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Phys Rev E ; 105(4-2): 045201, 2022 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35590663


In strongly magnetized neutral plasmas, electron motion is reduced perpendicular to the magnetic field direction. This changes dynamical plasma properties such as temperature equilibration, spatial density evolution, electron pressure, and thermal and electrical conductivity. In this paper we report measurements of free plasma expansion in the presence of a strong magnetic field. We image laser-induced fluorescence from an ultracold neutral Ca^{+} plasma to map the plasma size as a function of time for a range of magnetic field strengths. The asymptotic expansion velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field direction falls rapidly with increasing magnetic field strength. We observe that the initially Gaussian spatial distribution remains Gaussian throughout the expansion in both the parallel and perpendicular directions. We compare these observations with a diffusion model and with a self-similar expansion model and show that neither of these models reproduces the observed behavior over the entire range of magnetic fields used in this study. Modeling the expansion of a magnetized ultracold plasma poses a nontrivial theoretical challenge.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 15, 2022 Jan 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35013203


New facilities such as the National Ignition Facility and the Linac Coherent Light Source have pushed the frontiers of high energy-density matter. These facilities offer unprecedented opportunities for exploring extreme states of matter, ranging from cryogenic solid-state systems to hot, dense plasmas, with applications to inertial-confinement fusion and astrophysics. However, significant gaps in our understanding of material properties in these rapidly evolving systems still persist. In particular, non-equilibrium transport properties of strongly-coupled Coulomb systems remain an open question. Here, we study ion-ion temperature relaxation in a binary mixture, exploiting a recently-developed dual-species ultracold neutral plasma. We compare measured relaxation rates with atomistic simulations and a range of popular theories. Our work validates the assumptions and capabilities of the simulations and invalidates theoretical models in this regime. This work illustrates an approach for precision determinations of detailed material properties in Coulomb mixtures across a wide range of conditions.

Appl Radiat Isot ; 142: 113-119, 2018 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30273759


We report nearly continuous beta-decay-rate measurements of Na-22, Cl-36, Co-60, Sr-90, and Cs-137 over a period of 2.7 years using four Geiger-Müller tubes. We carefully control the ambient pressure and temperature for the detectors, sources, and electronics in order to minimize environmentally-dependent systematic drifts in the measurement chains. We show that the amplitudes of an annual oscillation in the decay rates are consistent with zero to within 0.004%.

Sci Rep ; 5: 15693, 2015 Oct 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26503293


We present an analysis of ion temperatures in laser-produced plasmas formed from solids with different initial lattice structures. We show that the equilibrium ion temperature is limited by a mismatch between the initial crystallographic configuration and the close-packed configuration of a strongly-coupled plasma, similar to experiments in ultracold neutral plasmas. We propose experiments to demonstrate and exploit this crystallographic heating in order to produce a strongly coupled plasma with a coupling parameter of several hundred.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 86(7): 073505, 2015 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26233381


We describe an experimental setup for making precision measurements of relative ß-decay rates of (22)Na, (36)Cl, (54)Mn, (60)Co, (90)Sr, (133)Ba, (137)Cs, (152)Eu, and (154)Eu. The radioactive samples are mounted in two automated sample changers that sequentially position the samples with high spatial precision in front of sets of detectors. The set of detectors for one sample changer consists of four Geiger-Müller (GM) tubes and the other set of detectors consists of two NaI scintillators. The statistical uncertainty in the count rate is few times 0.01% per day for the GM detectors and about 0.01% per hour on the NaI detectors. The sample changers, detectors, and associated electronics are housed in a sealed chamber held at constant absolute pressure, humidity, and temperature to isolate the experiment from environmental variations. The apparatus is designed to accumulate statistics over many years in a regulated environment to test recent claims of small annual variations in the decay rates. We demonstrate that absent this environmental regulation, uncontrolled natural atmospheric pressure variations at our location would imprint an annual signal of 0.1% on the Geiger-Müller count rate. However, neither natural pressure variations nor plausible indoor room temperature variations cause a discernible influence on our NaI scintillator detector count rate.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25871218


We report measurements and simulations of the time-evolving rms velocity distribution in an ultracold neutral plasma. A strongly coupled ultracold neutral Ca+ plasma is generated by photoionizing laser-cooled atoms close to threshold. A fraction of these ions is then promoted to the second ionization state to form a mixed Ca+-Ca2+ plasma. By varying the time delay between the first and the second ionization events, a minimum in ion heating is achieved. We show that the Coulomb strong-coupling parameter Γ increases by a factor of 1.4 to a maximum value of 3.6. A pure Ca2+ plasma would have Γ=6.8, moving these strongly coupled systems closer to the regime of liquid-like correlations.

Appl Opt ; 53(23): 5163-8, 2014 Aug 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25320925


We present a simple method for precision spectroscopy using an optical frequency comb. One mode of a 1 GHz repetition rate mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser is offset-locked to an Rb-stabilized diode laser. This partially stabilized frequency comb stays locked, unattended, for hours at a time. Using the measured offset frequency and repetition rate, we calculate the frequency of each comb mode with absolute uncertainty of about 10 kHz in a 10 s measurement window. We demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of this approach with measurements in Rb, Cs, and Ca.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(3): 035002, 2012 Jul 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22861862


We report a measurement of the electron temperature in a plasma generated by a high-intensity laser focused into a jet of neon. The 15 eV electron temperature is determined using an analytic solution of the plasma equations assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium, initially developed for ultracold neutral plasmas. We show that this analysis method accurately reproduces more sophisticated plasma simulations in our temperature and density range. While our plasma temperatures are far outside the typical "ultracold" regime, the ion temperature is determined by the plasma density through disorder-induced heating just as in ultracold neutral plasma experiments. Based on our results, we outline a pathway for achieving a strongly coupled neutral laser-produced plasma that even more closely resembles ultracold neutral plasma conditions.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 80(4): 047101; author reply 047102, 2009 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19405705


We present measurements of the velocity distribution of calcium atoms in an atomic beam generated using a dual-stage laser back-ablation apparatus. Distributions are measured using a velocity selective Doppler time-of-flight technique. They are Boltzmann-like with rms velocities corresponding to temperatures above the melting point for calcium. Contrary to a recent report in the literature, this method does not generate a subthermal atomic beam.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(7): 073202, 2008 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18764531


We present the first measurements and simulations of recombination fluorescence from ultracold neutral calcium plasmas. This method probes three-body recombination at times less than 1 micros, shorter than previously published time scales. For the lowest initial electron temperatures, the recombination rate scales with the density as n0(2.2), significantly slower than the predicted n0(3). Recombination fluorescence opens a new diagnostic window in ultracold plasmas. In most cases it probes deeply bound level populations that depend critically on electron energetics. However, a perturbation in the calcium 4snd Rydberg series allows our fluorescence measurements to probe the population in weakly bound levels that result just after recombination.

Opt Lett ; 32(6): 701-3, 2007 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17308607


We report a new absolute frequency measurement of the Cs 6s-8s two-photon transition measured using frequency comb spectroscopy. The fractional frequency uncertainty is 5x10(-11), a factor of 6 better than previous results. The comb is derived from a stabilized picosecond laser and referenced to an octave-spanning femtosecond frequency comb. The relative merits of picosecond-based frequency combs are discussed, and it is shown that the AC Stark shift of the transition is determined by the average rather than the much larger peak intensity.

Phys Rev Lett ; 95(23): 235001, 2005 Dec 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16384310


We report new detailed density profile measurements in expanding strongly coupled neutral calcium plasmas. Using laser-induced fluorescence techniques, we determine plasma densities in the range of 10(5) to 10(9) cm(-3) to with a time resolution limit as small as 7 ns. Strong coupling in the plasma ions is inferred directly from the fluorescence signals. Evidence for strong coupling at late times is presented, confirming a recent theoretical result.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 67(2 Pt 2): 026414, 2003 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12636829


Cold plasma theory is used to calculate the response of an ultracold neutral plasma to an applied rf field. The free oscillation of the system has a continuous spectrum and an associated damped quasimode. This quasimode dominates the driven response and is resonant in the tail of the density distribution. Recent experiments used the plasma response to an applied rf field to determine the plasma density in an expanding ultracold plasma. The comparison between experiment and theory indicates that this method accurately determines the expansion velocity and underestimates the initial plasma density by a factor of 3 in weakly collisional plasmas.

Phys Rev Lett ; 86(17): 3759-62, 2001 Apr 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11329317


We study the formation of Rydberg atoms in expanding plasmas at temperatures of 1-1000 K and densities from 10(5)-10(10) cm(-3). Up to 20% of the initially free charges recombine in about 100 micros, and the binding energy of the Rydberg atoms approximately equals the increase in the kinetic energy of the remaining free electrons. Three-body recombination is expected to dominate in this regime, yet most of our results are inconsistent with this mechanism.