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Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-211980


De nacimiento portugués, pastor en Oropesa, soldado en Fuenterrabía y en otros frentes, albañil en Ceuta, aprendiz hospitalario en Guadalupe, librero en Granada… Cuántos derroteros tuvo que atravesar este hombre para fundar un hospital. Y no un hospital cualquiera, porque el de Granada se erigió en el epicentro de una reforma de la enfermería cuyos fundamentos explican en parte por qué las enfermeras de nuestro tiempo somos como somos. Juan de Dios no era un teórico, su personalidad arrolladora se expresaba a través de sus gestos. Por ello resulta tan atrayente rastrear los lugares por los que transitó, porque aún están señalados con los reflejos de su edificante presencia. Bienvenidos a este itinerario turístico e histórico por los confines del imperio. Caminamos tras la huella de un enfermero universal y uno de los personales más andariegos del siglo de oro (AU)

Of Portuguese birth, a shepherd in Oropesa, a soldier in Fuenterrabía and on other fronts, a bricklayer in Ceuta, a hospital apprentice in Guadalupe, a bookseller in Granada… How many paths this man had to go through to found a hospital. And not just any hospital, because the one in Granada was erected at the epicentre of a nursing reform whose foundations explain in part why the nurses of our time are the way we are. Juan de Dios was not a theoretician, his overwhelming personality was expressed through his gestures. That is why it is so attractive to trace the places through which he transited, because they are still marked with the reflections of his edifying presence. Welcome to this tourist and historical itinerary through the confines of the empire. We walk in the footsteps of a universal nurse and one of the most wandering personnel of the golden age (AU)

Humans , Nurses, Male/history , History of Nursing , Hospitals/history , Congresses as Topic , Video Recording , Spain
Texto & contexto enferm ; 25(2): e2450014, 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-962820


ABSTRACT This historical study uses qualitative methods to analyze and describe the components of the material world of nursing care in Spain between 1855 and 1955 based on the analysis of eight nurse training manuals. A total of 360 objects and 45 procedures were recorded. Manual analysis was carried out concurrently with data collection based on the Grounded Theory approach. Findings show that the material world of health care was composed of objects that were handed down by the medical profession to health care professionals and adapted objects, improvised mainly out of everyday household items. While the handing down of medical tools and instruments could be said to be a theoretical and technical achievement, it is not clear whether it was also a scientific accomplishment. The improvisation of objects out of everyday household items promoted by the manuals highlights the artisan-like and ingenious nature of nursing practice, which should be explored further in future studies to provide a greater understanding and promote the recognition of these objects as a health care technology.

RESUMO Estudo histórico que utiliza técnicas qualitativas com objetivo de descrever e analisar os componentes do mundo material para os cuidados na Espanha entre 1855 e 1955, expressos nos manuais de formação. Foram estudados oito manuais para formação de profissionais do cuidado. Registaram-se 360 objetos e 45 procedimentos. A análise foi simultânea à coleta de informação, seguindo os procedimentos da Teoria Fundamentada no Dados. Os resultados mostraram que o mundo material dos cuidados estava formado por objetos herdados da prática médica e objetos de caráter doméstico adaptados. Assim, enquanto o legado de objetos da prática médica poderia representar uma conquista teórica e técnica, não está claro se também científica. A adaptaçao de objetos terapêuticos a partir de coisas comuns que os manuais promoviam, indica um trabalho artesanal e engenhoso dos profissionais do cuidado, que estudos posteriores podem ampliar e contribuir para o seu reconhecimento como tecnologia para cuidar.

RESUMEN Estudio histórico que utiliza técnicas cualitativas, cuyo objetivo es describir y analizar componentes del mundo material para los cuidados en España entre 1855 y 1955, reflejados en manuales de formación profesional de la época. Se estudiaron ocho manuales completos, se registraron 360 objetos y 45 procedimientos. El análisis fue concurrente con la recolección de información, siguiendo procedimientos de la Teoría Fundamentada. Los resultados muestran que el mundo material para los cuidados estaba formado por objetos heredados de la práctica médica y objetos de carácter doméstico adaptados. Así, mientras la herencia de objetos de la práctica médica podría representar una conquista teórica y técnica, no está claro si también científica. La adaptación de objetos terapéuticos, a partir de cosas corrientes que los manuales promovían, indica un trabajo artesanal e ingenioso de los profesionales del cuidado que estudios posteriores podrían ampliar y contribuir a su reconocimiento como tecnología para cuidar.

Humans , Working Conditions , Process Assessment, Health Care , Biomedical Technology , History of Nursing , Nursing Care , Health Evaluation , Qualitative Research
Invest Educ Enferm ; 33(1): 128-37, 2015.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26148164


OBJECTIVE: This study sought to recognize the active and symbolic role played by the objects from the material world for nursing care in Spain between 1855 and 1955. METHODOLOGY: This was a historical study using procedures from founded theory. The information sources were eight handbooks for the formation of healthcare professionals published in Spain, during the period of interest. The information was gathered from March 2012 to June 2013. During this period, the sources were revised comprehensively and bibliographic information, description of instruments, and analysis files were made; methodological and analytic memoranda were written. Forty-five procedures and 360 material objects were registered. RESULTS: The categories ''principal and secondary objects'' and ''guarded objects'' reveal the influence exerted by the objects from the material world for care. CONCLUSION: In Spain, between 1855 and 1955, nursing care was carried out within a scenario comprised of objects with secondary status and situated within the periphery of care, as well as by guarded objects that professionals could not use. This material world influenced the social recognition of healthcare professionals at the time and the visibility of their work.

Equipment Design/history , History of Nursing , Nursing Care/methods , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Humans , Spain , Symbolism
Aquichan ; 15(3): 426-439, jul.-sep. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, COLNAL | ID: lil-765435


Objetivo: describir el mundo material para los cuidados de enfermería en España entre 1855 y 1955. Método: estudio histórico, con procedimientos de investigación cualitativa. Las fuentes de información fueron manuales dirigidos a la formación de profesionales dedicados al cuidado de los enfermos. Resultados: en los manuales revisados, el contexto, los escenarios y las personas dedicadas a los cuidados se presentan concurrentemente. La habitación con su mobiliario y condiciones físicas y ambientales era el escenario principal para cuidar. Esta, junto a los objetos utilizados en ella con finalidad terapéutica, conformaba el mundo material para los cuidados. Los objetos del mundo material tenían cuatro propiedades respecto al uso: 1) reutilizables, si se usaban más de una vez; 2) polivalentes, cuando tenían diferentes usos prácticos; 3) sustituibles, otros podían reemplazarlos en el uso, y 4) importados, se incorporaban objetos de otros contextos al escenario de los cuidados. Discusión y conclusiones: el mundo material para los cuidados en España en la época de interés se encontraba en un contexto de salud-enfermedad de transición: de la teoría de los miasmas a la de los gérmenes, de proporcionar cuidados generalistas a cuidados especializados y de la presencia de diferentes figuras profesionales dedicadas al cuidado a su unificación. Este era un contexto amplio, tecnológico y heterogéneo. Las propiedades de los objetos enriquecían este mundo material y facilitaban la compleja y creativa labor de quienes cuidaban, cuyas herramientas de trabajo se describían en los manuales como sencillas y vulgares.

Objective: This research was designed to describe the objects used in the world of nursing care in Spain between 1855 and 1955. Method: It is a historical study conducted with qualitative research methods. The sources of information were training manuals for professional nurses. Results: The context, the settings and those involved in nursing care are presented concurrently in the manuals that were reviewed. The patient's room, with its furniture and physical and environmental conditions, was the primary stage for nursing care. This setting, together with the objects used in it for therapeutic purposes, comprised the material world for nursing care. With respect to their use, the objects in that material world had four properties: 1) reusable, if used more than once; 2) multi-purpose, when they had different practical uses; 3) substitutable, when others could be used in their place, and 4) imported objects or those brought from other contexts and incorporated into the scenario of care. Discussion and Conclusions: The material world of care in Spain during the period in question was in a context of health-illness transition from the miasmatic theory to the germ theory, from general care to specialized care, and from the presence of different professionals dedicated to care to their unification. It was a broad, technological and heterogeneous context. The properties of these objects enriched this material world and facilitated the complex and creative work of those who provided care and whose tools are described in the manuals as simple and unrefined.

Objetivo: descrever o mundo material para os cuidados de enfermagem na Espanha entre 1855 e 1955. Método: estudo histórico, com procedimentos de pesquisa qualitativa. As fontes de informação foram manuais dirigidos à formação de profissionais dedicados ao cuidado dos doentes. Resultados: nos manuais revisados, o contexto, os cenários e as pessoas dedicadas aos cuidados apresentam-se simultaneamente. O quarto, com seu mobiliário e condições físico-ambientais, era o cenário principal para cuidar. Este, junto com os objetos utilizados nele com finalidade terapêutica, conformava o mundo material para os cuidados. Os objetos do mundo material tinham quatro propriedades a respeito do uso: 1) reutilizáveis, se eram usados mais de uma vez; 2) polivalentes, quanto tinham diferentes usos práticos; 3) substituíveis, outros podiam substituí-los no uso e 4) importados, incorporavam-se objetos de outros contextos ao cenário dos cuidados. Discussão e conclusões: o mundo material para os cuidados na Espanha na época em questão se encontrava num contexto de saúde-doença de transição: da teoria dos miasmas à dos germes, de proporcionar cuidados gerais a cuidados especializados e da presença de diferentes figuras profissionais dedicadas ao cuidado da sua unificação. Este era um contexto amplo, tecnológico e heterogêneo. As propriedades dos objetos enriqueciam esse mundo material e facilitavam o complexo e criativo trabalho de quem cuidava, cujas ferramentas de trabalho se descreviam nos manuais como simples e vulgares.

Humans , Technology , History of Nursing , Nursing Care , Spain , Qualitative Research
Invest. educ. enferm ; 33(1): 128-137, Jan.-Apr. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing, COLNAL | ID: lil-742618


Objective. This study sought to recognize the active and symbolic role played by the objects from the material world for nursing care in Spain between 1855 and 1955. Methodology. This was a historical study using procedures from founded theory. The information sources were eight handbooks for the formation of healthcare professionals published in Spain, during the period of interest. The information was gathered from March 2012 to June 2013. During this period, the sources were revised comprehensively and bibliographic information, description of instruments, and analysis files were made; methodological and analytic memoranda were written. Forty-five procedures and 360 material objects were registered. Results. The categories ''principal and secondary objects'' and ''guarded objects'' reveal the influence exerted by the objects from the material world for care. Conclusion. In Spain, between 1855 and 1955, nursing care was carried out within a scenario comprised of objects with secondary status and situated within the periphery of care, as well as by guarded objects that professionals could not use. This material world influenced the social recognition of healthcare professionals at the time and the visibility of their work.

Objetivo. Reconocer el papel activo y simbólico que jugaron los objetos del mundo material para los cuidados de enfermería en España entre 1855 y 1955. Metodología. Estudio histórico que utiliza procedimientos de la teoría fundamentada. Las fuentes de información fueron ocho manuales para la formación de los profesionales de los cuidados publicados en España, en la época de interés. La recolección de la información se realizó desde marzo de 2012 hasta junio de 2013. En este periodo, se revisaron íntegramente las fuentes y se realizaron fichas con información bibliográfica, de descripción de instrumentos y de análisis. A su vez, se escribieron memorandos metodológicos y analíticos. Se registraron 45 procedimientos y 360 objetos materiales. Resultados. Las categorías ''objetos principales y secundarios'' y ''objetos custodiados'' revelan la influencia que ejercían los objetos del mundo material para los cuidados. Conclusión. En España entre 1855 y 1955, los cuidados de enfermería se daban en un escenario conformado especialmente por objetos con estatus secundario y situados en la periferia de los cuidados, como también por los objetos custodiados que los profesionales no podían usar. Este mundo material influía en el reconocimiento social de los profesionales del cuidado de la época y en la visibilidad de su trabajo.

Objetivo. Reconhecer o papel ativo e simbólico que jogaram os objetos do mundo material para os cuidados de enfermagem na Espanha entre 1855 e 1955. Metodologia. Estudo histórico que utiliza procedimentos da teoria fundamentada. As fontes de informação foram oito manuais para a formação dos profissionais dos cuidados publicados na Espanha, na época de interesse. A recolha da informação se realizou desde março de 2012 até junho de 2013. Neste período, revisaram-se integralmente as fontes e se realizaram fichas com informação bibliográfica, de descrição de instrumentos e de análises. A sua vez, escreveram-se memorandos metodológicos e analíticos. Registraram-se 45 procedimentos e 360 objetos materiais. Resultados. As categorias ''objetos principais e secundários'' e ''objetos custodiados'' revelam a influência que exerciam os objetos do mundo material para os cuidados. Conclusão. Na Espanha entre 1855 e 1955, os cuidados de enfermaria se davam num palco conformado especialmente por objetos com status secundário e situados na periferia dos cuidados, como também pelos objetos custodiados que os profissionais não podiam usar. Este mundo material influía no reconhecimento social dos profissionais do cuidado da época e na visibilidade de seu trabalho.

Social Desirability , Working Conditions , History of Nursing
Cult. cuid ; 19(41): 44-55, ene.-abr. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-140557


Tras poner de relieve las iniciativas y aportaciones originales del Colegio de Practicantes de Alicante a la historia de las fiestas y conmemoraciones institucionales de la profesión a nivel provincial y nacional, ofrecemos una visión antropológica de la fiesta de mayor originalidad y repercusión social: el 'Homenaje a la Madre del Practicante', celebrada durante más de una década (1959-1970) en la provincia de Alicante para honrar a la madre de mayor edad de entre las del colectivo de colegiados. Se detalla la filosofía de esta fiesta y la manera de celebrarla. Se refieren las circunstancias, personas y lugares concernidos en cada una de las ediciones de los homenajes, cuya información se ha obtenido investigando tanto en prensa profesional como en diarios de información general (AU)

After highlighting the initiatives and original contributions of the Practitioners’ Council of Alicante to the history of festivities and institutional commemorations of the profession at provincial and national levels, this paper provides an anthropological view of the most original festivity, that has the most social influence: the 'Mother Practitioner’s Tribute', which has been held for over more than a decade (1959-1970) in the province of Alicante to honor the eldest mother of the group of referees. It explains in detail the festivity’s philosophy and the way of celebrate it are detailed. The circumstances, people and places concerned in each one of the tributes’ editions, which information has been obtained investigating both professional press and general newspapers (AU)

Depois de destacar as iniciativas e contribuições originais do Colégio de Médicos da história Alicante de festivais e comemorações institucionais da profissão em nível provincial e nacional, é uma visão antropológica da festa mais original e impacto social: o 'Tributo mãe Practitioner', realizada por mais de uma década (1959-1970), na província de Alicante a honrar a mãe do mais velho do grupo de árbitros. A filosofia deste partido e forma detalhada para comemorar. Circunstâncias, pessoas e lugares em causa em cada uma das edições dos tributos, cuja informação foi obtida investigando tanto imprensa profissional e jornais gerais refere (AU)

Humans , Nursing Assistants , Socialization , History of Nursing , Mothers , Anniversaries and Special Events
Rev. Rol enferm ; 37(5): 374-377, mayo 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-123621


Tanto en tiempos pasados como en la actualidad, se constata una muy precaria presencia de enfermeros tanto en las Cortes Generales como en los parlamentos de las diecisiete autonomías que constituyen el reino de España. El presente trabajo, centrado en la actual legislatura (X Legislatura 2011-2015), se propone dar a conocer el número exacto de diputados enfermeros en cada una de las cámaras legislativas mencionadas, así como dimensionar su posicionamiento en las mismas e identificar sus coordenadas de identidad, sexo, edad, titulación académica y partido político al que pertenecen, para pasar a establecer los porcentajes exactos de participación de los profesionales de enfermería. La conclusión de esta investigación presenta un panorama tan desolador que ha sido diagnosticado, con toda razón, como «la anorexia política del poder enfermero» (AU)

Both in the past and at present, we see a very weak presence of nurses both in Spanish Parliament and in the parliaments of the seventeen autonomous communities that constitute the kingdom of Spain. The present study, focused on the current legislature (X Legislature, 2011-2015), aims to give the exact number of deputies nurses in each of the mentioned legislative chambers, and size their position in them and identify their coordinates of identity, gender, age, educational qualification and political party they belong to, in order to specify the exact percentages of participation of nurses. The conclusion of this research presents a picture so bleak that has been diagnosed, quite rightly, as «political anorexia of the nurse power» (AU)

Humans , Nurses/statistics & numerical data , Politics , Legislative , Political Systems
Cult. cuid ; 18(38): 92-106, ene.-abr. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-123255


Los signos iconográficos (estatuas, monolitos y monumentos; dedicación de calles u otros espacios públicos; emisiones filatélicas, etc.) para manifestar el reconocimiento público a las enfermeras y a la Enfermería, son realizaciones en su mayoría surgidas prácticamente a partir de los últimos años del pasado siglo XX. Sin embargo, no han tenido hasta la fecha la consideración que se merecen en el estudio de la Historia de la Enfermería. En este trabajo se trata de identificar los existentes en España, catalogarlos y describirlos, analizando con el auxilio de la semiótica el grado de percepción de sus mensajes y en qué medida estos signos pueden considerarse pertinentes y adecuados para lograr los objetivos propuestos (AU)

Iconographic signs (statues, monoliths and monuments; dedication of streets or other public spaces; philatelic issues, etc..) to express public recognition to nurses and nursing, are realizations arising mainly from virtually the last years of twentieth century. However, they have had to date they deserve consideration in the study of the History of Nursing. This paper seeks to identify those in Spain, cataloging and describing, analyzing with the help of semiotics the degree of perception of their messages and how these signs can be considered relevant and appropriate to achieve the objectives (AU)

Sinais iconográficos (estátuas, monólitos e monumentos; dedicação de ruas ou outros espaços públicos emissões filatélicas, etc.) para expressar o reconhecimento público para os enfermeiros e auxiliares de enfermagem, são realizações decorrentes principalmente de praticamente os últimos anos de século XX. No entanto, eles tiveram até agora eles merecem consideração no estudo da História da Enfermagem. Este trabalho busca identificar aqueles em Espanha, catalogar e descrever, analisar com a ajuda da semiótica, o grau de percepção de suas mensagens e como esses sinais podem ser considerados relevantes e adequados para atingir os objectivos (AU)

History of Nursing , Symbolism , Social Desirability , Societies
Rev Enferm ; 36(9): 26-30, 2013 Sep.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24245416


TIn order to provide to the nursing professionals in the Valencian Region a code of professional conduct to help them deal with new situations that arise in their daily clinical practice, derived from social changes produced, the Board of Nursing of Valencian Region/ Consejo de Enfermería de la Comunidad Valenciana (CECOVA) approved in May2010, the Code of Ethics and Conduct of Nursing of Valencia. This work is as much about the reasons that led to propel it, and the way they was developed and the most important aspects of your content.

Codes of Ethics , Ethics, Nursing , Spain
Rev. Rol enferm ; 36(9): 578-582, sept. 2013.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-115585


Con el objeto de proporcionar a los profesionales de la enfermería de la Comunidad Valenciana un código de conducta profesional que les ayudara a afrontar las nuevas situaciones que se plantean en su práctica clínica diaria, derivadas de los cambios sociosanitarios producidos, el Consejo de Enfermería de la Comunidad Valenciana (CECOVA) aprobó en mayo de 2010 el Código Ético y Deontológico de la Enfermería de la Comunidad Valenciana. Este trabajo trata tanto de las razones que llevaron a impulsarlo, como del modo en que se elaboró y de los aspectos más destacables de su contenido (AU)

TIn order to provide to the nursing professionals in the Valencian Region a code of professional conduct to help them deal with new situations that arise in their daily clinical practice, derived from social changes produced, the Board of Nursing of Valencian Region/Consejo de Enfermería de la Comunidad Valenciana (CECOVA) approved in May 2010, the Code of Ethics and Conduct of Nursing of Valencia. This work is as much about the reasons that led to propel it, and the way they was developed and the most important aspects of your content (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Codes of Ethics/legislation & jurisprudence , Codes of Ethics/trends , Ethics, Professional/education , Professional Practice/ethics , Specialty Boards/ethics , Specialty Boards/organization & administration , Specialty Boards/standards , Ethics, Nursing/education , Ethical Theory , Community Health Nursing , Community Health Nursing/methods , Community Health Nursing/organization & administration
Index enferm ; 22(1/2): 65-69, ene.-jun. 2013.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-114997


El cuidado de enfermería tiene lugar en contextos histórica y materialmente variables. Al escenario conformado por objetos y el espacio físico para el cuidado de enfermería, se le denomina mundo material del cuidado. Es amplio y flexible, donde los objetos contienen información y pueden estudiarse desde la óptica de la cultura material y del mundo material. La primera explora el significado atribuido a los objetos culturalmente, mientras que la segunda reconoce que los objetos significan en la acción e interacción. En el mundo material para el cuidado, tecnología es cualquier producto empleado para la satisfacción de una necesidad humana, en el hospital, los domicilios de personas enfermas o cualquier escenario. El papel de la enfermera en el mundo material es visible como usuaria de objetos, como diseñadora y gestora de espacios. Conocer este mundo permite una mayor reflexión sobre la práctica profesional y el desarrollo disciplinar de enfermería (AU)

Nursing care takes place in variable historical and material contexts. The setting for nursing care, made of the objects and the physical space, it is called the material world for care. This is a large and flexible world where the objects, containing information, can be studied from both the material culture and the material world perspectives. The material culture aims at knowing the cultural meaning attached to objects while the material world aims at knowing the meaning in action and interaction. In the material world for nursing care, technology is any product used to satisfy a human need in hospitals, homes and other settings. The nursing role is visible as user of the objects and as designer and manager of the caring spaces. The study of this world for care will give depth to the reflection on the professional practice and the nursing disciplinary development (AU)

Material Resources in Health , Materials Management, Hospital/methods , Nursing Care/trends , Equipment and Supplies
Index enferm ; 21(1/2): 88-92, ene.-jun. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-106065


El Museo Histórico de Enfermería Fundación José Llopis es un Museo On line. Su principal objetivo es difundir el patrimonio histórico de la enfermería de forma virtual, para que sea cada vez más accesible y conocido alrededor del mundo. Es un museo sin limitaciones físicas ni geográficas, un museo abierto y útil para la profesión, la formación y la investigación. En el museo, el conocimiento de distintos elementos patrimoniales, localizados en cualquier lugar y exhibidos de forma digital fortalece la identidad profesional y ayuda al desarrollo disciplinar (AU)

The Historical Nursing Museum of Jose Llopis foundation is anon line museum. It aims at disseminating the nursing historical heritage by virtual means so to make it more accessible and better known in the world. It is a museum with no physical or geographical limitations, open all the time and useful to the nursing profession and for nursing education and research. In this museum, the knowledge of the different heritage objects, being localized from many places and virtually exhibited, strengthens professional identity and contributes to the disciplinary development (AU)

Museums , Nursing , History of Nursing , Webcasts as Topic
Metas enferm ; 14(10): 58-64, dic. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-93557


Los colegios profesionales son los encargados de ordenar y regular las profesiones y, con ese fin, elaboran sus propios códigos deontológicos. La primera referencia en España a las cuestiones éticas y deontológicas en el ámbito de los colegios oficiales de auxiliares sanitarios es de 1929, año en el que sedecretó la colegiación obligatoria para los practicantes. En este artículo se hace un repaso histórico de las referencias fundamentales a la ética y la deontología de la profesión enfermera en las normas reguladoras de los colegios desde esa fecha hasta la actualidad, englobando a practicantes, matronas, enfermeras, ayudantes técnicos sanitarios (ATS), diplomados en Enfermería y, actualmente, graduados en Enfermería.Objetivo: analizar cómo se ha regulado la deontología profesional en los diversos estatutos y reglamentos colegiales que ha tenido la Enfermería desde los primeros colegios obligatorios en España hasta la actualidad.Metodología: búsqueda y análisis retrospectivo de toda la normativa publicada en Gaceta de Madrid y en el Boletín Oficial del Estado, desde 1929 hasta la actualidad, que haya regulado la organización y el funcionamiento de los colegios provinciales de auxiliares sanitarios y sus respectivos consejos generales. Resultados y conclusiones: al hilo de la evolución de la regulación de las profesiones de practicantes, matronas y enfermeras, se fue desarrollando una regulación sobre la ética y ladeontología enfermera que, hasta el momento, ha tenido cincohitos: las reglas deontológicas recogidas en el Reglamento de régimen interior del Colegio Oficial de Matronas de Cataluña, de corta vigencia pero relevante significación; el Código Moral de los ayudantes técnicos sanitarios de 1954, que incorporó el juramento de Florence Nightingale; el Código de Ética de Enfermería del Colegio Oficial de Ayudantes Técnicos Sanitarios y Diplomados(..) (AU)

Professional boards are responsible for setting up the regulations that govern professional conduct and they elaborate their respective codes of conduct to that very end. The first reference in Spain regarding the ethical and professional issues in the field ofauxiliary healthcare personnel dates back to 1929, at which timeboard accreditation for healthcare professionals became compulsory.This article presents a historical overview of the fundamental references to ethics and code of conduct of the nursing profession in terms of the rules governing nursing boards from that date until the present time, encompassing nurse practitioners,midwives, nurses, assistant medical technicians, and nursingschool graduates both in the 3 year (diploma) and 4 year(graduate) nursing programs.Objective: To analyze how professional ethics and code of conduct have been regulated in the various board statutes and regulations that have governed nursing since the first compulsory boards in Spain to the present time.Methodology: Search and retrospective analysis of all the regulations published in Gaceta de Madrid and in the Official Gazette,from 1929 to the present, which have regulated the board and operation of provincial boards of healthcare auxiliary personnel(nurses) and their respective general councils.Results and conclusions: In parallel to the development ofregulations for nurse practitioners, midwives and nurses, asecond type of regulation on nursing ethics and code of nurseswas also established, which to date has had five milestones: the ethical code set forth in the Internal Regulations of the Official MidwiferyBoard, short-lived but of relevant significance; the MoralCode of Assistant Medical Technicians (term used in the past torefer to registered nurses) of 1954, which incorporated the oath of Florence Nightingale; the Ethics Code (..) (AU)

Humans , Ethics, Nursing , Codes of Ethics , Specialty Boards/ethics , Societies/ethics , Morals