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Empir Softw Eng ; 29(5): 115, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39069997


Context: Researchers testing hypotheses related to factors leading to low-quality software often rely on historical data, specifically on details regarding when defects were introduced into a codebase of interest. The prevailing techniques to determine the introduction of defects revolve around variants of the SZZ algorithm. This algorithm leverages information on the lines modified during a bug-fixing commit and finds when these lines were last modified, thereby identifying bug-introducing commits. Objectives: Despite several improvements and variants, SZZ struggles with accuracy, especially in cases of unrelated modifications or that touch files not involved in the introduction of the bug in the version control systems (aka tangled commit and ghost commits). Methods: Our research investigates whether and how incorporating content retrieved from bug discussions can address these issues by identifying the related and external files and thus improve the efficacy of the SZZ algorithm. Results: To conduct our investigation, we take advantage of the links manually inserted by Mozilla developers in bug reports to signal which commits inserted bugs. Thus, we prepared the dataset, RoTEB, comprised of 12,472 bug reports. We first manually inspect a sample of 369 bug reports related to these bug-fixing or bug-introducing commits and investigate whether the files mentioned in these reports could be useful for SZZ. After we found evidence that the mentioned files are relevant, we augment SZZ with this information, using different strategies, and evaluate the resulting approach against multiple SZZ variations. Conclusion: We define a taxonomy outlining the rationale behind developers' references to diverse files in their discussions. We observe that bug discussions often mention files relevant to enhancing the SZZ algorithm's efficacy. Then, we verify that integrating these file references augments the precision of SZZ in pinpointing bug-introducing commits. Yet, it does not markedly influence recall. These results deepen our comprehension of the usefulness of bug discussions for SZZ. Future work can leverage our dataset and explore other techniques to further address the problem of tangled commits and ghost commits. Data & material:

Empir Softw Eng ; 28(3): 58, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36968214


Data science is an exploratory and iterative process that often leads to complex and unstructured code. This code is usually poorly documented and, consequently, hard to understand by a third party. In this paper, we first collect empirical evidence for the non-linearity of data science code from real-world Jupyter notebooks, confirming the need for new approaches that aid in data science code interaction and comprehension. Second, we propose a visualisation method that elucidates implicit workflow information in data science code and assists data scientists in navigating the so-called garden of forking paths in non-linear code. The visualisation also provides information such as the rationale and the identification of the data science pipeline step based on cell annotations. We conducted a user experiment with data scientists to evaluate the proposed method, assessing the influence of (i) different workflow visualisations and (ii) cell annotations on code comprehension. Our results show that visualising the exploration helps the users obtain an overview of the notebook, significantly improving code comprehension. Furthermore, our qualitative analysis provides more insights into the difficulties faced during data science code comprehension.

Empir Softw Eng ; 28(1): 7, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36420321


Despite the ubiquity of data science, we are far from rigorously understanding how coding in data science is performed. Even though the scientific literature has hinted at the iterative and explorative nature of data science coding, we need further empirical evidence to understand this practice and its workflows in detail. Such understanding is critical to recognise the needs of data scientists and, for instance, inform tooling support. To obtain a deeper understanding of the iterative and explorative nature of data science coding, we analysed 470 Jupyter notebooks publicly available in GitHub repositories. We focused on the extent to which data scientists transition between different types of data science activities, or steps (such as data preprocessing and modelling), as well as the frequency and co-occurrence of such transitions. For our analysis, we developed a dataset with the help of five data science experts, who manually annotated the data science steps for each code cell within the aforementioned 470 notebooks. Using the first-order Markov chain model, we extracted the transitions and analysed the transition probabilities between the different steps. In addition to providing deeper insights into the implementation practices of data science coding, our results provide evidence that the steps in a data science workflow are indeed iterative and reveal specific patterns. We also evaluated the use of the annotated dataset to train machine-learning classifiers to predict the data science step(s) of a given code cell. We investigate the representativeness of the classification by comparing the workflow analysis applied to (a) the predicted data set and (b) the data set labelled by experts, finding an F1-score of about 71% for the 10-class data science step prediction problem.

Empir Softw Eng ; 27(7): 177, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36159894


Code review is a software engineering practice in which reviewers manually inspect the code written by a fellow developer and propose any change that is deemed necessary or useful. The main goal of code review is to improve the quality of the code under review. Despite the widespread use of code review, only a few studies focused on the investigation of its outcomes, for example, investigating the code changes that happen to the code under review. The goal of this paper is to expand our knowledge on the outcome of code review while re-evaluating results from previous work. To this aim, we analyze changes that happened during the review process, which we define as review changes. Considering three popular open-source software projects, we investigate the types of review changes (based on existing taxonomies) and what triggers them; also, we study which code factors in a code review are most related to the number of review changes. Our results show that the majority of changes relate to evolvability concerns, with a strong prevalence of documentation and structure changes at type-level. Furthermore, differently from past work, we found that the majority of review changes are not triggered by reviewers' comments. Finally, we find that the number of review changes in a code review is related to the size of the initial patch as well as the new lines of code that it adds. However, other factors, such as lines deleted or the author of the review patchset, do not always show an empirically supported relationship with the number of changes.

PeerJ Comput Sci ; 5: e193, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33816846


BACKGROUND: Code review is a cognitively demanding and time-consuming process. Previous qualitative studies hinted at how decomposing change sets into multiple yet internally coherent ones would improve the reviewing process. So far, literature provided no quantitative analysis of this hypothesis. AIMS: (1) Quantitatively measure the effects of change decomposition on the outcome of code review (in terms of number of found defects, wrongly reported issues, suggested improvements, time, and understanding); (2) Qualitatively analyze how subjects approach the review and navigate the code, building knowledge and addressing existing issues, in large vs. decomposed changes. METHOD: Controlled experiment using the pull-based development model involving 28 software developers among professionals and graduate students. RESULTS: Change decomposition leads to fewer wrongly reported issues, influences how subjects approach and conduct the review activity (by increasing context-seeking), yet impacts neither understanding the change rationale nor the number of found defects. CONCLUSIONS: Change decomposition reduces the noise for subsequent data analyses but also significantly supports the tasks of the developers in charge of reviewing the changes. As such, commits belonging to different concepts should be separated, adopting this as a best practice in software engineering.

Scientometrics ; 113(1): 567-585, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29056791


Several fields of research are characterized by the coexistence of two different peer review modes to select quality contributions for scientific venues, namely double blind (DBR) and single blind (SBR) peer review. In the first, the identities of both authors and reviewers are not known to each other, whereas in the latter the authors' identities are visible since the start of the review process. The need to adopt either one of these modes has been object of scholarly debate, which has mostly focused on issues of fairness. Past work reported that SBR is potentially associated with biases related to the gender, nationality, and language of the authors, as well as the prestige and type of their institutions. Nevertheless, evidence is lacking on whether revealing the identities of the authors favors reputed authors and hinder newcomers, a bias with potentially important consequences in terms of knowledge production. Accordingly, we investigate whether and to what extent SBR, compared to a DBR, relates to a higher ration of reputed scholars, at the expense of newcomers. This relation is pivotal for science, as past research provided evidence that newcomers support renovation and advances in a research field by introducing new and heterodox ideas and approaches, whereas inbreeding have serious detrimental effects on innovation and creativity. Our study explores the mentioned issues in the field of computer science, by exploiting a database that encompasses 21,535 research papers authored by 47,201 individuals and published in 71 among the 80 most impactful computer science conferences in 2014 and 2015. We found evidence that-other characteristics of the conferences taken in consideration-SBR indeed relates to a lower ration of contributions from newcomers to the venue and particularly newcomers that are otherwise experienced of publishing in other computer science conferences, suggesting the possible existence of ingroup-outgroup behaviors that may harm knowledge advancement in the long run.