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Rev. psicopatol. salud ment. niño adolesc ; (monografico 6): 45-53, Jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-223876


El documento partede una reflexión sobre la política de restricción de visitas de los padres en las unidades neonatales y del acompañamientoen las plantas de maternidad que se aplicó en los hospitales en las primeras fases de la pandemia. Casi un año tras suinicio, un grupo de neonatólogos con espíritu autocrítico trabajamos de forma conjunta, en el marco del Grup d’EstudisNeonatals, con la voluntad de analizar los posibles efectos adversos de las medidas sobre aspectos fundamentales comoson el neurodesarrollo del recién nacido, la lactancia materna y la salud psicológica de los progenitores. Y, finalmente,desde el conocimiento y recursos que teníamos en ese momento, elaborar nuevas recomendaciones.(AU)

The document is based on a reflection on the policy ofrestricting parental visits in neonatal units and the accompanying in maternity wards that was applied in hospitals inthe early phases of the pandemic. Almost a year after its beginning, a group of neonatologists with a self-critical spiritworked together, within the framework of the Grup d’Estudis Neonatals, with the aim of analyzing the possible adverseeffects of the measures on fundamental aspects such as the neurodevelopment of the newborn, breastfeeding andthe psychological health of the parents. And, finally, from the knowledge and resources we had at that time, to developnew recommendations.(AU)

El document parteix d’una reflexiósobre la política de restricció de visites dels pares a les unitats neonatals i de l’acompanyament a les plantes dematernitat que es va aplicar als hospitals a les primeres fases de la pandèmia. Gairebé un any després del seu inici,un grup de neonatòlegs amb esperit autocrític treballem conjuntament, en el marc del Grup d’Estudis Neonatals,amb la voluntat d’analitzar els possibles efectes adversos de les mesures sobre aspectes fonamentals com sónel neurodesenvolupament del nounat, la lactància materna i la salut psicològica dels progenitors. I, finalment, desdel coneixement i recursos que teníem en aquell moment, elaborar noves recomanacions.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Pandemics , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Patient Escort Service , Visitors to Patients , Mental Health , Pregnant Women/psychology , Pregnancy/psychology
Pediatr. catalan ; 81(2): 102-107, Abril - Juny 2021.
Article in Catalan | IBECS | ID: ibc-218063


Fonament: Des de l’inici de la pandèmia per SARS-CoV-2,la majoria d’unitats neonatals d’arreu del món han aplicatprotocols de restricció de la presència de mares i pares,amb l’objectiu de protegir el personal sanitari i els nounats.Objectiu. Avaluar els efectes col·laterals derivats de la pocapresència de mares i pares al costat dels seus nadons a lesunitats neonatals, i els relacionats amb les restriccions ales plantes de maternitat. Mètode: Revisió de la literatura. S’ha consultat Pubmed iGoogle Scholar utilitzant com a paraules clau ‘SARS-CoV-2’i ‘covid-19’ combinades amb ‘neonatal’, ‘NICU’ i ‘parents’,‘family centered care’ i ‘neurodevelopmental care’. S’hanconsultat dominis en què es recullen resums actualitzatsde l’evidència científica disponible sobre la pandèmia perSARS-CoV-2: i el web de laSocietat Espanyola de Neonatologia ( Laveu de les famílies s’ha cercat mitjançant les pàgines deles associacions que els representen i a les xarxes socials.Resultats. El model de cures centrades en el desenvolupa-ment i la família, que ha demostrat efectes positius sobre lasalut dels nadons ingressats i el neurodesenvolupament delsprematurs, es veu amenaçat si es limita la presència paren-tal. La restricció també ha demostrat tenir efectes adversossobre la lactància materna i la salut psicològica dels pares imares. Les dades disponibles fins ara posen de manifest uncomportament benigne de la infecció covid-19 en nadons.Conclusions: En un moment crucial per a la implantació delmodel de cures centrades en el desenvolupament a les uni-tats neonatals catalanes, i amb les dades disponibles, ésimprescindible redissenyar les polítiques d’acompanyamentparental als nadons ingressats.(AU)

Fundamento: Desde el inicio de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, lamayoría de unidades neonatales de todo el mundo han aplicadoprotocolos de restricción de la presencia parental, con el objetivode proteger al personal sanitario y a los propios recién nacidos. Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos colaterales derivados de la menor pre-sencia de los padres junto a sus bebés en las unidades neonatales,y los relacionados con las restricciones en las plantas de maternidad.Método: Revisión de la literatura. Se ha realizado búsqueda enPubmed i Google Scholar utilizando como palabras clave ‘SARS-CoV-2’ y ‘covid-19’ en combinación con ‘neonatal’, ‘NICU’ y ‘pa-rents’, ‘family centered care’ y ‘neurodevelopmental care’. Se hanconsultado dominios donde se recogen resúmenes actualizados dela evidencia científica disponible sobre la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2: y la web de la Sociedad Es-pañola de Neonatología ( La opinión de las familiasse ha buscado en las páginas web de las asociaciones que las re-presentan y en las redes sociales. Resultados: El modelo de cuidados centrados en el desarrollo y lafamilia, que ha demostrado efectos positivos sobre la salud de losrecién nacidos ingresados y el neurodesarrollo de los prematuros,se ve amenazado si se limita la presencia parental. La restriccióntambién ha demostrado tener efectos adversos sobre la lactanciamaterna y la salud psicológica de los progenitores. Los datos dis-ponibles hasta ahora ponen de manifiesto un comportamiento be-nigno de la infección por covid-19 en recién nacidos. Conclusiones: En un momento crucial para la implantación del mo-delo de cuidados centrados en el desarrollo en las unidades neo-natales catalanas, y con los datos disponibles, es imprescindiblerediseñar las políticas de acompañamiento de los padres a sushijos recién nacidos ingresados.(AU)

Objective: To evaluate the side effects of the limitation of parentspresence with their babies in neonatal units and those related torestrictions on maternity wards access. Method: Literature review. A search using ‘SARS-CoV-2’ and ‘CO-VID-19’ as keywords combined to ‘neonatal’, ‘NICU’, ‘parents’,‘family centered care’ and ‘neurodevelopmental care’. Consulta-tion of websites containing updated and summarized scientific li-terature about the pandemic and its consequences in newbornshas also been performed: The voice of the families has been mainly obtainedthrough the websites of their associations and the social networks. Results. The family-centered care model has shown positive effectson the health of sick newborns and on premature infants’ neuro-development. This model of care is under threat if parental accessis limited. It has been shown that these restrictions have also ad-verse effects on breastfeeding and on caregivers’ psychologicalwellbeing. Data from different neonatal series report a benigncourse of COVID-19 infection in neonates and preterm babies. Conclusions: At a crucial moment for the implementation of thedevelopmental centered care model in Catalan neonatal units, andwith the available data, it is essential to redesign the policies regar-ding parents who accompany their babies admitted to the units.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Pandemics , Intensive Care, Neonatal , Parenting , Spain , Social Isolation
Pediatr. catalan ; 79(4): 127-132, oct.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Catalan | IBECS | ID: ibc-191077


FONAMENT: En els prematurs, uns nivells inadequats de vitamina D poden comportar més comorbiditat, però hi ha controvèrsia en les recomanacions de suplementació. OBJECTIU: Intentar correlacionar aportacions (dieta I suplementació) de vitamina D amb nivells inadequats d'aquesta vitamina. MÉTODE: Estudi descriptiu retrospectiu dels prematurs als quals se'ls determina calcifediol (25(OH)D3) entre els mesos de gener I desembre del 2016 al nostre centre. RESULTATS: Incloem 36 determinacions de 25(OH)D3 de 17 nadons (58,8% de sexe masculí) amb mediana d'edat gestacional de 29,8 setmanes (rang: 24,85-35,14) I mediana de pes de 980 g (rang: 420-2.220 g). La mediana d'edat en dies en el moment de l'extracció és 58,5 (rang: 6-188); la mediana de 25(OH)D3 és 53,92ng/ml (rang: 17,1-150). Segons el càlcul de les aportacions de vitamina D, s'obté una mediana de 885 U/dia (rang: 2-1416). Hi ha una correlació estadísticament significativa entre 25(OH)D3 plasmàtica I aportacions. El 75% que rep aportacions de <400 U tenen nivells insuficients; el 62,5% que rep >1.200 U tenen nivells tòxics. Dels que reben 400-1.200 U, el 84% tenen nivells òptims; hi ha diferència entre els que reben 400-800 U, amb un 60% amb nivells suficients, I els que reben 800-1.200 U, amb un 92% amb nivells adequats. Hi ha diferència en el percentatge de mostres amb nivells insuficients segons la classificació de 2009 respecte de l'actual. CONCLUSIONS: Les aportacions de vitamina D d'entre 800 I 1.200 U/dia s'associen a nivells òptims en un percentatge elevat de nadons. Les aportacions inferiors a 400 U o superiors a 1.200 U s'associen a nivells inadequats. L'alimentació per si sola no garanteix els requeriments necessaris de vitamina D, però és una dada essencial que s'ha de tenir en compte. Cal individualitzar la dosi segons els nivells plasmàtics

FUNDAMENTO: En los prematuros, unos niveles inadecuados de vitamina D pueden comportar mayor comorbilidad, pero existe controversia en las recomendaciones de suplementación. OBJETIVO: Intentar correlacionar aportaciones (dieta y suplementación) de vitamina D con niveles inadecuados de esta vitamina. MÉTODO: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de los prematuros a los que se les realiza determinación de calcifediol (25(OH)D3) entre enero y diciembre de 2016 en nuestro centro. RESULTADOS: Incluimos 36 determinaciones de 25(OH)D3 de 17 pacientes (58,8% de sexo masculino) con mediana de edad gestacional de 29,8 semanas (rango: 24,85-35,17) y mediana de peso de 980 g (rango: 420-2.220 g). La mediana de edad en días en el momento de la extracción es 58,5 (rango: 6-188); la mediana de 25(OH)D3 es 53,92 ng/ml (rango: 17,1-150). Según el cálculo de los aportes de vitamina D, se obtiene una mediana de 885 U/día (rango: 2-1.416). Existe una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre niveles de 25(OH)D3 y aportes. El 75% que recibe aportes de <400 U tienen niveles insuficientes; el 62,5% que recibe >1.200 U tienen niveles tóxicos. De los que reciben 400-1200 U, el 84% tienen niveles óptimos; existe diferencia entre aquellos que reciben 400-800 U, con un 60% con niveles suficientes, y los que reciben 800-1.200 U, con un 92% con niveles adecuados. Existe diferencia en el porcentaje de muestras con niveles insuficientes según la clasificación de 2009 versus la actual. CONCLUSIONES: Los aportes de vitamina D entre 800 y 1.200 U/día se asocian a niveles óptimos en un porcentaje elevado de prematuros. Las aportaciones inferiores a 400 U o superiores a 1.200 U se asocian a niveles inadecuados. La alimentación por sí sola no garantiza los requerimientos necesarios de vitamina D, pero es un dato esencial a tener en cuenta. Es necesario individualizar la dosis en función de los niveles plasmáticos

BACKGROUND: Inadequate levels of vitamin D in premature newborns may lead to additional comorbidities; however, controversy exists regarding recommendations for supplementation. OBJECTIVE: To analyze correlations between vitamin D intake (diet and supplementation) with inadequate calcifediol (25(OH)D3) levels. METHOD: Descriptive, retrospective study of premature babies, whose 25(OH)D3 levels were determined between January and December 2016, in our medical centre. RESULTS: Thirty-six plasma level determinations of 25(OH)D3 in 17 patients (58.8% male) with median gestational age of 29.8 weeks (range: 24.85-35.14) and median weight of 980g (range 420-2220). The median age in days was 58,5 (range: 6-188) at the moment of determination, and the median plasma level of 25(OH)D3 was 53,92ng/ml (range:17.1-150). The median vitamin D intake was 885U/day (range: 2-1416). There was a significant correlation between 25(OH)D3 levels and vitamin D intake. Seventy-five percent of patients who received <400U intake had insufficient levels; and 62,5% who received >1200 had toxic levels. Eighty-four percent of those who received between 400 and 1200U had adequate levels; 60% of premature newborns who received 400-800U had sufficient levels versus 92% of babies who received 800 to 1200U. There were differences in percentage of samples with insufficient levels according to 2009 classification versus the current one. CONCLUSIONS: In a high percentage of premature babies, 800-1200U vitamin D intake result in adequate levels. Vitamin D in-take of <400U or >1200U correlate with inadequate levels. It is important to consider that nutrition by itself doesn't guarantee the required vitamin D intake. Individualized doses are needed according to blood plasma levels

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Enteral Nutrition , Food, Fortified , Vitamin D/administration & dosage , Vitamin D/blood , Calcifediol/administration & dosage , Infant, Premature/blood , Retrospective Studies
FEMS Microbiol Ecol ; 91(3)2015 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25764567


Twenty-one women and their respective singleton infants participated in this study, contributing with samples of breast milk and faeces (at days 7, 14 and 35 after birth), respectively, used for Staphylococcus aureus recovery. The aim was to track the carriage of S. aureus in milk and infant faeces of mother-infant pairs, and to determine the genetic lineages of the isolates, their potential clonal relationships and their content in antimicrobial resistance, virulence and immune evasion cluster genes. The molecular characterization was performed by PCR and sequencing. Clonal relationship among mother-infant isolates was conducted by spa typing, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from milk samples of 6 of 21 mothers (16 isolates) and from faecal samples of 12 of 21 infants (25 isolates). From these 41 S. aureus recovered, 18 were methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and 23 methicillin-susceptible (MSSA). Twelve diferentes spa types and eight sequence types were detected among S. aureus. Predominant clonal complexes were CC5 (43.9%) and CC30 (36.6%). MRSA strains presented a multidrug-resistance profile, 65.2% of MSSA strains harboured tsst-1 toxin gene and 26.8% of total strains carried the cna gene. A potential mother-to-infant S. aureus transmission was demonstrated in four cases by spa typing, MLST and PFGE (transmission of t322/ST5/CC5-PFGE-A, t136/ST34/CC30-PFGE-B and t021/ST1869/CC30-PFGE-C strains). Breastfeeding seems to contribute to early S. aureus intestinal colonization in neonates what might affect the immune system development.

Breast Feeding/adverse effects , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/classification , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Staphylococcal Infections/transmission , Adhesins, Bacterial/genetics , Adult , Bacterial Toxins/genetics , Base Sequence , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , Electrophoresis, Gel, Pulsed-Field , Enterotoxins/genetics , Feces/microbiology , Female , Humans , Infant , Methicillin/pharmacology , Methicillin Resistance , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Milk, Human/microbiology , Multilocus Sequence Typing , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Superantigens/genetics
Res Microbiol ; 159(9-10): 595-601, 2008.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18845249


In contrast to breast milk, little is known about the bacterial composition of human colostrum. The objective of this work was to analyze the bacterial diversity of colostrum obtained from healthy women and to characterize the dominant bacterial species for the presence of possible virulence factors. Samples of colostrum obtained from 36 healthy women were inoculated into different culture media. Several isolates from each medium were selected and identified. Staphylococcal and enterococcal isolates were submitted to genetic profiling. One representative of each profile was included in a genetic and phenotypic characterization scheme, including detection of potential virulence traits/genes and sensitivity to antibiotics. Staphylococcus epidermidis and Enterococcus faecalis were the dominant species, followed by Streptococcus mitis, Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus lugdunensis. Among the 48 S. epidermidis isolates selected on the basis of their genetic profiles, the biofilm-related icaD gene and the mecA gene were detected in only 11 and six isolates, respectively. In parallel, 10 enterococcal isolates were also characterized and none of them contained the cylA, vanA, vanB, vanD, vanE and vanG genes. All of them were sensitive to vancomycin. There were no indications that the colostrum samples contained harmful bacteria.

Bacterial Proteins/genetics , Colostrum/microbiology , Gram-Positive Bacteria , Virulence Factors/genetics , Culture Media , Enterococcus faecalis/genetics , Enterococcus faecalis/isolation & purification , Enterococcus faecalis/pathogenicity , Female , Gram-Positive Bacteria/classification , Gram-Positive Bacteria/genetics , Gram-Positive Bacteria/isolation & purification , Gram-Positive Bacteria/pathogenicity , Humans , Propionibacterium acnes/genetics , Propionibacterium acnes/isolation & purification , Propionibacterium acnes/pathogenicity , Staphylococcus/genetics , Staphylococcus/isolation & purification , Staphylococcus/pathogenicity , Streptococcus mitis/genetics , Streptococcus mitis/isolation & purification , Streptococcus mitis/pathogenicity
BMC Microbiol ; 8: 143, 2008 Sep 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18783615


BACKGROUND: Breast milk is an important source of staphylococci and other bacterial groups to the infant gut. The objective of this work was to analyse the bacterial diversity in feces of breast-fed infants and to compare it with that of formula-fed ones. A total of 23 women and their respective infants (16 breast-fed and 7 formula-fed) participated in the study. The 16 women and their infants provided a sample of breast milk and feces, respectively, at days 7, 14, and 35. The samples were plated onto different culture media. Staphylococcal and enterococcal isolates were submitted to genetic profiling and to a characterization scheme, including detection of potential virulence traits and sensitivity to antibiotics. RESULTS: The feeding practice had a significant effect on bacterial counts. A total of 1,210 isolates (489 from milk, 531 from breast-fed and 190 from formula-fed infants) were identified. Staphylococcus epidermidis was the predominant species in milk and feces of breast-fed infants while it was less prevalent in those of formula fed-infants. Enterococcus faecalis was the second predominant bacterial species among the fecal samples provided by the breast-fed infants but it was also present in all the samples from the formula-fed ones. The biofilm-related icaD gene and the mecA gene were only detected in a low number of the S. epidermidis strains. Several enterococcal isolates were also characterized and none of them contained the cylA or the vanABDEG antibiotic-resistance genes. All were sensitive to vancomycin. CONCLUSION: The presence of S. epidermidis is a differential trait of the fecal microbiota of breast-fed infants. Globally, the staphyloccal isolates obtained from milk and feces of breast-fed infants contain a low number of virulence determinants and are sensitive to most of the antibiotics tested.

Breast Feeding , Feces/microbiology , Milk, Human/microbiology , Staphylococcus epidermidis/isolation & purification , Adult , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Colony Count, Microbial , Enterococcus faecalis/drug effects , Enterococcus faecalis/genetics , Enterococcus faecalis/isolation & purification , Enterococcus faecalis/pathogenicity , Enterococcus faecium/drug effects , Enterococcus faecium/genetics , Enterococcus faecium/isolation & purification , Enterococcus faecium/pathogenicity , Female , Genotype , Humans , Infant , Infant Formula , Infant, Newborn , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique , Staphylococcus epidermidis/drug effects , Staphylococcus epidermidis/genetics , Staphylococcus epidermidis/pathogenicity , Virulence