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Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 31(2): 1-13, jul.-dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-960645


Introducción: La tendovaginitis estenosante de los dedos de la mano o dedo en resorte es una patología relativamente frecuente que puede afectar a personas durante su vida laboral. Existen diversos métodos para solucionar esta afección. Objetivo: Evaluar el empleo durante ocho años de la vaginotomía percutánea en la tendovaginitis estenosante de los dedos largos de las manos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de intervención longitudinal prospectivo con adultos mayores de 65 años de edad. La muestra estuvo constituida por 468 pacientes diagnosticados con tendovaginitis estenosante (dedo en resorte). Fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente 532 dedos con la vagotomía percutánea entre el 1 de enero de 2008 y el 31 de octubre de 2015, en el Centro de Investigaciones en Longevidad, Envejecimiento y Salud. Se evaluaron los pacientes seis meses después del tratamiento. Las variables empleadas fueron: edad, sexo, tiempo de padecimiento, dedo afectado, tiempo quirúrgico, complicaciones perioperatorias, duración del dolor. Se utilizó la clasificación de Newport según el cuadro clínico y el método de Strickland para evaluar los resultados. Resultado: Hubo un predomino del sexo femenino en la sexta década de vida. Las mayores incidencias estuvieron en la mano dominante. Se obtuvo un 98,3 por ciento de resultados satisfactorios. Los tiempos promedios de las variables descritas fueron significativamente cortos. No se mostraron complicaciones serias. Los dedos más afectados fueron el cuarto y el tercero. Hubo predominio de los estadios II y III. Conclusión: La vaginotomía percutánea solucionó satisfactoriamente la morbilidad que produce el dedo en resorte(AU)

Introduction: Stenosing tendovaginitis of hand fingers or spring finger is a relatively frequent pathology that can affect people during their working life. There are several methods to solve this condition. Objective: To evaluate the used of percutaneous vaginotomy in stenosing tendovaginitis of the long fingers for eight years. Methods: A prospective longitudinal intervention was conducted with adults over 65 years of age. 468 patients formed the sample. They were diagnosed with stenosing tendovaginitis (spring finger). Surgery was performed on 532 fingers with percutaneous vagotomy from January 1, 2008 to October 31, 2015, at the Research Center on Longevity, Aging and Health. Patients were assessed six months after treatment. The variables used were age, sex, time of suffering, affected finger, surgical time, perioperative complications, and duration of pain. Newport classification was used according to the symptoms and Strickland method to assess the results. Result: There was predominance of the female sex in their sixth decade of life. The highest incidences were in the dominant hand. Satisfactory results were 98.3 percent. The average times of the variables described were significantly short. No serious complications were shown. The most affected fingers were the fourth and the third. There was predominance of stages II and III. Conclusion: Percutaneous vaginotomy satisfactorily resolved the morbidity produced by the spring finger(AU)

Introduction: La ténosynovite sténosante des doigts de la main, ou doigt à ressort, est une pathologie assez fréquente pouvant affecter les personnes tout au long de leur vie. Il y a plusieurs méthodes pour corriger cette affection. Objectif: Évaluer l'utilisation pendant huit ans de la ténotomie percutanée pour corriger la ténosynovite sténosante des doigts longs de la main. Méthodes: Une étude interventionnelle, longitudinale et prospective des personnes âgées de plus de 65 ans a été effectuée. L'échantillon a été composée de 468 patients diagnostiqués de ténosynovite sténosante (doigt à ressort). Un nombre significatif d'interventions chirurgicales (532 doigts) ont été effectuées entre le 1 janvier 2008 et le 31 octobre 2015 au Centre de recherches sur la longévité, le vieillissement et la santé. Les patients ont été évalués six mois après le traitement. On a utilisé des variables telles que l'âge, le sexe, la durée de l'affection, le doigt affecté, le temps chirurgical, les complications péri-opératoires, et la durée de la douleur. Afin d'évaluer les résultats, on a appliqué la classification de Newport, selon le tableau clinique et la méthode de Strickland. Résultats: On a trouvé que les femmes dans les soixante ans étaient les plus souvent touchées par cette affection, étant la main dominante la plus affectée. Il y a eu de très bons résultats (98.3 pourcent). Les temps moyens des variables décrites ont été notamment courts. Il n'y a pas eu de complications graves. Le troisième et le quatrième doigt ont été les plus fréquemment touchés. Dans la classification, le stade II et III ont été en prédominance. Conclusions: La ténotomie percutanée a réussi à corriger de manière satisfaisante la morbidité provoquée par le doigt à ressort(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Vagotomia/métodos , Falanges dos Dedos da Mão/cirurgia , Encarceramento do Tendão/cirurgia , Estudos Longitudinais
Rev. cuba. cir ; 50(2)abr.-jun. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-616291


El divertículo epifrénico provocado por el aumento de la presión intraesofágica a causa de alteraciones motoras subyacentes es raro; representa cerca del 10 por ciento de todos los divertículos esofágicos. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 65 años de edad, que ingresó en el Servicio de Cirugía General con ictericia obstructiva por pancreatitis crónica. Se le realizó una triple derivación de Catell y durante la evolución posoperatoria comenzó a presentar vómitos que contenían alimentos sin digerir, fétidos, ingeridos con horas o días de antelación. Se le realizó una radiografía baritada de esófago, estómago y duodeno, con buen pase de contraste al duodeno, y se observó la presencia de un divertículo epifrénico de gran tamaño, responsable de los síntomas. Fue intervenida quirúrgicamente utilizando como vía de acceso una incisión media previa y vía transhiatal. Se practicó una vagotomía, diverticulectomía, miotomía esofágica extendida, procedimiento antirreflujo y yeyunostomía temporal para la alimentación precoz. La evolución fue favorable y la paciente está hoy asintomática(AU)

The epinephrine diverticulum due to the increase of intraesophageal pressure by underlying motor alterations is a rare entity; it accounts for around the 10% of all esophageal diverticula. This is the case of a female patient aged 65 admitted in the General Surgery Service presenting with obstructive jaundice by chronic pancreatitis. A triple Catell's bypass was carried out and during the postoperative course had vomiting containing non-digested fetid foods, ingested many hours or days ago. Barium radiography of esophagus, stomach and duodenum was obtained with a good contrast passage, verifying the presence of a very large epinephrine diverticulum causing the symptoms. She was operated on using as approach route a previous middle incision and trans-hiatal route. A vagotomy, diverticulectomy, extended esophageal myotomy, anti-reflux procedure and temporary jejunostomy for the early feeding. Course was favorable and patient remains asymptomatic(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Vagotomia/métodos , Divertículo Esofágico/cirurgia , Divertículo Esofágico/patologia , Jejunostomia/efeitos adversos , Miotomia de Heller/métodos
Rev. cuba. cir ; 49(1)ene.-mar. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-575487


INTRODUCCIÓN. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico en la enfermedad ulceropéptica crónica gástrica o duodenal complicada, durante un período de 15 años. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de los pacientes con enfermedad ulceropéptica complicada tratados mediante exéresis. Los pacientes (45 en total) fueron atendidos por alguno de los autores, en el Hospital Provincial Clinicoquirúrgico Amalia Simoni, en Camagüey, entre enero de l989 y diciembre del 2004. RESULTADOS. La enfermedad se presentó con mayor frecuencia en el sexo masculino (82,22 por ciento) y en las edades comprendidas entre 36 y 50 años (46,67 por ciento). El 95,56 por ciento de los pacientes tratados padecían úlcera duodenal, y la principal indicación para la cirugía fue la intratabilidad (62,22 por ciento). La endoscopia (84,44 por ciento) resultó ser muy útil para el diagnóstico de esta afección. A todos los operados se le realizó vagotomía con antrectomía; en el 68,89 por ciento la anastomosis fue de Billroth II, y en el resto de los pacientes (31,11 por ciento) fue del tipo Billroth I. Se observó igual cantidad de complicaciones precoces en las técnicas realizadas, y entre ellas prevalecieron el sangrado de la anastomosis y el retardo de la evacuación. Se detectaron más complicaciones tardías en la anastomosis de tipo Billroth II que en la de Billroth I. Los resultados quirúrgicos fueron excelentes y muy buenos en el 89 por ciento de los casos. La variante antecólica registró el mayor porcentaje de resultados no satisfactorios (9,09 por ciento). Solo en dos pacientes se obtuvieron resultados malos, aunque no hubo mortalidad operatoria. CONCLUSIONES. Este tipo de cirugía tiene indicación solo en casos de úlcera péptica complicada. No es el método de elección en pacientes ulcerosos, pero su uso requiere conocer las diferentes técnicas y saber utilizarlas. No es por tanto un procedimiento que deba olvidarse(AU)

INTRODUCTION: The aim of present study was to analyze the surgical treatment results in the complicated duodenal or gastric chronic peptic ulcer over 15 years. METHODS: A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted in patients presenting with complicated peptic ulcer by exeresis. Patients (n=45) were seen by some of us in the Amalia Simoni Clinical Surgical of Camaguey province from January, 1989 to December, 2004. RESULTS: Disease was more frequent in male sex (82,22 percent) and in ages from 36 to 50 years (46,67 percent). The 95,56 percent of patients treated suffered from duodenal ulcer and the main criterion for surgery was its unmanageable condition (62,22 percent). Endoscopy was very useful for diagnosis of this entity. All operated on underwent vagotomy with antrectomy; in the 68,89 percent we performed a Billroth's II anastomosis and in remainder (31,11 percent it was of Billroth I type. There was a similar figure of early complications related to techniques used and among them prevails the anastomosis bleeding and delay evacuation. There were more late complications in type Billroth II anastomosis than in the Billroth I. Surgical results were excellent and very good in the 89 percent of cases. The enterocolitis variant has the great percentage of non-satisfactory results (9,09 percent). Only two patients had poor results, although there wasn't operative mortality. CONCLUSIONS: This kind of surgery is indicated only in cases of complicated peptic ulcer. It is not the choice method in ulcer patients, but in its use it is necessary to know about different techniques and its use. Thus, we must to know a lot about this procedure(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Úlcera Péptica/cirurgia , Úlcera Péptica/complicações , Vagotomia/métodos , Anastomose Cirúrgica/métodos , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Retrospectivos
Rev. cuba. cir ; 46(3)jul.-sept. 2007. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-486434


Se realizó un estudio de los pacientes operados por úlcera péptica gastroduodenal perforada en el Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico Dr. Ambrosio Grillo Portuondo (Santiago de Cuba), entre los años 2000 y 2006. En el estudio predominaron los pacientes en la tercera década de la vida (30,3 por ciento) y el sexo masculino (90 por ciento). En la mayoría de los pacientes (68,7 por ciento) la perforación fue una complicación de enfermedad ulcerosa y predominó entre ellos el nivel medio de escolaridad (67,7 por ciento). Tenían más de un hábito tóxico 72 por ciento de los pacientes. El procedimiento más realizado fue la vagotomía troncular con piloroplastia (82,8 por ciento). No hubo complicaciones posoperatorias en 77,7 por ciento de los operados y la mortalidad global fue de 98 por ciento(AU)

A study was conducted on 99 patients operated from perforated gastroduodenal peptic ulcer at Dr Ambrosio Grillo Portuondo provincial teaching clinical and surgical hospital in Santiago de Cuba province in the period from 2000 to 2006. Thirty years age group (30,3 per cent), males (90 per cent)and intermediate level schooling prevailed. Perforation was a complication of ulcerous disease in most of the patients (68,7 per cent). More than one toxic habit was found in 72 per cent of patients. The most performed procedure was troncular vagotomy with piloroplasty (82,8 per cent). There was no postoperative complication in 77,7 per cent of the operated patients and the global mortality was 98 cent(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Úlcera Péptica Perfurada/cirurgia , Vagotomia/métodos
Rev. cuba. cir ; 45(1)ene.-mar. 2006. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-449774


La úlcera péptica duodenal continúa siendo un problema de salud en nuestros días y su cirugía, un tema muy discutido. Se realizó un estudio analítico, observacional, de casos y controles, en el Centro Nacional de Cirugía Endoscópica, con el propósito de evaluar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico laparoscópico de la úlcera péptica duodenal, mediante la técnica de vagotomía altamente selectiva modificada de Hill-Barker. La comparación con igual proceder por la vía convencional fue adoptada como medidor de eficacia entre ambos métodos. La hipótesis planteó que el acceso laparoscópico superaba al convencional. Resultó que los pacientes en estudio necesitaron un menor tiempo quirúrgico y anestésico, la respuesta clínica fue mejor y recidivaron 8 pacientes (13,3 por ciento) por 12 (20 por ciento) de los intervenidos del grupo control. Más del 50 por ciento del total de pacientes con recidiva lograron al menos mejoría clínica. Los factores pronóstico como el hábito de fumar, el uso de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos o la reinfección por Helicobacter pylori se vieron relacionados importantemente con las recidivas, en todos los casos. Las complicaciones posquirúrgicas, relacionadas con la vagotomía o no relacionadas con ella, fueron significativamente menores en los pacientes en estudio. Los costes fueron significativamente menores en aquellos operados por mínimo acceso. Se observó que la técnica endoscópica fue superior a la convencional en cuanto al tiempo quirúrgico y anestésico, la respuesta clínica, las recidivas, las complicaciones y los costes, por lo que se cumplió la hipótesis de la investigación

The ulcer peptic duodenal continues being a problem of health in our days and its surgery, a very discussed topic. He/she was carried out an analytic, observational study, of cases and controls, in the National Center of Surgery Endoscópica, with the purpose of evaluating the results of the treatment surgical laparoscópico of the ulcer peptic duodenal, by means of the technique of modified highly selective vagotomía of Hill-Barker. The comparison with equal to proceed for the conventional road was adopted between both as meter of effectiveness methods. The hypothesis outlined that the access laparoscópico overcame to the conventional one. It was that the patients in study needed a smaller surgical and anesthetic time, the clinical answer was better and recidivaron 8 patients (13,3 percent) for 12 (20 percent) of those intervened of the group control. More than 50 percent of the total of patient with relapse achieved clinical improvement at least. The factors presage like the habit of smoking, the use of antiinflamatorios non esteroideos or the reinfección for Helicobacter pylori were related importantly with the relapses, in all the cases. The complications posquirúrgicas, related with the vagotomía or not related with her, they were significantly smaller in the patients in study. The costs were significantly smaller in those operated by minimum access. It was observed that the technical endoscópica went superior to the conventional one as for the surgical and anesthetic time, the clinical answer, the relapses, the complications and the costs, for what the hypothesis of the investigation was completed(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Úlcera Péptica/complicações , Vagotomia/métodos , Laparoscopia/métodos , Úlcera Duodenal/complicações , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/uso terapêutico , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 215-219, 2001.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-195973


Axotomy of the vagal motor neurons by cervical vagotomy induces NADPH diaphorase staining due to increased nitric oxide synthase expression in both the rat dorsal motor nucleus and nucleus ambiguous; furthermore, cerical vagotomy leads to cell death of the dorsal motor nucleus cells. Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy axotomizes the vagal motor cells further from the brainstem than cervical vagotomy, and cuts the fibers running only to the abdominal viscera. Here we report that subdiaphragmatic vagotomy is sufficient to induce NADPH diaphorase staining in the dorsal motor nucleus but does not induce staining in the nucleus ambiguus. Because the neurons of the dorsal motor nucleus do not undergo cell death after subdiaphragmatic vagotomy and are able to re-enervate the gut, the increased nitric oxide synthase expression after distal axotomy may be related more to regeneration than degeneration.

Masculino , Ratos , Animais , Quarto Ventrículo/fisiologia , Quarto Ventrículo/enzimologia , Quarto Ventrículo/citologia , Neurônios Motores/enzimologia , NADPH Desidrogenase/metabolismo , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Vagotomia/métodos , Nervo Vago/fisiologia
JCPSP-Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. 2000; 10 (5): 179-181
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-54015


With the advent of H2 receptor antagonists and Hydrogen pump inhibitors surgery for peptic ulcer disease has become a rarity. However, certain number of patients still require surgery either for one of the complications, or persistence of symptoms after prolonged medical therapy. Vagotomy is the preferred surgical treatment. With the advent of laparoscopic vagotomy there has been a revival of surgery for peptic ulcer disease. Ten patients with intractable duodenal ulcer underwent laparoscopic vagotomy, five patients had truncal vagotomy, only two had a drainage procedure whereas three were without drainage, four patients underwent posterior truncal vagotomy and anterior seromyotomy, one patient had a highly selective vagotomy using a new surgical tool, a harmonic shear. Initial results are very encouraging. Vagotomy was successfully carried out in all patients. In one patient while performing seromyotomy a gastric perforation occurred. This was closed laparoscopically, however, a laparotomy was also performed for safety reasons. All patients have remained asymptomatic with a maximum follow-up of six years. Harmonic shear expedites highly selective vagotomy making it less cumbersome and perhaps a procedure of choice in the future

Humanos , Vagotomia/métodos , Laparoscopia , Vagotomia Troncular , Vagotomia Gástrica Proximal
Basrah Journal of Surgery. 1999; 5 (1): 74-6
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-50458
Scientific Medical Journal. 1995; 7 (4): 81-86
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-39747


In a series of 62 emergency operations in pateints with bleeding duodenal ulcer, vagotomy with pyloroplasty and underrunning of the bleeding points was performed in 30 cases with two deaths [6.9%], partial [Billorth II] gestrectomy in 21 cases with two deaths [9.4%] and vagotomy with antercomy in 11 cases with one death only [9%]. A patient was more likely to be treated by partial gastrectomy if a giant ulcer with an internal diameter >/= 2 cm was found. The results suggest that while vagotomy and pyloroplasty combined with a direct attack on the bleeding point is an acceptable standard emergency operation for bleeding duodenal ulce, gastric resection proved to be a satisfactory alternative procedure and should be considered in the technically difficult case with a very large ulcer. A giant ulcer was present in 23.8 percent of cases coming to surgery

Humanos , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal/cirurgia , Vagotomia/métodos , Gastrectomia/métodos , Úlcera Duodenal/complicações
Bulletin of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine. 1993; 29 (3): 603-5
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-27456


Sixty-four patients with perforated chronic duodenal ulcers [DU] were treated by proximal gastric vagotomy [PGV] and closure of perforation. No mortality and no serious morbidity were encountered. Five patients suffered from recurrent ulcers, 4 of them could be treated by a full course of H2 blockers. Only one patient with pre-pyloric ulcer needed antrectomy. It was concluded that with proper patient selection PGV is a technically feasible and a better option for treatment of DU perforations

Humanos , Masculino , Úlcera Duodenal/cirurgia , Vagotomia/métodos
New Egyptian Journal of Medicine [The]. 1993; 9 (4): 1037-1040
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-30145


This study evaluated the short term results of lesser curve seromyotomy in the management of cases of chronic duodenal ulcer with the addition of new technical modification. Ligation of the right gastroepiploic neurovascular bundle was done in all cases. This study included 32 patients with chronic duodenal ulcer who were candidates for surgical management, full clinical assessment, routine laboratory investigation, and abdominal ultrasonography. Pre- and postoperative upper GI endoscopy and gastric acidity studies were done. The mean operative time was 55 minutes. The postoperative endoscopy showed healed ulcer in 17 patients, while inactive ulcer was found in 12 patients and 3 patients showed duodenitis with no evidence of ulcer. The postoperative percentage reduction in the basal concentration was 84.5%, while the mean maximum acid concentration was reduced by 59.8%. These reductions were statistically significant [p <0.05] and the percentage of acidity reduction was better than the previously published results. Thus this modified technique is suggested to be a standard procedure for surgical management of uncomplicated duodenal ulcer. It is a simple, safe, refined and rapid procedure with optimum results

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Vagotomia/métodos , Úlcera Duodenal/cirurgia , Endoscopia Gastrointestinal/métodos
New Egyptian Journal of Medicine [The]. 1992; 7 (2): 476-81
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-25731


Proximal gastric vagotomy and mucosal antrectomy with mucosal corporal-pyloric anastomosis was done to 20 patients with uncomplicated duodenal ulcer. Proximal gastric vagotomy was performed according to the conventional technique. Mucosal antrectomy was performed by excising the antral mucosa via a circular corporal seromyotomy, removing a circumferential band of the corporal seromuscularis anastomosing the corporal and pyloric mucosae endoantrally, and reapproximating the corporal and antral seromuscular layers. Postoperative insulin test was found negative in 19 patients denoting complete denervation. The operation induced 90% reduction of BAO and 76.5% reduction of MAO. The overall Visik grading of functional results of the operation revealed that at two months, 75% were Visik grade I, 20% grade II and 5% grade IV. Six months to two years after the operation, 85% were grade I, 5% grade II, 5% grade III and 5% grade IV [one patient with persistent ulcer]. Because of the denervation of the parietal cell mass by proximal gastric vagotomy and great reduction of the gastric acid secreting mechanism by mucosal antrectomy, the results of this operation is highly effective in ulcer healing

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Vagotomia/métodos
Rev. venez. cir ; 45(2): 59-64, 1992. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-121775


Se presenta el seguimiento de 226 pacientes tratados quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Vargas de Caracas por un período de 17 años, desde 1974. El mayor grupo presentaba úlcera duodenal intratable o complicada. Otro grupo tenía concomitantemente hernia hiatal con esofagitis de reflujo hipersecretora. Un tercer grupo presentaba esta última patología sin úlcera duodenal. A todos se les pranticó vagotomía de células parietales. Se asoció fundoplicatura de Nissen en los casos que presentaban además hernia hiatal con esofagitis de reflujo hipersecretor o que la presentaban sola. Se les realizó estudios endoscópicos y radiológicos superiores pre y postoperatorios y estudios de acidez gástrica. La morbilidad principal estuvo dada por retardo del vaciamiento gástrico y disfagia de leve a moderada. Hubo una perforación esofágica y otra gástrica en pacientes distintos, corregidos intraoperatoriamente. La recurrencia ulcerosa fue del 10,6%. No hubo mortalidad operatoria

Adulto , Humanos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios , Vagotomia/métodos , Células Parietais Gástricas/patologia , Úlcera Duodenal/cirurgia
Tunisie Medicale [La]. 1991; 69 (5): 363-8
em Francês | IMEMR | ID: emr-22558


The gastric seromyotomy associated with the troncular vagotomy [Taylor- Hill operation] respected the same imperatives than the supra selective vagotomy, with which shares ont the simplicity of the post- operatory, and the absence of the troubles of gastric vacuum. It presents some advantages, who are the fast execution, and the easy technical

Med. U.P.B ; 8(1): 45-58, mayo 1989.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-84211


Se hace una revision del tratamiento de la enfermedad acidopeptica, definiendo para el efecto, las drogas existentes y su utilidad. Se clasifican en aquellas que modfician el factor acido (antiacidos, anticolinergicos, antogonistas de los receptores H2 y los Benzimidazoles sustitiudos), las que aumentan la resistencia (sucralfate, bismutos y carbenoxolona), y otras (tranquilizantes y neurolepticos y las prostaglandinas). Se discuten los esquemas terapeuticos utilizados. Finalmente se hacen algunas anotaciones sobre la importancia que tiene la cirugia en el tratamiento de la enfermedad acidopeptica

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Úlcera Duodenal , Úlcera Gástrica , Antiácidos , Antiulcerosos/efeitos adversos , Antiulcerosos/uso terapêutico , Antiácidos/efeitos adversos , Prostaglandinas/efeitos adversos , Prostaglandinas/uso terapêutico , Tranquilizantes/efeitos adversos , Tranquilizantes/uso terapêutico , Úlcera Duodenal/cirurgia , Úlcera Duodenal/terapia , Úlcera Gástrica/cirurgia , Úlcera Gástrica/terapia , Vagotomia/métodos
JAMC-Journal of Ayub Medical College-Abbotabad-Pakistan. 1988; 1 (2): 11-3
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-10636


Seventy five cases of perforated duodenal ulcer were managed by suture plication alone. Perforated acute ulcers have a better ultimate outlook in terms, of mortality and morbidity as compared with perforated chronic ulcers. It is suggested that chronic duodenal ulcer cases should have definitive surgery at the time of perforation or soon after the recovery, whereas acute ulcers should be primarily managed by suture plication alone. Where dyspeptic symptoms persist for more than 3 months in acute ulcers after suture plication difinitive surgery must be done at the earliest opportunity

Vagotomia/métodos , Úlcera Duodenal/cirurgia