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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(6): 1249-1259, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355679


The objective of this study was to determine the types of calve housing used in dairy farms, the prevalence of umbilical disorders and related risk factors. The 16 farms studied were visited to characterize the types of installation and possible risk factors, as well as information obtained from a questionnaire applied to the farmers. 806 Holstein calves were physically examined, in addition to collecting blood samples for the evaluation of Failures in Passive Immunity Transfer (FPIT), in animals that manifested inflammatory omphalopathies, and were also submitted to ultrasound examination. The prevalence of omphalopathies was assessed by Fisher's test, and multivariate logistic regression to assess risk factors. Eight types of installation were found: tropical house, suspended cage, collective stall, collective picket, Argentinean type, single-story cage, individual stall, and collective picket with chain. Omphalopathies accounted for 6.45% of the calves. Small size farms (up to 99 lactation cows) had high risk for umbilical disorders, ground floor collective calves, without side protection, with sand floor, in closed sheds and without heatstroke were considered risk factors for omphalopathies. Adequate colostrum and umbilical antisepsis are not associated with disease, its appearance being related to the housing conditions of the animals.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os tipos de alojamento para bezerros leiteiros, a prevalência de onfalopatias e os fatores de risco relacionados. As 16 fazendas estudadas foram visitadas buscando-se caracterizar os tipos de instalação e os possíveis fatores de risco, além de informações obtidas de um questionário aplicado aos fazendeiros. Foram examinados fisicamente 806 bezerros da raça Holandesa, além da coleta de amostras de sangue, para avaliação da falha de transferência de imunidade passiva (FTIP), nos animais que manifestaram onfalopatias inflamatórias, sendo submetidos também ao exame ultrassonográfico. A prevalência das onfalopatias foi avaliada por teste de Fisher, e foi feita regressão logística multivariada a fim de se avaliarem os fatores de risco. Verificou-se oito tipos de instalação: casinha tropical, gaiola suspensa, baia coletiva, piquete coletivo, bezerreiro tipo argentino, gaiola térrea, baia individual e piquete coletivo com corrente. As onfalopatias corresponderam a 6,45% dos bezerros. Os bezerreiros coletivos térreos, sem proteções laterais, com piso de areia, borracha, concreto ou madeira, em galpões fechados, sem insolação, com alta densidade animal, antissepsia umbilical realizada por três dias e FTIP acima de 50% foram considerados fatores de risco para onfalopatias e possuem relação com o bezerreiro, sendo decisivas para evitar essas condições a colostragem e a antissepsia umbilical adequadas.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Umbilicus/pathology , Colostrum/immunology , Sheltering , Hernia, Umbilical/veterinary , Sunstroke/prevention & control , Floors and Floorcoverings/standards , Farms/organization & administration
J Therm Biol ; 71: 209-211, 2018 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29301692


The objective was to verify if thermography is able to detect inflammatory signs on the skin surface by comparing the umbilical region of healthy calves and calves presenting omphalitis. Twenty healthy calves (control group) had their lateral umbilical region and abdominal region examined with a thermal imaging camera in order to obtain a regional thermograph. The thermographic examination was then performed on 27 calves (Omphalitis group) presenting omphalitis diagnosed by physical examination. The maximum temperature of the lateral umbilical region in calves (aged < 30 days) was 35.7°C ± 1.8 for the control group and 37.0°C ± 1.1 for the omphalitis group and was significantly different (p = 0.002). No difference was found on the temperature of the abdominal umbilical region. In the abdominal and lateral region the highest temperature site was differently positioned between the groups. In conclusion, thermography is able to detect inflammatory signs on the skin of newborn calves and has advantages as a non-invasive, fast and safe method of supporting veterinary diagnosis.

Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Hernia, Umbilical/diagnosis , Thermography/veterinary , Animals , Body Temperature , Cattle , Thermography/methods
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(2): 382-390, mar.-abr. 2018. mapas, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-910367


Afecções umbilicais são comumente encontradas nos bezerros durante o período neonatal, podendo ocasionar graves complicações. Seu diagnóstico muitas vezes não é preciso pela palpação abdominal, sendo a ultrassonografia um valioso exame complementar, pois permite precisão na localização e na extensão das onfalopatias intra-abdominais. Diante disso e da raridade de pesquisas com estabelecimento de padrões ultrassonográficos do umbigo, o presente estudo propôs padronizar os aspectos das imagens ultrassonográficas dos componentes umbilicais em decorrência de sua involução. Foram avaliados 23 bezerros Holandeses, do nascimento até os 30 dias de vida, em cuja região umbilical se usou como antisséptico tintura de iodo em diferentes concentrações. Os resultados evidenciaram que veia e artérias umbilicais perdem suas características de vasos, assumindo aspecto de ligamento por proliferação de tecido fibroso. Nesse processo, o tecido fibroso, inicialmente presente na região interna da parede do vaso, segue, com a involução, em direção à luz, sendo observado mais precocemente em porções dos vasos mais distantes do umbigo externo, não havendo distinção de comportamento determinada pela antissepsia. Para aproveitamento do exame ultrassonográfico, é importante o conhecimento dos aspectos das imagens durante o processo de involução dos componentes umbilicais, de acordo com cada fase, sendo assim possível o diagnóstico das diferentes alterações nessas estruturas.(AU)

Umbilical diseases of calves happen during neonatal period and may lead to severe complications. The diagnosis is usually through abdominal palpation although it is not very accurate, thus ultrasound provides a valuable complementary exam to establish a precise diagnosis of location and extent of intra-abdominal umbilical diseases. Given those facts and the lack of established standards for umbilical ultrasound imaging the present study proposal was to standardize the physiological aspects of umbilical components during involution. Ultrasound images were obtained for 23 Holstein calves, from birth until 30 days of life. Iodine tincture of different concentrations was used for umbilical region antisepsis. Results show that umbilical vein and arteries lose their vessel characteristics, becoming similar to ligament, due to the proliferation of fibrous tissue. The growth pattern of the fibrous tissue was from the vessel walls growing toward vascular lumen. The involution process begins at the most distant part and did not vary with antiseptic concentrations. To obtain a reliable ultrasound exam it's important to know the aspects of imaging patterns according to each phase of umbilical involution, thus leading to an accurate diagnosis of structural variations and umbilical diseases.(AU)

Animals , Child , Cattle , Cattle/physiology , Ultrasonography/classification , Umbilical Veins/abnormalities
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(4): 1135-1140, jul.-ago. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-916634


Nos sistemas de criação de ruminantes, a anemia crônica pode levar a grandes prejuízos econômicos, sendo decorrente da deficiência de ferro no organismo. Quando este se torna indisponível para ser incorporado à hemoglobina, forma-se um composto denominado zinco protoporfirina (ZPP), que pode ser um marcador precoce para a anemia, útil, portanto, para seu diagnóstico. Porém, para a utilidade dessa mensuração, é necessário que se conheçam os valores normais de ZPP para cada espécie. Assim, foram utilizados 30 bezerros, 30 caprinos e 30 ovinos, todos saudáveis, nos quais foram mensurados esses valores. Essa mensuração foi determinada em amostras de sangue refrigeradas, coletadas com EDTA, obtendo-se valores em hemácias não lavadas e lavadas. A lavagem visou à eliminação de substâncias interferentes nessas medidas. A média da ZPP nas amostras não lavadas foi de 80,9µmol ZPP/mol de heme nos bezerros; 55,09µmol ZPP/mol de heme nos caprinos e 73,76µmol ZPP/mol de heme nos ovinos. Após a lavagem, os valores foram 61,4µmol ZPP/mol de heme; 43,92µmol ZPP/mol de heme e 59,36µmol ZPP/mol de heme, nos bezerros, caprinos e ovinos, respectivamente. Devido à praticidade da técnica, essa pode ser empregada para a detecção precoce da anemia ferropriva, sendo recomendada a prévia lavagem das hemácias.(AU)

In ruminant breeding systems, chronic anemia can lead to economic losses, resulting from iron deficiency in the organismo. When iron is unavailable for incorporation into hemoglobin, a compound called zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) is formed, may be an early marker for anemia and is useful for its diagnosis. However, for this measurement to be useful, it is necessary to know the normal values for the species. Therefore, 30 calves, 30 goats and 30 sheep, all of them healthy, to standardize the values were used. This measurement was determined on refrigerated blood samples collected with EDTA, obtaining values in red blood cells not washed and washed. The washing aimed at the elimination of interfering substances in these measures. The mean of the ZPP in the unwashed samples was 80,9µmol ZPP/mol of heme in calves; 55,09µmol ZPP/mol of heme in goats and 73,76µmol ZPP/mol of heme in sheep. After washing, the values were 61,4µmol ZPP/mol of heme; 43,92µmol ZPP/mol of heme e 59,36µmol ZPP/mol of heme, in calves, goats and sheep, respectively. Due to its practicality, the techniquecan be used for the early detection of iron deficiency anemia, recommending the previous lavage of the red blood cells.(AU)

Animals , Protoporphyrins/administration & dosage , Ruminants/physiology , Zinc/analysis , Anemia/veterinary
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(1): 139-144, fev. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-667548


O objetivo deste artigo é relatar um caso de orquiepididimite associado com infecção por Salmonella enterica subespécie diarizonae em carneiro da raça Santa Inês de quatro anos de idade, vasectomizado. Ao exame clínico reprodutivo, o animal mostrou aumento severo do conteúdo escrotal, sendo o testículo direito maior do que o esquerdo e a cauda do epidídimo direita maior do que a esquerda. A consistência testicular, avaliada em escala de 1 a 5, foi 5 para o testículo direito e 2,5 para o esquerdo; o órgão apresentava-se muito sensível ao toque. Na ultrassonografia foram observadas estruturas anecoicas/hipoecoicas circulares na cauda do epidídimo, sugestivas de abscessos; alguns pontos hiperecogênicos no parênquima testicular, sugerindo lesões de calcificação; e todo o testículo direito rodeado por imagem hipoecoica, indicativa de edema. Uma das estruturas da cauda do epidídimo direita foi puncionada, encontrando-se exsudato purulento, o qual foi enviado para exame microbiológico, sendo isolada e identificada Salmonella enterica subespécie diarizonae. O carneiro foi submetido a orquiepididectomia, e o órgão foi caracterizado macroscopicamente por adesões fibrosas entre as camadas escrotais, coexistência de abscessos epididimários e degeneração testicular. A Salmonella enterica subespécie diarizonae deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de infecção genital em ovinos.

The objective of this manuscript was to report a case of orchiepididymitis associated with Salmonella enterica subespécie diarizonae infection in a vasectomized 4-year-old Santa Inês ram. In the clinical-reproductive examination, the animal showed a severe enlargement of the scrotal contents, being the right testicle larger than left, and the right epididymal cauda was higher than the left. The testicular consistency, evaluated in a scale from 1 to 5, was 5 to the right and 2.5 to the left, and the organ was very sensitive to the touch. In the ultrasound circular structures anechoic/hypoechoic in the epididymal cauda were observed, and in the parenchyma of testicles some points of hyperechogenic image, suggesting calcification lesions and the entire right testicle was surrounded by hypoechoic image, indicative of edema. One of those structures of the right epididymal cauda was aspirated and a purulent exsudate was found, which was sent to microbiological exam, was isolated and identified Salmonella enterica subespécie diarizonae. The ram was submitted to orchiepididectomy, and the organ was characterized macroscopically by fibrous adhesions between scrotum layers, coexistence of epididymal abscesses and testicular degeneration. The Salmonella enterica subspecie diarizonae must be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of ovine genital infections.

Animals , Orchitis/pathology , Orchitis/veterinary , Sheep/abnormalities , Calcinosis/pathology , Calcinosis/veterinary , Epididymis/pathology , Salmonella enterica
J Vet Intern Med ; 26(4): 1042-50, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22708669


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of treating osmotic diarrhea and dehydration in calves with hypertonic saline solution (HSS) IV, isotonic electrolyte solution (IES) PO, and a combination of these 2 solutions (HSS + IES). EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Eighteen male calves 8-30 days of age were used to evaluate the efficacy of 3 methods of fluid therapy after induction of osmotic diarrhea and dehydration. The diarrhea and dehydration were induced by administration of saccharose, spironolactone, and hydrochlorothiazide for 48 hours. The animals were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups: Group 1: 7.2% hypertonic saline solution-HSS (5 mL/kg IV); Group 2: oral isotonic electrolyte solution IES (60 mL/kg PO); or Group 3: HSS+IES. Clinical signs and laboratory finding observed 48 hours post-induction (Time 0) included diarrhea, dehydration, lethargy, and metabolic acidosis. RESULTS: Calves treated with HSS + IES experienced decreases in hematocrit, total protein concentration, albumin concentration, urea nitrogen concentration, and plasma volume as well as increases in blood pH, blood bicarbonate concentration, and central venous pressure between 1 and 3 hours post-treatment. These findings also were observed in animals treated with IES, however, at a slower rate than in the HSS + IES-treated animals. Animals treated with HSS continued to display signs of dehydration, lethargy, and metabolic acidosis 24 hours post-treatment. CONCLUSION: Treatment with a combination of HSS and IES produced rapid and sustainable correction of hypovolemia and metabolic acidosis in calves with noninfections diarrhea and dehydration.

Acidosis/veterinary , Cattle Diseases/metabolism , Diarrhea/veterinary , Fluid Therapy/veterinary , Acidosis/metabolism , Acidosis/therapy , Animals , Bicarbonates/blood , Blood Pressure , Blood Urea Nitrogen , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/therapy , Diarrhea/metabolism , Diarrhea/therapy , Electrolytes/therapeutic use , Fluid Therapy/methods , Hematocrit/veterinary , Male , Plasma Volume/veterinary , Random Allocation , Saline Solution, Hypertonic/therapeutic use , Serum Albumin/analysis , Statistics, Nonparametric
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(5): 1047-1053, out. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-605826


Avaliou-se a celularidade do colostro de 53 vacas da raça Holandesa, utilizando-se 171 amostras, colhidas após a primeira e a segunda ordenha pós-parto. Para a análise citológica quantitativa e qualitativa, foram utilizadas as técnicas de microscopia direta e citocentrifugação. O total de leucócitos obtido por contagem microscópica direta foi de 0,878x10(6) e 1,260x10(6), antes da primeira e da segunda ordenha, respectivamente, e os valores da mediana dos fagócitos obtidos antes da primeira e da segunda ordenha foram de 0,657 e 0,828x10(6) leucócitos mononucleares, e 0,178 e 0,392x10(6) leucócitos polimorfonucleares (P<0,0001). Os valores da mediana dos tipos leucocitários, antes da primeira e da segunda ordenha, foram: 0,640x10(6) e 0,772 monócitos/células epiteliais; 0,136x10(6) e 0,098 linfócitos; 0,045x10(6) e 0,203x10(6) neutrófilos, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que o colostro bovino da segunda ordenha apresentou aumento da quantidade de células somáticas e leucócitos polimorfonucleares/mL de colostro. Essas variações podem estar relacionadas à importância do colostro aos neonatos, ou a modificações fisiológicas e de defesa da glândula mamária, durante o período de adaptação dela.

Colostrum cellularity was studied in 53 Holstein cows using 171 samples, collected before the first and second postpartum milking. Direct microscopic counts and cytocentrifugation were used in the quantitative and qualitative cytological analyses. The total number of leukocytes obtained by means of direct microscopic count was equal to 0.878 x 10(6) and 1,260 x 10(6) , before the first and second milking, respectively. The median of phagocyte counts before the first and second milking were, respectively,0.657 and 0.828 x 10(6) mononuclear leukocytes, and 0.178 and 0.392 x 10(6) polymorphonuclear leukocytes (P<0.0001). The median of leukocyte counts, before the first and second milking were, respectively, 0.640 x 10(6) and 0.772 monocytes/epithelial cells; 0.136 x 10(6) and 0.098 lymphocytes; 0.045 x 10(6) and 0.203 x 10(6) neutrophils. It was concluded that bovine colostrum of the second milking showed an increase in the number of somatic cells and polymorphonuclear leukocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes/mL. This variation may be either related to the importance of colostrum to neonates, or to physiological and defense changes that occur in the mammary gland during immediate after postpartum.

Animals , Female , Cattle , Cattle , Cells , Colostrum , Neutrophils/metabolism
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(5): 1131-1140, out. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-605838


Para a avaliação funcional de monócitos de bovinos infectados pelo vírus da leucose enzoótica bovina (LEB), foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 10 vacas com sorodiagnóstico negativo (SN), 10 com sorodiagnóstico positivo e que manifestavam linfocitose persistente (LP), e 10 com sorodiagnóstico positivo alinfocitóticas (AL). Os monócitos foram separados por gradiente de densidade e aderência em placa, submetidos aos testes de viabilidade por exclusão do azul de tripan, fagocitose de partículas de Zymosan, espraiamento em lamínula de vidro e quantificação da liberação de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) e de óxido nítrico (ON). Monócitos de animais com LP apresentaram os menores índices de viabilidade (P<0,001), de fagocitose (P<0,001) e de espraiamento (P=0,006). Também apresentaram maior produção de H2O2 sem prévio estímulo (P=0,001) e após estímulo in vitro com 12-miristato 13-acetato de forbol (P=0,006) do que monócitos de animais SN e AL. O aumento da produção de H2O2 proporcionado pelo estímulo foi menor (P=0,015) nos monócitos de fêmeas que manifestaram LP. Não houve diferença na produção de ON pelos monócitos segundo os grupos. Os resultados indicam que o vírus da LEB, apesar de infectar linfócitos B, altera funcionalmente os monócitos circulantes em bovinos que manifestam LP.

Assuming that the bovine leukosis virus (BLV) alters quantitatively and qualitatively bovine circulating leukocyte subpopulations, thus influencing the innate immune response, monocytes function in BLV-infected cattle was assessed. Peripheral blood was obtained from 10 BLV-negative cows (SN), 10 naturally BLV-infected, non-lymphocytotic cows (AL), and 10 BLV-infected cows with persistent lymphocytosis (PL). Monocytes were isolated by density gradient and adherence to plates. Cells were submitted to Trypan Blue dye exclusion viability assay, phagocytosis of Zymosan and cell-spreading assays, and quantification of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) production. Monocytes from cattle with PL had the lowest viability (P<0.001), phagocytosis of Zymosan particles (P<0.001), and spreading (P=0.006) rates. Additionally, monocytes from cows with PL had the highest production of H2O2 , with no prior stimulus (P=0.001), and after in vitro stimulus with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (P=0.006). Nonetheless, the boost in H 2 O 2 production, provided by in vitro stimulus, observed in monocytes from cows with PL was lower (P=0.015) than that observed in monocytes from SN and AL cattle. There was no difference in NO production among groups. Results show that BLV, despite infecting B lymphocytes, alters innate immune functions of monocytes isolated from BLV-infected cows expressing PL.

Cattle , Cattle , Lymphocytes , Lymphocytosis/veterinary , Monocytes , Retroviridae , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Equipment Contamination
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 58(5): 718-723, out. 2006. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-441517


Com o propósito de estabelecer valores-padrão da pressão venosa central (PVC), utilizaram-se 24 bezerros sadios, da raça Holandesa, com idade entre oito e 30 dias, e peso entre 37 e 50kg. A PVC foi medida, no átrio direito, com uso de cateter intravenoso e equipo próprio usando-se como via de acesso a veia jugular esquerda. O átrio direito foi considerado o ponto zero de referência para as leituras, estando topograficamente em correspondência externa à articulação escapuloumeral no animal em estação e à região do esterno, quando em decúbito lateral direito. Estabeleceram-se os valores médios da PVC, em centímetros de água, de 0,81±1,40 e 0,88±1,76, respectivamente, nos animais em estação e em decúbito lateral, e não houve diferença estatística entre os valores. A metodologia empregada para mensurar a PVC de bezerros revelou-se segura e exeqüível, não necessitando de aparelhagem sofisticada para a sua determinação.

With the aim of determining the central venous pressure (CVP) standard values, twenty-four healthy Holstein calves, aging 8-to-30 days and weighing from 37 to 50kg, were studied. To measure CVP, a specific intravenous catheter was inserted in the right atrium through the left jugular vein. The right atrium was the reference mark (zero) for the measurements, topographically in external correspondence to the scapulohumeral joint, when the animal was standing; and to the sternum region, when the animal was in right lateral recumbency. It was measured a mean CVP, in centimetres of H2O - 0.81±1.40 for animals in standing position, and 0.88±1.76 for animals in lateral recumbency - with no statistical difference between those values. The technique used for measuring CVP in calves was determined to be feasible and do not require sophisticated devices.

Animals , Heart Atria/growth & development , Cattle , Central Venous Pressure/physiology , Reference Values
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 57(2): 150-155, abr. 2005. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-414958


Avaliou-se a atividade oxidativa sérica da ceruloplasmina como indicadora dos teores sérico e hepático de cobre e compararam-se dois métodos de determinação da ceruloplasmina, pelo parafenileno e pela ortodianisidina. Foram colhidas 56 amostras de soro e de fígado (biópsias hepáticas) de novilhas Nelore para determinação da atividade sérica da ceruloplasmina e da concentração de cobre. As correlações entre a concentração sérica de cobre e a atividade sérica da ceruloplasmina determinadas pelos métodos do parafemileno e da ortodianisidina foram 0,75 e 0,62, respectivamente. As correlações entre a concentração hepática de cobre e a atividade sérica da ceruloplasmina pelos métodos citados foram 0,15 e 0,12. Não foi observada correlação entre os valores séricos e hepáticos de cobre. A correlação entre determinação da atividade sérica de ceruloplasmina, que utilizou o parafenileno como substrato, e o cobre sérico foi maior do que a correlação entre esse mineral e o método que usou a ortodianisidina.

Animals , Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Biopsy/methods , Cattle , Ceruloplasmin/analysis , Biomarkers/analysis
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 55(6): 763-765, dez. 2003. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-359833


Blood pH, carbon dioxide and oxygen partial pressures, bicarbonate, total carbon dioxide, base excess, standard bicarbonate and oxygen saturation concentrations were measured by blood gas analyses in a study of assessment of the acid-base status in young calves. Venous blood samples were taken from 80 healthy female Holstein calves, from four to 30 days of age. The calves were divided in two groups based on the interval between the morning milk feeding and the blood sample collection (up to 30 minutes or over two hours). Greater alkali reserve and higher carbon dioxide pressure values were observed later than 2h after milk feeding, supporting the influence of the diet on the acid-base balance of calves during the milk feeding phase

Animals , Female , Cattle , Acid-Base Imbalance
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 53(5): 629-634, out. 2001. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-307921


This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of the amount of colostrum (two and four liters) and methods of colostrum feeding (direct suckling from the cow, feeding colostrum using nipple bottle, and no feeding colostrum) on different blood traits. Thirty two Holstein calves (four groups of eight animals each) were randomly allotted to four treatments: treatment 1 - calves were hand fed four liters of colostrum; treatment 2 - calves were hand fed two liters of colostrum; treatment 3 - calves were fed colostrum directly from the cow, and treatment 4 - calves were not fed colostrum. Higher values of total serum protein, betaglobulins and gamaglobulins were observed in the calves after 24 hours of colostrum feeding. No differences among animals fed colostrum directly from the cow and hand fed two or four liters of colostrum were observed for total protein and eletrophoretic fractions. However lower values of total and eletrophoretic fractions were observed for calves that were not fed colostrum

Animals , Male , Blood Proteins , Cattle , Colostrum , Electrophoresis
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 53(2): 164-171, abr. 2001. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-303353


Com o objetivo de estabelecer os valores de referência do eritrograma de bovinos da raça Jersey, criados no Estado de Säo Paulo, e avaliar a influência exercida pelos fatores etários realizaram-se exames em amostras de sangue colhidas de 253 fêmeas clinicamente sadias (näo reagentes ao antígeno glicoprotéico gp 51 da cápsula do vírus da leucose dos bovinos). Nas amostras de sangue, que continham EDTA como anticoagulante, foram realizadas as seguintes provas: contagem do número de hemácias em câmara de Neubauer modificada, utilizando líquido de Gower como diluidor; determinaçäo do volume globular pelo método do microematócrito; dosagem de hemoglobina pelo método de cianometaemoglobina e cálculo dos índices hematimétricos absolutos (volume corpuscular médio - VCM, hemogloina corpuscular média - HCM, concentraçäo de hemoglobina corpuscular média - CHCM). Observou-se influência dos fatores etários sobre os valores do eritrograma, sendo o número de hemácias e o volume globular siginificativamente maiores nos animais jovens, enquanto que os teores de hemoglobina näo variaram em funçäo da idade. Os valores de referência para o número de hemácias, volume globular e hemoglobina foram, respectivamente, 6,62ñ1,47 células x 10 elevada a sexta potência/mm ao cubo, 31,6ñ3,5 por cento e 10,45ñ1,29 g/dl. Os resultados médios dos índices hematimétricos absolutos aumentaram com o desenvolvimento etário, sendo os valores de referência para o VCM, HCM e CHCM, 49,18ñ8,28µm ao cubo; 16,37ñ3,37pg e 33,14ñ2,57 por cento, respectivamente

Animals , Female , Cattle , Blood Specimen Collection , Hematology , Reference Values
J Gen Virol ; 79 ( Pt 9): 2127-35, 1998 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9747721


Enzootic haematuria and urinary bladder cancer in cattle are associated with feeding on bracken fern and bovine papillomavirus (BPV) infection. An increased rate of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes from chronically affected haematuric cows raised in bracken fern pastures has been reported, suggesting the presence of BPV in the peripheral blood of afflicted animals. The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the role of peripheral blood as a potential BPV-transmitting agent and search for clastogenic effects in experimentally infected animals kept on a bracken fern-free diet. Healthy cows were inoculated with blood samples of haematuric animals every two weeks for 18 months. Recipient cows, their offspring, donor animals and a control group were kept on a bracken fern-free diet throughout the experiment. Clinical and molecular analyses for detection of BPV infection were carried out periodically in all groups. Short-term lymphocyte cultures were performed to assess chromosomal aberration levels. The donor cows, the recipient cows and their offspring presented increased levels of chromosomal aberrations. BPV-2 DNA was identified by Southern blotting, PCR and cycle-sequencing of PCR products in peripheral blood of donor and recipient animals and in the progeny of recipient animals. Data support both the concept that BPV can be transmitted through blood and the hypothesis that infection with the virus causes the clastogenic alterations observed in the present experimental model. The presence of BPV-2 DNA and chromosomal alterations in peripheral blood of offspring at the moment of birth is evidence for vertical transmission of BPV.

Bovine papillomavirus 1/pathogenicity , Cattle Diseases/genetics , Cattle Diseases/transmission , Chromosome Aberrations , Papillomavirus Infections/veterinary , Tumor Virus Infections/veterinary , Animal Feed/adverse effects , Animals , Blood Transfusion , Bovine papillomavirus 1/genetics , Bovine papillomavirus 1/isolation & purification , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/etiology , Cocarcinogenesis , DNA Primers/genetics , DNA, Viral/genetics , DNA, Viral/isolation & purification , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Female , Hematuria/genetics , Hematuria/veterinary , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Models, Biological , Molecular Sequence Data , Papillomavirus Infections/genetics , Papillomavirus Infections/transmission , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Pregnancy , Tumor Virus Infections/genetics , Tumor Virus Infections/transmission , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/etiology , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/genetics , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/veterinary