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Comparison of development condition of different Liriope spicata seedlings / 中国中药杂志
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 1287-1291, 2017.
Article in Zh | WPRIM | ID: wpr-350188
Responsible library: WPRO
The study identified the main morphological index of the seedlings classification including seedling age,the root width and number of newborn buds and coarse roots, according to the local agricultural production techniques and assessment of Liriope spicata's growth and development condition. After carrying on K cluster analysis of the morphological, we separated the seedlings into two levels. The first level (Ⅰ): the new talent with the root width exceeding two point five millimeters, the new born buds exceeding three, and with the coarse root exceeding one. The second level (Ⅱ): the old talent with the root width below one millimeters, the newborn buds below two and without coarse root. The study surveyed the plants' growth index dynamics, as well as the yield and quality of the tuberous root. The experimental results suggested that the growth condition of seedling Ⅰwas better, the yield of earthnut higher, the quality of earthnut more excellent. The study lied the foundation of L. spicata's grading standards and standardized production.
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Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Language: Zh Journal: Zhongguo zhong yao za zhi Year: 2017 Type: Article
Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Language: Zh Journal: Zhongguo zhong yao za zhi Year: 2017 Type: Article