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Langmuir ; 39(51): 18768-18783, 2023 Dec 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38095945


We experimentally study the droplet impact on a flexible, hydrophilic cantilever beam. Droplets of water, water-glycerol (1:1 v/v), and glycerol were considered on a copper beam. Side visualization of the droplet impact on the cantilever was carried out by using a high-speed camera. We systematically vary cantilever stiffness to obtain a characteristic time scale of the beam dynamics, that is, shorter on the same order and longer than the characteristic time scale of droplet dynamics. Water droplet spreading reduces with an increase in the beam's flexibility, due to the "springboard effect". Results reveal that a threshold cantilever length exists beyond which the droplet vibration mode "locks-in" to the cantilever vibration mode. During lock-in, the bending energy of the beam increases with an increasing length or decreasing stiffness. The time-varying cantilever deflection exhibits an oscillatory, exponentially decaying response. However, in the case where both time scales are almost the same, we found a two-stage damping in the measurements: a fast, initial damping followed by a slower, damped response. We explain this damped response by the interplay of droplet and cantilever early dynamics. As expected, increasing the droplet viscosity dampens the magnitude of droplet spreading and displacement of the cantilever's tip due to a larger dissipation of kinetic energy in the bulk of the droplet. The decay is exponential in all cases, and the time taken to reduce the spreading and displacement is shorter with a larger viscosity. The damping coefficient is found to inversely scale with the cantilever length or mass. We corroborated the measurements with available analytical models, confirming the hypotheses used to explain the results. Overall, the present study provides fundamental insights into controlling the coupled dynamics of droplet and flexible substrates, with potential applications such as the design of efficient agricultural sprays and wings of microaerial vehicles.

Trans Indian Natl Acad Eng ; 8(1): 171-182, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36742163


Improving air flow and ventilation in an indoor environment is central to mitigating the airborne transmission of aerosols. Examples include, COVID-19 or similar diseases that transmit by airborne aerosols or respiratory droplets. While there are standard guidelines for enhancing the ventilation of space, the effect of a ceiling fan on the ventilation has not been explored. Such an intervention could be critical, especially in a resource-limited setting. In the present work, we numerically study the effect of a rotating ceiling fan on indoor air ventilation using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. In particular, we employ RANS turbulence model and compare the computed flow fields for a stationary and rotating fan in an office room with a door and window. While a re-circulation zone spans the whole space for the stationary fan, stronger re-circulation zones and small stagnation zones appear in the flow-field inside the room for the case of a rotating fan. The re-circulation zones help bring in fresh air through the window and remove stale air through the door, thereby improving the ventilation rate by one order of magnitude. We briefly discuss the chances of infection by aerosols via flow-fields corresponding to stationary and rotating fans.

Trans Indian Natl Acad Eng ; 8(2): 253-262, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36851950


N95 mask has emerged as a potential measure to mitigate the airborne transmission of respiratory disease such as COVID-19. Herein, we experimentally investigated the impact and interaction of pure water droplets as surrogate to respiratory droplets with the different layers of a commercially available N95 mask to demonstrate the penetration and passage-capability of respiratory fluids through the different layers. The penetration of an impacting droplet through the mask layers was characterized by elucidating the ejection of secondary droplets from the rear-side surface of the target mask material. In addition, the passage of respiratory fluids through the mask layers was characterized by capillary imbibition of the droplet liquid through the pores, as a function of wettability of the mask material. Droplet impact at Weber numbers We = 208 and 416 has been considered in the present study; the chosen We range corresponds to that of cough droplets realized in real respiratory events. Each layer of the N95 mask is hydrophobic that prevents capillary imbibition through the pores: a sessile droplet placed over the surface exhibits classical diffusion-limited evaporation. Droplet impact experiments on N95 mask layer surfaces reveal that a single layer allows liquid penetration at We = 416; while a combination of five layers, as is the case of a commercially available N95 mask, blocks the penetration completely, consistent with the widely known effectiveness of N95 masks. Herein, we devote special attention to compare the so-obtained efficiency of N95 masks to that of a recently designed two-layer cloth mask containing an intermediate High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter layer (Narayan et al. in Phys Fluids 34:061703, 2022). We conclusively show that the performance of the designed cloth mask is identical to that of a commercially available N95 mask. The assessment of mask effectiveness further includes examination of breathability and comfort by means of passage of air through them. A comparative study has been presented herein for a clear demonstration of effectiveness of different masks in preventing air-borne transmission of COVID-19.

Langmuir ; 38(19): 6128-6147, 2022 May 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35507639


We experimentally and theoretically investigate a distinct problem of spreading, evaporation, and the associated dried deposits of a colloidal particle-laden aqueous sessile droplet on a surface in a saturated alcohol vapor environment. In particular, the effect of particle size on monodispersed suspensions and efficient self-sorting of bidispersed particles have been investigated. The alcohol vapor diffuses toward the droplet's curved liquid-vapor interface from the far field. The incoming vapor mass flux profile assumes a nonuniform pattern across the interface. The alcohol vapor molecules are adsorbed at the liquid-vapor interface, which eventually leads to absorption into the droplet's liquid phase due to the miscibility. This phenomenon triggers a liquid-vapor interfacial tension gradient and causes a reduction in the global surface tension of the droplet. This results in a solutal Marangoni flow recirculation and spontaneous droplet spreading. The interplay between these phenomena gives rise to a complex internal fluid flow within the droplet, resulting in a significantly modified and strongly particle-size-dependent dried colloidal deposit. While the smaller particles form a multiple ring pattern, larger particles form a single ring, and additional "patchwise" deposits emerge. High-speed visualization of the internal liquid-flow revealed that initially, a ring forms at the first location of the contact line. Concurrently, the Marangoni flow recirculation drives a collection of particles at the liquid-vapor interface to form clusters. Thereafter, as the droplet spreads, the smaller particles in the cluster exhibit a "jetlike" outward flow, forming multiple ring patterns. In contrast, the larger particles tend to coalesce together in the cluster, forming the "patchwise" deposits. The widely different response of the different-sized particles to the internal fluid flow enables an efficient sorting of the smaller particles at the contact line from bidispersed suspensions. We corroborate the measurements with theoretical and numerical models wherever possible.

Phys Fluids (1994) ; 33(10): 101701, 2021 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34737529


We discuss the temporal evolution of a cough jet of an infected subject in the context of the spread of COVID-19. Computations were carried out using large eddy simulation, and, in particular, the effect of the co-flow (5% and 10% of maximum cough velocity) on the evolution of the jet was quantified. The Reynolds number (Re) of the cough jet, based on the mouth opening diameter (D) and the average cough velocity, is 13 002. The time-varying inlet velocity profile of the cough jet is represented as a combination of gamma-probability-distribution functions. Simulations reveal the detailed structure of cough jet with and without a co-flow for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The cough jet temporal evolution is similar to that of a continuous free-jet and follows the same routes of instability, as documented for a free-jet. The convection velocity of the cough jet decays with time and distance, following a power-law variation. The cough jet is observed to travel a distance of approximately 1.1 m in half a second. However, in the presence of 10% co-flow, the cough jet travels faster and covers the similar distance in just 0.33 s. Therefore, in the presence of a co-flow, the probability of transmission of COVID-19 by airborne droplets and droplet nuclei increases, since they can travel a larger distance. The cough jet without the co-flow corresponds to a larger volume content compared to that with the co-flow and spreads more within the same range of distance. These simulations are significant as they help to reveal the intricate structure of the cough jet and show that the presence of a co-flow can significantly augment the risk of infection of COVID-19.

Phys Fluids (1994) ; 33(11): 111705, 2021 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34803361


A face shield is an important personal protective equipment to avoid the airborne transmission of COVID-19. We assess a transparent coating on a face shield that repels airborne respiratory droplets to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The surface of the available face shield is hydrophilic and exhibits high contact angle hysteresis. The impacting droplets stick on it, resulting in an enhanced risk of fomite transmission of the disease. Further, it may get wetted in the rain, and moisture may condense on it in the presence of large humidity, which may blur the user's vision. Therefore, the present study aims to improve the effectiveness of a face shield. Our measurements demonstrate that the face shield, coated by silica nanoparticles solution, becomes superhydrophobic and results in a nominal hysteresis to the underlying surface. We employ high-speed visualization to record the impact dynamics of microliter droplets with a varying impact velocity and angle of attack on coated and non-coated surfaces. While the droplet on non-coated surface sticks to it, in the coated surface the droplets bounce off and roll down the surface, for a wide range of Weber number. We develop an analytical model and present a regime map of the bouncing and non-bouncing events, parametrized with respect to the wettability, hysteresis of the surface, and the Weber number. The present measurements provide the fundamental insights of the bouncing droplet impact dynamics and show that the coated face shield is potentially more effective in suppressing the airborne and fomite transmission.

Langmuir ; 37(41): 12071-12088, 2021 Oct 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34609891


Evaporating droplets of colloidal suspensions leave behind particle deposits which could be effectively controlled via manipulating the surrounding conditions and particles and liquid properties. While previous studies extensively focused on sessile and pendant droplets, the present work investigates the evaporation dynamics of capillary bridges of colloidal suspensions formed between two parallel plates. We vary the wettability of the plates and the particle size and composition of the colloidal suspensions, keeping the same spacing between the plates. We employ side visualization, optical microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy and develop computational and theoretical models to collect the data. A computational model based on diffusion-limited evaporation is used to characterize the timescale of the evaporation of the capillary bridge. The model predictions are in good agreement with the present and prior experimental measurements. We discuss about the deposits of monodispersed particle suspension formed by the interplay of pinning of the contact line and evaporation dynamics. Multiple rings on the plates are observed due to the stick-slip motion of the contact line. The larger particles tend to form asymmetric deposits, with most particles concentrated on the bottom plates due to a considerably stronger gravitational pull than the hydrodynamic drag. This deposition is explained by estimating the competing forces on the particles during the evaporation. A regime map is proposed for classifying deposits on the particle size wettability plane. Lastly, we demonstrate size-based particle sorting of bidispersed colloidal suspensions in this framework. We describe two mechanisms: gravity-assisted and geometry-assisted sorting, which can be designed to sort particles efficiently. A regime map depicting the regions of influence of each mechanism is presented.

Phys Fluids (1994) ; 33(8): 081708, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34471334


COVID (CoronaVirus Disease)-19, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome-CoronaVirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, predominantly transmits via airborne route, as highlighted by recent studies. Furthermore, recently published titer measurements of SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols have disclosed that the coronavirus can survive for hours. A consolidated knowledge on the physical mechanism and governing rules behind the significantly long survival of coronavirus in aerosols is lacking, which is the subject of the present investigation. We model the evaporation of aerosolized droplets of diameter ≤ 5 µ m. The conventional diffusion-limited evaporation is not valid to model the evaporation of small size (µm-nm) droplets since it predicts drying time on the order of milliseconds. Also, the sedimentation timescale of desiccated droplets is on the order of days and overpredicts the virus survival time; hence, it does not corroborate with the above-mentioned titer-decay timescale. We attribute the virus survival timescale to the fact that the drying of small ( ∼ µ m-nm) droplets is governed, in principle, by the excess internal pressure within the droplet, which stems from the disjoining pressure due to the cohesive intermolecular interaction between the liquid molecules and the Laplace-pressure. The model predictions for the temporal reduction in the aerosolized droplet number density agree well with the temporal decay of virus titer. The findings, therefore, provide insight on the survival of coronavirus in aerosols, which is particularly important to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 from indoors.

Phys Fluids (1994) ; 33(5): 052101, 2021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34040336


Surface engineering is an emerging technology to design antiviral surfaces, especially in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is yet no general understanding of the rules and optimized conditions governing the virucidal properties of engineered surfaces. The understanding is crucial for designing antiviral surfaces. Previous studies reported that the drying time of a residual thin-film after the evaporation of a bulk respiratory droplet on a smooth surface correlates with the coronavirus survival time. Recently, we [Chatterjee et al., Phys. Fluids. 33, 021701 (2021)] showed that the evaporation is much faster on porous than impermeable surfaces, making the porous surfaces lesser susceptible to virus survival. The faster evaporation on porous surfaces was attributed to an enhanced disjoining pressure within the thin-film due the presence of horizontally oriented fibers and void spaces. Motivated by this, we explore herein the disjoining pressure-driven thin-film evaporation mechanism and thereby the virucidal properties of engineered surfaces with varied wettability and texture. A generic model is developed which agrees qualitatively well with the previous virus titer measurements on nanostructured surfaces. Thereafter, we design model surfaces and report the optimized conditions for roughness and wettability to achieve the most prominent virucidal effect. We have deciphered that the optimized thin-film lifetime can be gained by tailoring wettability and roughness, irrespective of the nature of texture geometry. The present study expands the applicability of the process and demonstrates ways to design antiviral surfaces, thereby aiding to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Phys Fluids (1994) ; 33(2): 021701, 2021 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33746485


Previous studies reported that the drying time of a respiratory droplet on an impermeable surface along with a residual film left on it is correlated with the coronavirus survival time. Notably, earlier virus titer measurements revealed that the survival time is surprisingly less on porous surfaces such as paper and cloth than that on impermeable surfaces. Previous studies could not capture this distinct aspect of the porous media. We demonstrate how the mass loss of a respiratory droplet and the evaporation mechanism of a thin liquid film are modified for the porous media, which leads to a faster decay of the coronavirus on such media. While diffusion-limited evaporation governs the mass loss from the bulk droplet for the impermeable surface, a much faster capillary imbibition process dominates the mass loss for the porous material. After the bulk droplet vanishes, a thin liquid film remaining on the exposed solid area serves as a medium for the virus survival. However, the thin film evaporates much faster on porous surfaces than on impermeable surfaces. The aforesaid faster film evaporation is attributed to droplet spreading due to the capillary action between the contact line and fibers present on the porous surface and the modified effective wetted area due to the voids of porous materials, which leads to an enhanced disjoining pressure within the film, thereby accelerating the film evaporation. Therefore, the porous materials are less susceptible to virus survival. The findings have been compared with the previous virus titer measurements.

Phys Fluids (1994) ; 33(3): 031704, 2021 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33746492


In this work, we estimate the probability of an infected person infecting another person in the vicinity by coughing in the context of COVID-19. The analysis relies on the experimental data of Simha and Rao ["Universal trends in human cough airflows at large distances," Phys. Fluids 32, 081905 (2020)] and similarity analysis of Agrawal and Bhardwaj ["Reducing chances of COVID-19 infection by a cough cloud in a closed space," Phys. Fluids 32, 101704 (2020)] to determine the variation of the concentration of infected aerosols with some distance from the source. The analysis reveals a large probability of infection within the volume of the cough cloud and a rapid exponential decay beyond it. The benefit of using a mask is clearly brought out through a reduction in the probability of infection. The increase in the probability of transmission by a super-spreader is also quantified for the first time. At a distance of 1 m, the probability of infection from a super-spreader is found to be 185% larger than a normal person. Our results support the current recommendation of maintaining a 2 m distance between two people. The analysis is enough to be applied to the transmission of other diseases by coughing, while the probability of transmission of COVID-19 due to other respiratory events can be obtained using our proposed approach.

Trans Indian Natl Acad Eng ; 6(3): 869-875, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35837338


We analyse the evolution of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in several countries by using a logistic model. The model uses a regression analysis based on the least-squares fitting. In particular, the growth rate of the infection has been fitted as an exponential increase, as compared to a power law increase, reported previously in logistic models. The data shows that the increase in the exponent of the exponential increase is around 0.03 day - 1 , with a standard deviation of 0.01  day - 1 . The present results suggest that duration of the peaking of the second wave is almost same for several countries considered. The growth rate is also on the same order of several countries regardless of the total number of infections in a particular country. Since the decay of the growth rate is self-similar to that during the increase in the second wave of several countries, we can predict the end of the second wave in India. The model suggests that the second wave will end in the first week of August 2021, with a growth rate of 0.1% day - 1 at that time.

Phys Fluids (1994) ; 32(11): 111706, 2020 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33281435


Our previous study [R. Bhardwaj and A. Agrawal, "Likelihood of survival of coronavirus in a respiratory droplet deposited on a solid surface," Phys. Fluids 32, 061704 (2020)] showed that the drying time of typical respiratory droplets is on the order of seconds, while the survival time of the coronavirus on different surfaces was reported to be on the order of hours in recent experiments. We attribute the long survival time of the coronavirus on a surface to the slow evaporation of a thin nanometer liquid film remaining after the evaporation of the bulk droplet. Accordingly, we employ a computational model for a thin film in which the evaporating mass rate is a function of disjoining and Laplace pressures inside the film. The model shows a strong dependence on the initial thickness of the film and suggests that the drying time of this nanometric film is on the order of hours, consistent with the survival time of the coronavirus on a surface, seen in published experiments. We briefly examine the change in the drying time as a function of the contact angle and type of surface. The computed time-varying film thickness or volume qualitatively agrees with the measured decay of the coronavirus titer on different surfaces. The present work provides insights on why coronavirus survival is on the order of hours or days on a solid surface under ambient conditions.

Phys Fluids (1994) ; 32(10): 101704, 2020 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33100805


The cough of a COVID-19 infected subject contaminates a large volume of surrounding air with coronavirus due to the entrainment of surrounding air in the jet-like flow created by the cough. In the present work, we estimate this volume of the air, which may help us to design ventilation of closed spaces and, consequently, reduce the spread of the disease. Recent experiments [P. P. Simha and P. S. M. Rao, "Universal trends in human cough airflows at large distances," Phys. Fluids 32, 081905 (2020)] have shown that the velocity in a cough-cloud decays exponentially with distance. We analyze the data further to estimate the volume of the cough-cloud in the presence and absence of a face mask. Assuming a self-similar nature of the cough-cloud, we find that the volume entrained in the cloud varies as V = 0.666 c 2 d c 3 , where c is the spread rate and d c is the final distance traveled by the cough-cloud. The volume of the cough-cloud without a mask is about 7 and 23 times larger than in the presence of a surgical mask and an N95 mask, respectively. We also find that the cough-cloud is present for 5 s-8 s, after which the cloud starts dissipating, irrespective of the presence or absence of a mask. Our analysis suggests that the cough-cloud finally attains the room temperature, while remaining slightly more moist than the surrounding. These findings are expected to have implications in understanding the spread of coronavirus, which is reportedly airborne.

Langmuir ; 36(29): 8407-8421, 2020 Jul 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32602342


The present study experimentally and numerically investigates the evaporation and resultant patterns of dried deposits of aqueous colloidal sessile droplets when the droplets are initially elevated to a high temperature before being placed on a substrate held at ambient temperature. The system is then released for natural evaporation without applying any external perturbation. Infrared thermography and optical profilometry are used as essential tools for interfacial temperature measurements and quantification of coffee-ring dimensions, respectively. Initially, a significant temperature gradient exists along the liquid-gas interface as soon as the droplet is deposited on the substrate, which triggers a Marangoni stress-induced recirculation flow directed from the top of the droplet toward the contact line along the liquid-gas interface. Thus, the flow is in the reverse direction to that seen in the conventional substrate heating case. Interestingly, this temperature gradient decays rapidly within the first 10% of the total evaporation time and the droplet-substrate system reaches thermal equilibrium with ambient thereafter. Despite the fast decay of the temperature gradient, the coffee-ring dimensions significantly diminish, leading to an inner deposit. A reduction of 50-70% in the coffee-ring dimensions is recorded by elevating the initial droplet temperature from 25 to 75 °C for suspended particle concentration varying between 0.05 and 1.0% v/v. This suppression of the coffee-ring effect is attributed to the fact that the initial Marangoni stress-induced recirculation flow continues until the last stage of evaporation, even after the interfacial temperature gradient vanishes. This is essentially a consequence of liquid inertia. Finally, a finite-element-based two-dimensional modeling in axisymmetric geometry is found to capture the measurements with reasonable fidelity and the hypothesis considered in the present study corroborates well with a first approximation qualitative scaling analysis. Overall, together with a new experimental condition, the present investigation discloses a distinct nature of Marangoni stress-induced flow in a drying droplet and its role in influencing the associated colloidal deposits, which was not explored previously. The insights gained from this study are useful to advance technical applications such as spray cooling, inkjet printing, bioassays, etc.

Phys Fluids (1994) ; 32(6): 061704, 2020 Jun 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32574230


We predict and analyze the drying time of respiratory droplets from a COVID-19 infected subject, which is a crucial time to infect another subject. Drying of the droplet is predicted by using a diffusion-limited evaporation model for a sessile droplet placed on a partially wetted surface with a pinned contact line. The variation in droplet volume, contact angle, ambient temperature, and humidity are considered. We analyze the chances of the survival of the virus present in the droplet based on the lifetime of the droplets under several conditions and find that the chances of the survival of the virus are strongly affected by each of these parameters. The magnitude of shear stress inside the droplet computed using the model is not large enough to obliterate the virus. We also explore the relationship between the drying time of a droplet and the growth rate of the spread of COVID-19 in five different cities and find that they are weakly correlated.

Langmuir ; 36(19): 5312-5323, 2020 May 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32356997


The wetting dynamics of a sessile droplet on square micropillar substrates with radially varying pitches, prepared on silicon wafers using a photolithography technique, is investigated experimentally. Two configurations are considered, namely, substrates with radially increasing pitch and radially decreasing pitch. The droplet initially placed at the center experiences a wettability gradient because of the variation in pitch of the micropillar substrate leading to complex wetting dynamics. We observed that the droplet remains in the Cassie-Baxter state in the case of a radially increasing pitch and exhibits a higher contact angle than that on a smooth surface during its spreading stage. In contrast, the droplet experiences the Wenzel condition in the case of a radially decreasing pitch and assumes a lower contact angle relative to that observed on a smooth surface. The wetted diameter of the droplet in the radially decreasing pitch configuration is found to be smaller than that observed in the radially increasing pitch configuration. Our study also reveals that increasing the size of the pillars increases the wetted diameter of the droplet in both configurations. Theoretical models developed using the Cassie-Baxter and Wenzel states for the radially increasing and radially decreasing pitches satisfactorily predict the experimental behaviors.

Langmuir ; 36(5): 1138-1146, 2020 Feb 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31968938


We describe a microfluidic system for control of droplet division at two locations using a T-junction and expansion channel which are placed one after another. Droplets generated at a standard T-junction are introduced into the droplet division section of the microchannel. In the first set of experiments, the droplet division section consists of two consecutive identical T-junctions branching from the main channel. With this geometry, we were able to produce daughter droplets only at the first junction while there was no droplet division at the second junction. Resistive network analysis is used to redesign the microchannel geometry with an expansion channel in place of the second junction, to have the same quantity of flow entering in both the junctions. We observed five different regimes of droplet breakup, namely, (1) no droplet breakup in both junctions, (2) droplet breakup in the first junction, (3) droplet breakup in both junctions with higher daughter droplet volume in the first junction, (4) daughter droplet volume higher in the second junction, and (5) intermittent droplet breakup in both the junctions. Under specific flow conditions, droplet interaction with both the junctions is similar. We then showed design requirements for location of microvalves, simulated by deformation of the main channel wall and by experiments to break the droplet.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 935, 2020 01 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31969578


We investigate wetting and water repellency characteristics of Colocasia esculenta (taro) leaf and an engineered surface, bioinspired by the morphology of the surface of the leaf. Scanning electron microscopic images of the leaf surface reveal a two-tier honeycomb-like microstructures, as compared to previously-reported two-tier micropillars on a Nelumbo nucifera (lotus) leaf. We measured static, advancing, and receding angle on the taro leaf and these values are around 10% lesser than those for the lotus leaf. Using standard photolithography techniques, we manufactured bioinspired surfaces with hexagonal cavities of different sizes. The ratio of inner to the outer radius of the circumscribed circle to the hexagon (b/a) was varied. We found that the measured static contact angle on the bioinspired surface varies with b/a and this variation is consistent with a free-energy based model for a droplet in Cassie-Baxter state. The static contact angle on the bioinspired surface is closer to that for the leaf for b/a ≈ 1. However, the contact angle hysteresis is much larger on these surfaces as compared to that on the leaf and the droplet sticks to the surfaces. We explain this behavior using a first-order model based on force balance on the contact line. Finally, the droplet impact dynamics was recorded on the leaf and different bioinspired surfaces. The droplets bounce on the leaf beyond a critical Weber number (We ~  1.1), exhibiting remarkable water-repellency characteristics. However, the droplet sticks to the bioinspired surfaces in all cases of We. At larger We, we recorded droplet breakup on the surface with larger b/a and droplet assumes full or partial Wenzel state. The breakup is found to be a function of We and b/a and the measured angles in full Wenzel state are closer to the predictions of the free-energy based model. The sticky bioinspired surfaces are potentially useful in applications such as water-harvesting.

Colocasia/physiology , Plant Leaves/physiology , Surface Properties , Wettability , Colocasia/ultrastructure , Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions , Plant Leaves/ultrastructure , Static Electricity
Phys Fluids (1994) ; 32(8): 081702, 2020 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35002197


Motivated by the fact that the drying time of respiratory droplets is related to the spread of COVID-19 [R. Bhardwaj and A. Agrawal, "Likelihood of survival of coronavirus in a respiratory droplet deposited on a solid surface," Phys. Fluids 32, 061704, (2020)], we analyze the drying time of droplets ejected from a COVID-19 infected subject on surfaces of personal protection equipment (PPE), such as a face mask, of different wettabilities. We report the ratio of drying time of the droplet on an ideal superhydrophobic surface (contact angle, θ → 180°) to an ideal hydrophilic surface (θ → 0°) and the ratio of the maximum to minimum drying time of the droplet on the surfaces with different contact angles. The drying time is found to be maximum if θ = 148°, while the aforementioned ratios are 4.6 and 4.8, respectively. These ratios are independent of the droplet initial volume, ambient temperature, relative humidity, and thermophysical properties of the droplet and water vapor. We briefly examine the change in drying time in the presence of impurities on the surface. Besides being of fundamental interest, the analysis provides insights that are useful while designing the PPE to tackle the present pandemic.