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Sci Total Environ ; 903: 166233, 2023 Dec 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37572919


Forest areas infected by insects are increasing in Europe and North America due to accelerating climate change. A 2000-2020 mass budget study on major elements (C, N, P, Ca, Mg, K) in the atmosphere-plant-soil-water systems of two unmanaged catchments enabled us to evaluate changes in pools and fluxes related to tree dieback and long-term accumulation/losses during the post-glacial period. A bark-beetle outbreak killed >75 % of all trees in a mature mountain spruce forest in one catchment and all dead biomass was left on site. A similar forest in a nearby catchment was only marginally affected. We observed that: (1) the long-term (millennial) C and N accumulation in soils averaged 10-22 and 0.5-1.1 kg ha-1 yr-1, respectively, while losses of Ca, Mg, and K from soils ranged from 0.1 to 2.6 kg ha-1 yr-1. (2) Only <0.8 % and <1.5 % of the respective total C and N fluxes entering the soil annually from vegetation were permanently stored in soils. (3) The post-disturbance decomposition of dead tree biomass reduced vegetation element pools from 27 % (C) to 73 % (P) between 2004 and 2019. (4) Tree dieback decreased net atmospheric element inputs to the impacted catchment, and increased the leaching of all elements and gaseous losses of C (∼2.3 t ha-1 yr-1) and N (∼14 kg ha-1 yr-1). The disturbed catchment became a net C source, but ∼50 % of the N released from dead biomass accumulated in soils. (5) Despite the severe forest disturbance, the dissolved losses of Ca and Mg represented 52-58 % of their leaching from intact stands during the peaking atmospheric acidification from 1970 to 1990. (6) Disturbance-related net leaching of P, Ca, Mg, and K were 4, 69, 16, and 114 kg ha-1, respectively, which represented 7-38 % of the losses potentially related to sanitary logging and subsequent removal of the aboveground tree biomass.

FEMS Microbiol Ecol ; 99(8)2023 Jul 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37463799


Bark beetle disturbances are a critical event in the life cycle of Norway spruce forests. However, our knowledge of their effects on ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF), which play a key role in forest productivity and nutrient cycling, is still incomplete. Special attention has been paid to the dynamics and diversity of EMF communities in managed forests, but studies dealing with disturbed natural stands are underrepresented. We conducted a study in an unmanaged natural spruce forest in the Bohemian Forest (Czech Republic), which suffered severe forest dieback caused by bark beetle. Approximately a decade after the disturbance, the character of the forest structure in the study area (∼60 ha, 41 study plots) ranged from sites with open canopy and sparse tree cover to areas with dense spruce regeneration to patches of closed-canopy forest. We found that relative EMF abundance in soils was positively related to surviving tree and regeneration density. The number of surviving trees also positively affected species EMF richness and tended to support preservation of late-successional EMF species. Our results suggest that trees that survive bark beetle disturbance are key for the fate of the EMF community in natural forests.

Conserv Biol ; 37(3): e14066, 2023 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36751977


Protecting structural features, such as tree-related microhabitats (TreMs), is a cost-effective tool crucial for biodiversity conservation applicable to large forested landscapes. Although the development of TreMs is influenced by tree diameter, species, and vitality, the relationships between tree age and TreM profile remain poorly understood. Using a tree-ring-based approach and a large data set of 8038 trees, we modeled the effects of tree age, diameter, and site characteristics on TreM richness and occurrence across some of the most intact primary temperate forests in Europe, including mixed beech and spruce forests. We observed an overall increase in TreM richness on old and large trees in both forest types. The occurrence of specific TreM groups was variably related to tree age and diameter, but some TreM groups (e.g., epiphytes) had a stronger positive relationship with tree species and elevation. Although many TreM groups were positively associated with tree age and diameter, only two TreM groups in spruce stands reacted exclusively to tree age (insect galleries and exposed sapwood) without responding to diameter. Thus, the retention of trees for conservation purposes based on tree diameter appears to be a generally feasible approach with a rather low risk of underrepresentation of TreMs. Because greater tree age and diameter positively affected TreM development, placing a greater emphasis on conserving large trees and allowing them to reach older ages, for example, through the establishment of conservation reserves, would better maintain the continuity of TreM resource and associated biodiversity. However, this approach may be difficult due to the widespread intensification of forest management and global climate change.

Importancia de conservar los árboles viejos y grandes para la continuidad de los microhábitats relacionados Resumen La protección de las características estructurales, como los microhábitats relacionados a los árboles (MhAr), es una herramienta económica importante para la conservación de la biodiversidad que puede aplicarse en los paisajes boscosos extensos. Aunque el diámetro, especie y vitalidad del árbol influyen sobre el desarrollo de los MhAr, todavía se sabe poco sobre las relaciones entre la edad del árbol y el perfil. Modelamos los efectos de la edad y diámetro del árbol y las características del sitio sobre la riqueza y presencia de los MhAr en algunos de los bosques primarios más preservados de Europa, incluyendo los bosques mixtos de hayas y abetos, con una estrategia basada en los anillos de crecimiento y un conjunto con datos de 8038 árboles. Observamos un incremento generalizado en la riqueza de MhAr en los árboles viejos y grandes en ambos tipos de bosques. La presencia de grupos específicos de MhAr tuvo una relación variada con el diámetro y la edad del árbol, aunque algunos grupos de MhAr (p. ej.: epífitas) tuvieron una relación positiva más fuerte con la elevación y la especie del árbol. Mientras que muchos grupos de MhAr estuvieron asociados positivamente con la edad y diámetro del árbol, sólo dos grupos de MhAr en los abetos reaccionaron exclusivamente a la edad del árbol (galerías de insectos y savia expuesta) sin responder al diámetro. Por lo tanto, la retención de los árboles con fines de conservación basada en los diámetros parece ser una estrategia plausible con un riesgo bajo de subrepresentación de los MhAr. Ya que a mayor edad y diámetro del árbol hubo efectos positivos en el desarrollo de los MhAr, poner un mayor énfasis sobre la conservación de los árboles grandes y permitirles alcanzar una edad mayor, por ejemplo, a través del establecimiento de reservas de conservación, mantendría de mejor manera la continuidad del MhAr y de la biodiversidad asociada. Sin embargo, esta estrategia puede ser complicada debido a la intensificación generalizada de la gestión forestal y el cambio climático mundial.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Trees , Animals , Forests , Biodiversity , Insecta
Glob Chang Biol ; 29(1): 143-164, 2023 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36178428


In a world of accelerating changes in environmental conditions driving tree growth, tradeoffs between tree growth rate and longevity could curtail the abundance of large old trees (LOTs), with potentially dire consequences for biodiversity and carbon storage. However, the influence of tree-level tradeoffs on forest structure at landscape scales will also depend on disturbances, which shape tree size and age distribution, and on whether LOTs can benefit from improved growing conditions due to climate warming. We analyzed temporal and spatial variation in radial growth patterns from ~5000 Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] H. Karst) live and dead trees from the Western Carpathian primary spruce forest stands. We applied mixed-linear modeling to quantify the importance of LOT growth histories and stand dynamics (i.e., competition and disturbance factors) on lifespan. Finally, we assessed regional synchronization in radial growth variability over the 20th century, and modeled the effects of stand dynamics and climate on LOTs recent growth trends. Tree age varied considerably among forest stands, implying an important role of disturbance as an age constraint. Slow juvenile growth and longer period of suppressed growth prolonged tree lifespan, while increasing disturbance severity and shorter time since last disturbance decreased it. The highest age was not achieved only by trees with continuous slow growth, but those with slow juvenile growth followed by subsequent growth releases. Growth trend analysis demonstrated an increase in absolute growth rates in response to climate warming, with late summer temperatures driving the recent growth trend. Contrary to our expectation that LOTs would eventually exhibit declining growth rates, the oldest LOTs (>400 years) continuously increase growth throughout their lives, indicating a high phenotypic plasticity of LOTs for increasing biomass, and a strong carbon sink role of primary spruce forests under rising temperatures, intensifying droughts, and increasing bark beetle outbreaks.

Picea , Trees , Picea/physiology , Longevity , Climate Change , Forests
Proc Biol Sci ; 288(1961): 20211631, 2021 10 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34666524


With accelerating environmental change, understanding forest disturbance impacts on trade-offs between biodiversity and carbon dynamics is of high socio-economic importance. Most studies, however, have assessed immediate or short-term effects of disturbance, while long-term impacts remain poorly understood. Using a tree-ring-based approach, we analysed the effect of 250 years of disturbances on present-day biodiversity indicators and carbon dynamics in primary forests. Disturbance legacies spanning centuries shaped contemporary forest co-benefits and trade-offs, with contrasting, local-scale effects. Disturbances enhanced carbon sequestration, reaching maximum rates within a comparatively narrow post-disturbance window (up to 50 years). Concurrently, disturbance diminished aboveground carbon storage, which gradually returned to peak levels over centuries. Temporal patterns in biodiversity potential were bimodal; the first maximum coincided with the short-term post-disturbance carbon sequestration peak, and the second occurred during periods of maximum carbon storage in complex old-growth forest. Despite fluctuating local-scale trade-offs, forest biodiversity and carbon storage remained stable across the broader study region, and our data support a positive relationship between carbon stocks and biodiversity potential. These findings underscore the interdependencies of forest processes, and highlight the necessity of large-scale conservation programmes to effectively promote both biodiversity and long-term carbon storage, particularly given the accelerating global biodiversity and climate crises.

Carbon , Climate Change , Biodiversity , Carbon/analysis , Carbon Sequestration , Conservation of Natural Resources , Forests , Trees
Ecol Appl ; 30(8): e02189, 2020 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32506652


Estimates of historical disturbance patterns are essential to guide forest management aimed at ensuring the sustainability of ecosystem functions and biodiversity. However, quantitative estimates of various disturbance characteristics required in management applications are rare in longer-term historical studies. Thus, our objectives were to (1) quantify past disturbance severity, patch size, and stand proportion disturbed and (2) test for temporal and subregional differences in these characteristics. We developed a comprehensive dendrochronological method to evaluate an approximately two-century-long disturbance record in the remaining Central and Eastern European primary mountain spruce forests, where wind and bark beetles are the predominant disturbance agents. We used an unprecedented large-scale nested design data set of 541 plots located within 44 stands and 6 subregions. To quantify individual disturbance events, we used tree-ring proxies, which were aggregated at plot and stand levels by smoothing and detecting peaks in their distributions. The spatial aggregation of disturbance events was used to estimate patch sizes. Data exhibited continuous gradients from low- to high-severity and small- to large-size disturbance events. In addition to the importance of small disturbance events, moderate-scale (25-75% of the stand disturbed, >10 ha patch size) and moderate-severity (25-75% of canopy disturbed) events were also common. Moderate disturbances represented more than 50% of the total disturbed area and their rotation periods ranged from one to several hundred years, which is within the lifespan of local tree species. Disturbance severities differed among subregions, whereas the stand proportion disturbed varied significantly over time. This indicates partially independent variations among disturbance characteristics. Our quantitative estimates of disturbance severity, patch size, stand proportion disturbed, and associated rotation periods provide rigorous baseline data for future ecological research, decisions within biodiversity conservation, and silviculture intended to maintain native biodiversity and ecosystem functions. These results highlight a need for sufficiently large and adequately connected networks of strict reserves, more complex silvicultural treatments that emulate the natural disturbance spectrum in harvest rotation times, sizes, and intensities, and higher levels of tree and structural legacy retention.

Ecosystem , Picea , Animals , Biodiversity , Forests , Trees
Sci Total Environ ; 720: 137518, 2020 Jun 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32143039


Hydrological and microclimatic changes after insect-induced tree dieback were evaluated in an unmanaged central European mountain (Plesné, PL) forest and compared to climate-related changes in a similar, but almost intact (Certovo, CT) control forest during two decades. From 2004 to 2008, 93% of Norway spruce trees were killed by a bark beetle outbreak, and the entire PL area was left to subsequent natural development. We observed that (1) climate-related increases in daily mean air temperature (2 m above ground) were 1.6 and 0.5 °C on an annual and growing season basis, respectively, and an increase in daily mean soil temperature (5 cm below ground) was 0.9 °C during growing seasons at the CT control from 2004 to 2017; (2) daily mean soil and air temperatures increased by 0.7-1.2 °C on average more at the disturbed PL plots than in the healthy forest; (3) water input to soils increased by 20% but decreased by 17% at elevations of 1122 and 1334 m, respectively, due to decreased occult deposition to, and evaporation from, canopies after tree dieback; (4) soil moisture was 5% higher on average (but up to 17% higher in dry summer months) in the upper PL soil horizons for 5-6 years following the tree dieback; (5) run-off from the PL forest ~6% (~70 mm yr-1) increased relatively to the CT forest (but without extreme peak flows and erosion events) after tree dieback due to the ceased transpiration of dead trees and elevated water input to soils; and (6) relative air humidity was 4% lower on average at disturbed plots than beneath living trees. The rapid tree regeneration during the decade following tree dieback resulted in a complete recovery in soil moisture, a slow recovery of discharge and air humidity, but a still insignificant recovery in air and soil temperatures.

Microclimate , Trees , Forests , Hydrology , Norway , Soil
Glob Chang Biol ; 25(9): 3136-3150, 2019 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31166643


Climatic constraints on tree growth mediate an important link between terrestrial and atmospheric carbon pools. Tree rings provide valuable information on climate-driven growth patterns, but existing data tend to be biased toward older trees on climatically extreme sites. Understanding climate change responses of biogeographic regions requires data that integrate spatial variability in growing conditions and forest structure. We analyzed both temporal (c. 1901-2010) and spatial variation in radial growth patterns in 9,876 trees from fragments of primary Picea abies forests spanning the latitudinal and altitudinal extent of the Carpathian arc. Growth was positively correlated with summer temperatures and spring moisture availability throughout the entire region. However, important seasonal variation in climate responses occurred along geospatial gradients. At northern sites, winter precipitation and October temperatures of the year preceding ring formation were positively correlated with ring width. In contrast, trees at the southern extent of the Carpathians responded negatively to warm and dry conditions in autumn of the year preceding ring formation. An assessment of regional synchronization in radial growth variability showed temporal fluctuations throughout the 20th century linked to the onset of moisture limitation in southern landscapes. Since the beginning of the study period, differences between high and low elevations in the temperature sensitivity of tree growth generally declined, while moisture sensitivity increased at lower elevations. Growth trend analyses demonstrated changes in absolute tree growth rates linked to climatic change, with basal area increments in northern landscapes and lower altitudes responding positively to recent warming. Tree growth has predominantly increased with rising temperatures in the Carpathians, accompanied by early indicators that portions of the mountain range are transitioning from temperature to moisture limitation. Continued warming will alleviate large-scale temperature constraints on tree growth, giving increasing weight to local drivers that are more challenging to predict.

Picea , Pinus , Climate Change , Forests , Temperature
Glob Chang Biol ; 24(5): 2169-2181, 2018 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29322582


Determining the drivers of shifting forest disturbance rates remains a pressing global change issue. Large-scale forest dynamics are commonly assumed to be climate driven, but appropriately scaled disturbance histories are rarely available to assess how disturbance legacies alter subsequent disturbance rates and the climate sensitivity of disturbance. We compiled multiple tree ring-based disturbance histories from primary Picea abies forest fragments distributed throughout five European landscapes spanning the Bohemian Forest and the Carpathian Mountains. The regional chronology includes 11,595 tree cores, with ring dates spanning the years 1750-2000, collected from 560 inventory plots in 37 stands distributed across a 1,000 km geographic gradient, amounting to the largest disturbance chronology yet constructed in Europe. Decadal disturbance rates varied significantly through time and declined after 1920, resulting in widespread increases in canopy tree age. Approximately 75% of current canopy area recruited prior to 1900. Long-term disturbance patterns were compared to an historical drought reconstruction, and further linked to spatial variation in stand structure and contemporary disturbance patterns derived from LANDSAT imagery. Historically, decadal Palmer drought severity index minima corresponded to higher rates of canopy removal. The severity of contemporary disturbances increased with each stand's estimated time since last major disturbance, increased with mean diameter, and declined with increasing within-stand structural variability. Reconstructed spatial patterns suggest that high small-scale structural variability has historically acted to reduce large-scale susceptibility and climate sensitivity of disturbance. Reduced disturbance rates since 1920, a potential legacy of high 19th century disturbance rates, have contributed to a recent region-wide increase in disturbance susceptibility. Increasingly common high-severity disturbances throughout primary Picea forests of Central Europe should be reinterpreted in light of both legacy effects (resulting in increased susceptibility) and climate change (resulting in increased exposure to extreme events).

Climate Change , Forests , Picea , Droughts , Europe
For Ecol Manage ; 388: 67-78, 2017 03 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28860676


In order to gauge ongoing and future changes to disturbance regimes, it is necessary to establish a solid baseline of historic disturbance patterns against which to evaluate these changes. Further, understanding how forest structure and composition respond to variation in past disturbances may provide insight into future resilience to climate-driven alterations of disturbance regimes. We established 184 plots (mostly 1000 m2) in 14 primary mountain Norway spruce forests in the Western Carpathians. On each plot we surveyed live and dead trees and regeneration, and cored around 25 canopy trees. Disturbance history was reconstructed by examining individual tree growth trends. The study plots were further aggregated into five groups based on disturbance history (severity and timing) to evaluate and explain its influence on forest structure. These ecosystems are characterized by a mixed severity disturbance regime with high spatiotemporal variability in severity and frequency. However, periods of synchrony in disturbance activity were also found. Specifically, a peak of canopy disturbance was found for the mid-19th century across the region (about 60% of trees established), with the most important periods of disturbance in the 1820s and from the 1840s to the 1870s. Current stand size and age structure were strongly influenced by past disturbance activity. In contrast, past disturbances did not have a significant effect on current tree density, the amount of coarse woody debris, and regeneration. High mean densities of regeneration with height >50 cm (about 1400 individuals per ha) were observed. Extensive high severity disturbances have recently affected Central European forests, spurring a discussion about the causes and consequences. We found some evidence that forests in the Western Carpathians were predisposed to recent severe disturbance events as a result of synchronized past disturbance activity, which partly homogenized size and age structure and made recent stands more vulnerable to bark beetle outbreak. Our data suggest that these events are still part of the range of natural variability. The finding that regeneration density and volume of coarse woody debris were not influenced by past disturbance illustrates that vastly different past disturbance histories are not likely to change the future trajectories of these forests. These ecosystems currently have high ecological resilience to disturbance. In conclusion, we suggest that management should recognize disturbances as a natural part of ecosystem dynamics in the mountain forests of Central Europe, account for their stochastic occurrence in management planning, and mimic their patterns to foster biodiversity in forest landscapes.

PLoS One ; 10(9): e0139214, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26421726


BACKGROUND: Severe canopy-removing disturbances are native to many temperate forests and radically alter stand structure, but biotic legacies (surviving elements or patterns) can lend continuity to ecosystem function after such events. Poorly understood is the degree to which the structural complexity of an old-growth forest carries over to the next stand. We asked how pre-disturbance spatial pattern acts as a legacy to influence post-disturbance stand structure, and how this legacy influences the structural diversity within the early-seral stand. METHODS: Two stem-mapped one-hectare forest plots in the Czech Republic experienced a severe bark beetle outbreak, thus providing before-and-after data on spatial patterns in live and dead trees, crown projections, down logs, and herb cover. RESULTS: Post-disturbance stands were dominated by an advanced regeneration layer present before the disturbance. Both major species, Norway spruce (Picea abies) and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), were strongly self-aggregated and also clustered to former canopy trees, pre-disturbance snags, stumps and logs, suggesting positive overstory to understory neighbourhood effects. Thus, although the disturbance dramatically reduced the stand's height profile with ~100% mortality of the canopy layer, the spatial structure of post-disturbance stands still closely reflected the pre-disturbance structure. The former upper tree layer influenced advanced regeneration through microsite and light limitation. Under formerly dense canopies, regeneration density was high but relatively homogeneous in height; while in former small gaps with greater herb cover, regeneration density was lower but with greater heterogeneity in heights. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that pre-disturbance spatial patterns of forests can persist through severe canopy-removing disturbance, and determine the spatial structure of the succeeding stand. Such patterns constitute a subtle but key legacy effect, promoting structural complexity in early-seral forests as well as variable successional pathways and rates. This influence suggests a continuity in spatial ecosystem structure that may well persist through multiple forest generations.

Biodiversity , Forests , Picea/growth & development , Spatial Analysis , Ecosystem , Picea/anatomy & histology , Picea/classification , Picea/physiology , Regeneration