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Front Psychol ; 11: 559976, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33362624


Psychological well-being manifests itself in all aspects of human activity and is essential to understanding whether young people experience life satisfaction and whether, as they mature, well-being can be associated with different levels of personal autonomy. This quantitative study was developed within the framework of international research on young people's autonomy in the transition to adulthood. Its main objectives were to analyze the relationship between psychological well-being and autonomy and examine potential variations between the two variables according to age. To this end, Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale and the Transition to Adulthood Autonomy Scale (EDATVA) designed by Bernal et al., were used with a sample of 1,148 young people aged 16-21 from Madrid, Spain, and Bogotá, Colombia. The results show that almost all the dimensions on the Psychological Well-Being Scale correlate significantly and positively with the dimensions on the EDATVA scale. Specifically, moderate correlations were obtained between self-organization on the EDATVA scale and purpose in life (r = 0.568; p = 0.01) and environmental mastery (r = 0.447; p = 0.01) on the Psychological Well-Being Scale. In turn, autonomy on Ryff's scale obtained the highest correlation (r = 0.382; p = 0.01) with understanding context on the EDATVA scale. It was also found that the older 18-21 age group obtained higher scores than the younger 16-17 age group in all dimensions on both the EDATVA and the Psychological Well-Being Scale. Earlier studies endorse the results found in this research, especially the differences in the scores for both scales according to age groups. This opens avenues for future research to analyze the relationship between psychological well-being and autonomy as independent variables in other sectors of the population.

Front Psychol ; 11: 457, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32265784


Given that autonomy is a fundamental process in the transition to adulthood, there are several scales that measure the concept as a main construct or a constituent feature of broader constructs. However, most of these scales are based on a notion of autonomy focused on the individual, while the proposed scale aims to incorporate the idea of the individual mediated by others and society. This article aims to show the results of the design and validation process of the Transition to Adulthood Autonomy Scale (EDATVA), which was developed using this approach. A group of 61 items with a Likert-type response scale of four options was used on a sample of 1,148 Spanish and Colombian individuals, aged between 16 and 21. A systematic process was performed using an exploratory factorial analysis. Additional indexes were calculated from the Rasch Model. The matrices obtained from the factorial analysis gave rise to a 4-factor structure comprising a total of 19 items with weights >0.3. In the case of Spain, the KMO test returned a value of 0.80 and in the case of Colombia, 0.83. In the Rasch model, the Item Separation Reliability (0.99) indicates that the items constitute a well-defined variable that meets the local independence assumption. Cronbach's alpha for the Spanish sample was 0.86 and for the Colombian sample 0.85. In conclusion, this new scale consists of four dimensions: self-organization, understanding context, critical thinking, and socio-political engagement. The scale is easy to use and interpret, especially considering the age range of the target population and its possible uses within the contexts of assessing and intervening in young people's behavior. Due to its characteristics, it can be used in family, educational, and social contexts. This scale is valuable for research because its optimal psychometric properties provide an alternative way of understanding autonomy.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 10(2): 193-206, jul.-dic. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-753536


El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de la investigación Vínculos de adolescentes en medida de restablecimiento de derechos. La investigación tuvo como objetivo describir y evaluar los vínculos de adolescentes que han sido declaradas en adopción y que se encuentran en una Institución de protección. Se utilizó una investigación de tipo biográfico con relatos de vida, entrevistas y mapas de vínculos, con cuatro adolescentes seleccionadas desde un muestreo teórico. Para el procesamiento de la información, se trabajó con técnicas de análisis de contenido. Se concluyó que las adolescentes han construido diferentes vínculos con la familia de origen dependiendo de su historia y de los significados y las cualidades de los vínculos. Los educadores de hogar y los padrinos se constituyen en figuras subsidiarias de vinculación desde los cuidados cotidianos que ofrecen a las adolescentes.

The aim of this paper is to present the results of a study called Bonding of adolescents under rights restoration processes. The objective was to describe and evaluate the bonds of teenagers who have been placed for adoption and are now at a protection institution. The investigation was biographical in nature with life stories, interviews and bonding relationships maps, with four adolescents selected from a theoretical sampling. Data were processed through Content Analysis. The conclusion was that the adolescents had built different bonds with the original family depending on their stories and the meanings and qualities of the bonding. Household educators and godfathers became subsidiary bonding figures from the daily care they provide to the adolescents.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 5(2): 283-306, dic. 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-635518


Esta investigación estuvo dirigida a indagar sobre los significados construidos por niños, padres de familia y profesores acerca de la infancia, la familia y la escuela en el contexto de la globalización. Se aplicó una encuesta a un grupo de 73 niños y niñas, 52 padres de familia y 52 docentes que se encontraban vinculados a varias instituciones escolares de la ciudad de Bogotá. Los resultados mostraron convergencias y divergencias entre los tres grupos de participantes, en cuanto a la forma de significar la infancia y las interacciones escolares y familiares en la actualidad. En términos generales, se observó que los niños y, en menor grado, los padres de familia tienden a una valoración positiva de los cambios asociados con la globalización, mientras que los profesores se inclinan hacia posturas más críticas. El estrato socioeconómico sirvió como variable moderadora en algunos de los significados expresados por los tres grupos de participantes en el estudio. Se discute sobre las implicaciones de estos resultados, haciendo especial énfasis en las demandas y retos que afronta la escuela en el marco de la globalización.

This study was managed to investigate on the meanings built by children, family parents and teachers about the childhood, the family and the school in the context of the globalization. A survey was applied at a group of 73 children and girls, 52 family parents and 52 teachers that were linked to several school institutions of the city of Bogotá. The results showed convergences and divergences among the three groups of participants concerning their current meaning about the childhood and the school and family interactions. In general, it was observed that the children and, in smaller grade, the family parents tend to a positive valuation of the changes associated with the globalization, while the teachers incline toward more critical postures. The socioeconomic stratum served as variable moderator in some of the meanings expressed by the three groups of participants in the study. In the discussion the implications of these results are analyzed, making special emphasis in the demands and challenges that the school confronts in the frame of the globalization.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 3(1): 67-79, jun. 2007.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-635576


Esta investigación tuvo como propósito principal caracterizar los marcos de referencia de los maestros que favorecen la comprensión de las matemáticas en estudiantes de primaria en 10 colegios de Bogotá. Se utilizó una investigación de tipo cualitativo, en la cual se identificaron estudiantes que evidenciaban un desempeño académico en el área de matemáticas por encima del promedio, luego se recogió información a través de la observación en el aula y de la entrevista semiestructurada a los maestros. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido de tipo categorial y las matrices de cotejación. Como resultado se evidenció el papel predominante de la afectividad, los contextos inmediatos y la historia de vida de los estudiantes en los marcos de referencia de los maestros.

The aim of this research was to characterize the reference framework of teachers that favour mathematical comprehension at the elementary level in ten schools in Bogotá. A qualitative research was used in which the students who showed performance above average were identified. The information was then gathered through direct classroom observation and semi- structured interview of the instructors. A categories analysis as a type of content analysis was also used. As a result, the predominant roll of affectivity was found out together with immediate contexts, and the life history of the students in the reference framework of the teachers.
