Epidemiological analysis of 1 940 cases of brucellosis in Hohhot / 中华地方病学杂志
Chinese Journal of Endemiology
; (12): 306-309, 2019.
in Zh
| ID: wpr-744303
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Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of recent brucellosis in Hohhot.Methods Clinical data of patients with brucellosis in Hohhot City were retrospectively analyzed,and the patients were diagnosed in the outpatient clinic of Comprehensive Center for Disease Prevention and Control of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from 2014 to 2017.To analyze the patient's area,age,gender,occupation and time distribution of the disease.Results A total of 1 940 patients with brucellosis were diagnosed in Hohhot from 2014 to 2017,with an average age of 50.8 years old.There were 1 464 males with an average age of 50.4 years old and 476 females with an average age of 51.9 years old;the male-female ratio was 3:1.The number of cases of brucellosis in 2014-2017 was 612,649,402,and 277,respectively.Brucellosis was mainly distributed in three districts including Horinger County (937 cases),Tumd Left Banner (236 cases) and Tuoketuo County (191 cases),accounting for 70.31% (1 364/1 940) of the total number of cases in the city.The age of onset was at least 1 year old,the oldest age was 86 years old,and most cases were in the 45-< 65 age group,the total number of cases was 1 046,accounting for 53.92% (1 046/1 940) of the total number of cases in the city;the occupational distribution was mainly farmers (1 795 cases),herders (13 cases) and veterinarians (17 cases),with a total of 1 825 cases,accounting for 94.07% (1 825/1 940).The time distribution was mainly concentrated in March-July,and the number of cases was 1 157 cases.Conclusions The number of brucellosis cases in Hohhot area of Inner Mongolia is mainly from Horinger County,Tumd Left Banner and Tuoketuo County;the cases occur frequently in Spring and Summer;the age of onset is mainly between 45-< 65 years old,they are mainly male farmers.
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Chinese journal of endemiology