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Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy ; 44(Supplement 2):S172, 2022.
Article in English | EMBASE | ID: covidwho-2179125


Introducao: Com desafiador tratamento e de diagnostico criterioso, a leucemia aguda de fenotipo misto (LAFM) e uma entidade rara dentro do espectro das leucemias agudas. Requer a presenca imunofenotipica de marcadores de linhagem B (CD19, CD22, CD79a), T (CD3) em conjunto com a linhagem mieloide (mieloperoxidase e diferenciacao monocitica - CD11c, CD14, CD64 ou lisozima). Relato de caso: Paciente masculino, 30 anos, obeso e diabetico tipo 2, hipertrigliceridemia, inicia com febre (38C), dor abdominal em hipocondrio direito e fadiga. Com dois dias de sintomas procura atendimento sendo liberado com sintomaticos. No quarto dia de sintomas houve piora da febre (39degreeC) e da dor, surgindo maculas hiperemiadas pruriginosas pelo corpo, ictericia e coluria. Retornou ao hospital de sua cidade sendo prescrito azitromicina e liberado com suspeita de influenza. No sexto dia de sintomas notou piora da ictericia, procurando, novamente, atendimento. Encaminhado, entao ao servico de referencia da regiao. Interna inicialmente na equipe da gastroenterologia como suspeita de hepatite viral. Na chegada: Hb 14,9, leucocitos 6140 com 2793 neutrofilos, 442 monocitos e 2812 linfocitos, 53 mil plaquetas;AST 57, ALT 733, hiperbilirrubinemia as custas de bilirrubina direta. Com todos os marcadores virais negativos, prosseguiu a investigacao de hepatite. No dia em que realiza ressonancia magnetica, que indicava processo infiltrativo/inflamatorio em figado e rim esquerdo, alem de testar positivo para COVID-19, ha evolucao no hemograma: Hb 10,7, leucocitos 7450 com 1192 blastos, 60 neutrofilos, 2012 monocitos e 4187 linfocitos, 23 mil plaquetas. Com o aparecimento de blastos, piora dos niveis de bilirrubinas e das lesoes de pele, foi realizado imunofenotipagem de sangue periferico que indicava leucemia monocitica aguda. Transferido a equipe da hematologia, sendo realizada biopsia de medula e iniciado protocolo 7 + 3 com substituicao das antraciclinas em falta no mercado por doxorrubicina 45 mg/m2. No terceiro dia da inducao, foi liberado o resultado da imunofenotipagem que confirmava o diagnostico de leucemia aguda de fenotipo misto B/mieloide, marcando CD19, CD22 e CD79a, com diferenciacao monocitica (CD14 e CD64). Cariotipo nao houve crescimento e PCR BCR/ABL negativo. Optado por seguir tratamento com 7 + 3, apresentando medula no D14 aplasiada e medula no D28 com doenca residual minima (DRM) negativa. Realiza tres consolidacoes com altas doses de citarabina (3g/m2). Paciente sustenta DRM negativa, estando em remissao completa. Iniciado manutencao com vincristina, mercaptopurina, metotrexato e prednisona. Aguarda transplante de celulas tronco hematopoieticas (TCTH). Discussao: Com o diagnostico de LAFM, o tratamento requer o maior numero de quimioterapicos, sendo sugerido o uso de protocolos para leucemia linfoblastica aguda. Como ja havia sido instituido o tratamento com doxorrubicina e citarabina, foi optado por seguir protocolo e, na manutencao da remissao completa, terminar as consolidacoes e iniciar a manutencao prevista pelo protocolo HyperCVAD. Devido a ser uma leucemia de alto risco, a realizacao do TCTH e necessaria e, neste caso relatado, a manutencao sera mantida ate a realizacao do transplante. Conclusao: Contudo, por se tratar de doenca rara e com poucos estudos publicados, requer compartilhamento de conhecimentos e condutas para melhora da abordagem. Copyright © 2022

Trends Food Sci Technol ; 104: 219-234, 2020 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1791132


BACKGROUND: Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a common herb consumed worldwide as functional food and traditional remedy for the prevention of infectious diseases since ancient time. Garlic and its active organosulfur compounds (OSCs) have been reported to alleviate a number of viral infections in pre-clinical and clinical investigations. However, so far no systematic review on its antiviral effects and the underlying molecular mechanisms exists. SCOPE AND APPROACH: The aim of this review is to systematically summarize pre-clinical and clinical investigations on antiviral effects of garlic and its OSCs as well as to further analyse recent findings on the mechanisms that underpin these antiviral actions. PubMed, Cochrane library, Google Scholar and Science Direct databases were searched and articles up to June 2020 were included in this review. KEY FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: Pre-clinical data demonstrated that garlic and its OSCs have potential antiviral activity against different human, animal and plant pathogenic viruses through blocking viral entry into host cells, inhibiting viral RNA polymerase, reverse transcriptase, DNA synthesis and immediate-early gene 1(IEG1) transcription, as well as through downregulating the extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK)/mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway. The alleviation of viral infection was also shown to link with immunomodulatory effects of garlic and its OSCs. Clinical studies further demonstrated a prophylactic effect of garlic in the prevention of widespread viral infections in humans through enhancing the immune response. This review highlights that garlic possesses significant antiviral activity and can be used prophylactically in the prevention of viral infections.

Food Chem X ; 14: 100302, 2022 Jun 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1796842


Kombucha, originated in China 2000  years ago, is a sour and sweet-tasted drink, prepared traditionally through fermentation of black tea. During the fermentation of kombucha, consisting of mainly acidic compounds, microorganisms, and a tiny amount of alcohol, a biofilm called SCOBY forms. The bacteria in kombucha has been generally identified as Acetobacteraceae. Kombucha is a noteworthy source of B complex vitamins, polyphenols, and organic acids (mainly acetic acid). Nowadays, kombucha is tended to be prepared with some other plant species, which, therefore, lead to variations in its composition. Pre-clinical studies conducted on kombucha revealed that it has desired bioactivities such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-hypercholestorelomic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, etc. Only a few clinical studies have been also reported. In the current review, we aimed to overhaul pre-clinical bioactivities reported on kombucha as well as its brief compositional chemistry. The literature data indicate that kombucha has valuable biological effects on human health.

J Transl Autoimmun ; 4: 100083, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-1009707


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. The number of confirmed cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19 continues to escalate with over 70 million confirmed cases and over 1.6 million confirmed deaths. Severe-to-critical COVID-19 is associated with a dysregulated host immune response to the virus, which is thought to lead to pathogenic immune dysregulation and end-organ damage. Presently few effective treatment options are available to treat COVID-19. Leronlimab is a humanized IgG4, kappa monoclonal antibody that blocks C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5). It has been shown that in patients with severe COVID-19 treatment with leronlimab reduces elevated plasma IL-6 and chemokine ligand 5 (CCL5), and normalized CD4/CD8 ratios. We administered leronlimab to 4 critically ill COVID-19 patients in intensive care. All 4 of these patients improved clinically as measured by vasopressor support, and discontinuation of hemodialysis and mechanical ventilation. Following administration of leronlimab there was a statistically significant decrease in IL-6 observed in patient A (p=0.034) from day 0-7 and patient D (p=0.027) from day 0-14. This corresponds to restoration of the immune function as measured by CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratio. Although two of the patients went on to survive the other two subsequently died of surgical complications after an initial recovery from SARS-CoV-2 infection.