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Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 165(12): 771-782, 2023 Dec.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38014543


INTRODUCTION: Diseases of the digits often occur in cattle on larger cattle mountain pastures. In the late spring 2020, at the time of the ascent of 1554 cattle to 11 high altitude alpine pastures in the Lower Engadine region, lesions in the area of the digits were clinically assessed and documented. 254 cattle were of non-cantonal and 1300 of local origin (Lower Engadine; postal code CH-75XX). Skin lesions in the area of the digits, identified as digital dermatitis (DD; Mortellaro's disease), were further classified according to the DD scoring system. Nonspecific skin lesions with clinical evidence of granulation tissue formation were termed chronic penetrating skin lesions (CPSL). At the end of the alpine pasturing season, in the early fall (descent of cattle from the alpine pastures), the procedure was repeated, and biopsies were taken from randomly selected cattle with CPSL. Digital dermatitis lesions were found in 34 of 1551 cattle at ascent, but no case of CPSL was found at that time. At descent, 19 of 1529 cattle had DD lesions and 88 cattle had CPSL. The clinical appearance of the CPSL was consistent with chronic skin lesions caused by penetrating skin lacerations. Histologically, the majority of the CPSL were classified as chronic hyperplastic dermatitis with granulation tissue formation. In all CPSL biopsies examined by PCR, Fusobacterium necrophorum and Porphyromonas levii, but neither Dichelobacter nodosus nor the tested Treponema species were detected. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed a negative result for Treponema species in all biopsies. In the regression analysis, cattle in the age group of 365 to 730 days had an increased risk for the presence of CPSL compared to the age group of 160 to 365 days (odds ratio (OR) = 4,95; confidence interval (CI) = 1,97-12,43). Holstein cattle had an increased risk of developing CPSL compared to Brown cattle (OR = 2,92; CI = 1,46-5,86) and cattle of non-cantonal origin showed a massively higher risk compared to local cattle (OR = 10,59; CI = 5,79 - 19,37). The statistically significant associations found in the present study can be taken into account in the selection of animals for summer pasturing on high altitudes in the future in order to reduce the prevalence of CPSL and consequently reduce the antimicrobial use. Spread of DD during the alpine pasturing season within the cattle groups examined was not found.

INTRODUCTION: Des atteintes aux onglons sont souvent observées sur les grands alpages de bovins. Des altérations au niveau des onglons ont été examinées cliniquement et répertoriées chez 1554 bovins lors de leur arrivée sur 11 alpages en Basse-Engadine, en provenance d'un autre canton (n = 254) ou de la localité à laquelle l'alpage appartenait (n = 1300, numéro postal 75XX), au moment de la montée à l'alpage en 2020. Les altérations cutanées diagnostiquées comme dermatite digitale (DD; maladie de Mortellaro) ont de plus été classifiées selon les scores en usage pour la DD. Les lésions cutanées non-spécifiques présentant une formation de tissu de granulation ont été enregistrées comme lésions cutanées perforantes chroniques (LCPC). La procédure a été répétée lors de la désalpe et une biopsie a été prise de chez des animaux présentant des LCPC choisis au hasard. Les caractéristiques de la topographie de l'alpage et celles du sol, ainsi que la densité d'occupation ont été enregistrées pour chaque alpage. Des lésions de DD ont été constatées chez 34 des 1551 bovins lors de la montée à l'alpage, mais aucun cas de LCPC n'a été observé. Lors de la désalpe, 19 des 1551 bovins présentaient des lésions de DD et 88 une LCPC. L'apparence des LCPC correspondait à des lésions cutanées chroniques après une blessure perforante de la peau. À l'histologie, il s'agissait la plupart du temps d'une dermatite chronique hyperplastique avec formation de tissu de granulation. Fusobacterium necrophorum et Porphyromonas levii ont été mis en évidence dans toutes les biopsies de LCPC soumises à une analyse par PCR, mais ni Dichelobacter nodosus ni les Treponema spp. recherchées n'ont été mis en évidence. L'hybridation in-situ en fluorescence était négative pour les tréponèmes dans toutes les biopsies. Selon les résultats d'une analyse de régression, les génisses âgées de 366 à 730 jours avaient un risque augmenté (Odds Ratio (OR) = 4,95; intervalle de confiance (IC) = 1,97 ­ 12,43) de présenter une LCPC en comparaison avec le groupe d'âge de 161 à 365 jours. Les bovins de race Holstein avaient un risque augmenté de présenter une LCPC en comparaison avec ceux de race grise (OR = 2,92; IC = 1,46 ­ 5,86), et les animaux en provenance d'autres cantons présentaient un risque massivement plus élevé que le cheptel local (OR = 10,59; IC = 5,79 ­ 19,37). Aucune différence significative n'a été observée dans la topographie ou dans la densité d'occupation entre les alpages avec et sans cas de LCPC. Les associations statistiquement significatives constatées dans cette étude peuvent être prises en compte à l'avenir lors de la sélection d'animaux pour l'alpage, dans le but de réduire la prévalence de LCPC, de diminuer la quantité d'antibiotiques administrés et d'améliorer le bien-être animal. Une propagation de la DD pendant la saison d'alpage n'a pas été constatée dans les groupes de bovins inclus dans l'étude.

Cattle Diseases , Digital Dermatitis , Cattle , Animals , Digital Dermatitis/microbiology , In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence/veterinary , Switzerland/epidemiology , Cattle Diseases/pathology , Treponema/genetics , Risk Factors
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 165(6): 385-399, 2023 Jun.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37255245


INTRODUCTION: In the present study, risk groups for infectious foot disorders were identified on two large Swiss cattle mountain pastures by analyzing animal and treatment data of a total of 3256 animals of the bovine species. Both mountain pastures were part of the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) consultancy project «Healthy animals, attractive herdsmen positions and less medication on large cattle mountain pastures¼. The project was launched in 2020 following the increased incidence of lameness on these mountain pastures. Bacteriological and histological analyses were to provide information as to whether the most common foot disorder was interdigital phlegmon (IP) or whether digital dermatitis also occurred. Further, the temporal distribution of cases over the mountain pasture season and the influence of mountain pasture and year were investigated and interpreted for the project years 2020 to 2022, and treatment incidences were compared between years. Multiple treatment cycles in the same individual were classified into persistent infections and new infections. Nineteen of 394 first-treated cattle were clinically examined, 12 of them were additionally sampled for bacteriological and histological analyses. All cases examined showed, both clinically and following laboratory analyses, typical characteristics for IP. In contrast, there was no specific evidence for the presence of digital dermatitis. No persistent infections occurred during treatment with benzylpenicillin. Multivariate logistic regression analyses identified > 365-730-day-old cattle (odds ratio OR 8,29), as well as inseminated (OR 5,30) and non-inseminated (OR 7,85) heifers as risk groups for the disease studied (p < 0,05). Association with the oestrus activity of non-inseminated heifers and a generally higher locomotor activity in heifers compared to cows - with a correspondingly increased risk of injury - is conceivable. Meat breeds had a reduced risk compared to dairy breeds (OR 0,29). Breed differences in behavior and/or the effectiveness of the local immune response might have an impact. Knowing about these risk groups can be put to use in the future when selecting animals to be taken to the mountain pastures and/or when planning pasture management in order to reduce the prevalence of infectious foot disorders and thereby the use of antibiotics.

INTRODUCTION: Dans la présente étude, nous avons identifié, grâce à l'analyse des données concernant les animaux et les traitements d'un total de 3256 animaux de l'espèce bovine, des groupes à risque pour les maladies infectieuses des onglons sur deux grands alpages bovins en Suisse. Les deux alpages faisaient partie du BLW-projet de conseil «Animaux sains, postes de bergers attractifs et moins de médicaments sur les grands alpages bovins¼. Le projet a débuté en 2020 suite à l'accumulation de problèmes de boiteries sur ces alpages. Des analyses bactériologiques et histologiques devaient fournir des indications afin de savoir si la maladie des onglons majoritaire était le phlegmon interdigité (PI) ou si la dermatite digitale était également présente. La répartition temporelle des cas de maladies durant la saison d'estivage et l'influence de l'alpage et de l'année pour les années de projet 2020 à 2022 ont été évaluées et interprétées, et les incidences des traitements comparées entre les années. Les cycles de traitement multiples chez le même individu ont été répartis en deux groupes: les infections persistantes et les nouvelles infections. Dix-neuf des 394 bovins primo-traités ont été évalués cliniquement. Douze de ces 19 animaux ont également été soumis à un échantillonnage bactériologique et histologique. Tous les cas étudiés présentaient, aussi bien cliniquement que suite à l'analyse technique en laboratoire, les caractéristiques typiques d'un PI. Par contre, il n'y a pas eu d'indication quant à la présence de dermatite digitale. Aucune infection persistante n'a été constatée après traitement avec de la Benzylpénicilline. Les bovins âgés > 365­730 jours (OR 8.29), ainsi que les génisses inséminées (odds ratio OR 5.30) et non inséminées (OR 7.85) ont été identifiés, suite à une analyse de régression logistique multivariée, comme faisant partie de groupes à risque pour la maladie étudiée (p < 0.05). Un lien avec l'activité en période de chaleurs des génisses non inséminées et une activité locomotrice généralement plus intensive des génisses par rapport aux vaches ­ avec par conséquent un risque accru de blessures ­ est concevable. Le risque était réduit pour les races à viande par rapport aux races laitières (OR 0.29). Des différences de comportement et/ou d'efficacité de l'immunité locale entre les races pourraient avoir une influence. Le fait de connaître ces groupes à risque pourrait être mis à profit à l'avenir lors de la sélection des animaux à monter à l'alpage et/ou lors de la planification de la gestion des prairies, afin de diminuer la prévalence des maladies infectieuses des onglons et ainsi l'utilisation d'antibiotiques.

Cattle Diseases , Digital Dermatitis , Foot Diseases , Animals , Cattle , Female , Risk Factors , Foot Diseases/epidemiology , Foot Diseases/etiology , Foot Diseases/veterinary , Seasons , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Cattle Diseases/etiology , Lameness, Animal/epidemiology , Lameness, Animal/etiology , Dairying
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 164(12): 851-859, 2022 Dec.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36454014


INTRODUCTION: Contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) is an emerging infectious foot disease in sheep. To date, CODD has been described in Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden and Germany and now in Switzerland for the first time. Unlike foot rot, the CODD lesions do not spread from the interdigital space, but usually begin at the dorsal/abaxial coronary band. The changes can spread to the hoof wall and the sole and finally can lead to exungulation, similar to foot rot. Treponema spp. are often found in CODD lesions analogous to digital dermatitis (Mortellaro's disease) in cattle. Involvement of Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) is considered a risk factor, but the presence of the bacterium is not mandatory. In February 2022, ulcerative lesions in the dorso-axial coronary band area were noticed on both claws of the left forelimb in an ewe. Histology of the biopsy showed hyperkeratosis and erosion with exocytosis and crust formation. Treponema spp. PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were positive for Treponema phylotype 1 (PT1). In addition, D. nodosus and Porphyromonas levii could be detected in the biopsy using PCR. A single local application of chlortetracycline spray led to clinical healing within two weeks, no recurrence was seen within the following two months. Three control sheep, which were kept together with the diseased sheep, did not show any clinical signs of CODD. Treponema spp could not be found in interdigital and coronary band biopsies by PCR or FISH. This is the first description of CODD in Switzerland and aims to sensitize veterinarians to CODD as a differential diagnosis for foot diseases in sheep.

INTRODUCTION: La dermatite digitale contagieuse ovine (contagious ovine digital dermatitis; CODD) est une maladie infectieuse des onglons des moutons d'importance croissante. À ce jour, la CODD a été décrite en Grande-Bretagne, Irlande, Suède et Allemagne, et maintenant pour la première fois également en Suisse. Au contraire du piétain, les lésions de CODD ne s'étendent pas à partir de l'espace interdigité, mais elles commencent en général au bord coronaire dorsal/abaxial. De là, les lésions peuvent s'étendre à la corne de la paroi et à la sole, ce qui peut finalement conduire à une perte complète de la boite cornée de l'onglon, comme en cas de piétain. En analogie à la dermatite digitale (maladie de Mortellaro) chez les bovins, des tréponèmes sont souvent mis en évidence dans les lésions de CODD. La présence de Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) est considérée comme un facteur de risque, mais elle n'est pas indispensable au développement de la CODD. Des lésions ulcératives dans la région du bord coronaire dorso-axial des deux onglons antérieurs d'une brebis ont été remarqués en février 2022. L'examen histologique de la biopsie de la lésion de CODD a montré une hyperkératose ainsi que des érosions avec de l'exocytose et la formation de croûtes. Aussi bien la PCR pour les Treponema spp. que l'hybridisation in-situ à fluorescence (FISH) étaient positives pour Treponema Phylotype 1 (PT1). De plus, D. nodosus et Porphyromonas levii ont été mis en évidence dans la biopsie. Une application locale unique de spray à la tétracycline après le prélèvement de la biopsie a conduit à une guérison clinique en deux semaines, et aucune récidive n'a été observée dans le deux mois suivants. Trois moutons de boucherie qui étaient détenus avec la brebis malade mais ne présentaient pas de lésions de CODD ont servi de contrôles négatifs. Des Treponema spp. n'ont été mis en évidence chez ces animaux, ni dans des biopsies du bord coronaire ni dans celles de l'espace interdigité. Cette étude représente la première description de la CODD en Suisse et est destinée à sensibiliser la profession vétérinaire à la CODD comme diagnostic différentel en cas de maladies des onglons chez les moutons.

Dichelobacter nodosus , Digital Dermatitis , Foot Rot , Sheep Diseases , Animals , Female , Digital Dermatitis/diagnosis , Digital Dermatitis/drug therapy , Foot Rot/diagnosis , Foot Rot/drug therapy , In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence/veterinary , Sheep , Sheep Diseases/diagnosis , Sheep Diseases/drug therapy , Switzerland , Treponema/genetics
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 163(12): 871-875, 2021 Dec.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34881719


INTRODUCTION: Since the spread of classical digital dermatitis (DD) lesions within the cattle population, frequency of infections of interdigital hyperplasia (IH) lesions with DD-associated Treponema spp. (IH+DD) increased. The aim of the present case series is to describe an alternative treatment technique to surgical lesion removal or local treatment of HI+DD lesions with antibiotics. In this report, the effect of repeated local administration of salicylic acid paste, protected by a water repellent bandage was described and assessed for the treatment of four dairy cows with IH+DD lesions. Milker's fat Eutra was applied to the unaffected skin adjacent to the lesion to protect healthy skin from the keratolytic properties of salicylic acid paste. Treatment was repeated at weekly intervals in all four cases until the IH+DD lesions had completely clinically healed. Two cows additionally showed classical DD lesions between the heels. Clinical healing was defined as remission of IH and complete healing of the DD lesions located on IH lesions and between the heels. Complete healing was evident at three weeks of treatment in all four cases. Weekly repeated topical application of salicylic acid paste under bandage may be recommended as an alternative to surgical or antibiotic treatment of IH+DD lesions.

INTRODUCTION: Depuis la propagation des lésions classiques de dermatite digitale (DD) dans la population bovine, on constate une multiplication des hyperplasies interdigitées infectées par des Treponema spp. associés à la DD (IH+DD). Le but de cette étude de cas est de décrire une méthode alternative de traitement des lésions IH+DD en remplacement de l'excision chirurgicale resp. du traitement local avec des antibiotiques. L'effet d'une application locale répétée sous pansement d'une pâte à base d'acide salicylique pour le traitement de quatre vaches présentant des lésions IH+DD est décrit et évalué dans ce rapport. De la graisse à traire a été appliquée sur la peau saine adjacente, afin de la protéger des effets kératolytiques de la pâte à base d'acide salicylique. Le traitement a été répété à intervalles d'une semaine jusqu'à guérison clinique complète des lésions IH+DD pour les quatre cas. Deux vaches présentaient en plus des lésions classiques de DD dans la région des talons. La guérison clinique a été définie comme l'involution de l'hyperplasie interdigitée et la guérison complète des lésions de DD situées en surface et entre les talons. La durée jusqu'à la guérison clinique complète était dans les quatre cas de trois semaines. Une application topique répétée de pâte à bas d'acide salicylique sous pansement peut être recommandée comme alternative au traitement chirurgical et antibiotique de lésions IH+DD.

Cattle Diseases , Digital Dermatitis , Animals , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/drug therapy , Digital Dermatitis/drug therapy , Female , Hyperplasia/veterinary , Treponema
J Dairy Sci ; 104(2): 2302-2307, 2021 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33358158


In cattle with foot diseases, application of a block on the healthy partner claw is a common method of pain relief. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of wooden claw blocks on locomotion characteristics and weight distribution in healthy (group C; n = 17) versus lame (group L; n = 17) cattle. Group L was further subdivided into group L1 (lameness score ≤3; n = 7) and group L2 (lameness score >3; n = 10). We performed lameness scoring using a numeric rating system and measured locomotion characteristics using 2 accelerometers (400 Hz; kinematic outcome = stance phase duration; kinetic outcomes = foot load and toe-off) and a 4-scale weighing platform (difference of mean weight distribution across the limbs; ∆weight) before and after application of a claw block. We applied claw blocks to a randomly assigned lateral or medial claw of the fore or hindlimb in group C cows, and on the healthy partner claw in group L cows. Variables were expressed as differences across limbs. We used 1-way ANOVA to determine the differences between groups C and L and between groups L1 and L2 for ∆weight after application of the claw block. We performed paired t tests to compare variables before and after application of the claw block in groups C and L. Group L scored higher on the numeric rating system than group C (mean ± SD, 3.40 ± 0.62 vs. 1.87 ± 0.28) and showed greater differences in relative stance phase duration (16.34 ± 10.78% vs. 2.13 ± 1.94%), foot load (9.68 ± 8.06 g vs. 3.26 ± 3.69 g), toe-off (3.91 ± 3.14 g vs. 0.78 ± 0.66 g), and ∆weight (53.62 ± 28.85% vs. 8.52 ± 6.19%). In group C, we observed an increase of 12.17 percentage points in ∆weight after block application, from 8.52 ± 6.19% to 20.69 ± 17.01%. Compared with the baseline, group L showed a decrease in numeric rating system score (2.88 ± 0.49 vs. 3.40 ± 0.62) and a decrease in differences between the limbs in relative stance phase duration (7.66 ± 9.96% vs. 16.34 ± 10.78%) and foot load (4.26 ± 4.14 g vs. 9.68 ± 8.06 g) after application of a claw block. Group L2 showed smaller ∆weight after application of a claw block than group L1 (-7.8 ± 8.7% vs. 10.4 ± 7.6%). After block application in group L, we observed smaller differences across the limbs in variables measured to describe gait-cycle characteristics while walking, but no significant improvement while standing. We concluded that application of a claw block must be combined with other methods of pain relief, such as analgesic medication.

Cattle Diseases/therapy , Foot Diseases/veterinary , Lameness, Animal/therapy , Animals , Cattle , Female , Foot Diseases/therapy , Gait , Hindlimb , Locomotion , Walking , Weight-Bearing
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 162(11): 675-681, 2020 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33140726


INTRODUCTION: Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) is the etiological agent of ovine footrot affecting mainly sheep worldwide, but also free-ranging wild ungulates such as Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) and mufflon (Ovis orientalis orientalis). A nationwide ovine footrot eradication program is planned for the years to come, based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-testing of interdigital swab samples and regular footbathing. In this cross-sectional study, we clinically evaluated the foot health and analysed presence of D. nodosus in 11 different even-toed ungulate species (mainly European species) during a 13 months (2018-2019) period in Berne Animal Park. The foot lesions were scored for any clinical signs of pathologies as described in cattle and simultaneously for clinical signs of footrot as described for sheep, using a scale from 0 to 5 (while 0 describes clinically healthy feet and 5 loss of the horn capsule). From a total of 53 animals, 4-feet swab samples were taken from the interdigital cleft and subjected to real-time PCR assays to detect D. nodosus at animal level. Foot lesions were detected in five different species. In 3/5 muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus wardi), 7/12 Cretan wild goats (Capra hircus cretica) and 2/3 dwarf goats (Capra hircus aegagrus), they mainly consisted of white line disease, whereas in 9/10 European bison, dermatitis of the interdigital cleft was diagnosed. 1/3 alpaca was diagnosed with chorioptic mange of the heel area. None of the examined animals showed clinical signs of footrot (score 0), and neither benign (aprB2-positive) nor virulent (aprV2-positive) D. nodosus were detected in any of the samples. This study provides additional information to facilitate an efficient ovine footrot control program in Switzerland and suggests that captive wild even-toed ungulates do not pose a risk to the planned footrot control program.

INTRODUCTION: Dichelobacter nodosus (D. nodosus) est l'agent étiologique du piétin chez les ruminants, qui affecte principalement les moutons dans le monde, mais aussi les ongulés sauvages en liberté tels que les bouquetins (Capra ibex ibex) et les mouflons (Ovis orientalis orientalis). Un programme d'éradication du piétin ovin à l'échelle Nationale, basé sur des tests PCR (réaction de polymérisation en chaîne) d'écouvillons de l'espace interdigité et des pédiluves réguliers, est prévu dans les années à venir en Suisse. Dans cette étude transversale, nous avons évalué cliniquement la santé des onglons et recherché la présence de D. nodosus chez 11 espèces différentes d'animaux biongulés (principalement des espèces européennes) pendant une période de 13 mois (2018­2019) au Parc animalier de Berne. Les lésions des onglons ont été notées pour tout signe clinique de pathologie et de présence de piétin, comme cela est décrit chez les bovins et les moutons et en utilisant une échelle de 0 à 5 (où 0 décrit des pieds cliniquement sains et 5 la perte de la boîte cornée). Des écouvillons ont été prélevés dans l'espace interdigité des 4 pieds sur un total de 53 animaux et soumis à des tests PCR en temps réel pour détecter D. nodosus. Des lésions aux onglons ont été détectées chez cinq espèces différentes. Chez 3 boeufs musqués (Ovibos moschatus wardi) sur 5, 7 chèvres sauvages crétoises (Capra hircus cretica) sur 12 et 2 chèvres naines (Capra hircus aegagrus) sur 3, il s'agissait principalement de lésions de la ligne blanche, alors que dans 9 bisons sur 10, le diagnostic était une dermatite interdigitale. Un alpaga sur 3 a été diagnostiqué avec une gale chorioptique de la zone du paturon. Aucun des animaux examinés n'a montré de signes cliniques de piétin (score 0) et aucun D. nodosus bénin (aprB2-positif) ou virulent (aprV2-positif ) n'a été mis en évidence dans les échantillons. Cette étude fournit des informations supplémentaires pour améliorer l'efficacité du programme d'éradication du piétin ovin et suggère que les biongulés sauvages détenus dans les parcs zoologiques ne présentent pas de risque pour le programme d'éradication prévu en Suisse.

Animals, Zoo/microbiology , Dichelobacter nodosus , Digital Dermatitis/epidemiology , Digital Dermatitis/pathology , Eutheria/microbiology , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/veterinary , Animals , Digital Dermatitis/microbiology , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/epidemiology , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/pathology , Prevalence , Switzerland/epidemiology
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 161(10): 689-696, 2019 Oct.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31586931


INTRODUCTION: Several young bulls in a beef farm showed large, foul-smelling skin lesions in the plantar region of the coronary band and in the interdigital space. Some of the animals also had a painful, warm swelling in the palmar fetlock area. All bulls were lame (score 4/5), the most severely affected animal had a lameness score of 5/5. Initial local treatment was unsuccessful, therefore the animals received parenteral antimicrobial treatment leading to improvement of clinical signs and weight bearing in most animals. However, several animals were slaughtered prematurely due to severe foot lesions. The diverse clinical picture did not allow for diagnosing one specific claw affection without further diagnostic investigations. Histopathological and bacteriological examinations confirmed the diagnosis of digital dermatitis (DD) in combination with an interdigital phlegmon, whereby five of the seven examined specimens were positive for one or more Treponema spp. Treponemes belong to the spirochetes, the ones commonly involved in DD in dairy cows include Treponema medium, Treponema phagedenis and Treponema pedis. The last two species were detected in the present cases. The clinical findings and results of diagnostic investigations indicate that a severe form of DD complicated by a secondary infection and interdigital phlegmon caused an outbreak of severe lameness in young bulls in a beef farm. Single or combined claw diseases can be associated with severe losses not only in dairy but also in beef herds.

INTRODUCTION: Plusieurs jeunes taureaux dans une exploitation d'engraissement ont présenté, en particulier aux membres postérieurs, des lésions étendues et malodorantes au niveau plantaire de la couronne, qui s'étendaient jusqu'à l'espace interdigital. Certains animaux présentaient une enflure chaude et très douloureuse dans le pli du boulet. Les animaux étaient fortement boiteux (4/5), le taureau le plus atteint présentait une boiterie très sévère (5/5). Un traitement initial local a été mis en place, cependant, en l'absence de succès thérapeutique, les animaux ont été ensuite traités par voie parentérale avec un antibiotique, ce qui permis de réduire la sévérité du tableau clinique et d'améliorer la charge des membres atteints. En raison de la gravité des lésions, plusieurs animaux ont toutefois dû être abattus prématurément. Au vu de la diversité du tableau clinique, la maladie n'a pas pu être attribuée à une maladie des onglons particulière sans clarification supplémentaire du diagnostic. Un diagnostic de dermatite digitale en combinaison avec un phlegmon interdigital a été confirmé par l'analyse histopathologique ainsi que l'examen bactériologique: cinq des sept écouvillons examinés étaient positifs pour un ou plusieurs Treponema spp. Dans la famille des spirochètes, Treponema medium, Treponema phagedenis et Treponema pedis sont les tréponèmes le plus souvent impliqués dans la dermatite digitale chez les vaches laitières. Les deux germes mentionnés en dernier ont été mis en évidence dans les échantillons prélevés sur les taureaux d'engraissement décrits ici. L'image clinique et les résultats d'analyses des échantillons examinés suggèrent qu'une forme sévère de dermatite digitale compliquée par une infection secondaire et le développement d'un phlegmon interdigital s'est développée lors de l'épidémie de forte boiterie observée dans une exploitation d'engraissement. Les maladies des onglons, individuellement ou en combinaison, peuvent donc occasionner des pertes importantes dans les exploitations d'engraissement.

Cattle Diseases , Disease Outbreaks , Foot Diseases , Hoof and Claw , Lameness, Animal , Animal Husbandry , Animals , Cattle , Hoof and Claw/microbiology , Hoof and Claw/physiopathology , Male , Treponema , Treponemal Infections
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 161(4): 207-215, 2019 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30942188


INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of the three Treponema species as well as D. nodosus in Digital dermatitis (DD) and slurry of Swiss cattle using PCR. A total of 86 specimens from 24 farms were enrolled in the study. Slurry samples from 21 DD-affected and one unaffected farm were collected to assess the potential of environmental transmission. Nested and real-time PCR were performed from the specimens to detect Treponema species and D. nodosus, respectively. The DD-stages were positive for at least one or more of the DD-associated Treponema species in 50 of 61 cases (82.0%) and in 9 of 25 cases (36.0%) in unaffected animals. Infected animals with small focal active lesions showed a significantly lower prevalence (14.8%) compared to the other DD stages (67.2%; P=0.011). Most prevalent was T. phagedenis (65.1%). D. nodosus was detected in 51.8% of clinical DD lesions and 24.1% in unaffected cases, but its presence was not significantly associated with the various DD-stages. All samples positive for D. nodosus contained the acid protease gene aprB2 but were negative for aprV2, the latter associated with virulence in sheep foot rot. Control farms were negative for all DD-associated Treponema species while positive for aprB2 and negative for aprV2. The presence of aprB2 suggests it is ubiquitous in the animal environment. With respect to the slurry samples, three out of 21 specimens (14.3%) were positive for one or more of the DD-associated Treponema species and eleven out of 21 specimens (52.4%) were positive for aprB2 and negative for aprV2 of D. nodosus. In conclusion, an association was found between the presence of clinical DD and specific Treponema species, while for D. nodosus no such link with DD lesions could be observed.

INTRODUCTION: La Dermatite digitée (DD) chez les bovins est une maladie infectieuse podale multifactorielle, qui est devenue un problème émergent pour le bien-être animal et pour l'économie au niveau mondial. Trois espèces de Treponema, T. pedis, T. medium et T. phagedenis, sont associées avec la DD. Cependant, leur prévalence est inconnue en Suisse. Il a également été rapporté que Dichelobacter nodosus pouvait contribuer au développement de la DD. Le but de cette étude a été de déterminer la prévalence des trois espèces de Treponema ainsi que de D. nodosus dans des lésions de DD et du lisier de vaches suisses, en utilisant des techniques basées sur la PCR. Vingt-deux exploitations avec de la DD clinique et deux exploitations sans signes cliniques de DD ont été inclues dans l'étude. Un total de 86 échantillons de cas de DD ont été prélevés (M1, n=15; M2, n=19; M3, n=9; M4, n=2, M4.1, n=16 and M5, n=25) en utilisant des coton-tiges secs et stériles. De plus, afin d'évaluer le potentiel de transmission par l'environnement, des échantillons de lisier ont été prélevés sur des exploitations atteintes de DD (n=21) et sur une exploitation à stabulation libre exempte de DD. La PCR nichée et la PCR en temps réel ont ensuite été utilisées sur l'ADN extrait des échantillons afin de détecter les espèces de Treponema et D. nodosus, respectivement. Les associations entre la présence d'espèces de Treponema et de D. nodosus avec le statut DD des animaux ont été évaluées avec le test Pearson's Chi-Square. Les stades de DD (M1 à M4.1) et M5 (peau saine) étaient positifs pour au moins une ou plusieurs des espèces de Treponema associées à la DD dans 50 de 61 cas (82.0%) et 9 de 25 cas (36.0%), respectivement. Les lésions M1 ont montré une prévalence nettement inférieure (14.8%) comparé aux autres stades de DD (M2, M3, M4 et M4.1; 67.2%; P=0.011). T. phagedenis était prédominant (65.1%). D. nodosus a été détecté dans 51.8% des lésions cliniques de DD (M1 à M4) et 24.1% des échantillons M5, mais sa présence n'était pas associée significativement avec les divers stades de DD. Tous les échantillons positifs pour D. nodosus contenaient le gène de la protéase acide aprB2, mais étaient négatifs pour aprV2, un gène associé à la virulence dans le piétin des moutons. Les exploitations de contrôle étaient négatives pour toutes les espèces de Treponema associées à la DD, mais positives pour aprB2 et négatives pour aprV2. La présence du gène aprB2 suggère qu'il est ubiquitaire dans l'environnement des animaux et n'est pas une association en soi avec le piétin des moutons. En ce qui concerne les échantillons de lisier, trois des 21 échantillons (14.3%) étaient positifs pour au moins une ou plusieurs espèces de Treponema associées à la DD et onze des 21 échantillons (52.4%) étaient positifs pour aprB2 et négatifs pour aprV2 de D. nodosus. En conclusion, une association a été trouvée entre la présence de DD clinique et des espèces de Treponema spécifiques, alors que pour D. nodosus aucun lien avec des lésions de DD n'a pu être observé. Cette étude démontre la présence des trois espèces de Tréponèmes chez les bovins suisses et facilite la compréhension de l'implication de Treponema spécifiques dans les lésions de DD.

Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Cattle Diseases/microbiology , Digital Dermatitis/epidemiology , Digital Dermatitis/microbiology , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/veterinary , Treponemal Infections/veterinary , Animals , Cattle , Dichelobacter nodosus/genetics , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Switzerland/epidemiology , Treponema/genetics , Treponemal Infections/epidemiology , Treponemal Infections/microbiology
J Dairy Sci ; 102(1): 660-665, 2019 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30343925


At dairy cow shows, the appearance of the udder is very important. To show cows at their best, udders are often presented in an overbagged state by extending milking intervals before the show. This practice represents an animal welfare issue because it is associated with behavior changes (e.g., excessive abduction and decreased eating time) and may affect the health of the animal. The aim of the current study was to determine the association between various parameters (e.g., milk yield, days in milk, milking procedures, or administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, or diuretics) and the sonographically detectable udder edema score. Data were collected from the show catalogs, by interviewing the exhibitors, by analyzing official veterinary treatment protocols and official milking data, via laboratory analysis of blood samples, and by sonographic examinations of the udders at the show. For sonographically detectable udder edema scoring, 3 scans were taken, 1 on each fore quarter and 1 incorporating both rear quarters at the level of the median suspensory ligament. For grading the scans, a scoring system of 4 grades (score 0 = no edema, 1 = slight edema, 2 = moderate edema, 3 = severe edema) was used. Data from 321 cows of different breeds were collected at 4 highly competitive Swiss dairy shows (shows A-D) between January and September 2017. To determine risk factors for sonographically detectable udder edema, data were analyzed with 2 different logistic regression models. In model 1, the odds ratios were 3.33 (milking intervals of ≥16 h vs. <14 h), 3.84 (show A vs. show C), and 7.39 (dairy breeds vs. dual-purpose breeds). Milking intervals of dairy breeds were significantly higher than those of dual-purpose breeds. In model 2, milking interval was the only significant risk factor with an odds ratio of 9.00 for milking intervals of ≥16 h. Only the milking intervals represented a relevant risk factor in both models; therefore, we concluded that the previously described sonographic udder edema scoring is a useful technique for detecting overbagged udders at dairy shows. Its routine implementation may improve cow welfare at dairy shows.

Cattle Diseases/etiology , Dairying/methods , Edema/veterinary , Lactation/physiology , Mammary Glands, Animal/diagnostic imaging , Animal Welfare , Animals , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/administration & dosage , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Diuretics/administration & dosage , Edema/diagnostic imaging , Edema/etiology , Female , Milk , Odds Ratio , Pregnancy , Risk Factors , Steroids/administration & dosage , Ultrasonography/veterinary
J Dairy Sci ; 101(8): 7494-7499, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29753490


Overbagged udders are commonly seen at dairy cow shows due to prolonged milking intervals. The aims of this study were to describe the prevalence of udder edema in dairy cows at shows as determined by sonography and to suggest a sonographic scoring system, which was evaluated for reproducibility and repeatability. At 4 highly competitive Swiss dairy cow shows, 319 cows of various breeds were examined. Sonographic scans-1 from each fore quarter and 1 from the rear, representing both hind quarters-were collected by 3 experienced veterinarians at defined positions predisposed to overbagging edema. Sonographic scans were scored with the aid of a newly suggested scoring system (score 0 = no edema, grade 1 = slight edema, grade 2 = moderate edema, grade 3 = severe edema). Further, 139 video sequences from behind while the cows were walking and the same number of photographs of the udder each from the left, right, and behind were selected. The photographs and video sequences were visually scored for different parameters as 0 = not present or 1 = present except for abduction, which was scored on a visual analog scale (0 = no abduction; 100 = maximal imaginable abduction). Visual scores were then compared with the sonographic scoring (Pearson's chi-squared). The prevalence of udder edema scores 1, 2, and 3 was 14.0, 6.5, and 2.3%, respectively. Interobserver reliability for objective sonographic scoring (κ = 0.815) and intraobserver agreement (κ = 0.90 and 0.85 for 2 different observers) was estimated as "almost perfect." Interobserver agreements for visual parameters were κ = 0.40 or less except for teat shape (κ = 0.52). Classification of the videos resulted in better interobserver agreement; when rating hind limb abduction, Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.61, whereas κ = 0.61 for absence of udder movement. Udder movement and teat shape were significantly associated with the edema score. The higher inter- and intraobserver reliability of the sonographic edema scoring compared with the visual scoring system indicates that the newly suggested scoring system might be used in the future to objectively identify udder edema in cows at dairy shows.

Cattle , Dairying , Edema/veterinary , Mammary Glands, Animal/diagnostic imaging , Animals , Breeding , Edema/diagnostic imaging , Female , Milk , Reproducibility of Results
J Dairy Sci ; 101(6): 4801-4821, 2018 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29525301


Routine recording of claw health status at claw trimming of dairy cattle has been established in several countries, providing valuable data for genetic evaluation. In this review, we examine issues related to genetic evaluation of claw health; discuss data sources, trait definitions, and data validation procedures; and present a review of genetic parameters, possible indicator traits, and status of genetic and genomic evaluations for claw disorders. Different sources of data and traits can be used to describe claw health. Severe cases of claw disorders can be identified by veterinary diagnoses. Data from lameness and locomotion scoring, activity information from sensors, and feet and leg conformation traits are used as auxiliary traits. The most reliable and comprehensive information is data from regular hoof trimming. In genetic evaluation, claw disorders are usually defined as binary traits, based on whether or not the claw disorder was present (recorded) at least once during a defined time period. The traits can be specific disorders, composite traits, or overall claw health. Data validation and editing criteria are needed to ensure reliable data at the trimmer, herd, animal, and record levels. Different strategies have been chosen, reflecting differences in herd sizes, data structures, management practices, and recording systems among countries. Heritabilities of the most commonly analyzed claw disorders based on data from routine claw trimming were generally low, with ranges of linear model estimates from 0.01 to 0.14, and threshold model estimates from 0.06 to 0.39. Estimated genetic correlations among claw disorders varied from -0.40 to 0.98. The strongest genetic correlations were found among sole hemorrhage (SH), sole ulcer (SU), and white line disease (WL), and between digital/interdigital dermatitis (DD/ID) and heel horn erosion (HHE). Genetic correlations between DD/ID and HHE on the one hand and SH, SU, or WL on the other hand were, in most cases, low. Although some of the studies were based on relatively few records and the estimated genetic parameters had large standard errors, there was, with some exceptions, consistency among studies. Various studies evaluate the potential of various data soureces for use in breeding. The use of hoof trimming data is recommended for maximization of genetic gain, although auxiliary traits, such as locomotion score and some conformation traits, may be valuable for increasing the reliability of genetic evaluations. Routine genetic evaluation of direct claw health has been implemented in the Netherlands (2010); Denmark, Finland, and Sweden (joint Nordic evaluation; 2011); and Norway (2014), and other countries plan to implement evaluations in the near future.

Cattle Diseases/genetics , Cattle/genetics , Foot Diseases/veterinary , Hoof and Claw/growth & development , Selection, Genetic , Animals , Breeding , Cattle/growth & development , Cattle Diseases/physiopathology , Foot Diseases/genetics , Foot Diseases/physiopathology
J Dairy Sci ; 100(10): 8330-8337, 2017 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28755930


The locomotion comfort of dairy cows depends on the floor of the walking alleys. Optimal locomotion comfort is given when cows walk on pasture, allowing freedom from discomfort and pain and the expression of normal behavior. This study examined the characteristics of locomotion behavior on pasture (gold standard with optimal locomotion comfort) and compared it with behaviors of cows walking on mastic asphalt or solid rubber mats before and after a routine claw trimming session. Our hypotheses were (1) that gait variables were different on pasture versus mastic asphalt and on mastic asphalt versus rubber, and (2) that claw trimming had an effect on gait variables of cows walking on mastic asphalt. Twenty-four dairy cows kept in a tiestall facility were enrolled in this experimental trial. The pedogram was measured using 2 standalone 3-dimensional accelerometers (400 Hz), attached to the metatarsus of both hind limbs. The extracted pedogram variables included temporal events (kinematic outcome = gait cycle and stance-phase and swing-phase durations) and peaks (kinetic outcome = foot load, toe-off). The cows were further video-recorded to calculate walking speed and stride length. Locomotion score was performed on mastic asphalt to enroll only nonlame cows (locomotion score <3). For comparison between different floor types, repeated-measures ANOVA was performed with the cow as a subject variable, session time of measurement as within-subject variable, and flooring type as a fixed effect. Three separate analyses were performed: pasture versus mastic asphalt (analysis I), solid rubber versus mastic asphalt (analysis II), and the effect of claw trimming on the kinematic and kinetic variables on mastic asphalt (analysis III). All tested gait variables were significantly different between pasture and mastic asphalt floor. The optimal characteristics of locomotion comfort on pasture included shorter duration of gait cycle, longer stance-phase duration, shorter swing-phase duration, higher walking speed, longer stride length, and higher peaks of foot load and toe-off. However, gait variables of cows walking on rubber mats did not show any significant difference compared with the mastic asphalt floor; only stride length tended to be longer on rubber mats. In addition, the stance- and swing-phase durations significantly improved shortly after trimming. The left-right differences of the stance- and swing-phase durations tended to decrease after claw trimming when cows walked on asphalt floor. The results of this study show that solid rubber flooring does not result in significant improvement of the evaluated variables of locomotion comfort compared with mastic asphalt.

Floors and Floorcoverings , Locomotion/physiology , Animals , Cattle , Female , Gait , Housing, Animal , Walking/physiology
J Dairy Sci ; 100(6): 4897-4902, 2017 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28365123


This paper presents the validation of a software tool called Cow-Gait-Analyzer (University of Bern, Switzerland) to determine gait-cycle variables in lame and non-lame dairy cows using features derived from low-cost, stand-alone 3-dimensional accelerometers (400 Hz). The Cow-Gait-Analyzer automatically extracts the relevant gait events of foot load and toe off, which characterize gait-cycle duration, stance phase, and swing phase during walking. A nonautomatic step is visual inspection of the pedograms. If the software does not automatically choose the right peaks according to pedogram definitions, peaks can be manually chosen. We validated the algorithms by comparing the accelerometer data (pedogram) with the synchronized video data, which we used as a gold standard. We carried out the measurements at the metatarsal level of paired hind limbs during walking. We included 12 non-lame cows and 5 lame cows and expressed overall differences between the Cow-Gait-Analyzer and the gold standard as relative measurement error (RME). We analyzed 34 hind limbs with a mean of 9 gait cycles. The median RME for gait-cycle duration and stance phases were 0 and 1.69%, respectively. The peaks of gait-cycle variables showed RME of 0.67 and 0.24% for foot load and toe off, respectively. The semi-automated Cow-Gait-Analyzer can accurately determine gait-cycle variables in both lame and non-lame cows, and could be used to assess gait patterns in routine clinical and research practice focusing on individual cows.

Algorithms , Cattle Diseases/physiopathology , Gait/physiology , Lameness, Animal/physiopathology , Software Validation , Animals , Cattle , Female
J Dairy Sci ; 100(2): 1417-1426, 2017 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27939543


Changes in gait characteristics are important indicators in assessing the health and welfare of cattle. The aim of this study was to detect unilateral hind limb lameness and foot pathologies in dairy cows using 2 high-frequency accelerometers (400 Hz). The extracted gait cycle variables included temporal events (kinematic outcome = gait cycle, stance phase, and swing phase duration) and several peaks (kinetic outcome = foot load, toe-off). The study consisted of 2 independent experiments. Experiment 1 was carried out to compare the pedogram variables between the lateral claw and respective metatarsus (MT; n = 12) in sound cows (numerical rating system <3, n = 12) and the differences of pedogram variables across limbs within cows between lame cows (numerical rating system ≥3, n = 5) and sound cows (n = 12) using pedogram data that were visually compared with the synchronized cinematographic data. Experiment 2 was carried out to determine the differences across limbs within cows between cows with foot lesions (n = 12) and without foot lesions (n = 12) using only pedogram data. A receiver operator characteristic analysis was used to determine the performance of selected pedogram variables at the cow level. The pedogram of the lateral claw of sound cows revealed similarities of temporal events (gait cycle duration, stance and swing phases) but higher peaks (toe-off and foot load) as compared with the pedogram of the respective MT. In both experiments, comparison of the values between groups showed significantly higher values in lame cows and cows with foot lesions for all gait cycle variables. The optimal cutoff value of the relative stance phase duration for identifying lame cows was 14.79% and for cows with foot lesions was 2.53% with (both 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity) in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. The use of accelerometers with a high sampling rate (400 Hz) at the level of the MT is a promising tool to indirectly measure the kinematic variables of the lateral claw and to detect unilateral hind limb lameness and hind limb pathologies in dairy cows and is highly accurate.

Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Lameness, Animal/diagnosis , Animals , Cattle , Female , Foot , Foot Diseases/veterinary , Gait , Hoof and Claw
J Dairy Sci ; 99(11): 9080-9093, 2016 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27592425


Cows are often shown at dairy shows with overfilled udders to achieve a better show placing. However, it is unclear to what degree "over-bagging" affects the health and well-being of show cows. The goal of this study was to assess the effect of a single prolonged milking interval (PMI) of 24h on the measurable signs of health and well-being in dairy cows in early and mid-lactation and to assess the effect of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) on well-being during a PMI. Fifteen Holstein cows were studied in early lactation (89.5±2.7d in milk) and were given an NSAID or physiological saline in a crossover design. Ten cows were studied again in mid-lactation (151.6±4.0d in milk). Data on clinical signs of cows' health, behavior, and well-being were collected at 1 or 2h intervals before and during a PMI of 24h. Data from the last 6h of a 12h milking interval were compared with the last 6h of the PMI. Compared with that of a cow in the last 6h of a 12-h milking interval, the behavior of cows in early lactation (saline group) changed during the last 6h of the PMI: we observed decreased eating time (22.4 vs. 16.2min/h), increased ruminating time (13.3 vs. 25.0min/h), and increased hind limb abduction while walking (score 41.7 vs. 62.6) and standing (31.2 vs. 38.9cm). Udder firmness was increased (2.9 vs. 4.5kg) during this period and more weight was placed on the hind limbs (46.4 vs. 47.0%). We also found pathological signs at the end of the PMI: all cows showed milk leaking, and 10 of 15 cows developed edema in the subcutaneous udder tissue. Somatic cell count was significantly increased from 12h to 72h after the PMI. Administration of an NSAID had no influence on measured variables, except that the occurrence of edema was not significantly increased during PMI in the flunixin group (10 of 15 and 6 of 15 cows for the saline and flunixin groups, respectively). In the cows in mid-lactation, different variables were not significantly changed in the PMI compared with baseline values (e.g., eating and ruminating time, occurrence of edema, and abduction). We conclude that the cows' health and well-being were compromised by a single PMI of 24h, because their behavior changed and pathological signs were recorded. Administration of an NSAID had a slight effect on cows' well-being during a PMI. The stage of lactation had more effect on the cows' health and well-being, because fewer variables were changed in mid-lactation.

Dairying , Milk/cytology , Animals , Cattle , Cell Count/veterinary , Female , Lactation , Mammary Glands, Animal , Time Factors
J Dairy Sci ; 98(9): 6236-42, 2015 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26142842


Behavior is one of the most important indicators for assessing cattle health and well-being. The objective of this study was to develop and validate a novel algorithm to monitor locomotor behavior of loose-housed dairy cows based on the output of the RumiWatch pedometer (ITIN+HOCH GmbH, Fütterungstechnik, Liestal, Switzerland). Data of locomotion were acquired by simultaneous pedometer measurements at a sampling rate of 10 Hz and video recordings for manual observation later. The study consisted of 3 independent experiments. Experiment 1 was carried out to develop and validate the algorithm for lying behavior, experiment 2 for walking and standing behavior, and experiment 3 for stride duration and stride length. The final version was validated, using the raw data, collected from cows not included in the development of the algorithm. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated between accelerometer variables and respective data derived from the video recordings (gold standard). Dichotomous data were expressed as the proportion of correctly detected events, and the overall difference for continuous data was expressed as the relative measurement error. The proportions for correctly detected events or bouts were 1 for stand ups, lie downs, standing bouts, and lying bouts and 0.99 for walking bouts. The relative measurement error and Spearman correlation coefficient for lying time were 0.09% and 1; for standing time, 4.7% and 0.96; for walking time, 17.12% and 0.96; for number of strides, 6.23% and 0.98; for stride duration, 6.65% and 0.75; and for stride length, 11.92% and 0.81, respectively. The strong to very high correlations of the variables between visual observation and converted pedometer data indicate that the novel RumiWatch algorithm may markedly improve automated livestock management systems for efficient health monitoring of dairy cows.

Actigraphy/methods , Behavior, Animal , Actigraphy/veterinary , Animals , Cattle , Dairying , Female , Housing, Animal , Posture , Reproducibility of Results , Switzerland , Video Recording
J Dairy Sci ; 98(4): 2381-8, 2015 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25660737


Infrared thermography (IRT) was used to assess the effect of routine claw trimming on claw temperature. In total, 648 IRT observations each were collected from 81 cows housed in 6 tiestalls before and 3 wk after claw trimming. The feet were classified as either healthy (nonlesion group, n = 182) or affected with infectious foot disorders (group IFD, n = 142). The maximal surface temperatures of the coronary band and skin and the difference of the maximal temperatures (ΔT) between the lateral and medial claws of the respective foot were assessed. Linear mixed models, correcting for the hierarchical structure of the data, ambient temperature, and infectious status of the claws, were developed to evaluate the effect of time in relation to the trimming event (d 0 versus d 21) and claw (medial versus lateral). Front feet and hind feet were analyzed separately. Ambient temperature and infectious foot status were identified as external and internal factors, respectively, that significantly affected claw temperature. Before claw trimming, the lateral claws of the hind feet were significantly warmer compared with the medial claws, whereas such a difference was not evident for the claws of the front feet. At d 21, ΔT of the hind feet was reduced by ≥ 0.25 °C, whereas it was increased by ≤ 0.13 °C in the front feet compared with d 0. Therefore, trimming was associated with a remarkable decrease of ΔT of the hind claws. Equalizing the weight bearing of the hind feet by routine claw trimming is associated with a measurable reduction of ΔT between the paired hind claws.

Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Foot Diseases/diagnosis , Hoof and Claw/pathology , Temperature , Animals , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/pathology , Foot Diseases/veterinary , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Infrared Rays , Linear Models , Multivariate Analysis , Thermography/veterinary , Weight-Bearing
Vet J ; 199(2): 281-5, 2014 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24389042


Infrared thermography (IRT) was used to detect digital dermatitis (DD) prior to routine claw trimming. A total of 1192 IRT observations were collected from 149 cows on eight farms. All cows were housed in tie-stalls. The maximal surface temperatures of the coronary band (CB) region and skin (S) of the fore and rear feet (mean value of the maximal surface temperatures of both digits for each foot separately, CBmax and Smax) were assessed. Grouping was performed at the foot level (presence of DD, n=99; absence, n=304), or at the cow level (all four feet healthy, n=24) or where there was at least one DD lesion on the rear feet, n=37). For individual cows (n=61), IRT temperature difference was determined by subtracting the mean sum of CBmax and Smax of the rear feet from that of the fore feet. Feet with DD had higher CBmax and Smax (P<0.001) than healthy feet. Smax was significantly higher in feet with infectious DD lesions (M-stage: M2+M4; n=15) than in those with non-infectious M-lesions (M1+M3; n=84) (P=0.03), but this was not the case for CBmax (P=0.12). At the cow level, an optimal cut-off value for detecting DD of 0.99°C (IRT temperature difference between rear and front feet) yielded a sensitivity of 89.1% and a specificity of 66.6%. The results indicate that IRT may be a useful non-invasive diagnostic tool to screen for the presence of DD in dairy cows by measuring CBmax and Smax.

Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Digital Dermatitis/diagnosis , Thermography/veterinary , Animals , Cattle , Female , Sensitivity and Specificity , Thermography/methods
J Dairy Sci ; 95(2): 735-42, 2012 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22281338


The objective was to investigate infrared thermography (IRT) as a noninvasive diagnostic tool for early detection of foot pathologies in dairy cows. This was achieved by measuring changes in coronary band temperature before and after claw trimming in response to visual detection of abnormalities of the hooves. We hypothesized that by focusing on the coronary band region, IRT is able to detect lesions of the hind limbs of dairy cows associated with lameness. In this study, 626 individual observations were collected from 24 cows before and after claw trimming. Infrared thermography was used to assess the surface temperature of the coronary band (CB) region and skin (S), and the temperature difference (ΔT) between CB and S of the hind limbs. The average, minimum, and maximum surface temperatures were recorded in both regions. Temperatures of CB and S and ΔT were significantly higher in cows ≤200 d in milk than in cows >200 d in milk for all healthy hooves: 31.8±2.7 versus 29.8±3.6; 28.5±2.5 versus 27.2±3.3°C, and 3.31±1.7 versus 2.51±1.3°C, respectively. Temperatures of CB and S regions were positively correlated with ambient temperature. This association was best described by a linear model (R(2)=0.92 and 0.99, respectively). The temperatures of CB and S regions were 30.3±3.2°C and 27.3±2.9°C; 32.1±1.7°C and 28.6±2.1°C; and 33.8±1.3°C and 29.9±1.8°C for parlor temperatures of 12.2, 15.7, and 20.3°C, respectively. In the pre- and post-trimming data analysis, a significant difference was found in temperature of the coronary band between cows with lesions and cows without lesions. A threshold value was established to determine the temperature difference between lesion and nonlesion hind claws on CB at 0.64 and 1.09°C before and after claw trimming (sensitivity=85.7%, specificity=55.9%; and sensitivity=80.0%, specificity=82.9%, respectively) with the aim of detecting hoof lesions. In conclusion, the results demonstrate an increase in surface temperature of the lame limb when a hoof has a lesion.

Foot Diseases/veterinary , Hoof and Claw/pathology , Thermography/veterinary , Animals , Cattle , Female , Foot Diseases/diagnosis , Foot Diseases/pathology , Infrared Rays , Sensitivity and Specificity , Temperature , Thermography/methods