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World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg ; : 21501351241269967, 2024 Sep 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39285744


The retroaortic innominate vein variant usually courses asymptomatically. However, when associated with coarctation of the aorta and hypoplastic aortic arch, modifications in the surgical technique to correct the aorta should be done to avoid compression of the vein. The ascending sliding arch aortoplasty, which allows the vein to be brought anterior to the aorta, can be a good alternative, as shown in these two cases.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(6): 17-21, nov.-dic. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535222


Resumen Introducción: El pseudotumor inflamatorio ocular asociado a IgG4 es un proceso inflamatorio no neoplásico y poco frecuente con una incidencia de 0.28-1.08 por cada 100,000 personas. El diagnóstico de esta patología es de exclusión debiendo cumplir criterios histopatológicos, agrandamiento de un órgano en específico y concentraciones serias de IgG4. El tratamiento tiene como objetivo evitar las complicaciones secundarias. Caso clínico: Mujer de 54 años de edad sin patologías previas referidas, acude refiriendo que 6 meses previos presenta de forma súbita y sin causa aparente prurito a nivel de globo ocular y párpado izquierdo, además de disminución de la agudeza visual y dolor retroocular, motivo por el que acude a valoración. Al examen físico presentó movimientos oculares normales, proptosis izquierda, dolor a la palpación, hiperemia subconjuntival, opacidad corneal, ausencia de reflejo rojo y más renitente a la presión el ojo izquierdo en relación con el contralateral. Tomografía cráneo-toraco-abdominal reporta a nivel ocular izquierdo imágenes sugestivas de melanoma coroideo sin hallazgos de actividad metastásica. Se realiza enucleación de ojo izquierdo. Se envía pieza a patología la cual reporta infiltrado difuso linfoplasmocítico positivas para IgG4. Conclusión: La enfermedad por IgG4 ocular es una patología muy infrecuente de clínica inespecífica y diagnóstico complejo. Sin embargo, un abordaje rápido y correcto es fundamental para evitar complicaciones.

Abstract Introduction: IgG4-associated ocular inflammatory pseudotumor is a rare, non-neoplastic inflammatory process with an incidence of 0.28-1.08 per 100,000 people. The diagnosis of this pathology is one of exclusion, having to meet histopathological criteria, enlargement of a specific organ, and serious concentrations of IgG4. Treatment aims to avoid secondary complications. Clinical case: A 54-year-old woman with no previous reported pathologies, reports that for the past 6 months she has itching at the level of the eyeball and the left eyelid, suddenly and without apparent cause, in addition to decreased visual acuity and retro-ocular pain; this is why she asked for the evaluation. The physical examination revealed normal eye movements, left proptosis, pain on palpation, subconjunctival hyperemia, corneal opacity, absence of red reflex, and the left eye being more resistant to pressure in relation to the contralateral eye. The cranio-thoraco-abdominal tomography reported images at the left ocular level that were suggestive of choroidal melanoma without findings of metastatic activity. Enucleation of the left eye was performed. The specimen was sent to pathology which reported diffuse lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate positive for IgG4. Conclusion: Ocular IgG4 disease is a very rare pathology with non-specific symptoms and complex diagnosis. However, a quick and correct approach is essential to avoid complications.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(6): 29-34, nov.-dic. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535224


Resumen La isquemia mesentérica aguda se asocia a una mortalidad de entre el 50 y el 100%, la causa más rara de esta es la trombosis venosa de los vasos mesentéricos (5%) y portal (1%). Las manifestaciones clínicas son diversas, siendo el dolor abdominal el principal síntoma. La tomografía computarizada con contraste intravenoso en fase portal es la imagen más precisa para el diagnóstico. El tratamiento en fase aguda se basa en anticoagulación, fluidos intravenosos, antibióticos profilácticos, descanso intestinal y descompresión. La laparotomía de control de daños, incluida la resección intestinal y el abdomen abierto, pueden estar justificados en última instancia para pacientes con necrosis intestinal y sepsis. Caso clínico: Hombre de 35 años, sin antecedentes de importancia, solo tabaquismo desde hace 15 años. Refirió que 5 días previos comenzó a presentar dolor en el epigastrio tipo cólico, de intensidad moderada, posteriormente refirió que el dolor se generalizó y aumentó de intensidad, acompañado de náusea, vómito, intolerancia a la vía oral y alza térmica. Al examen físico tuvo datos de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, estaba consciente y orientado, con abdomen doloroso a la palpación superficial y profunda a nivel generalizado, pero acentuado en el flanco derecho, rebote positivo con resistencia, timpanismo generalizado, peristalsis ausente. Se ingresó a quirófano a laparotomía exploradora, encontrando lesión a intestinal isquémica-necrótica a 190-240 cm del ángulo de Treitz, y 400 cc de líquido hemático; se realizó resección de la parte intestinal afectada, con entero-enteroanastomosis término-terminal manual. Se envió pieza a patología, y se reportó un proceso inflamatorio agudo con necrosis transmural y congestión vascular. Ante estos hallazgos se realizó angiotomografía abdominal que reportó defecto de llenado en la vena mesentérica superior, secundario a trombosis que se extendía hasta la confluencia y la vena porta. Conclusión: La trombosis venosa mesentérica y portal es una patología muy infrecuente en pacientes jóvenes sin factores de riesgo en los que se presenta dolor abdominal. El diagnóstico es complejo debido a que los datos clínicos y de laboratorio son poco específicos. Sin embargo, debemos tenerla en cuenta en el diagnóstico diferencial de etiologías de dolor abdominal.

Abstract Acute Mesenteric Ischemia is associated with a mortality rate between 50% and 100%; the rarest cause of this is venous thrombosis of the mesenteric (5%) and portal (1%) vessels. The clinical manifestations are diverse, with abdominal pain being the main symptom. Computed tomography with intravenous contrast in the portal phase is the most accurate image for diagnosis. Treatment in the acute phase is based on anticoagulation, intravenous fluids, prophylactic antibiotics, intestinal rest, and decompression. Damage control laparotomy, including bowel resection and open abdomen, may ultimately be warranted for patients with bowel necrosis and sepsis. Clinical case: 35-year-old man, with no significant history, only smoking for 15 years. For 5 days before, he reported crampy epigastric pain of moderate intensity. He subsequently reported that the pain became generalized and increased in intensity, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, oral intolerance, and temperature rise. The physical examination showed signs of a systemic inflammatory response, conscious and oriented, abdomen painful on superficial and deep palpation at a generalized level but accentuated on the right flank, positive rebound with resistance, generalized tympanism, absent peristalsis. The operating room was entered for exploratory laparotomy, finding an ischemic-necrotic intestinal lesion at 190 - 240 cm from the angle of Treitz, and 400cc of blood fluid. Resection of the affected intestinal part is performed, with entire manual terminal end anastomosis. The specimen was sent to pathology, reporting an acute inflammatory process with transmural necrosis and vascular congestion. Given these findings, abdominal CT angiography was performed, which reported a filling defect in the superior mesenteric vein, secondary to thrombosis that extended to the confluence and the portal vein. Conclusion: Mesenteric and portal venous thrombosis is a very rare pathology in young patients without risk factors in whom abdominal pain occurs. The diagnosis is complex because the clinical and laboratory data are not very specific. However, we must take it into account in the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain etiologies.

Int J Neural Syst ; 33(12): 2350065, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37857407


Reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful technique that allows agents to learn optimal decision-making policies through interactions with an environment. However, traditional RL algorithms suffer from several limitations such as the need for large amounts of data and long-term credit assignment, i.e. the problem of determining which actions actually produce a certain reward. Recently, Transformers have shown their capacity to address these constraints in this area of learning in an offline setting. This paper proposes a framework that uses Transformers to enhance the training of online off-policy RL agents and address the challenges described above through self-attention. The proposal introduces a hybrid agent with a mixed policy that combines an online off-policy agent with an offline Transformer agent using the Decision Transformer architecture. By sequentially exchanging the experience replay buffer between the agents, the agent's learning training efficiency is improved in the first iterations and so is the training of Transformer-based RL agents in situations with limited data availability or unknown environments.

Learning , Reinforcement, Psychology , Reward , Algorithms
Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(5): 42-49, sep.-oct. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535216


Resumen El vólvulo de sigmoides ocurre como resultado de una torsión del eje mesentérico colónico, cuenta con una etiología multifactorial y controvertida, de fisiopatología no clara aún. Presenta un cuadro clínico de inicio inespecífico y posteriores signos y síntomas de oclusión intestinal; su diagnóstico se establece mediante tomografía computarizada, con una sensibilidad y especificidad mayor al 90%. El manejo dependerá de la condición clínica del paciente. Caso clínico: Hombre de 29 años con antecedente de síndrome de Asperger. Refirió que desde 7 días previos a su ingreso presentó dolor tipo cólico difuso, asociado a distensión abdominal e intolerancia a la vía oral. Acudió a valoración hospitalaria donde se realizóa tomografía computarizada con niveles hidroaéreos, torsión de arteria mesentérica inferior de aspecto de torbellino. Se realizó laparotomía exploradora a través de la cual se encontró sigmoides dilatado y volvulado, con perforación en la unión rectosigmoidea; se realizó sigmoidectomía con colorectoanastomosis. Al quinto día presentó datos de respuesta inflamatoria con abdomen agudo, por lo que ingresó a laparotomía exploradora donde se encontró dehiscencia de anastomosis; se realizó procedimiento de Hartmann. El paciente presentó choque séptico y falleció a las 24 horas del postquirúrgico. Discusión: La presentación de vólvulo sigmoides generalmente se presenta en personas mayores de 70 años, pocos casos se describen en personas jóvenes y están relacionados con enfermedad de dismotilidad intestinal. El paciente no contaba con factores predisponentes, el diagnóstico se estableció con imágenes características de la enfermedad, como la imagen en torbellino, se decidió manejo quirúrgico con la realización de resección con colorectoanastomosis. Conclusión: La oclusión intestinal por vólvulo sigmoides es una patología infrecuente en jóvenes y de clínica inespecífica. Ante un paciente que presente datos de oclusión intestinal deberá ser abordado de manera apropiada, sobre todo en pacientes en quienes hayan debutado con una clínica insidiosa y persistente de dolor abdominal secundario a oclusión intestinal, sean jóvenes con o sin factores de riesgo.

Abstract Sigmoid volvulus occurs due to a torsion of the colonic mesenteric axis, it has a multifactorial and controversial etiology, and its pathophysiology is not yet clear. Presenting a clinical picture of non-specific onset and later signs and symptoms of intestinal occlusion, its diagnosis is established with computed tomography with a sensitivity and specificity greater than 90%. Management will depend on the clinical condition of the patient. Clinical case: A 29-year-old man with a history of Asperger syndrome. He referred 7 days prior to admission with diffuse cramping pain, associated with abdominal distension and oral intolerance. He went to the hospital for evaluation where a computed tomography was performed with air-fluid levels, torsion of the inferior mesenteric artery with a whirlwind appearance. Exploratory laparotomy was performed, finding a dilated and volvulated sigmoid with perforation at the rectosigmoid junction. A sigmoidectomy with colorectal anastomosis was performed. On the fifth day, he presented data of inflammatory response with acute abdomen, entering exploratory laparotomy finding anastomosis dehiscence, Hartmann procedure was performed. The patient presented septic shock, died 24 hours after surgery. Discussion: The presentation of sigmoid volvulus generally occurs in people older than 70 years, few cases are described in young people and are related to intestinal dysmotility disease, the patient did not have predisposing factors, the diagnosis is established with characteristic images of the disease such as whirlwind image, surgical management is decided by performing resection with colorectal anastomosis. Conclusion: Intestinal occlusion due to sigmoid volvulus is an infrequent pathology in young people and with non-specific symptoms. When faced with a patient presenting evidence of intestinal occlusion, this should be appropriately addressed, especially in patients who have debuted with insidious and persistent symptoms of abdominal pain secondary to intestinal occlusion, whether they are young with or without risk factors.

Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 80(4): 242-246, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37703553


BACKGROUND: Arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) values are used to make clinical decisions that might change a patient's prognosis, and it has been proposed as the fifth vital sign. This study aimed to determine the variation of SaO2 at different altitudes above sea level (ASL) in healthy Mexican full-term newborns. METHODS: From July 2018 to June 2019, a cross-over study was conducted in six hospitals at different altitudes ASL in Mexico. SaO2 was measured in 4015 newborns after the first 24 h of birth and before leaving the hospital using pulse oximetry. We analyzed three groups: < 250 m ASL (group 1), 1500 m ASL (group 2), and 2250 m ASL (group 3). RESULTS: The mean SaO2 was 97.6 ± 1.8%. For group 1, mean oxygen saturation was 98.2 ± 1.9%; for group 2, 96.7 ± 1.9%, and for group 3, 96.0 ± 2.1%. A statistically significant difference was observed among the groups (p < 0.001), and this difference was higher between groups 1 and 2 (1.5%, p < 0.001). Linear regression analysis showed a decrease in oxygen saturation of 1.01% for every 1000 m ASL. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in SaO2 levels at higher altitudes. This observation can be relevant for clinical decision-making based on pulse oximetry such as critical congenital heart disease screening in Mexico, where more than half of the population lives above 1500 m ASL.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Los valores de SaO2 (saturación de oxígeno) se utilizan para la toma de decisiones clínicas que podrían cambiar el pronóstico del paciente. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la variación de la SaO2 en recién nacidos mexicanos a término sanos a diferentes altitudes en México. MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en seis hospitales situados a diferentes altitudes en México. Se determinó la SaO2 usando oximetría de pulso en 4015 recién nacidos después de las primeras 24 horas de vida, pero antes del egreso del hospital de nacimiento. Se formaron tres grupos para el análisis: grupo 1 con altitud < 250 m sobre el nivel del mar (SNM); grupo 2, altitud de 1500 m SNM y grupo 3, altitud de 2250 m SNM. RESULTADOS: El promedio de la SaO2 fue de 97.6 ± 1.8%. Para el grupo 1, la media fue 98.2 ± 1.9%, para el 2, 96.7 ± 1.9% y para el 3, 96.0 ± 2.1%. Se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los grupos (p < 0.001), que fue mayor entre los grupos 1 y 2 (1.5%, p < 0.001). El análisis de regresión lineal mostró una reducción de 1.01% en la SaO2 por cada 1000 m SNM. CONCLUSIONES: Se demostró una disminución estadísticamente significativa de los valores de SaO2 conforme aumenta la altitud. Esto puede ser de particular relevancia en la toma de decisions clínicas basadas en la oximetría de pulso, como el tamiz neonatal cardiaco, sobre todo en México donde mas de la mitad de la población vive a una altitud superior a 1500 m SNM.

Altitude , Oxygen Saturation , Infant, Newborn , Humans , Cross-Over Studies , Mexico , Oximetry
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 80(4): 253-259, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37703577


BACKGROUND: In congenital heart surgery, low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) is a major cause of morbidity in the immediate post-operative period. A decrease in cardiac output leads to an increase in tissue oxygen consumption. Several biomarkers such as venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), arteriovenous oxygen difference (DavO2), and lactate can assess tissue perfusion in the presence of LCOS. Recently, central venous to arterial CO2 difference (ΔCO2) has been proposed as a biomarker of tissue ischemia that could be used as a predictor of death in neonatal patients. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between ΔCO2 and immediate post-operative outcomes in pediatric patients undergoing congenital heart surgery and its correlation with DavO2, SvO2, and lactate. METHODS: We conducted a longitudinal study of patients aged 0-18 years who underwent congenital heart surgery with or without cardiopulmonary bypass at the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, from March 2019 to March 2021. RESULTS: Eighty-two patients were included; the median age was 17 months. About 59% had a ΔCO2 ≥ 6 mmHg. Patients with ΔCO2 ≥ 6 mmHg had a vasoactive-inotropic score > 5 (p < 0.001), DavO2 > 5 mL/dL (p = 0.048), and lactate > 2 mmol/L (p = 0.027), as well as a longer hospital stay (p = 0.043). Patients with ΔCO2 > 6 mmHg and vasoactive-inotropic score ≥ 10 were 12.6 times more likely to die. CONCLUSION: ΔCO2 is a good marker of tissue hypoperfusion and outcome in the post-operative period of congenital heart surgery.

INTRODUCCIÓN: En la cirugía cardiaca de malformaciones congénitas, el síndrome de bajo gasto cardiaco (SBGC) es una de las principales causas de morbilidad en el postoperatorio inmediato. La caída del gasto cardiaco aumenta el consumo de oxígeno en los tejidos. Varios biomarcadores, como la saturación venosa de oxígeno (SvO2), la diferencia arteriovenosa de oxígeno (DavO2) y el lactato han sido utilizados como indicadores hipoperfusión tisular en presencia de SBGC. Recientemente, la diferencia arteriovenosa de CO2 (ΔCO2) se ha propuesto como otro biomarcador de isquemia tisular que podría utilizarse como predictor de muerte en pacientes en edad neonatal. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la ΔCO2 y la evolución postoperatoria de pacientes pediátricos operados de cardiopatías congénitas y correlacionarlo con la DavO2, SvO2 y lactato. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en pacientes de 0 a 18 años operados de corazón con empleo de bomba de circulación extracorpórea en el Instituto Nacional de Pediatría. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 82 pacientes; la mediana de edad fue de 17 meses. El 59% presentó un ΔCO2 > 6 mmHg. Los pacientes con un ΔCO2 > 6 mmHg mostraron un puntaje de inotrópicos > 5 (p < 0.001), DavO2 > 5 mL/dL (p = 0.048) y lactato > 2 mmol/L (p = 0.027), así como mayor estancia hospitalaria (p = 0.043). Los pacientes con ΔCO2 > 6 mmHg y un puntaje de inotrópicos ≥ 10 presentaron una probabilidad de muerte 12.6 veces mayor. CONCLUSIONES: El ΔCO2 en el periodo postoperatorio de una cirugía cardiaca congénita es un buen marcador de hipoperfusión tisular y de desenlace.

Carbon Dioxide , Heart Defects, Congenital , Infant, Newborn , Humans , Child , Infant , Longitudinal Studies , Heart Defects, Congenital/surgery , Lactic Acid , Biomarkers
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 80(4): 242-246, Jul.-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520285


Abstract Background: Arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) values are used to make clinical decisions that might change a patient's prognosis, and it has been proposed as the fifth vital sign. This study aimed to determine the variation of SaO2 at different altitudes above sea level (ASL) in healthy Mexican full-term newborns. Methods: From July 2018 to June 2019, a cross-over study was conducted in six hospitals at different altitudes ASL in Mexico. SaO2 was measured in 4015 newborns after the first 24 h of birth and before leaving the hospital using pulse oximetry. We analyzed three groups: < 250 m ASL (group 1), 1500 m ASL (group 2), and 2250 m ASL (group 3). Results: The mean SaO2 was 97.6 ± 1.8%. For group 1, mean oxygen saturation was 98.2 ± 1.9%; for group 2, 96.7 ± 1.9%, and for group 3, 96.0 ± 2.1%. A statistically significant difference was observed among the groups (p < 0.001), and this difference was higher between groups 1 and 2 (1.5%, p < 0.001). Linear regression analysis showed a decrease in oxygen saturation of 1.01% for every 1000 m ASL. Conclusions: We demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in SaO2 levels at higher altitudes. This observation can be relevant for clinical decision-making based on pulse oximetry such as critical congenital heart disease screening in Mexico, where more than half of the population lives above 1500 m ASL.

Resumen Introducción: Los valores de SaO2 (saturación de oxígeno) se utilizan para la toma de decisiones clínicas que podrían cambiar el pronóstico del paciente. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la variación de la SaO2 en recién nacidos mexicanos a término sanos a diferentes altitudes en México. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en seis hospitales situados a diferentes altitudes en México. Se determinó la SaO2 usando oximetría de pulso en 4015 recién nacidos después de las primeras 24 horas de vida, pero antes del egreso del hospital de nacimiento. Se formaron tres grupos para el análisis: grupo 1 con altitud < 250 m sobre el nivel del mar (SNM); grupo 2, altitud de 1500 m SNM y grupo 3, altitud de 2250 m SNM. Resultados: El promedio de la SaO2 fue de 97.6 ± 1.8%. Para el grupo 1, la media fue 98.2 ± 1.9%, para el 2, 96.7 ± 1.9% y para el 3, 96.0 ± 2.1%. Se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los grupos (p < 0.001), que fue mayor entre los grupos 1 y 2 (1.5%, p < 0.001). El análisis de regresión lineal mostró una reducción de 1.01% en la SaO2 por cada 1000 m SNM. Conclusiones: Se demostró una disminución estadísticamente significativa de los valores de SaO2 conforme aumenta la altitud. Esto puede ser de particular relevancia en la toma de decisions clínicas basadas en la oximetría de pulso, como el tamiz neonatal cardiaco, sobre todo en México donde mas de la mitad de la población vive a una altitud superior a 1500 m SNM.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 80(4): 253-259, Jul.-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520287


Abstract Background: In congenital heart surgery, low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) is a major cause of morbidity in the immediate post-operative period. A decrease in cardiac output leads to an increase in tissue oxygen consumption. Several biomarkers such as venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), arteriovenous oxygen difference (DavO2), and lactate can assess tissue perfusion in the presence of LCOS. Recently, central venous to arterial CO2 difference (ΔCO2) has been proposed as a biomarker of tissue ischemia that could be used as a predictor of death in neonatal patients. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between ΔCO2 and immediate post-operative outcomes in pediatric patients undergoing congenital heart surgery and its correlation with DavO2, SvO2, and lactate. Methods: We conducted a longitudinal study of patients aged 0-18 years who underwent congenital heart surgery with or without cardiopulmonary bypass at the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, from March 2019 to March 2021. Results: Eighty-two patients were included; the median age was 17 months. About 59% had a ΔCO2 ≥ 6 mmHg. Patients with ΔCO2 ≥ 6 mmHg had a vasoactive-inotropic score > 5 (p < 0.001), DavO2 > 5 mL/dL (p = 0.048), and lactate > 2 mmol/L (p = 0.027), as well as a longer hospital stay (p = 0.043). Patients with ΔCO2 > 6 mmHg and vasoactive-inotropic score ≥ 10 were 12.6 times more likely to die. Conclusion: ΔCO2 is a good marker of tissue hypoperfusion and outcome in the post-operative period of congenital heart surgery.

Resumen Introducción: En la cirugía cardiaca de malformaciones congénitas, el síndrome de bajo gasto cardiaco (SBGC) es una de las principales causas de morbilidad en el postoperatorio inmediato. La caída del gasto cardiaco aumenta el consumo de oxígeno en los tejidos. Varios biomarcadores, como la saturación venosa de oxígeno (SvO2), la diferencia arteriovenosa de oxígeno (DavO2) y el lactato han sido utilizados como indicadores hipoperfusión tisular en presencia de SBGC. Recientemente, la diferencia arteriovenosa de CO2 (ΔCO2) se ha propuesto como otro biomarcador de isquemia tisular que podría utilizarse como predictor de muerte en pacientes en edad neonatal. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la ΔCO2 y la evolución postoperatoria de pacientes pediátricos operados de cardiopatías congénitas y correlacionarlo con la DavO2, SvO2 y lactato. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en pacientes de 0 a 18 años operados de corazón con empleo de bomba de circulación extracorpórea en el Instituto Nacional de Pediatría. Resultados: Se incluyeron 82 pacientes; la mediana de edad fue de 17 meses. El 59% presentó un ΔCO2 > 6 mmHg. Los pacientes con un ΔCO2 > 6 mmHg mostraron un puntaje de inotrópicos > 5 (p < 0.001), DavO2 > 5 mL/dL (p = 0.048) y lactato > 2 mmol/L (p = 0.027), así como mayor estancia hospitalaria (p = 0.043). Los pacientes con ΔCO2 > 6 mmHg y un puntaje de inotrópicos ≥ 10 presentaron una probabilidad de muerte 12.6 veces mayor. Conclusiones: El ΔCO2 en el periodo postoperatorio de una cirugía cardiaca congénita es un buen marcador de hipoperfusión tisular y de desenlace.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432167


Introducción: la adherencia al tratamiento y el nivel de conocimientos en pacientes con hipertensión arterial son factores claves para controlar esta afección y evitar complicaciones. Objetivos: determinar el grado de adherencia al tratamiento, el nivel de conocimientos y comorbilidades en pacientes con hipertensión arterial de un área urbana de Asunción, Paraguay, en 2022. Metodología: se aplicó un diseño observacional, descriptivo, transversal. Se incluyeron varones y mujeres mayores de 18 años, conocidos portadores de hipertensión arterial, que residen en el barrio Sajonia entre mayo y octubre del 2022. Los datos fueron obtenidos con entrevistas realizadas casa por casa. Se midieron variables demográficas, el nivel de adherencia con el cuestionario de Morisky Green y el de conocimientos sobre la enfermedad con el cuestionario de Batalla. La investigación fue aprobada por el Comité de ética de la Universidad Privada del Este, Paraguay. Resultados: participaron del estudio 425 sujetos, con predominio del sexo femenino (61,1%). La diabetes mellitus fue referida en 28,9% de los entrevistados. El cuestionario de Morisky Green detectó que 60% de los sujetos olvida de tomar su medicación, 25% no la toma en el horario indicado, 29% de la toma si se siente bien y 44% deja de tomarla si siente efectos indeseables. El cuestionario de Batalla halló 7% cree que la hipertensión arterial no es para toda la vida, 9% cree que la afección no se controla con dieta y medicación, y 5,8% no pudo referir al menos un órgano blanco. Conclusión: la adherencia al tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial y el nivel de conocimientos sobre esta afección no fue adecuada.

Introduction: Adherence to treatment and level of knowledge in patients with arterial hypertension are key factors to control this condition and avoid complications. Objectives: To determine the degree of adherence to treatment, the level of knowledge and comorbidities in patients with arterial hypertension in an urban area of ​​Asunción, Paraguay, in 2022. Methodology: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional design was applied. Men and women over 18 years of age, known carriers of arterial hypertension, residing in Sajonia neighborhood between May and October 2022, were included. The data were obtained through house-to-house interviews. Demographic variables, the level of adherence with the Morisky Green test and the level of knowledge about the disease with the Batalla test were measured. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidad Privada del Este, Paraguay. Results: Four hundred twenty-five subjects participated in the study, predominantly female (61.1%). Diabetes mellitus was referred to by 28.9% of the interviewees. The Morisky Green test detected that 60% of the subjects forget to take their medication, 25% do not take it at the indicated time, 29% take it if they feel well, and 44% stop taking it if they feel undesirable effects. The Batalla test found that 7% believe that arterial hypertension is not for life, 9% believe that the condition is not controlled with diet and medication, and 5.8% could not refer to at least one target organ. Conclusion: Adherence to the treatment of arterial hypertension and the level of knowledge about this condition was not adequate.

Front Pharmacol ; 13: 1054644, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36532727


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted millions of lives globally. While COVID-19 did not discriminate against developed or developing nations, it has been a significant challenge for third world countries like Honduras to have widespread availability of advanced therapies. The concept of early treatment was almost unheard of when early outpatient treatments utilizing repurposed drugs in Latin American countries began showing promising results. One such drug is fluvoxamine, which has shown tremendous potential in two major studies. As a direct result, fluvoxamine was added to the standard of care in a major medical center outpatient COVID-19 clinic. Methods: This is a prospective observational study performed at the Hospital Centro Médico Sampedrano (CEMESA) in San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras in the COVID-19 outpatient clinic. All patients were at least 15 years of age who had presented with mild or moderate signs and symptoms of COVID-19, and who also had a documented positive SARS-CoV-2 antigen or Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) were included in the study. These patients then were all prescribed fluvoxamine. The cohort of patients who decided to take fluvoxamine were compared for primary endpoints of mortality and hospitalization risk to the cohort who did not take fluvoxamine. Patients were then monitored for 30 days with the first follow up at 7 days and the second follow up at 10-14 days of symptom onset. Categorical variables were compared by Pearson Chi-square test. The Relative risk was calculated using regression models. Continuous variables were compared by t-test and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. Results: Out of total 657 COVID-19 cases, 594 patients took fluvoxamine and 63 did not take fluvoxamine. A total of five patients (0.76 percent) died, with only one death occurring in the fluvoxamine group. Patients who received fluvoxamine had a significantly lower relative risk of mortality (RR 0.06, p 0.011, 95% CI 0.007-0.516). There was a lower relative risk of hospitalization in the patients who in the fluvoxamine group. (-10 vs. 30 hospitalizations, RR 0.49, p = 0.035, 95% CI 0.26-0.95). There was 73 percent reduction in relative risk of requiring oxygen in the fluvoxamine group (RR 0.27, p < 0.001, 95% CI 0.14-0.54 Mean lymphocytes count on the first follow-up visit was significantly higher in the fluvoxamine group (1.72 vs. 1.38, Δ 0.33, p 0.007, CI 0.09-0.58). Conclusion: The results of our study suggest that fluvoxamine lowers the relative risk of death, hospitalization, and oxygen requirement in COVID 19 patients.

Salud Publica Mex ; 64(4, jul-ago): 377-384, 2022 Jul 08.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36130362


OBJETIVO: Realizar un análisis de costoefectividad de la oximetría de pulso como prueba de detección neonatal de las cardiopatías congénitas críticas (CCC) en México. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de evaluación económica desde la perspectiva de los proveedores de servicios de salud. A través de un árbol de decisiones se comparó la examinación física versus la examinación física junto con la prueba de oxi-metría de pulso (POP). RESULTADOS: Por cada 10 000 recién nacidos, la alternativa con la POP detectó 32 casos adicionales de CCC, con una razón de costoefectividad incremental de 1 219 USD y una probabilidad de costoefectividad mayor a 90% con una disposición a pagar de 25 000 USD por cada detección temprana. Conclusión. La costoefectividad de la POP, como tamiz neonatal cardiaco, es mayor en México que en países de altos ingresos, y representa una inversión costoefectiva para ganar años de vida en la población infantil de México.

Heart Defects, Congenital , Oximetry , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Mexico , Retrospective Studies
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 79(3): 187-192, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35882026


BACKGROUND: Patients undergoing congenital heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass frequently require the administration of intravenous fluids and blood products due to hemodynamic instability. Correctly performed fluid resuscitation can revert the state of tissue hypoperfusion in the different organs. However, excessive fluid administration and acute kidney injury may promote fluid overload (FO) and increase the risk of complications, hospital stay, and mortality. METHODS: We conducted a prospective longitudinal study of pediatric patients with congenital heart surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (PCICU), Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, from July 2018 to December 2019. Fluid overload was quantified every 24 hours during the first 3 days of stay at the PCICU and expressed as a percentage. We recorded PCICU stay, days of mechanical ventilation, and mortality as outcome variables. RESULTS: We included 130 patients. The main factors associated with fluid overload were age < 1 year (p < 0.001), weight < 5 kg (p < 0.001), and longer cardiopulmonary bypass time (p = 0.003). Patients with fluid overload ≥ 5% had higher inotropic score (p < 0.001), higher oxygenation index (p < 0.001), and longer mechanical ventilation time (p < 0.001). Fluid overload ≥ 5% was associated with higher postoperative mortality (odds ratio 89, p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Fluid overload can be used as a prognostic factor in the evolution of pediatric patients undergoing congenital heart surgery since it is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Los pacientes con cirugía cardiaca congénita en la que se emplea una bomba de circulación extracorpórea frecuentemente requieren la administración de líquidos intravenosos y hemoderivados por inestabilidad hemodinámica. La resucitación con volumen realizada adecuadamente puede revertir el estado de hipoperfusión tisular en los diferentes órganos. Sin embargo, el ingreso excesivo de líquidos y la falla renal aguda pueden favorecer la sobrecarga hídrica (SH) e incrementar el riesgo de complicaciones, la estancia hospitalaria y la mortalidad. MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo longitudinal de pacientes pediátricos con cirugía del corazón y empleo de bomba de circulación extracorpórea en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Cardiovasculares (UCICV), Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, de julio 2018 a diciembre 2019. La SH, registrada como porcentaje, fue cuantificada cada 24 horas durante los primeros 3 días de estancia en UCICV. Como variables de desenlace se registraron la estancia en UCICV, el tiempo de ventilación mecánica y la mortalidad. ­. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 130 pacientes. Los principales factores asociados con la SH fueron la edad < 1 año (p < 0.001), peso < 5 kg (p < 0.001) y mayor tiempo de circulación extracorpórea (p = 0.003). Los pacientes con SH ≥ 5% presentaron mayor puntaje inotrópico (p < 0.001), mayor índice de oxigenación (p < 0.001) y mayor tiempo de ventilación mecánica (p < 0.001). La SH ≥ 5% se asoció con una mayor probabilidad de muerte en el periodo posoperatorio (razón de momios: 89, p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONES: La SH puede utilizarse como factor pronóstico en la evolución de los pacientes pediátricos operados de corazón, ya que se asocia con una mayor morbimortalidad.

Heart Defects, Congenital , Water-Electrolyte Imbalance , Child , Heart Defects, Congenital/surgery , Humans , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Longitudinal Studies , Morbidity , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Treatment Outcome , Water-Electrolyte Imbalance/complications
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 79(3): 187-192, may.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394023


Abstract Background: Patients undergoing congenital heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass frequently require the administration of intravenous fluids and blood products due to hemodynamic instability. Correctly performed fluid resuscitation can revert the state of tissue hypoperfusion in the different organs. However, excessive fluid administration and acute kidney injury may promote fluid overload (FO) and increase the risk of complications, hospital stay, and mortality. Methods: We conducted a prospective longitudinal study of pediatric patients with congenital heart surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass in the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (PCICU), Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, from July 2018 to December 2019. Fluid overload was quantified every 24 hours during the first 3 days of stay at the PCICU and expressed as a percentage. We recorded PCICU stay, days of mechanical ventilation, and mortality as outcome variables. Results: We included 130 patients. The main factors associated with fluid overload were age < 1 year (p < 0.001), weight < 5 kg (p < 0.001), and longer cardiopulmonary bypass time (p = 0.003). Patients with fluid overload ≥ 5% had higher inotropic score (p < 0.001), higher oxygenation index (p < 0.001), and longer mechanical ventilation time (p < 0.001). Fluid overload ≥ 5% was associated with higher postoperative mortality (odds ratio 89, p = 0.004). Conclusions: Fluid overload can be used as a prognostic factor in the evolution of pediatric patients undergoing congenital heart surgery since it is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.

Resumen Introducción: Los pacientes con cirugía cardiaca congénita en la que se emplea una bomba de circulación extracorpórea frecuentemente requieren la administración de líquidos intravenosos y hemoderivados por inestabilidad hemodinámica. La resucitación con volumen realizada adecuadamente puede revertir el estado de hipoperfusión tisular en los diferentes órganos. Sin embargo, el ingreso excesivo de líquidos y la falla renal aguda pueden favorecer la sobrecarga hídrica (SH) e incrementar el riesgo de complicaciones, la estancia hospitalaria y la mortalidad. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo longitudinal de pacientes pediátricos con cirugía del corazón y empleo de bomba de circulación extracorpórea en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Cardiovasculares (UCICV), Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, de julio 2018 a diciembre 2019. La SH, registrada como porcentaje, fue cuantificada cada 24 horas durante los primeros 3 días de estancia en UCICV. Como variables de desenlace se registraron la estancia en UCICV, el tiempo de ventilación mecánica y la mortalidad. Resultados: Se incluyeron 130 pacientes. Los principales factores asociados con la SH fueron la edad < 1 año (p < 0.001), peso < 5 kg (p < 0.001) y mayor tiempo de circulación extracorpórea (p = 0.003). Los pacientes con SH ≥ 5% presentaron mayor puntaje inotrópico (p < 0.001), mayor índice de oxigenación (p < 0.001) y mayor tiempo de ventilación mecánica (p < 0.001). La SH ≥ 5% se asoció con una mayor probabilidad de muerte en el periodo posoperatorio (razón de momios: 89, p = 0.004). Conclusiones: La SH puede utilizarse como factor pronóstico en la evolución de los pacientes pediátricos operados de corazón, ya que se asocia con una mayor morbimortalidad.

Front Immunol ; 13: 895209, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35572562


Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 vaccines' effectiveness is not yet clearly known in immunocompromised patients. This study aims to assess the humoral and cellular specific immune response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and the predictors of poor response in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) phenotype and in patients treated with B-cell depletion therapies (BCDT), as well as the safety of these vaccines. Methods: From March to September 2021, we performed a prospective study of all adult patients who would receive the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and were previously diagnosed with (i) a CVID syndrome (CVID phenotype group; n=28) or (ii) multiple sclerosis (MS) treated with B-cell depleting therapies three to six months before vaccination (BCD group; n=24). Participants with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection; or prior SARS-CoV-2 vaccine administration; or use of any immunosuppressant (except BCDT in MS group) were excluded. A group of subjects without any medical condition that confers immunosuppression and who met all study criteria was also assessed (control group; n=14). A chemiluminescence immunoassay was used to determine pre- and post-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine anti-S IgG antibodies. T-cell specific response was assessed by analysis of pre- and post-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination blood samples with an interferon-gamma release assay. The baseline blood sample also included several biochemical, haematological and immunological analyses. Results: SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are safe in immunocompromised patients, although their effectiveness was lower than in healthy individuals. CVID phenotype patients showed impaired humoral (29%) and cellular (29%) response, while BCD patients fundamentally presented humoral failure (54%). Low IgA values, low CD19+ peripheral B cells, low switched memory B cells, and a low CD4+/CD8+ ratio were predictors of inadequate specific antibody response in CVID phenotype patients. No factor was found to predict poor cellular response in CVID phenotype patients, nor a defective humoral or cellular response in BCD patients. Conclusion: The effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in CVID phenotype and BCD patients is lower than in healthy individuals. Knowledge of predictive factors of humoral and cellular response failure in immunocompromised patients could be very useful in clinical practice, and thus, studies in this regard are clearly needed.

COVID-19 , Common Variable Immunodeficiency , Antibodies, Viral , COVID-19 Vaccines , Common Variable Immunodeficiency/therapy , Humans , Immunity, Cellular , Phenotype , Prospective Studies , SARS-CoV-2
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 16(1): 11-16, ene. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362017


Las cardiopatías congénitas se consideran una de las anomalías que alteran la irrigación y el intercambio de oxigenación adecuado a las principales venas y arterias. Esto puede generar consecuencias en el desarrollo neurológico que se puede traducir en retraso psicomotor, déficits de aprendizaje, dificultades académicas y problemas de integración social. Para mejorar los trastornos cognitivos, se propone la habilitación cognitiva basada en los principios de mecánica y robótica de LEGO® Education. El objetivo de este estudio fue medir el efecto de un programa de intervención, basado en el uso de ensamblado y programación robótica con LEGO® Education, sobre las funciones frontales básicas como primera aproximación a un modelo propuesto en pacientes cardiópatas congénitos que han sido sometidos a cirugía cardiovascular. Se trató de un estudio de serie de casos, en el que finalizaron el tratamiento una niña y dos niños con cardiopatías congénitas con RACHS 2 y 3. Se aplicaron sub-escalas BANFE-2 y el cuestionario neuropsicológico de daño frontal antes y después del tratamiento; así como una escala para medir el nivel de ejecución por intervención, durante las ocho sesiones. Los resultados muestran en la escala BANFE2, cambios en las medias de las funciones frontales básicas, de daño leve-moderado y normal a normal alto, principalmente en memoria de trabajo y fluidez verbal. En esta primera aproximación, el método LEGO® Education mostró ser una buena herramienta para la habilitación neuropsicológica de estos pacientes.

Congenital heart diseases are considered to be an anomaly which alter the irrigation and the adequate exchange of oxygenation to the main veins and arteries. They can have neurodevelopmental consequences that could translate into psychomotor retardation, learning deficits, academic difficulties, and social integration problems. Cognitive empowerment based on the mechanics and robotics principles of LEGO® Education is proposed to improve cognitive disorders. In this study, the objective was to measure the effect of an intervention program, based on the use of assembly and robotic programming with LEGO® Education, upon basic frontal functions as a first approach to a proposed model in congenital heart disease patients who have undergone cardiovascular surgery. This was a case-series study, in which a girl and two boys with congenital heart disease with RACHS 2 and 3, completed the treatment. BANFE-2 subscales and the neuropsychological questionnaire of frontal damage were applied before and after the treatment; as well as a scale to measure the level of performance per intervention, through all the eight sessions. The BANFE-2 scale showed changes in the means of frontal functions, from mild-moderate damage and normal to high normal, mainly in working memory and verbal fluency. In this first approach, LEGO® Education method proved to be a useful tool for the neuropsychological empowerment of these patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Robotics , Cognition Disorders/rehabilitation , Heart Defects, Congenital/rehabilitation , Mechanics , Frontal Lobe/physiology , Learning
World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg ; 13(3): 392-394, 2022 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34787012


We report a case of advanced age at presentation of interrupted aortic arch with aortopulmonary window. Although the association between these two defects is well established, their overall prevalence is extremely low. This case presents us with an excellent opportunity to discuss decision making regarding aortic arch repair techniques according to age at which primary surgical correction is intended.

Aortic Coarctation , Aortopulmonary Septal Defect , Aorta, Thoracic/diagnostic imaging , Aorta, Thoracic/surgery , Aortic Coarctation/complications , Aortic Coarctation/diagnostic imaging , Aortic Coarctation/surgery , Aortopulmonary Septal Defect/diagnostic imaging , Aortopulmonary Septal Defect/surgery , Humans
World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg ; 12(4): 473-479, 2021 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34278871


BACKGROUND: Early extubation is performed either in the operating room or in the cardiovascular intensive care unit during the first 24 postoperative hours; however, altitude might possibly affect the process. The aim of this study is the evaluation of early extubation feasibility of patients undergoing congenital heart surgery in a center located at 2,691 m (8,828 ft.) above sea level. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients undergoing congenital heart surgery, from August 2012 through December 2018, were considered for early extubation. The following variables were recorded: weight, serum lactate, presence or not of Down syndrome, optimal oxygenation and acid-base status according to individual physiological condition (biventricular or univentricular), age, bypass time, and ventricular function. Standardized anesthetic management with dexmedetomidine-fentanyl-rocuronium and sevoflurane was used. If extubation in the operating room was considered, 0.08 mL/kg of 0.5% ropivacaine was injected into the parasternal intercostal spaces bilaterally before closing the sternum. RESULTS: Four hundred seventy-eight patients were operated and 81% were early extubated. Mean pre- and postoperative SaO2 was 92% and 98%; postoperative SaO2 for Glenn and Fontan procedures patients was 82% and 91%, respectively. Seventy-three percent of patients who underwent Glenn procedure, 89% of those who underwent Fontan procedure (all nonfenestrated), and 85% with Down syndrome were extubated in the operating room. Reintubation rate in early extubated patients was 3.6%. CONCLUSION: Early extubation is feasible, with low reintubation rates, at 2,691 m (8,828 ft.) above sea level, even in patients with single ventricle physiology.

Cardiac Surgical Procedures , Heart Defects, Congenital , Airway Extubation , Altitude , Child , Heart Defects, Congenital/surgery , Humans , Intubation, Intratracheal , Length of Stay , Retrospective Studies
BMC Infect Dis ; 20(1): 614, 2020 Aug 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32811466


BACKGROUND: The most common aetiological agents of mucormycosis are Rhizopus, Mucor, Apophysomyces and Lichtheimia. Apophysomyces is comparatively rare, as it has been reported in less than 3% of mucormycosis cases. The genus Apophysomyces includes six species, and only A. elegans, A. mexicanus, A. variabilis and A. ossiformis have been reported to cause infections in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of a 46-year-old male patient with bilateral blepharoedema, corneal opacity in the left eye and poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. The patient was subjected to total maxillectomy, exenteration of the left orbit and treatment with liposomal amphotericin B. Direct mycological analysis with KOH 10% revealed hyaline, coenocytic, long and wide hyphae. Apophysomyces ossiformis was identified from maxillary biopsy using 18S-ITS1-5.8S-ITS2-28S rRNA gene amplification and sequencing. The patient requested to be transferred to another hospital to continue treatment, where he died on the ninth day after admittance. CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of rhino-orbital mucormycosis due to A. ossiformis with a fatal outcome. This case reveals the need to identify the fungus causing mucormycosis with molecular methods to identify adequate treatment therapies for patients with this infection.

Diabetes Complications/microbiology , Mucorales/genetics , Mucormycosis/complications , Orbital Diseases/complications , Rhinitis/complications , Amphotericin B/therapeutic use , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic use , Biopsy , Diabetes Complications/drug therapy , Diabetes Complications/surgery , Fatal Outcome , Humans , Immunocompromised Host , Male , Maxilla/microbiology , Maxilla/pathology , Maxilla/surgery , Middle Aged , Mucormycosis/drug therapy , Mucormycosis/microbiology , Mucormycosis/surgery , Orbital Diseases/drug therapy , Orbital Diseases/microbiology , Orbital Diseases/surgery , RNA, Ribosomal, 28S/genetics , Rhinitis/drug therapy , Rhinitis/microbiology , Rhinitis/surgery