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Ayu ; 38(1-2): 15-23, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29861587


BACKGROUND: Amlapitta is a lifestyle disorder caused due to vitiation of Pitta and Kapha by Ama. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to assess the role of Doshik predominance in the management of Amlapitta. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients who had fulfilled the inclusion criteria were registered primarily for this study. Out of them, those who were selected only by the presence of cardinal features of Amlapitta were allotted randomly in Group C-1 and Group C-2 and rest of them were allotted in Group A and B after diagnosed by typical feaCharaka Samhita of Agnivesha, Chikitsa Sthana.tures of Kapha and Pitta Dosha predominant Amlapitta and had been treated with Shunthikhanda and Vasakhanda Kushmandaka granules, respectively. RESULTS: Regarding overall effect of therapy, marked positive improvement in Group A was 35.29%, in Group B, 26.47%, in Group C-1, 23.08%, and Group C-2, 16.67%. No improvement was observed only in Group C-1 (4.76%) and C-2 (5.56%). Complete remission (2.56%) was observed only in Group C-2 (5.56%). DISCUSSION: Out of 112 registered patients with a mean age of 42 years, 107 had completed their treatment. Maximum patients were male (66.96%), Hindu (83.93%), married (94.64%), middle class (43.75%), and educated (93.75%) from Jangala Desha (96.43%) and used to take Viruddha Ahara (83.04%). Patients of Group A and Group B, who were diagnosed and treated according to the Doshik predominance, showed better improvement than of Group C-1 and Group C-2 where patients were diagnosed and treated as per the cardinal features of Amlapitta only. CONCLUSION: Treatment of disease according to Doshik predominance is more effective than of only cardinal features.

Ayu ; 34(1): 2-3, 2013 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24049396
Ayu ; 33(1): 3-4, 2012 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23049175
Ayu ; 32(1): 3-4, 2011 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131749
Ayu ; 32(2): 165-70, 2011 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22408296


A survey study was aimed to find etiopathological status of intestinal helminths and also to accomplish its association with clinical condition Pandu. The survey samples included population of five schools and two localities in and around Jamnagar. The study was conducted on 337 subjects, of whom 36.20% cooperated to give stool samples to pathology laboratory; more than half of the samples surveyed were suffering with various parasitic infestations and one-third of the total subjects were found at risk to develop Pandu. Ascariasis patients were found in 71.14%, a potent cause of Pandu. Enterobius vermicularis was found in 19.05%, while Hymenolepisnana in 6.35%. 77.77% were in the age group of 10 to 20 years, 58.73% were male, 93.65% patients were Hindu, 80.95% of the patients had secondary level of education, dominancy of rural habitat was in 77.77%, and 39.68% each were from lower and lower middle class.

Ayu ; 31(1): I, 2010 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131697
Ayu ; 31(2): 185-92, 2010 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131708


India like any other country is facing a silent epidemic of chronic renal failure (CRF)- a facet of the health transition associated with industrialization partly fuelled by increase in sedentary lifestyle, low birth weight and malnutrition. Increasing figures by many folds seen is posing a difficult situation to overcome with respect to economy and health of the working and earning population of the nation. There is an urgent need to explore, highlight new interventions and modify modifiable risk factors as a basis for treatment strategies to prevent the development and progression of CRF. The present study was taken up to evaluate the role of trial formulation tab. Punarnavadi compound in the management of chronic renal failure. This was an open clinical comparative study in controlled circumstances wherein 67 patients were studied for two months in three groups- Group A (allopathic control), Group B (ayurvedic control) and Group C (ayurvedic test). It was a multi-centric study; patients were registered from Anandababa charitable dialysis centre, Jamnagar, Kayachikitsa O.P.D. of I.P.G.T. and R.A. Jamnagar and P. D. Patel Ayurveda hospital, Nadiad. Results were assessed on 15 parameters using Students (paired) 't' test. Group A patients showed comparatively better results in eight parameters- weight, platelet count, serum urea, serum uric acid, serum sodium, potassium, chloride and total proteins. Parameter Hemoglobin% showed better results in Group B patients and in Group C patients comparatively better results in six parameters viz.- quality of life (breathlessness, weakness, general functional capacity), total count, serum creatinine and serum calcium - were observed. Throughout the study, trial drug tab. Punarnavadi compound did not show any adverse drug reaction. The results of this study will help in developing a cheap and safe treatment for the management of CRF.

Ayu ; 31(3): 287-93, 2010 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131728


Hyperlipidemia is one of the major lifestyle disorders. Its role has been appreciated in the manifestation of serious diseases like ischemic heart disease, diabetes, stroke etc. These lifestyle diseases are a result of lifestyle factors such as overnutrition etc., which have been referred to as the Santarpanjanya Vyadhis in the classical texts. Mustadi Ghanavti is a modified form of the classical formulation Mustadi Kwath that has been advocated by Acharya Charaka for the management of Santarpanjanya Vikaras. This placebo-controlled randomized trial of Mustadi Ghanavati was carried out on 61 patients suffering from hyperlipidemia; of the 61 patients, 50 completed the entire course of treatment. The results of the study revealed that Mustadi Ghanavati decreased serum cholesterol by 22.4%, serum triglycerides by 19.6%, serum LDL by 18.2%, and serum VLDL by 4.2%; serum HDL increased by 5.6%. Thus Mustadi Ghanavati was able to effect a total improvement of 58.8% in the lipid profile. It brought about mild improvement in 42.86% of patients and moderate improvement in 14.28% of patients. Mustadi Ghanavati was also found to have a significant effect on other subjective as well as objective parameters considered for the study.

Ayu ; 31(4): 417-23, 2010 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22048532


Cancer is the most dreadful disease affecting mankind. The available treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy have cytotoxic effects, which are hazardous to the normal cells of the patient, causing many unnecessary effects. This further leads to complications of the therapy, impaired health, and deterioration of quality of life, resulting in mandatory stoppage of the treatment. In the present study, the efficacy of an Ayurvedic formulation, Rasayana Avaleha, has been evaluated as an adjuvant medication to modern radiotherapy and chemotherapy. A total of 36 cancer patients were registered in this trial and were divided into two groups, group A and group B. In group A, the patients were treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy along with adjuvant Rasayana Avaleha (RT + CT + RA), while in group B only radiotherapy and chemotherapy (RT + CT) were given, as the control group. After assessing the results, it was observed that Rasayana Avaleha gave better results in controlling the adverse effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in comparison with the control group. Therefore, Rasayana Avaleha has proved to be an effective adjuvant therapy in protecting patients from the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Anc Sci Life ; 29(2): 32-9, 2009 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22557349


The Snehana (internal oleation) is a major preparatory procedure to be performed before Sodhana (purification). The entire procedure of Sodhana (purification), depends upon the proper mobilization of humors (Doshas) from the periphery (Sakha) which is to be achieved with the help of Snehana (Oleation) and Svedana (Sudation therapy). Currently physicians practice purificatory internal oleation (Shodhanartha Abhyantara Snehana) by their methods depending upon individual experience and expertise. If Snehana (internal oleation) is not done properly, it definitely affects the Sodhana Karma (purificatory Therapy) afterwards and also chances of complications such as hyperlipidaemia .Hence, it is obligatory to start and increase the dose of Sneha (lipids) in appropriate & judicious way considering the Digestive fire (Agni) & nature of bowel habit (Koshtha) of the subject. There is a fear in the medical fraternity and the patients that oral intake of lipids may lead to an increase in the biochemical parameters especially the lipids. So in order to remove this misconception, here an attempt is made to critically review in the light of classical references and modern research findings.

Anc Sci Life ; 28(2): 26-8, 2008 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22557308


This paper discusses formulae for assessment of the digestive function while administering internal oleation. The formulae have been developed on the basis of description in the classical Ayurvedic texts.
