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Rapamycin Combined with α-Cyanoacrylate Contributes to Inhibiting Intimal Hyperplasia in Rat Models / Rapamicina em Combinação com α-Cianoacrilato Contribui à Inibição de Hiperplasia Intimal em Modelos em Ratos
Tianshu-Chu,; Congrong-Gao,; Zhiwei-zhao,; Fei-Ling,; Ayu-Sun,; Yuanbiao-Zheng,; Jing-Cao,; Ge, Jianjun.
  • Tianshu-Chu,; Anhui Medical University. Hefei. CN
  • Congrong-Gao,; Anhui Medical University. Hefei. CN
  • Zhiwei-zhao,; Anhui Medical University. Hefei. CN
  • Fei-Ling,; Anhui Medical University. Hefei. CN
  • Ayu-Sun,; Anhui Medical University. Hefei. CN
  • Yuanbiao-Zheng,; Anhui Medical University. Hefei. CN
  • Jing-Cao,; Anhui Medical University. Hefei. CN
  • Ge, Jianjun; Anhui Medical University. Hefei. CN
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 112(1): 3-10, Jan. 2019. graf
Article in En | LILACS | ID: biblio-973840
Responsible library: BR1.1


Vein graft restenosis has an adverse impact on bridge vessel circulation and patient prognosis after coronary artery bypass grafting.


We used the extravascular supporter α-cyanoacrylate (α-CA), the local application rapamycin/sirolimus (RPM), and a combination of the two (α-CA-RPM) in rat models of autogenous vein graft to stimulate vein graft change. The aim of our study was to observe the effect of α-CA, RPM, and α-CA-RPM on vein hyperplasia.


Fifty healthy Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were randomized into the following 5 groups sham, control, α-CA, RPM, and α-CA-RPM. Operating procedure as subsequently described was used to build models of grafted rat jugular vein on carotid artery on one side. The level of endothelin-1 (ET-1) was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Grafted veins were observed via naked eye 4 weeks later; fresh veins were observed via microscope and image-processing software in hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and immunohistochemistry after having been fixed and stored" (i.e. First they were fixed and stored, and second they were observed); α-Smooth Muscle Actin (αSMA) and von Willebrand factor (vWF) were measured with reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Comparisons were made with single-factor analysis of variance and Fisher's least significant difference test, with p < 0.05 considered significant.


We found that intimal thickness of the α-CA, RPM, and α-CA-RPM groups was lower than that of the control group (p < 0.01), and the thickness of the α-CA-RPM group was notably lower than that of the α-CA and RPM groups (p < 0.05).


RPM combined with α-CA contributes to inhibiting intimal hyperplasia in rat models and is more effective for vascular patency than individual use of either α-CA or RPM.
Resumo Fundamento Reestenose de enxertos venosos tem um impacto adverso na circulação de pontagens e no prognóstico de pacientes após a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica.


Nós utilizamos α-cianoacrilato (α-CA) como suporte extravascular, rapamicina/sirolimus (RPM) como aplicação local e a combinação dos dois (α-CA-RPM) em modelos de enxerto venoso autógeno em ratos para estimular mudança no enxerto venoso. O objetivo do nosso estudo foi observar o efeito de α-CA, RPM e α-CA-RPM na hiperplasia venosa.


Cinquenta ratos Sprague Dawley (SD) saudáveis foram randomizados nos 5 grupos seguintes sham, controle, α-CA, RPM e α-CA-RPM. O procedimento operacional descrito subsequentemente foi utilizado para construir modelos de enxertos da veia jugular na artéria carótida em ratos, em um lado. O nível de endotelina-1 (ET-1) foi determinado por ensaio de imunoabsorção enzimática (ELISA). As veias enxertadas foram observadas a olho nu 4 semanas após; as veias frescas foram observadas via microscópio e software de processamento de imagem com coloração hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e imuno-histoquímica depois de serem fixadas e armazenadas; α-actina do músculo liso (αSMA) e o fator de von Willebrand (vWF) foram medidos com reação em cadeia da polimerase-transcriptase reversa (RT-PCR). Realizaram-se as comparações com análise de variância de fator único (ANOVA) e o teste de diferença mínima significativa (LSD) de Fisher, com p < 0,05 sendo considerado estatisticamente significante.


Nós achamos que a espessura intimal nos grupos α-CA, RPM e α-CA-RPM era menor que no grupo controle (p < 0,01) e a espessura no grupo α-CA-RPM era notavelmente menor que nos grupos α-CA e RPM (p < 0,05).


A combinação de RPM e α-CA contribui à inibição de hiperplasia em modelos em ratos e é mais efetivo para patência vascular que uso individual de α-CA ou RPM.
Key words

Full text: 1 Index: LILACS Main subject: Tunica Intima / Sirolimus / Cyanoacrylates / Hyperplasia Type of study: Etiology_studies / Evaluation_studies / Prognostic_studies Limits: Animals Language: En Journal: Arq. bras. cardiol Journal subject: CARDIOLOGIA Year: 2019 Type: Article

Full text: 1 Index: LILACS Main subject: Tunica Intima / Sirolimus / Cyanoacrylates / Hyperplasia Type of study: Etiology_studies / Evaluation_studies / Prognostic_studies Limits: Animals Language: En Journal: Arq. bras. cardiol Journal subject: CARDIOLOGIA Year: 2019 Type: Article