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Front Vet Sci ; 7: 579189, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33195587


Methane (CH4) emissions from enteric fermentation in cattle are an important source of greenhouse gases, accounting for about 40% of all agricultural emissions. Diet quality plays a fundamental role in determining the magnitude of CH4 emissions. Specifically, the inclusion of feeds with high digestibility and nutritional value have been reported to be a viable option for reducing CH4 emissions and, simultaneously, increase animal productivity. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of the nutritional composition and voluntary intake of diets based on tropical forages upon CH4 emissions from zebu steers. Five treatments (diets) were evaluated: Cay1: Urochloa hybrid cv. Cayman (harvested after 65 days of regrowth: low quality); Cay2: cv. Cayman harvested after 45 days of regrowth; CayLl: cv. Cayman + Leucaena leucocephala; CayLd: cv. Cayman + Leucaena diversifolia; Hay: Dichantium aristatum hay as a comparator of common naturalized pasture. For each diet representing different levels of intensification (naturalized pasture, improved pasture, and silvopastoral systems), CH4 emissions were measured using the polytunnel technique with four zebu steers housed in individual chambers. The CH4 accumulated was monitored using an infrared multigas analyzer, and the voluntary forage intake of each animal was calculated. Dry matter intake (DMI, % of body weight) ranged between 0.77 and 2.94 among diets offered. Emissions of CH4 per kg of DMI were significantly higher (P < 0.0001) in Cay1 (60.4 g), compared to other treatments. Diets that included Leucaena forage legumes had generally higher crude protein contents and higher DMI. Cay1 and Hay which had low protein content and digestibility had a higher CH4 emission intensity (per unit live weight gain) compared to Cay2, CayLl and CayLd. Our results suggest that grass consumed after a regrowth period of 45 days results in lower CH4 emissions intensities compared to those observed following a regrowth period of 65 days. Diets with Leucaena inclusion showed advantages in nutrient intake that are reflected in greater live weight gains of cattle. Consequently, the intensity of the emissions generated in the legume-based systems were lower suggesting that they are a good option for achieving the emission reduction goals of sustainable tropical cattle production.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 908, 2019 01 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30696896


A decline in pasture productivity is often associated with a reduction in vegetative cover. We hypothesize that nitrogen (N) in urine deposited by grazing cattle on degraded pastures, with low vegetative cover, is highly susceptible to losses. Here, we quantified the magnitude of urine-based nitrous oxide (N2O) lost from soil under paired degraded (low vegetative cover) and non-degraded (adequate vegetative cover) pastures across five countries of the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region and estimated urine-N emission factors. Soil N2O emissions from simulated cattle urine patches were quantified with closed static chambers and gas chromatography. At the regional level, rainy season cumulative N2O emissions (3.31 versus 1.91 kg N2O-N ha-1) and emission factors (0.42 versus 0.18%) were higher for low vegetative cover compared to adequate vegetative cover pastures. Findings indicate that under rainy season conditions, adequate vegetative cover through proper pasture management could help reduce urine-induced N2O emissions from grazed pastures.

Environment , Herbivory , Nitrous Oxide/urine , Rain , Seasons , Soil/chemistry , Agriculture , Animals , Caribbean Region , Cattle , Environmental Monitoring , Latin America
Ces med. vet. zootec ; 11(2): 6-17, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-952536


Abstract A study of the in vitro fermentation dynamics of the forages star grass (Cynodon plectostachyus; E), Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus; G) and Leucaena leucocephala (L), available in intensive silvopastoral systems (ISS) was carried out. Samples of these forages were harvested in ISS set in tropical dry forest in the Valle del Cauca, Colombia. With these forages, ten mixes or different treatments were generated: E100, G100, L100, E33G66, E66G33, L33E66, L66E33, L33G66, L66G33 and L33E33G33. The shorter lag phase was observed with L100 (7.02 h) and E33G66 (7.11 h), lower (a= 0.05) than that of L33E66 (10.22 h) and G100 (9.85 h). The maximum production of gas (a) ranged between 97.34 and 253 ml/ g substrate for L100 and G100, respectively. The lowest HIP value was obtained with L100 (23.3 hours) and the gas accumulated to that point was 35.08 ml, which coincides with the lower value. The treatments that most accumulated gas were the grasses alone or their mixtures and those with the least accumulated gas included leucaena. Regarding FP, after 24 hours of incubation, the greater values occurred with L100 and mixtures that included leucaena. It is concluded that the inclusion of Leucaena was associated with decreases in the lag phase time and maximum gas production rates and with high values of FP, characteristics that may be associated with more efficient fermentation processes.

Se estudió la dinámica fermentativa in vitro de los forrajes pasto estrella (Cynodon plectostachyus; E), pasto guinea (Megathyrsus maximus; G) y leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala; L), disponibles en sistemas silvopastoriles intensivos (SSPi). Se recolectaron muestras en SSPi establecidos en bosque seco tropical en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Se realizaron 10 mezclas o tratamientos con diferentes porcentajes de inclusión: E100, G100, L100, E33G66, E66G33, L33E66, L66E33, L33G66, L66G33 y L33E33G33. El menor tiempo de fase Lag se observó con L100 (7,02 h) y E33G66 (7,11 h), menores (a = 0,05) a L33E66 (10,22 h) y G100 (9,85 h). Las producciones máximas de gas (a) variaron entre 97,34 y 253 ml/g sustrato para L100 y G100, respectivamente. El menor valor de HPI se obtuvo con L100 (23,3 horas) y el gas acumulado a ese punto fue 35,08 ml, que coincide con el valor más bajo. Los tratamientos de mayor acumulación de gas fueron los que incluyeron gramíneas solas o sus mezclas y los de menor acumulación de gas fueron los que incluyeron leucaena. En cuanto al FP, a las 24 horas de incubación los valores más altos se presentaron con L100 y en las mezclas que incluyeron leucaena. Se concluye que la inclusión de leucaena estuvo asociada a disminuciones en el tiempo de fase lag y tasas máximas de producción de gas, así como con altos valores de FP, características que pueden asociarse a mayor eficiencia en los procesos de fermentación.

Resumo Estudou-se a dinâmica fermentativa in vitro das forrageiras do capim estrela (Cynodon plectostachyus; E), capim coloni ão (Megathyrsus maximus; G) e leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala; L), disponíveis em sistemas silvopastoris intensivos (SSPi). Tomaram-se amostras em SSPi estabelecidos em bosque seco tropical no Vale do Cauca, Colômbia. Realizaram-se 10 misturas ou tratamentos com diferentes porcentagens de inclus ão: E100, G100, L100, E33G66, E66G33, L33E66, L66E33, L33G66, L66G33 e L33E33G33. O menor tempo da fase Lag se observou com L100 (7,02 h) e E33G66 (7,11 h), menores (a = 0,05) a L33E66 (10,22 h) e G100 (9,85 h). As produções máximas de gás (a) variaram entre 97,34 e 253 ml/g substrato para L100 e G100, respectivamente. O menor valor de HPI obteve-se com L100 (23,3 horas) e o gás acumulado nesse ponto foi 35,08 ml, que coincide com o menor valor. Os tratamentos de maior acumulação de gás foram os que incluíram gramíneas solas ou suas misturas e os de menor acumulação de gás foram os que incluíram leucaena. Em quanto ao FP, as 24 horas de incubação os valores maiores apresentaram-se com L100 e em misturas que incluíram leucaena. Pode se concluir que a inclus ão de leucaena esteve associada a diminuições no tempo de fase lag e taxas máximas de produção de gás, assim como com altos valores de FP, características que podem-se associar com a maior eficiência nos processos de fermentação.

Vitae (Medellín) ; 22(3): 205-214, 2015. Ilustraciones
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-988076


Antecedentes: La carne es un alimento altamente nutritivo y un componente principal de la canasta básica familiar. Los consumidores seleccionan alimentos no solo por su gusto y satisfacción, sino por sus efectos en la nutrición y en la salud humana. Además se conoce muy poco sobre la calidad de carne producida en los sistemas colombianos y su contenido de ácidos grasos. Objetivo: Determinar el contenido y la composición de ácidos grasos en carne de bovinos cebados en distintos sistemas de producción colombianos. Métodos: Se obtuvieron lomos (Longissimus dorsi) de bovinos Cebú provenientes de cuatro sistemas de producción del trópico colombiano: Dos arreglos silvopastoriles (Centro Experimental Cotové, Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Montenegro, Quindío), una pradera mejorada (Montenegro, Quindío) y un sistema de pastoreo tradicional (Montería, Córdoba). Se extrajo grasa de 64 muestras de carne (dos por lomo) en el laboratorio de Química Analítica de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, en la que se realizó un análisis cuantitativo de ácidos grasos por cromatografía de gases en el laboratorio de Análisis Instrumental de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín. Los resultados se evaluaron siguiendo un diseño completamente al azar y la separación de medias se realizó por Duncan. Resultados: Hubo diferencias significativas en el contenido de ácido mirístico y palmítico entre el sistema tradicional y la pastura mejorada, siendo ambos mayores en el sistema tradicional. Hubo diferencias significativas en el contenido de ácidos insaturados, siendo el sistema silvopastoril del Quindío y la pradera mejorada, los de mayor relación de ácidos grasos polisaturados: insaturados (0,19). En la relación linoleico: α-linolénico no hubo diferencias entre los sistemas. Conclusión: La composición y el contenido de ácidos grasos variaron en la carne de los sistemas evaluados. Los principales componentes de la grasa fueron el ácido palmítico y el ácido oleico (30,73 y 35, 62 g/100 g de ácidos grasos)

Background: Meat is a highly nutritious food and a major component of the basic food basket. Consumers select foods not only for taste and satisfaction, but also for their effects on human nutrition and health. In addition there is very little knowledge about the quality of meat produced in the Colombian systems and their fatty acid content which undoubtedly affect human health. Objetive: To determine the content and composition of fatty acids in meat from steers managed in different Colombian systems. Methods: Meat (Longissimus dorsi) samples were obtained from Zebu cattle from four production systems inthe Colombian tropics: Two silvopastoral arrangements (Cotové Research Center, National University of Colombia and Montenegro, Quindío), improved pastures (Montenegro, Quindío) and a traditional grazing system (Monteria, Cordoba). Fat was extracted from 64 meat samples in the laboratory of Analytical Chemistry of the National University of Colombia, and a quantitative analysis of fatty acids was performed by gas chromatography in the laboratory of Instrumental Analysis of the National University of Colombia in Medellin. The results were evaluated following a complete randomized design and means were separated by the Duncan test. Results: There were significant differences in the content of myristic and palmitic acids between meat from the traditional and improved pasture system, with both acids being higher in the traditional system. There were also differences in the content of linoleic and linolenic acid, being lower in the Cotové silvopastoral system. There were significant differences in the content of unsaturated acids, with the meat from silvopastoral system Quindío and the improved pastures showing the highest fatty acid saturated: polyunsaturated ratio (0.19). In the linoleic: α-linolenic ratio there were no differences. Conclusions: Although the composition and the fatty acid content in beef varied between systems evaluated, the main components of such systems fat were palmitic acid and oleic acid (30.73 and 35.62 g/100 g fatty acid).

Humans , Fatty Acids , Cattle , Linoleic Acid , Fats, Unsaturated , Meat
Acta biol. colomb ; 15(2): 271-288, ago. 2010.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-635023


Dumps are sites where the presence of high heavy metal (HM) concentration is a common occurrence, creating the need for implementing restoration processes immediately after their closure. In the 7.6 ha and 45 m high Morro de Moravia dump, arose from the disposal of Medellín solid wastes from 1974 to 1984, previous studies have demonstrated high contents of contaminants, including HM, prompting the need to identify effective mechanisms to implement its restoration. The objective of this study was to evaluate the adaptation, growth and phytoremediation capacity of Bidens pilosa, Lepidium virginicum, Brachiaria decumbens and Arachis pintoi. Content of HM (mg/kg) in Moravia residue matrix went from 17 to 8193 for Pb, 44 to 564 for Cr, 0.2 to 339 for Cd and 77 to 1679 for Ni. Measurements of plant cover, plant height and dry matter production at all plant species studied suggested adequate growth and adaptation to the Moravia dump conditions. Plant absorption of HM showed the pattern Cr > Cd > Ni > Pb. Estimated bioconcentration factors were generally low, and maximum values were 0.36 in A. pintoi (Cr), 2.96 in B. pilosa (Cd) and 0.26 in B. decumbens (Ni). However, our estimations of the phytoremediation potential of the assayed species, suggested they possess low remediation efficiency. Further investigation should be carried out in order to identify more efficient HM accumulators, and to test the use of technologies such as modification of pH, rhizoremediation or the use of genetically enhanced accumulators to increase HM availability to plants.

En los basureros se observan altas concentraciones de metales pesados (MP), creando la necesidad de conducir procesos de restauración en dichos lugares. En el Morro de basuras de Moravia, con 7,6 ha y 45 m de altura, conformado por la disposición de los residuos sólidos de la ciudad de Medellín entre 1974 y 1984, estudios anteriores demostraron alto contenido MP, evidenciando la necesidad de identificar mecanismos efectivos para su restauración. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la adaptación, crecimiento y capaci-dad fitorremediadora de Bidens pilosa, Lepidium virginicum, Brachiaria decumbens y Arachis pintoi. El contenido de MP (mg/kg) en la matriz de residuos de Moravia varió entre 17 y 8.193 para Pb, 44 a 564 para Cr, 0,2 a 339 para Cd y 77 a 1.679 para Ni. Las mediciones de cobertura, altura y producción de materia seca mostraron que todas las especies evaluadas tuvieron un nivel adecuado de adaptación y crecimiento a las condiciones del basurero de Moravia. La absorción de MP presentó el orden Cr > Cd> Ni > Pb. Los factores de bioconcentración estimados fueron bajos, siendo los valores máximos: 0,36 (A. pintoi, Cr), 2,96 (B. pilosa, Cd) y 0,26 (B. decumbens, Ni). Sin embargo, nuestras estimaciones del potencial de fitorremediación de las plantas evaluadas sugieren que éstas poseen baja eficiencia fitorremediadora. Debe dirigirse investigación con el fin de identificar especies acumuladoras de MP más eficientes o introducir tecnologías que aumenten la disponi-bilidad de los MP, tales como la modificación del pH, rizorremediación o el uso de plantas acumuladoras genéticamente modificadas.

Univ. sci ; 15(1): 49-58, Jan.-Apr. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-637334


La caracterización de las especies presentes en un sitio determinado a través de inventarios biológicos, brinda información sobre su diversidad, incluso cuando es realizado en ambientes intervenidos como los basureros a cielo abierto, lugares considerados como una amenaza para la salud, dado que allí suelen acumularse metales pesados, reconocidos como riesgo para la salud y el ambiente. Objetivos. Realizar la caracterización preliminar de artrópodos y pequeños mamíferos no voladores del morro de basuras de Moravia, así como la determinación de metales pesados en muestras de tejido animal. Materiales y Métodos. Para la captura de artrópodos se utilizaron trampas de caída y captura manual. Los roedores se capturaron con trampas Sherman. El análisis de metales pesados en tejido animal se realizó mediante espectroscopia atómica. Resultados. Se identificaron 9 órdenes, 51 familias y 75 morfoespecies de insectos, 5 familias de arañas, dos especies de sírfidos y una especie de milpiés; Mus musculus fue la única especie de roedor identificado. El análisis de metales pesados mostró diversas concentraciones de Pb y Cd principalmente. El contenido máximo de Pb (45,05 mg/kg) se encontró en muestras de los especímenes de M. musculus y el contenido más alto de Cd (10,31 mg/kg) se encontró en las muestras de arañas de la familia Gasteracantha. Conclusiones. El morro de Moravia presenta condiciones que permiten el establecimiento de una comunidad de artrópodos con diversas dietas y nichos. Asimismo, se corrobora la transferencia de metales pesados desde la matriz de residuos hacia niveles superiores de la cadena trófica.

Characterization of the species present in a given locality by means of biological inventories provides information about diversity, even if it is done in disturbed environments such as open dumps, which are considered a threat for health due to the accumulation of heavy metals that are well known for their negative effects on human health and the environment. Objectives. To carry out a preliminary characterization of arthropods and non-flying small mammals in the Morro de Moravia open dump, and to determine the heavy metal contents in animal tissue samples. Materials and Methods. Arthropods were collected with pitfall traps and manually. Rodents were captured with Sherman traps. The heavy metal analysis was carried out with atomic spectroscopy. Results. A total of 9 orders, 51 families and 75 morphospecies of insects, 5 families of spiders, two syrphid and a millipede species were identified; Mus musculus was the only small mammal species identified. Heavy metal analysis showed various concentrations mainly of Pb and Cd. The highest content of Pb (45.05 mg/kg) was found in samples of M. musculus and the highest Cd content (10.31 mg/kg) was found in spiders of the family Gasteracantha. Conclusions. The Morro de Moravia open dump provides conditions that allow the establishment of an arthropod community with various diets and niches. The transference of heavy metals from the residue matrix towards higher levels of the trophic chain was corroborated.

A caracterização das espécies presentes num determinado local através de inventários biológicos, fornece informação sobre sua diversidade, mesmo quando é realizada em ambientes como os lixos a céu aberto, locais considerados como uma ameaça para a saúde, devido a que freqüentemente acumulam metais pesados, reconhecidos como um risco para a saúde e o meio ambiente. Objetivos. Realizar a caracterização preliminar de artrópodes e pequenos mamíferos não-voadores do monte de lixo da Moravia, e a determinação de metais pesados em amostras de tecido animal. Materiais e Métodos. Para a captura dos artrópodes utilizaram-se armadilhas de queda e captura manual. Os roedores foram capturados com armadilhas Sherman. A análise de metais pesados nos tecidos dos animais foi realizada por espectroscopia atômica. Resultados. Foram identificados 9 ordens, 51 famílias e 75 morfoespécies de insetos, 5 famílias de aranhas, duas espécies de moscas sírfidos e uma de centopéia, Mus musculus foi a única espécie de roedor encontrado. A análise de metais pesados a presenteou diferentes concentrações de Pb e Cd principalmente. O teor máximo de Pb (45,05 mg/kg) foi encontrado em amostras de espécimes de M. musculus e os maiores teores de Cd (10,31 mg/kg) foi encontrado nas amostras de aranhas da família Gasteracantha. Conclusões. O monte de lixo da Moravia apresenta condições que permitem o estabelecimento de uma comunidade de artrópodes com dietas diferentes e nichos. Também, se confirma à transferência de metais pesados a partir da matriz de resíduos para níveis mais altos da cadeia alimentar.

Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 14(1): 1611-1623, ene.-abr. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-621904


Objetivo. Establecer factores antinutricionales en la biomasa de uvito (Cordia dentata Poir), y su valor nutricional e impacto en el bienestar animal, mediante experimentos de producción de gas. Materiales y Métodos. La recolección de hojas de C. dentata se llevó a cabo en dos épocas del año, correspondientes al periodo de verano (marzo) y lluvioso (septiembre), en el municipio de Codazzi (Cesar). Adicionalmente se realizó un muestreo de pasto Colosuana (Bothriochloa pertusa) que fue utilizado como forraje control. En las diferentes muestras se determinó la concentración de taninos, saponinas, alcaloides, nitratos y nitritos. Posteriormente, en ensayos de producción de gas in vitro, se cuantificó el impacto nutricional de diferentes concentraciones de los componentes antinutricionales mayoritarios identificados en la primera fase. Resultados. Los análisis realizados en este estudio indicaron que el uvito es un forraje degradable y una buena fuente de proteína aprovechable (16.8%) y que los contenidos de saponinas, alcaloides y taninos no deben ser considerados factores antinutricionales en esta especie. Sin embargo, la concentración de nitratos fue catalogada como potencialmente tóxica, condición que debe ser un factor a tener en cuenta al momento de incluir esta especie en la dieta de rumiantes. La cantidad de gas producido en los experimentos se vio afectada negativamente por la presencia de los nitratos contenidos en las hojas de C. dentata. Conclusiones. El uvito () puede ser incluido en la dieta de bovinos, teniendo muy en cuenta el control de los nitratos en el total de la dieta.

Biomass , Nitrates , Nitrites