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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 30: e2023018, 2023. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440177


Resumo As coleções e pesquisas feitas nas primeiras décadas do século XX, no Rio de Janeiro, foram fundamentais para o estudo da sistemática e da história natural dos mosquitos no Brasil. Um personagem de destaque nesse cenário foi Antonio Gonçalves Peryassú. Analisamos o histórico de uma coleção por ele organizada no Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, entre 1918 e 1922.

Abstract Collections formed and studies conducted in the early decades of the twentieth century in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were crucial for the study of the systematization and natural history of mosquitoes in Brazil. One key figure in this context was Antonio Gonçalves Peryassú. The history of a collection he organized at Museu Nacional [National Museum] in Rio de Janeiro between 1918 and 1922 is analyzed.

Coleção , Entomologia , Culicidae , Brasil , História do Século XX
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 29(3): 769-788, jul.-set. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405023


Resumen En 1895, Nicolás Sáenz propuso al gobierno chileno la venta de una colección de objetos "incaicos" traídos desde Lima; adquisición aprobada en 1897. Pese a las dificultades ocasionadas por la Guerra del Pacífico, el Museo Nacional (Chile) continuó adquiriendo antigüedades peruanas, siguiendo una tradición de estudios comparados de cultura material. Dentro del marco del evolucionismo social, estas antigüedades servían como medida de civilización, con la cual contrastar la cultura material de los pueblos prehispánicos de Chile. Este artículo analiza la adquisición de la colección Sáenz, como un punto cúlmine de un proceso de tránsito hacia a una arqueología enfocada en las nuevas adquisiciones territoriales post guerra del Pacífico.

Abstract In 1895, Nicolás Sáenz proposed to the Chilean government to purchase a collection of "Inca" objects brought from Lima. This acquisition was approved in 1897. Despite the difficulties caused by the War of the Pacific, the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Chile) continued to acquire Peruvian antiquities, following a tradition of comparative studies of material culture. Within the framework of social evolutionism, these antiquities were a measure of civilization, a reference from which to evaluate the material culture of the pre-Hispanic peoples of Chile. This article analyzes the acquisition of the Sáenz collection as the culmination of a process of transition towards an archeology that focused on the new post-war territorial acquisitions in the Pacific.

Arqueologia , Coleção , Antropologia Cultural , Museus , Chile , História do Século XIX
Rev. biol. trop ; 68(2)jun. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507694


Introducción: Recientemente ha tomado relevancia el uso de especímenes de museo como fuente de información genética para desarrollar estudios que resuelven preguntas taxonómicas, ecológicas, demográficas y evolutivas a diversas escalas temporales y geográficas. Sin embargo, material genético obtenido a partir de ejemplares depositados en colecciones biológicas es poco usado, debido al deterioro natural del ADN preservado en dichos ejemplares, de manera que la obtención de material genético de calidad es demandante en términos de tiempo y dinero. Objetivo: Usando material de museo, identificar una secuencia mini-barcode que pueda ser empleada en la determinación taxonómica, y que a su vez suministre información que permita la estimación de relaciones filogenéticas de especies del género Bombus. Métodos: Se estandarizó el protocolo de extracción de ADN a partir de la extremidad mesotoracica derecha y/o una muestra de músculo torácico de 96 especímenes depositados en la colección LABUN entre 7 y 38 años atrás. Las diferentes combinaciones de oligonucleótidos evaluadas permitieron amplificar fragmentos de 152 a 407 pares de bases (pb) del gen mitocondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI). Usando como plantilla un grupo de 31 secuencias amplificadas a partir de especímenes recolectados recientemente, los fragmentos obtenidos de los especímenes del museo fueron ensamblados y analizados en un marco filogenético. Además, se realizó un análisis de red de haplotipos para evaluar en detalle las relaciones entre los haplotipos mitocondriales resultantes. Resultados: Se determinó un mayor éxito de extracción de ADN a partir de muestras de extremidad depositadas a partir del año 1982.Entretanto, la amplificación exitosa de fragmentos de más de 300 pares de bases (pb) se logró principalmente en muestras depositadas en fechas posteriores a 1999, lo que indica una mayor integridad del material genético recuperado de individuos de 19 años de recolección en adelante. Aunque todos los fragmentos evaluados pueden ser empleados como mini-barcode, solo con uno se obtiene una topología similar a la observada con el fragmento completo. Se detectó una gran variacion genética, particularmente al interior de las especies Bombus atratus y B. funebris, en las que se reveló una clara estructura filogeográfica. Conclusiones: Se obtuvieron nuevas secuencias de códigos de barras mediante extracción de ADN y protocolo de amplificación de muestras de museos. Además, se generó nueva información sobre la variabilidad genética intraespecífica, detectando la presencia de haplotipos mitocondriales únicos que podrían constituir Unidades Significativas Evolutivas sujetas a conservación. Dicha información es de vital importancia para formular estrategias de conservación para estos polinizadores en Colombia.

Introduction: The use of museum specimens as a source of genetic information to develop studies that resolve taxonomic, ecological, demographic, and evolutionary questions at various temporal and geographic scales, has recently become relevant. However, genetic material obtained from specimens deposited in biological collections is not used frequently due to the natural deterioration of the DNA preserved in these specimens. Getting quality genetic material is demanding in terms of time and money. Objective: By using museum material,to identify a mini-barcode sequence that can be used in the taxonomic determination and provides information that allows the estimation of phylogenetic relationships of species of the genus Bombus. Methods: The DNA extraction protocol for museum samples was standardized using the mesothoracic right leg and / or a sample of thoracic muscle of 96 specimens deposited in the LABUN collection between 7 and 38 years ago. Different combinations of oligonucleotides allowed to amplify fragments from 152 to 407 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI). Using as a template a group of 31 sequences amplified from recently collected specimens, the fragments obtained from the museum specimens were assembled and analyzed in a phylogenetic framework. Additionally, a haplotype network analysis was performed in order to evaluate in detail the relationships between the resulting mitochondrial haplotypes. Results: The greatest success of DNA extraction was achieved from limb samples deposited since the year 1982 on. Meanwhile, successful amplification of fragments longer than 300 base pairs (bp) was achieved mostly in samples deposited on dates after 1999, which indicates greater integrity of the genetic material recovered from individuals of 19 years of collection and onwards. Although all the fragments evaluated can be used as mini-barcode, only with one primer pair, it was possible to obtain a topology similar to that observed with the complete fragment. A large genetic variation was detected, particularly within the Bombus atratus and B. funebris species, in which a clear phylogeographic structure was revealed. Conclusions: New barcode sequences were obtained through DNA extraction and amplification protocol from museum samples. Furthermore, new information on intraspecific genetic variability was generated, detecting the presence of unique mitochondrial haplotypes that could constitute management units subject of conservation. Such information is of vital importance to formulate conservation strategies for these pollinators in Colombia.

Animais , Abelhas/genética , DNA/análise , Himenópteros/genética , Colômbia , Coleção
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine ; : 19-27, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-751112


@#Solid waste collection has been a major challenge for local council Municipal workers in urban areas where the population is growing rapidly and the need for local councils to ensure they provide service to clear solid waste in a timely manner without disrupting the existing system. This case study is a review of awareness of health and safety among municipal workers on solid waste collection. The study is an examination of such awareness in Malaysia which involves the Petaling Jaya City Council in the state of Selangor. We review the operating system of the Petaling Jaya City Council and the risks which are being exposed to the municipal workers in their daily operations. Health and Safety of municipal workers in the areas of public health, safety, and industrial hygiene has been a concern for a long time. In most cases the majority of municipal workers exposed are from the contractual aspect of outsourced labour. It is important to understand how large the area of a solid waste is and to identify, evaluate, and eliminate or control risks and hazards across the operation zone of the municipal workers which involves environmental and occupational demands. The data we find provides the latest perspectives on topics of widespread concern such contractors management, ergonomic safety, confined space, motor vehicle safety, machinery safety, fall hazard safety, electrical safety and emergency response. Management of legal requirements is also discovered to be important to ensure any organization conducting business is not in violation of any law, and if there is a change of process how is this being addressed. Finally, we look at the control measures needed to support a operation on a large scale where it will not endanger the health and safety of municipal workers when they are involved in solid waste management. The recommendation we have based on the review are to ensure there is a holistic approach and systems in place to address all the concerns that will be faced by the local municipal council in their daily operations and responsibilities at every level of the organization. Conclusion: Research material and data related to this area is limited and we hope future holistic research can be conducted to future enhance the study of health and safety effecting the municipal workers. Health and Safety management system and procedures are the key elements in ensuring a successful organization.

Conscientização , Resíduos Sólidos , Coleção
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 20(2): 457-479, abr-jun/2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-680054


A trajetória profissional de João Martins da Silva Coutinho relaciona-se à história do Museu Nacional (Rio de Janeiro), para cujas coleções, principalmente geológicas, ele contribuiu com informações científicas e remessa de material. No cenário científico brasileiro, participou de grandes comissões de caráter exploratório na segunda metade do século XIX, especialmente na Amazônia e no Nordeste. Coletou e enviou amostras para análise no Museu Nacional, estabelecendo profunda relação com a instituição e seus funcionários. Apresentam-se essas contribuições por meio da análise de documentos e da recuperação das coleções geológicas por ele remetidas e ainda presentes no acervo da instituição.

The career of João Martins da Silva Coutinho is linked to the history of the Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro to whose collections (especially geological) he contributed scientific information and material. On the Brazilian scientific stage, Silva Coutinho took part in major exploratory commissions in the latter half of the nineteenth century, mainly in the Amazon and in the Northeast. He collected and sent samples to the Museu Nacional for analysis, establishing deep ties with the institution and its staff. The article presents his contributions through an analysis of these documents and an examination of the geological collections that he sent to the institution and that remain part of its holdings.

Humanos , História do Século XIX , Ciência , Coleção , Expedições/história , Geologia , História do Século XIX
Rwanda med. j. (Online) ; 69(4): 30-45, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1269590


As the performance of the clinical medicine relies on evidence-based facts as well as particular landmark researches; this collection of influential medical articles that changed and/or guided most current recommendations used in the daily basis of clinical medicine gives the top spotlight of new trends of management and treatment. The compilation is made from a search into MEDLINE; PubMed; DynaMed; CINAHL; and Academic Search Premier as well as systematically from reference lists of studies and relevant reviews. The inclusion criterion was based on the impact factor of publishing journals that were mostly renowned magazines; which expresses a measurement of the frequency that an article has been cited during a period of time. 478 articles classified according to specialties and sub-specialties were collected from 103 medical journals published approximately in a period of 20 years (1990-2012). In fact; referral materials (Books et Encyclopedias; on-line links; etc) sustained the selecting process that; although we assume exhaustive in the methodology used; but exiguous considered how challengeable and quickly-progressing clinical researches are; gave the most eventful recent researches that had influenced the clinical Medicine. However; opinions expressed within articles compiled are not necessary gold standards or landmarking facts; though they open the perspective on multiple interchangeable evidence-based factors that guide the universal tendency upon the medical management. Thus; regarded how fast medical researches and new facts progress; we recommend checking furthermore on diagnostic and treatment new approaches

Coleção , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos , Prática Clínica Baseada em Evidências , Fator de Impacto de Revistas , Publicações Seriadas
Acta amaz ; 41(3): 401-408, 2011. ilus, tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-595558


In Brazilian Amazonia, Cholini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Molytinae) is represented by 53 species distributed in seven genera: Ameris Dejean, 1821; Cholus Germar, 1824; Homalinotus Sahlberg, 1823; Lobaspis Chevrolat, 1881; Odontoderes Sahlberg, 1823; Ozopherus Pascoe, 1872 and Rhinastus Schoenherr, 1825. This work documents the species of Cholini housed in the Invertebrate Collection of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brazil and gives the geographical and biological data associated with them. A total of 186 Cholini specimens were identified as belonging to 14 species (13 from Brazilian Amazonia) and five genera (Cholus, Homalinotus, Odontoderes, Ozopherus and Rhinastus). Only 24 percent of the Cholini species reported from Brazilian Amazonia are actually represented in the INPA collection, underscoring the need for a more systematical collecting based on available biological information. The known geographical distribution was expanded for the following species: Cholus granifer (Chevrolat, 1881) for Brazil; C. pantherinus (Olivier, 1790) for Manaus (Amazonas); Cholus parallelogrammus (Germar, 1824) for Piraquara (Paraná); Homalinotus depressus (Linnaeus, 1758) for lago Janauacá (Amazonas) and rio Tocantins (Pará); H. humeralis (Gyllenhal, 1836) for Novo Airão, Coari (Amazonas) and Porto Velho (Rondônia); H. nodipennis (Chevrolat, 1878) for Carauari, Lábrea (Amazonas) and Ariquemes (Rondônia); H. validus (Olivier, 1790) for rio Araguaia (Brasil), Manaus (Amazonas), rio Tocantins (Pará), Porto Velho and BR 364, Km 130 (Rondônia); Odontoderes carinatus (Guérin-Méneville, 1844) for Manaus (Amazonas); O. spinicollis (Boheman, 1836) for rio Uraricoera (Roraima); and Ozopherus muricatus Pascoe, 1872 for lago Janauacá (Amazonas). Homalinotus humeralis is reported for the first time from "urucuri" palm, Attalea phalerata Mart. ex Spreng.

Na Amazônia brasileira, Cholini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Molytinae) é representada por 53 espécies, distribuídas em sete gêneros: Ameris Dejean, 1821; Cholus Germar, 1824; Homalinotus Sahlberg, 1823; Lobaspis Chevrolat, 1881; Odontoderes Sahlberg, 1823; Ozopherus Pascoe, 1872 e Rhinastus Schoenherr, 1825. Este trabalho documenta as espécies de Cholini depositadas na Coleção de Invertebrados do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, Brasil, além de apresentar a distribuição geográfica e informações sobre a biologia dessas espécies. Foram identificados 186 espécimes de Cholini, pertencentes a 14 espécies (13 da Amazônia brasileira) e cinco gêneros (Cholus, Homalinotus, Odontoderes, Ozopherus e Rhinastus). Somente 24 por cento das espécies de Cholini registradas para a Amazônia brasileira estão representadas na coleção do INPA, ressaltando a necessidade de um esforço de coleta sistemático baseado na informação biológica disponível. Foi ampliada a distribuição geográfica conhecida das seguintes espécies: Cholus granifer (Chevrolat, 1881) para Brasil; C. pantherinus (Olivier, 1790) para Manaus (Amazonas); Cholus parallelogrammus (Germar, 1824) para Piraquara (Paraná); Homalinotus depressus (Linnaeus, 1758) para lago Janauacá (Amazonas) e rio Tocantins (Pará); H. humeralis (Gyllenhal, 1836) para Novo Airão, Coari (Amazonas) e Porto Velho (Rondônia); H. nodipennis (Chevrolat, 1878) para Carauari, Lábrea (Amazonas) e Ariquemes (Rondônia); H. validus (Olivier, 1790) para rio Araguaia (Brasil), Manaus (Amazonas), rio Tocantins (Pará), Porto Velho e BR 364, Km 130 (Rondônia); Odontoderes carinatus (Guérin-Méneville, 1844) para Manaus (Amazonas); O. spinicollis (Boheman, 1836) para rio Uraricoera (Roraima) e Ozopherus muricatus Pascoe, 1872 para lago Janauacá (Amazonas). Homalinotus humeralis é associado pela primeira vez com a palmeira urucuri Attalea phalerata Mart. ex Spreng.

Animais , Biologia , Acidentes Geográficos , Ecossistema Amazônico , Coleção , Biodiversidade
West Afr. j. med ; 28(6): 364-367, 2010. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1273456


BACKGROUND: Increasing cases of pleural effusion leads to pressure on bed spaces and a stretch of the limited facilities available for intervention in our centre. This therefore prompted a search for acceptable alternative way of treatment. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of ambulatory drainage system for chronic infectious and malignant pleural effusion on outpatient basis. METHODS: Eight of 113 routinely performed closed tube thoracostomies drainage were converted to ambulatory drainage system at the time of patients' discharge to follow-up clinic. This was after the catheter care had been thoroughly explained to the patients and their relatives. RESULTS: Eight patients (seven males and one female) had ambulatory outpatient tube management. Their mean age was 44.9 ± 18years with a range of 22­70 years. Histologically confirmed causes of the effusion were; metastatic adenocarcinoma in two(25%) of the cases; chronic non-specific inflammation in another two(25%) and tuberculous empyema thoracis in three(37.5%) one of whom had TB/HIV co-infection and one(12.5%) of chronic bacterial parapneumonic empyema. One case each of metastatic adenocarcinoma and chronic nonspecific suppuration had failed chemical pleurodesis before the outpatient drainage procedure. Half of the cases (including tuberculous and non-tuberculous) were successfully weaned off their catheters. Minor complications such as pain, discomfort, minimal stoma bleeding, and peri-catheter leak were recorded. Rapid fluid re-accumulation prevented weaning in two (25%) of the cases. CONCLUSION: Out-patient chest tube drainage is effective for the management of both malignant and suppurative pleural effusion. This approach would reduce the ever increasing cost of hospital care for this group of patients. WAJM 2009; 28(6): 364­367

Coleção , Pacientes Ambulatoriais , Derrame Pleural
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 15(2): 401-410, abr.-jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-488235


Uma das mais ricas, antigas e diversificadas coleções entomológicas da América Latina, que alberga relevante parcela de nossa biodiversidade, foi drasticamente penalizada durante o episódio que ficou conhecido como o Massacre de Manguinhos, no qual dez eminentes pesquisadores tiveram seus direitos políticos cassados. Esta nota relata uma ínfima parcela da tragédia que desmantelou parte desse acervo e como 8.554 exemplares valiosos da ordem Diptera, pertencentes a 35 famílias, incluindo 99 exemplares-tipos, foram reincorporados à Coleção Entomológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, em suas posições originais nos armários de aço, após 35 anos. Esta reincorporação representa o primeiro resgate científico-histórico desse acervo, após o período da ditadura militar no Brasil.

One of the oldest, most varied and widest-ranging entomology collections in Latin America, containing a significant portion of Brazil's biodiversity, was severely damaged during an episode which came to be known as the Manguinhos Massacre, when ten eminent researchers had their political rights suspended. This note tells of how a particular episode in the tragedy caused part of this collection to be broken up, and how 8,554 valuable specimens of the order Diptera, from 35 families, including 99 type specimens, have been reintroduced to Instituto Oswaldo Cruz's Entomology Collection in their original positions in the steel cabinets 35 years on. This reintroduction represents the first effort to restore this collection both historically and scientifically since Brazil's military dictatorship.

Humanos , Animais , História do Século XX , Ciência/história , Coleção , Entomologia/história , Pesquisadores , Brasil , História do Século XX , Expedições/história
Acta bioeth ; 13(1): 123-124, jun. 2007.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-460143
Acta amaz ; 37(3): 475-478, 2007. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-474448


As espécies de Pieridae da Coleção de Invertebrados do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia foram inventariadas. São registrados 279 indivíduos de 17 espécies e 10 gêneros, todos coletados na Amazônia brasileira.

The species of Pieridae of the collection of Invertebrates of the National Institute for Amazonian Research were inventoried. It was registered 279 individuals of 17 species and 10 genera, all collected in the Brazilian Amazonia.

Ecossistema Amazônico , Coleção , Lepidópteros
Acta amaz ; 37(3): 451-456, 2007. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-474445


The collection of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), in the city of Belém, State of Pará, Brazil, has 65 samples of type-specimens of Isoptera, representing 26 species (21 holotypes and 5 paratypes) of 18 genera. This paper lists the number of specimens of each caste in each type series, type localities with geographical coordinates, collectors, and dates of collection.

A Coleção do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), na cidade de Belém, Estado do Pará, Brasil, possui 65 amostras que são exemplares-tipos de Isoptera, representando 26 espécies (21 holótipos e 5 parátipos) pertencentes a 18 gêneros. Este trabalho lista o número de espécimes de cada casta em cada série-tipo, localidade tipo com as coordenadas geográficas, coletor e dados da coleta.

Ecossistema Amazônico , Coleção , Isópteros
Rio de Janeiro; FIOCRUZ; 2005. 131 p. tab.
Monografia em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-653148


A atual Coleção de Culturas do Gênero Bacillus e Gêneros Correlatos, acrônimo CCGB, surgiu em 1979 quando iniciou suas atividades colecionando espécies de Bacillus com propriedades amilolíticas, proteolíticas e antibióticas, isoladas do ambiente de acordo com programa específico do LFB.

Bacillus/classificação , Bacillus/enzimologia , Coleção
Tegucigalpa; s.n; 2001. 24 p.
Tese em Espanhol | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-877762


En Honduras pocas instituciones han estudiado el uso medicinal de las plantas silvestres y cultivadas recopilando el conocimiento popular. Este estudio se realizó en tres municipios de la región del Yeguare. Ya que hasta el momento no había sido analizada la flora medicinal y porque existe la necesidad de proteger el bosque y las especies medicinales asociadas a él. Partiendo del conocimiento que tienen las comunidades acerca de los usos y propiedades de las plantas silvestres o cultivadas, se decidió escribir un manual de plantas medicinales de la zona, que cubriera las enfermedades más comunes y las plantas utilizadas en las comunidades para estos males. Se hicieron dos talleres y cuatro visitas de campo con parteras, guardianes de salud, curanderos y personas conocedoras de las plantas, ellos recolectaron especímenes y detallaron el nombre de la planta, usos, modo de empleo, parte empleada y dosis para usarlas en remedios caseros. Se recopilaron 150 plantas en total, pero se seleccionaron sólo las 30 que fueron nombradas con mayor frecuencia. Se hicieron dos validaciones, una en las comunidades comparando los usos de las plantas y otra en la base de datos de la Universidad Autónoma de Honduras (UNAR), comparando las propiedades de las plantas del estudio. Con ésta se llegó a un 90% de semejanza con la base de datos. El manual contribuyó a la base de datos del Departamento de Histología Vegetal de la UNAH con una especie nueva encontrada en Ocota~ Yuscarán, J.lachaeriwn salvadorense (Donn. Sm.) uña de gato y con una colección botánica. Este manual cubre las afecciones más comunes encontradas en las comunidades. Es importante estudiar la domesticación de las especies y estudios de factibilidad económica de estas especies.

Humanos , Coleção , Medicina Tradicional , Plantas Medicinais , Honduras