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Rev. salud pública ; 14(3): 491-501, may.-jun. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-681031


Objetivo: Interpretar las representaciones sociales de estudiantes de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Seccional Sogamoso, frente al uso de la abstinencia sexual y el condón, como referentes estratégicos en la prevención de enfermedades de transmisión sexual y embarazo no deseado. Método: Mediante muestreo intencional, participaron 67 estudiantes universitarios, entre los 16 y 31 años de edad, procedentes de diferentes regiones del departamento de Boyacá. Para la recolección de información, con enfoque cualitativo, se aplicaron grupos focales y cartas asociativas siguiendo la propuesta de Araya. Resultados: Los discursos evidencian las funciones del Saber, Identitarias, de Orientación y Justificadoras, de las Representaciones Sociales, en las que el condón se reconoce como buen método de prevención, sin ser 100 % seguro, útil en el cuidado de la salud, aunque en algunos casos genera incomodidad e insatisfacción; relacionan su uso, con desconfianza en la pareja y promiscuidad. La abstinencia sexual, se identifica como un método de prevención, 100% seguro y efectivo; permite planificar, ayuda al cuidado del cuerpo y el de los demás, preserva los intereses personales a futuro, protege la salud; sin embargo, es difícil de implementar en la sociedad actual. Conclusiones: Los valores, las creencias, así como las cuestiones morales y religiosas influyen en la decisión de prevención y protección de cada persona, más allá de la información que se tenga.

Objective: Interpreting the social representations of students from the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia in Sogamoso concerning the use of sexual abstinence and condoms as strategic focuses for preventing sexually-transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. Method: Purposive sampling was used with 67 university students aged 16 to 31 years-old from different regions in the Boyacá department. A qualitative approach and focus groups were used for data collection and card association, according to Araya, et al. Results: The responses revealed social representations' regarding knowledge, identity justifying and orientation recognising the condom as a good prevention method even though not being 100 % safe, useful in healthcare but in some cases leading to discomfort and dissatisfaction associated with its use. Negative associations concerned couples' distrust and promiscuity. Sexual abstinence was identified as being a 100 % safe and effective prevention method, facilitating family planning, helping to care for one's body and those of others, preserving future interests and protecting one's health but, at the same time, being difficult to implement in today's society. Conclusions: Each person's values, beliefs and moral and religious issues influence their prevention and protection decisions more than their existent information on the topic.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Condoms , Contraception , Sexual Abstinence , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , Social Perception , Students , Universities
Rev Salud Publica (Bogota) ; 14(3): 491-501, 2012 Jun.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23912439


OBJECTIVE: Interpreting the social representations of students from the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia in Sogamoso concerning the use of sexual abstinence and condoms as strategic focuses for preventing sexually-transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. METHOD: Purposive sampling was used with 67 university students aged 16 to 31 years-old from different regions in the Boyacá department. A qualitative approach and focus groups were used for data collection and card association, according to Araya, et al. RESULTS: The responses revealed social representations' regarding knowledge, identity justifying and orientation recognising the condom as a good prevention method even though not being 100 % safe, useful in healthcare but in some cases leading to discomfort and dissatisfaction associated with its use. Negative associations concerned couples' distrust and promiscuity. Sexual abstinence was identified as being a 100 % safe and effective prevention method, facilitating family planning, helping to care for one's body and those of others, preserving future interests and protecting one's health but, at the same time, being difficult to implement in today's society. CONCLUSIONS: Each person's values, beliefs and moral and religious issues influence their prevention and protection decisions more than their existent information on the topic.

Condoms , Contraception , Sexual Abstinence , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , Social Perception , Students , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Universities , Young Adult