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J Phys Chem Lett ; 12(42): 10366-10371, 2021 Oct 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34668710


Phyllosilicate clays are layered structures with diverse nanoscale morphology depending on the composition. Size mismatch between the sheets can cause them to form nanoscrolls, a spiral structure with different inner and outer surface charges. The hydroxyls on the exposed surface of the nanoscrolls determine the adsorption properties and hydrophilicity of the surface. Vibrational sum frequency generation (VSFG) spectroscopy was applied to study the surface hydroxyls of nickel phyllosilicate (Ni3Si2O5(OH)4), revealing three distinct in-phase OH-stretch modes: 3642, 3645, and 3653 cm-1. The relative signs of the peaks allow their assignment as "outward" and "inward" pointing hydroxyls on the opposite sides of the scrolled sheet, consistent with the crystal structure. Orientational analysis of polarization-selected VSFG spectra is consistent with a broad (140-164°) step-function distribution of the OH-stretch tilt angles, which we attribute to the uncompensated portion of the scroll rolled more than a whole number of full turns.

Nature ; 594(7861): 62-65, 2021 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34079138


Our understanding of the dielectric response of interfacial water, which underlies the solvation properties and reaction rates at aqueous interfaces, relies on the linear response approximation: an external electric field induces a linearly proportional polarization. This implies antisymmetry with respect to the sign of the field. Atomistic simulations have suggested, however, that the polarization of interfacial water may deviate considerably from the linear response. Here we present an experimental study addressing this issue. We measured vibrational sum-frequency generation spectra of heavy water (D2O) near a monolayer graphene electrode, to study its response to an external electric field under controlled electrochemical conditions. The spectra of the OD stretch show a pronounced asymmetry for positive versus negative electrode charge. At negative charge below 5 × 1012 electrons per square centimetre, a peak of the non-hydrogen-bonded OD groups pointing towards the graphene surface is observed at a frequency of 2,700 per centimetre. At neutral or positive electrode potentials, this 'free-OD' peak disappears abruptly, and the spectra display broad peaks of hydrogen-bonded OD species (at 2,300-2,650 per centimetre). Miller's rule1 connects the vibrational sum-frequency generation response to the dielectric constant. The observed deviation from the linear response for electric fields of about ±3 × 108 volts per metre calls into question the validity of treating interfacial water as a simple dielectric medium.

J Chem Phys ; 153(4): 044706, 2020 Jul 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32752673


Mixed anatase/rutile TiO2 exhibits high photocatalytic activity; however, the mechanism underlying the high performance of the mixed phases is not fully understood. We have performed time-domain ab initio calculations to study the exited state dynamics in mixed phase TiO2 and to investigate the impact of an oxygen vacancy on the dynamics. The anatase(100)/rutile(001) heterostructures with and without an oxygen vacancy used in this work exhibit type II band alignment with the conduction band of rutile residing above that of anatase. The oxygen vacancy introduces a hole trap state inside the bandgap. Owing to a strong coupling between the donor and acceptor states, the electron and hole transfers across the anatase/rutile interface occur on an ultrafast 100 fs timescale in both systems. The decoupling of electron and hole favors a long-lived charge separated state. The electron-hole recombination across the pristine anatase/rutile interface takes 6.6 ns and is significantly slower than that in the pure anatase and rutile phases, showing good agreement with experiments. The electron transfer dynamics is independent of the oxygen vacancy, which has some influence on the hole transfer and a strong effect on carrier recombination. By creating a hole trap state, the vacancy accelerates carrier losses by over an order of magnitude. The fast charge separation and the long lifetime of the charge separated state rationalize the enhanced photocatalytic performance of mixed phase TiO2 compared to the pure phases.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 12(23): 26515-26524, 2020 Jun 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32406227


Molecular organization of vapor-deposited organic molecules in the active layer of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) has been a matter of great interest as it directly influences various optoelectronic properties and the overall performance of the devices. Contrary to the general assumption of isotropic molecular orientation in vacuum-deposited thin-film OLEDs, it is possible to achieve an anisotropic molecular distribution at or near the surface under controlled experimental conditions. In this study, we have used interface-specific vibrational sum frequency generation (VSFG) spectroscopy to determine the orientation of a low-molecular weight OLED material, 4,4'-bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1'-biphenyl (CBP), at free (air) and buried (CaF2) interfaces. VSFG spectra were measured at four different polarization combinations for five different thicknesses of the CBP film. The spectral shift and VSFG intensity changes with the film thickness can be accurately modeled by considering the optical interference effect of the signals coming from the CBP/air and CBP/CaF2 interfaces. A global fitting of the experimental spectra for all thicknesses along with theoretical simulations reveal that the long molecular axis of CBP is oriented at an angle of ∼58° (47-70°) from the surface normal at the air/CBP interface, whereas at the CBP/CaF2 interface, the angle is ∼48° (43-52°). Such a change in the angle (∼10°) suggests that the CBP molecule tends to orient more vertically (edge-on) at the buried CaF2 interface, which may be attributed to the intermolecular π-π stacking interaction between adjacent CBP molecules.

J Chem Phys ; 151(15): 150401, 2019 10 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31640380
J Phys Chem Lett ; 10(20): 6151-6158, 2019 Oct 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31553184


The Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) model, in which the deep trap defect states in the band gap are proposed as nonradiative electron-hole (e-h) recombination centers, has been widely used to describe the nonradiative e-h recombination through the defects in semiconductor. By using the ab initio nonadiabatic molecular dynamics method, we find that the SRH model fails to describe the e-h recombination behavior for defects in 2D monoelemental material such as monolayer black phosphorus (BP). Through the investigation of three intrinsic defects with shallow and deep defect states in monolayer BP, it is found that, surprisingly, none of these defects significantly accelerates the e-h recombination. Further analysis shows that because monolayer BP is a monoelemental material, the distinct impurity phonon, which often induces fast e-h recombination, is not formed. Moreover, because of the flexibility of 2D material, the defects scatter the phonons present in pristine BP, generating multiple modes with lower frequencies compared with the pristine BP, which further suppresses the e-h recombination. We propose that the conclusion can be extended to other monoelemental 2D materials, which is important guidance for the future design of functional semiconductors.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 10(18): 5434-5439, 2019 Sep 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31442376


The methyl-terminated Si(111) surface possesses a 3-fold in-plane symmetry, with the methyl groups oriented perpendicular to the substrate. The propeller-like rotation of the methyl groups is hindered at room temperature and proceeds via 120° jumps between three isoenergetic minima in registry with the crystalline Si substrate. We have used line-shape analysis of polarization-selected vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy to determine the rotational relaxation rate of the surface methyl groups and have measured the temperature dependence of the relaxation rate between 20 and 120 °C. By fitting the measured rate to an Arrhenius dependence, we extracted an activation energy (the rotational barrier) of 830 ± 360 cm-1 and an attempt frequency of (2.9 ± 4.2) × 1013 s-1 for the methyl rotation process. Comparison with the harmonic frequency of a methyl group in a 3-fold cosine potential suggests that the hindered rotation occurs via uncorrelated jumps of single methyl groups rather than concerted gear-like rotation.

J Chem Phys ; 151(3): 034703, 2019 Jul 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31325949


We present a measurement of molecular orientation of water at charged surfactant aqueous interfaces as a function of surface charge density. The polarization dependent spectral line shapes of the water bend mode were measured by vibrational sum-frequency generation at the positively charged surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)/water interface and negatively charged surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate/water interface. Orientational analysis using the water bend mode as a vibrational probe, within the electric dipole approximation, reveals structural differences between these surfaces and quantifies how different hydrogen bonded species re-orient around the surfactant head groups as the surface charge density changes. As the concentration of the positively charged surfactant (CTAB) increases, the surface water molecules with free-OH groups reorient their hydrogen away from the bulk water and the C2v axis closer to the surface normal. This suggests that these free-OH molecules are in general located above the positively charged head groups of CTAB, and thus, the charge-dipole interaction pulls their oxygen "down" and pushes hydrogen "up." On the contrary, water molecules with two donor hydrogen bonds re-orient their hydrogen toward the bulk water, likely because most of these molecules are below the CTAB surfactant head groups.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 10(8): 1757-1762, 2019 Apr 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30908051


Molecular orientation at the donor-acceptor interface plays a crucial role in determining the efficiency of organic semiconductor materials. We have used vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy to determine the orientation of poly-3-hexylthiophene (P3HT) at the planar buried interface with fullerene (C60). The thiophene rings of P3HT have been found to tilt significantly toward C60, making an average angle θ ≈ 49° ± 10° between the plane of the ring and the interface. Such tilt may be attributed to π-π stacking interactions between P3HT and C60 and may facilitate efficient charge transfer between donor and acceptor. Upon annealing, the thiophene rings tilt away from the interface by Δθ = 12-19°. This may be attributed to higher crystallinity of annealed P3HT that propagates all the way to the interface, resulting in more "edge-on" orientation, which is consistent with the observed red-shift by ∼6 cm-1 and spectral narrowing of the C=C stretch bands.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 10(39): 33678-33683, 2018 Oct 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30187745


We report the use of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) to measure the vibrational Stark shifts of surface-bound thiolated-benzonitrile molecules bound to an electrode surface during hydrogen evolution reactions (HERs). Here, the electrode surface consists of Au nanoislands deposited both with and without an underlying layer of monolayer graphene on a glass substrate. The Stark shifts observed in the nitrile (C-N) stretch frequency (around 2225 cm-1) are used to report the local electric field strength at the electrode surface under electrochemical working conditions. Under positive (i.e., oxidative) applied potentials [vs normal hydrogen electrode (NHE)], we observe blue shifts of up to 7.6 cm-1, which correspond to local electric fields of 22 mV/cm. Under negative applied potentials (vs NHE), the C-N stretch frequency is red-shifted by only about 1 cm-1. This corresponds to a regime in which the electrochemical current increases exponentially in the hydrogen evolution process. Under these finite electrochemical currents, we estimate the voltage drop across the solution ( V = IR). Correcting for this voltage drop results in a highly linear electric field versus applied electrochemical voltage relation. Here, the onset potential for the HER lies around 0.2 V versus NHE and the point of zero charge (PZC) occurs at 0.04 V versus NHE, based on the capacitance-voltage ( C- V) profile. The solution field is obtained by comparing the C-N stretch frequency in solution with that obtained in air. By evaluating the local electric field strength at the PZC and the onset potential, we can separate the solution field from the reaction field (i.e., electrode field), respectively. At the onset of HER, the solution field is -0.8 mV/cm and the electrode field is -1.2 mV/cm. At higher ion concentrations, we observe similar electric field strengths and more linear E-field versus applied potential behavior because of the relatively low resistance of the solution, which results in negligible voltage drops ( V = IR).

Nanoscale ; 10(5): 2398-2403, 2018 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29334114


We report a novel approach to probe the local ion concentration at graphene/water interfaces using in situ Raman spectroscopy. Here, the upshifts observed in the G band Raman mode under applied electrochemical potentials are used to determine the charge density in the graphene sheet. For voltages up to ±0.8 V vs. NHE, we observe substantial upshifts in the G band Raman mode by as much as 19 cm-1, which corresponds to electron and hole carrier densities of 1.4 × 1013 cm-2 and Fermi energy shifts of ±430 meV. The charge density in the graphene electrode is also measured independently using the capacitance-voltage characteristics (i.e., Q = CV), and is found to be consistent with those measured by Raman spectroscopy. From charge neutrality requirements, the ion concentration in solution per unit area must be equal and opposite to the charge density in the graphene electrode. Based on these charge densities, we estimate the local ion concentration as a function of electrochemical potential in both pure DI water and 1 M KCl solutions, which span a pH range from 3.8 to 10.4 for pure DI water and net ion concentrations of ±0.7 mol L-1 for KCl under these applied voltages.

J Phys Chem B ; 121(31): 7447-7454, 2017 08 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28682078


Interactions with surfactant molecules can significantly alter the structure of interfacial water. We present a comparative study of water-surfactant interactions using two different spectroscopic approaches: water at planar surfactant monolayers by sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy and interfacial water confined in reverse micelles formed by the same surfactants using IR absorption spectroscopy. We report spectral features in the OH-stretching region (3200-3700 cm-1) that are observed in both IR and SFG spectra, albeit with different relative amplitudes, for ionic surfactant sodium 1,4-bis-2-ethylhexylsulfosuccinate (AOT) and nonionic surfactant polyoxyethylene(4)lauryl ether (Brij L-4) reverse micelles in hexane and the corresponding monolayers at the air/water interface. A prominent feature in the SFG spectra of the OH stretch at 3560 cm-1 is attributed to water molecules that have a weak donor hydrogen bond to the surfactant headgroup. The same feature is observed in the IR spectra of reverse micelles after deconvoluting the interfacial versus bulk spectral contributions. We performed an orientational analysis of these water molecules utilizing the polarization-dependent SFG spectra, which shows an average tilt angle of the OH stretch of surfactant-bound water molecules of ∼155° with respect to the surface normal.

ACS Nano ; 11(4): 4077-4085, 2017 04 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28402101


Ultrathin silicon solar cells fabricated by anisotropic wet chemical etching of single-crystalline wafer materials represent an attractive materials platform that could provide many advantages for realizing high-performance, low-cost photovoltaics. However, their intrinsically limited photovoltaic performance arising from insufficient absorption of low-energy photons demands careful design of light management to maximize the efficiency and preserve the cost-effectiveness of solar cells. Herein we present an integrated flexible solar module of ultrathin, nanostructured silicon solar cells capable of simultaneously exploiting spectral upconversion and downshifting in conjunction with multispectral luminescent waveguides and a nanostructured plasmonic reflector to compensate for their weak optical absorption and enhance their performance. The 8 µm-thick silicon solar cells incorporating a hexagonally periodic nanostructured surface relief are surface-embedded in layered multispectral luminescent media containing organic dyes and NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+ nanocrystals as downshifting and upconverting luminophores, respectively, via printing-enabled deterministic materials assembly. The ultrathin nanostructured silicon microcells in the composite luminescent waveguide exhibit strongly augmented photocurrent (∼40.1 mA/cm2) and energy conversion efficiency (∼12.8%) than devices with only a single type of luminescent species, owing to the synergistic contributions from optical downshifting, plasmonically enhanced upconversion, and waveguided photon flux for optical concentration, where the short-circuit current density increased by ∼13.6 mA/cm2 compared with microcells in a nonluminescent medium on a plain silver reflector under a confined illumination.

Nanoscale ; 9(4): 1721-1726, 2017 Jan 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28091664


We report a terahertz optical modulator consisting of randomly stacked trilayer graphene (TLG) deposited on an oxidized silicon substrate by means of THz-Time Domain Spectroscopy (THz-TDS). Here, the gate tuning of the Fermi level of the TLG provides the fundamental basis for the modulation of THz transmission. We measured a 15% change in the THz transmission of this device over a broad frequency range (0.6-1.6 THz). We also observed a strong absorption >80% in the time-domain signals and a frequency independence of the conductivity. Furthermore, unlike previous studies, we find that the underlying silicon substrate, which serves as a gate electrode for the graphene, also exhibits substantial modulation of the transmitted THz radiation under applied voltage biases.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 8(4): 801-804, 2017 Feb 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28067525


We previously reported the spectrum of the water bend vibrational mode (ν2) at the air/water interface measured using sum-frequency generation (SFG). Here, we present experimental evidence to aid the assignment of the ν2 spectral features to H-bonded classes of interfacial water, which is in general agreement with two recent independently published theoretical studies. The dispersive line shape shows an apparent frequency shift between SSP and PPP polarization combinations (SFG-visible-infrared). This is naturally explained as an interference effect between the negative (1630 cm-1) and positive (1662 cm-1) peaks corresponding to "free-OH" and "H-bonded" species, respectively, which have different orientations and thus different amplitudes in SSP and PPP spectra. A surfactant monolayer of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was used to suppress the free OH species at the surface, and the corresponding SFG spectral changes indicate that these water molecules with one of the hydrogens pointing up into the air phase contribute to the negative peak at 1630 cm-1.

J Phys Chem B ; 117(49): 15833-42, 2013 Dec 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24131251


We present a general response function formalism describing the contribution of orientational dynamics of molecules at interfaces to spectroscopic line shapes in vibrational sum frequency generation (SFG). When reorientation occurs on the time scale comparable to vibrational dephasing, its dynamics can be extracted from polarization-selected SFG spectral line shapes. Unique features of orientational motion at interfaces are (1) the anisotropic case-specific equilibrium orientational distribution and (2) possible dynamic anisotropy (e.g., different in-plane versus out-of-plane relaxation rates), both of which must be taken into account. Within the small-step rotational diffusion model, we present solutions for two cases, the weak-confinement model, applicable when the deviations from the isotropic case are not severe, and the wobbling-in-a-cone model, which considers a hard-wall orienting potential. SFG line shapes are calculated for a rod-like chromophore as a function of the rotational diffusion rate. For certain equilibrium orientational distributions, orientational dynamics may result in anomalous bi-Lorentzian line shapes (two Lorentzians of different widths centered and the same frequency).

Langmuir ; 29(37): 11623-31, 2013 Sep 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23924041


Surface-bound azobenzenes exhibit reversible photoswitching via trans-cis photoisomerization and have been proposed for a variety of applications such as photowritable optical media, liquid crystal displays, molecular electronics, and smart wetting surfaces. We report a novel synthetic route using simple protection chemistry to form azobenzene-functionalized SAMs on gold and present a mechanistic study of the molecular order, orientation, and conformation in these self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). We use vibrational sum-frequency generation (VSFG) to characterize their vibrational modes, molecular orientation, and photoisomerization kinetics. Trans-cis conformational change of azobenzene leads to the change in the orientation of the nitrile marker group detected by VSFG. Mixed SAMs of azobenzene and alkane thiols are used to investigate the steric hindrance effects. While 100% azobenzene SAMs do not exhibit photoisomerization due to tight packing, we observe reversible switching (>10 cycles) in mixed SAMs with only 34% and 50% of alkane thiol spacers.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 3(23): 3493-7, 2012 Dec 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26290978


Surface-selective sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy has been previously shown to benefit from a finite time delay between two input laser pulses, which suppresses the nonresonant background and improves spectral resolution. Here we demonstrate another consequence of the time delay in SFG: depending on the magnitude of the delay, nearby resonances (e.g., vibrational modes) can "flip" their relative phase, i.e., appear either in-phase or out-of-phase with one another, resulting in either constructive or destructive interference in SFG spectra. This is significant for interpretation of the SFG spectra, in particular because the sign of the resonant amplitude provides the absolute molecular orientation (up vs down) of the vibrational chromophore. We present results and model calculations for symmetric and asymmetric CH-stretch modes of the methyl-terminated Si(111) surface, showing that the phase flip occurs when the delay matches half-cycle of the difference frequency between the two modes.

Nature ; 474(7350): 192-5, 2011 Jun 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21654801


The air-water interface is perhaps the most common liquid interface. It covers more than 70 per cent of the Earth's surface and strongly affects atmospheric, aerosol and environmental chemistry. The air-water interface has also attracted much interest as a model system that allows rigorous tests of theory, with one fundamental question being just how thin it is. Theoretical studies have suggested a surprisingly short 'healing length' of about 3 ångströms (1 Å = 0.1 nm), with the bulk-phase properties of water recovered within the top few monolayers. However, direct experimental evidence has been elusive owing to the difficulty of depth-profiling the liquid surface on the ångström scale. Most physical, chemical and biological properties of water, such as viscosity, solvation, wetting and the hydrophobic effect, are determined by its hydrogen-bond network. This can be probed by observing the lineshape of the OH-stretch mode, the frequency shift of which is related to the hydrogen-bond strength. Here we report a combined experimental and theoretical study of the air-water interface using surface-selective heterodyne-detected vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy to focus on the 'free OD' transition found only in the topmost water layer. By using deuterated water and isotopic dilution to reveal the vibrational coupling mechanism, we find that the free OD stretch is affected only by intramolecular coupling to the stretching of the other OD group on the same molecule. The other OD stretch frequency indicates the strength of one of the first hydrogen bonds encountered at the surface; this is the donor hydrogen bond of the water molecule straddling the interface, which we find to be only slightly weaker than bulk-phase water hydrogen bonds. We infer from this observation a remarkably fast onset of bulk-phase behaviour on crossing from the air into the water phase.

Air/analysis , Water/chemistry , Atmosphere/chemistry , Deuterium/chemistry , Hydrogen Bonding , Models, Chemical , Models, Molecular , Oxygen/chemistry , Vibration , Water/analysis
J Chem Phys ; 132(23): 234503, 2010 Jun 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20572717


Sum frequency generation (SFG) is a surface-selective spectroscopy that provides a wealth of molecular-level information on the structure and dynamics at surfaces and interfaces. This paper addresses the general issue of spectral resolution and sensitivity of the broad-band (BB) SFG that involves a spectrally narrow nonresonant (usually visible) and a BB resonant (usually infrared) laser pulses. We examine how the spectral width and temporal shape of the two pulses, and the time delay between them, relate to the spectroscopic line shape and signal level in the BB-SFG measurement. By combining experimental and model calculations, we show that the best spectral resolution and highest signal level are simultaneously achieved when the nonresonant narrow-band upconversion pulse arrives with a nonzero time delay after the resonant BB pulse. The nonzero time delay partially avoids the linear trade-off of improving spectral resolution at the expense of decreasing signal intensity, which is common in BB-SFG schemes utilizing spectral filtering to produce narrow-band visible pulses.

Spectrum Analysis/methods , Air , Alkynes/chemistry , Models, Theoretical , Propionates/chemistry , Spectrum Analysis/statistics & numerical data , Time Factors , Water/chemistry