Modified Rockall score: a predictor for outcome in patients presenting with upper gastrointestinal bleed
| ID: sea-233136
Background: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a life-threatening emergency with an overall mortality rate of around 10%. Complete Rockall score is designed to identify patients who are at greater risk of adverse outcome. The aim of this study was to assess the Rockall score as a predictor of adverse outcome in elderly population presenting with UGIB. Methods: Cross-sectional observational study to be carried out in indoor patients presenting with upper GI bleed and to study the correlation between Rockall score and outcome of patients at GSVM Medical College, Kanpur during 2020-2022. Results: Patients were grouped according to Rockall score with number of patients having score less than 3-13, 3-6-63, more than 6-18. Out of 120 cases, 56 (46.66%) had re-bleeding during hospital stay has an average score of 5.05 and rest 64 (53.33%) did not had re-bleeding and has a score of 4.11. Number of cases requiring having average score <3 has 8.1, score 3-6 has 8.38 and >6 has 9.67 has average hospital of stay (days). Number of cases requiring intensive care were 27 (22.5%) has 5.19 average Rockall score. Out of 120 studied cases, 101 (84.16%) were discharged has 4.29 and 19 (15.83%) were expired has 5.95 average Rockall score. Conclusions: Acute UGIB is a medical emergency and Rockall score is ideal to stratify elderly patients to anticipate outcome and prognosis.
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