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Sci Total Environ ; 773: 145066, 2021 Jun 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33582326


Biological nitrogen fixation is a key process for the maintenance of natural ecosystems productivity. In tropical forests, the contribution of asymbiotic nitrogen fixation (ANF) to the nitrogen (N) input has been underestimated, even though few studies have shown that ANF may be as important as symbiotic nitrogen fixation in such environments. The inputs and abiotic modulators of ANF in the Amazon forest are not completely understood. Here, we determined ANF rates and estimated the N inputs from ANF in the phyllosphere, litter and rhizospheric soil of nine tree species in the Amazon forest over time, including an extreme drought period induced by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. Our data showed that ANF rates in the phyllosphere were 2.8- and 17.6-fold higher than in the litter and rhizospheric soil, respectively, and was highly dependent on tree taxon. Sampling time was the major factor modulating ANF in all forest compartments. At the driest period, ANF rates were approximately 1.8-fold and 13.1-fold higher than at periods with higher rainfall, before and after the extreme drought period, respectively. Tree species was a key modulator of ANF in the phyllosphere, as well as N and Vanadium concentrations. Carbon, molybdenum and vanadium concentrations were significant modulators of ANF in the litter. Based on ANF rates at the three sampling times, we estimated that the N input in the Amazon forest through ANF in the phyllosphere, litter and rhizospheric soil, was between 0.459 and 0.714 kg N ha-1 yr-1. Our results highlight the importance of ANF in the phyllosphere for the N input in the Amazon forest, and suggest that changes in the patterns of ANF driven by large scale climatic events may impact total N inputs and likely alter forest productivity.

Ecosystem , Nitrogen Fixation , Forests , Nitrogen , Soil , Trees
Entramado ; 13(2): 250-257, jul.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090152


Resumen La gallinaza fresca, debido a su rápida disponibilidad está siendo ampliamente utilizada como fuente exclusiva de nutrientes, especialmente nitrógeno (N), en el cultivo de cebolla (Allium fistulosum), sin embargo, problemas de toxicidad por sales y acumulación de metales pesados en plantas han sido detectados. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar el efecto de la gallinaza fresca y compostada sobre las bacterias Azotobacter sp. y Azospirillum sp., así como en el número de esporas de hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA), en el cultivo de cebolla. En el experimento se utilizó un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro tratamientos y tres réplicas a partir de requerimientos en fertilización del cultivo y el análisis de suelos. Los tratamientos fueron: T1-Gallinaza fresca + Fertilizante foliar líquido quelatado-(14 Ton/ha=400 gr/ sitio gallinaza fresca + complejo biofertilizante a base de N, P y aminoácidos-1 L/ha.), T2-Gallinaza compostada + Fertilizante foliar líquido quelatado-14 Ton/ha=400 gr/sitio gallinaza fresca + (complejo biofertilizante a base de N, P y aminoácidos-1 L/ha.), T3-Fertilizante de síntesis química: fertirrigación con complejo de fertilizante 20-20-20 + elementos menores (10 g/sitio=350 kg/ha) y T4-Fertilizante de síntesis química: Aplicación en el suelo con complejo de fertilizante 20-20-20+elementos menores (20 g/sitio=700 kg/ha.). Los resultados obtenidos indican que la gallinaza cruda tiene un impacto positivo en el rendimiento del cultivo de cebolla y la esporulación de HMA (91 esporas por gamo de solo), un efecto negativo en Azotobacter sp. con mejor desarrollo en la gallinaza compostada (1,0 x107 UFC) y en Azospirillum sp. sin respuesta relevante, sin embargo fue más abundante que Azotobacter sp.en cada uno de los tratamientos.

Abstract Poultry manure application is highly used as exclusive nutrient sources, especially N, in anion culture (A. fistulosum), However there has been detected toxicity problems by salts and heavy metals in plants. The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of fresh poultry manure and composted on Azotobacter sp., Azospirillum sp. and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The treatments were performed under completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications according to fertilization requirements and soil analysis. Treatments were formed as follows: Tl-Poultry manure + Foliar liquid fertilizer quelated-14 ton.ha-1=400 grsite-1 poultry manure + complex biofertilizer of N, P and aminoacids-1 L.ha-1, T2-Composted poultry manure + Foliar liquid fertilizer quelated-14 ton.ha-1=400 grsite-1 poultry manure + complex biofertilizer of N, P and aminoacids-1 L.ha-1, T3-Chemical fertilizer: fertirrigation with complex biofertilizer 20-20-20 + minor elements (l0 grsite-1 =350 kg ha-1) and T4-Chemical fertilizer: Application in the soil with complex biofertilizer 20-20-20 + minor elements (20 kg ha-1=700 kg ha-1.). We observed that anion culture and AMF spores (91 spores by 1g soil) have a significant respond to poultry manure. Azotobacter sp. was negatively affected by poultry manure but positively influenced by composted poultry manure (l.0 xl07 CFU). We no observed a relevant respond of Azospirillum sp., although, it was more abundant than Azotobacter sp. in all treatments.

Resumo O esterco de galinha fresco, pela sua rápida disponibilidade é utilizada como fornecedor de nutrientes, especialmente N, na cultura da cebola (A. fistulosum), No entanto, problemas de toxicidade por sais e acumulação de metais pesados em plantas tem sido detectado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o efeito do esterco de galinha fresco e decomposto sobre as bactérias Azotobacter sp. e Azospirillum sp. e o número de esporos de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) na cultura da cebola. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro tratamento e três repetições, segundo os requerimentos nutricionais da cultura e a análise de solo. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: Tl-Cama aviaria fresca + fertilizante foliar líquido quelatado- (14 Ton/ha=400 gr/local-cama aviaria fresca + complexo biofertilizante baseado em N, P y aminoácidos-1 L/ha.), T2-Cama aviaria + fertilizante foliar líquido quelatado-14 Ton/ha=400 gr/local-Cama aviaria + (complexo biofertilizante baseado em N, P y aminoácidos-1 L/ha.), T3-Fertilizante de síntese química: fertirrigação com complexo de fertilizante 20-20-20 + elementos menores (10 g/local=350 kg/ha) y T4-Fertilizante de síntese química: Aplicação no solo com complexo de fertilizante 20-20-20 + elementos menores (20 g/local=700 kg/ha.).Os resultados aqui obtidos mostram efeito positivo do esterco de galinha no rendimento da cultura da cebola e da esporulação dos HMA (91 esporos por gama de solo), efeito negativo em Azotobacter sp., se desenvolvendo melhor no esterco de galinha decomposta (1,0 x107 UFC) e sem resposta relevante em Azospirillum sp., embora tenha sido mais abundante do que Azotobacter sp. em todos os tratamentos.

Acta biol. colomb ; 15(1): 105-114, abr. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-634956


Los hongos micorrízicos arbusculares (HMA) facilitan la absorción de nutrientes a las plantas hospederas, por esta razón estos microorganismos cumplen un rol fundamental en el funcionamiento de los agroecosistemas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la asociación simbiótica entre HMA nativos y comerciales y plántulas de Elaeis guineensis en condiciones de vivero con un nivel alto de fósforo (P) en el suelo. Plantas de tres meses de edad fueron sometidas a cuatro tratamientos: Inóculo Nativo (IN), Inóculo Comercial (IC), Mixto (M) y Testigo absoluto (TA). Se evaluaron los parámetros: peso seco total de la planta, peso seco raíz, peso seco parte aérea de la planta, altura de la planta, tasa de crecimiento relativo, colonización micorrízica y número de esporas en el suelo. Se realizaron tres muestreos, uno inicial (día 0), uno a los 45 y a los 90 días después del trasplante de las plántulas (ddt). Los datos fueron analizados mediante un ANOVA o Kruskall-Wallis según el comportamiento de los datos, seguido de un test de Duncan para comparar las medias o un test modificado de Tuckey para datos no paramétricos. Se observaron diferencias significativas en el número de esporas entre los tratamientos IN, M y TA, a los 45 ddt. Para la variable colonización micorrízica se observaron diferencias significativas a los 45 ddt entre los tratamientos IC y TA, mientras que a los 90 ddt se presentaron diferencias entre los tratamientos IN, IC y M, con respecto al TA. A pesar de que el nivel de P en el suelo fue alto, el porcentaje de colonización micorrízica estuvo por encima del 50% en los muestreos realizados a los 45 y 90 días. El tratamiento IN funcionó mejor que los tratamientos IC y M, para las condiciones edáficas de este experimento.

The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) facilitate the absorption of nutrients to the host plants. These microorganisms therefore, fulfill a fundamental roll in the operation of agroecosytems. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect between native and commercial arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Elaeis guineensis seedlings in greenhouse conditions with high P level. Plants of three months of the age were put under four treatments: Native inoculate (NI), Foreign inoculate (FI), Mixture (M) and control (TA). It was evaluated total dry weight of the plant, root and aerial part dry weight, height of the plant, relative growth rate (RGR), mycorrhizal colonization and spores number. At 45 and 90 days after the transplant these variable were evaluated. An initial sampling dry mass was taking by to determine RGR. The data were analyzed through the ANOVA or Kruskall-Wallis according to the behavior of the data, followed of a test of averages of Duncan or a modified test of Tuckey for nonparametric data. Significant differences in the spores number between the treatments NI, FI, M and TA and between NI and M to the 45 days appeared. In the colonization mycorrhizal differences between the treatments FA and TA were observed the 45 days. To the 90 days between all the treatments with respect to the TA. Although the P level in the soil was high, also it was it the mycorrhizal colonization at the two evaluated times. Through time the treatment NI worked better in the soil edaphic conditions used in this experiment.
