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Psychoanal Q ; 93(1): 33-76, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38578265


We propose to critically evaluate and strengthen the level of clinical evidence in psychoanalysis, using a strategy of triangulating clinical phenomena from different perspectives and increasing contextual knowledge. Insufficient discussion of alternative hypotheses and limited contextual information are two Achilles heels of psychoanalytic case presentations. We examine the concept and quality standards of clinical evidence in psychoanalysis and related disciplines, with particular attention to the contribution of the three-level model (3-LM). We analyze the case of a patient treated with transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP), making explicit the theoretical-clinical agreements and disagreements of the authors. We discuss the strengths and limitations of triangulation and contextualization, concluding that they make clinical work and psychoanalytic writing more reliable, transparent, auditable, and replicable.

Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Humans
Int J Psychoanal ; 104(5): 834-842, 2023 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37902482


Psychoanalytic identity "in vivo" means psychoanalysis as an authentic, lived experience, socially and historically situated. What we have inherited from the psychoanalytic tradition now needs to be collectively and individually updated and shaped as therapy, as research and as theory. The focus of this paper is on developing a more critical and realistic sense of psychoanalytic identity, grounded in our clinical experience. We need to recognise our identity in what we actually do and achieve with our patients in our daily practice and avoid idealisations or devaluations arising from theoretical speculation. The important role of the Three Level Model (3-LM) and similar working parties is discussed. Psychoanalysts need a pluralistic professional identity, which implies triangulating our clinical perspectives with those of other colleagues, as happens in 3-LM clinical discussion groups, and contextualizing our knowledge from a broad perspective, including extra-clinical research and interdisciplinary dialogue with both health sciences and hermeneutic disciplines. A psychoanalytic identity that is open to the future requires an acknowledgement of the different positions that exist within our discipline and neighbouring fields, and a willingness to critically examine and discuss these differences.

Psychoanalysis , Humans , Hermeneutics , Knowledge
Rev. psiquiatr. Urug ; 87(1): 7-29, ago. 2023. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1555073


Este trabajo describe la experiencia de los profesionales de salud mental que atendieron en la línea 0800 1920 de Apoyo Emocional, implementada por el gobierno durante la emergencia sanitaria decretada en marzo de 2020, frente a la pandemia de covid-19. Como objetivo general se considera transmitir, describir y explorar esta experiencia realizada en un momento de fuerte impacto social. Asimismo, se propone analizar su utilidad como recurso para la atención en un nivel primario de la salud mental poblacional y su posible función una vez superada la pandemia. Se entrevista a profesionales de la salud mental que participaron de forma voluntaria en la línea y en el presente estudio, recabando sus opiniones sobre los beneficios que presta la línea. Se concluye que la demanda de la población muestra una necesidad de escucha, contención y orientación que va más allá de la covid-19 y que la línea cumple una labor de apoyo emocional, por lo que se valora su continuidad pospandemia. El estudio, que abarca el período abril a diciembre de 2020, es un testimonio de la labor realizada y puede significar un estímulo a futuras investigaciones sistemáticas cualitativas, cuantitativas o mixtas.

This study describes the experience of mental health professionals that staffed the 0800 1920 Emotional Support Helpline launched during the COVID-19 sanitary emergency declared by the Uruguayan government in March 2020. Its aim is to share, describe and explore this experience that took place at a time of strong social impact. Its usefulness as a tool for mental health primary care and future applications once the pandemic is over is also analyzed. Mental health professional volunteers were interviewed and gave their opinion regarding this line's benefits. The conclusion is that people's need of listening, counseling and guidance goes beyond COVID-19; the line provides emotional support and therefore its postpandemic continuity is evaluated. The study, which goes from April to December 2020, may stimulate future qualitative, quantitative or mixed research.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Telemedicine , Mental Health Assistance , Evaluation Study , COVID-19/epidemiology
Psychoanal Q ; 90(3): 439-467, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35312395


This paper demonstrates how the Three-Level Model for Observing Transformations in Psychoanalysis permits a lively discussion among analysts on change and absence of change in the patient. The authors debate the nature and degree of the difficulties and explore conceptual questions and theoretical ideas to shed further light on change and mechanisms of change in the case of Adam.

Narration , Psychoanalysis , Humans , Psychotherapy
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387003


Resumen: Introducción: Los resultados en cesación tabáquica son insatisfactorios, menores al 30% al año de finalizado el tratamiento. No existe suficiente evidencia sobre la relación entre el Nivel de Funcionamiento de la Personalidad (NFP) y cesación. La Escala de NFP (ENFP) del Manual Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales 5ed. que evalúa la personalidad en relación consigo mismo y con los otros a través de cuatro dominios, podría ser útil para predecir y mejorar resultados. Objetivos: Evaluar la asociación entre el NFP y la abstinencia al final del tratamiento y a los 6 meses. Metodología: Estudio longitudinal y analítico de una muestra no probabilística de pacientes que consultaron en una Unidad de Tabaquismo. Se aplicó test de chi2 o test exacto de Fisher para evaluar asociación de variables categóricas. Se evaluó NFP con la ENFP y grado de dependencia física con el Test de Fagerström. Resultados: Participaron 28 pacientes, 57% mujeres, edad promedio 48 años (± 12,3). 16 de los 28 cesaron, de ellos 14 presentaron bajos puntajes en la ENFP, correspondiente a mejor NFP. A menores alteraciones en el NFP, mayor cesación al final del tratamiento. En relación a los dominios, la cesación se asoció con identidad, autodirección y empatía y no así con intimidad. La mayoría de los pacientes con enfermedades tabaco-dependientes que presentaban alteraciones del NFP no logró cesar. Conclusiones: Los pacientes sin alteraciones del NFP, tienen más probabilidad de dejar y mantenerse sin fumar. Esto sugiere la utilidad de evaluar el NFP para predecir resultados en la cesación.

Abstract: Introduction: The smoking cessation results are unsatisfactory, less than 30% a year after the end of treatment. There is insufficient evidence on the relationship between the Level of Personality Functioning (LPF) and cessation. The LPF Scale (LPFS) of the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5ed. that evaluates personality in relation to yourself and others, through four domains, could be useful in predicting and improving outcomes. Objectives: To assess the association between LPF and abstinence at the end of treatment and at 6 months. Methodology: Longitudinal and analytical study of a non-probability sample of patients who consulted in a Cessation Unit. The chi2 test or Fisher's exact test was applied to evaluate the association of categorical variables. LPF was evaluated with the LPFS and degree of nicotine dependence with the Fagerström Test. Results: 28 patients participated, 57% women, average age 48 years (± 12.3). 16 of 28 stopped, of them 14 had low scores in the LPFS, corresponding to better LPF. A less alteration in the LPF, greater cessation at the end of the treatment. Regarding the domains, the association was found with identity, self-direction and empathy with cessation but not with intimacy. Most of the patients with tobacco-dependent diseases who presented LPF disorder did not quit. Conclusions: Patients without LPF disorders are more likely to achieve cessation and remain abstinent. This assumes the utility of evaluating the LPF to predict cessation outcomes.

Resumo: Introdução: Os resultados da cessação do tabaco são insatisfatórios, menos de 30% ao ano após o término do tratamento. Não há suficiente evidência sobre a relação entre o Nível de Funcionamento da Personalidade (NFP) e a cessação. Escala NFP (ENFP) do Manual Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais 5 ed. que avalia a personalidade em relação a si mesmo e os outros, através de quatro domínios poderia ser útil para prever e melhorar os resultados. Objetivos: Avaliar associação entre NFP e abstinência ao final do tratamento e aos 6 meses. Metodologia: Estudo longitudinal, analítico de uma amostra não probabilística de pacientes consultados numa unidade de fumantes. Foram aplicados teste de Chi2 ou teste exato de Fisher para avaliar associação de variáveis categóricas. O NFP foi avaliado com ENFP e o grau de dependência física com Teste de Fagerström. Resultados: 28 pacientes participaram no estudo, 57% mulheres, idade média 48 anos (± 12,3). 16 dos 28 conseguirem cessar, 14 deles tiveram escores baixos do ENFP, correspondendo num melhor NFP. Quanto menos alterações no NFP, maior cessação ao final do tratamento. Em relação aos domínios, foi encontrada associação com identidade, autodireção e empatia com cessação, mas não é assim com intimidade. A maioria das pessoas com doenças dependentes do tabaco, que apresentavam alterações no PFN não conseguiu parar. Conclusões: Pacientes sem alterações no NFP têm maior probabilidade de cessação e permanecem livres de fumo. Isso sugere a utilidade de avaliar o NFP pra prever resultados na cessação.

Int J Psychoanal ; 99(2): 291-313, 2018 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33951811


This paper explores two clinical forms or aspects of narcissism and their psychopathological implications: thin-skinned, or vulnerable, narcissism (VN) and thick-skinned, or grandiose, narcissism (GN). The different names used and the characteristics with which they have been described are reviewed. Clinical vignettes are examined for both types of narcissism, emphasising their diagnostic characteristics and discussing their similarities and differences, in addition to the factors that may confer additional complexity to the clinical case. The importance of the experiences of shame and humiliation are emphasised. Based on these comparisons, the psychodynamic mechanisms at play are examined in both cases, especially their relation to the levels of mental functioning. The paper concludes that both VN and GN constitute failed ways to face the difficult dialectic articulation between self-affirmation and acknowledgement of the other.

Int J Psychoanal ; 98(5): 1291-1309, 2017 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28317133


Clinical discussion groups based on the Three-Level Model for Observing Patient Transformations (3-LM) enable us to reflect on the clinical common ground shared by psychoanalysts who have different theoretical frameworks. The very existence of this common ground is controversial. While analysts such as Wallerstein support it, others, like Green, think it is just a myth. In their 2005 controversy Wallerstein and Green proposed an observation procedure that might clarify this matter. This procedure bears great similarity to the one used by clinical discussion groups that apply the 3-LM. The study of numerous theoretically heterogeneous groups that use this model shows that communication is possible in crucial areas. We may thus conclude that a partial and dynamic common ground exists. At a phenomenological level, certain fragments of material produce a shared resonance that enriches clinical understanding for the whole group. Communication is also possible with regard to the conceptualization of patient changes, although some controversial issues persist at this level. Finally, at the level of theoretical explanations, divergences concerning abstract theories do not prevent a fertile interaction among 'in vivo' personal implicit theories. The latter give rise to the actual operational frameworks underlying participants' approach to clinical problems.

Interprofessional Relations , Psychoanalytic Theory , Psychoanalytic Therapy/methods , Humans
Int J Psychoanal ; 96(3): 731-54, 2015 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26173887


Current controversies involving clinical, conceptual and empirical research shed light on how psychoanalysis confronts its nature and its future. Some relevant debates in which Wallerstein, Green, Hoffman, Eagle and Wolitzky, Safran, Stern, Blass and Carmeli, and Panksepp have participated are examined regarding the characteristics of their argumentation. Agreements and disagreements are explored to find ways that could have allowed the discussion to progress. Two foci are highlighted in these debates: (a) whether a clinical common ground exists in psychoanalysis and what kind of procedure could contribute to further clarification; (b) complementation of in-clinical and extra-clinical evidence. Both aspects are scrutinized: the possibility of complementing diverse methodologies, and the nature of the shared clinical evidence examined in clinical discussion groups such as those promoted by the IPA Clinical Observation Committee. The importance of triangulation and consilience is brought to bear regarding their contribution to the robustness of psychoanalysis. So as to strengthen a critical perspective that enhances the discipline's argumentative field, psychoanalysis should take into account arguments from different sources according to their specific merits. By doing this, psychoanalysis increases its relevance within the current interdisciplinary dialogue.

Empirical Research , Interdisciplinary Communication , Psychoanalytic Theory , Humans
Rev. psiquiatr. Urug ; 78(2): 157-172, oct. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-836517


La formulación clínica del caso (fcc) ha sido objeto de un número creciente de publicaciones científicas. La expresión fcc no es de uso general en nuestro medio, donde en el ámbito docente se utiliza el término «encare clínico¼, con un sentido comparable en algunos aspectos, pero más restringido. Este trabajo se propone revisar las publicaciones actuales sobre el tema con el objetivo de examinar las ventajas e inconvenientes que podría tener un uso más generalizado de esta herramienta clínica. La fcc es especialmente útil cuando el tratamiento del paciente pone en juego una dimensión psicoterapéutica, lo cual exige dar especial importancia a los aspectos psicosociales y a los significados personales del paciente. La formulación del caso explicita la visión del clínico tratante sobre los problemas centrales del paciente, sus hipótesis etiopatogénicas, la estrategia terapéutica y la respuesta del paciente y su evolución. El trabajo propone los lineamientos para un modelo de fcc común a las distintas orientaciones psicoterapéuticas y discute sus características a partir del análisis de la formulación de un caso tomado de la literatura (Johnstone y Dallos, 2014). Se discute la utilidad de la fcc como anexo a la historia clínica y se examina su aplicación en diversos niveles: para el trabajo clínico, para la atención institucional, para la docencia y para la investigación.

Humans , Case Management , Medical History Taking , Psychotherapy , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Mental Disorders/etiology , Mental Disorders/therapy , Practice Guidelines as Topic
Rev. psiquiatr. Urug ; 78(2): 173-195, oct. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-836518


La formulación psicodinámica del caso (fpc) parte de la perspectiva psicoanalítica para formular un caso clínico. Se refiere a la hipótesis del clínico tratante sobre los principales problemas del paciente, los factores que lo condicionan, el tratamiento planteado y su evolución. Las preguntas básicas a las que debe responder una formulación son los interrogantes básicos de la clínica: 1) ¿qué le pasa al paciente (dimensión diagnóstica); 2) ¿a qué se debe? (dimensión etiopatogénica); 3) ¿cómo se trata? (dimensión terapéutica), y 4) ¿con qué resultados?(dimensión evolutiva). Debe incluirse como un anexo a la historia clínica de entre 500 y 1.000 palabras. En este trabajo se destacan los elementos de la teoría psicoanalítica que mejor permiten responder a estas preguntas. Se toman contribuciones que reflejan avances actuales del conocimiento psicoanalítico, sostenidos por una fuerte evidencia clínica y empírica, el Manual de diagnóstico operacionalizado, OPD2, el Manual de diagnóstico psicodinámico, pdm y la escala de niveles de funcionamiento de la personalidad (lpfs) de la Sección iii del DSM-5. Estos aportes convergentes son de utilidad para la fpc y han sido tomados como base para este trabajo. Se propone una guía para la formulación psicodinámica del caso que orienta en los contenidos que deben ser incluidos

Humans , Case Management/trends , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic/trends
Psychoanal Q ; 81(3): 531-64, 2012 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23038897


The authors explore the psychoanalytic concepts of vínculo and dialectical spiral within the context of a historical review of the development of psychoanalysis in the Río de la Plata region of Uruguay and Argentina. In particular, they discuss the work of Enrique Pichon-Rivière, Madeleine and Willy Baranger, and José Bleger. Illustrative clinical material is included from a case described by Bleger. Convergences and divergences are noted between the theoretical and clinical approaches of these authors, on the one hand, and those of more traditionally Freudian, Kleinian, and other schools of analysis, on the other. Also, the authors underline some questions about the nature of vínculo that are currently under discussion in the Río de la Plata.

Internal-External Control , Object Attachment , Psychoanalysis/history , Psychoanalytic Theory , Argentina , History, 20th Century , Humans , Uruguay
Rev. bras. psicoter ; 7(1): 33-43, jan.-abr. 2005.
Article in Spanish | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-29770


La relación entre psique y soma en los procesos de salud enfermedad ha dado lugar a múltiples teorías y prácticas, debido a la complejidad de los procesos biológicos y mentales involucrados. En los modelos iniciales se postula el papel causal de lo psíquico sobre lo somático, en los modelos actuales multifactoriales el interés se centra en la participación de los factores psicológicos en el inicio y progresión de las enfermedades. Los estudios sobre los mecanismos de defensa y afrontamiento, aunque provienen de orientaciones teóricas diferentes, son de especial interés ya que todos ellos apuntan a poner de manifiesto la forma en que las personas manejan el estrés. En la evaluación de los efectos de las defensas sobre el desencadenamiento o la evolución de la enfermedad somática el interés no reside exclusivamente en los efectos psicopatológicos de la acción de las defensas, sino también en poner de manifiesto las consecuencias para la salud. Estos pueden estar mediados por las conductas de enfermedad (adhesión al tratamiento, cuidado por la salud, etc.), por mecanismos identificables (p. ej., psiconeuroinmunológicos), o desconocidos. Se ilustrará a través de una viñeta clínica la utilidad de considerar los dos fenómenos. Tanto el coping como las defensas pueden ser consideradas como procesos diferenciados dentro del fenómeno más vasto de la adaptación. Ambos fenómenos se complementan y ocurren simultáneamente. El intrincamiento de factores de distinto orden, biológicos, psicológicos y sociales hace que resulte insuficiente una perspectiva exclusivamente centrada en los determinismos inconscientes (AU)

Defense Mechanisms , Adaptation, Psychological , Stress, Psychological