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Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 163(12): 859-870, 2021 Dec.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34881718


INTRODUCTION: It was the objective of this study to evaluate morbidity, mortality, use of veterinary drugs and production output on seven representative Swiss beef fatteners, who bought on a regular basis batches of calves from traders (mean age and weight: 31 day, 75 kg) and practised an all in-all out system. From March 2015 until May 2016, 51 batches with a total of 1307 calves were included. The use of drugs during the first eight weeks following delivery of calves from the trader, casualty rate and carcass performance of 837 bulls. The administration of antimicrobials was calculated per calf as the number of days with effective therapeutic concentrations (daily doses per animal; DD/A). The average weight of the calves at arrival on the fattening unit was 75 kg and the age 31 days. The group size was between 13 to 47 calves (median 22, Q1 = 21, Q2 = 30). In 36 batches (70,6 %), a veterinary entry examination was performed which demonstrated that at admission 20 % of the calves suffered from a relevant disease. The median for the number of DD/A was 16 for the first 56 days on the farm (Q1 = 11, Q3 = 21); 68 % of these DD/A were attributed to metaphylactic medications after delivery. Thereafter, pneumonia (54 %), diarrhea (33 %) and otitis (10 %) were the most frequent indications for subsequent therapeutic interventions. Over all batches, a median of 71 % (Q1 = 47, Q3 = 85) of all DD/A were due to critically important antimicrobials (CIM) and drugs containing several antibiotics including a CIM. The losses due to death or euthanasia averaged 3,7 % of all calves. The median for daily weight gain for the total fattening period (median 354 days; Q1 = 328, Q3 = 379) accounted for 1325 g (Q1 = 1216, Q3 = 1425). The profound variation between the farms in respect to the results of drug use and production output reveals evidence for the strong impact of farm-specific factors (such as pen space per calf, barn climate, vaccination protocol, supervision). Concurrently, the remarkable differences between the results of different batches on one farm depict that there are further important risk factors which are beyond the control of the farmer (in particular season of the year, transport). It is concluded that a systematic minimization of risk factors as part of a continuous veterinary consultation is useful two improve herd health and to reduce the input of drugs in the production of beef.

INTRODUCTION: L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer la morbidité, la mortalité, l'utilisation de médicaments vétérinaires et la production de sept engraisseurs suisses représentatifs, qui achetaient régulièrement des lots de veaux à des commerçants (âge et poids moyens : 31 jours, 75 kg). et pratiquant le système «  all in-all out ¼. De mars 2015 à mai 2016, 51 lots avec un total de 1307 veaux ont été inclus. On a étudié l'utilisation de médicaments pendant les huit premières semaines suivant la livraison des veaux, le taux de mortalité et la performance carcasse de 837 taureaux. L'administration d'antimicrobiens par veau a été calculée individuellement en nombre de jours avec des concentrations thérapeutiques efficaces (doses quotidiennes par animal ; JJ/A). Le poids moyen des veaux à l'arrivée sur l'unité d'engraissement était de 75 kg et l'âge de 31 jours. La taille du groupe était comprise entre 13 et 47 veaux (médiane 22, Q1 = 21, Q2 = 30). Dans 36 lots (70,6 %), un examen vétérinaire d'entrée a été réalisé qui a démontré qu'à l'admission 20 % des veaux souffraient d'une maladie nécessitant un traitement. La médiane du nombre de DD/A était de 16 pour les 56 premiers jours à la ferme (Q1 = 11, Q3 = 21) ; 68 % de ces DD/A ont été constitués par des médicaments métaphylactiques après la livraison. Par la suite, la pneumonie (54 %), la diarrhée (33 %) et l'otite (10 %) étaient les indications les plus fréquentes des interventions thérapeutiques ultérieures. Sur l'ensemble des lots, une médiane de 71 % (Q1 = 47, Q3 = 85) de tous les DD/A étaient dus à des antimicrobiens d'importance critique (CIM) et à des médicaments contenant plusieurs antibiotiques, dont un CIM. Les pertes dues à la mort ou à l'euthanasie représentaient en moyenne 3,7 % de tous les veaux. La médiane du gain de poids quotidien pour la période d'engraissement totale (médiane 354 jours ; Q1 = 328, Q3 = 379) représentait 1325 g (Q1 = 1216, Q3 = 1425). La variation importante entre les exploitations en ce qui concerne les résultats de l'utilisation de médicaments et la production est la preuve du fort impact des facteurs spécifiques à l'exploitation (tels que l'espace en enclos par veau, le climat de l'étable, le protocole de vaccination, la supervision). Parallèlement, les différences remarquables entre les résultats de différents lots sur une exploitation montrent qu'il existe d'autres facteurs de risque importants qui échappent au contrôle de l'agriculteur (en particulier la saison, le transport). Il est conclu qu'une minimisation systématique des facteurs de risque dans le cadre d'une consultation vétérinaire continue est utile pour améliorer la santé du troupeau et réduire l'apport de médicaments dans la production de viande bovine.

Anti-Infective Agents , Cattle Diseases , Animal Husbandry , Animals , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Farms , Male , Switzerland
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 163(7): 493-503, 2021 Jul.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34193401


INTRODUCTION: «PathoCalf¼ represents a project promoted by the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office. It was the aim of this project to use laboratory diagnostic services for farms raising calves (dairy farms, fattening units, beef cow operations) and dealing with a herd health issue in order to obtain an overview about the spectrum of infectious agents and bacterial resistance patterns in Switzerland. From January 2015 to March 2018, the Bovine Health Service and the farm veterinarian straightened out 148 stock problems on 125 farms. For this, samples were collected from 342 animals. In addition, 98 necropsies were performed. The service related to «PathoCalf¼ was utilized most frequently related to stock problems with respiratory disease (40,5%; 60/148), gastrointestinal disease (37,2%, 55/148) and fatalities with unknown causation (8,8%, 13/148). The majority of all investigated animals (71,8%) were younger than 10 weeks of age. In calves suffering from respiratory disease, most frequently Pasteurella (P.) multocida was found (40,6%, 67/165), followed by mycoplasmen (35,8%, 59/165) and Mannheimia (M.) haemolytica (13,3%, 22/165). The proportion of tested P. multocida and M. haemolytica strains being resistant against oxytetracyline was 67,7% (42/62), 21,1% (4/19) for tilmicosine and 11,3% (7/62) for danofloxacine. For calves suffering from gastrointestinal problems, most frequently Rotavirus (57,6%, 19/33), E. coli (47,7%, 74/155) and Campylobacter spp. (27,7%, 43/155) were found. A resistance against tetracycline was evident for 95,0% (19/20) of all isolated E. coli, and for 80,0% (16/20) in respect to sulfonamides and for 57,1% (12/21) against enrofloxacine. For fatalities with unknown causation, a perforated abomasal ulcer was the most important finding (33,3%, 7/21), followed by diarrhea (28,6%, 6/21) and indigestion related to ruminal acidosis (19,1%, 4/21). The results indicate that aetiological investigations facilitate the evaluation of stock problems. The systematic assessment of abiotic risk factors remains, however, indispensable for the factorial diseases most frequently found on farms raising calves.

INTRODUCTION: «PathoCalf¼ est un projet promu par l'Office fédéral suisse de la sécurité alimentaire et des affaires vétérinaires. L'objectif de ce projet était d'utiliser les services de diagnostic de laboratoire pour les exploitations élevant des veaux (fermes laitières, unités d'engraissement, exploitations de vaches à viande) et confrontées à un problème de santé de troupeau afin d'obtenir une vue d'ensemble du spectre des agents infectieux et de la résistance bactérienne en Suisse. De janvier 2015 à mars 2018, le Service Sanitaire Bovin et/ou le vétérinaire d'exploitation ont traité 148 problèmes dans 125 exploitations. Pour cela, des échantillons ont été prélevés sur 342 animaux. De plus, 98 autopsies ont été réalisées. Le service lié à «PathoCalf¼ a été utilisé le plus souvent en raison de problèmes d'exploitation avec une maladie respiratoire (40,5% ; 60/148), une maladie gastro-intestinale (37,2%, 55/148) ou des décès de cause inconnue (8,8%, 13/148). La majorité de tous les animaux étudiés (71,8%) avaient moins de 10 semaines d'âge. Chez les veaux souffrant de maladies respiratoires, c'est le plus souvent Pasteurella (P.) multocida qui a été trouvé (40,6%, 67/165), suivi par les mycoplasmes (35,8%, 59/165) et Mannheimia (M.) haemolytica (13,3%, 22/165). La proportion des souches de P. multocida et de M. haemolytica testées résistantes à l'oxytétracycline était de 67,7% (42/62), de 21,1% (4/19) pour la tilmicosine et de 11,3% (7/62) pour la danofloxacine. Pour les veaux souffrant de troubles gastro-intestinaux, on a trouvé le plus souvent des Rotavirus (57,6%, 19/33), des E. coli (47,7%, 74/155) et des Campylobacter spp. (27,7%, 43/155). Une résistance à la tétracycline était évidente pour 95,0% 50 (19/20) de tous les E. coli isolés, pour 80,0% (16/20) en ce qui concerne les sulfamides et pour 57,1% (12/21) contre l'enrofloxacine. Pour les décès de cause inconnue, un ulcère de la caillette perforé était la cause la plus importante (33,3%, 7/21), suivie de la diarrhée (28,6%, 6/21) et des indigestions liées à une acidose ruminale (19,1%, 4/21). Les résultats indiquent que les investigations étiologiques facilitent l'évaluation des problèmes de d'exploitation. L'évaluation systématique des facteurs de risque abiotiques reste cependant indispensable pour les maladies factorielles les plus fréquemment recensées sur les exploitations élevant des veaux.

Cattle Diseases , Escherichia coli , Animals , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Farms , Female , Laboratories , Switzerland/epidemiology
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 162(2): 83-92, 2020 Feb.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32004138


INTRODUCTION: The increasing professionalization and the cost pressure on farms combined with a decreasing availability of veterinary expertise procures the demand for treatments and interventions performed by non-veterinarians. A current survey resulting in 56 responses of food animal practitioners showed that a majority delivered pour-on anthelmintics, drugs for oral application and ointments after respective instruction to farmers. Udder injectors, antimicrobials and vaccines were handled more restrictively, but even hormones were committed by more than half of the veterinarians to livestock owners. In respect to interventions, most practitioners supported that farmers perform functional foot trimming, administration of boli, inseminations, dehorning and castrations of calves. By contrast, many veterinarians refused that farmers apply intravenous injections, insert a trocar or treat sole ulcers. In respect to the future development, implications of non-veterinarian interventions on animal welfare, consumer protection and drug safety have to be considered. Indispensable are qualification and skills of the person performing interventions which can be acquired by certificated training courses. Moreover, a basic conception and taking responsibility in particular for application of veterinary drugs is mandatory - in this respect, at present marked deficits exist among many farmers. Based on the current legal situation, several interventions can be delegated to non-veterinarians, but the technical responsibility for the proper implementation is due to the veterinarian. This includes an evaluation of interventions and treatments on a regular basis together with the farmer. On this basis, the assessment of clinical symptoms as well as the initial treatment can be useful and appropriate to ensure a rapid therapy especially in animals suffering from factorial diseases. Having in mind profound differences in respect to the competence of non-veterinarians, general procedures to deliver drugs and to delegate interventions have to be rejected. Advanced diagnostic procedures and the prescription of veterinary drugs remain an exclusive mission of the veterinarian.

INTRODUCTION: La professionnalisation progressive et la pression des coûts sur les exploitations agricoles, combinées à une disponibilité d'expertise vétérinaire décroissante au moins au niveau régional, font que de plus en plus de traitements et d'interventions sur le bétail peuvent être effectués par des non-vétérinaires. Une enquête récente portant sur les réponses de 56 cabinets pour animaux de rente a révélé que la plupart d'entre eux remettent des anthelminthiques pour-on, des médicaments à administrer par voie orale et des onguents aux propriétaires d'animaux. On est plus restrictif avec les injecteurs intra-mammaires, les antibiotiques et les vaccins, mais même des hormones sont remises aux agriculteurs après instruction par plus de la moitié des vétérinaires. En termes d'interventions, la majorité des praticiens soutiennent la réalisation de soins fonctionnels des onglons, l'administration de boli, l'écornage des veaux, la castration et l'insémination par des non-vétérinaires. En revanche, la plupart des praticiens considèrent que les injections intraveineuses, la mise en place d'un trocart et le traitement d'un ulcère de la sole doivent être effectués par des vétérinaires. En ce qui concerne l'évolution future, il est important de prendre en compte les implications pour le bien-être des animaux, la protection des consommateurs et la sécurité en matière de médicaments. Il est essentiel que l'exécutant ait la compétence nécessaire ainsi que la capacité de prouver qu'il possède une expertise. En outre, une compréhension de base du sujet et la prise de responsabilité, notamment en ce qui concerne l'utilisation de médicaments vétérinaires, sont nécessaires. Bien que le vétérinaire puisse déléguer des actes en raison de la situation juridique actuelle, il assume ensuite la responsabilité professionnelle de la qualité des interventions réalisées. En outre la délégation nécessite impérativement une évaluation rétrospective régulière du type et du nombre des traitements ainsi qu'un contrôle du bon usage des médicaments vétérinaires conformément à l'Ordonnance sur les médicaments vétérinaires. Sous cette prémisse, le recueil des commémoratifs dans un cadre clairement défini et conformément aux exigences légales avec un traitement initial par l'agriculteur peut être, dans la pratique, judicieux, en particulier dans les maladies factorielles pour assurer le traitement le plus rapide possible des animaux malades. Compte tenu des différences considérables en termes de compétence professionnelle parmi les non-vétérinaires, des réglementations forfaitaires devraient être rejetées. Les diagnostics plus approfondis et la prescription de médicaments vétérinaires doivent en principe rester une tâche exclusive du vétérinaire.

Animal Husbandry/methods , Farmers , Veterinarians/supply & distribution , Veterinary Medicine/trends , Animal Husbandry/standards , Animal Husbandry/trends , Animals , Animals, Domestic , Switzerland
Public Health ; 140: 119-127, 2016 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27558957


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to assess the association between changes in living arrangement and the initiation of daily smoking and monthly risky single-occasion drinking (RSOD) in a cohort of young Swiss men. STUDY DESIGN: Longitudinal cohort study. METHODS: The sample consisted of 4662 young men drawn from the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors who lived with their family at baseline. Follow-up assessments occurred 15 months later. Multiple regression models were adjusted for individual and family factors (family model), as well as for individual and peer-related factors (peer model). RESULTS: Relative to those still living with their parents at follow-up (n = 3845), those who had moved out (n = 817) were considerably more likely to have taken up smoking or RSOD after adjusting for several individual, family, and peer-related variables: OR (daily smoking) = 1.67 (95% CI 1.15-2.41) (P = 0.007) and OR (monthly RSOD) = 1.42 (95% CI 1.08-1.88) (P = 0.012). The strongest family-related predictors of smoking initiation were family structure and the lack of parental regulation and the strongest peer-related factors alcohol/drug problems in peers. Meanwhile, the strongest peer-related predictors of RSOD initiation were peer pressure (misconduct), perceived social support from friends, and perceived social support from a significant other, whereas family factors were not associated with RSOD initiation. Further subanalyses were conducted to examine the impact of different living arrangement changes on substance use initiation and revealed that living with peers at follow-up was associated with the greatest risk. CONCLUSIONS: We identified a strong association between moving out of one's parents' home and daily smoking and monthly RSOD initiation in young Swiss men. Moving out to live with peers was an especially strong predictor of substance use initiation. Campaigns that aim to prevent heavy smoking and drinking should be intensified at the end of obligatory school.

Alcohol Drinking/psychology , Residence Characteristics/statistics & numerical data , Risk-Taking , Smoking/psychology , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Humans , Longitudinal Studies , Male , Peer Group , Risk Factors , Smoking/epidemiology , Switzerland/epidemiology , Young Adult
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 158(7): 505-11, 2016 Jul.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27504884


INTRODUCTION: The objective of this field study was to describe the impact of the entry age and intensive veterinary care on mortality and antimicrobial use of veal calves in Switzerland. From July until October 2012, a total of 316 young calves (aged ø 10.8 days) and from November 2012 until May 2013 a total of 425 market calves (aged ø 39.5 days) were housed on a welcome-farm, where they obtained daily veterinary care during the first 6 weeks of the production cycle. As a 3rd category 2 groups of 34 and 31 old calves (aged ø 61.5 days), respectively, were housed on a commercial farm. From entry to slaughter the daily doses of antibiotics on group level averaged 35.6 in young calves, 26.2 in commercial calves, and 21.0 in old calves. On the welcome-farm 45.9% and 48.5% of the young and market calves, respectively, were individually treated, and in the finishing period of the production cycle 10.4% and 3.3% of the young and market calves, respectively. Of the old calves 16.9% were individually treated. Mortality was 6.7% in young calves, 8.2% in commercial calves, and 4.6% in old calves. Intensive veterinary care guaranteed early recognition of disease and euthanasia of terminally morbid calves. The different entry ages did not lead to any reduction in mortality or in antimicrobial use compared to previous studies.

INTRODUCTION: Le but de cette étude pratique était de décrire l'effet de l'âge de mise en lot et d'un suivi vétérinaire intensif sur la mortalité et l'usage d'antibiotiques chez des veaux d'engraissement suisses. Pour cela on a mis en lot chaque mois, de juillet à octobre 2012, de jeunes veaux (au total 316 animaux d'un âge moyen de 10.8 jours) puis, de novembre 2012 à mai 2013 au total 425 veaux d'âge usuel pour le marché (âge moyen 39.5 jours). Ces deux catégories d'âges ont passé les 6 premières semaines d'engraissement dans l'exploitation d'accueil et ont été contrôlés journellement du point de vue vétérinaire. Le troisième groupe était composé de 65 veaux plus âgés (âge moyen 61.5 jours) et a été mis en lot sur une exploitation d'engraissement conventionnelle. Les doses quotidiennes d'antibiotiques au niveau du groupe depuis la mise en lot jusqu'à l'abattage s'élevaient chez les jeunes veaux à 35.6, chez les veaux d'âge de marché usuel à 26.2 et chez les veaux plus âgés à 21.0. Sur l'exploitation d'accueil, 45.9% des jeunes veaux et 48.5% des veaux en âge de marché ont reçu un traitement antibiotique individuel, sur les exploitations d'engraissement 10.4% respectivement 3.3%. 16.9% des veaux plus âgés ont reçu un traitement individuel. La mortalité s'est élevée chez les jeunes veaux à 6.7%, chez les veaux en âge de marché usuel à 8.2% et chez les veaux plus âgés à 4.6%. Le suivi vétérinaire intensif a permis la reconnaissance précoce de maladies et la mise à mort des veaux avec un mauvais pronostic. Toutefois la modification de l'âge de mise en lot n'a pas permis de réduire la mortalité et l'emploi d'antibiotiques en comparaison avec des études antérieures.

Animal Husbandry/statistics & numerical data , Anti-Infective Agents/therapeutic use , Cattle Diseases/drug therapy , Cattle Diseases/mortality , Age Factors , Animal Husbandry/standards , Animals , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Early Diagnosis , Switzerland , Veterinary Medicine
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 158(7): 513-20, 2016 Jul.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27504885


INTRODUCTION: The objective of this field study was to investigate the impact of the entry age and of veterinary care on blood values, performance and carcass quality of veal calves in Switzerland. From July 2012 until May 2013 a total of 316 young calves (aged ø 10.8 days), 425 market calves (aged ø 39.5 days), and 65 old calves (aged ø 61.5 days) were observed during the production cycle. As control calves 9'019 veal calves fattened at the same time as the market calves were available. At time of entry the average hemoglobin value of 88.2 g/l in market calves was significantly (p < 0.001) lower than in young (96.2 g/l), old (95.0 g/l) and control calves (95.0 g/l). At time of slaughter the hemoglobin of control calves was 101.2 g/l and significantly (p < 0.001) lower than in young (129.6 g/l) and market calves (131.6 g/l). The average daily weight gain reached 1.21 kg in young calves, 1.28 kg in market calves, 1.29 kg in old calves and 1.30 kg in control calves. The premature slaughter rate was 3.4% in control calves, 8.1% young (p < 0.001), 3.4% in commercial and 0% in old calves (p = 0.17). The percentage of the favorite carcass quality was 53.8% in control calves and differed significantly (p < 0.001) from young (43.5%) and market calves (42.8%), but not from old calves (50.8%, p = 0.9). The carcass color with the average photometric L-value of 41.5 in young and 41.6 in market calves differed significantly (p < 0.001) from old (44.4) and control calves (45.4). The intensive veterinary care and the different entry ages had no positive effect on performance and carcass quality. The iron supply resulted in increased hemoglobin values and in reddish carcass color in more than 50% of the investigated calves.

INTRODUCTION: Le but de la présente étude était d'étudier les effets de l'âge de la mise en lot et d'un suivi vétérinaire intensif sur les valeurs sanguines, les performances et la qualité des carcasses de veaux d'engraissement suisses. Entre juillet 2012 et mai 2013, on a suivi de la mise en lot jusqu'à l'abattage 316 jeunes veaux (âge moyen 10.8 jours), 425 veaux en âge usuel de marché (âge moyen 39.5 jours) et 65 veaux plus âgés (âge moyen 61.5 jours). On disposait comme groupe de contrôle de 9019 veaux engraissés conventionnellement, qui avaient été mis en lot au même moment que les veaux en âge usuel de marché. Au début de l'engraissement, la valeur moyenne d'hémoglobine chez les veaux en âge usuel de marché était, avec 88.2 g/l, significativement différente (p.

Animal Husbandry/standards , Cattle/physiology , Hemoglobins/analysis , Meat/standards , Weight Gain/physiology , Animals , Blood Chemical Analysis , Switzerland , Veterinary Medicine/standards
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 155(5): 269-81, 2013 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23644290


The objective of this study was to identify a suitable alternative to the current practice of complementing the feeding of milk by-products with straw. The influence of 5 different types of solid feeds on health and performance of Swiss veal calves was investigated in 2 production cycles of 200 veal calves each with a mean initial age of 40 days (d). The calves were housed in groups of 40 in stalls with outside pen. Liquid feeding consisted of a milk by-product combined with an additional skim milk powder ad libitum. Groups were assigned to 1 of the 5 following experimental solid feeds provided ad libitum: mix (composition: soy flakes, corn, barley, wheat, oat, barley middling, plant oil, molasses), whole plant corn pellets, corn silage, hay, and wheat straw as control. Daily dry matter intake per calf averaged 2.25 kg of the liquid food, 0.16 kg of straw, 0.33 kg of mix, 0.47 kg of corn silage, 0.38 kg of corn pellets, and 0.39 kg of hay. No significant differences (P > 0.05) among groups were found in calf losses that amounted to 4.8 % (68 % because of gastrointestinal disorders). Four percent of the calves were slaughtered prematurely. Daily doses of antibiotics were higher in the mix (36.9 d, P < 0.01) and in the corn silage groups (35 d, P < 0.01) compared to control. Compared to the 4 other groups, calves of the straw group showed the highest prevalence of abnormal ruminal content (73 %, P < 0.05), of abnormal ruminal papillae (42 %, P < 0.05), of abomasal fundic lesions (13.5 %, P < 0.1), and the lowest number of chewing movements per bolus (45, P < 0.05). The hemoglobin concentration averaged 85 g/l at the beginning and 99 g/l at the end of the fattening period with no significant differences among groups (P > 0.1). The duration of the fattening period averaged 114 d, slaughter age 157 d, and carcass weight 122 kg. The average daily weight gain (ADG) was highest in the control group straw (1.35 kg), and lowest in the hay group (1.22 kg, P < 0.01). The number of carcasses classified as C, H, and T (very high to medium quality) was lower in the hay group compared to straw (P < 0.01). No significant differences between groups were found in meat color (P > 0.1): 73 % of the carcasses were assessed as pale (267/364), 18 % as pink (66/364), and 9 % (31/364) as red. The results reveal that whole-plant corn pellets are most consistent with an optimal result combining the calves' health and fattening performance. Therefore, it can be recommended as an additional solid feed for veal calves under Swiss conditions.

Le but de cette étude était de trouver une alternative adéquate à l'affouragement complémentaire de paille chez les veaux d'engraissement. Au cours de 2 périodes d'engraissement avec chaque fois 200 veaux débutant leur engraissement à l'âge de 40 jours, on a étudié l'influence de 5 fourrages grossiers différents sur la santé et la productivité. Les veaux étaient détenus par groupe de 40 avec un accès libre à un enclos extérieur. Le fourrage liquide se composait d'un sous-produit lacté complété par la poudre de lait et offert ad libitum. On a offert à chaque groupe un des fourrages expérimentaux suivant : mix (composition : flocons de soya, maïs orges, blé, avoine, farine d'orge, huile végétale, mélasse), cubes de mais plante entière, silo de mais, foin et paille de blé pour le groupe de contrôle. La consommation journalière en poids de matière sèche s'élevait en moyenne par veau à 2.25 kg pour l'aliment liquide, 0.16 kg pour la paille, 0.33 kg pour le mix, 0.47 kg pour le silo de mais, 0.38 kg pour les cubes de mais et 0.39 kg pour le foin. Il y avait pas de différence significative entre les groupe quant aux pertes qui atteignaient un total 4.8 % (68 % pour des problèmes gastro-intestinaux). 4 % des veaux ont du être abattu précocement. Les veaux des groupes mix et silo de mais ont été traités plus longtemps avec un antibiotique que le groupe de contrôle paille (groupe mix : 36.9 jours, P < 0.01, groupe silo de mais 35 jours, P < 0.01). En comparaison avec les 4 autres groupes, les veaux du groupe paille présentaient plus de contenu anormal de la panse (73 %, P < 0.05), ils avaient plus fréquemment des villosités de la panse anormales (42 %, P < 0.05), plus fréquemment des lésions de la caillette (13.5 %, P < 0.01) et ils montraient la moins bonne rumination (45 coups par bolus, P < 0.05). La concentration moyenne en hémoglobine était de 85g/l au début et 99 g/l à la fin de l'engraissement sans différence significative entre les groupes (P > 0.01). La durée moyenne d'engraissement était de 180 jours, l'âge moyen d'abattage de 157 jours et le poids moyen à l'abattage de 122 kg. La prise de poids moyenne journalière était la plus importante chez les veaux du groupe paille (1.35 Kg) et la plus faible chez les veaux du groupe foin (1.22 kg, P < 0.01) Le nombre de carcasses classées bonnes à très bonnes était plus faible dans le groupe foins que dans le groupe paille. Pour ce qui est de la couleur de la viande, on ne pouvait pas constater de différence significative entre les groupes (P > 0.1): 73 % des carcasses était classées comme claires (267/364), 18 % comme roses (66/364) und 9 % comme rouges (31/364). Les présents résultats montrent que les cubes de mais plante entière correspondent le mieux aux besoins en matière de santé et productivité des veaux d'engraissement. Ils peuvent être donc recommandés comme alternative à l'affouragement de paille chez les veaux en Suisse.

Animal Feed/classification , Cattle/physiology , Dairy Products/standards , Health Status , Abomasum/pathology , Animal Feed/standards , Animals , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Cattle/growth & development , Dairy Products/classification , Eating , Edible Grain/classification , Edible Grain/standards , Female , Gastrointestinal Contents/chemistry , Hemoglobins/analysis , Male , Mastication/physiology , Meat/classification , Meat/standards , Rumen/chemistry , Weight Gain
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 155(5): 283-92, 2013 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23644291


The objective of this study was to identify a suitable alternative to the current practice of complementing the feeding of whole milk with straw. The influence of 3 different solid supplements on the health and performance of Swiss veal calves was investigated during 3 production cycles of 90 veal calves each with a mean initial age of 42 days and a mean initial weight of 68.7 kg. The calves were housed in groups of 30 in stalls strewn with wheat straw without outside pen. Liquid feeding consisted of whole milk combined with an additional skim milk powder ad libitum. Groups were assigned to one of the three following experimental solid feeds provided ad libitum: Pellet mix (composition: oat hulls, corn [whole plant], barley, sunflower seeds, squeezed grains of corn, molasses and a pellet binder), whole plant corn pellets, and wheat straw as control. Calves of the straw group showed significantly more abomasal lesions in the fundic part as compared to the pellet mix and corn pellets groups (P < 0.001), the prevalence of insufficient papillae was highest (P < 0.05), and ruminating behavior was unsatisfactory. In contrast to the pellet mix and straw groups, performance of calves in the corn pellets group was good. Additionally, prevalence of abomasal fundic lesions was lowest (P < 0.001), and rumen development was best in calves of the corn pellets group (P < 0.01). As in part I, the results reveal that whole-plant corn pellets are most consistent with an optimal result combining the calves' health and fattening performance. Therefore, it can be recommended as a solid supplement for veal calves basically fed whole milk under Swiss conditions.

Le but de cette étude était de trouver une alternative adéquate à la paille utilisée actuellement en tant qu'adjonction au lait entier. Pour cela, on a étudié l'effet de trois aliments solides différents sur la santé et la productivité de veaux suisses durant 3 périodes d'engraissement avec à chaque fois 90 veaux, une durée d'engraissement moyenne de 42 jours et un poids moyen de 68.7 kg au début de l'engraissement. Les veaux ont été détenus par groupes de 30 dans des écuries paillées sans enclos extérieur. L'alimentation liquide ad libitum se composait de lait entier complété par de la poudre de lait maigre. Les groupes ont reçu aléatoirement l'un des trois aliments solides testés, à savoir : cubes mélangés (composés de son d'avoine, de maïs plante entière, de graines de tournesol, de maïs aplati, de mélasse et de LignoBond DD comme agglomérant), cubes de maïs plante entière ou paille (groupe de contrôle). Les veaux du groupe «paille¼ présentait, comparativement à ceux des deux autres groupes, significativement plus de lésions de la caillette dans la zone du fundus (< 0.001), le nombre de veaux avec des villosités de la panse insuffisamment développées était plus élevé (P < 0.05) et la rumination était insatisfaisante. Contrairement à ceux des groupes «cubes mélangés¼ et «paille¼, les performances des veaux complémentés avec des cubes de maïs étaient bonnes et leurs carcasses correspondaient au mieux à la demande du marché. En outre, la prévalence de lésions de la caillette dans la zone du fundus était la plus basse chez les veaux nourris avec des cubes e maïs (P < 0.001) et le développement de la panse était le meilleur (P < 0.01). Comme dans la partie I de cette étude, les résultats présentés indiquent que les cubes de maïs plante entière sont une alternative applicable à l'affouragement de paille tel que pratiqué jusqu'à maintenant pour les veaux d'engrais.

Animal Feed/standards , Cattle/physiology , Diet/veterinary , Health Status , Milk , Abomasum/pathology , Animal Feed/analysis , Animals , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Cattle/blood , Cattle/growth & development , Cattle Diseases/mortality , Diet/classification , Diet/standards , Eating , Female , Gastrointestinal Contents/chemistry , Gastrointestinal Diseases/mortality , Gastrointestinal Diseases/veterinary , Hematologic Tests/veterinary , Hemoglobins/metabolism , Housing, Animal , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Male , Meat/standards , Rumen/chemistry , Rumen/growth & development , Switzerland
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 154(7): 277-85, 2012 Jul.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22753251


The aim of this study was to document experience gained with herd health management in veal calf production and to describe the calves' most frequent health problems. Fifteen farms with an 'all-in-all-out' animal flow system and 20 farms with a continuous animal flow system were investigated and data on animal movements, housing, feeding, medical treatments, and management were collected. Cadavers underwent pathological examination, and data were recorded from the carcasses of slaughtered calves. On the 15 'all-in-all-out'-farms, 2'747 calves were clinically examined by the contract-veterinarian upon arrival at the farm, and 71,1 % of the calves showed at least one sign of illness. The main causes of death were with 54,9 % digestive disorders (a perforating abomasal ulcer being the most frequent diagnosis), followed by respiratory diseases (29,6 %, mainly pneumonia). The meat color of 25 % of the carcasses was red. Calves from farms with the continuous animal flow system, which recruit mainly animals originating from the same farm, showed significantly better results regarding antibiotic use, performance and carcass quality than those calves from farms with the 'all-in-all-out'-system.

Animal Husbandry/methods , Cattle Diseases/pathology , Animal Husbandry/statistics & numerical data , Animals , Cattle , Health/statistics & numerical data , Meat
Res Vet Sci ; 92(1): 162-8, 2012 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21094507


Calf losses (CL, mortality and unwanted early slaughter) in veal production are of great economic importance and an indicator of welfare. The objective of the present study was to evaluate CL and the causes of death on farms with a specific animal welfare standard (SAW) which exceeds the Swiss statutory regulations. Risk factors for CL were identified based on information about management, housing, feeding, and medication. In total, 74 production cohorts (2783 calves) of 15 farms were investigated. CL was 3.6%, the main causes of death were digestive disorders (52%), followed by respiratory diseases (28%). Factors significantly associated with an increased risk for CL were a higher number of individual daily doses of antibiotics (DDA), insufficient wind deflection in winter, and male gender. For administration of antibiotics to all calves of the cohort, a DDA of 14-21 was associated with a decreased risk for CL compared to a DDA of 7-13 days.

Animal Husbandry/methods , Animal Welfare/standards , Cattle Diseases/mortality , Animal Husbandry/standards , Animals , Cattle , Cause of Death , Cohort Studies , Female , Logistic Models , Male , Risk Factors , Sex Factors , Switzerland
Res Vet Sci ; 88(2): 352-60, 2010 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19793601


Non-perforating abomasal lesions are a considerable problem affecting more than half the population of veal calves. The objective of the present study was to assess the prevalence of pyloric and fundic abomasal lesions in Swiss veal calves at slaughter and to compare the occurrence of non-perforating abomasal lesions between two different production programs ('Naturafarm' and 'conventional'). 'Conventional'-production settings met the minimal standards as defined by the Swiss animal welfare legislation, whereas 'Naturafarm' production complied with increased animal welfare requirements. In order to identify risk factors for the development of abomasal lesions, information on management, housing, and feeding was obtained by a questionnaire. A total of 125 abomasa were randomly selected in one large abattoir. They were examined macroscopically, and the occurence of lesions in either the fundic or pyloric region of the abomasum was recorded separately. Animals raised in the 'conventional'-production setting revealed a significantly higher prevalence of lesions in the fundic part. Factors significantly affecting the prevalence of non-perforating lesions in the fundic part were the 'conventional'-production environment, including missing access to an outside pen, missing access to water and straw as the only roughage, feeding by bucket and the liquid milk by-product Protofit in combination with the powder Sprayfit.

Abomasum/pathology , Animal Husbandry/methods , Cattle Diseases/prevention & control , Stomach Diseases/veterinary , Animal Welfare , Animals , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Cattle Diseases/pathology , Female , Male , Prevalence , Stomach Diseases/epidemiology , Stomach Diseases/pathology , Stomach Diseases/prevention & control , Switzerland/epidemiology
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry ; 80(3): 320-5, 2009 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18713792


BACKGROUND: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) leads to progressive impairment of muscle function, respiratory failure and premature death. Longitudinal data on the course of physical disability and respiratory function are sparse. OBJECTIVES: To assess prospectively physical impairment and disability, respiratory function and survival in patients with DMD over several years to describe the course of the disease with current care. METHODS: In 43 patients with DMD, aged 5-35 years, yearly assessments of physical disability by the Duchenne muscular dystrophy physical Impairment and Dependence on care (DID) score, ranging from 9 (no disability) to 80 (complete dependence), and forced vital capacity (FVC), were obtained over a mean time interval of 5.4 (SD 2.1) years. RESULTS: DID scores were correlated with age according to a hyperbolic function (f = 85.3 x age/(10.05+age), R = 0.62, p<0.0001). FVC declined exponentially with age (f = 139.1 x exp(-0.08 x age), R = 0.52, p<0.0001). Mean age at which patients lost their ambulation was 9.4 (SD 2.4) years and they became dependent on an electric wheelchair at 14.6 (4.0) years. Age at the beginning of assisted ventilation was 19.8 (3.9) years, Three patients died during the observation period. The estimated probability of survival to age 30 years was 85% (median survival was 35 years). CONCLUSIONS: Our detailed observations of the progression of physical disability, dependence on care and respiratory impairment in patients with DMD from childhood to adult life is valuable for predicting the clinical course with current medical care. Compared with historical data, survival has improved considerably.

Disability Evaluation , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/diagnosis , Activities of Daily Living/classification , Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Dependent Ambulation , Disease Progression , Humans , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Longitudinal Studies , Male , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/mortality , Neurologic Examination , Prospective Studies , Respiration, Artificial , Spirometry , Vital Capacity/physiology , Wheelchairs
Hum Gene Ther ; 12(17): 2109-19, 2001 Nov 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11747600


Glaucoma, a group of optic neuropathies, is the leading cause of irreversible blindness. Neuronal apoptosis in glaucoma is primarily associated with high intraocular pressure caused by chronically impaired outflow of aqueous humor through the trabecular meshwork, a reticulum of mitotically inactive endothelial-like cells located in the angle of the anterior chamber. Anatomic, genetic, and expression profiling data suggest the possibility of using gene transfer to treat glaucomatous intraocular pressure dysregulation, but this approach will require stable genetic modification of the differentiated aqueous outflow tract. We injected transducing unit-normalized preparations of either of two lentiviral vectors or an oncoretroviral vector as a single bolus into the aqueous circulation of cultured human donor eyes, under perfusion conditions that mimicked natural anterior chamber flow and maintained viability ex vivo. Reporter gene expression was assessed in trabecular meshwork from 3 to 16 days after infusion of 1.0 x 10(8) transducing units of each vector. The oncoretroviral vector failed to transduce the trabecular meshwork. In contrast, feline immunodeficiency virus and human immunodeficiency virus vectors produced efficient, localized transduction of the trabecular meshwork in situ. The results demonstrate that lentiviral vectors permit efficient genetic modification of the human trabecular meshwork when delivered via the afferent aqueous circulation, a clinically accessible route. In addition, controlled comparisons in this study establish that feline and human immunodeficiency virus vectors are equivalently efficacious in delivering genes to this terminally differentiated human tissue.

Genetic Vectors/genetics , Glaucoma/genetics , Glaucoma/therapy , Lentivirus/genetics , Trabecular Meshwork/metabolism , Trabecular Meshwork/virology , Transduction, Genetic/methods , Aged , Animals , Aphidicolin/pharmacology , Aqueous Humor/metabolism , Cats , Cell Division , Cells, Cultured , Gene Expression , Genes, Reporter/genetics , HIV-1/genetics , Humans , Immunodeficiency Virus, Feline/genetics , Lac Operon/genetics , Leukemia Virus, Murine/genetics , Mice , Middle Aged , Organ Culture Techniques , Organ Specificity , Trabecular Meshwork/drug effects , Trabecular Meshwork/pathology , Transgenes/genetics
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci ; 41(13): 4163-8, 2000 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11095610


PURPOSE: To determine the effect of human recombinant TIGR/myocilin (MYOC) protein on outflow resistance in the human anterior segment. METHODS: A cDNA for MYOC was inserted into a bacterial expression system and purified with nickel ion affinity chromatography. The anterior segments of 12 pairs of human eyes were placed in perfusion organ culture. One eye received an anterior chamber exchange with partially purified recombinant MYOC (25 microgram), whereas the other eye received either heat-denatured recombinant MYOC (25 microgram), partially purified ss-galactosidase (25 or 250 microgram), or partially purified control proteins isolated from a null expression lysate (25 microgram). Eyes were fixed up to 72 hours after infusion, and immunohistochemistry was performed using anti-MYOC polyclonal antibody. RESULTS: Recombinant MYOC caused an increase in IOP over 12 hours, increasing outflow resistance 94%, whereas the fellow eye infused with null expression sample increased 12% (n = 7; P = 0.0005). When compared with recombinant MYOC, neither heat-denatured MYOC, recombinant ss-galactosidase, bovine serum albumin, nor fetal calf serum caused an increase in outflow resistance. MYOC IOP remained above baseline levels for 48 to 72 hours. Immunohistochemistry results confirmed the presence of recombinant MYOC in the trabecular meshwork. CONCLUSIONS: Recombinant MYOC increased outflow resistance in human anterior segments, whereas control proteins did not. MYOC may increase outflow resistance by specific interactions within the trabecular meshwork.

Anterior Eye Segment/drug effects , Aqueous Humor/metabolism , Cytoskeletal Proteins/pharmacology , Eye Proteins/pharmacology , Glycoproteins/pharmacology , Intraocular Pressure/drug effects , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Anterior Eye Segment/metabolism , Blotting, Western , Chromatography, Affinity , Cytoskeletal Proteins/genetics , Cytoskeletal Proteins/isolation & purification , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel , Eye Proteins/genetics , Eye Proteins/isolation & purification , Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect , Gene Expression , Glycoproteins/genetics , Glycoproteins/isolation & purification , Humans , Middle Aged , Organ Culture Techniques , Recombinant Proteins/genetics , Recombinant Proteins/isolation & purification , Recombinant Proteins/pharmacology , Trabecular Meshwork/drug effects , Trabecular Meshwork/metabolism , Transfection
Endothelium ; 6(1): 45-59, 1998.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9832332


The regulation of interleukin-1 (IL-1)-mediated increases in GMCSF mRNA levels in human endothelium was examined and determined to occur in a time- and protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent manner. IL-1beta induced the early activation and translocation of PKC isotypes alpha and beta2 to the nucleus and PKC inhibition attenuated the IL-1-mediated increase in GMCSF mRNA levels. PKC activation by PMA alone, in the absence of IL-1beta activation, however, was insufficient to allow GMCSF mRNA detection. Increasing cyclic adenosine nucleotide (cAMP) levels suppressed IL-1beta-induced increases in GMCSF mRNA levels. In contrast, botulinum toxin C, which mediates the ADP ribosylation of a 21 kD ras-related G protein, augmented IL-1beta-induced GMCSF mRNA expression. Inhibition of protein synthesis (with cycloheximide) raised basal GMCSF mRNA transcripts to detectable levels, augmented IL-1-induced increases in GMCSF mRNA levels, and exhibited negative regulation by cAMP. Finally, disruption of either microtubules (with colchicine) or microfilaments (with cytochalasin B) resulted in reduced GMCSF mRNA expression in response to IL-1beta. These results are compatible with a model wherein IL-1-mediated increases in human endothelial cell GMCSF mRNA may be linked to both nuclear protein kinase C activation and activation of a low molecular weight G-protein, although neither activity alone is sufficient to increase the levels of GMCSF mRNA.

Endothelium, Vascular/metabolism , Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor/biosynthesis , Interleukin-1/pharmacology , Actin Cytoskeleton/drug effects , Cells, Cultured , Colchicine/pharmacology , Cytochalasin B/pharmacology , Endothelium, Vascular/ultrastructure , Humans , Microtubules/drug effects , Protein Kinase C/metabolism , RNA, Messenger/biosynthesis , Signal Transduction/drug effects
J Cell Physiol ; 156(3): 541-9, 1993 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8360259


Endothelial cell activation by thrombin is a key event in wound healing, inflammation, and hemostasis. To better define thrombin-endothelial cell interactions we synthesized several peptides of varying length corresponding to the initial 14 amino acid sequence of the cloned human platelet thrombin receptor after cleavage at an arginine41 site (R/SFLLRNPNDKYEPF). Thrombin receptor activating peptides (TRAPs) as short as 5 amino acids induced significant levels of PGI2 synthesis and expression of PDGF mRNA in human endothelium and produced dose-dependent cellular contraction and permeability of confluent human umbilical vein and bovine pulmonary artery endothelial monolayers. To explore whether TRAPs utilized similar signal transducing pathways as alpha-thrombin to accomplish endothelial cell activation, phospholipase C production of the Ca2+ secretagogue IP3 was measured and detected 10 seconds after either TRAP 7 or alpha-thrombin. Furthermore, TRAPs ranging from 5-14 residues induced significant dose-dependent increases in Fura-2 fluorescence indicative of Ca2+(1) mobilization. These results indicate that thrombin-mediated proteolytic cleavage of the human and bovine thrombin receptor initiates stimulus/coupling responses such phospholipase C activation, Ca2+ mobilization, and protein kinase C activation. The functional consequence of this cellular activation via the cleaved receptor is enhanced cellular contraction, barrier dysfunction, PGI2 synthesis, and expression of PDGF mRNA.

Calcium/metabolism , Endothelium, Vascular/metabolism , Epoprostenol/biosynthesis , Peptide Fragments/pharmacology , Platelet-Derived Growth Factor/genetics , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Amino Acid Sequence , Animals , Biological Transport/drug effects , Capillary Permeability/drug effects , Cells, Cultured , Endothelium, Vascular/cytology , Humans , Molecular Sequence Data , Peptide Fragments/genetics , Thrombin/pharmacology
J Lab Clin Med ; 120(6): 929-40, 1992 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1333514


The cascade of transmembrane signaling events that follow the occupancy of the interleukin 1 receptor remain poorly defined. We examined potential postreceptor transduction systems involved in human recombinant interleukin 1-beta-stimulated prostacyclin synthesis in human umbilical vein endothelium. Challenge of human umbilical vein endothelium monolayers with recombinant interleukin 1-beta resulted in dose- and time-dependent tritiated arachidonate release and prostacyclin synthesis consistent with phospholipase A2 activation. Prostacyclin synthesis after interleukin 1-beta (10 ng/ml) was detected 4 hours after stimulation and peaked at 16 to 24 hours. To examine whether interleukin 1-beta produced early activation of a phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C, human umbilical vein endothelium monolayers were labeled with tritiated-2-myoinositol and inositol polyphosphates recovered after interleukin 1-beta stimulation. In contrast to the potent agonist, alpha-thrombin, interleukin 1-beta failed to significantly increase inositol phosphate production when examined for up to 4 hours. The absence of a significant increase in the Cai++ secretagogue, IP3, was confirmed in human umbilical vein endothelium monolayers loaded with the Ca++ photoprotein probe aequorin. Basal aequorin luminescence was unaltered after interleukin 1-beta (0 to 2 hours), whereas both alpha-thrombin and Ca++ ionophore A23187 produced rapid rises in Cai++. The intracellular Ca++ antagonist BAPTA and the extracellular Ca++ chelator EGTA produced significant inhibition of interleukin 1-beta-stimulated prostacyclin generation at 4 to 8 hours, suggesting either an indirect inhibitory effect of these agents on phospholipase A2 activity or that an increase in Ca++ may be a late event in the transduction scheme after interleukin 1 stimulation. Interleukin 1-beta-stimulated protein kinase C, phospholipase D, and adenylyl cyclase activities (0 to 4 hours) were unchanged from controls. Despite the absence of increased plasma membrane protein kinase C activity up to 4 hours after interleukin 1, pretreatment of human umbilical vein endothelium monolayers with staurosporine or phorbol myristate acetate (18 hours) to reduce protein kinase C activities, significantly attenuated the interleukin 1-stimulated prostanoid responses at 16 hours but not at 4 hours. Furthermore, short (5 minute) pretreatment with phorbol myristate acetate dramatically augmented interleukin 1-mediated prostacyclin responses in synergistic fashion, suggesting that protein kinase C may modulate interleukin 1 signal transducing pathways. In summary, these studies suggest that interleukin 1-beta-mediated endothelial cell phospholipase A2 activity and prostacyclin synthesis occur via a novel transducing pathway that does not involve early activation of phospholipase C, phospholipase D, or adenylate cyclase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

Endothelium, Vascular/metabolism , Epoprostenol/biosynthesis , Interleukin-1/pharmacology , Phospholipase D/physiology , Protein Kinase C/physiology , Signal Transduction , Type C Phospholipases/physiology , Arachidonic Acid/metabolism , Cells, Cultured , Cyclic AMP/biosynthesis , Egtazic Acid/analogs & derivatives , Egtazic Acid/pharmacology , Humans , Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate/pharmacology
Appl Environ Microbiol ; 56(2): 479-82, 1990 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16348122


Three experiments were performed to determine the effect of selected saccharides on mushroom yield and basidiome size of shiitake (Lentinula edodes) when grown on a synthetic substrate. Substrate formulations of sawdust, wheat bran, and millet were nonamended or amended with sucrose, fructose, or glucose. Addition of sucrose (0.6 to 1.2% [dry weight]) to the substrate stimulated mushroom yield by 11 to 20% or more. Addition of fructose at 1.2% and glucose at 0.6% resulted in similar yield increases. Most of the yield increase occurred on the first break. The substrate amended with 1.2% sucrose tended to have a more synchronous maturation for the second break resulting in fewer days when mushrooms were harvested.

Appl Environ Microbiol ; 52(6): 1425-7, 1986 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16347249


Substrate formulations of sawdust, wheat bran, and millet were inoculated with spawns from one hybrid and two parental genotypes of Lentinula edodes. Biological efficiency (BE) and size data on mushrooms harvested from two substrate formulations with spawn run times of 60, 90, and 120 days were analyzed. A significant genotype-spawn run time-substrate formulation interaction was observed for BE. The longer spawn runs resulted in greater BE than the shorter spawn runs. This study points to the need for more work to determine the underlying variability within genotypes.