Relationship between tube voltage kV value for head and neck CT angiography and body weight / 中国基层医药
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy
; (12): 1771-1776, 2022.
in Zh
| ID: wpr-955910
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Objective:To investigate the relationship between tube voltage kV value for head and neck CT angiography and body weight.Methods:A total of 120 patients with suspected vascular disease of the head and neck who underwent CT angiography of the head and neck in Beihai People's Hospital from January 2020 to May 2022 were included in this study. Patients were divided into three groups according to different tube voltages: group A (tube voltage 120 kV, n = 45), group B (tube voltage 100 kV, n = 45) and group C (tube voltage 80 kV, n = 30). Patients in group A were divided into group A1 (< 70 kg, n = 15), group A2 (70-85 kg, n = 15) and group A3 (> 85 kg, n = 15) according to different body weights. Patients in group B were divided into group B1 (< 70 kg, n = 15), group B2 (70-85 kg, n = 15) and group B3 (> 85 kg, n = 15) according to different body weights. Patients in group C were divided into group C1 (< 70 kg, n = 15) and group C2 (70-85 kg, n = 15) according to different body weights. Group C3 was not used. The contrast medium used was Loversol. The CT value, image noise, signal-to-noise ratio, contrast to noise ratio, and effective radiation dose of arterial vessels in each group were measured. The images were subjectively evaluated by two physicians who had senior professional titles using a 5-point rating scale. Results:Subjective score of image quality was all ≥ 3 grade in each group. There was no significant difference in image quality rating between groups A1 and A2 and groups B1, B2, and C1. There was a remarkable difference in image quality rating between groups A3, B3, and C2 and the other groups. There was a significant difference in the CT value of blood vessels at four different levels between groups A1, B1 and C1 ( F = 76.82, 64.62, 98.79, 71.85, all P < 0.001). There was a significant difference in CT value of blood vessels at four different levels between groups A2, B2 and C2 ( F = 159.82, 112.33, 108.22, 135.18, all P < 0.001). There was a significant difference in CT value of blood vessels at four different levels between groups A3 and B3 ( t = 4.40, 4.27, 3.91, 3.59, all P < 0.05). In groups B3 and C2, the image noise was remarkably increased, signal to noise ratio and contrast to noise ratio were remarkably decreased compared with those in the other groups. The effective radiation dose of arterial vessels in group B1 was 47% lower than that in group A1 and the effective radiation dose of arterial vessels in group C1 was 73% lower than that in group A1 ( F = 116.18, P < 0.001). The effective radiation dose of arterial vessels in group B2 was 49% lower than that in group A2, and the effective radiation dose of arterial vessels in group C2 was 66% lower than that in group A2 ( H = 35.40, P < 0.001). The effective radiation dose in group B3 was 35% lower than that in group A3 ( t = 3.59, P < 0.05). Conclusion:In CT angiography of the head and neck, the selection of tube voltage kV value is related to body weight. Tube voltage 80 kV is suitable for patients with a body weight < 70 kg, tube voltage 100 kV for patients with a body weight of 70-85 kg, and tube voltage 120 kV for patients with a body weight > 85 kg. These tube voltages can decrease effective radiation dose and ensure image quality, meeting the requirement for clinical diagnosis.
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Chinese journal of primary medicine and pharmacy