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The Concentration and Variation of Airborne Microbe in Guangzhou City / 微生物学通报
Microbiology ; (12)1992.
Article in Zh | WPRIM | ID: wpr-685001
Responsible library: WPRO
One year survey on the concentrations and monthly or seasonal variations of airborne microbe in Guangzhou city were analysed and studied with JWL-IIB airborne microbial sampler. The results showed that the yearly average airborne microbe content of outdoor was 2, 298 cfu/m3, and that of indoor was 1,792 cfu/m3 in Guangzhou city. The monthly variation range of outdoor airborne microbe was from 1,073 to 4,096 cfu/m3, the highest content was 4,096 cfu/m3 in March, and the lowest content was 1,073 cfu/m3 in October. The outdoor airborne bacteria and fungi counts were the highest in spring, next in summer, lower in winter and the lowest in autumn in the four seasons . The yearly average concentrations of outdoor airborne microbe at the Garbage compression station, the business walk street, the key traffic route, the residential area, the industrial district and the garden were 4, 573, 3, 835, 1, 580, 1,413, 1, 197 and 1, 187 cfu/m3respectively; and Ones of indoor at the key traffic route, the tourist three star-route hotel and the subway station were 2,511, 1,699and 1,167 cfu/m3 respectively . The study on airborne microbe can be used for the research of health prevention and environment control measures in Guangzhou .
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Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Language: Zh Journal: Microbiology Year: 1992 Type: Article
Full text: 1 Index: WPRIM Language: Zh Journal: Microbiology Year: 1992 Type: Article