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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 6921, 2024 Aug 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39134541


Whenever the elastic energy of a solid depends on magnetic field, there is a magnetostrictive response. Field-linear magnetostriction implies piezomagnetism and vice versa. Here, we show that Mn3Sn, a non-collinear antiferromanget with Weyl nodes, hosts a large and almost perfectly linear magnetostriction even at room temperature. The longitudinal and transverse magnetostriction, with opposite signs and similar amplitude are restricted to the kagome planes and the out-of-plane response is negligibly small. By studying four different samples with different Mn:Sn ratios, we find a clear correlation between the linear magnetostriction, the spontaneous magnetization and the concentration of Sn vacancies. The recently reported piezomagnetic data fits in our picture. We show that linear magnetostriction and piezomagnetism are both driven by the field-induced in-plane twist of spins. A quantitative account of the experimental data requires the distortion of the spin texture by Sn vacancies. We find that the field-induced domain nucleation within the hysteresis loop corresponds to a phase transition. Within the hysteresis loop, a concomitant mesoscopic modulation of local strain and spin twist angles, leading to twisto-magnetic stripes, arises as a result of the competition between elastic and magnetic energies.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(27): e2410272121, 2024 Jul 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38913908
Nat Commun ; 15(1): 1771, 2024 Feb 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38413651


In Landau's Fermi liquid picture, transport is governed by scattering between quasi-particles. The normal liquid 3He conforms to this picture but only at very low temperature. Here, we show that the deviation from the standard behavior is concomitant with the fermion-fermion scattering time falling below the Planckian time, ℏ k B T and the thermal diffusivity of this quantum liquid is bounded by a minimum set by fundamental physical constants and observed in classical liquids. This points to collective excitations (a sound mode) as carriers of heat. We propose that this mode has a wavevector of 2kF and a mean free path equal to the de Broglie thermal length. This would provide an additional conducting channel with a T 1/2 temperature dependence, matching what is observed by experiments. The experimental data from 0.007 K to 3 K can be accounted for, with a margin of 10%, if thermal conductivity is the sum of two contributions: one by quasi-particles (varying as the inverse of temperature) and another by sound (following the square root of temperature).

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(1): 016301, 2023 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37478431


The temperature dependence of the phase space for electron-electron (e-e) collisions leads to a T-square contribution to electrical resistivity of metals. Umklapp scattering is identified as the origin of momentum loss due to e-e scattering in dense metals. However, in dilute metals like lightly doped strontium titanate, the origin of T-square electrical resistivity in the absence of umklapp events is yet to be pinned down. Here, by separating electron and phonon contributions to heat transport, we extract the electronic thermal resistivity in niobium-doped strontium titanate and show that it also displays a T-square temperature dependence. Its amplitude correlates with the T-square electrical resistivity. The Wiedemann-Franz law strictly holds in the zero-temperature limit, but not at finite temperature, because the two T-square prefactors are different by a factor of ≈3, like in other Fermi liquids. Recalling the case of ^{3}He, we argue that T-square thermal resistivity does not require umklapp events. The approximate recovery of the Wiedemann-Franz law in the presence of disorder would account for a T-square electrical resistivity without umklapp.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 35(37)2023 Jun 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37290451


Co3Sn2S2is believed to be a magnetic Weyl semimetal. It displays large anomalous Hall, Nernst and thermal Hall effects with a remarkably large anomalous Hall angle. Here, we present a comprehensive study of how substituting Co by Fe or Ni affects the electrical and thermoelectric transport. We find that doping alters the amplitude of the anomalous transverse coefficients. The maximum decrease in the amplitude of the low-temperature anomalous Hall conductivityσijAis twofold. Comparing our results with theoretical calculations of the Berry spectrum assuming a rigid shift of the Fermi level, we find that given the modest shift in the position of the chemical potential induced by doping, the experimentally observed variation occurs five times faster than expected. Doping affects the amplitude and the sign of the anomalous Nernst coefficient. Despite these drastic changes, the amplitude of theαijA/σijAratio at the Curie temperature remains close to≈0.5kB/e, in agreement with the scaling relationship observed across many topological magnets.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1642, 2023 Mar 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36964128


During the past two decades, it has been established that a non-trivial electron wave-function topology generates an anomalous Hall effect (AHE), which shows itself as a Hall conductivity non-linear in magnetic field. Here, we report on an unprecedented case of field-linear AHE. In Mn3Sn, a kagome magnet, the out-of-plane Hall response, which shows an abrupt jump, was discovered to be a case of AHE. We find now that the in-plane Hall response, which is perfectly linear in magnetic field, is set by the Berry curvature of the wavefunction. The amplitude of the Hall response and its concomitant Nernst signal exceed by far what is expected in the semiclassical picture. We argue that magnetic field induces out-of-plane spin canting and thereafter gives rise to nontrivial spin chirality on the kagome lattice. In band structure, we find that the spin chirality modifies the topology by gapping out Weyl nodal lines unknown before, accounting for the AHE observed. Our work reveals intriguing unification of real-space Berry phase from spin chirality and momentum-space Berry curvature in a kagome material.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1027, 2023 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36823192


The origin of phonon thermal Hall Effect (THE) observed in a variety of insulators is yet to be identified. Here, we report on the observation of a thermal Hall conductivity in a non-magnetic elemental insulator, with an amplitude exceeding what has been previously observed. In black phosphorus (BP), the longitudinal (κii), and the transverse, κij, thermal conductivities peak at the same temperature and at this peak temperature, the κij/κjj/B is ≈ 10-4-10-3 T-1. Both these features are shared by other insulators displaying THE, despite an absolute amplitude spreading over three orders of magnitude. The absence of correlation between the thermal Hall angle and the phonon mean-free-path imposes a severe constraint for theoretical scenarios of THE. We show that in BP a longitudinal and a transverse acoustic phonon mode anti-cross, facilitating wave-like transport across modes. The anisotropic charge distribution surrounding atomic bonds can pave the way for coupling between phonons and the magnetic field.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(24): 246302, 2023 Dec 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38181139


Whenever two irreversible processes occur simultaneously, time-reversal symmetry of microscopic dynamics gives rise, on a macroscopic level, to Onsager's reciprocal relations, which impose constraints on the number of independent components of any transport coefficient tensor. Here, we show that in the antiferromagnetic YbMnBi_{2}, which displays a strong temperature-dependent anisotropy, Onsager's reciprocal relations are strictly satisfied for anomalous electric (σ_{ij}^{A}) and anomalous thermoelectric (α_{ij}^{A}) conductivity tensors. In contradiction with what was recently reported by Pan et al. [Nat. Mater. 21, 203 (2022)NMAACR1476-112210.1038/s41563-021-01149-2], we find that σ_{ij}^{A}(H)=σ_{ji}^{A}(-H) and α_{ij}^{A}(H)=α_{ji}^{A}(-H). This equality holds in the whole temperature window irrespective of the relative weights of the intrinsic or extrinsic mechanisms. The α_{ij}^{A}/σ_{ij}^{A} ratio is close to k_{B}/e at room temperature but peaks to an unprecedented magnitude of 2.9k_{B}/e at ∼150 K, which may involve nondegenerate carriers of small Fermi surface pockets.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 35(7)2022 Dec 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36541498


In a liquid of superconducting vortices, a longitudinal thermal gradient generates a transverse electric field. This Nernst signal peaks at an intermediate temperature and magnetic field, presumably where the entropy difference between the vortex core and the superfluid environment is largest. There is a puzzling similarity of the amplitude of this peak across many different superconductors. This peak can be assimilated to a minimum in the viscosity to entropy density ratio of the vortex liquid. Expressed in units ofℏkB, this minimum is one order of magnitude larger than what is seen in common liquids. Moreover, the entropy stocked in the vortex core isnotidentical to the entropy bound to a moving magnetic flux line. Due to a steady exchange of normal quasi-particles, entropy can leak from the vortex core. A slowly moving vortex will be peeled off its entropy within a distance of the order of a superconducting coherence length, provided that theΔEFratio is sufficiently large.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(35): e2201975119, 2022 Aug 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35994652


SrTiO3, a quantum paralectric, displays a detectable phonon thermal Hall effect (THE). Here, we show that the amplitude of the THE is extremely sensitive to stoichiometry. It drastically decreases upon substitution of a tiny fraction of Sr atoms with Ca, which stabilizes the ferroelectric order. It drastically increases by an even lower density of oxygen vacancies, which turn the system to a dilute metal. The enhancement in the metallic state exceeds by far the sum of the electronic and the phononic contributions. We explain this observation as an outcome of three features: 1) Heat is mostly transported by phonons; 2) the electronic Hall angle is extremely large; and 3) there is substantial momentum exchange between electrons and phonons. Starting from Herring's picture of phonon drag, we arrive to a quantitative account of the enhanced THE. Thus, phonon drag, hitherto detected as an amplifier of thermoelectric coefficients, can generate a purely thermal transverse response in a dilute metal with a large Hall angle. Our results reveal a hitherto-unknown consequence of momentum-conserving collisions between electrons and phonons.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 189, 2022 Jan 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35017493


The interface between a solid and vacuum can become electronically distinct from the bulk. This feature, encountered in the case of quantum Hall effect, has a manifestation in insulators with topologically protected metallic surface states. Non-trivial Berry curvature of the Bloch waves or periodically driven perturbation are known to generate it. Here, by studying the angle-dependent magnetoresistance in prismatic bismuth crystals of different shapes, we detect a robust surface contribution to electric conductivity when the magnetic field is aligned parallel to a two-dimensional boundary between the three-dimensional crystal and vacuum. The effect is absent in antimony, which has an identical crystal symmetry, a similar Fermi surface structure and equally ballistic carriers, but an inverted band symmetry and a topological invariant of opposite sign. Our observation confirms that the boundary interrupting the cyclotron orbits remains metallic in bismuth, which is in agreement with what was predicted by Azbel decades ago. However, the absence of the effect in antimony indicates an intimate link between band symmetry and this boundary conductance.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 3311, 2021 Jun 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34083533


In systems near phase transitions, macroscopic properties often follow algebraic scaling laws, determined by the dimensionality and the underlying symmetries of the system. The emergence of such universal scaling implies that microscopic details are irrelevant. Here, we locally investigate the scaling properties of the metal-insulator transition at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. We show that, by changing the dimensionality and the symmetries of the electronic system, coupling between structural and electronic properties prevents the universal behavior near the transition. By imaging the current flow in the system, we reveal that structural domain boundaries modify the filamentary flow close to the transition point, preventing a fractal with the expected universal dimension from forming.

Adv Mater ; 33(20): e2100751, 2021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33844874


A large transverse thermoelectric response, known as the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) has been recently observed in several topological magnets. Building a thermopile employing this effect has been the subject of several recent propositions. Here, a thermopile is designed and built with an array of tilted adjacent crystals of Mn3 Sn. The design employs a single material and replaces pairs of P and N thermocouples of the traditional design with hermaphroditic legs. The design exploits the large lag angle between the applied field and the magnetization, which is attributed to the interruption of magnetic octupoles at the edge of the xy-plane. Eliminating extrinsic contact between the legs will boost the efficiency, simplify the process, and pave the way for a new generation of thermopiles.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(7): 077001, 2021 Feb 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33666461


A liquid of superconducting vortices generates a transverse thermoelectric response. This Nernst signal has a tail deep in the normal state due to superconducting fluctuations. Here, we present a study of the Nernst effect in two-dimensional heterostructures of Nb-doped strontium titanate (STO) and in amorphous MoGe. The Nernst signal generated by ephemeral Cooper pairs above the critical temperature has the magnitude expected by theory in STO. On the other hand, the peak amplitude of the vortex Nernst signal below T_{c} is comparable in both and in numerous other superconductors despite the large distribution of the critical temperature and the critical magnetic fields. In four superconductors belonging to different families, the maximum Nernst signal corresponds to an entropy per vortex per layer of ≈k_{B}ln2.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(10): 106801, 2021 Mar 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33784120


In the immediate vicinity of the critical temperature (T_{c}) of a phase transition, there are fluctuations of the order parameter that reside beyond the mean-field approximation. Such critical fluctuations usually occur in a very narrow temperature window in contrast to Gaussian fluctuations. Here, we report on a study of specific heat in graphite subject to a high magnetic field when all carriers are confined in the lowest Landau levels. The observation of a BCS-like specific heat jump in both temperature and field sweeps establishes that the phase transition discovered decades ago in graphite is of the second order. The jump is preceded by a steady field-induced enhancement of the electronic specific heat. A modest (20%) reduction in the amplitude of the magnetic field (from 33 to 27 T) leads to a threefold decrease of T_{c} and a drastic widening of the specific heat anomaly, which acquires a tail spreading to two times T_{c}. We argue that the steady departure from the mean-field BCS behavior is the consequence of an exceptionally large Ginzburg number in this dilute metal, which grows steadily as the field lowers. Our fit of the critical fluctuations indicates that they belong to the 3DXY universality class as in the case of the ^{4}He superfluid transition.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 195, 2021 Jan 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33420029


Detecting hydrodynamic fingerprints in the flow of electrons in solids constitutes a dynamic field of investigation in contemporary condensed matter physics. Most attention has been focused on the regime near the degeneracy temperature when the thermal velocity can present a spatially modulated profile. Here, we report on the observation of a hydrodynamic feature in the flow of quasi-ballistic degenerate electrons in bulk antimony. By scrutinizing the temperature dependence of thermal and electric resistivities, we detect a size-dependent departure from the Wiedemann-Franz law, unexpected in the momentum-relaxing picture of transport. This observation finds a natural explanation in the hydrodynamic picture, where upon warming, momentum-conserving collisions reduce quadratically in temperature both viscosity and thermal diffusivity. This effect has been established theoretically and experimentally in normal-state liquid 3He. The comparison of electrons in antimony and fermions in 3He paves the way to a quantification of momentum-conserving fermion-fermion collision rate in different Fermi liquids.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(48): 30215-30219, 2020 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33199600


An exciton is an electron-hole pair bound by attractive Coulomb interaction. Short-lived excitons have been detected by a variety of experimental probes in numerous contexts. An excitonic insulator, a collective state of such excitons, has been more elusive. Here, thanks to Nernst measurements in pulsed magnetic fields, we show that in graphite there is a critical temperature (T = 9.2 K) and a critical magnetic field (B = 47 T) for Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons. At this critical field, hole and electron Landau subbands simultaneously cross the Fermi level and allow exciton formation. By quantifying the effective mass and the spatial separation of the excitons in the basal plane, we show that the degeneracy temperature of the excitonic fluid corresponds to this critical temperature. This identification would explain why the field-induced transition observed in graphite is not a universal feature of three-dimensional electron systems pushed beyond the quantum limit.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 3846, 2020 Jul 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32737301


Fermi liquids (FLs) display a quadratic temperature (T) dependent resistivity. This can be caused by electron-electron (e-e) scattering in presence of inter-band or Umklapp scattering. However, dilute metallic SrTiO3 was found to display T2 resistivity in absence of either of the two mechanisms. The presence of soft phonons as possible scattering centers raised the suspicion that T2 resistivity is not due to e-e scattering. Here, we present the case of Bi2O2Se, a layered semiconductor with hard phonons, which becomes a dilute metal with a small single-component Fermi surface upon doping. It displays T2 resistivity well below the degeneracy temperature in absence of Umklapp and inter-band scattering. We observe a universal scaling between the T2 resistivity prefactor (A) and the Fermi energy (EF), an extension of the Kadowaki-Woods plot to dilute metals. Our results imply the absence of a satisfactory understanding of the ubiquity of e-e T2 resistivity in FLs.

Sci Adv ; 6(17): eaaz3522, 2020 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32494640


The Wiedemann-Franz (WF) law has been tested in numerous solids, but the extent of its relevance to the anomalous transverse transport and the topological nature of the wave function, remains an open question. Here, we present a study of anomalous transverse response in the noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn3Ge extended from room temperature down to sub-kelvin temperature and find that the anomalous Lorenz ratio remains close to the Sommerfeld value up to 100 K but not above. The finite-temperature violation of the WF correlation is caused by a mismatch between the thermal and electrical summations of the Berry curvature and not by inelastic scattering. This interpretation is backed by our theoretical calculations, which reveals a competition between the temperature and the Berry curvature distribution. The data accuracy is supported by verifying the anomalous Bridgman relation. The anomalous Lorenz ratio is thus an extremely sensitive probe of the Berry spectrum of a solid.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(10): 105901, 2020 Mar 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32216396


It has been known for more than a decade that phonons can produce an off-diagonal thermal conductivity in the presence of a magnetic field. Recent studies of thermal Hall conductivity, κ_{xy}, in a variety of contexts, however, have assumed a negligibly small phonon contribution. We present a study of κ_{xy} in quantum paraelectric SrTiO_{3}, which is a nonmagnetic insulator and find that its peak value exceeds what has been reported in any other insulator, including those in which the signal has been qualified as "giant." Remarkably, κ_{xy}(T) and κ(T) peak at the same temperature and the former decreases faster than the latter at both sides of the peak. Interestingly, in the case of La_{2}CuO_{4} and α-RuCl_{3}, κ_{xy}(T) and κ(T) peak also at the same temperature. We also studied KTaO_{3} and found a small signal, indicating that a sizable κ_{xy}(T) is not a generic feature of quantum paraelectrics. Combined to other observations, this points to a crucial role played by antiferrodistortive domains in generating κ_{xy} of this solid.