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Neurotrophin 3 gene overexpression promotes cholinergic differentiation in neural stem cells / 中国药理学通报
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 631-637, 2016.
Article in Zh | WPRIM | ID: wpr-492455
Responsible library: WPRO
Aim To investigate the effects of neurotro-phin-3 ( NT-3 ) gene overexpression on the differentia-tion into cholinergic neuron of neural stem cells ( NSCs) in vitro and its underlying mechanism. Meth-ods Brain-derived NSCs from newborn mice were iso-lated and cultured in vitro and determined by immuno-fluorescence. The NSCs were divided into three groups: NSCs, GFP-NSCs and NT-3-NSCs groups. The expression of NT-3 was detected by immunofluo-rescence and ELISA. Then, the ability of NSCs on dif-ferentiation into cholinergic neuron was detected by im-munofluorescence and RT-PCR, and the Acetylcholine Assay Kit was used for acetylcholine ( ACh) , and the expression of Hes1 , Mash1 and Ngn1 mRNA was de-termined by RT-PCR. Results The neurosphere dis-played Nestin and Sox 2-postive by immunofluores-cence, suggesting that the cultured cells were NSCs. The proportion of ChAT immunopositive cells was sig-nificantly higher in the NT-3-NSCs group than that in the other two groups ( P <0. 01 ) . Ach secretion in NT-3-NSCs was significantly elevated compared with the other two groups ( P <0. 01 ) . NSCs transfected with NT-3 increased the levels of Mash1 and Ngn1 mR-NA, and decreased the level of Hes1 mRNA ( P <0. 05 ) . Conclusion NT-3 can significantly promote the in vitro differentiation of NSCs into cholinergic neu-rons via probablly inhibiting Notch signaling pathway.
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Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Language: Zh Journal: Chinese pharmacological bulletin Year: 2016 Type: Article
Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Language: Zh Journal: Chinese pharmacological bulletin Year: 2016 Type: Article