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Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 25(1): e2506, jan-jun. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399592


O desenvolvimento larval completo dos estágios da filosoma da lagosta palinurídeo foi feito em condições de laboratório por vários pesquisadores. A duração dos estágios larvais parece ser específica em relação às espécies. Para as larvas filosomas recentes podem ser fornecidas náuplios de Artemia em combinação com pedaços de gônadas de mexilhões (Mytilus edulis). Gônadas de mexilhões podem ser utilizados exclusivamente após o segundo ou terceiro instar. Grande mortalidade pode ser observada no primeiro instar. A par disso, poucas espécies foram cultivadas devido ao seu dilatado e complexo desenvolvimento larval. A proposta desta revisão é resumir as informações sobre os estudos do cultivo de filosomas.(AU)

The complete larval development of the phylosoma stages of palinurid spiny lobster has been made under laboratory condition by several researchers. Duration of the larval stage seems to be species specific. For the early phyllosomas, food can be consisted of Artemia nauplii in combination with pieces of mussel (Mytilus edulis) gonad. Mussel gonad can be used exclusively after the 2nd or 3rd instar. Heavy mortalities can be noted at the 1st instar. Few spiny lobsters have been raised from egg to puerulus in the lab. Spiny lobsters have a long and complex larval development. The purpose of this review is to sumarize the studies on phyllosoma culture.(AU)

El desarrollo larvario completo de los estadios de filosoma de la langosta espinosa palinúrida ha sido realizado en condiciones de laboratorio por varios investigadores. A duración de las etapas larvais parece ser específica en relacion a las especies. Para las larvas filosomas recientes pueden ser ofrecidas nauplios de Artemia en cobinacion con pedazos de gónadas de mejillones (Mytilus edulis). Gónadas de mejillones pueden ser utilizados exclusivamente após o segundo el tercero instar. Grande mortalidad puede ser observada en lo primeiro instar. Al mismo tiempo, pocas especies han sido cultivadas debido a su dilatado y complejo desarrollo larval. La propuesta desta revisión es resumir la información sobre los estúdios sobre el cultivo de filosomas.(AU)

Animais , Desenvolvimento Tecnológico , Aquicultura/métodos , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 21(3): 115-122, jul-set. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-986960


A proposta desta revisão é resumir as informações sobre os estudos da engorda de lagostas em gaiolas no Vietnam. Esta sinopse demonstra que os juvenis podem ser cultivados sob regime de confinamento e se adapta bem as condições artificiais com alimentação. Na aquicultura, na engorda de juvenis de lagostas capturadas na natureza (Palinuridae) até o tamanho comercial está emergindo no Vietnam. No Vietnam o cultivo de lagostas em gaiolas no mar começou na década de 1990. Nesse contexto tradicionalmente a Panulirus ornatus e outras espécies são alimentadas com rejeito de pesca e pescado de baixo valor. O objetivo global da engorda pode ser o alívio da pobreza, e neste respeito para os criadores de lagostas é em particular uma oportunidade atrativa para brasileiros devido à captura de pós-larvas de lagostas (com autorização dos órgãos competentes) e sua engorda envolve tecnologia simples, mínimo de capital, e é apropriado como uma atividade alternativa de renda para pescadores.(AU)

The purpose of this review is to sumarize the studies on spiny lobster cage farming in Vietnam. The review showed that spiny lobster juveniles can be held in communal culture systems, since they adapt well to the artificial feeding conditions. In aquaculture, the growout phase of wild-caught juvenile spiny lobsters (Palinuridae) to market size is an emerging sector in Vietnam. Spiny lobster farming in sea cages commenced in the 1990s in Vietnam. Traditionally, Panulirus ornatus lobster and other species are fed with bycatch and cheap fish. The main purpose of the growout phase can be the decrease in poverty, and in this respect lobster farming is a particularly attractive opportunity for Brazil, since the capture of post-hatching lobsters (with authorization of the competent organs) and their growout involves simple technology, minimal capital and is ideally suited as an alternative activity for income generation for fisherman.(AU)

La propuesta de esta revisión es resumir las informaciones sobre los estudios de engorde de langostas en jaulas en Vietnan. Esta sinopsis demuestra que los juveniles pueden cultivarse en régimen de confinamiento y se adapta bien a las condiciones artificiales de alimentación. En la acuicultura, el engorde de juveniles de langostas capturadas en la naturaleza (Palinuridae) hasta el tamaño comercial, está emergiendo en Vietnan. Allá el cultivo de langostas en jaula en el mar empezó en la década de 1990. En ese contexto tradicionalmente la Panulirus ornatus y otras espécies son alimentadas con desechos de pesca y pescado de bajo valor. El objetivo global de engorde puede ser el alivio de la pobreza, y con relación a los creadores de langostas es en particular una atractiva oportunidade para brasileños, debido a la captura poslarvas de langostas (con autorización de los órganos competentes), y su engorde involucra tecnologia simple, mínimo de capital, y es apropriado como uma actividad alternativa de renta para los pescadores.(AU)

Animais , Aquicultura/economia , Aquicultura/métodos , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Palinuridae/metabolismo
Rev. biol. trop ; 64(3): 975-990, jul.-sep. 2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-958189


ResumenLa langosta espinosa Panulirus argus es una importante especie pesquera en el Atlántico centro-occidental. Los cambios en el rango de dispersión a través de su ciclo de vida y sus hábitats heterogéneos, sugieren que P. argus exhibe plasticidad fenotípica. Sin embargo, la variación morfométrica de esta especie es desconocida hasta ahora, aún cuando esta información es relevante en estudios evolutivos y en la solución de preguntas de interés pesquero. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si P. argus exhibe variación fenotípica entre sexos, entre cinco orígenes geográficos y tres condiciones oceanográficas del Caribe suroccidental (archipiélago colombiano de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina). Un total de 193 adultos de P. argus se analizaron por Morfometría Geométrica usando seis puntos de referencia que delimitan la mitad de la placa esternal. Las diferencias de tamaño entre sexos y orígenes geográficos, se compararon con las pruebas de Kruskal-Wallis y Mann-Whitney. El efecto alométrico se estimó usando Análisis de Regresión Multivariada, el modelo de pendientes alométricas se contrastó con un Análisis Multivariado de Covarianza y las diferencias de conformación de la placa esternal se exploró usando comparaciones no paramétricas de las distancias Euclidianas y árboles del vecino más cercano. Los resultados mostraron que la variación morfométrica de la placa esternal de la langosta espinosa varía de acuerdo al sexo debido a que el dimorfismo sexual fue significativo tanto en el tamaño como en la conformación. En ambos sexos, la conformación de la placa esternal difirió entre escenarios oceanográficos como se evidenció por diferencias significativas entre distancias Euclidianas y su tendencia a agruparse por las secciones norte, centro y sur del archipiélago de San Andrés. Adicionalmente, la variación morfométrica resultante de plasticidad fenotípica a contextos ecológicos variables pueden explicar las diferencias fenotípicas entre poblaciones que son genéticamente similares. Esta información permite definir unidades de manejo, apoya la selección de medidas regulatorias de esta pesquería y complementa los análisis genéticos de la especie en esta región del Caribe.

Abstract:The spiny lobster Panulirus argus is an important fishery species in the Western Central Atlantic. Changes in the dispersion range through its life cycle and heterogeneous habitats, suggest that P. argus exhibit phenotypic plasticity. However, the morphometric variation of this species is unknown so far, although this information is relevant in evolutionary studies as well as to solve questions of fishery interest. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine whether P. argus exhibit phenotypic variation between sexes, among five geographic origins and three oceanographic conditions of Southwest Caribbean (Colombian archipelago San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina). A total of 193 P. argus adults were submitted to geometric morphometrics using six landmarks that delimit one half of the sternal plate. The differences in sternal plate size were compared with KruskalWallis and Mann-Whitney Tests. The allometric effect was estimated using Multivariate Regression Analysis, the model of allometric slopes was tested by Multivariate analysis of covariance and the sternal plate shape differences was explored using non-parametric comparisons of Euclidian distances and Neighbour Joinnig trees. The results showed that the morphometric variation of sternal plate of this spiny lobster varied according to the gender since the sexual size and shape dimorphisms were significant. In both sexes, the sternal plate shape differed among oceanographic scenarios as it was evidenced by significant differences among Euclidian distances, and the tendency to cluster by North, Centre and South sections of San Andrés archipelago. Additionally, the morphometric variation resulting from phenotypic plasticity to variable ecological contexts may explain the phenotypic differences among genetically similar populations. This information permits to define management units, support the selection of regulatory policies of this fishery and complement the genetic analysis of the species in this Caribbean region. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (3): 975-990. Epub 2016 September 01.

Animais , Palinuridae/anatomia & histologia , Variação Biológica da População/fisiologia , Valores de Referência , Especificidade da Espécie , Fatores Sexuais , Análise Multivariada , Colômbia , Região do Caribe , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Distribuição Animal
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(3): 617-627, jul.-sep. 2015. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-778071


Growth parameters are an important component for the stock assessment of exploited aquatic species. However, it is often difficult to apply direct methods to estimate growth and to analyse the differences between males and females, particularly in tropical areas. The objective of this study was to analyse the inter-cohort growth of three tropical resources and discuss the possible fisheries management implications. A simple method was used to compare individual growth curves obtained from length frequency distribution analysis, illustrated by case studies of three tropical species from different aquatic environments: tilapia (Oreochromis aureus),red octopus (Octopus maya)and the Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus).The analysis undertaken compared the size distribution of males and females of a given cohort through modal progression analysis. The technique used proved to be useful for highlighting the differences in growth between females and males of a specific cohort. The potential effect of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on the organism's development as reflected in the size distribution of the cohorts is discussed.

Los parámetros de crecimiento son un componente importante para la evaluación de las poblaciones de especies acuáticas explotadas. Sin embargo, es complicado aplicar métodos directos para estimar el crecimiento y analizar las diferencias entre machos y hembras particularmente en zonas tropicales. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el crecimiento entre cohortes de tres recursos tropicales y discutir las posibles implicaciones en el manejo pesquero. Se utilizó un método simple para comparar las curvas de crecimiento individual obtenidas a través del análisis de distribución de frecuencias de longitudes, para ello se usaron tres casos de estudio de especies tropicales provenientes de diferentes ambientes acuáticos: tilapia (Oreochromis aureus),pulpo rojo (Octopus maya)y la langosta del caribe (Panulirus argus).El análisis consistió en comparar la distribución de longitudes de hembras y machos obtenidas del análisis de progresión modal. Esta técnica puede ser utilizada para resaltar las diferencias en el crecimiento entre hembras y machos de una cohorte específica. En este documento se discute el efecto potencial de los factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos en el desarrollo de los organismos como se refleja en la distribución de tallas de las cohortes.

Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Octopodiformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Tilápia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Biometria , México , Modelos Biológicos
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(2): 533-541, Jun.-Aug. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-715450


The spiny lobster Panulirus homarus, distributed along the Southeast and Southwest coasts of India, is an important commercial species having mariculture potential. Despite its importance, the structural and ultrastructure features of male gonads from this species have received scarce attention. Hence this study was aimed to describe the male reproductive tract of the species, using standard histological and electron microscopy techniques. Gonads from 94 specimens of P. homarus ranging in carapace length 37mm-92mm from vizhinjam (Southwest coast of India.) were obtained and processed for the study (Histology-70 numbers & ultrastructure-24 numbers). The male reproductive system consists of paired testis and vas deferens located in the cephalothoracic region. Macroscopically, the reproductive tract was observed in lobsters >35mm carapace length. In immature testis, spermatogonia were seen which measured 6.9-13.8µm in diameter and in the mature testis primary (5.4-5.9µm) and secondary spermatocytes (2.8-3µm) and spermatids (2.2-2.4µm) were present. Each vas deferens consists of proximal and distal portions. The spermatophoric mass begins formation in the proximal vas deferens. In the distal vas deferens the spermatophoric mass containing the spermatozoa are arranged in packets towards the periphery by the gelatinous matrix produced by the typhlosole. Ultrastructurally, the spermatogonia have lamina, nucleus and mitochondria like bodies, the primary spermatocytes have nucleus, dense chromatin and vacuolated cytoplasm and the spermatids have mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and centrioles. The endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear envelope in the spermatids form the acrosome. The radial arms with microtubules are formed in association with the dense endoplasmic reticulum, near the nucleus. The sperm has a spherical structure with the nucleus, lamellar region, spikes and acrosome. This is the first comprehensive report of the structure of the male gametes and spermatogenesis in P. homarus from Indian waters.Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (2): 533-541. Epub 2014 June 01.

La langosta espinosa Panulirus homarus, distribuida a lo largo de las costas sudeste y sudoeste de la India, es una especie de importancia comercial con gran potencial para la mari-cultura. A pesar de su importancia, las características estructurales y ultraestructurales de las gónadas masculinas de esta especie han sido poco estudiadas. Debido a esto, el objetivo de este estudio fue describir el aparato reproductor masculino de dicha especie, utilizando técnicas convencionales de microscopía histológica y electrónica. Se procesaron 94 ejemplares de P. homarus de vizhinjam (costa suroeste de la India) (70 individuos para histología y 24 para ultraestructura), cuyos caparazones variaron de 37 mm a 92 mm de longitud. El sistema reproductor masculino de esta especie consistió en un par de testículos y un conducto deferente situados en la región céfalo-torácica. Macroscópicamente, el aparato reproductor se observó en langostas con una longitud de caparazón >35mm. En testículos inmaduros, la espermatogonia midió 6.9-13.8μm de diámetro y se encontró presente en los testículos maduros primarios (5.4-5.9μm), espermatocitos secundarios (2.8 a 3 μm) y espermátidas (2.2-2.4μm). Cada conducto deferente consistió de porciones proximales y distales. La formación de la masa espermatofórica comienza en los conductos deferentes proximales. En el conducto deferente distal espermatofórico, la masa que contiene los espermatozoides está dispuesta en paquetes hacia la periferia, en una matriz gelatinosa producida por el tiflosol. Ultraestructuralmente, las espermatogonias presentan una lámina, núcleo y mitocondrias, los espermatocitos primarios tienen núcleo, cromatina densa y citoplasma vacuolado, mientras que las espermátidas tienen mitocondrias, retículo endoplasmático y centríolos. En las espermátidas, el retículo endoplásmico y la envoltura nuclear forman el acrosoma. Los brazos radiales con microtúbulos se forman en asociación con el retículo endoplásmico denso, cerca del núcleo. El esperma presenta una estructura esférica con el núcleo, la región laminar, las espinas y el acrosoma. Este documento constituye el primer informe exhaustivo de la estructura de los gametos masculinos y espermatogénesis en P. homarus de la India.

Animais , Masculino , Palinuridae/anatomia & histologia , Palinuridae/ultraestrutura , Espermatozoides/ultraestrutura , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Testículo/ultraestrutura , Índia , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(3): 1189-1199, sep. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-688469


Green spiny lobster Panulirus gracilis is an economical resource of high importance for fishermen populations in the continental coast of Ecuador. Traditionally, this specie is captured using gillnets and semiautonomous diving system (hookah). With the objective to analyze some biological aspects about this fishery in Manabí, we examined lengths of capture (carapace length: CL and abdominal length: AL), sex ratio and reproductive aspects in females between June and September 2010. A total of 415 females and 288 males were captured with gillnets in El Mangle-Puerto Cayo (Central coast, depth: 3-6m), and by diving in Puerto López-Salango (South coast, depth: 7-12m). Sex ratio from males to females was 0.72:1 for gillnets, and 0.63:1 for diving. Lobsters captured by diving were larger (84.1±3.3mm CL) than lobsters captured by gillnets (73.4±2.9mm CL). Percentage of ovigerous females captured by diving was higher than females captured by gillnets. There was a pattern between lengths by sex (relation AL vs. CL); females were larger than males at same CL. Differences found between lengths and the occurrence of ovigerous females could be related with depth where capture methods are used. A total of 98% of landed lobsters were smaller than legal captured length and we recommend the establishment of a monitoring evaluation program during the fishing season, and a ban, in order to evaluate the natural fluctuation in length and reproductive stages of green spiny lobster in the coasts of Manabí.

La langosta verde Panulirus gracilis es un recurso de gran importancia económica para las poblaciones pesqueras de la costa continental del Ecuador. Esta especie es capturada tradicionalmente mediante redes y buceo semiautónomo (hookah). Para analizar algunos aspectos biológicos de la pesquería en la provincia de Manabí, se examinó la talla de captura (longitud cefalotorácica: LC y abdominal: LA), proporción sexual y aspectos reproductivos en hembras (n=415) de 703 especímenes entre junio y septiembre 2010: con red en El Mangle-Puerto Cayo (costa central, profundidad: 3-6m), y mediante buceo en Puerto López-Salango (costa centro-sur, profundidad: 7-12m). La proporción sexual: machos a hembras fue 0.72:1 para captura con red y 0.63:1 para buceo. Las langostas capturadas con buceo fueron más grandes (84.1±3.3mm LC) que las capturadas con red (73.4±2.9mm LC). La proporción de hembras ovígeras capturadas con buceo fue mayor que en las capturas con red. La diferencia entre talla y ocurrencia de hembras ovígeras podría relacionarse con la profundidad a la que los métodos de captura fueron utilizados. El 98% de las langostas analizadas estuvieron por debajo de la talla legal. Se propone el establecimiento de un programa de evaluación continua del recurso durante la temporada de pesca y veda para conocer la fluctuación natural del tamaño y época reproductiva de la langosta verde en Manabí.

Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Tamanho Corporal , Palinuridae/fisiologia , Equador , Pesqueiros , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Palinuridae/classificação , Reprodução/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , Razão de Masculinidade
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2013. 176 p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-681499


Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804) é uma das principais espécies de lagosta no Atlântico, sendo um dos maiores recursos pesqueiros do Atlântico Ocidental, onde apresenta um alto valor comercial. A forte explotação da espécie resulta em uma grande pressão sobre suas populações. Recentemente, foi descoberto que sob o binômio P. argus estão contidas duas espécies crípticas que ocorrem em alopatria, uma na região do Caribe e outra na costa brasileira. Esta tese tem como objetivo estudar como se estruturam geneticamente as populações dessas duas espécies, com o propósito de fornecer mais informações para a determinação de estoques e um correto manejo das espécies, e analisar os processos históricos evolutivos que moldaram suas histórias demográficas. Para tal, foram estudados dois marcadores mitocondriais (região controle e o gene da Citocromo Oxidase I) e loci de microssatélites de indivíduos de 7 regiões do Caribe (Florida, Bahamas, Turks e Caicos, Porto Rico, Cuba, Colômbia e Venezuela) e 11 estados do Brasil (Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo). Dentro de cada espécie foram observadas duas linhagens mitocondriais diferentes, que co-ocorriam, de maneira homogênea, ao longo de suas distribuições. Hipotetiso que essas linhagens foram formadas a partir de um evento de vicariância com contato secundário ou como consequência de um efeito gargalo seguido de expansão. As duas linhagens são evidentes nas sequências da região controle mitocondrial, mas no gene da COI foram evidentes apenas em P. cf. argus do Caribe. As linhagens do Brasil se separaram há aproximadamente 233 - 288 mil anos e cada uma sofreu expansão em tempos diferentes, a primeira se expandiu há 100 mil anos e a segunda linhagem há 50 mil anos. As linhagens do Caribe se separaram cerca de 1 milhão de anos atrás e possuem o mesmo tempo de expansão, 50 mil anos. Os microssatélites não revelaram subdivisão populacional ...

Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804) is one of the main lobster species in the Atlantic, and one of the largest fisheries in the western Atlantic, with a high commercial value. The heavy exploitation of the species results in much pressure on its populations. Recently, it was discovered that under the name P. argus there are two cryptic species that occur in allopatry, one in the Caribbean and the other on the coast of Brazil. This thesis studies the population genetic structure of those two species with the purpose of providing more information to delimitate stocks for fisheries management, and for understanding the historical processes that have shaped their evolutionary demographic histories. For this, we analysed two mitochondrial markers (control region and the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene) and microsatellite markers of individuals from 7 localities in the Caribbean (Florida, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Colombia, and Venezuela) and 11 States of Brazil (Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo). Within each species two different mitochondrial lineages were observed. They occurred throughout their distributions, and it is hypothesized that they were formed from a vicariance event with secondary contact or are the result of a genetic bottleneck followed by expansion. The lineages of P. cf. argus from Brazil were only observed in the mitochondrial control region and were separated approximately 233-288 thousand years ago, and each lineage underwent expansion at different times: the first expanded 100,000 years ago and the second 50,000 years ago. The lineages of the Caribbean species were found for the two mitochondrial markers. They were separated about 1 million years ago and have had the same expansion time, 50,000 years. Microsatellites revealed no population subdivision for either species, but the molecular markers together suggest a differential gene...

Animais , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Palinuridae/genética , Complexo IV da Cadeia de Transporte de Elétrons/genética , Variação Genética , Genética Populacional , Linhagem , Filogeografia , Repetições de Microssatélites/genética
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(4): 1783-1793, Dec. 2012. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-662247


The lobster P. gracilis is important as a fishery resource and also contributes to food security of fishers in coastal communities in the North Pacific of Costa Rica. Due to the importance of updating knowledge related to the reproductive pattern of this species, we analyzed 357 specimens of female lobsters caught by the fishing methods of “hookah” and lung diving, from November 2007 to October 2008 in Playa Lagarto. Furthermore, we examined the size composition by depth; monthly pattern of reproductive activity (RAI) associated with the relative increase in sea surface temperature, and also the mean size at maturity using Generalized Linear Models. Four physiological states of sexual maturity showed that females with no signs of mating or sexual maturity have a minimum mean size of 62.3mm of cephalothorax length (CL). There are characteristics of functional maturity from very small sizes ranging from 30 to 50mm CL, being the smallest berried female reported for this specie of 35.8mm CL and the highest percentage of mature females between 70 and 80mm CL. Percentages of RAI remained above 50% during the year except October and January. In addition, it observed an increase in the RAI that started from April and continued until August associated with a relative increase in temperature on March, although the correlation was not significant (r²=0.49, p>0.05). It is possible that the low mean size at maturity (70.2mm LC) for P. gracilis in this region is related to the fishing activity. It recommends the establishment of a ban in the region of at least five months (April-August) in order to protect the reproductive seasonality of the species and to promote a recruitment increase in the fishing areas.

La langosta Panulirus gracilis es importante como recurso pesquero de las comunidades costeras en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica. Debido a la importancia de actualizar el conocimiento relacionado con el patrón reproductivo de esta especie, se analizaron 357 especímenes de langostas P. gracilis hembras capturados mediante el buceo con compresor y el buceo a pulmón durante noviembre de 2007 a octubre del 2008 en Playa Lagarto. Se examinó la composición de las tallas por estrato de profundidad, el patrón mensual de la actividad reproductiva (IAR) asociado al aumento relativo de la temperatura superficial del océano, y además se determinó la talla media de madurez sexual utilizando Modelos Lineales Generalizados. Los cuatro estados fisiológicos de madurez sexual mostraron que las hembras sin masa espermatófora y no ovígeras, presentaron las menores tallas con una media de 62.3mm de longitud cefalotoráxica (LC). Se observaron características de madurez sexual a partir de tallas muy bajas que van desde 30 a 50mm de LC, encontrándose la menor hembra ovígera reportada para esta especie de 35.8mm de LC y el mayor porcentaje de hembras maduras entre 70 y 80mm de LC. Los porcentajes del IAR se mantuvieron por encima del 50% durante el año, con excepción de los meses de octubre y enero. Además, se observó un aumento en el IAR que inició a partir de abril y continuó hasta agosto asociado a un relativo aumento en la temperatura a partir del mes de marzo, sin embargo esta relación no fue significativa (r²=0.49, p>0.05). No se descarta que la baja talla media de madurez sexual de 70.2mm de LC para P. gracilis en esta región sea causada por las prácticas de pesca. Se recomienda que se establezca una veda en la región de cinco meses (abril-agosto) con el fin de proteger la estacionalidad reproductiva de la especie y promover un mayor reclutamiento a las áreas de pesca.

Animais , Feminino , Palinuridae/fisiologia , Maturidade Sexual/fisiologia , Costa Rica , Palinuridae/classificação , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reprodução/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , Fatores Sexuais , Temperatura
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(1): 263-271, Mar. 2012. ilus, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-657777


Variations of the nutritional condition of lobsters Panulirus argus (Decapoda: Palinuridae) in Eastern region of the Gulf of Batabanó, Cuba. Nutritional condition can affect survival and growth rate of crustaceans, and this is mostly affected by habitat conditions. This study describes the space-temporary nutritional changes in this commercially important species. With this aim, the variations in the nutritional condition (K) of lobsters from four zones (1, 2, 4 and 5) in the Gulf of Batabanó, Cuba, were determined. For this, the weight/length ratio (K=Pt/Lt) was calculated using animals captured in 1981 and 2010. The nutritional condition between areas and sexes, and years and sexes, was contrasted by a bifactorial ANOVA, and the overall length and weight of lobsters were compared using a t-Test for independent samples and unifactorial ANOVA. It was found that the nutritional condition was significantly greater in males than in females. In addition, significant variations between zones were detected for both years. Nutritional condition of lobsters from Zone five was the highest for 1981, while it was Zone two for 2010. Lobsters nutritional state showed significant variations between years, being greater in 1981 (2.34±0.84g/mm) than in 2010 (1.96±0.49g/mm). The inter-zones variations as well as the inter-annual ones seem to be related to the reported variations of the bottom type and the vegetation cover. Seasonal variations in the abundance and distribution of benthic organisms, that constitute food for lobsters, could also be influencing. The differences between sexes, however, were assumed as a consequence of the methodology used and the sexual dimorphism of the species. Due to other K estimation methods, that do not include morphometric measurements, these differences were not detected. We suggested that the P. argus nutritional condition is a good estimator of the habitat condition. Besides, according to the applied K estimation methodology, it was found that different groups of lobsters that have resemblant nutritional condition, did not necessarily observe similarities in the overall mean length or weight, so they could exist under different habitat conditions.

En Cuba, la región del Golfo de Batabanó es la más importante zona de pesca de langosta debido a que de ella se extrae anualmente alrededor del 70% de la captura nacional. Con el objetivo de determinar variaciones espacio-temporales en la condición nutricional (K) de langostas Panulirus argus del Golfo de Batabanó, Cuba, se calculó dicha condición mediante una relación pesolargo (K=Pt/Lt), para lo que se utilizaron ejemplares de cuatro zonas (uno, dos, cuatro y cinco) del este del golfo, capturados en los años 1981 y 2010. Se encontró que en todos los casos analizados la condición nutricional fue significativamente mayor en machos que en hembras. Se detectaron variaciones significativas entre zonas en 1981 y 2010. También entre años el estado nutricional de las langostas presenta variaciones significativas, de manera que en 1981 (2.34±0.84g/mm) fue mayor que en 2010 (1.96±0.49g/mm). Tanto las variaciones interzonales como las interanuales parecen estar relacionadas con variaciones reportadas en el tipo de fondo y la cobertura vegetal. Variaciones estacionales en la abundancia y distribución de organismos bentónicos que constituyen alimento para las langostas también podrían estar influyendo. Las diferencias entre sexos en cambio, se suponen consecuencia de la metodología utilizada y del dimorfismo sexual característico de esta especie, por cuanto otros métodos de estimación de K que no involucran mediciones morfométricas, no detectan estas diferencias.

Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Ecossistema , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Estações do Ano , Cuba
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(2): 619-633, jun. 2011. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-638108


Biology and fishery of the lobster Panulirus gracilis in Playa Lagarto, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Panulirus gracilis is a high valuable lobster species with considerable captures along the tropical Pacific coast. In this study, I present some biological and fishery parameters described after a sample of 843 lobsters, landed in Playa Lagarto from November 2007 to October 2008. From landing records, a total of 74.9% of lobsters were below the minimum legal catch size (80mm CL). Carapace lengths were in the range of 42.8 and 143.6mm for males and 115 and 35.8mm for females. The size structure showed a wide overlapping of population segments, and a trend to increase with depth, where lung diving and “hooka” diving operations take place. Sex ratio was 1.36 M:H. The relationship between weight and LC revealed that females are heavier than males of the same size, and this difference was significant (p<0.05). The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for males and females respectively (K=0.45-0.38, LC∞=166.9-121.7) showed accelerated growth compared to other species. Males observed a higher growth rate than females. Furthermore, natural mortality (M), total mortality (Z) and fishing mortality (F) was higher in males (0.49-2.34-1.92) than in females (0.47-1.82-1.42). Recruitment was continuous for both sexes during the year, with an elevated intensity of 18.5% in July. Under the current fishing regime the population could be at risk of collapse, as indicated by the high exploitation rate (E) 0.80. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (2): 619-633. Epub 2011 June 01.

Los parámetros biológicos y pesqueros analizados se fundamentaron en una muestra de 843 langostas provenientes de la actividad pesquera realizada en Playa Lagarto entre noviembre del 2007 y octubre del 2008. Las longitudes cefalotoráxicas de los machos estuvo comprendida entre los 143.6 y 42.8 y 115 y 35.8mm para hembras. El 74.9% de las langostas en los desembarques estuvo por debajo de la talla mínima legal de captura (80 mm de LC). La estructura de tallas muestra un considerable solapamiento de segmentos poblacionales y el incremento de las tallas con la profundidad en donde operan las dos modalidades de pesca estudiadas: el buceo a pulmón y el buceo con compresor. La proporción de sexos obtenida fue de 1.36 M:H. La relación entre LC y peso reveló que las hembras pesan más que los machos de una misma talla y que esta diferencia fue significativa (p<0.05). Los parámetros de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy para machos y hembras respectivamente (K=0.45-0.38, LC∞=166.9-121.7) indican un crecimiento acelerado en comparación a otras especies. Los machos por su parte exhibieron una mayor tasa de crecimiento que las hembras. Además, la mortalidad natural (M), la mortalidad total (Z) y la mortalidad por pesca (F) fue más alta en machos (0.49-2.34-1.92) que en hembras (0.47-1.82-1.42). El reclutamiento para ambos sexos presentó un comportamiento continuó durante el año con un pulso de mayor intensidad en julio de 18.5%. El significativo porcentaje de langostas por debajo de la talla mínima legal permitida para la pesca evidencia fuerte presión ejercida sobre las tallas juveniles. Afirmación que es reforzada por el valor de la tasa de explotación (E) determinada de 0.80, que indica que bajo el actual régimen de pesca la población estaría en riesgo de colapso.

Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Pesqueiros , Palinuridae , Costa Rica , Densidade Demográfica , Dinâmica Populacional , Palinuridae/anatomia & histologia , Palinuridae/classificação , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Estações do Ano , Razão de Masculinidade
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(1): 207-216, mar. 2011. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-638058


Influence of lunar cycle on catches of spiny lobster Panulirus argus (Decapoda: Palinuridae) in the Gulf of Batabanó, Cuba. Many biological processes such as reproductive and migratory behaviours have been associated with moon cycles. In this study, the nocturnal light levels associated with lunar cycle (INT) were correlated with daily catch rate of lobster P. argus, during seven lunar months of 2002 fishing period, to determine a possible relationship between these variables. The lobster catches were obtained from three fishing companies that develop their activities in the Gulf of Batabanó: EPICOL that fishes in Coloma area; PESCAHABANA in Batabanó area and PESCAISLA in Isla area. Daily catch per boat (CDB) was used as a measurement of daily catch variations (catch rate). The correlation was analyzed showing it in chronological graphs based on average of CDB per lunar phases, comparing lobster catch rate per lunar phases -with the Kruskal-Wallis test-. Spearman rank correlation coefficient and cross correlation techniques were also applied. Similarities between lobster catch rate and the lunar cycle were not found. Spearman rank correlation coefficient was modularly smaller than 0.1 in all cases and demonstrated quantitatively that correlation between CDB and INT does not exist. Kruskal-Wallis test detected differences only in Batabanó area but not when making the analyses for the whole Gulf of Batabanó. Finally, the cross correlations do not detected significance in any zone, as well. It is concluded that, in opposition to what other authors have reported, the catch rates of P. argus and the lunar cycle did not show significant correlation in the Gulf of Batabanó. This trend was independent of the fishing art, which varied according to the time of the year that was analyzed. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (1): 207-216. Epub 2011 March 01.

Muchos procesos biológicos tales como los comportamientos reproductivos y migratorios se han asociado con los ciclos de la luna. Con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre las capturas de langosta espinosa Panulirus argus (Decapoda: Palinuridae) y el ciclo lunar, en la zona del Golfo de Batabanó, se correlacionaron los niveles de iluminación nocturna del ciclo lunar (INT) con la captura diaria por barco (CDB) durante siete meses lunares correspondientes al período de pesca del 2002. Los datos de captura provinieron de las tres empresas pesqueras que realizan su actividad en la zona del Golfo de Batabanó. La relación entre el ciclo lunar y las capturas de langostas fue examinada mediante varios procedimientos estadísticos. Los primeros gráficos realizados, cualitativos, mostraron que no existe relación entre las tasas de captura y el ciclo lunar. Los coeficientes de Spearman calculados, modularmente menores que 0.1 en todos los casos, demostraron cuantitativamente que no existe correlación entre las mencionadas variables. La prueba de Kruskal-Wallis detectó diferencias sólo en una de las tres áreas estudiadas. Las correlaciones cruzadas no detectaron significación en ninguna de las zonas, con coeficientes de correlación cruzada modularmente inferiores a 0.1. A diferencia de lo reportado por otros autores, las capturas de P. argus y el ciclo lunar no presentan correlación significativa en el Golfo de Batabanó.

Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Migração Animal/fisiologia , Lua , Palinuridae/fisiologia , Fenômenos Astronômicos , Cuba , Reprodução/fisiologia
Braz. j. biol ; 69(1): 143-148, Feb. 2009. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-510134


The natural diet of the spiny lobster (Panulirus echinatus) from the São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago was determined by stomach contents analysis of sixty-eight adult lobsters collected during October 2002, March, July and August 2003. Food items were grouped by gross taxa representing 11 food categories. Analysis included a qualitative (Frequency of Occurrence of item i - FOi) and a quantitative method (Volume of item i - Vi). A Feed Index (FI = FOi x Vi / 100) proposed by Lauzanne (1975) was also used to indicate the importance of each food category (>50: dominant, 25-50: essential, 10-25: unimportant, <10: secondary). The most important food category determined by percent FOi and percent Vi, was fish, followed by crustaceans, green algae, calcareous algae, and rocks. The remaining food categories contributed to less than 30 percent of FOi and 10 percent of Vi. Although the Feed Index revealed no dominant food category in the diet of P. echinatus, fish was considered essential, crustaceans unimportant, and the remaining food categories were classified as secondary. According to the analysis, P. echinatus can be properly classified as an omnivorous and a generalist species, because it consumes a great diversity of organisms in several trophic levels. This species presents an opportunistic behaviour, feeding on the prey available at substratum. Future studies should address variations in natural diet related to sex, reproductive cycle, and seasonality.

A dieta alimentar da lagosta espinhosa, Panulirus echinatus, do Arquipélago São Pedro e São Paulo foi determinada a partir da análise de conteúdo estomacal de sessenta e oito espécimes adultos, coletados em outubro de 2002, março, julho e agosto de 2003. Os itens alimentares foram agrupados em grandes taxa, representando 11 categorias. As análises incluíram um procedimento qualitativo (Freqüência de Ocorrência do item i - FOi) e um método quantitativo (Volume do item i - Vi). Também foi utilizado o Índice Alimentar (IA= FOi x Vi / 100) proposto por Lauzanne (1975) para indicar a importância de cada categoria (>50: dominante, 25-50: essencial, 10-25: não-importante, <10: secundário). A categoria alimentar mais importante determinada pela FOi e Vi foi peixe, seguida de crustáceos, alga verde, alga calcária e rochas. As categorias alimentares restantes contribuíram com menos de 30 por cento da FOi e 10 por cento do Vi. Embora o Índice Alimentar não tenha revelado nenhum item dominante na dieta alimentar de P. echinatus, a categoria peixe foi considerada como essencial, crustáceos como não-importante e as categorias restantes foram classificadas como secundárias. De acordo com as análises, P. echinatus pode ser corretamente classificada como sendo uma espécie onívora e generalista, uma vez que se alimenta de uma grande diversidade de organismos em diferentes níveis tróficos. Esta espécie apresenta um comportamento oportunista, alimentando-se principalmente de presas disponíveis no substrato. Para estudos futuros, recomenda-se que sejam realizadas análises considerando variações da dieta alimentar associada ao sexo, ao ciclo reprodutivo e à sazonalidade.

Animais , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Palinuridae/fisiologia , Brasil , Dieta/classificação , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal , Palinuridae/classificação
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 24(4): 94-99, oct.-dec. 2008. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-545519


O presente trabalho teve por objetivo cultivar juvenis recentes da lagosta espinhosa Panulirus argusem diferentes temperaturas. Foram utilizados 20 indivíduos com peso e comprimento médio (cefalotórax e total) de 2,680 g, 13,8 mm e 40,4 mm, respectivamente. Os juvenis foram divididos em cinco tratamentos (temperaturas: T24, T26, T28, T30 e T32) com quatro repetições em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Após 180 dias de cultivo, as variáveis físicoquímicas da água foram similares para todos os tratamentos. Os indivíduos cultivados nos tratamentos T26 e T28 apresentaram as melhores taxas de crescimento em relação às lagostas cultivadas nos T24 e T30, sendo observada diferença estatística significativa (P < 0,05). Os juvenis pertencentes ao tratamento T32 morreram antes de completar ummês de cultivo. Concluiu-se que juvenis recentes de P. argus podem ser cultivados nas temperaturas de 24 °C a 30 °C, sendo constatado maior crescimento a 28 ºC.

The present work aimed to culture early juveniles of spiny lobster Panulirus argus in differenttemperatures. Twenty individuals with mean weight and length (cephalotorax and total) of 2.680 g, 13.8 mm and 40.4 mm, respectively were used. The juveniles were divided in five treatments (temperatures: T24, T26, T28, T30 and T32) with four repetitions in an entirely ramdomized experimental delineation. After 180 days of culture, physico-chemicals variables of water were similar in all treatments. The cultured individuals in T26 and T28 treatments showed the best growth rates in relation to lobster cultured in T24 and T30, being observed significant statistical difference (P < 0.05). Thejuveniles belonging to the treatment T32 died before completed one month of culture. It was concluded that early juveniles of P. argus can be cultured in temperatures of 24 °C to 30 °C, with higher growth at 28 ºC.

Animais , Palinuridae , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Palinuridae/metabolismo , Temperatura
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 8(3): 83-87, jul.-set. 2008. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-500488


Eiconaxius carinatus (Bouvier 1925) caracteriza-se, principalmente, por apresentar carenas laterais do rostro lisas, mero da quela maior com carena dorsal lisa, palma da quela maior exibindo carena dorsal bem nítida e dedos da quela menor de comprimento inferior ao da palma. Um exemplar foi coletado ao largo do Estado do Maranhão (00º 08' N e 44º 32' W) a 247 m de profundidade. A área de ocorrência anteriormente conhecida abrangia a Flórida e Antilhas (Santa Cruz e São Vicente), entre 161 e 339 m. Este trabalho registra pela primeira vez a família para o Brasil.

Eiconaxius carinatus (Bouvier 1925) is characterized, mostly, by smooth rostral lateral carinae, merus of major chela with smooth dorsal carina, palm of major chela with dorsal carina evident and length of fingers of minor chela less than the palm length. One specimen was collected off the state of Maranhão (00º 08' N and 44º32'W) in a depth of 247 m; this species was known previously from Florida and West Indies (Saint Croix and Saint Vincent), in depths between 161 and 339 m. This record is the first record of this family for Brazil.

Anatomia , Classificação , Crustáceos/classificação , Coleta de Dados , Decápodes , Fauna Marinha , Palinuridae
Braz. j. biol ; 68(1): 179-186, Feb. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-482201


The early stages of the Panulirus echinatus were hatched and reared in the laboratory. Ovigerous females were captured in their habitat and carefully transported to the laboratory. Larvae were transferred in a recirculation water tank at a density of 10 larvae.L-1. The larvae were fed on Artemia and gonads of mussel Brachydonts sp. Microalgae Dunaliella viridis was added at a concentration of 150 x 10(4) cell.mL-1. Larvae and exuviae of each zoeal stage were preserved in an alcohol 70 percent + glycerin (1:1) solution. The phyllosomas moulted eight times; the intermoulting period of each instar averaged about 7 to 10 days. The main morphological changes of each appendage were described in detail, illustrated and compared with previous reports.

Os estágios iniciais de lagosta tropical Panulirus echinatus eclodiram e foram cultivados em laboratório. Fêmeas ovígeras foram capturadas em seu habitat e cuidadosamente transportadas para o laboratório. As larvas foram cultivadas em tanques de recirculação de água e alimentadas com náuplios de Artemia e gônadas mexilhão Brachydonts sp. Microalga Dunaliella viridis foi adicionada em cada tanque de cultivo na concentração de 150 x 10(4) cel.mL-1. Os filosomas mudaram oito vezes e o período de intermuda de cada instar foi de cerca de 7 a 10 dias. As principais mudanças morfológicas de cada apêndice foram descritas, ilustradas e comparadas com trabalhos anteriores.

Animais , Feminino , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Animais de Laboratório , Palinuridae/anatomia & histologia , Palinuridae/classificação
Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 23(3/4): 479-486, July-Dec. 2006. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-644242


In spite of its importance as a major fishing resource in Northeastern Brazil, little is known regardingthe reproductive biology of the spiny lobster. The present study describes the macroscopic morphologyand scanning electron microscopic (SEM) structure of the ovaries of the species Panulirus argus, P.laevicauda and P. echinatus. The morphological study included the parameters developmental stage, colorand surface texture. With samples fixed in Bouin and Karnovsky solution, SEM analyses identified fourdistinct stages (I. immature, II. prematuration, III. mature, IV. spawning/resorption) as well as changesin the organization of the somatic (fibrous tissue) and germinative (oocytes) components at each stage. AtStage I, ovaries consist of nodes or cysts and are lined with thick fibrous components which tend to distendtoward Stage III. The oocytes are rounded and the nucleus/cytoplasm ratio decreases as the cells growlarger and move towards the periphery. As the first SEM-aided description of Panulirus ovaries, the presentstudy represents a contribution to our understanding of the tridimensional organization of the ovariancomponents at different stages of maturation and sheds new light on the changes which occur during thematuration process of spiny lobsters.

Animais , Gônadas , Gônadas/anatomia & histologia , Oócitos , Palinuridae , Palinuridae/anatomia & histologia , Aquicultura , Brasil , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Palinuridae/fisiologia , Reprodução
Rev. biol. trop ; 53(3/4): 475-486, sept.-dic. 2005. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-451276


Annual von Bertalanffy growth parameters of the Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) in Cuban waters were estimated from a long term study (40 years) by length-based methods ELEFAN and the new version of SLCA. Data of around 800 000 lobsters (with carapace length ranging 14 to 199mm) were randomly sampled in artificial shelters (a non selective fishing gear very common in the lobster fishery), through the field monitory program established for this species since 1963 in 14 localities of southwestern Cuban shelf. The software ELEFAN showed problems to converge in an optimal combination of the instantaneous growth coefficient (K) and the asymptotic length of the von Bertalanffy equation, whereas the new SLCA software produced value estimates of K between 0.20 and 0.27 year-1 and values of asymptotic length between 177 and 190 mm carapace length, all within the range reported in the literature. The standardized anomalies of both parameters showed the presence of cycles along the analyzed time series. Decadal variability in growth parameters was revealed through the spectral analysis indicating cycles of 16 and 20 years for K and of 16 years for asymptotic length. The incidence of some factors such as biomass and temperature that modulate growth in this crustacean was explored, using a nonlinear multiple regression model. These combined factors explained 33% and 69% of the variability of K and asymptotic length respectively. The growth coefficient appeared to be maximum with annual mean sea surface temperature of 28.1º C and the largest asymptotic length is reached at a annual men biomass level of 23 000 t. These results should be the basis to understand the Cuban lobster population dynamics

Los parámetros de crecimiento anuales para la langosta espinosa del Caribe (Panulirus argus) en aguas cubanas se estimaron para una serie de 40 años de datos de composición por longitud, a través de los métodos indirectos basados en la talla ELEFAN y el nuevo SLCA. Las composiciones por talla de alrededor de 800 000 langostas (con un ámbito de longitud de cefalotórax entre 14 y 199 mm) fueron obtenidas en muestreos aleatorios, realizados en arrecifes artificiales (arte de pesca muy común en esta pesquería cubana), a través del programa de monitoreo de campo establecido para esta especie desde 1963 en 14 localidades del Golfo de Batabanó, plataforma suroccidental de Cuba. El método ELEFAN mostró problemas para convergir en una combinación óptima del coeficiente de crecimiento (K) y el largo asintótico de la ecuación de von Bertalanffy, mientras que el método nuevo SLCA proporcionó valores de K entre 0.20 y 0.27 año-1 y de largo asintótico entre 177 y 190 mm de longitud de cefalotórax, todos dentro del ámbito reportado en la literatura. Las anomalías estandarizadas de ambos parámetros mostraron la existencia de ciclos a lo largo de la serie de tiempo analizada. El análisis espectral demostró una variabilidad decadal en los parámetros de crecimiento, con ciclos significativos de 16 y 20 años para K y de 16 años para largo asintótico. La incidencia de algunos factores, que modulan el crecimiento en este valioso crustáceo, como la biomasa y la temperatura fue explorada usando un modelo nolineal de regresión múltiple. Los resultados indicaron que ambos factores combinados explican el 33% y el 69% de la variabilidad de la K y del largo asintótico respectivamente. El coeficiente de crecimiento alcanzó su máximo con temperaturas medias anuales de superficie del mar de 28.1º C y el mayor valor de L 8se alcanza con niveles en la biomasa media anual de 23 000 t. La consideración de estos resultados debe ser la base para estudios posteriores en el conocimiento y predicción de la dinámica de la población de langosta en Cuba

Animais , Palinuridae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cuba , Modelos Biológicos , Palinuridae/anatomia & histologia , Análise de Regressão , Temperatura
Rev. biol. trop ; 51(1): 165-174, mar. 2003. mapas, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-365969


The effects of sex, injuries, season and site on the growth of the spiny lobsters Panulirus gracilis, and P. inflatus, were studied through mark-recapture techniques in two sites with different ecological characteristics on the coast of Guerrero, México. Panulirus gracilis occurred in both sites, whereas P. inflatus occurred only in one site. All recaptured individuals were adults. Both species had similar intermolt periods, but P. gracilis had significantly higher growth rates (mm carapace length week-1) than P. inflatus as a result of a larger molt increment. Growth rates of males were higher than those of females in both species owing to larger molt increments and shorter intermolt periods in males. Injuries had no effect on growth rates in either species. Individuals of P. gracilis grew faster in site 1 than in site 2. Therefore, the effect of season on growth of P. gracilis was analyzed separately in each site. In site 2, growth rates of P. gracilis were similar in summer and in winter, whereas in site 1 both species had higher growth rates in winter than in summer. This could be due to spatial differences in processes related to changes in population density and food resources, which were documented in previous works. The overall results show that P. gracilis grows faster than P. inflatus, and that growth rates of both species are highly variable and are affected by environmental factors such as site and season, which should be taken into account when attempting to produce population growth curves for each species.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Palinuridae , Meio Ambiente , México , Palinuridae , Estações do Ano , Fatores Sexuais
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-147262


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between acute diarrheal disease and causative seafood. METHODS: This study was done retrospectively by investigating age, sex, symptoms, and causative seafoods in 140 patients. Correlating symptoms were vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, and bloody diarrhea. Causative seafood were crab, spiny lobster, pickles, sliced raw fish, and shellfish. All patients was seen at our hospital between September and November in two consecutive years, 2000 and 2001. RESULTS: An characteristic of seafood related food poisoning was an age of 30 or older. The major cause of seafood related food poisoning was crab. The most common symptom of seafood related food poisoning was abdominal pain. Symptom of crab relate food poisoning was most severe. CONCLUSION: Further studies are recommended to document an epidemiology and bacteriologic analysis of seafood related food poisoning in Chungnam-Taeangun.

Humanos , Dor Abdominal , Diarreia , Epidemiologia , Febre , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos , Coreia (Geográfico) , Palinuridae , Estudos Retrospectivos , Alimentos Marinhos , Frutos do Mar , Vômito