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Zoolog Sci ; 32(1): 97-104, 2015 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25660702


Sapajus apella is a wild monkey of South America distributed across almost all of Brazil. This species adapts to domesticated life and reproduces easily. The present study describes the macro- and microscopic morphology of male genital organs (penis, penis bone, glans penis, prepuce, bulb of penis, and urethra) of Sapajus apella. Four male monkeys were used in this study. For macroscopic description, the genitals were dissected, examined and photographed. For microscopic analysis, samples were stained by HE and Tricom Masson and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. The penis has a gutter shape with numerous spines on the free part of the penis and glans, and showed cavernous body elements in which mesenchymal cells appear. The glans penis is well developed with a broad crown shape. The prepuce does not cover the free part of the penis. The bulb displays well-developed muscle structure and the membranous urethra is very elongated. These results reveal that Sapajus apella shows specific male genital features, different from other primates.

Cebidae/anatomy & histology , Genitalia, Male/anatomy & histology , Animals , Male
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 44(supl): 14-18, 2007.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-508415


Os Antiinflamatórios Não Esteróides (AINEs) inibem a síntese de prostaglandinas, com subseqüente diminuição da secreção de muco e bicarbonato pelo epitélio gástrico, redução da hidrofobicida de dacamada epitelial, comprometimento da reposição celular, redução dofluxo sanguíneo e aumento da aderência de neutrófilos. Ao longo dos anos, notou-se que as lesões gástricas provocadas pelo uso de AINEs se localizam com maior freqüência nas regiões do antro pilórico e curvatura menor do estômago. A maior susceptibilidade destas regiões pode ser explicada por sua anatomia microvascular, a qual apresenta capilares estreitos, tortuosos e com menor diâmetro que em outras regiões do estômago; estes são mais separados entre si e hámenos anastomoses entre os capilares ascendentes, tornando-os mais predispostos à trombose e conseqüente lesão gástrica.

The nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIs) inhibit thesynthesis of prostaglandins, with subsequent reduction of mucusand bicarbonate secretion by the gastric epithelium, reduction of thehydrophobicity of the epithelial layer, impairment of cellularrestitution, reduction of the blood flow and increase of neutrophilsadhesive properties. It has been known that the gastric lesionssecondary to NSAIDs use are more often located in the antral piloricand lesser curvature regions of the stomach. The higher susceptibilityof these regions can be explained by their microvascular anatomy,which presents capillaries that are narrower and more contorted thanthose observed in other regions of the stomach; they also are moreseparated one from the other and they have fewer anastomosisbetween the ascending capillaries, becoming more predisposed tothrombosis, and consequently to gastric injury.

Animals , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal , Dogs , Stomach/injuries , Mucous Membrane/injuries , Prostaglandins/adverse effects