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Dadas las características de las tendencias de mortalidad y morbilidad en México, puede afirmarse que el estado general de la salud pública es el resultado final del conjunto de políticas económicas y sociales de Estado. [Editorial] / Given the characteristics of mortality and morbidity trends in Mexico, it can be affirmed that the general state of public health is the final result of the set of State economic and social policies. [Editorial]
Fuentes, Mario Luis.
  • Fuentes, Mario Luis; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Programa Universitario de Estudios del Desarrollo. México. MX
Salud pública Méx ; 60(3): 219-221, may.-jun. 2018.
Article in Es | LILACS | ID: biblio-979141
Responsible library: BR1.1

Full text: 1 Index: LILACS Main subject: Nutrition Surveys / Health Surveys / Social Determinants of Health Limits: Humans Country/Region as subject: Mexico Language: Es Journal: Salud publica mex Journal subject: SAUDE PUBLICA Year: 2018 Type: Article

Full text: 1 Index: LILACS Main subject: Nutrition Surveys / Health Surveys / Social Determinants of Health Limits: Humans Country/Region as subject: Mexico Language: Es Journal: Salud publica mex Journal subject: SAUDE PUBLICA Year: 2018 Type: Article