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Plants (Basel) ; 12(24)2023 Dec 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140469


Climate change is affecting global viticulture, increasing heatwaves and drought. Precision irrigation, supported by robust water status indicators (WSIs), is inevitable in most of the Mediterranean basin. One of the most reliable WSIs is the leaf water potential (Ψleaf), which is determined via an intrusive and time-consuming method. The aim of this work is to discern the most effective variables that are correlated with plants' water status and identify the variables that better predict Ψleaf. Five grapevine varieties grown in the Alentejo region (Portugal) were selected and subjected to three irrigation treatments, starting in 2018: full irrigation (FI), deficit irrigation (DI), and no irrigation (NI). Plant monitoring was performed in 2023. Measurements included stomatal conductance (gs), predawn water potential Ψpd, stem water potential (Ψstem), thermal imaging, and meteorological data. The WSIs, namely Ψpd and gs, responded differently according to the irrigation treatment. Ψstem measured at mid-morning (MM) and mid-day (MD) proved unable to discern between treatments. MM measurements presented the best correlations between WSIs. gs showed the best correlations between the other WSIs, and consequently the best predictive capability to estimate Ψpd. Machine learning regression models were trained on meteorological, thermal, and gs data to predict Ψpd, with ensemble models showing a great performance (ExtraTrees: R2=0.833, MAE=0.072; Gradient Boosting: R2=0.830; MAE=0.073).

J Prosthet Dent ; 121(3): 369-372, 2019 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30396712


Restoring a single darkened central incisor can be challenging. Both direct and indirect options may be acceptable to mask discoloration and achieve functional requirements. This report describes placement of a modified feldspathic porcelain veneer to reproduce the appearance of a maxillary central incisor discolored after trauma.

Dental Veneers , Incisor , Ceramics , Dental Porcelain
Clín. int. j. braz. dent ; 11(1): 30-42, jan.-mar.2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-789778


Reabilitações com próteses implantossuportadas são usadas frequentemente para resolver casos de edentulismo. Elas podem ser retidas por de meio de parafusos ou agentes de cimentação. No entanto, nos casos de alinhamento inadequado dos implantes ou fragilidade pelo desenho final da estrutura protética, o sistema de parafusamento convencional não pode ser utilizado. Um método alternativo para se manter a reversibilidade da peça protética é o parafusamento transverso. Este consiste em um sistema tubo/parafuso de dimensões reduzidas que possibilita o parafusamento em uma área palatina ou lingual. Entretanto, aperfeiçoamentos nos sistemas existentes comercialmente eram necessários para se suprirem dificuldades como custo, técnica de confecção e dimensões dos componentes. O presente artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento de um produto adequado para este método, para suprir as desvantagens dos sistemas anteriores, apresenta a técnica de confecção clínica e laboratorial, e discute os aspectos fundamentais no planejamento desse sistema...

Implant-supported prostheses are frequently used in oral rehabilitation to solve cases of edentulism. They may be screw-retained or cement-retained. However, sometimes conventional screw-retained systems can not be used in cases of improper alignment of implants or compromised structural integrity of the prosthesis. An alternative method to maintain reversibility of the rehabilitation is cross-pinning. This system consists of a tube/screw with reduced dimensions which enables screwing in a palatal or lingual area. However, improvements in the commercially existing systems have been necessary to overcome difficulties such as costs, manufacturing technique and component dimensions. This paper presents the development of an appropriate product for this method, allowing to overcome the disadvantages of previous systems and analyzes the clinical and laboratory steps discussing the fundamental aspects of planning when using this system...

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Dental Prosthesis Retention , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Jaw, Edentulous , Stress, Mechanical
Clín. int. j. braz. dent ; 10(2): 204-213, abr. -jun. 2014. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-724752


A estratificação de resinas compostas por meio de métodos sofisticados pode ser facilitada pela técnica denominada Matriz Lingual, em que uma guia é confeccionada em elastômero, por meio da moldagem de uma superfície palatina, previamente encerada ou esculpida em um ensaio restaurador intraoral. Essa técnica apresenta muitas vantagens, facilitando a estratificação, a construção anatômica e as fases de acabamento e polimento. Porém, em algumas situações clínicas, o desenrolar das etapas para se obter essa matriz pode ser moroso ou até mesmo inviável. Visando a facilitar a obtenção de tal aparato, uma técnica foi idealizada para permitir significativa redução do tempo clínico. Tal matriz, denominada Matriz BRB, é amplamente discutida de maneira didática e clínica neste artigo, que apresenta suas vantagens em casos em que é imperativo o uso de guia para realização de uma estratificação controlada. A simplicidade dessa abordagem, bem como a redução do tempo clínico e de custos financeiros, a torna viável em clínica cotidiana

Advance layering composite resins can be facilitated by a technique called “Lingual Matrix”, where a guide is made of elastomer by molding a previously waxed tooth or sculpted in an intraoral test drive restoration. This technique has many advantages to sophisticated layering, facilitating stratification, anatomic construction and the stages of finishing and polishing. However, in some clinical situations, the unfolding of the steps to obtain this matrix can be time consuming or even infeasible. To facilitate the achievement of this apparatus, a technique was idealized allowing significant reduction in clinical time. This matrix, called the “BRB Matrix” is widely discussed in a didactic and clinical manner in this article, presenting its advantages in clinical cases where it is imperative to use guide for conducting a controlled layering. The simplicity of this approach, as well as reduced clinical time and financial costs turn it feasible in an everyday clinical practice

Humans , Female , Adult , Composite Resins , Matrix Bands , Dental Restoration, Permanent/methods
Prosthes. Lab. Sci. ; 3(9): 37-45, out.-dez. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-853835


Este trabalho relata um caso clínico em que as restaurações de fratura em ambos incisivos centrais superiores causavam a insatisfação estética na paciente. Para reprodução dessa área rica em variações e detalhes policromáticos foi utilizado um protocolo clínico de trabalho envolvendo fotografias, mapeamento cromático, enceramento diagnóstico e guia de silicone. Esses elementos guiaram a substituição das restaurações deficientes utilizando-se da técnica adesiva convencional e resinas compostas resultando em um sorriso harmônico e agradável, devolvendo, assim, o equilíbrio do conjunto dente-gengiva-face, melhorando a autoestima, qualidade de vida e bem estar da paciente

Female , Adult , Clinical Protocols , Composite Resins , Esthetics, Dental , Smiling , Tooth Fractures
Clín. int. j. braz. dent ; 9(3): 262-270, jul.-set. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-765321


O culto ao belo faz parte da cultura evolutiva do ser humano. Não é por outra razão que atração pela harmonia de formas e de cores cria uma sensação visualmente agradável e equilibrada nas pessoas. Tais princípios valem também para as restaurações dentárias, por serem fortemente influenciadas pelos meios de comunicação, que ditam os padrões de beleza à sociedade. Assim, a busca por esses padrões não deve conduzir o profissional a soluções invasivas ou extremamente invasivas, principalmente em pacientes jovens, com dentições saudáveis. Todavia, tratamentos conservadores, como terapias ortodônticas, clareamentos, microabrasão e resina composta, têm potencial de corrigir e otimizar esses problemas, mostrando praticidade, eficiência e previsibilidade, beneficiando a longo prazo o tempo de permanência dos dentes na cavidade oral. Este artigo mostra estratégias que visam a facilitar o planejamento e a execução clínica da remodelação do sorriso com resina composta direta, a fim de possibilitar ao trabalho máxima preservação da estrutura dental sadia.

Worshiping what is beautiful is part of the cultural evolution of the human being. For no other reason that attraction for the harmony of shapes and colors creates a balanced and visually pleasing sense in people. These principles also apply to dental restorations, as they are strongly influenced by the media, that dictate prevailing standards of beauty in society. The search for such standards should not drive the profession to invasive or even highly invasive solutions, especially in young patients with healthy dentition. However, conservative treatments such as orthodontic therapy, whitening, microabrasion and composite resin have the potential to correct and optimize these problems, presenting feasibility, efficacy, and predictability, producing long-term benefits to the dentition. The aim of this article is to demonstrate strategies to facilitate the clinical planning and treatment of smile remodelation direct composite resin in order to achieve maximum tooth preservation in such procedures.

Humans , Female , Adult , Composite Resins , Esthetics, Dental , Smiling
Prosthes. Lab. Sci. ; 2(6): 88-97, 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-853769


O grande questionamento que se observa nos cirurgiões-dentistas (CD) é a realização de um bom planejamento. Para executar um planejamento concreto, o profissional deve estar munido de alguns instrumentos fundamentais, dentre eles: conjunto fotográfico composto por corpo da câmera, lente macro, flash circular, notebook e também compreender profundamente os princípios estéticos que regem um sorriso perfeito1. O não conhecimento desses princípios leva o CD a incorrer em erros, pois o mesmo não tem uma referencia de onde começar a resolver esses problemas estéticos. É comum que o paciente, que é leigo no assunto, relate uma insatisfação com o seu sorriso, e o mesmo não sabe mostrar pontualmente o que lhe incomoda. Geralmente isso ocorre porque o paciente desconhece os princípios que regem a estética do sorriso2. Entretanto, o profissional necessita saber quais são esses elementos, e no caso de algo não estar de acordo com tais referências de harmonia estética, deve ser capaz de sugerir os procedimentos necessários para que se alcance o sorriso perfeito. De antemão, sabe-se que sorrisos perfeitos talvez sejam uma utopia, pois é praticamente impossível encontrar os diversos princípios estéticos em um único sorriso. Mesmo com a dificuldade de se obter um sorriso esteticamente harmônico e com uma excelente integração dento-labial o profissional deve saber realizar um planejamento do tratamento que permita uma menor obtenção de erros ao término do processo restaurador3. Sendo assim, o objetivo desse artigo é mostrar a filosofia usada para reconhecer e solucionar problemas estéticos dos dentes anteriores com a ultilização de laminados cerâmicos

Ceramics , Esthetics, Dental , Planning , Smiling
Clín. int. j. braz. dent ; 8(3): 272-283, jul.-set. 2012. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-716631


A odontologia adesiva tem evoluído bastante, com isso, tratamentos estéticos com resinas compostas diretas são utilizados como meio conservador de integrar e harmonizar o complexo dental anterior. Isso se deve à melhora das propriedades dos compósitos nos últimos cinco anos. No entanto, o profissional, mesmo utilizando as novas resinas compostas, deve balancear e individualizar as necessidades de cada caso clínico. Muitas vezes, tal tratamento falha, por não considerar toda a composição facial, portanto, antes de focalizar os dentes, é fundamental analisar a face como moldura da beleza estrutural, os lábios e o sorriso. Assim, o processo pela busca da beleza do conjunto deve ser sempre objetivado. O presente artigo apresenta algumas estratégias para facilitar o planejamento e a execução clínica da remodelagem do sorriso com resina composta, possibilitando trabalhar com maior previsibilidade de resultados a máxima preservação da estrutura dental sadia. Com dois anos de acompanhamento, o tratamento mostrou-se satisfatório e a cosmética direta permaneceu natural ao longo do tempo

Adhesive dentistry evolved a lot and consequently, esthetic treatments with direct composites are used as a way to restore harmony and integration of the anterior teeth. This occurred mainly due to the improvements of composite’s properties in the last 5 years. However, along with the use of composites with proven performance, one should consider the individual needs of each clinical treatment. Most of the situations, this treatment approach fails to consider the facial complex. In this sense, before seeking to focus only on the teeth, it is essential to analyze the face as a frame of structural beauty, lips and smile. The aim of this study is to present strategies in order to facilitate the clinical planning and make smile remodeling with composite resin, with higher predictability and maximal preservation of sound tooth structure. After a two-year follow-up, the treatment was satisfactory, showing that the cosmetic remodeling with composites continues to be natural over the time

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Composite Resins , Esthetics, Dental , Smiling
Braz Oral Res ; 25(3): 267-73, 2011.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21670859


The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion by Knoop microhardness (KHN) and FT-Raman spectroscopy (FTIR) of one nanofilled (Filtek Supreme-3M-ESPE [FS]) and one microhybrid composite (Charisma-Heraeus-Kulzer [CH]), each with different opacities, namely enamel, dentin, and translucent, which were photo-activated by a quartz-tungsten-halogen lamp (QTH) and a light-emitting diode (LED). Resin was bulk inserted into a disc-shaped mold that was 2.0 mm thick and 4 mm in diameter, obtaining 10 samples per group. KHN and FTIR values were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests (α = 0.05). Nanofilled resin activated by a LED presented higher microhardness values than samples activated by a QTH for dentin opacity (p < 0.05). The microhybrid resin showed no differences in KHN or FTIR values with different activation sources or opacity. The nanofilled dentin and enamel resins showed lower FTIR values than the translucent resin. The KHN values of the translucent resins were not influenced by the light source.

Composite Resins/chemistry , Composite Resins/radiation effects , Analysis of Variance , Curing Lights, Dental , Dental Enamel/chemistry , Dentin/chemistry , Hardness Tests , Materials Testing , Polymerization , Spectrum Analysis, Raman , Surface Properties , Time Factors
Braz. oral res ; 25(3): 267-273, May-June 2011. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-590046


The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion by Knoop microhardness (KHN) and FT-Raman spectroscopy (FTIR) of one nanofilled (Filtek Supreme-3M-ESPE [FS]) and one microhybrid composite (Charisma-Heraeus-Kulzer [CH]), each with different opacities, namely enamel, dentin, and translucent, which were photo-activated by a quartz-tungsten-halogen lamp (QTH) and a light-emitting diode (LED). Resin was bulk inserted into a disc-shaped mold that was 2.0 mm thick and 4 mm in diameter, obtaining 10 samples per group. KHN and FTIR values were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests (α = 0.05). Nanofilled resin activated by a LED presented higher microhardness values than samples activated by a QTH for dentin opacity (p < 0.05). The microhybrid resin showed no differences in KHN or FTIR values with different activation sources or opacity. The nanofilled dentin and enamel resins showed lower FTIR values than the translucent resin. The KHN values of the translucent resins were not influenced by the light source.

Composite Resins/chemistry , Composite Resins/radiation effects , Analysis of Variance , Curing Lights, Dental , Dental Enamel/chemistry , Dentin/chemistry , Hardness Tests , Materials Testing , Polymerization , Spectrum Analysis, Raman , Surface Properties , Time Factors
Gen Dent ; 59(1): e1-6, 2011.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21613024


Achieving a functional and esthetic rehabilitation of anterior teeth can be challenging. This paper describes the rehabilitation of maxillary anterior teeth with porcelain crowns reinforced with a zirconia core to obtain a long-lasting clinical result, taking into account the patient's expectations of esthetic improvement. The two-year follow-up showed the success of the treatment in integrating a functional, esthetic, and healthy result.

Crowns , Dental Porcelain , Dental Prosthesis Design , Esthetics, Dental , Incisor/pathology , Post and Core Technique , Yttrium , Zirconium , Adult , Cementation/methods , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Porcelain/chemistry , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Maxilla , Patient Care Planning , Resin Cements/chemistry , Tooth Preparation, Prosthodontic/methods , Treatment Outcome , Yttrium/chemistry , Zirconium/chemistry
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 64(5): 371-376, set.-out. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-590264


Objetivos: avaliar o grau de conversão por meio da microdureza (KHN) e espectroscopia FT-Raman (GC) de uma resina composta direta microhíbrida (Opallis-FGM) com opacidades distintas: esmalte, dentina e translúcida fotoativadas com luz halógena (OTH, 700mW/cm2) ou luz emitida por diodo (LED, 1200mW/ em']. Materiais e métodos: sessenta corpos-de-prova foram preparados através da inserção da resina composta em incremento único em matriz de teflon bipartida com orifício central cilíndrico (2mm de altura e 4mm de diâmetro) e foram divididos em seis grupos (n= 10). Para o teste de microdureza Knoop foram realizadas cinco identações no lado oposto da superfície irradiada. O grau de conversão foi mensurado através de espectroscopia FT-Raman no lado oposto da superfície irradiada (n=5). Os dados de KHN e GC foram analisados separadamente por meio da análise de variância two-way e teste de Tukey (a=0,05) e correlacionados pelo teste de Pearson-r. Resultados: independente da opacidade, o LED proporcionou um maior GC do que OTH. Para a opacidade de dentina maiores valores de KHN e GC foram observados após ativação com LED, entretanto a resina translúcida não apresentou diferenças de KHN. A opacidade de esmalte apresentou valores de GC intermediários entre as demais e KHN similar à dentina, quando ativada com LED ou com OTH. Houve uma boa correlação entre KHN e GC r=0,5671 (p=O,OOll). Conclusões: pode- se concluir que o uso do LED pode resultar em valores maiores de KHN e GC para resina composta mais opaca comparadas à fonte halógena, tal diferença não é observada na resina composta translúcida.

Objectives: to evaluate the degree of conversion by Knoop microhardness (KHN) and FT-Raman spectroscopy (DC) of one microhybrid composite resin (Opallis-FGM) with different opacities: enamel, dentin, and translucent; photo-activated by quartz-tungsten-halogen lamp (OTH; 700mW/cm2) or light emitting diode (LED; 1200mW/cm2). Materiais and Methods: sixty samples were prepared by the resin insertion in bulk in a disc-shaped mold (2.0mm-thick and 4mm in dia meter) according to 6 groups of samples (n= 10). To Knoop evaluation five indentations in the center of the opposite surfa- ce to the light irradiated surface of the specimen were performed. The DC of the side opposite to the irradiated surface of the specimens was determined bya FT-Raman spectroscopy (n=5). KHN and DC values were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey tests (a=0.05) and correlated by Pearson-r test. Results: independent of the composite resin opacity the use of LED resulted in the higher DC than OTH. To dentin opacity higher KHN and DC were observed when activated by LED, in the other hand the translucent resin did not showed differences in KHN. The enamel opacity showed intermediary results of DC amongs others and similar KHN to dentin groups activated by LED or with OTH. There was a good correlation between KHN and DC r=0.5671 (p=O.OOll). Conclusions: it can be concluded that LED use may result in higher KHN and DC to the composite resin more opaque compared to OTH, this difference may not be observed to translucent composite resin.

Composite Resins , Dental Equipment , Dentistry, Operative/methods , Hardness
Braz Oral Res ; 24(2): 245-9, 2010.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20658046


This study evaluated the Knoop Hardness (KHN) values of two dual-cured composite resin core build-up materials and one resin cement exposed to different curing conditions. Two dual-cured core build-up composite resins (LuxaCore-Dual, DMG; and FluoroCore2, Dentsply Caulk), and one dual-cured resin cement (Rely X ARC, 3M ESPE) were used in the present study. The composite materials were placed into a cylindrical matrix (2 mm in height and 3 mm in diameter), and the specimens thus produced were either light-activated for 40 s (Optilux 501, Demetron Kerr) or were allowed to self-cure for 10 min in the dark (n = 5). All specimens were then stored in humidity at 37 degrees C for 24 h in the dark and were subjected to KHN analysis. The results were submitted to 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test at a pre-set alpha of 5%. All the light-activated groups exhibited higher KHN values than the self-cured ones (p = 0.00001), regardless of product. Among the self-cured groups, both composite resin core build-up materials showed higher KHN values than the dual-cured resin cement (p = 0.00001). LuxaCore-Dual exhibited higher KHN values than FluoroCore2 (p = 0.00001) when they were allowed to self-cure, while no significant differences in KHN values were observed among the light-activated products. The results suggest that dual-cured composite resin core build-up materials may be more reliable than dual-cured resin cements when curing light is not available.

Composite Resins/chemistry , Hardness Tests , Light-Curing of Dental Adhesives/methods , Resin Cements/chemistry , Self-Curing of Dental Resins/methods , Analysis of Variance , Composite Resins/radiation effects , Curing Lights, Dental , Materials Testing , Post and Core Technique/instrumentation , Resin Cements/radiation effects , Temperature , Time Factors
Braz. oral res ; 24(2): 245-249, Apr.-June 2010. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-553916


This study evaluated the Knoop Hardness (KHN) values of two dual-cured composite resin core build-up materials and one resin cement exposed to different curing conditions. Two dual-cured core build-up composite resins (LuxaCore®-Dual, DMG; and FluoroCore®2, Dentsply Caulk), and one dual-cured resin cement (Rely X ARC, 3M ESPE) were used in the present study. The composite materials were placed into a cylindrical matrix (2 mm in height and 3 mm in diameter), and the specimens thus produced were either light-activated for 40 s (Optilux 501, Demetron Kerr) or were allowed to self-cure for 10 min in the dark (n = 5). All specimens were then stored in humidity at 37°C for 24 h in the dark and were subjected to KHN analysis. The results were submitted to 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test at a pre-set alpha of 5 percent. All the light-activated groups exhibited higher KHN values than the self-cured ones (p = 0.00001), regardless of product. Among the self-cured groups, both composite resin core build-up materials showed higher KHN values than the dual-cured resin cement (p = 0.00001). LuxaCore®-Dual exhibited higher KHN values than FluoroCore®2 (p = 0.00001) when they were allowed to self-cure, while no significant differences in KHN values were observed among the light-activated products. The results suggest that dual-cured composite resin core build-up materials may be more reliable than dual-cured resin cements when curing light is not available.

Composite Resins/chemistry , Hardness Tests , Light-Curing of Dental Adhesives/methods , Resin Cements/chemistry , Self-Curing of Dental Resins/methods , Analysis of Variance , Curing Lights, Dental , Composite Resins/radiation effects , Materials Testing , Post and Core Technique/instrumentation , Resin Cements/radiation effects , Temperature , Time Factors
Lasers Med Sci ; 25(6): 829-34, 2010 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19626274


UNLABELLED: The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro light activation of the nano-filled resin composite Vita shade A1 and A3 with a halogen lamp (QTH) and argon ion laser by Knoop microhardness profile. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Specimens of nanofilled composite resin (Z350-3 M-ESPE) Vita shade A1 and A3 were prepared with a single increment inserted in 2.0-mm-thick and 3-mm diameter disc-shaped Teflon mold. The light activation was performed with QTH for 20 s (with an intensity of approximately 1,000 mW/cm(2) and 700 mW/cm(2)) and argon ion laser for 10 s (with a power of 150 mW and 200 mW). Knoop microhardness test was performed after 24 h and 6 months. The specimens were divided into the 16 experimental groups (n = 10), according to the factors under study: photoactivation form, resin shade, and storage time. Knoop microhardness data was analyzed by a factorial ANOVA and Tukey s tests at the 0.05 level of significance. RESULTS: Argon ion laser was not able to photo-activate the darker shade of the nanofilled resin composite evaluated but when used with 200 mW it can be as effective as QTH to photo-activate the lighter shade with only 50% of the time exposure. After 6 months storage, an increase in the means of Knoop microhardness values were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Light-activation significantly influenced the Knoop microhardness values for the darker nanofilled resin composite.

Composite Resins , Curing Lights, Dental , Lasers, Gas/therapeutic use , Color , Dental Stress Analysis , Hardness , Humans , In Vitro Techniques , Materials Testing , Surface Properties , Time Factors
Rev. dental press estét ; 6(1): 90-101, jan.-mar. 2009. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-543716


É crescente a procura por tratamentos que visam o restabelecimento da estética dentária com a utilização de resinas compostas. A estética dentária pode ser comprometida por traumas ou alterações na cor, tamanho ou formas dos dentes. Este trabalho relata casos clínicos envolvendo o fechamento de diastemas e a restauração de dente fraturado através de mínimas intervenções com resinas compostas.

Humans , Female , Adult , Composite Resins , Dental Enamel , Diastema , Tooth Fractures , Dentin , Esthetics, Dental , Dental Restoration, Permanent/methods , Smiling
Rev. dental press estét ; 5(4): 48-66, out.-dez. 2008. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-543704


O desenvolvimento dos sistemas autocondicionantes surgiu com o intuito de reduzir as dificuldades da técnica úmida de adesão e simplificar os procedimentos clínicos de aplicação dos adesivos. Nesta técnica, primers autocondicionantes compostos de monômeros ácidos são aplicados sobre a dentina coberta pela smear layer, sem a necessidade de remoção do material com água, subsequentemente. O objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar ao leitor algumas aplicações clínicas dos sistemas adesivos que utilizam primers autocondicionantes, evidenciando a sua técnica de aplicação, através de restaurações adesivas diretas e indiretas.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Composite Resins , Crowns , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Dental Cements , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Esthetics, Dental , Radiography, Dental