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Study on the Classification Management of Off-label Drug Use in Our Hospital / 中国药房
China Pharmacy ; (12): 1306-1310, 2017.
Article in Zh | WPRIM | ID: wpr-515016
Responsible library: WPRO
OBJECTIVE:To promote the normative management of clinical off-label drug use. METHODS:The degree of devi-ation from the drug instructions and the risk degree were comprehensively considered,and the off-label drug use were classified in-to three different situations for classifying approval and informed consent classifying;situation and effects after classifying were evaluated. RESULTS:The classifying included occasional or small amount off-label use on dosage and drugs solvent (the first), regular off-label use on route or administration(the second)and super-indications drug use with contraindications(the third). The approval was classified as follows as confirmed with signature by doctor,approved by medical department,approved by pharmaceu-tical committee and ethics committee accordingly;informed consent classifying were signing informed consent,informing and re-cording in medical record,informing orally. Off-label drug use approval process was officially initiated from Feb. 2014 to Jun. 2016 in our hospital,51 off-label drug use applications from 13 clinical departments were received,with 16 items belonging to the second situation,35 items belonging to the third. Finally 42 applications were approved and 9 were not. No relevant new/serious ad-verse drug reactions/ events occurred in process of the approved off-label drug use. And no off-label drug use not approved was found to continue to be used in our hospital. CONCLUSIONS:Classification management methods for off-label drug use in our hos-pital have shown high operability,improved the off-label drug use behavior of physicians.
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Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Language: Zh Journal: China pharmacy Year: 2017 Type: Article
Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Language: Zh Journal: China pharmacy Year: 2017 Type: Article