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Front Microbiol ; 15: 1343541, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38476941


Inorganic phosphate (Pi) concentration modulates polyphosphate (polyP) levels in diverse bacteria, affecting their physiology and survival. Lactiplantibacillus paraplantarum CRL 1905 is a lactic acid bacterium isolated from quinoa sourdough with biotechnological potential as starter, for initiating fermentation processes in food, and as antimicrobial-producing organism. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of the environmental Pi concentration on different physiological and molecular aspects of the CRL 1905 strain. Cells grown in a chemically defined medium containing high Pi (CDM + P) maintained elevated polyP levels up to late stationary phase and showed an enhanced bacterial survival and tolerance to oxidative stress. In Pi sufficiency condition (CDM-P), cells were ~ 25% longer than those grown in CDM + P, presented membrane vesicles and a ~ 3-fold higher capacity to form biofilm. Proteomic analysis indicated that proteins involved in the "carbohydrate transport and metabolism" and "energy production and conversion" categories were up-regulated in high Pi stationary phase cells, implying an active metabolism in this condition. On the other hand, stress-related chaperones and enzymes involved in cell surface modification were up-regulated in the CDM-P medium. Our results provide new insights to understand the CRL 1905 adaptations in response to differential Pi conditions. The adjustment of environmental Pi concentration constitutes a simple strategy to improve the cellular fitness of L. paraplantarum CRL 1905, which would benefit its potential as a microbial cell factory.

La Paz; Renacimiento; 1929. 487 p.
Monography in Spanish | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1313276


Contiene: Constitucion politica del Estado. Congreso nacional. Camara de senadores. Camara de diputados. Organizacion politica y administrativa. Ramo de relaciones exteriores. Ramo de culto. Ramo de gobierno. Ley reglamentaria de la policia de seguridad. Ley de imprenta. Regimen municipal. Ramo de justicia. divicion judicial de la justicia. Reformas judiciales. Codigo civil. Ley de la organizacion judicial. Procedimiento civil. Codigo penal. Procedimiento criminal. Apendice: complemento del ramo de gobierno. Complemento al ramo de justicia. Complemento segundo al ramo de hacienda.

La Paz; Renacimiento; 1929. 450 p.
Monography in Spanish | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1313277


Contiene: Ramo de economia nacional. Servicio de comercio. Servicio de industria. Patentes de invencion y marcas de fabrica. Industria harinera. Industria alcoholera. Industria tabacalera. Monopolio de fosforos. Productos industriales. Servicios de minas. Servicio de petroleo. Ramo de agricultura. Ramo de ganaderia. Ramo de colonizacion. Registro de tierras gomeras y de cultivo. Ramo de higiene y salubridad. Ramo de trabajo y prevencion social. Ramo de educacion. Bellas artes y asuntos indigenas. Ramo de obras publicas. Ramo de comunicaciones. Jubilacion en educacion. Jubilacion de ferroviarios y ramas anexas. Jubilacion de periodistas. Jubilacion de graficos. Apendice: servicio de sanidad vegetal.

La Paz; Renacimiento; 1929. 526 p.
Monography in Spanish | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1313278


Contiene: Ramo de fomento. Ferocarriles. Navegacion fluvial y lacustre. Caminos. Alcantarillas. Ramo de instruccion publica. Ramo de guerra. Ley organica del ejercito. Ramo de agricultura. Zonas agricolas. Ramo de colonizacion. Ley de tierras baldias. Ramo de comunicaciones. Reglamento general de correos. Telegrafos. Radio telegrafias. Apendice: complemento del ramo de fomento. Complemento al ramo de instruccion publica. Complemento al ramo de guerra.
