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Case Rep Dermatol ; 9(1): 114-120, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28559809


Fuchs syndrome is a particular type of erythema multiforme major; the lesions are only found on the mucosae and specifically affect oral, ocular, and genital mucosae. The cause is not always immediately apparent, which is why this pathology requires a rigorous, detailed clinical examination to eliminate a differential diagnosis. The severity of the symptoms, particularly of oral and ocular symptoms, requires immediate treatment. The treatment of this pathology requires a multiple-drug regime. Through a clinical case study, the objective of this work is to help guide practitioners when diagnosing and treating this pathology as no current consensus exists on these 2 subjects. The authors present the case of a 29-year-old patient who was suffering from a recurring outbreak of Fuchs syndrome, suspected of having been triggered by Mycoplasma pneumoniae. After completing the treatment program based on colchicine and prednisolone, the patient was relieved from pain and has not suffered from any further periodic eruptions of erythema multiforme.

Bol. venez. infectol ; 23(1): 13-19, ene.-jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-721059


La resistencia a carbapenems en la familia Enterobacteriaceae constituye un problema creciente a nivel mundial, siendo el mecanismo de mayor impacto clínico, epidemiológico y microbiológico, la producción de serino-carbapenemasas KPC. Investigar la presencia de carbapenemasas tipo KPC en aislados de Enterobacterias resistentes a carbapenems, provenientes de diversos centros de salud a nivel nacional, durante el período mayo 2010 - junio 2011. En esta investigación se analizaron 91 aislados de Enterobacterias: K pneumoniae (48), E. cloacae (30), E. aerogenes (4), E. coli (2), C. koseri (1), C. freundil (6), con resistencia a carbapenems provenientes de 14 centros de salud. La susceptibilidad antimicrobiana se evaluó siguiendo los criterios de la CLSI 2011. La detección fenotípica de carbapenemasas se realizó mediante el test de Hodge modificado y evaluando la sinergia con el ácido 3-aminofenilborónico 300 µg/disco. Se realizó el Test de Hodge "doble modificado" a los aislados de Enterobacter y Citrobacter. La detección genotípica de carbapenemasas se llevó a cabo mediante PCR utilizando iniciadores para el gen blaKPC. Todos los aislados presentaron a los deinhibición < 22 mm para meropenem y ertapenem. El 95% de los aislados resultaron positivos para el test de Hogde modificado, el test con ácido borónico, y para el gen blaKPC. En el test de Hodge "doble modificado", se observó 100% de positividad. La resistencia a carbapenems mediada por Carbapenemasas KPC, se ha incrementado en los últimos años en el país y el carácter plasmídico de estas enzimas les permite su fácil diseminación entre diversos géneros de Enterobacterias.

Resistance to carbapenems is the family Enterobacteriaceae is a growing problem around the world, being production of KPC serino-carbapenemase, the mayor impact clinical, epidemiological and microbiological mechanism. To investigate the presence of KPC carbapenemases in isolates of Enterobacterias resistant to carbapenems, from various health centers nationwide, during the period May-2010 June 2011. In this study were analyzed 91 Enterobacterias isolates: K. pneumoniae (48), E. cloacae (30), E. aerogenes (4), E. coli (2), C. koseri (1), C. freundii (6), with resistance to carbapenems from 14 health centers. Antimicrobial susceptibility was evaluated according to the criteria of the CLSI 2011. Phenotypic detection of carbapenemases was performed by Modified Hodge Test and it was evaluated the synergy with the 3-aminophenylboronic 300 µg/disc. Test were done with "double Modified" Hodge to Enterobacter and Citrobacter isolates. Genotypic detection of carbapenemases was performed out by using PCR primers for the gene blaKPC. All isolated showed inhibition zones <22 mm for meropenem and ertapemen. The 95% of the isolates were positive for Hogde Modified Test, test with boronic acid, and to blaKPC gene. By performing "Double Modified" Hodge`s essay , we observed a 100% of positivity. Resistance to carbapenems mediated by KPC carbapenemases has increased in the last few years in the country, and plasmidic characterization of these enzymes allows easily dissemination among different genera of Enterobacteriaceae.

Carbapenems/analysis , Carbapenems/radiation effects , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Enterobacteriaceae , Enterobacteriaceae/isolation & purification , Infectious Disease Medicine