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Phys Rev Lett ; 131(11): 118302, 2023 Sep 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37774311


Control of stochastic systems is a challenging open problem in statistical physics, with a wealth of potential applications from biology to granulates. Unlike most cases investigated so far, we aim here at controlling a genuinely out-of-equilibrium system, the two dimensional active Brownian particles model in a harmonic potential, a paradigm for the study of self-propelled bacteria. We search for protocols for the driving parameters (stiffness of the potential and activity of the particles) bringing the system from an initial passivelike steady state to a final activelike one, within a chosen time interval. The exact analytical results found for this prototypical model of self-propelled particles brings control techniques to a wider class of out-of-equilibrium systems.

Phys Biol ; 20(5)2023 07 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37364583


Correlation analysis and its close variant principal component analysis are tools widely applied to predict the biological functions of macromolecules in terms of the relationship between fluctuation dynamics and structural properties. However, since this kind of analysis does not necessarily imply causation links among the elements of the system, its results run the risk of being biologically misinterpreted. By using as a benchmark the structure of ubiquitin, we report a critical comparison of correlation-based analysis with the analysis performed using two other indicators, response function and transfer entropy, that quantify the causal dependence. The use of ubiquitin stems from its simple structure and from recent experimental evidence of an allosteric control of its binding to target substrates. We discuss the ability of correlation, response and transfer-entropy analysis in detecting the role of the residues involved in the allosteric mechanism of ubiquitin as deduced by experiments. To maintain the comparison as much as free from the complexity of the modeling approach and the quality of time series, we describe the fluctuations of ubiquitin native state by the Gaussian network model which, being fully solvable, allows one to derive analytical expressions of the observables of interest. Our comparison suggests that a good strategy consists in combining correlation, response and transfer entropy, such that the preliminary information extracted from correlation analysis is validated by the two other indicators in order to discard those spurious correlations not associated with true causal dependencies.

Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Ubiquitin , Ubiquitin/chemistry , Entropy , Allosteric Regulation
Phys Rev E ; 106(5-1): 054122, 2022 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36559466


Lévy stochastic processes, with noise distributed according to a Lévy stable distribution, are ubiquitous in science. Focusing on the case of a particle trapped in an external harmonic potential, we address the problem of finding "shortcuts to adiabaticity": After the system is prepared in a given initial stationary state, we search for time-dependent protocols for the driving external potential, such that a given final state is reached in a given, finite time. These techniques, usually employed for stochastic processes with additive Gaussian noise, are typically based on a inverse-engineering approach allowing to find exact analytical solutions for the required protocol. We generalize the approach to the wider class of Lévy stochastic processes, both in the overdamped and (for pure translations) in the underdamped regime, by finding exact equations for the relevant characteristic functions in Fourier space.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 15320, 2022 09 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36097179


The detection of cause-effect relationships from the analysis of paleoclimatic records is a crucial step to disentangle the main mechanisms at work in the climate system. Here, we show that the approach based on the generalized Fluctuation-Dissipation Relation, complemented by the analysis of the Transfer Entropy, allows the causal links to be identified between temperature, CO[Formula: see text] concentration and astronomical forcing during the glacial cycles of the last 800 kyr based on Antarctic ice core records. When considering the whole spectrum of time scales, the results of the analysis suggest that temperature drives CO[Formula: see text] concentration, or that are both driven by the common astronomical forcing. However, considering only millennial-scale fluctuations, the results reveal the presence of more complex causal links, indicating that CO[Formula: see text] variations contribute to driving the changes of temperature on such time scales. The results also evidence a slow temporal variability in the strength of the millennial-scale causal links between temperature and CO[Formula: see text] concentration.

Climate , Antarctic Regions , Causality , Temperature
Phys Rev E ; 104(2-1): 024116, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34525640


It is well known that entropy production is a proxy to the detection of nonequilibrium, i.e., of the absence of detailed balance; however, due to the global character of this quantity, its knowledge does not allow to identify spatial currents or fluxes of information among specific elements of the system under study. In this respect, much more insight can be gained by studying transfer entropy and response, which allow quantifying the relative influence of parts of the system and the asymmetry of the fluxes. In order to understand the relation between the above-mentioned quantities, we investigate spatially asymmetric extended systems. First, we consider a simplified linear stochastic model, which can be studied analytically; then, we include nonlinear terms in the dynamics. Extensive numerical investigation shows the relation between entropy production and the above-introduced degrees of asymmetry. Finally, we apply our approach to the highly nontrivial dynamics generated by the Lorenz 96 model for Earth oceanic circulation.

Chaos ; 31(2): 023102, 2021 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33653056


Machine-learning techniques not only offer efficient tools for modeling dynamical systems from data but can also be employed as frontline investigative instruments for the underlying physics. Nontrivial information about the original dynamics, which would otherwise require sophisticated ad hoc techniques, can be obtained by a careful usage of such methods. To illustrate this point, we consider as a case study the macroscopic motion emerging from a system of globally coupled maps. We build a coarse-grained Markov process for the macroscopic dynamics both with a machine-learning approach and with a direct numerical computation of the transition probability of the coarse-grained process, and we compare the outcomes of the two analyses. Our purpose is twofold: on the one hand, we want to test the ability of the stochastic machine-learning approach to describe nontrivial evolution laws as the one considered in our study. On the other hand, we aim to gain some insight into the physics of the macroscopic dynamics. By modulating the information available to the network, we are able to infer important information about the effective dimension of the attractor, the persistence of memory effects, and the multiscale structure of the dynamics.

Phys Rev E ; 99(6-1): 060101, 2019 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31330599


We consider the problem of building a continuous stochastic model, i.e., a Langevin or Fokker-Planck equation, through a well-controlled coarse-graining procedure. Such a method usually involves the elimination of the fast degrees of freedom of the "bath" to which the particle is coupled. Specifically, we look into the general case where the bath may be at negative temperatures, as found, for instance, in models and experiments with bounded effective kinetic energy. Here, we generalize previous studies by considering the case in which the coarse graining leads to (i) a renormalization of the potential felt by the particle, and (ii) spatially dependent viscosity and diffusivity. In addition, a particular relevant example is provided, where the bath is a spin system and a sort of phase transition takes place when going from positive to negative temperatures. A Chapman-Enskog-like expansion allows us to rigorously derive the Fokker-Planck equation from the microscopic dynamics. Our theoretical predictions show excellent agreement with numerical simulations.

Phys Rev E ; 99(4-1): 042152, 2019 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31108672


A Hamiltonian model living in a bounded phase space and with long-range interactions is studied. It is shown, by analytical computations, that there exists an energy interval in which the microcanonical entropy is a decreasing convex function of the total energy, meaning that ensemble equivalence is violated in a negative-temperature regime. The equilibrium properties of the model are then investigated by molecular dynamics simulations: first, the caloric curve is reconstructed for the microcanonical ensemble and compared to the analytical prediction, and a generalized Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for the momenta is observed; then the nonequivalence between the microcanonical and canonical descriptions is explicitly shown. Moreover, the validity of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem is verified through a numerical study, also at negative temperature and in the region where the two ensembles are nonequivalent.

PLoS One ; 14(2): e0212135, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30794586


A model has two main aims: predicting the behavior of a physical system and understanding its nature, that is how it works, at some desired level of abstraction. A promising recent approach to model building consists in deriving a Langevin-type stochastic equation from a time series of empirical data. Even if the protocol is based upon the introduction of drift and diffusion terms in stochastic differential equations, its implementation involves subtle conceptual problems and, most importantly, requires some prior theoretical knowledge about the system. Here we apply this approach to the data obtained in a rotational granular diffusion experiment, showing the power of this method and the theoretical issues behind its limits. A crucial point emerged in the dense liquid regime, where the data reveal a complex multiscale scenario with at least one fast and one slow variable. Identifying the latter is a major problem within the Langevin derivation procedure and led us to introduce innovative ideas for its solution.

Models, Theoretical , Rotation , Diffusion , Gases , Stochastic Processes
Phys Rev E ; 98(1-1): 012121, 2018 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30110792


In systems with long-range interactions, since energy is a nonadditive quantity, ensemble inequivalence can arise: it is possible that different statistical ensembles lead to different equilibrium descriptions, even in the thermodynamic limit. The microcanonical ensemble should be considered the physically correct equilibrium distribution as long as the system is isolated. The canonical ensemble, on the other hand, can always be defined mathematically, but it is quite natural to wonder to which physical situations it does correspond. We show numerically and, in some cases, analytically that the equilibrium properties of a generalized Hamiltonian mean-field model in which ensemble inequivalence is present are correctly described by the canonical distribution in (at least) two different scenarios: (a) when the system is coupled via local interactions to a large reservoir (even if the reservoir shows, in turn, ensemble inequivalence), and (b) when the mean-field interaction between a small part of a system and the rest of it is weakened by some kind of screening.

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(10)2018 Oct 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33265894


The goal of Science is to understand phenomena and systems in order to predict their development and gain control over them. In the scientific process of knowledge elaboration, a crucial role is played by models which, in the language of quantitative sciences, mean abstract mathematical or algorithmical representations. This short review discusses a few key examples from Physics, taken from dynamical systems theory, biophysics, and statistical mechanics, representing three paradigmatic procedures to build models and predictions from available data. In the case of dynamical systems we show how predictions can be obtained in a virtually model-free framework using the methods of analogues, and we briefly discuss other approaches based on machine learning methods. In cases where the complexity of systems is challenging, like in biophysics, we stress the necessity to include part of the empirical knowledge in the models to gain the minimal amount of realism. Finally, we consider many body systems where many (temporal or spatial) scales are at play-and show how to derive from data a dimensional reduction in terms of a Langevin dynamics for their slow components.