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Vertex rev. argent. psiquiatr ; 25(114): 113-21, 2014 Mar-Apr.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1176967


This article explores the notion of "wandering" through the use of some phenomena enrolled at the dawn of modernity such as the Rousseau dromomanie’s philosopher and writer, the origin of the first mad traveler (Albert Dadas), epidemics of mad travelers Europe and romantic tourism (with renewed acquires significance in the "beat generation" of the twentieth century). These historical facts are "mounting" as play contemporary manifestations such as loss, disorientation, to lose one’s way, and wandering without reducing them only to clinical psychosis. Readings of classic psychiatrists such as Régis, Foville, Sérieux and Capgras, Tissié, go hand in hand with the current readings of the philosopher Ian Hacking and critics of pop culture as S. Reynolds and D. Diederichsen, illustrating how the travel’s phenomenon can make different subjective configurations depending on historical times. In conclusion it is noted that not only psychosis exposes the wandering soul of suffering but there are also subject positions (as will be exemplified in a clinical case) and go no further nesting wandering into human existence.

Transtornos Psicóticos , Viagem/psicologia , Humanos
Rev. psicanal ; 20(2): 461-464, ago.2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-783234


O texto traz o livro Os autonautas da cosmopista, um relato minucioso e criativo de Julio Cortázar e sua mulher Carol Dunlop a respeito de uma viagem atemporal feita em 1982. Durante um mês ambos percorreram os 776 km que separam Paris de Marselha – percurso que poderia ser feito em apenas um dia – observando e descrevendo, fotografando e desenhando o que viam e sentiam, com muito humor e sensibilidade. A autora traça um paralelo da viagem com o processo psicanalítico, que necessita de um tempo próprio e intimidade para ser bem sucedido...

The text describes the book Autonauts of the cosmoroute, a thorough and creative report by Julio Cortázar and his wife Carol Dunlop on a timeless journey taken in 1982. During a month they both covered the 776 km between Paris and Marseilles - what could be done in one day alone – observing and describing, taking pictures and drawing what they saw and felt, with humor and sensibility. The author draws a parallel between the journey and the analytic process, which needs its own time and intimacy to succeed...

El texto trae el libro Los autonautas de la cosmopista, un relato minucioso y creativo de Julio Cortázar y su mujer Carol Dunlop respecto a un viaje atemporal realizado en 1982. Durante un mes, ambos recurrieron los 776 km que separan París de Marsella - trayecto que se podría hacer en solamente un día – observando y describiendo, fotografiando y dibujando lo que veían y sentían, con mucho humor y sensibilidad. La autora realiza un paralelo del viaje con el proceso psicoanalítico, que necesita un tiempo propio e intimidad para que tenga éxito...

Humanos , Drama , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Viagem/psicologia