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Clin Breast Cancer ; 21(4): 309-316, 2021 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33962905


Breast cancer is a complex disease, and accurate systemic staging is an essential aspect of the evaluation of a patient with newly diagnosed breast cancer. Considering that the chance of having metastatic disease at breast cancer diagnosis is different in each patient and depends on a variety of anatomic and biologic factors, it is crucial to understand that some populations may benefit from more intensive staging because their pretest probability of metastatic disease is higher than that of the average patient. Identifying these patients with de novo stage IV breast cancer is associated with substantial prognostic and therapeutic implications. Unfortunately, recent advances in understanding breast cancer heterogeneity and molecular biology have not been incorporated in the international guidelines and recommendations about imaging examinations for detecting de novo metastatic breast cancer. This review article discusses important issues regarding the rationale for performing systemic staging, addresses current and innovative imaging methods, and proposes an algorithm for systemic staging in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer.

Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Algorithms , Breast Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Female , Humans , Mammography , Neoplasm Staging
Clin. biomed. res ; 34(3): 266-273, 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-834467


Introdução: É frequente a associação de v¨¢rios medicamentos para controlardoenças em pacientes crônicos. Contudo, a adesão medicamentosa ¨¦ vari¨¢vel, eos fatores associados diferem, não havendo dados uniformes sobre o assunto.M¨¦todos: Estudo transversal em pacientes do ambulat¨®rio de Medicina Interna deum hospital terci¨¢rio, maiores de 18 anos, com duas ou mais doenças crônicas,visando a estimar a adesão medicamentosa pela Escala de Adesão Medicamentosade Morisky. Fatores associados ¨¤ adesão foram avaliados pela regressão dePoisson. O controle das doenças crônicas foi avaliado e definido como alvosatingidos de hipertensão, diabetes e dislipidemia.Resultados: Um total de 170 pacientes (idade m¨¦dia 65¡À9,8 anos), 61 homens(36%), foram inclu¨ªdos. Sessenta e sete pacientes tinham at¨¦ 4 anos de estudo;uma renda menor que mil reais foi referida por 56 pacientes. O n¨²mero m¨¦diode comorbidades foi 4¡À1,14, sendo hipertensão arterial sist¨ºmica a doença maisprevalente (96,5%), seguido de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (67%). Cada paciente usava7,5¡À2,5 medicamentos. A taxa de controle das doenças crônicas mais prevalentesfoi: hipertensão arterial sist¨ºmica 72% (IC95% 65-79%), diabetes mellitus 53%(IC95%: 42¨C63%) e dislipidemia 51% (IC95% 41¨C61%). A preval¨ºncia de m¨¦dia ealta adesão foi 43%. Os fatores que se associaram independentemente ¨¤ adesãomedicamentosa foram pr¨¢tica de exerc¨ªcio f¨ªsico (RP= 1,63; IC 95%: 1,09¨C2,44;p= 0,017) e idade (RP= 1,02; IC 95%: 1,00¨C1,03; p= 0,032).Conclusão: Menos da metade dos pacientes do ambulat¨®rio de Medicina Internaadere ¨¤ prescrição m¨¦dica. É necess¨¢rio instituir novas estrat¨¦gias para que ospacientes se beneficiem das prescrições de medicamentos.

Introduction: The combination of several medications to control diseases inchronic patients is very common. However, medication adherence is variable, andassociated factors differ. Besides, there is no uniform data on this subject.Methods: Cross-sectional study in an outpatient Internal Medicine Service of atertiary care hospital, with patients ¡Ý 18 years old with two or more chronic diseases,aimed at assessing medication adherence using the Morisky Medication AdherenceScale. Factors associated with adherence were assessed by Poisson regression.The control of hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia was assessed.Results: A total of 170 patients (mean age 65¡À9.8 years), 61 of them men (36%), wasincluded. Sixty-seven patients had up to 4 years of study, and 56 patients reporteda monthly income of less than a thousand Brazilian reais. The average number ofcomorbidities was 4¡À1.14. Hypertension was the most prevalent disease (96.5%),followed by type 2 diabetes mellitus (67%). Each patient used 7.5 ¡À 2.5 medications.The control rate of the most prevalent chronic diseases was: hypertension 72%(95% CI 65-79%), diabetes mellitus 53% (95% CI 42-63%), and dyslipidemia 51%(95% CI 41-61%). The prevalence of medium and high adherence was 43%. Thefactors independently associated with medication adherence were physical exercise(PR = 1.63; 95%CI: 1.09-2.44; p= 0.017) and age (PR= 1.02; 95%CI: 1.00-1.03; p=0.032).Conclusion: Less than half of the chronic clinical patients adheres to the prescription.It is necessary to establish new strategies for patients to benefit from prescriptionmedication.

Humans , ADES&ATILDE , O ¨N MEDICA&CCEDIL , &ATILDE , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diabetes Mellitus/drug therapy , Dyslipidemias/drug therapy , /drug therapy , DOEN&CCEDIL , A CR&OCIRC , /drug therapy , HIPERTENS&ATILDE , COOPERA&CCEDIL , &ATILDE , EDUCA&CCEDIL , &ATILDE , Motor Activity