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Root coverage using a coronally advanced flap with or without acellular dermal matrix: a meta-analysis
Article in En | WPRIM | ID: wpr-201530
Responsible library: WPRO
PURPOSE: Gingival recession is a major esthetic concern and may lead to root sensitivity during periodontal treatment. Coronally advanced flaps (CAFs) with and without acellular dermal matrix (ADM) are widely used in root coverage procedures. The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of CAF in combination with ADM in the treatment of gingival recession. METHODS: PubMed, The Cochrane Library, and Embase were used to identify relevant articles. The articles were screened, data were extracted, and the quality of the studies was assessed by three reviewers with expertise in clinical practice, trials, statistics, and biomedical editing. The clinical endpoints of interest included changes in recession, probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), and keratinized tissue (KT). RESULTS: Ten randomized controlled trials were identified, including six studies that compared CAFs with ADM and CAFs using connective tissue grafting (CTG) and four studies that compared CAFs with or without ADM. No statistically significant differences were found between the use of ADM and CTG, whereas statistically significant differences were found between groups in which ADM and CAF were combined and groups that underwent CAF alone with regard to recession coverage, CAL, and KT. The combination of CAF with an ADM allograft achieved more favorable recession coverage and recovery of CAL and KT than CAF alone. CONCLUSIONS: The results from the ADM and CTG groups suggest that both procedures may be equally effective in clinical practice. Given the limitations of this study, further investigation is needed to clarify the effectiveness of ADM and CAF in clinical practice.
Key words
Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Main subject: Connective Tissue / Transplants / Acellular Dermis / Allografts / Gingival Recession Type of study: Clinical_trials / Systematic_reviews Language: En Journal: Journal of periodontal & implant science Year: 2016 Type: Article
Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Main subject: Connective Tissue / Transplants / Acellular Dermis / Allografts / Gingival Recession Type of study: Clinical_trials / Systematic_reviews Language: En Journal: Journal of periodontal & implant science Year: 2016 Type: Article