore, Artificial recharge techniques through rainwater harvesting can be a better strategic approach to combat the emerging problems of water scarcity especially over exploitation of ground water and its quality deterioration.
Semiarid regions are characterised by water scarcity, a limiting factor on plant growth and development. The Sertão Canal was built in the semiarid region of Brazil, more specifically in the state of Alagoas, with the aim of making year-round irrigation possible. However, for the best water management, a physical and hydrological knowledge of the soils is necessary. As such, the aim of this study was to determine the physical and hydrological characteristics of three different types of soil (Argisol, Quartzarenic Neossol and Regolithic Neossol) under native vegetation (Caatinga) and agricultural systems in the semiarid region of Alagoas, as well as to adjust the soil water retention characteristic curves. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm in the municipalities of Inhapi, Delmiro Gouveia and Pariconha, in the state of Alagoas. The points of the moisture characteristic curve were determined by the Richards method, at pressures of 33, 100, 500, 1000 and 1500 kPa. Retention curves were modelled using the exponential decay equation and compared using the van Genuchten equation, modelled with the help of the RETC computer software. Particle size varied according to the textural classification of the different soils, from Sand to a Sandy Clay Loam. The retention curve fluctuated due to the particle size of the soil, with the Red-Yellow Argisol (Inhapi) having a greater capacity for water retention. Extremely sandy soils, such as those in the Delmiro Gouveia region, had a low capacity for retaining water. For each soil sample, the exponential decay equation gave the best fit, with values for R2adjust of greater than 0.93. When the measured soil moisture levels were compared with the levels estimated by the RETC model, some of the treatments were unable to estimate accurately the moisture levels obtained with the soil water retention curves.
Características do Solo , Bacias Hidrográficas , Umidade do SoloRESUMO
RESUMO Com o crescimento da população urbana e consequente alteração do uso e da ocupação do solo nas bacias hidrográficas, as inundações têm ficado cada vez mais frequentes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar os efeitos do emprego de técnicas compensatórias na sub-bacia hidrográfica Ribeirão do Santa Rita, localizada no município de Fernandópolis, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram analisados a vazão de pico e o tempo de resposta de diversos cenários, com o intuito de verificar o potencial de atenuação das inundações. A metodologia utilizada empregou o Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) para propagar o escoamento, e o software de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) para obter as características da bacia em estudo e os locais de potencial emprego das técnicas. Foi simulada a instalação de diversas técnicas compensatórias, isoladamente e em conjunto, para a configuração urbana de 2017. Mediante os hidrogramas gerados por cada cenário, constatou-se que os melhores resultados ocorreram em eventos com tempo de retorno menor. A atenuação da vazão de pico chegou a 33,72% utilizando-se trincheiras de infiltração, 31,38% para pavimentos permeáveis, 31,08% empregando jardins de chuva e 12,20% com telhados verdes. O aumento no tempo de resposta foi de até 16 minutos. No cenário com todas as técnicas compensatórias, a redução foi de até 37,29% da vazão de pico e o aumento do tempo de resposta foi de 18 minutos. Portanto, as técnicas compensatórias podem reduzir a vazão de pico e aumentar o tempo de resposta da sub-bacia, mitigando as ocorrências de inundações.
ABSTRACT With the growth of the urban population and the consequent alteration of land use and occupation in the watersheds, floods have become more frequent. This paper aimed to verify the effects of the use of compensatory techniques in the watershed Ribeirão do Santa Rita, located in the city of Fernandópolis, São Paulo, Brazil. Peak flow and response time of various scenarios were analyzed in order to verify the potential for flood mitigation. The methodology used Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to propagate the flow, with the support of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to obtain the characteristics of the studied watersheed and the places of potential use of the techniques. The installation of several compensatory techniques was simulated, separately and together, for the 2017 urban configuration. Upon the hydrographs generated by each scenario, it was found that the best results occurred in events with shorter return time. Peak flow attenuation reached 33.72% using infiltration trenches, 31.38% for pours pavements, 31.08% using rain gardens, and 12.20% with green roofs. The increase in lag time was up to 16 minutes. In the scenario with all compensatory techniques, the reduction in peak flow was up to 37.29% and the response time increased by 18 minutes. Therefore, compensatory techniques can reduce peak flow and increase the response time of the sub-basin, consequently mitigating the occurrences of floods.
@#<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Objectives:</strong> The authors considered the community-based on-site water sampling-surveys case-study in Angono, Rizal, in the Republic of the Philippines. The study was designed to determine whether individual citizens within the community could successfully collaborate in order to develop a method for quantification of E. coli levels in water (especially underground water) for domestic use.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methods:</strong> We used techniques that had been validated in Japan for on-site evaluation of E. coli. These simple techniques enabled the on-site quantification of E. coli levels in multiple water sources, including underground water.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Results:</strong> The techniques used in Japan were successfully adopted in the Philippines, and we cooperated with regional medical technicians, scientists, and citizens, in order to develop a system where ultimately, the people in Angono can perform all the tasks related to on-site water quality evaluation. From societal and economic perspectives, we were able to reduce the traditionally high laboratory cost (including testing cost and samples transit cost) of coliform bacteria and E. coli evaluation to a lower, fixed cost level that is affordable for regional health centers and other sites.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The transfer of a simple inspection method technology, under the supervision of an experienced Japanese research team, allowed us to validate the E. coli on-site quantification strategy at a regional level as "co-creation of science and society". In addition, beyond technology transfer, our collaborative efforts with scientists, regional medical engineers, and citizens, led to the creation of an NGO (non-governmental organization) that serves citizens in the town of Angono with regard to water quality assessment and certification activities.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Key Words:</strong> water quality, water management, community, local people, participatory approach, underground water, Escherichia coli, coliform bacteria, Philippines</p>
Qualidade da Água , Características de Residência , Água SubterrâneaRESUMO
RESUMO A remoção da cobertura vegetal e a impermeabilização de grandes áreas somadas à ineficiência dos serviços básicos de saneamento, contribuem para o aumento das cargas poluidoras pontuais e difusas que são transportadas superficialmente pelas águas pluviais, causando impactos negativos ao sistema de drenagem. Como o despejo ilegal de efluentes domésticos em redes de drenagem é uma realidade observada em todo o país, principalmente no meio urbano, hoje, a maior preocupação dos gestores e estudiosos é voltada às fontes pontuais de poluição e, apesar da importância, as fontes difusas têm recebido pouca atenção. Este trabalho objetivou modelar, utilizando o programa Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), a qualidade das águas pluviais a partir da avaliação do acúmulo de poluentes na superfície do solo em períodos secos e da lavagem durante eventos de precipitação na Bacia Hidrográfica Riacho do Prado, inserida no perímetro urbano da cidade de Campina Grande, Paraíba. Oito pontos no canal de drenagem foram monitorados, analisando-se as variáveis demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) e fósforo total (FT), além da determinação da vazão. Os resultados obtidos nas simulações do comportamento dos poluentes em escala temporal para o evento medido do dia 08 de junho de 2018 foram condizentes com os valores observados nas análises laboratoriais, confirmando a eficiência dos resultados para as outras simulações realizadas. Os dias antecedentes sem chuva e a intensidade da precipitação se mostraram importantes na análise da carga poluente.
ABSTRACT Removal of vegetation cover and the expansion of impermeable land, together with the inefficiency of basic sanitation services, contribute to the increase of point and diffuse pollutant loads drained by rainwater, causing negative impacts at drainage system. As the illegal discharging of domestic sewage in drainage canals is a reality observed throughout the country, especially in urban areas, today the main concern of managers and researchers is directed to the point sources of pollution and, despite the importance, diffuse sources have received little attention. This work aims to model the rainwater quality using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) from the evaluation of buildup pollutants on the soil surface in dry periods and the washoff during precipitation events in the Riacho do Prado watershed located in the urban area of Campina Grande, Paraíba. Eight points were monitored at the drainage canal, in which the variables BOD5, COD, and total phosphorus were analyzed, in addition to flow determination. The results obtained on the simulations of behavior of pollutants in time scale for the actual event of 06/08/2018 were in agreement with the values observed at laboratory analyses, confirming the efficiency of results for the other simulations. The previous days without rain and the intensity of precipitation were important in the analysis of the pollutant load.
RESUMO Diante do crescimento mundial do gerenciamento participativo de bacias hidrográficas e das diversas dificuldades que o modelo de gestão hídrica brasileiro tem enfrentado para se consolidar na prática, este estudo objetivou discutir o modelo colaborativo de gestão de bacias hidrográficas utilizado nos Estados Unidos da América, especialmente o do estado de Ohio, que tem se destacado na promoção da gestão colaborativa no país, a partir da literatura internacional e de um estudo de caso realizado junto a um dos grupos mais atuantes na gestão de bacias hidrográficas. Salienta-se que a experiência americana proporcionou identificar elementos que, se bem utilizados, podem fortalecer a atuação dos comitês de bacias hidrográficas no Brasil e, consequentemente, na Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos Brasileira.
ABSTRACT Faced with the growing of global participatory watershed management and the various difficulties that the Brazilian water management model has faced to consolidate itself in practice, this study aims to discuss the collaborative model of watershed management used in the United States, especially in the state of Ohio, which has excelled in promoting collaborative management in the country, based on international literature and a case study carried out with one of the most active groups in watershed management. It should be noted that the American experience has identified elements that, if well used, can strengthen the performance of watershed committees in Brazil and, consequently, in the Brazilian Water Resources National Policy.
Introduction: Latin America is a highly urbanized region, with most of its population living in cities and urban centers. While information about urban streams in Latin America is rather limited, streams are expected to experience similar environmental impacts and conservation issues as urban streams in parts of the globe, including habitat loss, channelization, sewage discharge, trash, and loss of riparian habitats. Objective: We surveyed a network of researchers from approximately 80% of the countries in Latin America to obtain information on the condition, state of knowledge, and threats to urban streams in the region. Methods: Most participants were reached via the Macrolatinos@ network ( Results: We obtained 104 responses from researchers in 18 of the 23 Latin American countries. Most urban streams are impacted or degraded, and inputs of contaminants and wastewater discharges were considered major drivers of stream degradation. Most respondents indicated that stream channelization is common, with some streams completely channelized or buried. Sewage and rainfall runoff management were identified as a major factor degrading streams, with most respondents suggesting that streams are a primary destination for wastewater discharge, much of which is untreated. Major limitations to urban stream conservation in Latin America are the result of limited ecological knowledge, lack of citizen interest or political will to protect them. There are isolated efforts to restore urban streams and riparian zones, but these are initial steps that need further development. Conclusions: Our research network of Latin American scientists proved to be a valuable tool to assess a large number of urban rivers in a relatively understudied region. Urban streams in Latin America face a diversity of stressors and management challenges, and we propose three areas that would benefit from further research to improve our understanding and management of these systems: (1) Studies should focus on the watershed, rather than isolated reaches, (2) researchers should strive to attain a better understanding of ecosystem function and the services provided by urban streams to justify management and restoration efforts, and (3) studies that integrate economic models where downstream users pay for upstream protection and restoration could prove beneficial for many Latin American cities in attempting to address water conservation issues.
Introducción: Latinoamérica es una región altamente urbanizada, con la mayoría de su población viviendo en ciudades y centros urbanos. Es bastante limitada la información sobre los ríos urbanos en esta región, sin embargo, se reconocen algunas problemáticas ambientales sobre estos ecosistemas urbanos, los cuales suelen ser similares en toda la región. Algunas de estas son la pérdida de hábitat, la canalización, la descarga de aguas residuales, la basura y la pérdida de zonas ribereñas. Objetivo: Nuestro propósito es obtener información sobre la condición, el estado del conocimiento y las amenazas de nuestros ríos urbanos en Latinoamérica. Métodos: Para esto se compartió una encuesta entre investigadores de la región, contactados en su mayoría a través de la red Macrolatinos@ ( Resultados: Se recibieron 104 respuestas de personas en 18 países, de los 23 que conforman Latinoamérica. La mayoría de los ríos urbanos se encuentran degradados, principalmente por los aportes de contaminantes y la descarga de aguas residuales. Existen ríos que han sido canalizados completamente, sin embargo, otros presentan algunos tramos con estructuras duras y muy pocos muestran una condición natural. El manejo de las aguas residuales y de la escorrentía de lluvias se identificaron como un factor importante en estos ríos. Es común encontrar sistemas combinados de alcantarillado y escorrentía de lluvias, que finalmente se mezclan y llegan a los ríos sin un tratamiento considerable. Las principales limitaciones para la conservación y restauración de los ríos urbanos en Latinoamérica es la falta de conocimiento ecológico, el desinterés del ciudadano y la falta de voluntad política. Aunque existen esfuerzos aislados que viene trabajando por restaurar tanto los ríos como las zonas ribereñas, estos son pasos iniciales que necesitan un mayor desarrollo. Conclusiones: Nuestra red de investigación de científicos latinoamericanos demostró ser una herramienta valiosa para evaluar una cantidad de ríos urbanos de forma rápida y precisa. Nuestros ríos enfrentan una serie de impactos estresantes, por lo que requieren urgente gestión. Se proponen tres áreas o enfoques particulares para mejorar la comprensión y gestión de los ríos urbanos en Latinoamérica: (1) Los estudios deben centrarse desde la visión de cuenca, (2) Es necesario una comprensión de la función del ecosistema acuático y la identificación de los servicios ecosistémicos, para justificar la gestión y restauración, y finalmente, (3) Los modelos de pagos por servicios ambientales pueden ser una buena estrategia para gestionar proyectos de conservación y restauración en las cuencas altas de estos ríos urbanos.
Poluição de Rios , Engenharia Sanitária , Planejamento Ambiental , Costa Rica , América LatinaRESUMO
Aims: This study sought to evaluate the adoption of water resource management strategies in hotels in an attempt to attain water sustainability. Specifically, the research sought to assess the current structural and non-structural water resource management strategies adopted by selected hotels in the environs of Lake Naivasha; establish the perceived effectiveness of both the structural and non-structural water resource management strategies adopted to enhance water sustainability; and compare the structural and non-structural water management strategies in terms of their effectiveness in promoting water sustainability in hotels within environs of Lake Naivasha. Study Design: The study adopted a case study design. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in hotels within the environs of Lake Naivasha between May and December 2010. Methodology: A census of 30 Class (A) registered hotels was conducted, and purposive sampling was used to select 120 respondents from the management staff within the selected hotels. Convenience sampling was used to select 8 managers of water management bodies who acted as key informants during personal interviews. Primary data was collected from the hotel management staff using questionnaires and from managers of water management through personal interviews. Data from questionnaires were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to derive descriptive statistics on the implementation of WRM strategies. Results: Findings revealed that a majority of the sampled hotels had embraced water resource management strategies through the development of alternative water resources, use of water saving technology, treatment of recycled water and use of water saving manuals. Further, the structural water resource management strategies were perceived to be more effective as they impacted more on reducing the operating costs, promoted environmental conservation and were more preferred than the non- structural strategies despite being more expensive to implement. Conclusion: It is concluded that water sustainability is however achievable through a combination of a variety of WRM strategies.
RESUMO O Plano de Segurança da Água representa a estratégia de previsão de perigos e monitoramento de riscos que podem ameaçar a qualidade da água para consumo humano. O trabalho teve o intuito de estudar o Plano de Segurança da Água implantado na estação de tratamento de água Guaraú, de modo a identificar sua concepção metodológica, seus desafios e suas potencialidades para o controle efetivo do sistema de abastecimento de água. Os documentos que subsidiaram a elaboração do plano foram as recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde e as exigências do padrão de potabilidade, previstos pela Portaria nº 2.914/2011, do Ministério da Saúde. Para tratamento de água, a companhia gestora do saneamento na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo adotou a metodologia de Beuken et al. (2008) e a proposta de Brasil (2012) para caracterização do perigo e avaliação de riscos. A avaliação indica que quanto maior o valor atribuído a determinado parâmetro, maior é a atenção necessária a este ao longo do sistema de abastecimento de água. A empresa instituiu o Plano de Segurança da Água para otimizar os processos de tratamento e garantir qualidade na distribuição de água potável de forma eficiente. Essa empresa iniciou discussões internas sobre o instrumento em 2006, identificou uma metodologia que pudesse expressar as diretrizes da política ambiental, elaborou o modelo do Plano de Segurança da Água, realizou reuniões técnicas e implantou o plano na estação de tratamento do Guaraú. Os principais resultados foram a sistematização de registros, a implementação de novos procedimentos, a aquisição de equipamentos, a capacitação técnica e a identificação de pontos de controle. O maior desafio foi implantar um instrumento preventivo viável e dinâmico para gestão hídrica. Ressalta-se que o sucesso do plano depende, entre outros fatores, de dados atualizados, da participação da alta administração e dos ajustes necessários requeridos pela própria metodologia. Há falta de estudos científicos e manuais práticos sobre o tema.
ABSTRACT Water Safety Plans represent the strategy for predicting hazards and monitoring risks that can threat the water quality for human consumption. This paper intended to study Water Safety Plans implemented at Guaraú water treatment plant in order to identify its methodological requirements, challenges and opportunities for the effective control in water supply systems. The documents that supported the plan were the World Health Organization recommendations and the drinking water standards of Brazilian regulation 2914/2010 by Health Ministry. Regarding water treatment, the managers of sanitation in the metropolitan areaof São Paulo adopted Beuken et al. (2008) and Brazil (2012) methodologies for hazard description and risk evaluation. This evaluation model proposes that the greater value associated to a certain parameter meansit needs more attentionthan another in the water supply system. The company has implemented Water Safety Plans to optimize its treatment processes and to ensure water distribution with quality and efficiency. The company has been discussing about this tool since 2006; it identified a methodology that could express the environmental policy guidelines, elaborated a model of Water Safety Plans, held technical meetings and applied the plan to Guaraú water treatment plant. The main results were records systematization, implementation of new procedures, acquisition of equipment, technical capacitation and identification of control points. The greatest challenge was to establish a feasible and dynamic preventive tool for managing water resources. It must be emphasized that the Water Safety Plans success depends on, among other variables, an up-to-date database, the cooperation of decision-makers and continuous adjustments required by the methodology itself. There is not sufficient scientific studies and handbooks about this subject.
El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una reflexión crítica de la normatividad sobre el agua en Colombia a la luz tanto de las discusiones y directrices internacionales como de las contradicciones entre la democratización y privatización que emergen con los ajustes y cambios relacionados con el agua impuestos en el país, principalmente, desde los años 90. La metodología utilizada fue la revisión bibliográfica y documental. Como resultados de la investigación pudimos entender que existen dos cuerpos normativos para la gestión del agua en Colombia. En primer lugar, las generalidades de lo que concierne a la conservación y uso del agua como recurso natural que se encuentran contempladas en el Código de Recursos Naturales Renovables de 1974, la Ley 99 de 1993 y en la Política Nacional de Gestión Integral del Recurso Hídrico. En segundo lugar, lo atinente al servicio público domiciliario de agua potable que se encuentra regulado por la Ley 142 de 1994. Ello evidencia una fragmentación en la normatividad y lo que se requiere es entender los sistemas hídricos como una unidad dinámica y compleja. Adicionalmente, con esta ley 142 se posibilitó la privatización de parte de las actividades de abastecimiento de agua potable, con lo cual el Estado pasó de ser el prestador del servicio de acueducto a ser su regulador. Como conclusión consideramos necesario introducir un enfoque de equidad en la provisión de agua y el fortalecimiento del sector público descentralizado en el país, que promueva una gestión ambiental coordinada. Por otra parte, se evidencia que la defensa del agua como bien común intenta materializarse en estrategias que se oponen a la privatización y se fundamentan en la noción de que el acceso al líquido vital es un derecho humano y en el presupuesto de que el agua, a diferencia de cualquier commodity, es insustituible.
The objective of this work is to make a critical reflection of the normativity on water in Colombia, in the light of international discussions and guidelines and the contradictions between democratization and privatization that emerge with the adjustments and changes related to water imposed in the country, mainly since the 90s. The methodology used was bibliographic and documentary review. As results and conclusions of the research, it was possible to understand that there are two regulatory bodies for water management in Colombia. In the first place, the generalities concerning the conservation and use of water as a natural resource, which are considered in the Code of Renewable Natural Resources of 1974, Law 99 of 1993 and in the National Policy of Comprehensive Management of Water Resources. In the second place, what concerns the residential water service, which is regulated by Law 142 of 1994. This demonstrates a fragmentation in the normativity and what is required is to understand the water resource as a dynamic and complex unit. Additionally, it was possible to privatize the part of the drinking water supply activities with Law 142, with which the State went from being the provider of the water service to being its regulator. In conclusion, it is considered necessary to introduce an equity approach in the provision of water and the strengthening of the decentralized public sector in the country which promotes coordinated environmental management. On the other hand, it is evident that, the defense of water as a common good, tries to materialize in strategies that oppose privatization and are based on the notion that, access to the vital liquid is a human right, and in the assumption that, water, unlike any commodity, is irreplaceable.
Humanos , Água , Seguridade Social , Cobertura de Serviços Públicos de Saúde , Funções Essenciais da Saúde PúblicaRESUMO
RESUMEN El departamento del Meta cuenta con un elevado potencial hidrológico que se traduce en oportunidades para los sectores agrícola, pecuario y ambiental. Por otra parte, se han incrementado considerablemente las actividades de la industria petrolera, lo cual ha traído nuevos retos y amenazas a la región. En consecuencia, los ríos del departamento se ven afectados por vertimientos de diferentes tipos, por captaciones y por modificaciones de los entornos de ribera y de los ambientes bentónicos. Sin embargo, es poco lo que se conoce acerca de estos sistemas y de las comunidades de microalgas y macroinvertebrados que los habitan, las cuales cumplen un papel fundamental en el funcionamiento ecológico de los ríos. Por esta razón se analizan las características más relevantes de dichas comunidades y se discuten las modificaciones que las actividades humanas provocan sobre la estabilidad ecológica de los ríos en un contexto regional. Adicionalmente, se presenta un listado de los taxones de microalgas perifíticas y macroinvertebrados bentónicos registrados para el departamento del Meta.
ABSTRACT Nowadays the Meta Department has a high hydrological potential, which results in an opportunity for agriculture and livestock. Moreover, activities of the oil industry have significantly increased, which have brought new challenges and threats to the region. Consequently, different types of discharges and environment modifications affect the Meta Region's rivers in their watersheds and their riparian and benthic communities. However, these systems are poorly understood, including the periphyton and macroinvertebrate communities that inhabit them. In this paper, we provide a review of the most relevant characteristics of these communities, and we discuss the changes caused by human activities on the ecological stability of the rivers in a regional context. Additionally, we presented a list of periphytic algae and benthic macroinvertebrates taxa registered in the Meta Region.
La gestión del agua en centros educativos debe partir de la identificación y cuantificación de la demanda de agua según los diferentes usos existentes en la institución. En este artículo se presenta la caracterización de la demanda de agua en la Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, identificando los usuarios y sus hábitos de consumo, con el propósito de generar procesos de comprensión y herramientas de gestión que permitan iniciar programas en torno al uso eficiente del agua. En primer lugar, se identificaron los elementos que conforman el sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable en el edificio y se clasificaron los usuarios del agua. Bajo técnicas de observación, diálogo con los usuarios y la instalación de medidores volumétricos de media pulgada R-160, se midieron los consumos de cada uno de los usuarios. A partir de esta información, se determinó la demanda del centro educativo, así como la demanda de agua para cada uno de los usos. Finalmente, se calcularon indicadores de demanda y se propone un modelo matemático para el cálculo del consumo de agua en centros educativos.
Water management in educational centers involves identifying and quantifying water demand for different uses given in those institutions. This paper presents the characterization of water demand in the Environmental Sciences Faculty, Technological University of Pereira, identifying users and their habits, in order to generate understanding processes and management tools that allow starting programs related to water efficiency. First, the project identified the elements of the water supply system in the building and the different water uses were classified. Under observation techniques, dialogue with users and installing a half inch volumetric meters R-160, were measured water consumption of each user. From this information it was determined the consumption and demand for each use in the faculty. Finally, demand indicators were calculated and it was proposed a mathematical model for the calculation of water consumption in an educative center.
Humanos , Demanda de Água , Consumo de Água (Saúde Ambiental) , Gestão Ambiental , EducaçãoRESUMO
Resumen El agua es uno de los principales recursos que se utilizan en las actividades agrícolas y por eso es necesario evaluar el uso del agua en los cultivos predominantes en el Departamento del Meta, lo que permitirá tomar decisiones frente a la planificación del territorio, teniendo en cuenta las ofertas y demandas hídricas. Debido a esto el objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el uso del agua en los cultivos de palma de aceite (Elaeis sp.) y arroz secano (Oryza sativa), en la cuenca del río Guayuriba, este trabajo se desarrolló utilizando el indicador de huella hídrica, donde estuvo basado en los parámetros productivos del año 2013. Como resultado a este trabajo se identifica que en la cuenca del río Guayuriba hay un equilibrio entre el uso y la disponibilidad de agua verde, pero en el caso de agua azul se presenta un déficit para los meses secos que se encuentran entre diciembre, enero, febrero y marzo, ya que la demanda es mayor a la oferta hídrica, reflejando así que no existe un ordenamiento de la cuenca hidrográfica teniendo en cuenta la disponibilidad de agua con la que cuenta la fuente hídrica.
Abstract Water is one of the main resources used in agricultural activities whereby it is necessary to evaluate its use in the predominant crops of the Department of Meta considering the water supply and demand which will allow to make decisions regarding the land use planning. Due to this, the objective of this work is to evaluate the use of water in oil palm (Elaeis sp.) and upland rice (Oryza sativa) crops in the Guayuriba river basin using the water footprint indicator based on the productive parameters of the year 2013. As a result, this work identifies that there is a balance between the use and availability of green water in the Guayuriba river basin, but in the case of the blue water there is a deficit for the dry months of December, January, February and March, since the demand is greater than the water supply, reflecting that there is no river basin plan management that consider the availability of water that the basin counts on.
Resumo A água é um dos principais recursos que são usados nas atividades agrícolas e por isso é necessário avaliar o uso da água nas culturas de arroz no departamento do Meta o que permitirá tomar decisões frente ao planejamento do território, tendo em conta as ofertas e demandas hídricas. Devido a isso o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o uso da água nas culturas de óleo de palma (Elaeis sp.) e arroz de sequeiro (Oryza sativa), na bacia do rio Guayuriba, este trabalho se desenvolveu utilizando o indicador da pegada hídrica donde foi baseado nos parâmetros produtivos do ano 2013. Como resultado neste trabalho identifica-se que a bacia do rio Guayuriba há um equilíbrio entre o uso e a disponibilidade da água verde. Mas no caso da água azul se apresenta défice para os meses secos que se encontram em dezembro, janeiro, fevereiro e março, já que a demanda é maior do que a oferta hídrica, refletindo assim que não existe ordenamento da bacia hidrográfica tendo em conta a disponibilidade de água com a que conta a fonte hídrica.
This work presents a simplified method for rainwater harvesting (RWH) tank sizing using long day-resolution rainfall time series. This method considers heterogeneous contributing catchments and water demand flow rates. For the tank sizing, we proposed to take into account the probability to supply the water demand, as well as the most needed probable time step and their respective variabilities. The method was applied to a specific case study (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, RHW project), with 73 years of daily-resolution rainfall information (between 1936-2010). For the analysis we used different time periods from data-set and the results were: (i) for the whole data-set 76 years: 395 m3 (28 days, probability: 78%); (ii) for the last ten years: 494 m3 (35 days, probability: 89%); (iii) for the last five years: 346 m3 (25 days, probability: 84%); (iv) for the last year: 155-198 m3 (11-14 days, probability: 89-90%). These results seem to be influenced by an evolution of rainfall depth in different selected periods, which will be studied in further researches.
Este trabajo presenta un método simplificado para el dimensionamiento de tanques de aprovechamiento de aguas lluvias (AAL). Este método considera cuencas tributarias heterogéneas y caudales de demanda de agua. Se propone tener en cuenta la probabilidad para suministrar la demanda de agua, así como el paso de tiempo necesario de recolección más probable y sus respectivas variabilidades. El método se aplicó a un estudio específico de caso (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, proyecto AAL), con 73 años de información de precipitación a resolución diaria (entre 1936-2010). Para el análisis se utilizaron diferentes períodos de tiempo, los volúmenes del tanque con el tiempo de recolección fueron los siguientes: (i) para el conjunto entero de datos 76 años: 395 m3 (28 días, probabilidad: 78%); (ii) para los últimos diez años: 494 m3 (35 días, probabilidad: 89%); (iii) para los últimos cinco años: 346 m3 (25 días, probabilidad: 84%); (iv) para el último año: 155 a 198 m3 (11 a 14 días, probabilidad: 89-90%). Estos resultados parecen estar influenciados por una evolución de la altura de lluvia en los diferentes períodos seleccionados, lo cual será estudiado en investigaciones posteriores
Água de Chuva , Demanda de Água , Estudos de Séries TemporaisRESUMO
Aims: In recent decades, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, frequently has been affected by local floods and inundation from heavy rainfall. Conventional flood mitigation measures such as building flood gates and upgrading sewerage systems have been implemented but problems persist. The objective of this research is to assess another approach for flood control measures, namely Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), with application to the Nhieu Loc - Thi Nghe Basin, located in the central part of Ho Chi Minh City. Methodology: A combination of the Stormwater Management Model (PCSWMM) and interviews with 140 households was used to assess the efficacy and acceptability of four of the most popular SUDS: Rainwater harvesting, green roofs, urban green space and pervious pavement. Thirteen SUDS and urban build-out scenarios were simulated under 6 design storm conditions. Results: PCSWMM results showed that inundation from intense rainfall could be reduced with proper land-use control, specifically by maintaining imperviousness at 65% or less of the surface area. With respect to SUDS performance, green roofs were best at reducing peak runoff (22% reduction), followed by pervious pavement, urban green space, and rainwater harvesting systems. Regarding environmental improvements, as represented by reduction in total suspended solids load, urban green space was best with 20% of the solids load removed compared to the base case scenario, followed by green roofs, pervious pavement, and rainwater harvesting. The household interviews revealed the majority of people preferred pervious pavement to the other SUDS options and the least preferred option was green roof technology. Conclusion: Considering the combination of water quantity and water quality controls, it seems that green roof technology was the best performer for this area of Ho Chi Minh City, followed by urban green space, pervious pavement and rainwater harvesting. However, green roof technology also was the least favored option for the public and stakeholder acceptance will impact SUDS implementation.
Aims: Provide a review of key features and several applications of the family of Integrated Water Resources (IWR) models, as the key analytical tools used in evaluation of hydrologic conditions in support of the integrated regional water management (IRWM) programs in California. Methodology: IWR models are a family of models consisting of the Integrated Groundwater and Surface water Model (IGSM), the Integrated Water Flow Model (IWFM), and the IWFM Demand Calculator (IDC). IGSM is an integrated model that simulates the complete hydrologic cycle for a basin. The California Department of Water Resources (CADWR) has upgraded and enhanced the IGSM code and developed an enhanced version, called IWFM. In addition, CADWR extracted the land surface processes module of IWFM as an independent unit, called IDC, which can be used as a stand-alone model for estimating agricultural water demand, groundwater pumping, and deep percolation. The IWR models have been applied to many basins throughout California to evaluate hydrologic conditions, including evaluation of land and water use, surface water and groundwater flow, stream-aquifer interaction, reservoir operation, land subsidence, and regional water quality conditions. An ArcGIS-based Graphical User Interface provides a robust modeling platform for the IWR models. Results: The IWR models have had significant success in analysis of various types of water resources projects, such as integrated regional water management programs, groundwater management and conjunctive use operations, groundwater recharge investigations, water transfer programs, water quality, water demand and supply analysis, seawater intrusion, and climate change vulnerability and adaptation analysis. Conclusion: The IWR models are effective tools in analyzing the technical issues involved in integrated water management and planning in California. These IWR models are well suited for analysis of hydrologic conditions and alternative water management scenarios explored in various basin management and IRWM programs.
Effects of different levels of water deficit applied during rapeseed crop development were assessed in a trial with metallic pots in greenhouse at the Department of Agricultural Engineering of Kassel University, Witzenhausen, Germany. A randomized block design was used with one cultivar (Ability Summer Rape) and three levels of water deficit (0, 30, and 60 percent of evapotranspiration) in three treatments and 20 replicates. Irrigation management was carried out through daily water balance, where ET = I - D; ET: evapotranspiration; I: irrigation; and D: drainage. The following evaluations were carried out weekly: stem diameter (mm); plant height (cm); number of leaves; number of branches and number of pods. At the end of the experiment, assessed total green matter (g plant-1), total dry matter (g plant-1), grain yield (g plant-1), grain protein content ( percent) and grain oil content ( percent) were also assessed. Data were submitted to variance analysis and the effect of the treatments was assessed by regression analysis. Results showed significant differences between the treatments in all analysed variables except for plant height and grain protein content, by test F at 5 percent probability. Factor of response ky, indicator of crop sensitivity to water deficit, was lower than one for all assessed variables. Grain yield showed the highest sensitivity to water deficit.
Os efeitos de diferentes níveis de déficit hídrico, aplicados durante o desenvolvimento da canola, foram avaliados por meio de um experimento conduzido em vasos de metal no interior de uma casa de vegetação, no Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola, da Universidade de Kassel, Alemanha. Foi utilizado um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com a cultivar Ability (Summer Rape), e três níveis de déficit de água, 0 por cento, 30 por cento, 60 por cento da evapotranspiração da cultura, totalizando três tratamentos com 20 repetições. O manejo da irrigação foi realizado por meio do balanço hídrico diário, em que ET = I - D, onde ET é evapotranspiração, I é irrigação, D é drenagem. Foram realizadas semanalmente as seguintes avaliações: diâmetro do caule (mm), altura da planta (cm), número de folhas, número de ramos e número de síliquas. No final do experimento, foram avaliadas a matéria verde total (g planta-1) e matéria seca total (g planta-1), produtividade de grãos (g planta-1), além do teor de proteína ( por cento) e de óleo ( por cento) dos grãos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, sendo o efeito dos tratamentos estudado por meio de análise de regressão. Os resultados mostraram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para as variáveis analisadas, exceto para a altura das plantas e teor de proteína dos grãos, pelo teste F a 5 por cento de probabilidade. O fator de resposta ky, indicador da sensibilidade da cultura ao déficit hídrico, foi menor que um para todos os parâmetros estudados. A produtividade de grãos apresentou a maior sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico.