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Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd ; 165(7): 512-523, 2023 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37403591


INTRODUCTION: A sensor ear tag (SET) containing Global Positioning System (GPS), accelerometer, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID), and Bluetooth technologies was tested for wearing comfort and compliance with animal welfare requirements in cattle in a free stall barn and on summer pasture in Switzerland. The SET was equipped with a long-lasting battery via solar panel and used a «twin pin¼ fixing system. Right ears of 12 newborns and 26 adolescent animals were tagged with the SET. While left ears were tagged simultaneously with official ear tags in newborns, the adolescent animals already carried the official ear tags. The newborns stayed in a free stall barn during the entire experiment, while adolescent animals were housed in a free stall barn and on pasture during summer. All animals developed crusts beginning on day 7 after tagging with the SET. Pain reactions were observed occasionally in the first two weeks. Ear growth in newborns during 11 months of observation did not differ between ears with SET and official ear tags. Cortisol concentration in saliva of newborns decreased in the first week after tagging which is physiological for this age group. In older animals cortisol concentrations in saliva were not affected. We registered 19 incidences in 11 animals with the SET, that required veterinary or staff intervention. Two animals lost the SET with ear injury. Scars due to tag migration were observed in ears of all newborns after the 9th month of observation. In conclusion, SET with a weight of 32 g that need a twin pin fixation in cows do not seem to induce systemic or local inflammations more frequently compared to official ear tags; however, the higher risk of accidental injuries and migration in ear cartilage would not meet Swiss welfare standards and the attachment to the ear needs to be improved for general use.

INTRODUCTION: Une marque auriculaire à capteur (SET) contenant les technologies Global Positioning System (GPS), accéléromètre, identification par radiofréquence (RFID) et Bluetooth a été testée en termes de confort et de conformité aux exigences de bien-être animal chez des bovins dans une étable à stabulation libre et sur des pâturages d'estivage en Suisse. Le SET était équipé d'une batterie longue durée via un panneau solaire et utilisait un système de fixation «twin pin¼. Les oreilles droites de 12 veaux et de 26 génisses ont été équipées avec le SET. Les oreilles gauches ont été marquées en même temps avec les marques officielles chez les nouveau-nés alors que les génisses portaient déjà ces marques officielles. Les nouveau-nés ont été détenu dans une étable à stabulation libre, avec accès à une aire de sortie et aux paturages voisins pendant toute la durée de l'expérience tandis que les génisses ont été logés dans une étable à stabulation libre et en pâturage pendant l'été. Tous les animaux ont développé des croûtes à partir du 7e jour après le marquage avec le SET. Des réactions douloureuses ont occasionnellement été observées au cours des deux premières semaines. La croissance des oreilles des nouveau-nés au cours des 11 mois d'observation n'a pas différé entre les oreilles marquées par le SET et les oreilles marquées de manière standard. La concentration de cortisol dans la salive des nouveau-nés a diminué au cours de la première semaine successive au marquage, ce qui est physiologique pour ce groupe d'âge. Chez les animaux plus âgés, les concentrations de cortisol dans la salive n'ont pas été affectées. Nous avons enregistré 19 incidents chez 11 animaux avec le SET, qui ont nécessité l'intervention d'un vétérinaire ou d'un membre du personnel. Deux animaux ont perdu le SET avec blessure à l'oreille. Des cicatrices dues à la migration des marques ont été observées sur les oreilles de tous les nouveau-nés après le 9e mois d'observation. En conclusion, les SET d'un poids de 32 g qui nécessitent une fixation par deux tiges chez les bovins ne semblent pas induire d'inflammations systémiques ou locales plus fréquemment que les marques auriculaires officielles. Cependant le risque plus élevé de blessures accidentelles et de migration dans le cartilage de l'oreille ne correspondrait pas aux normes suisses en matière de bien-être et la fixation à l'oreille doit être améliorée pour une utilisation généralisée.

Animal Identification Systems , Hydrocortisone , Female , Cattle , Animals , Animal Identification Systems/veterinary , Ear , Animal Welfare , Switzerland
J Dairy Sci ; 106(4): 2213-2229, 2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36870838


The theme of iodine in the dairy sector is of particular interest due to the involvement and the interconnection of several stakeholders along the dairy food chain. Iodine plays a fundamental role in animal nutrition and physiology, and in cattle it is an essential micronutrient during lactation and for fetal development and the calf's growth. Its correct use in food supplementation is crucial to guarantee the animal's recommended daily requirement to avoid excess intake and long-term toxicity. Milk iodine is fundamental for public health, being one of the major sources of iodine in Mediterranean and Western diets. Public authorities and the scientific community have made great efforts to address how and to what extent different drivers may affect milk iodine concentration. The scientific literature concurs that the amount of iodine administered through animal feed and mineral supplements is the most important factor affecting its concentration in milk of most common dairy species. Additionally, farming practices related to milking (e.g., use of iodized teat sanitizers), herd management (e.g., pasture vs. confinement), and other environmental factors (e.g., seasonality) have been identified as sources of variation of milk iodine concentration. Overall, the aim of this review is to provide a multilevel overview on the mechanisms that contribute to the iodine concentration of milk and dairy products.

Iodine , Trace Elements , Female , Cattle , Animals , Iodine/analysis , Milk/chemistry , Lactation/physiology , Animal Feed/analysis , Diet/veterinary
Animal ; 16(12): 100674, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36434984


Compared with maize silage- and concentrate-based diets, herbage-based diets were repeatedly shown to favourably influence the milk fatty acid (FA) profile. However, it is unclear how the herbage feeding mode (grazing vs indoor green-feeding) and conservation (fresh herbage vs hay vs silage) modify the milk FA profile. Therefore, the aim of the present experiment was to investigate the effect of different herbage utilisation methods (including herbage feeding mode and herbage conservation method) on the ruminal biohydrogenation of dietary FA and the consequences on the milk FA composition in cows of two breeds (Holstein and Montbéliarde). Concomitant effects of botanical composition and phenological stage of the herbage on milk FA profile were controlled for by harvesting barn-dried hay and silage simultaneously as first cut from the same ryegrass-dominated grassland in a semi-mountainous region. Seven weeks later, the first regrowth of the same plot was used as fresh herbage, either grazed or fed indoor (indoor green-feeding). Twenty-four Montbéliarde and 24 Holstein cows were randomly allocated to four groups of 12 cows balanced by breed, parity, and milk yield. In a free-stall barn, three groups were given ad libitum access to hay, silage, or fresh herbage, respectively. The fourth group was strip-grazing. All cows were supplemented with 3 kg DM/day of the same energy-rich concentrate. After 2 weeks of adaptation to the forage, samples of forage, concentrate, milk, blood, and rumen fluid were collected. Fatty acid composition of forages, rumen fluid, and milk was analysed by gas chromatography. Haymaking reduced total FA content of the herbage, in particular that of linoleic acid (LA) and α-linolenic acid (ALA). Still, rumen fluid lipids of hay-fed cows had the highest proportion of rumenic acid, LA, ALA, and total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Milk fat from hay-fed cows had the highest proportion of LA, and the apparent transfer rates from feed to milk of LA and ALA were higher in hay-fed cows than in silage-fed cows. The proportion of PUFAs was highest in milk fat from grazing and indoor green-fed Montbéliarde cows and lowest in silage-fed cows of both breeds. In conclusion, the herbage utilisation method affects the ruminal biohydrogenation of LA and ALA, whereby herbage drying particularly increases their transfer from herbage to milk.

Fatty Acids , Milk , Female , Animals , Cattle , Fatty Acids/analysis , Milk/chemistry , Rumen/chemistry , Lactation , Plant Breeding , Diet/veterinary , Linoleic Acid/pharmacology , Silage/analysis , Fatty Acids, Unsaturated/analysis
J Dairy Sci ; 104(5): 5285-5302, 2021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33685688


In European countries, silage-free feeding is an ancient tradition and has a particularly positive reputation among consumers. In the present study, we compared grass-based forages from the same plot conserved as hay or silage or fed fresh either on pasture or indoors, and we evaluated the differences in sensory properties of milk and uncooked pressed cheese. All herbage from the first cut of a grassland dominated by perennial ryegrass was harvested on the same day and preserved either as hay or silage. The first regrowth of the same plot was used for strip grazing or green feeding indoors. Balanced by breed, 24 Montbéliarde and 24 Holstein cows were allocated to the 4 treatments. Apart from the forages, the late-lactation cows received 3 kg/d of dry matter from concentrate. After 2 wk of dietary adaptation, the bulk milk of 3 subgroups, each with 4 cows, was collected. Part of the milk was pasteurized, and part was left raw and partly transformed to small-sized Cantal-type cheese ripened for 9 wk. Milk and cheese underwent descriptive sensory analysis by a trained sensory panel, as well as analyses of physicochemical traits. Volatile organic compounds of the cheeses were also analyzed. Raw and pasteurized milk from hay-fed cows had less intense odors of cooked milk, cream, and barnyard than milk from grazing cows, whereby the effect of pasteurization did not differ between herbage utilization methods. Cheeses obtained from cows fed fresh herbage (grazing and indoors) were clearly yellower than cheeses from silage- and hay-fed cows, which coincided with the color intensity perceived by the panelists. Moreover, cheeses from cows fed fresh herbage had more intense barnyard and dry fruit flavors, were perceived as creamier and having less lactic odor, and exhibited more fat exudation than those from cows fed conserved herbage. Only a few differences were observed in milk and cheeses from hay-fed compared with silage-fed cows, and those differences were far less pronounced than those of milk and cheeses from cows fed fresh herbage. In conclusion, the present study did not substantiate assumptions of clear sensory differences of milk and uncooked pressed cheese from hay-fed compared with silage-fed cows. For the first time, this study reports that the global flavor intensity of cheeses from indoor green-fed cows is similar to that of cheeses derived from cows fed conserved forages, whereas cheeses from grazing cows have the greatest global flavor intensity.

Cheese , Animal Feed/analysis , Animals , Cattle , Diet/veterinary , Europe , Female , Lactation , Milk , Plant Breeding , Silage/analysis
J Dairy Sci ; 103(4): 3470-3478, 2020 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32089306


In the mountains, the traditional practice of transhumance is common in dairy production systems to make use of the high-altitude summer pastures. Although the effects of highland grazing have been intensively studied with respect to cow performance and milk and cheese quality, the actual moving of the animals to the highlands and the consequences of this stressor for performance and milk quality in the days immediately following transhumance has not been investigated in detail. The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of a 6-km walk (lasting 1.5 h) to those of a truck transport of 10.5 km (lasting 1 h), simulating cow movement in transhumance systems, as well as a control treatment in which cows were not moved. The experiment included 12 late-lactating Valdostana Red Pied, 12 Montbéliarde, and 12 Holstein cows (i.e., breeds contrasting in genetic merit for milk production). Each cow was subjected to each treatment in a 3-wk Latin square design. Milk yield was measured, and milk and blood samples were taken around the transhumance simulation events. Cows of the 3 breeds responded similarly to both movement treatments. Walking decreased milk yield by 1 kg/milking, but truck transport did not affect milk yield. Both treatments led to an increase in plasma nonesterified fatty acids and milk somatic cell count compared with controls, and truck transport increased milk fat content. Milk coagulation properties were better for Valdostana Red Pied and Montbéliarde cows than for Holstein cows but were not affected by walking or truck transport. Further studies aiming to compare the 3 breeds should include a wider range of response variables over a longer term, including reproduction performance and repeated transhumance.

Dairying , Milk , Motor Vehicles , Walking , Animals , Cattle , Cheese/analysis , Diet/veterinary , Female , Food Quality , Lactation , Seasons
Theriogenology ; 142: 376-383, 2020 Jan 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31708192


In many mammalian species, corpus luteum derived progesterone (P4) is the main functional gestagen during the estrous cycle and pregnancy. P4 can be metabolized into various metabolites, of which some are biologically active. While some metabolites target the classical nuclear progesterone receptor (PR), neurosteroids bind the receptors of type A γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAA-r) in the brain. According to the position of reduction within the molecule, metabolites of P4 can be characterized into C20-reduced progestogens (20α-dihydroprogesterone (20α-DHP) and 20ß-dihydroprogesterone (20ß-DHP)), C3-reduced progestogens (3α-dihydroprogesterone (3α-DHP) and 3ß-dihydroprogesterone (3ß-DHP)), 5α-reduced progestogens (5α-dihydroprogesterone (5α-DHP), allopregnanolone and isopregnanolone) and 5ß-reduced progestogens (5ß-dihydroprogesterone (5ß-DHP), pregnanolone and epipregnanolone). We questioned whether the reduced progestogens are present in bovine plasma during the estrous cycle and whether their profiles differed from the profile of the common precursor P4 around the time of luteolysis. The analytes were monitored in plasma samples using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS). While progestogens lagged behind the drop of P4 at luteolysis, they followed the profile of P4 during the estrous cycle. The abundance of P4 was predominant followed by allopregnanolone, pregnanolone, epipregnanolone and 20ß-DHP. Further studies will need to focus particularly on the period around luteolysis.

Blood Chemical Analysis , Cattle/blood , Estrous Cycle/blood , Progestins/blood , Animals , Blood Chemical Analysis/methods , Blood Chemical Analysis/veterinary , Chromatography, Liquid/veterinary , Female , Progesterone/analysis , Progesterone/blood , Progestins/analysis , Tandem Mass Spectrometry/veterinary
Animal ; 13(11): 2594-2602, 2019 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31064606


The aim of this study was to determine how cows with different genetic merit behave and perform when grazing biodiverse and heterogeneous mountain pastures with different slopes. Three groups of 12 cows in late lactation, each composed of four Holstein, four Montbéliarde and four Valdostana Red Pied cows, breeds of increasing presumed robustness and decreasing milk yield (MY) potential. Cows grazed without concentrate either on a low-diversity flat pasture or on two species-rich mountainous pastures having slopes of either 7° or 22°. Milk yield, BW and grazing behaviour were monitored two times in the first and once in the second grazing cycle. Cows of different breeds had similar behaviour on all pastures. The Montbéliarde cows performed close to their production potential; Holstein and Valdostana cows produced less milk than anticipated. No breed difference in terms of BW loss was found. The Valdostana cows exhibited the least selective behaviour with respect to plant species and plant growth stage. Still, all cows searched for the most palatable vegetation regardless of pasture diversity. On the steep pasture, cows optimised the trade-off between ingesting and saving energy to obtain feed. They remained longer at the lowest zone and selected forbs, whereas cows on the flatter pasture went to the upper zone to select grasses. The present study gave no evidence for a superior short-term adaptation to harsh grazing conditions through an optimised feeding behaviour of the Valdostana breed compared to Montbéliarde and Holstein cows.

Breeding , Cattle/physiology , Dairying/methods , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Poaceae , Animals , Biodiversity , Cattle/classification , Cattle/genetics , Diet/veterinary , Eating , Female , Geography , Lactation/genetics , Lactation/physiology , Milk
Meat Sci ; 154: 109-118, 2019 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31026718


In the present study, the effects of feeding 450 g/day of rumen-protected fish oil (FO) compared to sunflower oil (SO) to Angus heifers (60 g/kg total intake) were quantified. Animal performance was not affected whereas the physico-chemical meat quality, assessed in three muscles, was slightly affected by diet. The oxidative shelf life of the perirenal fat declined with FO compared to SO. Despite the formerly shown increased n-3 fatty acid proportions of meat due to FO supplementation, a trained sensory panel identified an only slightly more intense fishy flavour in grilled steaks and beef patties from the FO compared to the SO group. In FO compared to SO patties, flavour intensity was more pronounced. The perception of off-flavours was negligible and differences between muscles were larger than between diets. In conclusion, supplementing ruminants with FO containing nutritionally beneficial n-3 fatty acids results in few side-effects on meat quality, restricted to quite faint off-flavours and a shorter fat shelf life.

Animal Feed/analysis , Fish Oils , Red Meat/analysis , Sunflower Oil , Taste , Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Animals , Cattle , Diet/veterinary , Female , Humans
J Dairy Sci ; 101(8): 6866-6871, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29885892


In the present study, a methanol-fluorescence-based HPLC method was validated for its use to quantify α-tocopherol and γ-tocopherol in raw milk, whole UHT milk, partially skimmed UHT milk, whole pasteurized milk, and partially skimmed pasteurized milk. Repeatability and reproducibility, calculated as relative standard deviation of 10 measurements within the same day and 30 measurements across 3 d, respectively, were always below 5% for both tocopherols concentrations and retention times. Recovery was assessed through 3 spiking levels and it ranged from 89 to 107%. The method was able to detect the expected declines in tocopherols in milk exposed to UHT or skimming treatments. Vitamin E, calculated as the sum of α-tocopherol and γ-tocopherol, was similar in whole pasteurized and raw milk, averaging 1.57 and 1.56 mg/L, respectively, followed by whole UHT (1.33 mg/L), partially skimmed pasteurized (0.77 mg/L), and partially skimmed UHT milk (0.61 mg/L).

Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/standards , Milk/chemistry , Tocopherols/analysis , Animals , Cattle , Female , Reproducibility of Results , Vitamin E
Meat Sci ; 145: 40-50, 2018 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29864654


In order to assess chronic stress in entire and castrated male pigs and to describe effects of a provision of grass silage in those pigs, a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial experiment comprising the factors castration, chronic intermittent social stress and provision of grass silage was carried out with 147 growing-finishing pigs from 25.6 to 102.1 kg body weight. The experimental design allowed investigating interactions between the three factors, but only few were statistically significant. Stress exposure consisted of repeated short-term confrontations with unfamiliar pigs and short-term separations. Carcasses of stress-exposed pigs had thicker backfat, lower lean meat percentage and a different fatty acids composition of the adipose tissue. While entire males differed strongly from castrates in performance, carcass characteristics and adipose tissue properties, we found no evidence for an increased level of chronic stress in entire males compared to castrates. Provision of grass silage increased stomach weight and reduced dressing percentage, but did not impair performance, adipose tissue properties or meat quality.

Adipose Tissue/metabolism , Body Weight , Meat/analysis , Orchiectomy , Poaceae , Silage , Stress, Psychological , Androstenes/metabolism , Animals , Body Composition , Fatty Acids/metabolism , Humans , Male , Muscles/metabolism , Skatole/metabolism , Stomach , Swine
Meat Sci ; 137: 106-113, 2018 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29156325


Bioavailability of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in ruminants is enhanced by their protection from ruminal biohydrogenation. Both n-3 and n-6 PUFA fulfil important physiological functions. We investigated potentially different incorporation patterns of these functional PUFA into three beef muscles with different activity characteristics. We supplemented 33 Angus heifers with rumen-protected oils characterized either by mainly C18:2 n-6 (linoleic acid (LA) in sunflower oil) or by C20:5 (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)) and C22:6 (docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)), both prevalent n-3 PUFA in fish oil. Contents and proportions of n-3 and n-6 PUFA of total fatty acids were elevated in the muscles of the respective diet group but they were partitioned differently into the muscles. For EPA and DHA, but not for LA, the diet effect was more distinct in the extensor carpi radialis compared to longissimus thoracis and biceps femoris. Partitioning of PUFA in metabolism could be related to muscle function. This has to be confirmed in other muscles, adipose tissues and organs.

Cattle/metabolism , Fatty Acids, Omega-3/analysis , Fatty Acids, Omega-6/analysis , Fish Oils/pharmacology , Muscle, Skeletal/metabolism , Sunflower Oil/pharmacology , Animal Feed/analysis , Animals , Biological Availability , Diet/veterinary , Female , Muscle, Skeletal/chemistry
Orthop Traumatol Surg Res ; 100(1 Suppl): S125-37, 2014 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24412258


Paediatric patellar instability encompasses many anatomic entities located along a continuum of knee extensor mechanism abnormalities. Major or minor clinical manifestations may occur at a variable age. In major forms with irreducible patellar dislocation or habitual patellar dislocation during knee flexion, shortness of the quadriceps is a consistent feature. A comprehensive aetiological work-up is in order, as syndromic conditions are common. Early surgical treatment is mandatory and should be performed by an experienced paediatric orthopaedic surgeon, as the procedure is technically challenging. Minor forms are more common; they are characterised by patellar dislocation or subluxation near terminal knee extension. The diagnosis may be difficult, particularly at the acute phase. Surgery is needed in patients with recurrent dislocation or functional impairments. The semiology of patellar instability has undergone considerable development in recent years, and a three-dimensional evaluation of patellar position can now be obtained using magnetic resonance imaging. Individually tailored surgical treatment "à la carte" remains a valid approach in 2013. However, new techniques for medial patello-femoral ligament reconstruction have modified the management strategies for adults and superseded many stabilisation procedures. Adapting these new techniques to paediatric patients and developing new procedures constitute major challenges.

Joint Instability/surgery , Patellar Dislocation/surgery , Adolescent , Child , Cooperative Behavior , Early Medical Intervention , Humans , Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Interdisciplinary Communication , Joint Instability/diagnosis , Joint Instability/etiology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Orthopedic Procedures/methods , Patellar Dislocation/diagnosis , Patellar Dislocation/etiology , Risk Factors
Mult Scler Relat Disord ; 3(1): 129-35, 2014 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25877984


BACKGROUND: Individuals with MS undergoing immunoablative therapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) show substantial decrease in brain volume over 2.4 months, presumably from chemotoxic effects, although other mechanisms have also been postulated. OBJECTIVE: We examined whether volume loss was accompanied by a concomitant decrease in cognition. White and gray matter volumes, and the effect of stem cell dosage were considered. METHODS: Seven individuals with rapidly progressing MS and poor prognosis underwent high dose immunosuppression and autologous HSCT. Neuropsychological testing and MRI scans were performed at baseline, 2 and 24 months post-procedure. RESULTS: Cognitive impairment was noted at all times in most participants. Median decline of 1.39% in total brain volume was noted 2 months post-HSCT. By 24 months a further decline of 1.65% was noted. At 2 months significant decline was observed for areas of executive functioning. At 24 months almost no significant declines were noted. No significant correlations were found between cognitive decline and change in imaging variables or stem cell dosage. CONCLUSIONS: Cognition changed in the early period following treatment but with little apparent relationship to volume changes. With temporal distance from the HSCT procedure, cognition returned to baseline levels. With the caution of a very small sample, preliminary results suggest that immunoablation and HSCT may have no lasting deleterious effects on cognition.

Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol ; 24(3): 385-94, 2014 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23456088


One hundred and one unicompartmental knee arthroplasties (UKA) were done between 1996 and 2000 with ALPINA(®) UNI, a cementless hydroxyapatite-coated anatomic prosthesis. Sixty-five knees were available for the long-term follow-up at a mean of 11 years. The mean IKS improved from 119.3 ± 16.8 points preoperatively to 171.4 ± 25.3 at the latest follow-up (p < 0.0001). Eighty-nine percentage of the knees were rated good and excellent. The mean knee flexion has significantly improved from 120°5 preoperatively to 127°3 at the latest follow-up (p < 0.01). Eleven revision procedures were done: 1 for early knee degeneration on rheumatoid arthritis, 1 for degeneration of osteoarthritis in the opposite compartment of the knee, 1 for unexplained pain and 1 for late ACL rupture, all these 4 cases were replaced by total knee arthroplasties; 3 revisions by another UKA were done due to polyethylene insert fracture; and 4 partial revision were done for bearing exchange due to severe polyethylene wear. When revision for any reason was defined as the end point, the 13-year Kaplan-Meier survival rate was 88 % (95 % CI 81-95 %) and when revision due to implant mechanical failure (excluding degeneration of osteoarthritis in the opposite compartment of the knee and bearing exchange only) was defined as the end point, the 13-year survival rate was 94 % (95 % CI 89.1-99.1 %).

Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee/instrumentation , Hydroxyapatites , Knee Joint/physiopathology , Knee Prosthesis , Aged , Bone Cements , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Knee Joint/diagnostic imaging , Male , Prosthesis Failure , Radiography , Reoperation , Time Factors
Animal ; 7(3): 430-8, 2013 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23031276


There are indications that intrauterine crowding may cause intrauterine growth retardation with the possibility of an impaired myofiber hyperplasia. The aim of the study was to confirm this by generating large differences in uterine space using sows that were unilaterally hysterectomized-ovariectomized (HO; crowded) or unilaterally oviduct ligated (OL; non-crowded). In the study, seven HO and seven OL Swiss Large White third parity sows were used. At farrowing, litter size and litter birth weight were determined. Subsequently, within each litter two male and two female progenies each with the respectively lowest (L) and highest (H) birth weight were sacrificed. Internal organs and brain were weighed, and longissimus (LM) and semitendinosus muscle (SM) samples were collected. Histological analyses were performed in both muscles using mATPase staining after preincubation at pH 4.3 and 10.2. Myosin heavy chain (MyHC) polymorphism was determined in the LM by means of SDS-PAGE. The number of piglets born alive was similar in both sow groups, but litter size expressed per uterine horn was lower (P < 0.05) in OL than HO sows. Consequently, OL progeny were markedly heavier (P < 0.01). Regardless of gender, the organs, the brain and the SM were heavier (P < 0.001) in OL and H compared with HO and L offspring, respectively. Compared with HO pigs, the SM of OL offspring tended (P < 0.1) to have more myofibers, which were of larger (P < 0.05) size. However, myofiber density appeared to be lower (P < 0.1) in the SM of OL than HO pigs. The impact of birth weight on myofiber characteristics was limited to the lower (P < 0.05) myofiber density in the SM and the larger (P < 0.01) myofiber size in the light portion of the SM of H than L offspring, whereas myofiber hyperplasia did not differ between birth weight categories. The SM, but not the LM, of male offspring had a greater (P < 0.05) myofiber density. This did not affect total SM myofiber number. The relative abundance of fetal and type I MyHC in the LM was lower (P < 0.05) and that of type II MyHC was greater (P < 0.001) in OL than HO pigs. The current data suggest that regardless of birth weight and gender, in the LM and SM of individuals born from a crowded environment, not only hyperplasia but also hypertrophy of myofibers is impaired and their maturity seems delayed.

Crowding , Litter Size/physiology , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal/growth & development , Uterus/anatomy & histology , Animals , Birth Weight/physiology , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel , Female , Histological Techniques , Humans , Male , Myosin Heavy Chains/genetics , Organ Size , Pregnancy , Sus scrofa , Uterus/surgery
Orthop Traumatol Surg Res ; 98(6 Suppl): S98-104, 2012 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22981644


BACKGROUND: Osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma are rare, benign, bone-forming tumours. The clinical presentation, imaging study findings, and course indicate clearly that these two tumours are distinct entities. CLINICAL REPORTS: We report two cases suggesting transformation of osteoid osteoma into osteoblastoma and therefore inviting a discussion of the links between these two tumours. An 11-year-old girl with a small metaphyseal lesion of the proximal tibia was given a diagnosis of osteoid osteoma. Over the next few weeks, worsening pain and marked tumour growth prompted a biopsy, which was consistent with an aggressive osteoblastoma. A review of the case suggested primary osteoblastoma at the earliest stage of development. In a 14-year-old boy, en-bloc excision was performed to remove a 1cm defect located within the femoral shaft cortex and typical for osteoid osteoma. An asymptomatic recurrence measuring 20mm along the long axis was removed 18 months later. Reassessment of the histological slides indicated recurrence of an incompletely excised osteoid osteoma. DISCUSSION: The histological similarities between osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma, together with the lesion size criterion, may result in confusion. Collaboration between the clinician and pathologist is crucial and should take the tempo of evolution into account. CONCLUSION: The histopathological differences between these two tumour types deserve to be emphasized. The data reported here challenge the concept that osteoid osteoma can transform into osteoblastoma. These two tumours are distinct entities that should no longer be differentiated based on size, as was long done in the past.

Bone Neoplasms/pathology , Cell Transformation, Neoplastic/pathology , Femur/pathology , Osteoblastoma/pathology , Osteoma, Osteoid/pathology , Tibia/pathology , Adolescent , Biopsy, Needle , Bone Neoplasms/diagnosis , Bone Neoplasms/surgery , Child , Diagnosis, Differential , Female , Femur/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Immunohistochemistry , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Male , Osteoblastoma/diagnosis , Osteoblastoma/surgery , Osteoma, Osteoid/diagnosis , Osteoma, Osteoid/surgery , Precancerous Conditions/pathology , Rare Diseases , Risk Assessment , Tibia/surgery , Time Factors , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Treatment Outcome
Orthop Traumatol Surg Res ; 98(4): 465-9, 2012 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22583894


Isolated congenital elbow contracture is a rare upper-extremity disorder and there are few data about management of this condition. Authors report their experience after aggressive management of children with isolated congenital elbow contracture in flexion. Because of total absence of range of motion (ROM) improvement despites physical therapy (ROM 90-120°) and bone deformity, an anterior surgical release of the elbow was performed through an extensive lateral approach, at sixteen months of age. After surgery, this child was treated by three casts at maximal gained extension followed by sequential Turnbuckles splints. After five years of follow-up, the result was excellent with ROM 5-135°, normal function and absence of growth disturbance. The limiting factor of this protocol was excessive traction in elbow extension on the neurovascular structures, especially the radial nerve. This treatment represents an aggressive management with multiple general anaesthesia, but was found to be a valid option.

Contracture/surgery , Elbow Joint/surgery , Orthopedic Procedures/methods , Casts, Surgical , Contracture/diagnosis , Electromyography , Humans , Infant , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Male , Physical Therapy Modalities , Range of Motion, Articular
Orthop Traumatol Surg Res ; 98(3): 301-8, 2012 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22483631


AIM: Segmental long-bone defect due to tumor resection remains a challenge to treat. The induced membrane technique is a new alternative for biological reconstruction. During the first stage, a cement spacer is inserted after bone resection and stabilisation. The cement spacer is removed during a second stage procedure performed after chemotherapy, and cortico-cancellous bone autograft was placed in the biological induced chamber. The aim of this study was to assess preliminary results in eight children. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This prospective study included six girls and two boys, with a mean age of 12.1 years (range 9.5 to 18) and treated for a mean 15 cm defect (range 10 to 22 cms) due to resection of osteosarcoma (n=4), Ewing sarcoma (n=3) and low grade sarcoma. All patients except one, were given pre- and postoperative chemotherapy. Surgery was performed for three patients with a distal femur tumor, two patients with a proximal tibial tumor and three patients who had proximal humerus, shaft of humerus and fibular tumors. Fixation was mainly performed with locking compression plate (n=4) and locked nail (n=2). The mean operating times for first and second step procedures were 4.8 and 4h respectively. The healing process was radiologically assessed. RESULTS: After a mean follow-up of 21.6 months (15 to 30), all patients were free of disease and seven had bony union. For the lower limb reconstructions, full weight bearing was possible after a mean of 116 days (range 90 to 150) following the second stage. Mean time to bone union was 4.8 months (1.5 to 10). The early Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) score was 25.2/30 (range 20-30). Complications were: non-union (n=1), paradoxical graft resorption (n=1) requiring graft revision. CONCLUSION: This two stage procedure reduces the operating time during the first stage and it also reduces early complications. Rapid bone union is objectively obtained despite major bone resection and the patients receiving chemotherapy. SIGNIFICANCE: The induced membrane technique could be an excellent alternative for biological reconstruction after tumor resection in children.

Bone Neoplasms/surgery , Bone Transplantation , Osteosarcoma/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Adolescent , Bone Neoplasms/diagnosis , Child , Female , Femur/surgery , Femur/transplantation , Fibula/surgery , Fibula/transplantation , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Humerus/surgery , Humerus/transplantation , Male , Osteosarcoma/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Tibia/surgery , Tibia/transplantation , Time Factors
J Neurol Sci ; 316(1-2): 86-92, 2012 May 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22336698


BACKGROUND: Fatigue is a frequently reported and debilitating symptom in multiple sclerosis (MS). Cognitive fatigue (CF) can be defined as decreased performance with sustained cognitive effort. The effectiveness of the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT) and the Computerized Test of Information Processing (CTIP) at detecting CF was examined, as was the impact of methodology. Subjective fatigue was measured using the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS). The relationship between objective and subjective fatigue was examined. METHODS: 70 MS and 72 healthy controls (HC) completed the PASAT (3″ and 2″), CTIP, and FIS as part of a larger battery. RESULTS: The MS and HCs performed worse on cognitively demanding tasks. Depending on methodology, PASAT performance varied between groups at the 3″ inter-stimulus interval (ISI) and the MS group showed greater susceptibility to CF as their ability to meet task demands declined as the task progressed. CTIP performance for both groups varied differently over time depending on task. The relationship between subjective and objective measures of fatigue varied depending on methodology, with PASAT generally correlating well with the Cognitive Dimension of the FIS. CONCLUSIONS: The PASAT is a sensitive measure of CF in MS. Additional information is obtained with different scoring methods, with percent dyad scoring method being most sensitive to CF. The ability to detect a relationship between objective and subjective measures varied with methodology.

Cognition Disorders/diagnosis , Fatigue/diagnosis , Fatigue/psychology , Multiple Sclerosis/psychology , Neuropsychological Tests , Psychomotor Performance/physiology , Acoustic Stimulation/methods , Adult , Cognition/physiology , Cognition Disorders/complications , Cognition Disorders/psychology , Fatigue/complications , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Multiple Sclerosis/complications
Radiat Prot Dosimetry ; 150(2): 231-8, 2012 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22028415


A neutron field characterisation was conducted at the AREVA Melox Plant to determine the response of passive and active neutron dosemeters for several stages in the mixed oxide fuel manufacturing process. Landauer Europe provides radiation dosimetry to many contractors working at the Melox site. The studies were conducted to assist in determining the neutron radiation fields the workers are exposed to routinely, evaluate the need for specific neutron correction factors and to ensure that the most accurate neutron dose is reported for the Melox Plant workers.

Fuel Oils , Neutrons , Occupational Exposure/analysis , Power Plants , Radiation Monitoring/standards , Radiation Protection/standards , Radiometry , Europe , Humans , Occupational Exposure/prevention & control , Oxides/chemistry , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Radiation Dosage , Risk Assessment , Safety Management